Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 24, 1907, Image 4

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    . . . " ' _ "
_ . _ . _ _ _ . " .w. . . . . _ ! , _ . ; .
Qu to aun\i \ ftBpubUo nt
One cotumn , per monlb , $ ' 1,00. One.halr
column. or monlhI.W. . Ouarler colLllnr. Ilcr
month , fZ..O. I.es9 than quarler colullln , r.o .
III per Inch per 1II0nlh.
Cards on fiut P81ft ! ( , ( ) cenlA tIer Inch per
I.oc\t adverlllllnir 5 cents Ilcr Iinc cach In . r.
tlQ. .
I . . otlco of church falrA , 80cla1llci'l ' alld enlor.
talnment8 where moncy 1'1 chanrcl1 , one.half
. .
Society notlcefla lut rl' o\ulloll'l. olle.half ralc'l. I ,
Wt'I1.llnlll1otlcp" fr e. half Ilrlce for 11'11 of
pre clltfl.
Ul'alh nollce ! ! free , hair prlco \l1I1IIIqhlrll. . "
oblluary notice ! ! .
Card of Thank ! ! . SO Cellifl.
I.elll\l notice ! ! at rJ.lell pro\'llied 1Iy Rtalules of
D. M. AI\ISBHRItV. . . . . PUblisher
CHAS.e. \ . DASSETT. . . Associate
Thursday , Jan , 24 , 1907.
"RTJID' _ _ _ _ _ !
The "conciliation conference"
recently held at the Potter
Palmer mansion , in Chicago , was
a success so marked as to merit
more than passiu g cOl11men t , and
affords further evideuce of the
broad humanity , sterling good
sense and sound judgment of the
tactful hostess. Acting upon
her initiative and invitation ,
capital and labor met under her
roof ; greeted each other with
hearty handshakes and entered
\ upun the discussion of vexed
questions in a spirit of good-
fellowship with every outward
evidence of candor and earnest-
ness. It is such spectales as this
that tend to renew one's fai th in
th rock-bottom honesty of his
H _ _ _
During the last fiscal year
10,000 people were killed in railroad -
road accidents in this country ,
and 86,000 were injured. This ;
number does indeed include railway -
way . employees , . a fact not
especially consohng to the employees -
ployees themselves while being
roasted to death , nor to those
who , after great agony , must go
through a life incompletely lived ,
with 'only part of a body left
with which to do a man's work.
Nor is this fact a comfort to any.
one who has a spark of humanity
I in him.
A writer on agricultural topics
says , and very correctly , that
"the selection of seed corn by
the scoop-shovel method is responsible -
sponsible for most of the stalks
that are fooling around all summer -
, . mer doing nQthing , " and that
"seed corn should all be tested
, this winter so that the weak and
: I imperfectly cured ears may be
J discovered and rejecte(1. No
man has a moral nght to guess
that the 800 kernels 011 an ear
will grow and produce strong and
thrifty stalks. "
- - -
The State Board of Agriculture
met in Lincoln last week and reelected -
elected the president I treasurer
and secretary and a bunch of
directors and set the date for the
next state fair the first week in
September. The treasurer's report -
port showed a balance of $31.40-
12 , cash on hand.
The temperance people and the
liquor interests are about to put
on. the gloves for a finish fight
in the legislature of Illinois , local
option being the immediate
cause. At this distance it looks
like it would require more than
one round before a knock-out
blow is dealt.
Investigators , believe that there
is an antidote for every ill , am1
it is now declared that the organ.
isms of , limburger cheese arc
hostile to tubercular bacilli.
The man who come home witlJ
"a breath on him" can now have
a new excuse.
! ' The Official Paper.
The RItPUDLICAN again enjoy !
the distinction.of . being the
official paper of Custer county.
For the past 17 years this is ,
distinction that has been enjoy
cd but few times. 'l'he rule ha ,
. be n , I to the victor belongs tltl
qpOilS" and as the populists haYI
been in control of the count'
board most of the time since 189
the Chief and Beacon have beel
the beneficiaries of the board'
During the times of drouth ani
panic the county and ofiicia
patronage was a great boon t
the newspapers that were tille
with shenff sale notices an
comit.y work.
But the RUPUDI.ICAN manage
, to continue in business and a :
though it was not favored wit
any of the official patronage w
were pleased to have the eoI'
. sciousness t.hat although irt th
: minority , were in the right an
the flesh pots of the .oppositio
1 were not a temptation for us.
But we do appreciate a squat
deal in matters of politics , ;
well as in all other business ma
ters and we1110St heartily COD
I mend the members of the boarl
who , against opposition , sto (
. . . . . . . . : . . , . , .
. .C "
_ _ _ _
oU.II..I.a' : w : . , ,
Is It Y au r
OWlzI-lair ?
_ . < : I _
Do you pin your hat to YOll1'
own hair ? Can't do it ?
