11 _ I 1 _ _ - _ . . . . . . I:2fiJf.1. : : ; t"l " : t. "rJ.-y'mo ! ! ; tJ " ' _ 9 _ 'ii .il m Y,6T1iiJW' : J. il : &rJI 1iJ'Jijli1' : r iJtl1l ,4 When desiring to figure on a bilt . . ! . ' \ \t , I ! ' : of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . fff. ! l 'I C. , L. Turner Lumber Co. " : : We carr V a iun stock' ! Lumuer , i J. , . , ' , .J : Sash , Doors , Mouhhllgs , etc. . . 't ! : . . . . DJ A gents f or tl Ie euras k a C en t ra 1 1 " ' : ' : Building & Loan Association. : H ) ' . . "M 'tr.1-f"f : : . ' . . .Crff'f. : : ! ' : ' . : rt''J. . , . cr. : " ' ' } I : ' " " : r . ; . ! t'1""r.ci" : . mt'r : : ' ' : 'T:1i : : : . Sf : : ! . : " 'J'rT : . . r : Po ! : . ' : , : tJLIiiv..iLii ? : ! : lJiill.r..lJift ! . . ! - . . ! 'If.-jii ! . . . , ' . Vt . , ' ; ; ; l r.i.IJ'iIi-r.'ii. ; : : ' - : : ; : Y r.I. : ; j ! ; ; : ; 1ii tl'I ; : : ; ii. ! ; jjlA ! ) "r - _ _ v , . . . . . . , . . . _ _ - - . . . I l . - . - . . . . ' .Jcf' " ' .liL - flli , , ' . A large stock oC . , .A. . 1VJ : : J : = > > S t : " espectial1y adapterl Cor Christmas presents on WhlCh we have placed vcry low prices. You are invited to inspect them beCore purchasing. , l , ' - - . ' \I. \ , Have reduced the price on . : r. . . . C > "U' - . : Fl. . : . The best brnn s manuCacture l in the county. Why . : " . pay more when Y01fcan get i for , less here , Call . 'f . and get prices. , I l " . J. W. S COT , T . : ; . , South Side Square , Droken Bow. Ii' i' - - - I , _ " : i . . ; . : r.t. : : . . : . . . . : : : ; ; O : : r..I.O : & # . ' . . . Y'.r.r..r1 if J . SJ.A..Il'T : , I " . tT 1yru PROPRIE'l'OR ' R IS'l'J\n fi 'tfV , . . I : ' . . , . , " , . ' " II } , . LIVERY and ! . ; 8 I FEED BARN l I . . : ( ' : ' S f EAST OF GLOBE HOTEL. , : . . Remodcled and rcpaircd throughout. Gootl1ivcry rigs at rcasona lc ratcs. - S Accomodation for cattle and TIlnge horses. Hay at noon , ] 0 ccnts ; all day , " , 8 15 ccnts ; ovcr night , 35 centRo , Call and sec mc. fb : .oao'.r./.o : : . : : / : ' : : r..f.r..f.o".r..r..oo".o : : : .oo".M . . , - ' " \ - - , . - 'f. . ' H A R R. KIM B ALL , ; : ' j ROCKWELT4 & KONKEL . . Successor to } ; : . and GEO. WILLING , j . Embalmer and Funeral Director , NORTH SIDE , DROKEN BOW , NEB. " I Business phone , 301. Hesidence phone , 334 B. : . I . i' " - - - . . _ _ . . _ - - - - ; r . . Don't run away with the idea all lumber is alike or prices ; the same. Before you build consult i H. T. BRUCE' " CO. ; South Sid Lumber Yard , Brol < en Bow , Neb. , , ; - LUMBR AND COAL I , " - J ; . . . II r. ' j . , ' : i ; ! $ B WM $ $ & " - i ) RS " i ' . ! ' : g are d alers in Heal Estate of al kimh . ! jE : .i WE \V'e will buy or sell. Don't fall to see M I I , tm : us before you buy or sell. We can do If : . . . you good. Collections made and iusur- \ ' . /1. al1ce'written. , li'arms rented and taxes paid. S e /lr / ' us f r farm loans. Come in and see us , . ' . . ; BOWMAN & ANDERSON. i ! \1 \ iOS" : : " ' " " ' " ' ' " ; I' " ; . " ' } - - - , ; \ ; L. Ell COLE , . lic nsed. Embalmer : . . . t , , " i. . < and Funeral Director has just l'ecei.v . ( l ' , ' l'ge stock of undertaking goods. L'his'.is'one of'the 'I , one most complete stocks of un ertaking goods ever brought. to Broken J Bow.rrhey are located in the Oadwell building on Fourth avenne. . Parties wishing anything in this line are requested to call , and I inspect goods and. get prices , For first-class work in I un net - taking 01' embalming call and j see me or phone. Phone Numbers : Office , 7 7 ; Residence , 322. . ; ' , " r ) J. , . tI' t : / . , . . .J\t' , . . . .ii.