" , , , - , - - v J. _ . . - Ll - - - - - - - - ! ' * - ' 'J ' . ' [ CUBAN REVOLUTION - I _ _ I I ' \ ' \ , V I't I' t AU . 21-Uprlslng at Insur cnts III western - ern Cuba. 23-R e vol uti a n spreads ani } government - I ernment decides to ralso ] 0,000 men to' ' fight rebels : 7,000 Insurgents under nrms In Plnar del Rio province. 24-lIenvy flghUn ! : In Plnar 11el Rio pro\'lnce , 2G-Bnnll at ] 00 In- 8unents : loot Lns : Lajus , Santa Clara , province. , 29-Govel'nment ot- fers amnest } . al1l1 mnllY leaders In Provinces of Ma- In. . . . . . . . n..1 n..tn. Secretary 'raCt. - r-- : . iiir s rr nd . flep. 100Crulser Dcs Moines salls tor I Cuba. f. 13-8allors land tram Cruiser Denver at Havana but Immediately ordered to return - turn to vessel : cuard tor American legation - . tion lott. ' .1 1C-Presldent decides to send Sec. of 'Var TUft and Assist. Sec. at State Dacon to r Cuba to InvesUgate conditions and lend Infiuence to restore peace..Extro 8es- i , Rlon ot Cubnn congress grants Pres. Palma tulest power to carryon war . \ a alnst Insurgents. I" 15Pnma orders suspension ot hostilties. \ I&Tar and Dacon arrive at Havana and begin etorts for peace. I5Indlcatons are that Amerlcln Inter- . . . venton . wi be necessary to l'estore \ Amerlcan Interventon occurs ; Sec. I Tar Issues proclamnton creating him- 1 , lel provisional miiary governor : ma- ' ' rlnes . landed In Havana to protect treas- 1'1 ) ur.Palma resigns presidency. Oct. 5Amerlcan troops landed at I Havana. Quiety I " ) SChas. E. Magoon , newly appointed pro- , 'Islonal governor at Cuba , arived at I Havana. . .Gov. Tatt Issues Generl am- r nesty decree. i 1-Secretary ot War Tar. AMlstnnt Sec- I retary at State Dacon Gen. Funston and arrive In " /ashlngton ' party Inashlngton from Cuba. I' Arms at Cuban InsurGents thrown Into , sea from Morro Caste. \ I SEIS DIS RnAN ES ( ' > ' Feb. 23-Mont Pelee In vIolent eruption. . f'V , Earthquake shoclls create panic . ( . throughout 'Vcst IndIes. Apr. 18-Earthquake and ensuIng fre I ruins heart ot San Frncisco : property I damage placed at $200,0.0 ; 5,000 pea- pie homeless : 15.000 buldln s In ruins : , 20,000 persuns Injured : loss at lte : damage - age extend ! along the entre Pacllc 19Congress coast appropriates $ ] ,000,00 for sut- J ferers. ' ! 3-Last of Frisco fires extinGuIshed : congress - gress provides $1.500.000 more for relct J' of quake victims. I5Presldent shlfl' authority at relef 1 work to San Francsco citzens , wIth Red Cross as auxiary. j I-War department sends 2,500 troops to I. San Fancisco. . : 2-Flrst street cars run across clt ) . May 8-Presldent recommends approprIa- ton of addItional $500.0 fO' quake vlc- tms..Vesuvlus acaln showlns consld , crable activity. J Jul. 18Socorro , N. M. , badly damased b ; earthQualle. Aug. ] 7-Dsastrous earthqualte visits Val. . I p8ralso. Chi : fatalties cltmated al . .o ; property loss $250,0,00 : several other towns In country In ruins ; rai. II . roads al destroyed : town at QUlota wih populaton of 10,000 completely de. Btoyed. Bep. 2-Snn Juan. Porto Rico. experIences series ot earthquake shoclt. L CRI E I G , I ) , ' . - - - - - Jan. 1 - E x-G a v. Stennenberg , a 1 Idaho , murdered by bomb at Dolse. 2-Clarence lurnum , n ear Hochester , Mich. . kis wife. . son and daughtel with ax and slays self with gun. . . Mathew Styer , Caledonia. Mlnn" Itls sweetheart , he mother. slstel and sel. l-Nel ! N e I Ron , , 'almson. 'Vash. , murders lolher to : atempts Itl \ wife and chidren ; then slays aelt. 12 - E x-A u d I t 0 J hprrltl Indlrnr - . - . - . - - - - - - - - - I PaulO. Stensland. alTested at In. 41 dlanapols. charge 1' \ embezzlement and cons ) lrcy. Treasurer , \ , of { - - ult IInoIs 17-Ex-Stte to 2 In for lentenced years jai alegel , swlndle..New Hampshire fa- . i I lotery kis wlte. 6 chidren and selt arel . burnln home. . \ -Henr ! . Dolse , Idaho ! 5 , renuembaumer. and sweet IncludInG kil , and slays selt. . ot Gen. Slocum. whIch burC ' } t-Cptan ot 1.0 ' lves. : entence te , 'I prison for 10 years. ; Ueb. 4-J. A. Linn. Chicago circuit cour \ clerk. Indicted 25 times for forGer ) ' . em I beulement and larceny. Indian baml murders 8 Amerl t cans at San MIuel. Mex. . Annie Dixon. Doston , asph'xlate : GMrs. end sel. - chidren , Detroi kis chid. severe Iy Wit others , and Idls sel. . J. 