Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 10, 1907, Image 7

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    . - - -
' -
Since Using Doan's Kidney Pills Not
a Single Stone Has Formed.
Capt. S. L. Crute , Adjt. Wm. Watts
Camp , U. C. V. , Roanolte , Va. , says :
"I suffered a long ,
long tlmo with my
bacle , and felt.
dram ; ) " a11l1 list.
less and tired 011
the time. I lost
, ' ( ' ; from my usual
" ' weight , 226 , to I
. , 170. Urinary pa ! ! . ,
. ' sages were too
; i' frequent and I
have had to get
up often at night.
I had headaches
nnd dizzy spells also , but my worst
\ ' suffering was from renal collc. After
fl I began , using Doan's Kidney P111s I
I" passed a gravel stano ns big as a
; . bean. Since then I hnvo novel' had
an attack of gravel , and have pI'cltod
J' , up to my former health and weight. I
" I am a weH man , and give Doan's Kid
"I noy P111s credit for It. "
Sold by all dealors. 50 cents a box ,
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
A . { r Some men get ns Ured f being mal'
. .t. . rtcd ns some women do ot not being.
, '
Perfectly I\i e nnd Fimpl ' pcrfect. it !
'I ' " dycing with PU1'NAM FADELESS
DYES. lOc per package.
Many a widow's heart has been
wnrmed over by an old fiame.
1\lrs. 'Vlnslow's eoothlng yrup.
ror chillhen t..tblnlr. loften" tJe guml , lel1uces In.
II&mml\tlon allarl "aln. cures wind ollc. o . toltle.
V111alns invariablY get whnt Is com.
ing to thom-on the stago.
P AZO OIN'l'M ! tWl' I jtullrnlltcc < l to cure , anT CIlSf
or ltchlnJr. lJIlnd. Uleedlnlt or l'ro-rI1i1lng 1'11011111
Ii to U dars or won T rutunded. Oo.
- - - - - - - - - -
, They are countless roads on aU
. sides to' the grave.-Clcero.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
I' Garfield Tea is made of herbs-a grcat
point in its fnvor ! 'fake it for constipa.
tion , indigestion and liver disturbanecs.
- - - - - - -
German Output of Chemicals.
Germany leads , the' world in the pro.
ductlon of chemicals. The total output
for the year amounts to $357,000,000.
This Includes a mllUon tons at sui.
phurlc acid and haIt a mllllon tons oS
Important to Mothers.
Examine cnrcfully oYery bottle of CASTORIA ,
a 8arC nl1lt urc remcty . ! for Infnnts and chlltrcn ! ,
nnd ece that It
cnrRtho . '
Bfl'llslUro : of . , .
In Uel For Over 30 Yeurs.
The Kind You nave Ahvae noUght.
, Known as Memory Bellll ,
Memory bells arc toys given by the
Japanese youths to their sweethearts.
They are constructed of slips of glass
80 delIcately poised that the least vi.
bratlon sets them jingling. The < lel1.
cato tinldlng serves to remind their
owner ot the giver ; hen co the prettYI
fanciful name.
. Will Get Thorough Training on an I
I American Boat. I
The first Japanese youth to bo ad.
( mitted to the crew of the schoolshl'J :
. St. Mary's is Katzern Art'oshl. A.rt
'I yoshl. who is 17 years old , has been
\ In the revenue cutter service on the
" , PacHlc for the last three years.
As It Is necessary for all foreigner ! ;
who wish to become members ot the
schoolshlp's crew to have a guardian
Artyosbl was forced to get ono before
he could be admitted to the crew. He
succeeded . in getting Capt. Osborn to
I nct. In that capacity. Capt. Osborn
i w1l1 coach the boy along and help him
over the hard points in his lessons.
Artyoshl has not. made up his mind
yet whether he w1l1 remain In thl !
" country or go home to Japan after he
) has , been graduated from the school.
I ship. A term on the schoolshlp fits
, " a bby for service In the merchnnt ma ,
rlne. Artyoshl snys he likes the
" 1 United S'tates and may stay here , but
, It Japan ever goes to war he w1l1 return -
} turn home quickly as possible to take
, part In It.