-rl. ! . . ; , . . : . . : : i- : . . " . . . , . ' , - . . . . . . _ " " , < , -J , . . _ _ . , . . I Lee .Park LOCAl. . ; I 1907 is here and we are hu t1. . ing around for fuel and feed which , as a matter of fnct , keepg us bus ) . . I George and Bert Moore rc. turned Crom the sand l1i11s last wcek , . . ' Renl winter weather is here I and if same continues the ice crop will soon be ready to harvest. I Mrs. James Lee is reported very sick with appendicitis. j Mr. Jno. Urban will journey to the sunny south this year , but as yet is unable to say ic he will remain - main there or not till he has tarried there one year. T4eo Murray came near having a serious accident last week. ' { 'he team , in going dowu an in- c1inc , got away , turning oyer the wagon , tearing the box into picces ami demolishing things generally. Bert Sells had a puulic sale last week which was well attended - ed and everything sold well. Mr. S. will depart from here ere long. We have not had reports of any morc losses from corn stalk disease of late and it is hoped there will be no more for certain , ly we have had our share this year. I l red White's new home enhances - hances the appearance of his place very m ch and quite a diffcrence from his , Cormer house. Ryno Rumblings. G. He Pigman will commence to teach the young ideas how to shoot , today at the McCall school house. Mr. Foxworthy is back. in Custer- county after a year's traveling in Arkansas and 'l'exas. Mr. Batterson. of near Broken Bow , expects to hold meetings under the auspices of the Seventh Day Adventist church. Jud Clark is selling out with a view of moving to Missouri. Harvey Deal sold out last week and will move to Callaway to work at the blacksmithing. Geo. Logan and wife of Calla- way are visiting at Ryno. South Omaha Market. Under date of Jan. 7th 1907 , Clay , Robinson & Co. , reported as follows : The cattle market closed up .active and strong last week , with the decline on fat cattle of te week previous fully regained. Chicago opened up this week with a heavy run and a ten cent lower trade. This seemed to have little effect on our trad here other than to make a slow and rather draggy trade. Ste.ers held not far irom steady which was also the case with'a good desirable kind of cows. It seems the real good finished teers are 'pretty w ll shipped out ; and we have been getting nothing but short fed and warmed up cattle. There continued to be very urgent inquiry for stock and feeding c'lttle. Despite the dul1uess to the killing. trade today - day , all good feeders went at steady to a little stronger prices. Chicago's heavy xun : of 50,000 hogs caused a d is strous break in the trade today. Our market. in sympathy was a. . dime lower , bulk selling at $ (1.30 ( tu $6.25 wi'th top at $6.30. 'l'ime Schedule. of trains , Broken Bow I N.cbraska. WIS'l' : UOUND. No. 3910calllassenlrer. ex. SlIlIda } ' . ar. 6:0 : : pili oil coastl'assenlrer. Ilall } ' . Ic\ve..6:51J . : a III 43 coast passcllirer. dally Icn.e..12:2. : . a III 47 local freliI'ht. arrive. . . . . .i. . . . . . .2:10 1'111 EI\ST 1I0UND. No. 40 10c:11 paSSelllrer , lea\'l . . . . . . . . . . . .1)10 ; a III 42 CO:1st pass nller. leave. . . . . . . . . . .6:21'p : nl 44 coast passellll'er. leavc. . ' . . . . . . . .5:23 a In 4 loc:11 frelltht arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2\11 \ II III 3' ) alld 40 do 1I0t , rllll west of lIroKen Dow , , - Schedul of Broken Bow Mails" Schedllie oC arrival and dep:1rture of lIIalls from Ilrulell'lIow Ilost olUce. Pouches for cast close as followlI : 'l'raln No. 40 , I ) a. 111. ; No. 42.5:45 p. 111. ; No. 44. 7:4 , p. n . l'ullche'l for west close all CollowlI : 'l'talll No. 43 , 7:45 I' . III. ; No. 41,6:30 a. III. OlUco 401lrs. 7 a. IU. to 7:30 P. ns. OlUce OPCII : : > lIl1d:1\1I from I ) to 10 a. 111. 1..11. JIt\\'KTT , I ) . M. . . . , Hcrd Ila t1ctI U ; ) ' . . . . . . . . . CrliuPlln Bt'utt NIJ , 71703 . JIG.BRENIZER , UreeOet f I'ure Scotch allli Scotch 'roppe.