Havci1't enough hair' ? It must
be you do not Imow Ayer's
Hah' Vigol' r Here's an introduction -
duction ! May the acquaintance -
ance result in n heavy ( ! rowth
of rich , thick , lossy hair ! And
weknow you'll ncvcrhcgrny.
. . 1 Ihlnle that Ayrr'RlaIr VIt'r I th II" , "
wotlllprrIlIIJAlr r"w/r thnt w , , , 'ver 11111110 I
JIIIVO 1I " ,1 It rllr RUlliIImlJ UIIIII ( ' 1111 trlltl" " J
flllly RRY IlIlIt I 1I1II1r"IIUy , , It'I,1 , \I . 111111. . , 1 .
cll'II'rrlllly rr''n'"III"I"lll ' 11ft II ft"h.I1.1rrpa.
rall" " . " - MIRH \ ' . 111101'1Va ' ) ' 1.11111 , : 1 ell.
. . . .
_ r."V' " ' ! 'fI' "
. - bv .T. O. Ayer ( JII , . I.owoll. Malis.
Aha IIIllllllr..oLuror or
llers CIIIRRV ! I' )
. : : : M
- - - - - -
true to their party tenets 111 nam-
ing' the ofiicial paper.
We shall attempt to prove our
appreciation of their 10Y11tty hy
making the HUl'Unr.ICAN worthy
of the party with which it affiliates -
ates , without any attempt to
carr V water on both shoulders.
Y t it shall be our aim to make
the H.HI'UIII.ICAN a newspaper in
the full sense of the wordwithou : t
fear or favor , anl we solidt the
moral and financial support of
aJI who subscribe to these senti-
m pts.
"To Much Prosperity. "
Speal < er Can:1on is quoted as
asserting that "what is the
matter of the country is t.hat
there is too d-n much prosper-
ity. " 'l'he assertion is almost
literally true , if not quite. In
all lincs and manufactures the
mills , founderics and factories
are crowded with orders and are
mon ths behind in delivery ; the
railways have not sufiicient cars
to transport the freight offering ,
yet all the car shops are working
all thc time to fill their orders
for cars ; and with the cars that
have been loaded and started
toward their various destinations
there are not sufiicient locomotives -
motives to haul all of them ,
so that every newspaper has
accounts of crowded side trachs :
and blockaded ) 'anls in their
respective towns , yet .all the locomotive -
motive factories in the countr ) '
are working overtime to try and
catch up with the orders for
more locomotives. no . , tore in
the land can keep up its stock
for the reason that orders are so
slow in being filed , and hardly
any order can be filled entirel } '
because in some one or more
articles all the stores in a town
are out , although shipments or
orders for such goods are long
overdue ; many houses , buildings
and other structures are stand-
.ing party omplete , awaiting
shipments of lumber , structural
work or finishings of some kind ;
labor of all Idnds is scarce , none
need to be without employment ,
amI wages are rising ; but with
it all the business man or housc-
holder is subjected to vexatious
and expensive delays. No
wonder l\Ir. Canuon has exclaimd
that there is "too d-n much
prosperity. " ontrast this condition -
dition with that in 181)3 , just
afLel' the last Democra tic administration -
istration Was inaugurated. l\Iills
and factories shut down all over
the country ; goods laying on
shelves of stores and in ware-
I house unsold ; railways cutting
out trains and laying off locomotive -
motive and train crews aud discharging -
charging shopmen ; and thousands -
ands of hungr } ' men wandering
about the country in search of
of employment. Yet there are
thousands 01 people who would
1 return to power the party undel
which there was so much distre5s ,
and displace that undcr wh08c
beneficent administration the un.
paralleled prosperity that is now
upon the country was fostered
and made possible. But the
majorit ) ' of the American people
will not think of that so long a !
tlter rcmains in the public mim
recollection of the distressing
days of 1893.
The Chnmpion. . .
'l'here seems to be just abou
as much latitude in the munbe
of bushels of corn that has beel
shucked in a day as in the num
ber 01 fish som fellows catch-
when there are no witness. 'I'h
RJ"tPunr.ICAN thought it had
pretty' good hired man with 11
bushels in 9 hours , but th
In Arcadia Champion has th
champion I-I-lad who gives in hi
: e time at 7 hours and 140 busheh
1S Just what h " did the other 2
t- hours of that 10 hour day i
tlnot stated , Probably spent i
d , wondering if anybody woul
) d uelieve his story.
- - -
- - - - -
Proaporlty and Adveralty.
Eleven years ago we had what
we commonly call hard timcs in
the Un Hed Sta teSt 'I'b rec million -
lion men were ullable to obtain
worl < at I1ny wage. ! \lany more I
werc unable to find employment
for more than half the days in a
week. Staple products of cvery
descrition { , were a ( I rug in the
madd ! , Money could not be
ohtaincl { on any Idnu of security I
-not bccause money was scarce' '
-but because those who possessed -
sed money feared to risk it in any
enterpriee. 'l'here was no end to
dissal sfnction and complaint
everywhere. If anyone could
have givcn assurance at that time
that \ et a little while and all
thesc- things would pass away
and in their stead would come
conditions characteri1.ed by unprecedented -
precedented opportunities to labor -
bor at miximum wages , with
hig'h prices for all staple product\ !
and crcdit almost without limit
for all who have great undertakings -
takings on hand , everybody
would have been witting' to pledge
that as for them they would , under -
der such conditions , be perfectly
con ten ted.
