Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 10, 1907, Image 4

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    \ 1"tJ
. . ONIt DOI.I.AR l'KR YnAn.
One colullln. lIer monlh. $7.00. Ol1ehall
( ; OIUIIII1. per lIIulllh. f , lQnarler colunll. I'er
nlOnUI. fl.W. l.e..s Ihall quarler COIUIIIII. ( ,0
'cenl. Ilcr Illch per lIIontl1. 1
Carth on finl Ilallc IJO cenls per Ilich lIer
I.ucal alivertilltlil S cenl. per line each Illser-
tlon.NOllce or church raIn. AoclnblcM nlld cnlcr.
tnlnlUenlB when. ! moncy 1'1 cl1arllcll , olle.haH
rale. .
f'oclet1' noticellnlllt resoIUllon'lun".ha Ir mleR.
WI'd,1I1I1I' notUolM free. hat ! prlcc fur IIsl or
presentR ,
Death lIutlces tree. hl.t ! price ror publlshhur
obituary nollces.
Canlor ThnnkR. SO cenls.
IcIlIIIIIUllcCfI al rnle. pro\'lded by Rtnillte'l or
U. M. td\I BEnnV. . . . . . . PUbtlanor
CJHAS. \ , DASSETT. . . . Assoolato
, Thursday , Jan , 10 , 1907.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - -
And now comcs thc annonncc-
ment that beer is to he macIe in
tablct form. This is productive I
of great possibilities and will 1
appeal strongly to thc man who
likcs a "schnit" and docs not
want it known , for all that will I
be ncccssary to do will be to
swallow a Itablet and as it dis.
solvcs the foamin proccss will
be inagurated in hIS stomach and
the sensation produed be very
exhlliarating. If he wants a
"mug" of beer , two tablcts and
three for I a "schooner. " Or he
" f - - , can carry thcm in his pocket ,
; dissolve them whenever he finds
't ' : water , pnt his foot on the lower
J wire of a ncarby fcnce and , as hc
: , ' drinks the foaming Huid , imagine
he's stauding at a gilded bar , the
sky and landscape a bevel plate
For many years there seemcd
to be about as little da.nger in
traveling on the cars as in staying -
ing at home , but in the past year
the conditions changcd , aud there
were a frightful number of ( lis-
astrolts collisions. Something is
wrong and it behoovcs HIe railroad - i
road companies to delve deep toi
right it and get back to cou-
ditions which existed a few years
ago - before their wholcsale
slaughtcr of passengers com-
menced-and is be111g continued.
- -
Many rcasons are allegcd for
thc numerous railway accidents
of recent years which have been
attended with a frightful loss of
life , but one thing is certain they
cannot be laid to the new railroad
rate law.
. . .
- - - - - - -
Some Bu.ine. . .
During the ) 'ear lYO ( , County
Judge Humphrey was kcpt busy
enough to carn his salary-and
tuen some. He informs the RE-
PUDI.ICAN that during the year he
issued ' 206 marriage licenses and
tried 78 state cases , 5 adoption
cases and 62 ci vil and criminal
Mnrringe. .
SJlII'l'lI-DuNNIs-At the rcsi-
dence of the bride's father , Mr.
D. C. Herrick , in Broken Bow ,
Nebr. , at 3 o'clock p. m. , Sunday ,
January 6 , 1907 , the marriage of
Mr. 'l'homas A. Smith and Mr .
Ellen R. Dennis 'was solemnized
by Rev. J. R. Teagarden. Mr.
Smith is a prosperous farmcr of
Round Valley and there the
couple will rcsi c.
Saturday , January 5 , 1907 , in
Broken Bow , Nebr. , Mr. Edward
F. McClure and Miss Amy Cunningham -
ningham were united in marriag-e
at the home of the bride's uncle ,
Mr. T. W. Edwards , the ceremony -
mony being performed by Hev.
Mitchell , of thc Presbyterian
church , in the prescnce of relatives -
tives only. Following the mystIc
words that binds , a sumptions
repast was scn'ed aad mcrriment
reIgned. Mr. McClure is proprietor -
prietor of the City flour mill an (
had a home 111 readiness tor the
bride to which thcy went and
begun houset < ecping at oncc.
Chriatian Church.
.iWe thank the , gracious
Father , that Our lives havc bcen
spared to this moment. "
Good sermons and good singing
each Sunday morning and even-
ing. B sure and be with us.
Special Meeting. .