'V. Waters , 11rowned 3 chl . EOMrs. and selt from Fal River ( NaEs. steamer..Leaders ot 'Vestern Feder I J of Miners accused ot 30 murdel' : ton of ex-GoV. Steunen . I' berg. assasslnaton . I ! . convIcted wlte mur derer 10ch. Chicago. - hanJed (0. ( ) mob In race riot burl t-Sprnsfeld ! saloon and Injure ot dwelngs troops. . It necessar'y to cal ou - more homes burned In race rIot Ing SprlngnehL O. It Mar. 9-Dayton C. ) jury finds Dr. O. C Haugh lu\y ot murder ot mother. ta thpr and sister. ! Ivens , contessed slayer 0 5Rlchard Holster. found guiy 0 deed at Chicago and sentencel } to deat IG-Slx Ialans murdered at Mlnnealolh Minn. is-D. E. Sherrlclt. ex-Indiana audltOI convIcted ot embezzlng $120,00 stat funds , denied new trial Apr. 8-J. A. Linn. clerk circuit courl cook Co. . 1. . pleads gUity ot con splracy to defrnud county i sh'en In prison term. defnite Green and Gaynor COl 1Contractol ngalnst government I harbor worl , at Saval connecton wih nah , Ga. U-Greene and Gaynor fned $575.749 eac and sentenced to 4 yearl' Ilprlsonlen U-Three negroes hanged and bured b mob at . : o Sprlnglell. UEx-Aulslant Cashier H. G. Gol. c First National Dank ot Mlwaukel found at brealdng banklnJ law : May - suly Fenlenced IU years' 5-101 Ft. Lvenworth. " Imllrl a , ot Kansn 1-Slx larso busln.s frms Cl ) . admit recelvlnM rebates from N 1 trelght broker. Jun. l-Dr. W. D. Giet and R. A. Grar pi. former vice presidents ot 1UtUI LIte. Indicted for forlery and perjury. : ua. l-Four leadln ! pacllnc concer Kansas ot fO\nt at City aceep guiy I .w . L.m ralr JIJ. ) " 13-C. , B. & Q. rairoad founl Iulty at Kamll Clh' of Grantng concessions to : leleln ! fndeols. 1ltsburg mllonnlro. klei Stnnford whlt . nole architect nnd milonaire , at : Indlson Square Hoot Garden , r. Y. for aleged In- tmac . } ' wih wife. formerly Evelyn Nes- ' 2S-Thaw Inelctell for murder In first de- Irpe for 1IIIng Whie. 2-Thaw pleads not guiy to murder charge. Jul.regro hanged and burned near -regro \Vomnck , I. T. . by mob for asault on grl. & A. rairoad nnd 2 former ofcnls tound guiy at Chicago at crantng re- bates. 30J. A. Coolt. ex-crcuit court clerlt. tound guiy at Chicago . at conspiracy to detraul Coolt count } : sentencel to prIson. Aug. I-Iob nt Snlsbur ) ' . N. C. , taltes 3 negroes from Jai and lynches them. S-Standard al Co. Indicted at Chicago tor receh'lng rebates. IO-Geo. Hnl sentenced to 16 years' Im- prlRonment at Salsbury. N. C. . for par- tcpatng In ] ynchlng at 3 negroes. SaId to he frst Instance of kind. Sep. 3-Stensland arrested at Tansler. Morocco. 5A. Segal. Phiadelphia promotor. ar- rested for causing faiure Heal Estate Trust. G-lrs. I. . Knlppen decapittes her 2 chidren. 22-Elshteen negrocs nnd 1 whlto man Idled In race war at Atanta , Ga. -StenslaI1 pleads gUity ; given In- determlnnte penitentary sentence. Oct. ] G-Slandard 01 Co. . Indlnna. Indlct- Id by federal grand jury at Jacltson. Tenn. Nov. 2-Federal grnd jury at Atnnt. Ga. . Indicts 6 wel-Imown manufacturers - ers for peonage. 5H. " ' . Hering. former cashIer ot Mi- wautee Avenue State bani , ot Chicago , pleads gUity to forcer } ' and embezzlement - ment sentence. ; given Inletermlnate penItentary 15 la'or Schmitz , at San FrancIsco. and Abram Ruef. Indicted by srand jury on charge at extorton. 23-Enrlco Caruso. famous Ialan tenor. found guiy and $ ] 0 In New York for InsulUn" women..Joseph F. Smith , president Mormon churchl pleaded to char"e of unlawfu cohabita- guiy . ton and fned $300 at Sal Lake Clt } . 2-Iayor S < hmltz , of San FrancIsco , ar- rested on char"e ot extorton..Federal grand jury at Sal Lalte City votes several - eral Indictments In coal land fraud cases. Dec. 4-Chester convicted ot mnr- G\cto der or sweetheart , Grace Drown , at Dig Ioose Lalte. N. Y. . on JUly 1. at Herk- Imer. N. Y. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICAL . Jan. 3 - Resolution Introduced I n to New York le"lsla- ture asklns U. S. Senator Depew to resign because at Insurance expos- ure. 7-Gov. Hanly. In. diana , fes suit tc oust Sec. of StatE Storms ror dere. Icton of duty. 8-J. . 1. Paterson ernor at Ohio. . Iowa seneral as. sembly began. 16-Wlsconsln legIs. latve Inquiry be. gIn s InsurancE nrnho I I I Ph pplno treE , Congo Hepburn. trnde I passes naUonal house ot tarlt bil , Feb. 7-Venezuela representatves . . trol French consulate : Secretary Ro01 comples. 8-Gov. Paterson. Ohio. Glgns 2-cont farE I bi , makln It a law. . . Pension appro. prlaton bi carr'lng $139,0,000 passed , H-J. G. Drady , Alaslt governor. resigns ] 9-Sec. at State Storms. IndIana. I'eslns. . . . . Ilnoll winG rIght to divert sewagl Into Mississippi river. In national sue preme court case. zReformers wIn In PhiadelphIa alder. manIc . electon. 21-Cong. Grosvenor at Ohio defeated fOI , nominaton. . . 