] veryone knows that we have
the conditions above described.
Some one said recently , "We
have more need ot labor , skilled
and unskilled , than can be sup'
plied. 'l'here are not in existence -
tence 8ufiicient cars to haul our
produc ( to market , nor money
sufiicicnt for the demands of
business. " Consequently there
is as much complaint almost as
there was when work was scarce
and products of all kinds were a
bl11'den to those who possessed
them. We are actually discontented -
tented because of our prosperity ,
and many are crying out for a
change. Just what is demanded
no one is able to tell. Sensible
people , however , would rather
suffer such inconveniences as
now beset us than to again take
chances with idleness , hunger
and want , as in those democratic
Real Estate Transfer- .
Chas. W. Duke to First l\1is-
sionary Baptist church. 1\1ason.
parcel sw sw 32.15-17 , 100x140 ft. $ 600 00
Gco. W. Hiscr tl ) Frank E.
Wolford , lC 26.17-18. . . . . . . . . . . . 1800 oc
Esthcr. 1\1cCracken to David
l\1cCracken , n } ne 23.17-21. . . . . 1000 00
Elizabeth Johnson and Mary
J. Enochs to Occola C. Cram ,
ne nw and se nw allli nc sw
5-20.19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 oc
Wickliff E. Willis to Chas. W.
WiBis , nYz ne and eYz nw anll
, nc sw 34.16-21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2000 OC
J. N. Cassc11 an Wifc to Joshua
Colc , lots I nnd S , block 17 , orig-
inlll Broken Dow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 oc
A. Hlltficld IInd wife to FWII
W. Myers , lots 9 and 4 , block 22 ,
Ausley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 00
Thomas B. 1\1 cPhcrson 10 A. 'f.
T.llughlin , sc RtHI se nc an e !
sw 28 , nw ne find ne nw 33. sw
n W I1tHI w H sw and sc sw and sw
sc 27 aud w J 11I111 w } neJ. ( and
nc ne and w JJ SC 34-15-22 _ . . . 16000 00
A. T. l\IcI.aughlin an wife to
Eric Johnson w J IIn w Yz nc
a1ll1 nc nc and w Yz se 34.15-22
anll nw sw , sw mv 27 , and se ne
and cYz se 28 , a11 in 15-22. . . . . . 14000 00
I.ouis Price to Lottic Price.
lots I , 2 , 3 , block 10 , rnilr acl
addition to Broken Bow. . . . . . . . 150 00
Thompson E. Baker 11I111 wife
to R. W. Daker , ne se 24.17-19.- 00
Louis Stu11 amI wifc to Wm.
Stu1l , lots 1 , 2 , 3.4 in 6.14-2 , . . . . . I 00
A. T. 1\1cI.aughlinl\lul wife to
John Johnson sw sc a11llsH sw 27
anl1 wi sc and c ! sw 28 , nw
tiC a11l1nc nw 33.15-22. . . . . . . . . . 700 00
Pctcr Troutman to Hcnry II.
Deal , lots 4. 5 and 6 hlock 54 ,
railroad additIon to Callaway. . . 350 00
Mark Schncringer ct aI , to 1
IIenry II. Dcal , lots I , 2 , 3 and
4. block 51 , Callaway. . . . . . . . . . . 600 00
William Edmunds to Bcrtha
EdmUl1l1s , sw 9.17.17. . . . . . . . . . 3000 00
T.cwis W. Schloatmau ntlll wife
to Gocfrcy Nanscl , nc 33-16.25. . 1200 00
Joscph IIaumont to Elizabcth
IIau1110nt , St nc II , nw ne ue !
nw If , sw SC It , nw ne 14-18.20. . 1500 00
W. J. Simpson ct aI , to Cora
D. Schwnb , all block enc in
Stevens & Word aclditioll to
Ansley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 oc
S. B. Morchcad ct aI , to Gco.
B Darr n. nc 7.1.\.20. . . . . . . . . . .
Chas. C. Parmcle ct aI , to S.