Revival serces every evening
at the U. B. Church , conductcd
by Evangelist L. E. Baumgard-
ner , of Iowa.
Quarterly conference ncxt
Saturday at 2:30 : p. m. Hegular
services on Sunday , Elder Miller
will be prcsent.
Card. of Thanka.
We sincerely thank the neighbors -
bors and fr < : nds and also the
Woodman lodge , who so kiudly
assisted us during the sickness
and burial of our dear husband
and parent.
For Sale.
Four room hOl\se and lots.
Enquir of Concannon. 28-31
. . .
" ; .
- - - _ . . , . [ < IP' _ _ . ' _ - , " < , . , , . .
- , . . - , " . , . , -
- - -
Weak Lungs
. -A _ -ml. . . _ r . . - _ _ _ .
For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Pectornl for coughs , colds ,
weak lungs , bronchitis , con-
sumption. YC\u \ can trust n
medicine the best doctrs ap-
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have 0 hard cough.
" 111Rlnll "wtlll cOlIlh tor over A YOl\r , AIII
lIolhltlK "p"lIIell 10 , III " ' ' ' 1111) KOo,1. I HII'll
A'cr' " Cherry l'etlornl ! RIIII WRS " 01111 CllrI'tI.
I rocnllllllClltl It III 1111 " , y hleillb " . ! lPllOver
lIIOY Juno " ( ' 11111(11. " - MItiS lit. MK\'EIt8 ,
\\'l\lhllllllllll , II. U.
.w. . . . . . . . . . , _ _ . . . . _ " ! .4" 11 _ . .
. by J. O. Avpr' : 00 , . Iowell , t. . . .
AI"o manur.oturore or , SA SAI'ARILLA.
Ayor'G PIII9 keep the bowels rogular.
All vocotablo and tnntly laxatlvo.
' : :
- - - - - - - -
ThlevoD In Broken Bow.
Sneak thieves g-ained an en-
trancc to Kcnncdy's hard ware
store through a rear window , last
night , whcre they secured somc
revolvers and tmivcs , and then
chiseled out a pane of glass in a
window in H.yerson's storc
through which they cntcred and
burgled a few tdn } < cts , about
two dollars in small charge , a
dimes worth of cheese and maybe
other minor articles in value
equal to a paper of pins. A clue
is thought to have bcen dis-
covercd and a sheritT's posse and
the entire city lJolice and detec-
ti ve force has been detailcd en
the scent of the bold and daring
thieves who , aftcr committing
such an cxtensivc robbery , will
undoubtcdly shoot to kill-if
they shoot.
Well Plenaed With Custer County.
G. Bowen , of Lomax , in .
ing a 'business letter to the Rn-
l'UIJDICAN , after extending the
compliments of the season to the
RUPUIJI.ICAN force , adds that he
is not at all sorry he loca ed in
the Wood River valley. He says
the soil is as prod ucti ve as can be
found anywhere. In speaking of
their school he says they had a
fine school this winter under the
able and lIefficient direction of
Miss Mable Cole , of Broken Bow.
He says . land has doubled in value
in thc. past thrce years since he
located therc. He livcs within
two mites of Lomax and has a
fiuc location , known as the River
Side Stock Farm.
. A Shooting Scrnpe.
Tuesday word was sent to this city from
Callaway that Uj Smith. aged 27. had
shot allll illstllnUy killed Hellry Grant.
II1nll , aged 45 , in a quarrel over a ) anl1
deal. The facts , deducted , froUl the story
told by each of thc mcn , are these :
Smith and Grantmnn have becn job-lot
farming togethcr on a piccc ot land belonging -
longing to Grantman allll two rcntcd
} , one containing 35 acrus. leased
rom Jakc Seanc > , . Smith claimcll all
of the corn on tins piecc IItlll Grnntwan
claimcd a share in It. Smith hoa bcen
away for a couplc of months amI , upon
returning ten days ago , found Groatwun
had becn picking corn on the
35 acre piecc. Tuesday Smith , accom.
panicd hy Alhert Stcvcnson. wcnt to the
placc and found Grantwan > icking.
whereupon thcre was IIn abun J Ilnce of
warm talk , Smith ordering Grnntman off
the placc amI he rcfusing to go. Smith
finally produced the revolvcr and fircd at
his recent s lle partncr , but missed him.