1. Paterson , Chicago commls. slonel' pUblc worlts. becomes soclalsl und reslns. S-Ex-State Senator Green , New Yorlt found not guiy ot conspiracy to de. frud tovernment. , 9-Amer < an forces wIpe out entire Iorc band In Island of Jolo bate , klln 600 ] 2-Natonal supreme court gives Chlcagc use ot Is streets. taltlS 1'Ihts frol trncUon 'companIes. . .N. 'V. Gibert , congressional representative , Indiana , , resigns , acceptng Phiippine judgeship ] 5-Ex-State Audior SherrIck. Indiana found Guiy or embezzlement. ] 9-C. S. Frncis. named as ambassadol to Austria-Hungary. to succeed Del. lamy Storer. . 21-Labor heads appeal to presIdent fOI ) eglslat\'e ald..Chlcago federal judgl grnts Immunity from punishment plea : to ] 6 Indicted paclters. 28-0. 'V. Porkln : arrested for grand Inr ceny for givIng N. Y. LIfe cash to He pUblcan campaign fund. Iar. 3-Ohlo geneml assembly adjournl 1905. unt , Apr. 3-House passes national bl..Davld S. Rose. Democrat. defeat ed ly S. M. Decker . for mayor ot 11 woukee..Chlcac.o goes on record as op posing municipal operation of street rai ways. 5-Ilnols supreme court declares - prImary election law unconsttutonnl. ne\ 17-Wlsconsln supreme court sustaIn : legalty ot law permittng women tl vote In school . maters. s 2G-Indlana supl'eme court declares Park : - " law . unU-cl"arete vald. - May 2-Gov. E. " - . Hoch renominated b' . Kansas Hepublcans. - 4-Presldent sends mes n e to congres arralnlng Stnndard 01 Co. and ofclal nnd recommendIng legislaton. s 1-Go\'erment wils suit hrought to dls solve paper u'ust at St. Paul IS-Senate passed Hepburn rairoad rat , bby vote ot 7 to 3. 2-Supreme ourt < afrms decsion sen 1 tenclng Senator Durton to G months prlsunment f\d Ino of $2,500. Ir 25-Senlte passeR agrIculture approprla ton l\ car'ylng7.80.00 and carry In I Inspel.ton hi. Jun. I-Senate commitee on priviege and eleelon delhles Heed Smoot not n ttld to seat as senator frum Ulah. < - - report on 4-Nel-Heynolls conditons a Chicago houses sent to palelng con STess by llresldent. . . .0. N. Carter , He \lblcan , elected justce ot suprem court o [ IlnoIs. . S'V. . P. 'Vhl appointed senator fro . I l-Col. laryllnd. A. Dupont deteats J. E. Ad dlcks In contest fOI' scat In senate t Delawan' . - adoptes statehood H-lonsu bladmlttn Oltahom : and IndIan terrltoJY as on . ltale. 19-1ouse adopts Be\erldle arendmen Impecton. bi ; to agrIculurl . . . I. . bil . 1Iurce relatnG to meu mlnlltel to Norway. 21-'Vlsconsln Gupreme court sustaIns . In herlance lax Ilw. 29-General denclenCY bi pnssed by COl grels. cross adjO\'nH . ll'e 10UI , bil Ilssell. . Co Aug. 1-10wa Hepubllrans reAQmlnnte . ' D. CUmllns for Jovernor at Del Moine : ] C-SlJenkel' Cannon r'nomlnated fur cor re51 It Danvilc. 11 1-J. S. Hal'lan of Chicago appolnle member Intel'stue commerce slon comll Sep. toCon/ . E. . / Litefeld. Republc an. or MainC. reelected. ] 9-lresldent extends eight-hour law I apply to al pUblc work. 2 lellt nominated for b _ 4w ) 'o.r _ Demq ratl It Ioveror _ Jutalo. , Chn ! E. Huehe ! nominated tor go- by Now Yorlt at .rnor , . Iellblcl\s Oct , 3-80lntor Devorlde opens Iopublc- nn at Dea Molnc8 , In. cnmlaln held throughoUt country : i rev G-Wecton Chas. E. lUlhes defeats W. n. Heart for ot New Democrat ! eiect rest at state tcllet. Yorlt . ' elct governors a tl ma- Jopubll'nns ( jnrl ) ' of stnte tcltet In Iowa. Mlchllan. \Vlsconsln. Kansas. rebrska , Now lampshlro and Colol'lulo : also elect state In , Ohio , Connec- tcltets Jlnols tcut nnel Penns'lvanln : Domocrnts win In , . Okh\lomn 1lnnesotn Massachusets. \ and the south : Hepublcan mljorly In house cut down 30John A. Mclhenny nppolntell civi service commissioner. Dec , 3-F1111 slsslon ot FIty-nInth con- ress begins. lohn W. Riddle. minister to Rou- mnnla 1111 Servin. named to succeed Ambassador Me 'er nt St. letersburu. - sldent message tu ] -lt sent ! Ipeclnl con"ress for Porto - lrgln. ful cltzonshlp to . . 17-lresllcnt Heans. In specIal messnge prlsed work being done on Pnnama calal and fayel criics at enterprlse..Socretarles StrausBonnllrte nnd Metcnlt sworn In at as lembers reorlanlzed cabinet adjourned over Christmas onlresl l nU I ESS rAILURE J Jan. H-1arons , Sn'der & . . Cleveland. 0. ; labities. $ lf.o. 18G. S. McReynolds & Co. , ChIcago : la- . $ . . bities. $400.0. Feb. 8.-Dolvor COlnty Danle. Clovllnnd. Miss. : labntes , $10.000 ' assots. $30.000. IGBnnt ! ot AmerIca , Ch , cao. placed In receiver's hands. ! : tCnsh Duyers' UnIon , ChicaGo. placed In recelver's hands. . . Wiiamson LIb- boy Lumber Co. , Oshkosh , WIs. : labl- tes. $500,000. Mar. I-Southern Bank & Trust Co. . l"t. Smith. Ark. . owing depositors $ SOO. 2-'Valsh , president defunct Chicago Na- tonnl banlc. arrested on charge at talsl- tying reporls. Z-Natlonal luslness Colege , Quincy. II. , assigns ; labites. $30,00 : assots1 $100,00. 