\ Short 1I0rn Cattle. My herd numbers 40 COWII. Will . com. pare In breedlnll' and Quality with an } West oC ChlCl\llo My experlencd b:1R tl\ulrht me tbat to Illve lloods:1tlBfacllon , breeding c:1ttle mnst be rulHenl. . UIIH QUUude. I expect to rulHcUlcl..llere t4e cIUal oC anythlDII' raised Inlhll U. S. I now ha.ve25 buUa suitable Jor thla a.nd . next yeu'll senlce. My cows -"elgh from 1400 to 2000 pOuudll. Come I1Dd Ice ben' - - - - - . - - . - , . , ' " . . . . , , . . . , , . : " ' . . . . . . . " ' , . " " ' . . . . . . . . . . . .M' " , . , . . . - 'iI"'W"--- , _ . ' . . , . I _ c , J > r - " ' . . . , , L 1 _ " " - SNYDER BROS. & Co. . now have in their complete lines of fall goods in Clothing , Furnishings , Hats. Cnps.ShQes Carpets , Dress t ( ) ods , Outings. . " . A Large A sortment of Ladies Rain and Winter Coats. You can , seH a larger line of FoFI. : . C C > . .A.r s here than any in oLhnr N ebrflska store. , Before buying - ing your fall supply come in and inspect our stock. Oourteous tl'eatment guaranteed. , - I _ _ _ . A ft.--- . . - - - r : : : f re BUI ' -I = 'I . ce o. 1 ? a pi D. . eu. . . . , . ' : Contractor and Builler. Estimates Furnished free with plans and specifications. I ' t MH = -G : - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ J . . . . FRANK KELSEY. ALL KINDS OF WELLS . Consult him If you want Water. . Phone 112 , - B oken Bow. A. ARMOU1 , J.A. - Attorney at Lav. Broken Bow. Nebr. lIavlnll jllst had elKht years practical eXFC't' lence all Dounty Jnlille. wll1l1'lve Rpeclal aUett tlon to the drawlnl : ' and probatlllK oC wills mItt the administration of estates \f deceased J > otr- sous and minors. Write or phon lite. limy' save you p trip. J. E. WILSON , ATTORNEY AT LAW. . j Practice In State aill\ Federal Courts. Ab. stract of tlUes examined. Real Estate alld Mnnlclpal Law a specialty. Dealer III Rr : d Estate. Strict attention Klven to'all buslnt'S1'Io Ofl ce In Meyer Ulock. 1 > lIolle 80. Droken llMr .r..r . . . . . . ! F. W. HAYES : ft Jeweler and O tician. . R West Side Square , ! raken Bow , R N braska. ! tb , X'C1XIICC' CC'Zx ! - - - - = Legal.Notices. - - - - In the District COllrt. . Cnster cOllnt } ' . NebraKka. Celltral Nebraska Lalul & InvcKtment Com- Ilany. an Incorlloratlon. VS. ; Tames J . Ro blllS. ct al. NOTIClt TO NON.RBSIUltN1 : DIU'ItNDANTR. 'J'he defcndantK. James 1'.1 Rollblns alld 1118 wlf , ' . Mrs. Jame9 g. Robbtnll. 'l'homas Cllm. mlnll's al1ll hi. . wile. Mrs. 'l'homa9 Cnnlllllul9. ( Jeorll'e . lIelllllll'er and 11111 wife. MrK. , Georll'o 1\1. lIelllnier. wilt taku'notlce that on the 9tb day uf January. A. D. . 11)11'7. the pfalnUIC filed Itll petition In the UIKtrlct COllrt of 'Custer County. Nubraska. the.object an.II'rayel' tbpre- of behllr to foreclose a certain morhraICu now owned by the plalnUff anll gh'lm b } ' 'VII 11 an ! ' 1' . Allen and wife I mllla C. Alhm. to the Iowa l\Iortll'all'o Company on the th def Jalruan' . 1890 , upon the wcsthalf of thc tionthwest qllar- ter of scctlon four , northeast 'Iurter of the northwest quarter and lot JOllr of Rectlon IIlne. township twcllty. north , ralllrO twenty-one west of the 11th 1' . M. Cnster COli lit ) ' . Nebrask.\ secllre tile pa'ment of the onu certain 1I0le of said William 'r. Allen alld wife. J nllna C. Allen , of $400,00 of even date thenJw.th. and due aud payable l'ebruar ) ' 1st , IM'I , tll1le of pa- lIIelll of whlcb Is cxtenlled to l\larcb Ilt. 1'JU5. 'rhatthere Is now dlle 'HI Hald 1I0te UI" 111111I of : HOOOO with 10 per cellt thereon . fnllll March 1st. 1905. Plaintiff pra's for a decree that you IIC rc- "ulre.1 to pay the I'amo ur that said prellliscli be 110111 to gatlsfy the amollnt JOllnd du.o. 1'011 are reCJnlrel1 to anllwer "aid , I'etltlou' or hcfore the 18th day of I.'ehrllan' . ' 1'J07. Dated thlll 9th day of Jalluary. 