Smith sa"s hc llid this to SCAre Grotman ,
hut that gentleman secms to have Icft
his scam togs at home , for hc stnrted at
Smith , who was in a buggy , whcn hc
fircd again , this time thc bullct striking
Grnntman on thc shoulder and , glancing
cmnc Ollt about three inches from tl e
cntry spot. producing only a flesh wOllnd
which will not prove scrious unless
blood-poison sets in.
Smith was found at the home of his
father. About 3 miles from thc scene of
shooting \\hich WAS near Milldale. 25
miles straight wcst of Broken Bow ,
anll brought herc ycsterday. lIc will be
arraigncd for a prliminnry hearing to.
Farmera Lumber and Coal Co.
Agrceable to 0 call about scvelity.five
farmers assemblcd at the court housc last
SatunlAY aftcrnoon for the purpose of
considering thc fcasibility of establishing
a lumbcr aud coal yanl iu Brokcn Bow.
Thc meetillg was called to order by J.
D. Rcam. who stated the object aud that
thc election of a chairman atlll se , retnry
were in onlcr , whereupon Mr. Ream wns
elected chainllan antI C. W. Beal. secy.
Judge SuUi\'an WAS callcd and ma e a
vigorous appeal for or aui7.ation for pro.
tection against hc nunonsly high trust
prlccs now chargell for lumber and coal
111\\1 in this projcct hc saw a ray of light-
lIe stated the plans so far as formulatcd
as being to orgltnize with a capitlll of
$20Ooo-t\\0 hundred shares atlee each ,
fully paid and non-asscssablc , no enc
person to bc allowcd to own more than
two sharcs. Fort ' -scven sharcs had al.
rcad ) ' hecn subscnbcll.
II Lomax upon request hAd examincd
the railroad books showing receipts of
cars ot coal and the cost and the sclling
price in comparison anll read the results
of his invcstigatlon. One of the itcms
rend was six : cars of Nigger.hcad coal
rcceived , cost /.7 . pcr ton and retallcd at
$8.50. Another It m that during slim-
mcr dcalcrs .pay 50 cents pcr Ion less
thltn in winter.
1m Armstrong st < 1ted that in October
W.ilson Bros. paid 5.75 .pcr ton for
Nlggcr-head and sold it at f ,
John G. l > ainter thought it was best to
strike at the root and go after the whole. :
sale combine instead of the local retail
. . '
_ . - ,
- 111IIII
- .
. -
. . , ' -
- -
I dcnlers 'wllo could 210t prevent the : com.
I hine priccs ,
Ray Skinncr warmcd up atHl 1111111 hc
I believed thcy ought to orgnnlzc nnd gct
in thc cOlll lnc-"get in the ring"-and
I told how the farmer ! nt Shelby. Iown ,
organi7ed and thc rrsults.
I I\t r. Phillips. nit illllcpellll"nt dcaler lit
Ansll'Y ga\'c his a 11I1.taft'll /
thn he hlllit becn ab \ e to holtl his own
with the local dca1crs In the combine in.
flucncc anll that he started with only
* 3.o o Inst spring.
Judgc Sullivan spoke again l\IId during
his rcmnrksculogized Presidcnt Rooscvclt
for the back.bone he had shown M
against the trusts anll com lnes amI
hoped he'd bc givcn an opportunity to
cast a votc for him ncxt year. I
'I'hose prescnt who dcsircd to subscribe
for stock wcrc thcn givcn IIn opportunity
alld thc mccting t\lljourncd subjcct to call
of thc chairman which would be for
organ 1.ation.
l'nroline 1Iuldah JoncsIns born in
Urie county , New YOlk , Scptcmber 22.
18..5 . : united III marringe with Jamcs
Carlos at lonia , Mich. , Jan. 2 , 1870 : died
at Broken Dow , Nebraska , Jan. 3. 1907.
rle : deceased. in thc ycar 1868 , ac.
cJmpnnicd her parents whcn thcy moved
from New York state to lonia , Mich. ,
whcre she lcslded until thc fall following
her marriagc with Mr. Carlos wh n thcy
camc to Nebraska and IIcttlcd near whcrc
th" , city of Itricnd , in Saline county. is
nolV located , which at that timc wns wild
In the spring of 1883 they movcd to
this county. locating in the castern part
whcre they rcsidcll for fiftcen years , mov
ing to Broken Bow in the spring of 1898 ,
sincc which datc thcy have becn one of
thc most highly estecmed families in thc
city. and the good deeds IInd charitable
ncts of the deceased wcre innumcrablc I
and who. despite physical suffering , was i
( : vcr alcrt to cxtct1tJ. snccor and cheering. .
words to the down-hcarted and thosc of
her fricnds and acquaintanccs whom she
thought in distrcss. She was posscssed
of a loving , sympathetic natnrc , and
kind-heartedness to an cxtremc , a dutiful -
ful , honore atlll denrly loved wife and
About twcnty years ago u goitre com-
mcnccd forming in her throat and mcdi-
cal aid has been administercd all thcse
ycars. but from this cause her death en.
suell. having becn tl great sufTcrcr-'et a
paticnt one-during thc past two years.