2-North Jreedom ( WIs. ) banlc c osed by examiner. Apr.'fels. . Smith & Co. . bankers , 1eltn. I. : labiities. $100.0. May 2-Dollont national banlt. Delmont , Pa. . closed..Hecel\er tor Amerlcnn Ho- servo Dond Co. , St. Louis. appointed. Jun. ] 8Farmers' State banlt at Clear- feld , Ia. , cosed by state bank ox- amlner. ug. G-Mlhvaukeo Ave. State ban It , Chi- cao. closed by state banlc examiner : ! , $ , . . labites o.OO. 8-1" . E. Coyne ; ex-postmaster , Chicago , faied In baltery and luncheon business. IG-Garfeld Park bank at ChIcago closed as result ot colapse ot Mlwaulto Ave. State bant. ! 2S-Real Estate Trust Co. ot Phlndelphla , suspends business ; labites. $7,000.000. Sep. 2DDatos Natonal banlt , at Duter , 10. . closed by directors. 29-Prlvate banlt at Ildlleport , 0. . closed , Nearly ni deposits ot $15,0 gono. Nov. ] 51anlt of Deckwlth & Co. . nt Ev. nnston.Vyo. . , closed owIng to Inanclal troubles. 3o'fhree banlts conducted by C. V. Chnndler at ! acomb. Colchester and Bardolph. Il. , closed tor lack at read Dec. I-Bank . of KIowa. I. T. , closed o account at slow colections and Innblt } to realze on assets. lZFarmers' and Drovers' Natonal ban of 'Vaynelburg , Pa closed by compo troler of currency. 13-Cmmlngs CommIssion Co. . one 01 largest brokerage houses In northwest suspends. 17-Llncoln bank of Morton Parlt. susurl ot Chlcaso. fals. i NECROLOGY _ Jan. 9-W. R. Har. per. president Unl. versltyof Chicago at Chlcaso. 15Col. H. G. Lwe Gllveston. Tex. newspaper pUb- 1sher. IG-larshal FIeld ChicaGo merchan' ' prInce. of pneu- monia. In N 0 \ \ York. 20-1. D. Hurd , no. ted lawyer nnd I. , al Inols citzen Evanston. Feb. - 26Ex-Speakel D. B. Henderson of natonal hous ! at of representatves . D . B . Henderson. ' secretary - . . - Langley Smith. sonlan Institution. at Allten. 8. C. 1or.ExGov. . . HogG. Texas. at' Hous l-Gen. J. S. Gnge. distnguished soldier at San Jo e , Cal. 12-Susan B. Anthon ) ' . sutraglst leader at age at S6. In Rochester , N. Y..Johl St. John , frst white setter at head 0 great lakes. In Superior. 'Vis. ; aged 90 ] 8Johann 1ost. . noted anarchIst ' leader - CIncinnat. . . 1. Thayer. ex-U. S. senate nnd governor , Nebraska. at Lincoln. 25Ex-ayor . S. 1. AShbrldge. at Phla 29-T. E. Darrett , sherlt Coolt county , Il at Chlcao. Apr. 4-Iormer ! Gov. Gen. Blanco , Cuba at Madrld..C. A. WarwIck , publshe Dcmocrat. , . ( onsttuton 1eokult II. 30J. E. Doyd , ex-Gov. of Nebraslta. n Omaha. .Mrs. Mary McKltredge. be leved oldest woman In America. I Unlontown , Pa. : age 10S. suicide. May 7-lax Judd. noted chess player. a St. Louis. 23-1el'lt Ibsen , noted Norwegian dr and poet. at . matst Chrl/tanla. Jun. I-Congressman Robert Adams. Phi adelphla , committed suicide at Was/ / Ington. ( -Senator A. P. Gorman. Maryland , a Washlnlton. H-Robert D. Roosevel. uncle of presl .dent. at Sayvile. L. I. - 16Congressman U. E. Lester , Georglv - resul at accident. _ . _ u _ u. . lJ- . . ' ) . . l'ISbUr note chess mas ter. at Phlla. . Gen. H. r . Portel leadlnc ahoe man utacturer. at How el. Mass. 19-Gov. J. M. Pat tson. ot Ohio. a Mllford..E. HIe gins , ex-a c tin , Gov. Utah. a Washington. Z-Jerre Dunn. a Elzabeth. N. J. 29-R e \ ' . D r. J Smith , noted Con CI'egatonal minis ter. at Roxbur ) Mass. Jul 3-G. Y. Wlsnel noted consultn enlneer. at De A. P. Gorman. trolt. 9-ConJressman H. C. Adams. ot 'Vlscon sin , ut Chicago. . .JUdgo G. P. Want ) ot Michigan. ut London. ] I-Alred Delt , mllionalr South Atrlca nnanclpr. at London. :2-Husel Sa < , at Lawrence , L. I , I age 19. s Aug. 2-E. A. Gage. son at tormer secre tary , at Seatte , 'Vash. ; suicide. ( -Hear AdmIrl Train. at Chefoo. Chlm ] 9-L. Morrison. noted nctor , at Yonlterl N. Y. Aug. 3Hosewater. . proprietor Omah Dee. at Omaha. Sep. Z-H. Oelrlchs , prominent New Yor clubman. on board ol'ean . lner. . A. T. . 16-I x-Gov. of Michigan. a lwaulcee. :5-Ex-Congressman Clarlle , ot Alabame at Louis. S1 Oct. ] G-1rs. Jeterson Davis , wIdow 0 president ot the confplleracy. Oct. I-Albert J. Alams , noted . king. by suicide , at New York. pOlc ] 5-Samuel Jones , noted evangelst , 0 tmln near Litte Uoclt , Arlt. " _ _ H. P. , 0 - xConfressnmn Davi tasslchusetl. at Pnll IUver. . . .Bsho lehol80n , D. D. Epls o Miwaukee copal diocese. nt Miwaukee. SI-Judge Josuph E. Gary , oldest mem b r o ! Chicago bench. tt Chlcagl aed S5. ; l-Conressman Hocltwood ! I0al :0\ Masarhuset' . Don late Senao . at W on.oster. 