' .
Nervous Woman Stopped Coffee and
Quit Other Things.
, No better practical proot that corteo
; fs a drug can bo required than to note
how the nerves become unstrung in
women who habitually drink It.
The stomach , too , rebels at being
continually drugged with corteo and
' tea-they both contain the drug-
calIelne. Ask your doctor.
\ An In. woman tells the old story
) . . . thus :
. I "I had used coffee tar six years and
\ was troubled wIth hendaches , nervous-
I ness and dl'zzlness. In the morning
u.pon dslng I used to belch up a sour.
fluid regularly.
"Often I got so nervous and mlsor-
, , able I would cry without the least reason -
son , and I noticed my eyesight was
getting poor-
" "After' using Postum a while , lob-
served Ul0 hendnches left mo nnd soon I
the belching at sour fiuld stopped ( wn-
tel' brash from dyspepsia ) . I feel de- '
cldedly dtrrerent now , and I am con-
\ vlnccd. that It Is because I stopped
coffee and began to use Postum. I cnn
see better now , my eyes are stronger.
"A frl'Jnd or mine did not lIke
Postum but when I told her to malee It
, 1\ke \ It said on the packag ' , she liked
It all right. " Name given by Postum
'Co. ' , Battle Creele , 1\1lch. \ Always boll .
Post'Jm well and I't wILt surprise you.
Head the JlttlQ book , " 'rho Road to
'Vellv1llo" In plegs. "Ther''s a rea , !
Jln. ; " I
. . .
I' @ 1 3Jl ! JJ . ' : . ! J -
. . . .
eJ :
, eJ"D - Jr
ffi A - -"D
. . . _ .Iii ! & . . _ wIiJJ _ . " . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0'.0' wt/5 _ " ' " , . , . . , , . , , , , .
, - If/UlUIIIU\\JIIi\\I\\UIc / \ \ \ \ \ \ >
. . . . ,
tI lI1unn/\UI / \
- . . . . 1
I . . . "o.R.n.Ar : AJ' I
The rapid development of the weat
nd the fact that the Indian Is no
longer a menace to the welfare and
mfety of the settlers has forced upon
lhe consciousness of the war depart.
ment the uselessness of longer maintaining -
taining many of the forts which hnvo
: lotted the western plains nnd moun-
tnln districts for years. For this rea-
50n many historic spots dear to the
novelist and the historian , but reaHy
jreaded by the common soldier , are to
pnss away , and of the 276 posts now In
9xl'stence from 100 to 150 w1l1 be nban-
This nctlon foHows a tour of In-
5pectlon and Investigation by Secretary -
tary Taft of the war departmcnt ,
which was undertnken for the two. fold
purpose of selecting sites for a clmln
: > f brigadier posts. . and the determinIng -
Ing WlU'cll of the minor posts could be
best dispensed with. It Is probable
that with the abandonment of the
posts eight or nine brigadier posts w1l1
be establlshed. '
Only a few days ago came the announcement -
nouncement of the abandonment of
[ 1'ort Niobrara , Nebraslm , around which
halt a century ago raged an almost In-
: : essant Indian warfare and which has
been the scene of many mi1ltary
romances. For several yenrs the government -
ernment has been aban onlng one by
: me of these frontier posts and con-
entratlng the troops nt the larger
forts. Recently there have been aban-
: loned these posts , once of Importance :
[ ; 'ort Brown , Texas ; Fort Grant , ArIzona -
zona : ; Fort Ringgold , Texas ; Fort
Yates , North Dalwta ; Allegheny Arsenal -
nal , Penns'lvanla ; Columbia Arsenal ,
Tennessee ; Indlanapolls Arsenal , Indiana -
diana , and Kennebec Arsenal , 1\Ialne.