11)1)7. CENTI < AL NIWI < ASKA LANIJ .I. : IN\tsTlInNT COlin' . . . N } ' . lly Itll attorney , ALI'IIA. .MOROAN. Attest : GHO. H. MAllt. . , Clerk of the District COllrt. [ SK\L ] Jl : H - - - - - - III the District Court. CUliter Cuullty. Nebraska. Celltral Nebraska Land alld In'clilllleu Com- . pan } . , all Incorporatlou , vs. 1 > avld A. Watsoll , ot al. riOTlCI : TO NON-I < IISIDIINT miI''uNn''NTS. : ' 1'0 David A. Watson. Mrs. Dn'ld A. " 'atsou. bhl wife , Jameli I' : . Hobbills. Mrs. Jame , ; I ' Hobbus. ! hili wlfo. ( h'Orllu 11 [ . . llellln cr. ! IIrs. Georll'lI 1\1. lIellhlKer. hili wlfo. you anll cach of } 'OU are , here" " 1I0tified that 011 the 9th day of Januar ) ' . A. D. . 10117. the pial lit Iff. the III\'estorll Secllrity COlUpan } ' . h'd Its Ietltloll III the District COllrt ul Cu .ter connty. Nobraska. ulI'alnst yoU ami eadl of'OU . the object alld I'ra'er of which IelltllHl are to foreclose a certain mortllallo now cwued by the plalntllI and IClvcn by the salll David , . Wat. SLn to the Iowa 1\1orllne Comllany on. tile lth day of AUlI'ust. 1 9. Ulon thll calll half oC tbu nurtheast Qllarter of section tW\'uty./lix. allIl the ! ; outh haU of the north we lit 'Iuaner oC lIec- 1I0utwent-t1ve , all III tOWllllhlJI twellt ) ' , tlol.th. 'ranlle twent.five. we"t 01 the Ut'h I > . : .1.Cutter , 'count } . . Nebraska , to sllcuro thu llayment of hili one certalll promissory notu tor oo.oo of cv cn date. due and pa'able Selltembsr , lilt. IB'H. IInle of Ila'mcnt extcnded to 1\Iarch 1st. t'J05 : u\on which tbere Is now , Iu" the sum tit $ Ij\.OJ with 7 I" r cent luterest Crom : .larch 1st. 1')06. 1 > lalll. tiff I'raya fnr a decn'e IIll1t } 'OI. be rc'tlllrc.1 to Iay thll 8:1l11e or that galllllrolUUeK bll hol < 1 10 llatlsh' the amoullt foulld duct You are required to all8\vcr 1 ! d , 011 ur be fore the 18th d:1Y of PebruarY' . 01)7. 1 > OI\ell this 9th da } ' of Jalluary. 1'107. CItNTHAL N IlMAIiKA LI'NIJ . \ : INVRSTl\1UNT COlliI'M 'V. H ) ' Its attorney , ALl'UA MOII.OAN. Attest : Gno. D. 1\IAIII. ' Olerk of the District CODrt. ( SIAr. ] 31.34 NOTICE OP GUARDIANS SAI.E. the District Court. Custer county. Nebraska. 111 the lIIatter of the application of Hattie V. JOhIlSOIl. guardian , for leave to sell the real e tatc. Interest therelu and rllrht and leases 'thereoll of the ward. IJouald H. Johnson. minor. { Notice IR hereby Klven tllat. In pursllance of ; UI\J ordcr of , and license ISRued by. the lIolI. lIrullo O. lIosteller. Jud e of the District Court of Cnster COllnt } ' . Nebraska , made and IRsued Otl the 3rd dOl } ' of Decr.mbel , 1906 , for the salu of the real estatc. Interest therein and rlll'ht and IcaseR thcreon huelnaftcr described. I. the sahl lIattle V. Johnson , Kuardlan of the person and egtate of thu said IIIllIor. DOllald R. Johnson. havlllll' taken the oath required by law. a 1111 Rives : . bond dul } . approved b ) ' said Judge. will soli at pllbllc vendue to the hlRhest bidder for cash at the frollt door of the COllrt lIouse In the city of lIrokell Hnw. In said count } . , on the 4th day of Pebnmr1907. . at"the hOllr of two (2) ( ) o'clock II. III. , the following described real lltltc. Interest thcrcili. and rlllht allli leases thereon : 1'he IIndh'lded ono seventh of the soulheallt 'Iuarter of the southwe , > t quarter , alld the sOllthwclit , ! uarter of th. ! southeast Quarter , hcld nnder a deed from the State of Nebraska ; the IIIl1l1vldell one seventh of thc norlliwelit 'Iuarter. the north haU oC the southwest quar- ler. the southwcst quarter of the southwest Quarter. and the northwest quarter of.the southeast - east Qllarter. held under Sale Certificates from the State of Nebraska ; also the ulldlvlded olle seventh of the lIortheast Qnarter and the east half of the southcast quarter. held under School I.alld I.eases frum the State of Nebrall- kat all situate In sectlonthlrty-"Ix In township lIuventcen. ranKe ehrhteen. west. In Custer county. Nebraska. Said sale will remain open oue hour. Dated this 7th da } ' of Januar } . . 