10ar. . \\1. H. hatter , retred , a Unltel'sOehl , Cal I O-Oto Young , mult-milonaire. Chlca ' , - I 10 lurch.llt ! . IUll , Jhlanthrollst. :0 : Voc. 2- lark Hassler. nole(1 musIcal d ! reclor and composer , at Phiadelphia. y I S-Bshop U. E. Seymour. ot Eplscopt . dloceu ot SprlnGfold , Il. , at 8prln neM , . . Ex-Gov. A. Gnrcelon , or Maine , nt Lwilton , ( 9-Dr. 1. lenrotn. lendlnf Chlcngo physl- Ilnn , nt Chicago. .Cat. "DI ) ' " WI- Inms , fnmous turtman , ut New Or- lenns. 12-I x-Senntor Drown , ot Utnh , It " 'nlh. Mrs. h ton [ rol Drnlloy. bnlet woluls Infcted by [ rIRES : { Jnn. GAt I'nnsns Ciy , Mo. , . bulhlngs deslro'cll' loss. $ , . . ro.o. I"eb. f-Llheton , W. Vn. , nearly "Iped , out , 1. 0 rendered homeles. I IG-NI\erton . , Pa almost entrelypol ISBusiness secton Rutnnel , Vt. . 11arly dlltro.ed..Graln clo\alor at Duluth , Mlnn. burned : loss. $ ,0.0. 21-Hlchcoclt. Olca. business secton prah : CU - 22-Buslness section at Dawson , 'Vis. , wiped out. Mnr. 4-IASt halt ot Stanclhop. In. , business - ness section burns : other hnl deslroyell nome tme beforo. IG-Whlte Pigeon. business Ilch" loclon nearly wiped out. . BU/lnels IOrton , Rustn , Mlch" completely destrO'ell. -.Tohnstown , Ia. . slyept by fames : loss , $ , . OOO. Apr. 3-Dutalo (2 Y. ) E\enln Times bulhlll : loss. $ Mo. ! May 17-Doone n , ) , Doon Cereal C/ : . . ( lOBS. $10,0. lS-Iunllred rosldences and dozen busl- nCsl wiped out at Stlnley , 'Vis. : buldlnln . . . : rowl ot Cobal. Now Ontnrlo. Cnn. complelely destroyed - stroyed ; s vcral kied by explosion. Jun. I-South Doslon. Va. ; 101. $300 0. 7-Duct Hi. Miss. . almost compietelY destroyed. Over SO homeless. l-Flro In Armour pncklng plnnt at South Omaha. Neb. ; loss , $10.0. 1-Hyan buiding annex at St. Paul : loss , $6,0. : -Snntn Cruz. Cal. , mnln bull1ng at Casino nt resort : loss. SI4O. Jul. - , . , enUro 17-Wontzvle 10. prnctcaly buslnels section destroyed. Sep. ] 3Tlluron , Cal. entro business dis- trIct. :00 people homeless. Oct. IS-At Brmingham. Ala" buslncss houses : los $30.0. 22-Second disastrous at Drlstow. Ia. , wiped confngraton practcnly al ot remaining business BecUon at town. Nov. ] 3-Rchland. 0. . prcticaly wiped out by gas explosIon : 2 chldl'en burnell to death. . Dec. I-At Princeton. 0. . mob ot 30 mallied mon burnell 2 big toblcco stem- merles owned by tobacco trust. 8At Chlcao. fre In wholesale business district lost. caused Iou of $50,0 : : lves SPORTING ] l , L , t Jan. 1-Slr 'fhomas I.lplon plnns race against New Yorle Yncht club tor Amerlcnn cup , 12-Ierrera Imocks out Young Cor- bet. In ffh. at Los Angeles. 15Wlle Hoppo de- feated Ia I r Ice VI nnux tor world's 18-1 n c h balk lne bllarli clmmplonshlp a t ParIs. . Inter-col- leglnte footbal put under ban at Harvard - vard unlvcrslty. lS-"K I d. 0 0 a J Itled by blow on . heart. In bout 11 .oe G ans. New Yorl . , 2 - at Or- -Demoteot monde Deach. Fla. . drl\es auto 2 mie ! 85 seconds. brealcng world's rec' d J Feb. 281rnlde Nel knocls out Iarr Tenny at San Francisco : later dies oj Injuries. Mnr. H-Bnttng Nelson easiy beats Mc. . Gover In 6 rounds at Phiadelphia. , 21-Amerlcan conress meets bowlng 11 Loulsvlw. Ky. : R. H. Dryson eleote , . presldont. . Z-Hoppe de teats Slosson tor world's ban - lne biiard champIonshIp at New York Apr. 12-NaUonal League basebal seas or . starts. t 17-Amerlcan League basebal seasol . Btarts. .Suton averaGed ] 00 and mad ! r run ot 234 In 5-polnt biiard a' ' Chicago. lame . May 23-Frnnlt Gotch deteats Tom Jenklm . for wrestlng championship ot Atorlc at Kansas . Ciy. Jun. ] 6-lirnnk Kramer , Amerlcnn blcyci r rIder , wins CIty of ParIs grand prIze . Value. $1,0. Jul. 9-16 h annual Amerlcar . 'Vhlst Lealuo opens conrress . 21-Frank Gotch defeated C. Oson. louth. . ern catch-as-catch-cnn cham. wrestni . pion at Now Orleans. Aug. 7-Umplres Johnstone nnd Emslh - barred trom Polo rounds. N. Y. ; Nnt < Lelguo game scheduled between N. y , , nnd Chicago forfeited to later. 24-\ ' . H. Crosby wiH western hnndlcaI at trap shooterR' tournment at Den\'el wIth score at 97 targets. Sep. 3-Joe Gans wins lghtweight ehnm. pions hip from Dattng Nelon In 42nc Iound at Goldfield , Nev. . on foul 1-C. lf. DanlelB. at New Yorlt. lowerl world's record for 220 yard's swim al St. Louis. New mnrlt. 2:42 : 2-5. Oct. 2Manarel' Fred 'ronny announces he Ind Roy Thomas , of PhiadelphIa Na. tonal league cuh. have bought Inter. cst In Boston NItonal league club. ] 3-Chlcago AmerIcan lengue club wor world's chan\plonshlp by defeatn Na. In post-season serIes tonals Chlcalo a Nov. 8-Steve L'Uommedleu. wol-Imowr bo01emaker. ruled ot turf for Ifo b } Jocltey . Louisvie cub. 19-'fom Cooper. noted blc'cle racer kied In automobie colsion In Ne\\ 30Ralph Rose breaks world's record I putting ] 2-pound shot It San Francisco distance 55 fee lt Inchel. Dec. 12-Harry C. Pulal reelected pres Ident Natonal lasebal League. ] SGeorge Suton deeated Wiie loPPI nt ] 8-2 balk lne bilards In New York retaining championship. L _ C SUALTIES Jan.In Coaldale , W. Va. . 