"The purpose of these changes. "
said an army officer , "Is In accordance
with the general plnn of army reor-
ganization. It w111 be much less expensive -
pensive to maintain largo bodies at
men at central points than it Is to
maintain small scattered garrIsons
which are orten one or two hundred
mlles from the railroad and where the
supplies must be , traqsported by
"Furthermore , dlscfpllne can be
much better preserved and an army
raised to a higher degree of proficiency
when the men nre held In large bodies.
It Is belleved , too , that the soldiers ,
having mal'O companionship nnd mal'O
ommodlous quarte'rs In a largo fort ,
w111 be less 1I1wly to desert thnn when
stationed In lonely and remote places.
"Fort Ethan Allen , about six mIles
from Burllngton , Vt. , which was estab.
IIshed principally through the Infiu-
! ! Dce of Senator Redfield Proctor , w111
probably be made ono of the brigadier
posts of the east. The present reservation -
vation contains 962 acres , and when
the proposed additions are mnde to enlarge -
large the dr111 grounds It w111 cover
1.300 acres. Since Its estabh'shment ,
ilbout ten years ago , the government
hns spent close on to $2,000,000 on this
post. -
"Secretary Taft was very favorably
Impre sed. too , with Fort D. A. Rus-
5el1 , Wyoming. which Is the home of
Senator 'Varren , chairman of the sen-
' 1to commltteo on mllltary nffalrs. He
9.lso Inspected another Important post ,
[ ; 'ort Robinson , in Nebraslm. The selection -
lection of n large post for that part of
the country w111 most lm > bably bo
Dlade from these two. On the Pacific
coast Vancouver barracks , 'Vashlng-
ton ; the Presidio nt Monterey , Cn1. ,
and some fort In southern California
w111 likely be retnlned. Fort Oglo-
thorpe , Georgia ; Fort Douglas , Utah ,
and Fort D. H. Wright , Washington ,
nre also mentioned favorably as candidates -
didates for brlg dler honors.
"The secretary was especlally Impressed -
pressed with Forts Leavenworth and
Rlloy In Kansns , Fort Sill In Olda-
bomn and Fort Sam Houston , nenr San
Antonio. Tax.
"Ot course these brigadier posts
will not be the only nrmy posts that
the countr ' w111 maintain. Smnl1er
garrisons will be continued at such
forts ns Snel1ing , near St. Paul , and
Important points In the Interior nnd
along the coasts. But leaving these
: JUt there still remain nearly 150 posts
thnt can be disposed with without InJury -
Jury to the service. "
Fort Sill has for a number of years
been consldored one of the most I'm- '
portant posts of the Indian territory.
The reservation contains 60,000 acres ,
and adjoining this Is 40,000 am'es moro
which may bo used fOl' 111 III tar ) ' pur-
poses. The depnrtment plann to maleo
this esper-Ially a post for the Instruc.
tlon nnd training of field artlller ) ' .
Doth Rlloy nnd Len yen worth , the
two Kansas forts , have figured not
enl ) ' In the history o ! the state , but
111so fn tba development of the west. .
. ' ,
RUoy , near Junction City , has for the
last few : rears been the scene at ox'
tenslvo maneuvers of regulnrs , ns we11
as at the mllltia of Knnsas and neigh-
borl'ng stntes. 'fho reservation Is ex-
tenslvo and Is considered by army officers -
ficors ns especially adaptClI to the
dr111lng of largo bodies of men. 'l'ho
department has kept up hero for several -
oral years a school of Instruction In ,
army cooking.
The best Imown of a11 these forts Is
Leavenworth. It was established in
1847 on n bluff overlooldng the 1\I1s-
sourl river , and during the yenrs of ;
the settlement of the great west that
h'es between the Missouri and the
Roclty mountains It was the principal
depot of suppllos for the posts that-
sprang up on the plains for the protection -
tection of the settlers.
From here also were , sent out the
military escorts for the wagon trains
that crossed to the gold fields of Call-
fornla and Colorado and to the silver
mines of Mexico , thnt guarded the
wagon trains along the old Snnta Fo
trail and the pony express riders to
Denver and the mountain country.
'Hero some of the men who dl'd distinguished -
tinguished service durIng the civIl
war had their first training in nctunl
field duty. Gen. Lee was one of the
commandants of the post. Gen. Grant
served hero as a young officer , and
part of the old waH of the reservation
was bunt under his supervision.