R. IIicks eJ 7-14.24. . . . . . . . . . . 3800 OJ
Louii Andcrson n11l1 wife to
Rufus II. HIMy lot 3 , block 38 ,
ori inal town 01 Ca11nway. . . . . . . 1 OC
T. T. Varncy and wife to Annic
, : 'It. Thull , parccl 10-15.18 , block
I , III1/lIls / additioll to Anslcy. . . . 1200 O (
Gasephus W. Henry and wife
to Silas C. Waldron , sw 32.15.24 2000 oc
I.otta W. Smith and husband
to Rufus 11. Eddy , lots 4. and 8
block 38 , origillal town of Calln.
way. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 O (
Ju1ia WiBis lIarbau h and husband -
band to Caro1inc Willis , se nw
lots 3 and " section 2-15.21-12
acrcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1800 o (
J. O. Russell allll wife to R. W.
Hopkins , lot 17 : in block 15 ,
original town of Berwyn. . . . . . . . 1000 01
Sila. , Drake and wife to the
City Savings Blink , . sc and ci 5W
- 26.13.20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85e OC
SII111ucl P. Walton a11l1 wife to
Security Im'cst Co. , ne 11.18.18. 100 01
Grecly Statc Bank to CharlcR
H. Clcvcl\lul ! , 5W 27 RlIII lots 5
111111 8 , scction 28 a11l1 lots 4 IInl !
5.3-11)-17. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3121 51
Grec1) ' Statc Bank to Clarencc
Grallgcr St n27 al1lllots I a11l1
4 , 28-19.l7. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1307 0' '
I. Winficlcill. Roush Rl1I1 wife
! tolaria : S. Roush. c 24 an ni
s si 25.18.17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
'n i Jruncs W. Hcnry and wife and
Samuel E. Carr 11I1 wife to
d Silas C. Waldron , ci wi 30.15'24 ,
lit 6.14-24. . . . It "It It" It" It. 1&.0 0
---u : : - . .
_ " _ - .
The Burling Ion Will Colonize.
'I'he new fedcral statutes docs
away with the issuing of passcs
to land agcnts and as a consequence -
sequence the road has organbed :
a land sceker ' information
bureau which w ll assist in the. '
settlement of deeded and private !
lands , ag well a the overnml'nt
lands along the Burlington.
. 'l'h prospectus which has been
l sued by the llurlington ! ; ays :
'l'he general pllrr o"c of thi
bureau will be to gather and
distribute information valuable
to seekerR of westcrn lal1d8 ; to.
advertise in various ways the re.
sources and agricultural possibilities -
bilities of 'the we9tern COl1ntn
served by this railroad-a zone r
territory between the lakes , the
Mississippi river and contincntal ,
divi e that olTers the best climate' '
for residence , a surer increase in .
population , industrial and agricultural -
cultural wealth than any other
region of equal area in the world.
The service of the bureau will
bh offered free to both laud
sellen and prospecti\-c ] and huy-
ers and in tnis work the Burling.
ton will have a limited number I
of permanently established and
reliable land agents , engaged in
selling lands along the Burlington -
ton , as corresponden ts of the
A Letter From Mnniln.
VV. D. Grant , of this citv" who
serve ( } with Co. M. iil the
Phiippines has received a 1 etter
from J. G. Lang who was then
with the hospital corps , no'vV. in
the Internal Hevenue n : ce.
From the leller the followl ng
extracts are made , wh ich will b
interesting to all others who
served in Manila :
"I havc mosl congcnial work ; nic :
hours and one of thc 1ighcst , airicst
huildiu/s / to work in. You will rcmcm
bcr it. It is on the canal aud a part of
the First Nchraska was once quartercd
on the very floor whcrc m ) ' ( ICRk stands.
I livc in thc walled city close to the
circnlating library.
"I have bccn to Camp .Dcwcy. hut I
hardly kncw it. 'l'hcrc is 'J ) ( ) race track
on it as SOIllC rcportcd. hut thc wholc is
ovcrgrown with grass.Vhcn r was
I down there the low part was undcr watcr
aUll I wadcd anklc deep. Thc only
, lAndmarks I found of Cump Dewcy days
rcmaining werc thc hig ro'al ' palm half
I way bctwecn the camp and 'the firhlg
line , thc croRs-roads : l\HI thc old wreck
which was ou our left flank 011 the hcuch ,
. Nicc rC5ideuccs havc hccn huill 011 the
hcach as far out m ; whcrc our hospital
statiou was 10catcII at the l ng1ish dul :
, ilOuse.
"Thc strcet car : ; rtlU as far as the San
Juan brillge , out Santa Mesa WII ) ' .
Around thc bri gc ou hoth sillcs of th
I rivcr is a uativc village of llipa 11Ouse , ; .
Therc is little Icft of Sau Jml.l1 ( lc ] l\IOllt
save thc large house to the right of the
road at the top n' ar thc church.
"A weck ago Saturday a1ll1 Sunday I
I took a trip covcriug 270 milcs which cos1
mc $11 , gel . From wlH1t I coulrl sc <
uud fiud out in the l'r viuccs evcry bud )
is kept husy anll doiug fairly wcl1.
"The strcet cars will soon go as far Cl !
l\1ickinlcy , up ou the liver beyolll
Guadalupc. 'rhcy have takcn n strip 0
land from the hay ovcr a milc long 1\Il (
uearly half a milc willc. rtluuing fron
thc mouth of thc Pasig past thc L\Ulct :
I and part way towanl Malate. This if
gradu'llly bcing fillcd iu hy dredgcs alii'
will he sold or lcased for ware Houses , R
I in a vcry short time the palms wil1 Ix
almost iu the centre of the city. 1\1081
of the moats around the wall havc hcel1
fi llcd and the big earth works hct WCCll
thc wallcil city nnd thc bay arc now
I heing takcn down. You may not hc1icv
I it-nor would I if I had nol sccn it-bul
right undcr those big mounds nUl subtcr.