23 In mlno ex ploslon. 8-At In\erstraw , N. J. . 15 In landslde. 9-At . Minn. . 1 In hotel Minneapols. fre IS-At Detl'olt. 'V. Va. . 1 In mine ex ploslon. 21-At Phiadelphia. Pa. . ] S In church fir , panic. - Vancouver Island. In . :3-0t Pacic. lS I wreck at steamer Valencia. . .At Sunny side. Col , 5 In sno\slde. 2&.t Poteau , I. ' . . 1 In mIne explosion. Feb.Ncar La Sale , I. . 4 by drown In 8InVest VlrGanla , 28 In mine explosion 12-At . Ore. . 4 In business Portand. . sectol ] 9-At Maitand , Col. , ] 6 In mIne dust ex ploslon. 25Gambler. 0. . 3 In colege dormltor ; Oru. Mar. I-At Meridian , Miss. . 24 In tornad , which caused property loss of $1,500,0 H-At Jamestown , Ind. . 3 In colnlo 0 buldlng..In Atantic ocean , 2 b' ' clrownlns on toundered steamer Drllsi King. ] G-At Adobe. Col. about (5 In train col lslon..At Camden. N. J. , 3 In armor- . Ure. ] 9-Near Siverion. Col. 16 In landsldes 22-n a " "est Vlr/Inla mine explosion. 2 ( . . .In Winfeld / Col ) mining distrIct. In . landldp. 26-Near Nitsona. 'Vyo" ] 0 ly drownInG , . .At New York. ( In fre nnd explosloll Apr. H-gxploslon In gun tUrrlt of bat teshlp I\earsnrge III Cuban waters It 1 7. Injures H. 22-n mine near TrInidad. Col , : by dus explosion. 21-'orado destroys Delevue. Tex. . ] dend ; other dnmage throughout stnte. MnySeven In train wr\clt near AI toona. Pa. 2-Flve at Golconda. rev. . by drownln al result bt breaking ot dam..A . 9 In lraln wreclt. Louisvie. . East 1lovldunee. R. I. , 1 I car wrect. 7-.t troley Ford. Mont. , 8 by white dnm . mlne..Slx In storms In 1Innesot and 'Vlsconsln. C-At I.afa'eto. Ind. . Mrs. S. Gobbau an I chidren burned to death. .at SUI tank. Inaw , lch. . 7 by explosion of casoln - Marlnsvle , r. Y. . 5 In wrcclt. It l-.t Cedar Hnplds , Ia. , 8 youlg sir ! ) ' whie II rIver. l drownlnK wadlnl I' :2-At Ianltowoc. WIl . 5 by lghtning. It ' -At South Jramlngham , llss. , 7 b at . buiding. cllapse I- AUI. I-At Omaha , reb. , I chidren ot ' Q. Daniels In burnln home. II l2-At DavelPort , 'Vash. . 5 by drownlnr. ; - 19-At Sang Holow , 1' & . , 7 In train wrec - _ . _ - ' - " \ , . Bep. S-Four Ialan I at Nlugltuck , Conn. , by polco In lispute. H-I"our In torn3110 In Nebrnlkn. IS-Seven In tralll wreck at Clmatron lUver , Okla. 21-Se\on at Jellco , Tonn. , by IIynnmlt. explosion , $ . I dlmage [ 000. -Slx In rill rroperty , lear Danvllo , I. - on devnstntes Mo- coalt 2-1urrlcalo bie , Aln. , nnd l'ensacola , Fla. 1s1 ot 0.0. le etimated nt 10 : prollerty loss. $ , - Oct. 28-Trlln at three electrlo cnrl car- r'lne f1 perlons jumped from trete lear Atantc City , N. J. . carrylnl nbout CO trons to watery Crlve. I"lt- ty-tour . bodlel recovrred. Oct. I-Cloudburst nt Mobie. AII. , cnUses o\'er $1.0,0 IlalRKcs. ( -Twenty-nllo known deal nnd mnny more entombed b ) ' eploslon It Pocahontas - hontas ( VI ) mlne..Flvo pnssenger lllled , scorn Iljlrell In rear-enll col- . 1/1on nonr 'rroy. N. Y. 19-Iurrlcnno sweeps COst ot Florhla , Cubn and Centrnl Arerlcn. calslnl hllvy lOBS ot Ifo and damugo to prop- erty. 21-onsldorlblo operty damagell by Itorm Ilon eastern slopa ot Heckles flomV'ollnl to New Mexico. 2 : ! t I'nnsaCI ) ' . I'an. at . COlmerco ] 3 b ) ' fre whllh BIl I. :012At . Clovelnll , 0. , six by boier ] eX1llslol. lost bv " ot lves bvinlen" BtCamer Dlx III hlrbor nt Scat tC.ash. . :3-g. D. ICeeler , Ilrorelslolnl automoblo drl'cr. leled III c01s1ln ot rnclng nUlos at . Phlacelphll. 29-Snmlel Spencer , president Southern Hllh\IY Co. , 6 ethers In renr elld anc ' . Vn. J.nchbur colisIon Dec. 4-Clron. neB' Ariz. . partly Ileltrorcd by cnusell by ot dnm' - 10011 11eallng BO\- erll ) eroonl Ilrowned. .l"our ch\llren burned to denth In homo near 'VeltOold. . . N. J. 7-At Ihaln , N.Y. , 7 erlsh In buring at houae at unl'erlity. Cornel fmternly . .Nenr Le\vlston , Me. , ( In hoad-on lNear VlclesbUrg . , Miss. , IG by oxploslon on rlv r Iteller. 23-At wreck. En erln , N. D. . 9 In ralroall [ - - FOREIGN ] Jnn. 3 - Hodrhue1 atacles l u e l t I Plata San Domin- go. It , Ilng 2 ! " - S In Dom\1Go rebels defeate : 3 Merles HenerlR and ] . men 2 Itled. - Domingo revolution - elution mle ! with lofeat at Pt'oslilent ! omles 111 111- Ing ot Gen. Hod- rlguez. 12-France lro 11 Ie s , ot diplomatic I'ela- lens with Vene- : zuela. , H-Ex-Premler Balfour - four beaten r a l electon to parla- ment : II b 0 I' al s I'l'es . ot sweep ifrlt.11. ! Falerles _ . . 