In the army at the lresent time
there are few officers but have had
experlenco at Leavenworth , either on
duty there or ns students at ono of the
officers' schools. The town of Leaven- :
worth , ndjolnl'ng ' the post , Is jocularly :
lmown as the " at the
army , " for It Is n fact that Leavon-
worth has mnrrled more of her girls
to officers than any other town in the
countrY. - . .
Land forming part at this reservation -
tion , which was in the beginning verY.
extensive , has In some cases been sold
and In others appropriated for various
other purposes. The lnrgest at Unt'ted '
Stntes prisons , which houses n fnmous
collection of banlwrs , as weH ns ot
western desporadoes. Is situated here.
This has made necessary the pur.
chase of additional land to carry out
the plans of the department , and nu.
thorlzatlon will be asleed for the purchase -
chase at not mal'O than 6,000 acres.
The land that Is desired lies across
the Missouri river nnd is reached by
nn old bridge , one of the first bu11t In
the Missouri va11ey.
Ot a11 the Kansas f rts these two
are the only ones thnt remain. The
names ot others well lenown in frontier -
tier history nro preserved in the
names at the towns which grew up
under their protection , as Fort Dodgo.
Fort Scott and Hayes , Lamed and
Many of the old forts in the Indian
country , in the neighborhood at Little
Big Horn , have been abandoned , tor
Custer's red skinned fo s nre now
peaceful farmers , and the buUdl'ngs
that sheltered the troopers are In
many Instances converted Into schools
for their children.
With the capture ot Geronimo and
the removal at mnny of the southwest
trtbes to other reservntlons the usefulness -
fulness of the forts In ArIzona and
New l\lexlco was ended. Fort Grant ,
ono of the most Importnnt In the
southwest , was several years ngo I
abandoned. nnd Fort Apnche , Arl'zona ,
w111 soon be ovacuated.
Reno Is perhaps the best known ot
the Indian territory forts. It was built
years ago In the heart at the Cheyenne -
enne and Arapahoe country , and from
It troops were sent against the mnny
hostile tribes of northern Texas nnd
the Terrltory. Old army reglstors de-
scrtbo Its situation as " 164 mUes south'
ot Wlchltn , Kas. " ThQ route at the
wagon trnl'ns southward trom a 1'11.11-
way stntlon to Reno was ono at great
peril , and many trains were cnptured
by marauding bands of Indians.
A tragic Incident In the history of
the fort was the Hennessey mnssacre.
Pat Hennessey , an old frontiersman ,
was the driver In charge of a train at
supplles from Kansas. 'Vhen about
half the dlstanco to Reno he wns set
upon by Cheyennes.
He nnd his comrades pnrked their
wagons and for three days held their
enemy at a dfstanco. When troops
finally arrived from Reno for their relic -
lic ! a11 the men were dead and scalped ,
hut that they hud Bold their Uves dearly -
ly was attested by the number of dead
By the sldo of each mhn's body was
a lllle of empty cartridge sholls. Not
a single loaded one was found. Only
when the last shot was fired had the
them Indians succeeded In closing in on J
I < cep Your l l.ld Purc7
No ono can bo hnppy , light-hearted
and health ' with a body fun oC blool1
that cannot do Its duty to every II art
because of Its il11p\lrlt . : therefore , tlt. )
first 1\011 most Important wlrk In hamt
Is to purl ! ) ' the blood so that ever ) '
organ w111 got the run benefit of n
health ) ' cIrculation. ' 1'hero Is no rom.
edy so good IlS that ohl family rom.
cd ) ' , Brandroth's P11R. ! Each pill contains -
tains ono grain of the solld oxtrnct or
sarRapar111n blended with two grains
of a combination of 11111'0 Ilnlt mild
, "egetable productR , maldng It n blood
llUrlt1cr unexcelled In clmrnctm' . One
or two talen e\'ery night for awhile
will produce surprising results.