I raucan passages. hrickt."I1 up IInd covcrcd
with heavy wOOlI aud stccl. Rut it wilJ
I hc leveled so no stoue wiB remaiu UpOl1
another , the gwund to hc slopcd fron
the walls IInd thc wholc turticil into
"There ' Amcrican fmnilic
are 1IIau ) !
herc uow , cluhs galorc , sc\'cral protest
aul churchcs who arc CJuite IICtivc anI'
thc Y. 1\1. C. A. havc rooms hcrc ani
provld lcctures , socials aUlI cutertain
I ments. r IUn to attend a lecture hcn
tonight by Judgc Norris , o ( Poncn , ehr.
who wag. n note lecturcr at homc.
"Gi\'f my regilrdf ; to Joc Baisch anI
, thc rcst. of the Brok'n Bow hO5 who ) 'C
reme1lib r mc. "
- - - -
- -
VeifOnEl "elfses.
lrs _ W. W. nishop. nnd daughtcr Zee
and Mrs. Ralph } ohnso11 slXlIt 1m
Thursday with Mrs. Jack 1\11rtin. !
Uut1cr Sands wcnt SundRY cvcnil1 t
help carc for 1\Ir. A rtbur Bangs , who hu
: > been Iinitc low with typhoill fc\'cr. MJ
Uaugs is rcportcil decidcdlr bcttcr nu
wc hopc to hcar of his complcte rel'o\'cr
Uertha Kooler is vcrr sick wit
mea sIcs , complica tcll with pnculIIOtL11' '
Dr. Pcnnington is in nltcndl\lIcc.
John 'J.'unler alllL wifc spcnt Sunda ;
a1ll1 Snnday night with Ir. 1&1II11\1rs. W
\V. Bishop , rchn'uing to 1Jrokcn B01
o Monday morning.
We undcrstan Mr. MCll e has rentc' '
o Mr. Barbcrs plac.e fol' thc present , ycar.
- - - -
- - -
Patronize tbe l luuDr.J.c. , , :
ad vertisers.
L - -
. --.h.Al.\ _
Their Unceaaing Work Keepl UI Strong
nnd H althy.
All the blood In the bed ) ' passe ! )
through the kidnc's on e cvery three
millutes. Thc kidncys filtcr thc bloOlI.
Thcy work night IInd day. When
hcalthy they remove about 500 granq ! of I
impurc nlCttter dally , when unhealthy
( ) tnc part of this Impurc mattcr If ! left In
thc hloml. T : s hriugf ! on. many dlscascs
I\nll symptoms-pain in. thc hcck , heacl.
IIchc , nCI vousness , hot , Ilry skin ,
rhclllllatisUJ. gout , gravcl , rlisonlcrs "f
the cycsight. and hcar lIItlzzlllcss / ,
irrcgulur heart ; IIcbility , drowsincss ,
llropsy , 11cpo its in thc urim' , ctc , But
if ) 'ou keep thc filters ri ht YOIl will havc
no tronblc with } 'ol\r kic1uc'J ; .
1\119. Nellic May , of 308 Pcnnsylvania
IIVl' . , Joplin , Mo. , says : " . know frolll
my own expcrience that Doan's Kidncy
Pills arc a Icliahlc Iddncy rcmedy. I
was botllercll for six or cightcck.s with
n constant dull hCIl\\ ' aching in thc SlIIall
of III \ ' hack. 1 was'tircd all thc timc ,
Il1ck ll amhltion III III in the mornillg
Ilwl\5 felt worsc , Havinrcasons / to
belicvc th sc symptoms wcrc cansect
from thc kilillcys I got a 1I0x of Doan's
Kidnc's Pills. 'fhc ) ' pro\'cll to he thc
\'cr ' rcmcdy I rcqllircll. 1111I1 tI1l1ler thc
trcatlJlCllt thc hackllchc , languor 111111
othcr s'lIlploms > carcIl. "
Itol' alc hv . all ( calcrs. Pricc , 50
ccnts. lQstc.r.l\1ilburn , Co. , Buffalo , N.
Y. , sole agcnls for the United States.
Rcmcmher thc - -
take nl ) .oilier.
Dunning , tl.r.d\'ing city on the l\1 11dlc
I.oup , hils hec.11 stcadily improving , rc.
glmlless of the 'wcathcr. Storm or shinE
shc grows. ,
Some of the young pcoplc havc organ.
izcrl a thc.\trical company fiIlIl at prcsenl
, arc \Ising U.1C grcy mattcr on "Tony , thl
. . .
Convlct. . .