Shc leaves to monrn hcr dcmise the
husband atlll two chilllrClf , 1\Irs : A. l\f.
Snydcr. of Brokcn Bow. auel C. E. Carlos ,
managcr for thc Indcpendent tclephollc
company at Hastings , Ncbraska.
FuncrAl serviccs. by hcr rcqucst. were
held at the rcsidcnce and conducted by
Mr. J. E. Sargcnt , of Ansley. one of the
earlicit , and most intimate fricnds of the
family. the attendancc being quite lar c-
With thc bereaved family thc commulnty
deeply sympathizc.
We desirc to extend our sincere thanks
to the many neighbors and fricn s for the
kindly assistance and sympathy tcndered
to IUS during thc sickness , dlath aud
and burial of our bcloved wife and
mother. JA ms CARI.OS.
MRS. A. 1\1. SNYDER.
lIt loRIAJ. .
Onc of our number. Mrs" . Carotin c
Carlos. has just pa1sed thc portal we call
death into thc life bcyond.
A toiler amid thc vicissitudcs of thc
hour , striving evcr to clothc and brigh. ,
ten the rude Iluties and trials of this pres-
cnt world , with the bcaut . and harmony.
of th-c ideal. hcrs was tl charact r that
hclpcd and bcttcrcd all with , \hon it
cnme in contact.
Wc. in mccting asscmblcd tins I after-
noon. dcsire to express our love amI
honor for the life of thc dcar aistcr who
has passed "beyond. " and to extend our
sympathy to hcr family in their great
bereavcll1cnt. Remcmbcr who said ,
"Come unto mc. " CI.ARA A. YOUNG ,
Committce for llroken Dow
Political Equality Club.
January 30th and 3I1t Are the Dates
Nnmed for the Broken Bow Meet.
ing. Good Spenlera.
Secretary Jeffords , of the BroKen
Bow Farmers Inttitute informs us that
wo will have five state speakers for the'
Januury meeting und thut tbo coming
instltuto will probably bo the best one
ever held in rokon ow. The full
progrum will bo unnouncoll next wcek.
A fcaturo of this meotlng will be the
corn oxhiblt.
The Corn Contout.
Is t. nel.
For the 10nKest oar of corn $2,00 LOU
For the largest ear of corn 2.00 1.00
The size of tbo enr to bo determined
by multiplying the circumference of the
middle of the eur by the length of the
I\ .
For the best ton ears of COl'11 18t. .OO
2nd. $3.00 3rd. $2.00 ,
For the most Jlerfect ear of co 1'11. 1st.
$3.UO. 2nd. 2.00 , 31'd. 1.00.
U'tho premium for the host ton cars
of COl'11 or for the most p&rfect eur of
corn Is socm'ed by a boy or Irl tltuel'
fifteen veal' ! ! of ugo the promlUm to 00
puitl will be increased one dolu' ) above
that olTored ,
The premiums for the best ton oars
of C01'n and the most wrloct ca\ ' will bo
awurde under the fol } owing score ca\'d
which 1m ! ! been adoptee ! by the Nobras'I 'I
ka COl'n Impl'ovo\'s Association. .
All corn eompotlng for the ubove
111-omiums nlust huvo been grown In
Cn31m' caunt ' d\lring the yeur 11JUtl.
No elof COl'11 competing fOI' one
premium will be oleglblo to ontl'y for
UII ) ' othOl' promium. .
- - - !
The uwn\'d will be made by a com.
mltteo of th\'ee.
P01NTs-Unifol'mity : of exhibit 10.
Sll\p of ears 10. Color of cob li. Calm'
of kernels li , Market conditions 10. I
'l'ips of eil'S 5. Butts of ears 5. Uniformity -
formity ofkol'nes ! 10. ShuJlo of kernels I
10. Space between kernels 5. Weight I
of graill 2ti. Total 100. I :
United Statcs Iand OOicc. l
IIrokcn IIuw. N\.raska. JalUlar1' 10 , 1907 , r , .