Brandreth's P111s Imvo been In usa
for 0\01' century , 111111 are for sale
Q\'or'whero , plain or sugar.coated.
- -
Those things on which philosoph ) '
has Bet Its seal are bo 'ond the reach
of Injury ; no ago wl11 discard thorn or
lessen their force. each succeeding
century will nth1 somewhat to the 1'0'
spect In which they ara hold : for we
look upon whnt Is near us with jeal.
ous eyes , but wo admire what Is
farther ort with loss proJudlce.-Sen.
- - - - - - - - -
ChInese Superior to Japs.
Discussing the little rumpus with
Japan , Senator William A. Clarlt expresses -
presses the opinion the Chinese In
this country nre superior to the Jap-
anese. " 111a\0 loaned thousands of
dollars to Chlnamon. " said the senator -
tor , "and novoI' have I Imown ono to
fall to meet his obligations. " Ho em.
pllllsized his opinion ns to the suporlor-
Ity of the Chinamen by call1ng atten.
tlon to the fact that the JapI\ncso In
tholr banltlng Institutions employ
Chinamen In positions ot trust In
preference to tholr own countrymen.
fands ! Cracked Md Bleeding-Nail
C 1me Ofr of Flnger-Cutlcur:1 : "Rem.
cdles Brouoht Prompt Relief ,
"I had eczema an 111)- hands for
p.bout ele\'en ) 'ears. The hands crnclt-
I.d ! open In many 11laces amI bled. One
of my fingers was so bad that the
nail came off. I had often heard of
curbs b ) ' the Cutlcura Remedies , but
had no confidence III them as I had
tried so many renedles , and they all
had fallcd to cure me. I had seen
three doctors , bnt got 110 relief. Pinal-
ly my husband said that wo would
try the Cutlcura Hemedles , so wo got
n calo of CuUCUl'U 80a11 , a box of
Cutlc\lra Ointment , and two bottles
of Cutlcura llesolvent Pills. Of course
I l\Oell CutlCUl'll Soap all the time for
my hands , but the o o cnl\C of 80ap
and half a box , of Cutlcum Ointment
cured them. It Is surely a blessing
for 1110 to ha\'o my hands we11 , and I
nm very. proud of having tl'ied Cut ! .
cum Remedies , and recommeml them
to all suffel'lng with eczema. Mrs ,
Eliza A. Wiley. H , F. D , o. 2 , Lis.
' ( ' . . . . . . " ' , , , . . .
COlIlb , 10\\11
Horses Stili In Demand ,
Happily the horse has a faculty for
upsetting the gloomy predictions that
ho Is fated to bo put out of business
by the automobile. The horse buslnoss
has l\Opt rIght on developing In spite
of the fnct that the automobllo Indus.
try has been engaged in similar un-
dertaldng. The demand for horses Is
still great. The supply ot some
classes of them Is 1:1Udequnte. The
prices nro high. The automobl1o may
scnro the horse Into the ditch , but
It Isn't 1I1 < ely to crowd him to the wa11.
There will nlways 'bo a field for the
horse , as there wIU always be n field
tor the automoblle.-Hnrtford Tlmos.
- - - -
Rothschlldll Never Prosecute.
While the Bank of England maltes
It a poi'nt never under any circumstances -
stances to rellnClulsh the prosecution
ot those who have defrauded It In the
slightest degree , being willing. If need
be , to spend thousands ot pounds to
capture and prosecute people who
have robbed It of even a tew sh11llngs ,
the Rothschllds maleo It a rule never
to appeal to the courts or to the 1)01Ice
In such matters. Ot course , they are ,
lIke every other bankoI' , occasi'ona11y
the victims ot dishonesty , but neither
the pollco nor the public ever heal'
about the matter. This hns alwa's
been a principle of the heads of the
house , who talto the ground that It Is
better to bear the loss In slloaco than
to disturb popular confldenco In the
safety of the concern by n110wlng It
to bo seen that Its treasures nre not
adequately safeguardod.
Guarantee On Their Producte.