\Vm. 'V art h , of Broken How , gll\ ' (
Dunning a business call a few 'la.s ago
J. . . H. Jewctt . , thc Hrokcn Bow post
mustcr , is.spcnding a few da's in Dun
Robinson Bros.'s new haU is nearinj
roUl pIcHon.
Dr. Owings has just rcturnell from' al
erteudcd trip to Lincolu.
Hay is thc cry from e\'ery sourcc
Owing to thc rough wcnthcr Ulauy cattle
mcn have fed thc hulk of their ha :
The young pcople of thc church al14
Sunday school choir took a slcigh rid
] ast Friday night , which all enjoye .
Skating is the umuscment of all
prcscnt , it coulll 110tell bc hellct
Several amusing accillents ha\'c happenc
on thc icc.
Mr. Owcns , proprietor of the Dunniu
hotcl , is putting up ice.
The Fa.rmers Institute.
Will e hold al Broken llow Jar
I Olh and Hlst.
I -
J. D. lI\m , Presi ent.
U. H. Jeffords , Secretar ) ' .
D lwussion of Farm 'J.'OPICR.
Wednesday Afternoon Session
1:10 : Boill < 'ortllity and ProneI' ' ! ' . . .
. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . .U. U. . 'Inrshal.
Arlin ton Nel
: ! : : IO ' 3'o\\'ln ' OOI./I..F. W. hJlH
Pawnee OIh' , Nel
' \'r.dnesda ) ' Eve/linl : Session
7:10 : YJ.Juo of Wind Breaks on the 1 < 'arm
. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\11' . l\lnrshnlt
8.0 : LeAks on the Farm..l\1r. Ohas
Thut' da ) ' 1\101'l1inl : Session
10:00 : UrowJn 1 < 'ruit. . . . . . . . . \Vm. 1\Iohle
FaitH OIL ) ' . Ne ]
11:00 : Pork . Production. . . . . .N. E. LeonaI'I
Pawnce OIt ) ' ' Nel
'l'hursda } ' Afternoon Session'
lte ; U.\ro and l\lanaJemont of a
f IltcllOlI. . . . . . . . _ Mrs. U. E. Welton ,
Fairbur ' Nel
' ) ,
1 : ! :15 Alfalf\ and Tame Urasses. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lI..l\Iohler
I : / : UO'aste Product Oil the j < 'arm. . . . . .
L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Ir. Leo/lard
Other \'aluable uddreEises b ) ' locI
' 1'heso meef.ingH fire held un e ;
the nuspiceB of the Univprsity (
N obl'nslm nnc1 the Uroken Eo'
t FltrlllerS' Institllto Association , un
I 1111'0 free to all.
FItl'lnerH , CQUlO find bring YOl
The Corn Contest.
1st. 211. .
FOI' I hl ! lon csl cal' of C01'll $2.0U 1. (
.For the laq ct cal' of ( ' 01'11 2.00 1. (
"rho siw of the CIlI' to bo dctel'mine
. hy 111111tiplyil1 Ihe cirmllnfe\'eueo of 11
'llIichllo ' of the car hy the Inn th of tl
I t3:1r.
. 1 < " ' the best tou cars of eo\'l1 1st. $ fU
; : nd. $11.00 3rd. $2.00.
. 1 < ' 01' the most porfcct. IHU' o ( COl'11. Is
: $3.00 , 2nd. 2.UO , : I1.00. ! .
IC the promiulU for the best hm ( al
"f corn or for the most p6rfeci ear j
_ " 'OI'U Is seeUl'cd b\ ' : L ho } ' u\ ' Irl un (
( jfIC 1l VCIlI'S of agetbo - p\'clUium to 1
vaill wHi bo inc\'laHell OIW doll II l' abo\
I hat elferell.
Tb. , IH'cmiums fOl' the hest tell C111
I : OJf COI'll : Uld the mOl't pOl'feeL car willI
:1wL\loli undol' the followiu8eOl'0 / eal
t whidl hils liCon adopted IIY the Nllbm
ka COI'l1 I IUjll'O\CI'S Association.
All COl'll competing ( or the IIb01
\H'ImiUUlt3 must Imvo IICOII t'OWII i
, ( ; mIOl' county durlllg the Y011I'19UII.
No cal' of ( 'ot'll , 'ompetlng (01' OJ
Ircmium 'will be olcglhlo to OIl I'Y f. .
: my othnl' prcmium.
. - -
Scom : CAlm.
The award \\111 bo 11I\110 : h ' a COI
mittlo of Ihl't. ' .
} .ol\Ts--UIIIIOI'mlty : of oxhlblt 1
Simp. . . of t'IlI'S ) ( ) . Colol' of ( 'oh ti. Col ,
of km'JwlsIllrlwt ! cOIlIlIlions 1
Tips of t'al's ti. HnUs of eru' " fit Un
foruiW ofwl'ucls ! 10. Simpu of kCrtll
lO , IlH lI bOIWClIII kOl'1lOl-I : G. W'I
( If graill 21i , Total 100.