Notice III hereby Ifh"CII that Jl SSI AII.- I
lIRHjJl'l' . of IIrokcn lIow , Ncbraska. has hied I
1I0tlc ! ! of his IlIlenlloli 10 lIIak ! ! IIl1al 5 1"lar I
proof III SUllllort or his claim. vl : HomeSlead
1I1fNo. . H'J made April 11,11))1. for till ! IIW I
section 12. towlIsl1lp 111 Dorth ran ! : ! : 21 wesl an,1 !
that said pruof will be made bdoro re lsler .uld
r4'celver. at Uroken lIow. on Y'cbruary , lb. 1907.
110 names the foUowlnll' Wlluesses to provo his .
continuous lesldenco upan , and cultivation of
the land vl : Geofle 'l'enIPlar. of rokru Dow , I
Nebra8ka : Albert Swick. of Droken Dow. Ne- ,
bra.ka ; Alonlo Calon , or Dr9ken Bow , Nebraska -
ka : Fre < 1 Druck. or Merna. ebraska.
,31-36 JOUN . RBRIiB. RCiI'lstef.
J. . .
- .
- . - . . . - - - -
Some People Think
there is no oth ( ' ] ' eount.ry but thpir prpsent abode.
I.Jct Ine t.ell ) ' 011 that the
is coming to the front ft'ster than an.y other see. . . ,
tion of the United States. Emigration has been
West ! West ! West ! but now it is
S uth - South - South , .
1700 excursionists came to San Antonio on the
January 1st excursion ,
, ,
COME TAKE A TRI : ! ? WITH ME . - - - :
Tuesday , Jan. 15 , , 07 \ /
Only $30.80 fur tIle Rounel Trip
lasting 30 days , and be convinced that there are
other lands , . j
$300 In ten acres of land , 'VhlCh" set out to figs , I }
'YOU I d bring you u revenue of $50 pel' acre the \I
econd year and $200 pel' acre the third year and :
each succeeding year. I can show JOU , and besides - \
sides , a very fine climate , a place to lIve. , , '
Send for Illustrated. P mphlets : describing our Alamo
: Beach property of 40 O .
ac.ras. . . '
" '
. WilliS Cadwell. . ,
Frequently each month to
b01l1eseekers territory.
To Colorado , California and all
Southern resorts. Personalty
conducted California excur-
To Salt Lake City , January
15 , 16 , 17.
To Denver , Jan. 20 , 21 , 22.
Write for folder describing how
to obtain free 640 acres of
goverment land in Nebraska
Jor mixed farming and dairying
' 4A Good Dairv District , " "The
Big Horn , asin , " "Irrigatcd
Lands in the Billings District , "
" "Eastern ' "
Colorado , IPersonal-
ily Conductcd Cahfornia Excursions -
-sions " and " 1'0
, the Great
Northwest. "
Inquire for Details.
II. L. OIUlISIIY , Ticket Agent.
L.'VAKUI.ny , G. P. A.
Omaha , Nebraska.
- -
B S T R , U C TOR 0 F PIAN 0 . FOR T E ,
Classcs in Theory of Music , Harmony
' : and Kindcrgartcn.
Piano lessons of 40 minntes , 50 cents
'per le'son , payable monthly. '
In Glein. & l\1yers block.
llroken llow , .
- - - Nehraska.
EyeEarNose , Throat
: nd Ohronic Diseases ,
Fitting of Glasses.
Office in Rcalty block.
: O.H. . OONRAD.
i . . . . . .Doalor In. . . . .
! il"'I.mpa. WInd. Mllte , TAnke , Flttlngl , G aollne
I Raglntlll , etO. etc.
- \ Droken Bow , Nobraetta.
. -
. . . . .
. - - - _ I
Clothing at Cost , !
Be sure you see
MEVIS a , CO. ,
for OLOTHING and OV ] HOOATS. Fspec-
ially those lines to be cloed out at cost. \ I
Largest Stock of i
Misses Shoes '
in Broken Bow.
,4 I
Ladies , Misses and. Childr n's !
Shoes a Specialty.
'I '
, 1
- t'lt , .
D. C. KONKEL. ' \
. . . . . . )
- : - : : ; #
" , ' . 1) ) . ' ) . ; .
. .
; . .lt . .
. , . . " . : . " 1 t' "n , . rt .
r' ' . \ , , , , , , :
. . - ' . , .
. . - , . . . .