We warrant and guarantee thnt
an packages of Postum Cereal , Grape-
Nuts and glljah's Mnnnn hereafter sold
by any jobber or retnller , comp1y WIth
the provisions of tl1e National PUfO ,
Food Law , and are not and ahal1 not
be adulterated , 01' mls.branded within
the nie nlng at said Act of Congress
approved June 30 , 1906. and entlt ed.
"An nct for preventing the manufacture -
ture , sale or transportation of adul.
terated or mls.branded or poisonous or
deleterious foods , drugs , medicines ,
Ih1uors , and for regulating traffic therein -
in for other purposes. "
POSTUM Cr.m.u , Co. , T"TD.
C.V. . POST , Chalrmnn ,
Battle Creek , 1\Ilch.
Dec. 12 , 1906.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 15th day of December , 1906.
Notary Public.
My commission expires J ly I , 1907.
Our goods are pure , the ' always
have been and always w11I be , the ) ' are
not mls.hranded. Wo hnvo always
since the bcglnnlng of our business ,
printed n truthful statement on the
pacltnges of the Ingredients contained
the rem nnd we stant ! bacle ot VCJ'1
Dacka e.
( ,
- . .
Art In Hand.MLtde Articles.
Oscar S. Straus , the new ( ) cretnry
of commerce nnd Inhor , Is a corl1loltl.
sour of 1I0ttery and porcelains. "Ma.
Jhlnery ) , " he said , "hns robbed \IS of
our \lstul art a to n Grent oxtent. In
machlno.mnde things there can be no
artistic quality , no Individual oxpres-
slon. In hnl1l1madc
things , even the I
humblest , there Is always an oppor.
tunity for I1rt to show ItsoIt. "
. .
- - - -
, No Advance In Windom.
MllI'lt Twain tells how fOllr years I
nGo ho wnR InvHed by the UnIversity I
of l\t1ssourl to go ollt there and recelvo
the degree of LL. D. At the sarno .t1mo . I
ho visited Hannibal , his boyhood I
homo. Just 119 ho wes about to leave , i
bolnl-t accompanied to the station by a '
crowd of cltlzcns , Tom Nash , a school. !
follow , came up-whlto headed , but :
sUU a bo ) ' . He shook hands with his
friend of many a year and nodding
toward the crowd snld : "Peoplo of i
this town are the same blamCll fools :
they I1lwl1YS were , ain't they , Sam 1"
10. _ - . . - . . . . . . . . . - - ,
W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO.1 , 1907.
_ _ _
Posltivoly cu.-cd by
. '
t11CJ0 ! Llttlo 1111111.
1\ 'l'hcY' also tcUOTO Dts-
trcl3 trom DYBPcpsl In.
.TTLE . dl estlonnndToonelUt1
I V ED EAtlni. ! A pcrtcc rem-
tr\\ cd1 tor Dltl.ncss. NC\
PI LLS. DrowslncsJ : , Dat1 'l'nsh
In the : Moull1. Coma
Tongue , 1'l\In In Ute Bld
TOHl'ID LtyP.t Th
rcgutnto the DOTrCts. l'urely Vcgotnbllk
CARTERS Gcnliina Fac-Similo Must Bear
' aVER - Signature , .
- - - - - - -
Canadian Government
. ' Free Farms
, t !
' ' '
't. : 4'Jfta'i1J O"cr 200,000 Al1Ierlcll
< < : ' ' " f fnrl1letll who hU,1 ! d-
W " 61'"H.f tied III C\II:1da tlllrlhif
J"A . ' the pMI fe , , , Yl' UII tCIII
" fy to the fnetthat Clln" .
dn Is , beyollll que.Uou ,
tbe : Irealut ( "rmln laOll fulhe world.
of whcat from the harvest ot 1906 meRIIS good
mOllcy to the rnrlllera of Western CRnRda ' 'fhen '
lho worhl lI:1sto be : ted. Callie : IhlsllIg Dalry-
Ilig Rnd Mlxclll'lrmllllC Rre also ' call.