HmoIUI1TY m' l-x1I1U1'1'-1'ho elli
In ; 'ill oxhlbit. should 110 simltnr iu sb
i .
slmpc , c.olol'lIlId Indontatlon. For 011' '
Cllr ddiciont lu these respeots , cut t
oxhihit 0110 point.
N . SnA1'1' : EAltS.-'l'ho ears should
A e 'lllI rlcal 01' lIearly so , Cut the t :
- - - -
- . .4----
. _
' _ ' . _ _ J = "
. ; : : , ' "
. , . . - . _ _ - _ . - . . . _ . . . . . - - uu"-- - - - ' "
( ' 1':1l'h enl' r.1e\'intItI
hlbll 0111' PO llt nl' : .
from this rcqllt'oIllIHlI. !
CULOIt 01' CUII.-Cohs sholild he 11111. . _
frH'luly J'cd 01' III1Hol'llllyhllo. . i'or I .
nch white eoh ill nn I'xhllJll III which
Iho rct ! prcllul1Ihll\le. , rill the exhibit
Qllo.huH poillt. Do Ihl' 1\\11C fol' oudt
rcd " 0\.1 ill 1111 uxhlhlt o ( \\'hllo "ous.
COI.Ult 01" lomslI.F"I' eU'h : white
cl'o\\'nelllwl'lIBIIII 11 'l'lIow ot. 1'011'nl' .
lul ' , CII ! . tlln ( ! xhlbil oIlO.I'lIth poillt. . I
10'01' onch yotloIWI'J t1 ! illL white \1\1"
lelY "Ivu the ! ! I'fnc ( ' 111. , I
L 1tIn'rJOS1llTlON'I'hl' cool'll should
uo well mILtlllwl , lil'lll alld Ollll" . ) o'or
1Il'h ! : eLI'dtli.'iulil : ! ill 1 hpi ! ! l'I' ( ! , ' : , , llIt
I ht ) ( ! xhlu t OliO pollil. .
'I'll' : ; 01 , ' 1\ : ' : ! . - . ' ' or Iho Cl\t. ,
sholllt ! ho CO\'t.1 . wit h J' ( ! II ' 111'.1111 if ot' III ,
kOl'l1ols. Alhltogotlll'l' I hu IUII lhl or :
pl'otudillg eohs onntl OILI'-I : of the eX-1
hlhlL I1I\lI Ollt 111. . Ihu mIl ) o ! olw.hnf )
poillt foil' ollcoh Illch.
BUTTS < n' gAIIS'I'ho'O'ii \ of hUI'lIe' ! !
shollill 1100\011 :11111 : swell Ollt ht ! 'nlll ,
the 01111 o ( the IOIJ ! , CIIL Ihn I' hiuit
olle.lmlf poillt rOI' lI\ch ! pOOl'Iy titlcil
hllll , nlld OIlB'OIll'lh ! puilli. . fOl' cIL'h , lIat
U\H'onmTY 01. ' lomHI.s.-Tho : twl' . , , , '
lIel : ; shollll1 pOSOiS similat' clmmctOI'H. t13.
CIIL 111t ! exhihit olle.haH poillt fil' 1 llch .
tollciOllt ! Bal' .
811 A 1'1' : ( H' lgUNI'I--Thu kOl'1I0)S )
shell III hwl : ! 11 wIdge ! ha po on the
hl'ond side. n ld on the' UIlI'I'OHille the
c gOg sholllci ho IltH'I'ell. GilL OIlU point
(01' ( Bach ohltlCllonlhlo : 0\1' , '
SI'AOg lII \ \ , Im Imllml.s-'J'hc I'o\\'s
of IWI'IIeis sholllci not he l110re tha II OliO
Ihirty.socolld of an illch :11'1'1'1. : ' : allY
pari. of the 1'\\ ' . If 1110\0 I han 0110.
sixteenth of all illch Cllt ollu.huH point ,
if loss thl\lI lhat hill 1I101'1 ! Ilmll ouo
. thil'ly.seeoIHt. ( ntt ullo.foUl'lh poilll [ 01'
. ol\eh Car.
. .
, W tn"l' Ol HIIAIN.-I'lw weight of
graill Oil an a\'cmgo e\I' : shollld < :01110
"l' to the followiul'ellllil' / lUmls . : .
UNHTlI 01" BAit \ \ ' : tnlll'OP nll.\I : ' . " .
12 Inehe , ; alld O\.I1' ! . . . . . . . . . . .17 011 III' ! ! ! !
11 to 12 tlChe-l. : . . . . . . . . . . ' " . . .111 . . . . . . .
10 to 11 ilwhcs. . . . . . . . . . . . .14 .j
lito 10 Inclwr ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ; .1
8 to II iuehe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ili ! "
7 to 8 inches. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ! In II
Gto71I1che8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 $ .