1907. , lIATTIE V. JOIINSON. Guanllan of the person al1l1 estate of DCNALD R. JOliN SON. minor. J. A. AI < I\IOUR. Att'y. 31.34 NO'J'ICI TO N N.REsnmNT DEPENDANT hi District cOllrt of Custer county , Nebraska. James A. Owen. plaintiff. v. . . Dalata MortKall'e I.oan Corporatbu. O. D. Clason ami John My rs. non-resident defenll- ants 'rhe Dakata Mortll'all'e I.oan Corporation , O. 11. Ulasoll and Jol1n Myers defendant. you alld each of yoU are hereby notified .that Jan.es A. Owen. the above named plalutlff. did on the 8th day of January. 1907.11e his Ietltlon In the District cOllrt of Custcr county. Nebral'ka. ! aKalnst YOII aud each of YOII. the object and praycr of said petition belliII' : That he Is absolute owucr of Ithe eYs : of sw section 2b. township 15. rallKe 20. W. ( j 1 > . M. That the mortll'al'u to the Dakata Mortll'alre I.oan Corpora'ion bo cancelled and held for nOllll'ht. plalutlfi alleglnl : ' that the same was fulh' Iiald by plaintiff. 'l'hat the prctended asshrnment of the said mortl.mae to O. H. Cla- son be held for noulrht. tbe salUe not havhllt beeu cxecutcil by the said Dakata Mortll'aKe I.oan Corpor nou. and that the said assllI'u- ment was not placed of record prior to the time of the l'ayment of the salll mortll'aKe by this plaintiff. ' 1'hat John MyerR be barred and e"s1olled from claiming tltle.to the land to-wit : 'l'he cast half of the southwest Quarter oC section - tion 2 . to\vnshlp 15. ranll'e lO , Custer COlillty. N ebralka. Plalntsfflra'slhat the title be Quletcd III him alrailist the claims of all parties. to this action , allclrluK that hc has been tile owner ef lIald east half of Houthwest quartcr ot sectloll 2 . tOWII. ship 15. rallire 20Vest 6th P. M. for mom than tell ycarlll't , past to.wlt : Slucc the dth day of Jlecember. IM 3. and a..such oWller has had the . , ulet and IInlnterru ttcd possession of the said la'llIl alld now ownll and haR possession of the lIald tract , Plailltiff fllrther lira } ' ! ; for all equitable re- lict. of 'l'he defeudants alld each of } 'Oll are required to allswer the salll petition 0'11 or before the 18th day of Pebruary. 1907. anllll1 calle YOU fall to allswer or dCll1ur to said petition your defallit wl\l \ be taken and eeree relldercd as I'rayed In salll pelltlou. Janllao'lth.I907. ! JAlIIltS A. OWEN , Plaintiff. N. 'I' . GAlJlJ. lIls attorney , 31-3 NOTICI ' 1'0 CHI Dl'rORS. Count ' court , Custer cOUllt } " . Nebraska. . 'l'he creditors of the estate of Mary lJo'oster. . Deceascrl : 'J'ako notice. 1'hat'l will sit at the county conrt roolll. In IIroken 1I0III ' R1111 cOllrlty , ou the 151h dOl } ' of PebruarY.1'JO . allll on the 16th Itay of Jllly , 1907. eah at 10 o'clock a. nl. . of each day. to recel\'e alld examille all claims aaainst salll estate with a view to their adjllllt. mellt alld allowance. Th" time llrulted for the Ilresentation uf clalllls agailist sail ! estate III six lIIunthli froll1 the .h day of Jalluary. 1'.107. a 11I1 the time IIl11lted for lIan1leut of deblR Is oUe Ylmr froJl1l1ald dalc. Datell Januar } ' th. 11)07. 31-31 A. R.lIulIIrllKRv , CountpJmhre. Uulted States l.all.1 Onke. l Drolcn 1I0w. Nebraska , D\cember 10. 1900. f Notice Is hereb ' I'h'cn } : that lIU ERT I.EONARD. oC Allgellllo , Nebraska. haK tlled nollce of his Ilitention to lUake final 5 } 'ear proof III supllort of his claim.'Iz : lIomestead 11 lItry No. " ' 106. madu AUlI'ust 8 , 1901. for the H 2 IIW . ! liectlon 33 , towllshlp 19.sw uwJ- { lot 4 , section 4. townllhlll18. N ranlle-I : . . an.1 that Kllid proof will be made before Reilistor and Hecelver at IIrolell How. Nebrallka. on January - ary 15. 