17 - 1. Iralerios. Republcan. elected - ed to succeed M. Loubet. as 1)lesldent at y'rance. 21-Drzlal crulsor Aquldaban destroyed by explosion : 212 1\'es lost. I -Venezuela expels ni I.'rench conluls. 9-Klnl Chrlstall at Denmarlc dies at (0lenhII11. ] 3-1' Denllrlt. rederlclt VII. proclaimed Itng ot Feb. 5-Countess Doni lie Ca telane , tor- merly Anl\ Gould ot New YOI'le. enter - ter plea for divorce II Paris. ] 3-New Britsh parlament opens : J. 'V. Lowther elected . 25In Colombia tda arealter. . drownecl. Mar. 4-'avernola. Ialy , sWlllowed \ up by Lalto Iseo. 5Fucecchlo. Ialy , dance hal panlc ro- suls In 16 deaths. 7-Y rench cabinet roslgns..Threo would- be assassins at Gen. Heyes , president ot Colombia" shot to delth. 1-M. Sarrlen accepts tasle of forming new Iirench mlnlstry..mlne explosion and fire Itls ] , ] 93 In Iirance. 13-In Arablal relelon. Turltsh troops massnre 5,0 nntves at SanR. Arabia. IS-Earthquake nt Kagl. Formosa , Idls hundreds and dostroylng 1.0 homes. ] 9-Palma elected Iresldent at Cuba. Mar. 3l-loroccan conference reaches agreement. Apr. 5-1"lf-fivo Itlled by colapse ot hotel In Black Forest. Germany. SGerman troops win victory ever natives In Gorman. y ast Africa : nntves lose 25 men. loFourteen Itled , ever : Injured by colapse Market place. at Nnplos. Apr. 18-Fnther Louis Martn , " "Dack Ppe" of Jesuits , dies at Home. oTown ( of Pasll. P. I. deBtroyed by fil'e. May I-Considerable May day riotng In Paris. Over ] .COO arrets lado. 2-Czar accepts resiGnaton ot Premier . Wite. . 19-Palmn Inaugurted president at Cuba at la val . 31-Weddlng of KIng Alfonso XII. of SpaIn and Prln- ces : Victoria ot England celebrt- ed nt 1 a d rId. Couple na.owly escape nssasslna- ton b ) ' l 0 m b which Itls ] 6 and Injures many. JUn. :0 - lulajanes ki 6 ' polcemon on Ilan'd ot . Jeyto. p. I. 2-Ianleon VI. and Queen Maud crowned rulers at Norway. 30-23 persons kied In trnln wreck near London. Jul. 4-Son born to : Ing Haakon. of crown princess" t Norway. Germany. - 5Spanlsh cabinet resigns. 8-Natal troops deeat rebels. ) dlng 64. l2-Maj. Dreytus reslored to Ioslton In French . H Flre at Nljl Novgorod. Russia. do. stroys homeless. houses : o\cr 3,00 familes IS-Lady Curzon dlos In Lonlon. 2Flre at Yoltohama , Japan , destroys ] ,000 houses. 23-Dnnd at Pulajanes on Island ot I.eyte. 1. I. . Itlod ] 3 soldiers and 1 clvlal. Aug. 5Ialan steamer Sirio ) on Harmlsas Island ; 30 wrectel . Sel ) . 8-'ather 'Verz elected head 01 Jesuis at Rome. ] S-Hurrlcane In harbor of Hong-Kongl China , clused over ] .000 deaths ana great dnmage. H-'wenty-five miners by Oct kied ex- 1110slon In coliery near Durham. Eng. Nov. ] 6-Anna Gould ( Countes : de Cas- telnne ) granted divorce tram COlnt Bani by Iirench tribunal at Pal'ls. Count's plea for nlmony denied. 17-Damb exploded In St. Peter's church , Home. creates panic. Dec. 3-Spanlsh cabinet resigns ; ncton [ ollowed by hoste demonstration In chamber of delutes. 7-Dr. Lapponl , physician to pope , died at Home. U-Frnco expeled secretary or papa ] numclo aD resul of church-state war. ] 2-Germnn mnperor dissolved rclchlla lnl ordered now electons folowln" de. fet of coverment on African bil :2--JameR Dryco ! clected to succeed Durand as Drltsh ambassador te ' \ashlngton. l INDUSTRIAL Feb. I-Operators reject domalds at mini workers for wage Incrense ; mlnels In- doense [ creule 1)1 ] 3-1" . A. lelnz sels : Iontana copper Interest - terest : to Amalgamate company tOI $25,000.0. endln 7-year Industrial war . 19-5tandard Ie Mal. 01 olelnll alreo 1- answer at questons Ilssourl senoral. atorne I 29-Unlted Ilne 'Vorlcers , afer Fecond .t unsuccesstul conference wih operators , decldo on strlkl Apri ] . Involving htl . n nnthracle nnd bituminous Hulds ; opera. tors appeal to Ho05evel tor all. p Apr. ] 3-Strl ; ' 01 : Oo hrlclt Inyers at St. a Ioull'ractCal \ ) ' brIngs buldlnc te d standst mIners vote to GAnthraclte ; _ orl/IIII propoulton ot operators and reo e turn to work Jun. 7-Wages trouble at southwest min. and operators setted by John - erl MIQh- s lt Kansal CIYi 1903 scale ' 10nt renowed. alreu' executive Unltec U-Natonal commlteo y IMino'orkers oreer per C llta nsseu. ' lent ot 5 cents Ilor weelt on . lembellhlp. workll1 j' Jul. 2-1ncreas& of 6 per rent. In ' , at Norther Michigan copper mine em. . ploy. - - - - - - - - " - - - , - , : . . " , - . . - - . , . . . < : SOUnied Min Worker l V ta f " cents per Clpll fer thOIA Idle dutnt 8uspenRIon at wore. Oct. - of slvorll thouMn4 17-Waaes , Col , dlstrot Ilortald. 