FOI' each helem' lhe bOl''II
OI\IIIO \ 1111111 \'II
quil'cd by an UIII' of gh'on ICIWlh , , t'n
the exhihit two POlut8 ,
- - - - - - - -
U. B. Church. _ .
. Sunday morning , Jan. 2ith , at < t' ; )
11 o'clock subject : "The chtITc.h.H
Evening , :30 : o'c1oc1 < : "Bible
doctrine-No differen.c. " All 11
are invited.
L. E. llAUJ\IGAIWNHU , Pagtor. .
- - - - . :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'rime Schedule of
trains , Broken Dow
, ,
- - - -
1 { g1o'1 H J-I' : 'S.S\I.J- : ,
\Vhcrea . on the .th ria ) ' of13) ' . 1(10" . a jlllll : .
tIIent anrl .Ieerec wa relltlerell III the DI"lrict
court of Cu ter COUIllY. N'hra l < a. in all action
thereinllclldluif wherein teorlfl' ; 1'It'ldler Dodd
cL al. are rlalntlff. . anti Johll I. . D"III. . .t al.
an , tlefel\llalll . decreelui : ' , ! Jill , ltljlltllllIl : Ihat
partltloll he matle of thc Cah\ half of the OIuh.
ea t lIuarler of secti/ln 80\'I'n. anti \he \ \ ' 'l haH
of the hOlllhwesl 'Iuaner of hcclioll eillU. all In . .
b . ( own hlp ei"hteeu. north of raulJ'Clillel'I'II. . .
wc..l ofIlh P. t. ill Cuslcr counLNcbra. . . a. I
allli J. A. Armour was : tlllonle ! < \ n'f..ft" , 10
make sai.1 partllioll. ami whcreas 1 h" sailt
rdercedltl 011 the 11th day 01'Ia ) ' IUI J. to'port
10 saltl cllurt that lIa.rlllloll of sal.1 cUl/ld
LI nlll ho 1IIlc u'ltlllIut I'reat Ilrdlltlicc III the
owner ! ! of Halll Jand . alld Lhat UI'OIi sal.rCI.ort
heillif made the Gallle W.UI CO 1111 rtttell b ) ' hail )
cOlin alld an order was III.Hle hJ' Ihe HOII
If Brnno O. Hostetler , Jui'C \ of said COllrt , direct.
} f Inl : thaL oald rderee bell . hald rcal c8tate InJ'
eash In the lIIallner pru\.ltlell hy law :
IV Xow 'rherefore. I. J. A. Arlllour. tlwdllly all ,
d polnLe.l. quallfie,1 anl1 actllllf .der"c. do hereh } '
I'I\'e notice that I will. 1111h" ! ith .la ) ' tI
1'chruarJ' . 19j. ) at : ! o'clucl1. . III. aL .the l'a t
front door of Ihe CIHtrt hcn e. III the Clt ) . o [
11' Brokell lIow. III Cnsler CIIIIIILJ' . r\ellraslw , h'li
to the highcsL IIldder for ca h.he folh > wlIIll
der.cribe.1 land. lo-wlt : 'I'he eaot half 01 the
souUlca t quatl"r of hectlon S"VCII. all,1 the
we\t half of the houlhw""t 'l"artl'I' of hectlUII
'I , eii'bl.ln townYhll ) c lrhleen. rallC 1I1I1c\'ell. in
ClI > ller county. Nchra..lm.
)0 ) Said real c..tate will he , ,0111 sulljp"t to all
] ( I prior liens thcmon.
III ! Jated Ihls : 'rl1 diJ ) ' of Janllar } ' . IfIJi.
3 ) . .AU R.Rp
10 _ _ _ O _ _ _ _ . . _ _ "p _ .
10 . . : .o" : .o . . : . . . . . : . ' : . . . : . '
ill .
t. ij
' B
Jf I'S F. W. HAVES '
Jeweler and Optician .
l'S West Side Squtlre , g
)0 Broken Bow , R
'd Nebr J5kn. Ii .
g. . . .
( )
: ' 0 ) .
111 S N
: , o'JO' : . . Y..t rr , " : ! ! : ( ' ) . : . : , : )
. . . . ,
- - - - - - -
, Is
Anyone se lllnll n "kl'trh Rlld may
flulcklr asrerlahl flur fll'llIlolI drRerl/ltlon / uu
Inventlol1 ta ProbAbly "nlelllnh. , ConnDunlcn.
. Lions "trletlr conthtollllnl , IIANDII OK on ! 'atcnLs
t.S eo , ! ' freo. Oltte t II110ney rOI' 8CCUrllll1IIIent. . .
' 1 alonls laken tllroullh IUIIII ' " Co. receive
" 0 'Pielill nOlletVllhou ell/mlc. ill till )
I SCi tttifit JI" ' rican.
A. hand.ornel , lIIuslraled weekly. l.nrl1ret clr.
culaLlolI ot any IclenUUo Journal. ' 1'orms. f3 a
. M INrr&o 3ri : : : NewtY ck ers. ! . )
DrlDell Ol1lell. 11' tit. . WAehlbilIOU. D.
. .