1 01. lie lIalllCS the follow hi II' witnesses to IIrove his coutlnuous rClildcllce UPOII , 0111,1 cultlvatloll of. the lallll , vII : : JollIIll. McIJer. lIIott , of Allbclmo , Nebraska ; Charle } " 1Ilckey. of Anselmo. Ncbrasl.a ; James I oran. of .An- lIelmo , Nebraska : Tim 'l'eaholl. of Anselmo. Nebrallka. . JOliN REItSE. 27.32 Hell'lster. - Unltell Stateli X. a 11I1 Oflice. l 1Irolcn 1I0w. Ncbraska , December 14 , 1906. r Notice fl'r Publicatlon.l1solate < l 'l'ract. ) Nlltlco la hereby Irlven that In pursuance oC IlIslrllctlolis from the lommls , > loller of the ( ieneral l.al1l1 OOice. tll1der authorlt } . ve8ted III him b } . sectlou 2-155. U. S. Hevlsell Statlltell. as amt'llIled b } ' Act oC COlllrrebs , allpro\'ed Juuo 27. lc l . we will t1ro.eed to offcr at lIublic sale ou the 21st da } ' of Jalluary. 11JO' ; . next. at thlll olUco , the follo\\'lulr ' tmct 01 laud. to-wit : I.ot : ' : . ctlon 18 , towushlll18. nortb ranlro 23 west. Any aud all Ilersous clalmlnll ad\'Cuely the nbove de&crlbed lallds are ad vised to11e their claims In tblll Imee , 011 or before the day abo\'e desllruLted for the commencement of said lIale , otherwise tt1clr rllrllts will bo forfeited. JOliN RBItB. ! Heilister. J -32 DARIUS M. AMS RRItReceiver. . . . . . _ , . .i3 -1 , ' . ( . . , - : : . ' 11II : /1 NCC 0" } "NAL REPORT. slate of Ezra L. WhcelerL Decoand. 1. Couut } . COlltt oC Custer coul1t ) . , Nebraska. The State of ebras.L , to all IItt'fi'UA Inter. e.lted In said ut:1te. t:1ko lIotice. that Chule9 Penll hu fllell a finalliccount and r'port of hilt IlIlnllnlstratioll. anll :1 petltloll for tlual setle- ( _ \ lIIellt an.1 rllschluKe a ! ! Kuch , which have been Rtt for hearlrll ( before Kald COllrt on January 28th. 11107. at Itlo'clock a. III. . hen you may , appear :1ud COli test the Kame. lJlted Dec. 2 < ) th. 19\ \ ) ( , . ' ? -J2 ( BKAL ] A. H. IlUMrIlRE\ ' . County Judll'c. CONTI ST NOTICI . United Slates I.:1nd OlUce. L lIroken 1I0w , NebrMka. Jrtuuar } . 1. l07. f A A sufficient cOlltCqt affidavit havlnll' been filed ' 1 III this oOice by Wilber I . I.llIz. contestant , allalnst entry No. 5 ( ) < ) . : . October H. 11JO. . . for west half. section 3 : ' , townshlpO. : raillre 25. by Cornellu ! ! S. 1\lullhlll. coutestee. In which It Is alleged that Entryman has at 110 tlmo ( 's- , tablilihed a residence UtIOl ! thu tract. that he 1 has wholly ahaudoucil the said track. th:1t for more than six monthq last pallt ho haR been I' absentirollliiald tracl , that he hlll failed to Inl- , prlolve the said tract III au ) ' manuer. and that all the lac heR cxlRt at the present time. S:1ld llartieR arc htreby noli lied to appear. respond and offer evMence tnuchillof said allegation at 10 o'clock a. III. oIlI.'ebruar } . 12. 11107. befor the Hell'lst'r all.1 Receh'er at the Unltell Stales I.and omco III lIrokenllow , Nebraska. 'rhe II a 111 contestallt 11:1\'lnl ( . In a proper afilllavlt.filerl Dccember 31. I'UU ' , set Corth facts which Rhow that after dlle IIlIllI'ence Iersonal Eervlce of this notlcc can nnt be made. It IR hereby ordcred and Ilirecterl that Rnch notice be ' ! rIven by dUe allllpropcr publlcatloll. . DAHIUB M. AMsnttHRReceiver. . N. 'I' . nAnn. Att' } ' for COlltesta"t. 30.33 - c T mT'NdICI . United SlateR r.allli omce , L IIrolen Bow. NebraRka. December 8.1906. r A sumelellt COli test amda\'lt havlllK been filmlln this onice by I a1 Purrow. contestant , all'alnstHomesteal1 entry No. 2J.t2. made JUlie : : :9. : 1904 , for EC { sn { section 7. nwH IIWJ ( sec- . . . . _ tlon 17. e lIe ! { scctlon 18 , tllwnshll' 20 , range . byJenllle Clancy. COlltestee.ln which It Is : J1 allelled that JCllllle Clanc } ' nuver established a , . Rottlclllent upou said land lIe\'er cstabllshed , a ft1 rjJsldeuce or resldcd thereon haR nl:1de no 1m- i provementR of any khlll thereon alld has entirely - tirely failed to III : IIIY IIlallllcr cultivate any portion of said tract and has abandoned the same alld said defects now exilit. lIald .partles are hereb } " lIotlfied to appear. rcsPolld and offer cvlliencu touch hIII' said : I 11 elatlo II at 10 f o'clock a. 111. on Jauuan. 