1111':11. : Coni , ' 'footl ' nOlI wlter II nlllllldallle : .
churchel ! RIIII Rchools cOllvelllellt ; markelll ellS ,
of RecellS. Tnxes 1m" .
lIar mlvlce Rlld Illformntlon RtlllreslI the Super.
IlIten ellt or Il1Im1r.rnUolI , OUnwR , Cnllndn. 0'
" nUlhnrlr.etl CllIlldlnll Governmellt ' .
RII ) : Al'enl.
W. V. DENNETT , SOl New York Ufe nildier.
Om ba , Nebraska.
onllull tor tUllr rellrs YO'I nl ( mDn of & :0011
clllulLclur 111111 s01l11 < 1 lhr811'111 oondltloll boo
t''fOOIl ' the ail'S ot 11 ( IIHI IISllPl'romleo lien-
11I011nl1llortunltlu \ tor ndvllncolllulltl I'IIY
1111 to 110I 1I101lth. meclr1cllln , . mlLcbln ! > l" ,
blllOkSlllltbs , , yeolllon Iclerks ) .
CluI.elliors , hhlll , \ tiers , tlrelllclI , l"IISll'llIn. .
cooks. DID , . bet"eell 21 RIIII 6 yeRrs , onllslet'
III 81100lRI rllln\ls : \ "llh IIlIltlLbln 1'1111 h08 > IInl
nl'rullllcI'S , 111 10 211 rOlLn. lteUrUlIIl'1I [ ( ) n
thr o-follrlhs I'IIT nn < l nllo"nllr 8 nfler JIll
yellrs servlco. .AIpllcaDI8I11ulL bD Aruorlcau ! r"lolbln" Olllnt troD 10 reorults. Upon
.tbchnr/u / travel nllUlfllllcn 4 centll"rr mlle ' 0
\11111'0 \ lit ! 1I1I1RtmclIl. Unnuh tOllr 1II0111hs' I.ny
IIntllliorclIso IIIIllY \ IIpon ru'ellllslment'wlthin
four mOlltha or < ! lschurllu. Onlces n. . J.lncolll
nnrt 11:1"111111" : . Nohrnbkll , Also. clllrlllu"llIlor. ,
I.t " " " Mnlnr"III' < I Hhu % (11\ . I < ) w'l. Alhlrl'"s
- - - - - - - - - - - -
, , , -NU 8\.I.11 ON
- .
FARUS II' " OR REtlTNU - . " . . .
, J. lI1VLII.'lII ' , . HlO\JX I-aIm. , .
You save money
and avoid failures in your
baking if you use
25 ounc s for 25 cents
Here is true economy . You cannot
be sure every t 1ne or have your
food dainty , tasty and wholesome - -
some if you pay less or
accept a substitute.
.JAQUES MFG. . co.
Nothing pleases the eye so mach
aE a well made , dainty
if properly laundered ,
To gel the best results
it is necessary to use
the best laundry
, Starch
; ; . gives that finish to the
clothes Ihat all ladies
: desire and should ob-
: : taint It is the delight
: . : of the experienced
laundress. Once tried
they will use noolher. It is pure and
is guaranteed not to injure the most
, elicale labric. It is sold by the
best grocers at IOC a package. Each
packagu contains 16 ounces. Other
starches , not nearly so goo , sell at
the same price per package , but Ihey contain only 12 ounces of starch _
Consult your own interests. Ask for DEFIANCE STARCH , get it , and we
know you will never use any olher.
Defiance Starch Company , Onuaha , Neb.
$11 000 00 REWARD' Paid for the proof of nnr mlsreprescnt. .
' ' '
F AL FUR R f 'S'Uu 'N D
In the GULF COADT COUNTRY IN GOUTII TIXAS. Our Farmers make lure croM of ( rom 10 S300.oo per Bcre. Bnd two or lhree crops a year. SUFFICIENT RAINFALL. PRODUCTIVE -
IIko In the Pan bandle. Land 80lls NOW at S..oo to S3oo per acro. on casy terms. WRITB TO-
DA V for FRLm LITlmATUHE and LATEST TEXAS MAl' . dverllslnlr Deparlrnent D.