1 , 11107. before the , \1 \ Rell'lster aslll Receiver at tnc Ullited StateR I.and OlUce In Hroken Dow Nebraska. , 'l'he said contestant ha\'llIl [ . In a proper affi- davit. filed December 7. 19U . set forth facts which show that after due dlllll'ence personal i service of this notice call not be made. It IR hereb } . orderecl allli directed that sllch notice I he I'h'ell by due and proper pnbllcatloll. 7-32 JOliN HilltslReilister. . The unkllown heirs. de\'lsees and legatees of Mahala lIrlll'llan. Jacob IIrlIrKall , aud J. W. Shea. will take nollo that Morris U. Uuunell h:1S : filed his petltloll In the District Court of Custer COlluty. Nebraska. thc object aud . prayer of which Is to remo'e the clouds from the title to the northwest quarter of section enc In towushlll fOllrteen , ranKe nineteen , In Custer Cuunt } ' . Nebraska. b } . an order and decree of lIald COlirt. cancolllnK a1ll1 decreeluK as fraudll. q lellt aud volll the Hecelvers recclpt to l\lahala llrillgan. the mortllaKe by l\1ahala Hrlll'gan J 1 alllt hushand to Judsoll C. Porter. the deed from Mahala lIrlllllan and husballd. Jacob. to j Jamcs Hall ; the mortll'aKe front James Hall alll\ wife to Mahala lIrlKKan ; and the deed from James W. lIali and wife to J. 'V. Shea. 'j : \11 coVorlnl : ' said lalld. and also decreehlK a 11'00.tlUe ' \ to said premises In the plaintiff and , for snch othcr alld further relief :1S may be . . I eQllltable. You are rCQlllred to anR\\'er , this Iletltion on , or before January 2Ist.lIJ07. or the ! ! ame will be J ta. en as true and jndl'ment reudered ac- ordlnlrly. , Dated. December 10th. 1906. l\10HItIS H. lIUNNItr.L , Plaintiff. J. A. ARMOUR. Attv. 27-31 NOTICE Olo' PINAl. SE'l"rr.I l\1EN'l" In County Court of Custcr Couuty. Nebraska. ' 1'0 the Creditors anll Heirs. and to all who are Interested In the estate of JollII Jllker , Jr. , Deceased. ' 1'AKE NO'1'ICI . ' 1'lIat Clam D. Juker , ad. mlnltratrlx of the aforesaid Estate. has filed a report of her dolnKs as such. and asks that the same be approved. and that she be dlscharll'ed from further oblllatlon , therein. and that the Coullty Jlldll'e maMe such order al to the dls. trlbutlon of the assets belolliling to sah ! estate as may seem just and equitable ; deslll'nate the helrR enlltled to a share In said estate , and to grant sllch other'rellef as lIIay bedcemed necessary - sary III the filial settlement of said estate. Salll moltter hall been set for hearlnll" on the 1st day of l'ebruary ! , 1'J07 , at to o'clock a. III. . at the CLUllty l'ourt Room. In Uroken Bow. Ne- braska. at which time and place all parties Interested ma } ' apI'ear and be heanl concernlnll the same. , Dated this 28tb day of December. 1006. ( Slt LJ A. R. lIulIIrul < ltv. Connty JudKe. J. A. ARJltoUI < . Att'y. 30-33 AH'l'ICl.l S 01 < ' INCORPORATION. We , the IInllerslll'lled. hereb ) . associate our- selvcR together for the pllrpOqe of formlnll a corporatlo:1 under the laws of the State of Nebra ka , and do adopt the followhlll" Articles of 1I1corpOratioll : . Art. 1. The name by which this clfrporatlon shall be known Is Uerw'n State lIank. Art. 2. 'l'be principal place of blllliness oC this corporation ! ! hall be at lIerwyn. In the cOllnty of Clister and State of Nebraska. Art. 3. ' .rhe object tor which this corporation - tion IK formed Is to carryon a commercial ' banklnl : ' bUlilness ullder the laws of the State of Nebraska. . \rt.4. The anthorlzed capital stock of this cdrporatlon shal1 be : ! ' 2S.00.00. w41ch stock . IIhali be dl\'lded 1'1110 shares of the par value of $100.00 each. of which $5.000.00 shall be subscribed - scribed allll fully paid liP. No transfer of the stock of tills corporatloll sball be operative nn- tll entered upOn the books of the corporation. Art. 5. The hillhest Indebtedness oC this corporation shal1l1ot exceed two.tblrds of the paid up capital stock. [ except depOlts. ] Art. 6. ' 1'419 corporation shall bell'ln busl- nells 011 t4e 1st day of December. 190 < > . and shall t. rmrllato OIl tile 1st day of December. 2U ( ) . Art 7. The omcers of this corporation shall bo a. president. vlce-presidcnt , cashier , assistant - tant cashier. anll a board of dlrcctors. cOlllilst- .Inlr of 31mensbers of wblch the l rst named omcers may be a part. ' 1'he IIalll olUccrs and board of dlrcctors shall have the manall'ement and control of the affairs of this corporation. Art. 8. 'l'ho anllual lueetlull' of the stock. holders of this corporation shall be 011 the fourtb 'ruesllay In October of each Year. at which meHllI1I' the oOicers and dlrcctorlt IIhall \ be elected by the stockholders of thlR corpora- tlou. The term of office of the ofiicers and directors above provided fo shall be for a period uC ono year. or until their Sllccessors are elected alld IJnalified. A majority of the " . . sharc ! > oC this Corporation sball , constltuto a 'Iuorum at any rell'lIlar or special meetlnll. _ . Art. I ) . Each . stockholder IIhall. atall rellular or special meetings be cntltled to one vote. i either III person or by prox- , for each s4are of . stock hel . Art. 10. ' 1'110 Articles of Incorporation may be amended at an } " reKular or spcclal meetlnll called foC'that purpose. b } ' a two.thlrds votu of all thu stock oC the corporation , Wltlless ollr halldll this 2.th : ! day of Novem- I"r. A. n. 1900. HllI'ned . , " . AtOHOIt. . JUI.It ! ; HAUIIION'1' . \0' . 1\1. CURHm. In pre5ellCO of H. D. 1'lcLett. STATIt 01' NltuRASKA , , CU TBR COUNTf SS . On this 2 th da } ' of Novemher. A. D. . 1906. IJ before me , the lIuderlllgned , , a Notary Public within aud tor Custer count } ' . Nebraska , duly cOll1mlssloned and "Iliallfied. " . . pcrsoually ap- Ilcarell " . A. George. J ulell lIallmollt a 11I1 P. M. Cnrrlc , to lIIe kllown to bo the Idelilicailler _ lions whoso namell are affixell to the foreKollIK Articles of IlicorllOratloli. and each for him- seU ackuowledlrell the same to be his voluntary { act and deed. In wltlle.s whereof. 1 hav" hereunto set my hand and afl xcd my olUclal seal the day and year last above wrlttclI. SIKned. t9ltAL ] Ross n. J'ICKICTT. Notary Public. - CONTI S'l' NO'J'ICE. United States I.and OlUcc. L Jlroken How , Nebraska , December 15 I90tJ r A sufiiclcut contest afihlavlt hallIg been filed In this omco by Mary lIa'er. conteatant. alCalllst HOll1estead entr > : Nil. 33J , made Sept. J. 1903. for ne ( IIW . ni ne { . " 0 4 uo { . section - tion 25 , township 1'1. ' ranKO 2 . by 1 > 'lIlpo Chlnlcl. , ' contestee. III which It Is allelled that I'lIlpO Chllllci has aba.ndone.1 . said "remises. and failed to re lde thereon for mom than six months last past. tlla he has Called toestabllsh a IClCal and bOlla fide resulencc on said tract. that he has failed to crect alld maintain a house or lither place of abode OIl s:1ld tract. all of whlc4 Ilefects cxlst at this time alld have not becn cllred. Said partlell are herehy notl- lied to appcar. respoud aud offer evidence touch IIIII' lIald allell'atloll at 10 o'clock a. m. on January : 5. 1907. before thc Helliliter aud Ro- ceh'er at the United States I.alld omce In lIro- kell Dow. Nebraska. 'l'hu said cOlltestant ha\'hlll' . In a prOI1Cr :1ffida\'lt. filed Decumber 15.11106. set forth facts which show that after due dlllccnce Ilerlional Eenlce . of this notice canllot bo made. It Is bereb } ordered and dlrectcd that such notice be "Iven by due and proper pUhllcation. IJAHIUIi M. AlIISIIIIRRV. Hccelver , ALrJlA MORGAN. Att'y for Con\est\nt , 28-J