11,01 Nov. 2-Announed that ot .u .m- WArU ployes ot Pennsylvania ulroad Iystel on lnes Oat an "Ot ot to < " 1ltsburl bi Incrosr : nouly : 1OO { mon 4t.ctsd 12-Twrnty-slxth annul conventon 0 American I1ederllon ot Labor open. nt Minneapols. ] 6-Amerlcnn Society ot , Flrmers' union. Equiy Notonal mlMI wih Amer- cnn l"odernton of l.abor : orrlnlzaton clalm memborshlp at ever . milon. : { -Slmuel Gompers relected preldcnt American Federation at Labor at - nOpoll. 1ln- 3011 trlll or union telmster nt ( of detenllantR pleaded , Chlcaro Dec. lo'fwo thouslld < uly Indul- trlil Worler ot World struck nt Sche- nectndy , N. Y. . lecnuso at rotusal of Generll J lectrlc Co. to relnstalo 3 member - ber ot union. [ REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA ] - - Jan. I-Molcow rev- ohllon crushed ; Insurrecto n 1st s urrendorlng. { -'errorlsto wlr. , . . Insurlonll bejan Ilze tactory In 11a : troops bat- tcr down 1100rl mnny unf 1111n ! copturlng ] .lo. GOne the Usa n d Itled a 111 3,0 wounled In Mos- cow , 'Iotn. Ilragoons surround rovolutonlstn. 111- 12-CoslmcltD Ilg bald , Armenlnn so m I- lar ) ' In 'rlls 1tl- Ing 33 and wound- Ing 300. Nearly Premier Stolypln. 350 It\od as result at ataok. ] 5-Husslnn rebels nssaslnate major on- eral ald 3 . ! 110lce 00c111s. I"ob. 21-Gol. Orlot In queln Dllto province outbrealts shoots more ! than 70 ravolutonlBts. Mnr. 20Mutny among 111lors at Sobal- topol resulR In mlssncre. Apr. Gl"ourleen Russ Inn soldiers butch- erell for retuslng to fre on Sobaatopo } mutneors. 8-Govornor at Tver Itled by bomb In streets ot city. MIY G-Governor enoral nssaslnatod at J ltterlnoslnv..Gov. Gen. murdered at Elzlbethpol..Alompt mndo to as- Rasslnato VI co Admlrnl Doubasot At Moscow. toCzar < elvor speech to douma : no monton of nmnosty mnde. ] 3-Dody ot Father Gnpon tound hanglnl In deserted hou8e In Flnlaml town. 15-Impnrnt\e demand tor rerorms made In douma's reply to czar's Ipeech. 2l-\V. 1. Stuart. American vlco consul , Drllsh sUbject leled at Datum. Jun. H-lundreds kled In malllre of Jews by ChrIstians at Dnlystole. . . - fights country. Ant-Jewish throurhout Jul. - to aSasslnate Vie. I-Atempt male Almlrl Chulmln at Sevastopol. 19-1ort Arthur commission recommends donth tor Gen. Stoe9sel for lurrendorlnl port. 21-lnperlnl ulms dissolve parlamont 23-Troops at tortress at Vlborg , FInland , ) ' . mutll Aug. 2-MUtnr at Svelborg ended. 3-Goveror 0 Samra JCI by bomb. 25Bomb Intended to slay Premier Stoly- pin wrCcltl his vla on Allteltrsley Is- Innd : 32 lerSOnn Itlcd. PremIer os- cnped. . .Gen. Iln nssasslnated by ) 'onl womnn at leterllr , Sep. teAt least 30 Jews It I ed slaughter It Sledlco : 1,0 wounded. anl ] 2-lassacro of Jews at Sledlco ceasol. ] 9-Gen. Nlcolalel assasslnaled at 'Var- laW. Oet. ! Commlsslon nppolnted by 'czar fnds causes at Svoaborg and Cron- stadt mutnlos largely atrlbutnblo to and at . norlgence InefciencY ofcor. SONIne soldlsr convIcted ot plot to blow up where court marshal buiding trylnI Cronstndt mutneers Is RIUlng excuted. Nov. S-Seven nationalst worlemen shot down by socialsts at Iodoz. Dec. l-Chlet ot Polco Chopote at Knzl assassinated. 21-Ten terrorists executed at Rga. 22-Count Alexis Ignatef , member er counci ot empire and ex-governor-gen- eral sasslnated ot at , Volhynln . and Podola. as- [ I ELL EOU9 J Jan.C. . ' ' Yerkos , deceased tracton magnate. gIves $7 O.0 to Chicago - verslty and maldn& ample provIsion Uw- l numerous charities & , as wel as for \I O. 7-Mlohlpman Decatur , acquited by court martial at at hazing at An- . char.o napols. - { Y. ) mob tales 21-Iopltnsvlo nel ( accused ot assault , tram jai and hanc. him. 24-Wlot Marshal Field , deceased Chi. cage merchant prince. opened , Rhowlng estate or $ lo.O.O : $8,0.0 lor t In use . ur. 2S-Mrs. C. T. Yerkeseda Wlllon Mizner of San Francisco. Feb. 2-Presllent pardons Mld.hlpmn Mier , convIcted of hazing at .nnap. . . ( -Dr. G. n. Simmons. 1eorlal I. . mlnl.- ter. bank presIdent and pol tclan. klI sel when facing exposure at Inanclnl methods and private conduct. IG-1lt Crowo tound not Iullty ot rob- ber ) ' In connecton wih Cudahy ca80 , Omaha. 17-llss Alce Roosevel marrIed Con . Nicholas Longworth at 'Vhle I OUO. 1ar. 5Pralrle nros sweep Texas eaulln. loss 't $ ] .0,00. l-Nlno hundred Mores slain In ( fghtng with Americans , In 1hlpplnQ ] 6-Androw Hamiton scoreB New 'or 1.lfo trustees before Inauranco commIttee - tee Ilt Alban ) ' , N. Y. IS-Steamer burno , Atanta ot ShoboYIaQ WIs. , on Lalee Mlchlgan..Bnon.ld near Ouray , Cal. , causes damage oJ $5COo. IAndro\ Hnmlon shows receIpt tor ; , , Ilonnted to S5OO Republcan camplrn funds , by New Yorle LIfe Inaurnnco com. pany. 20lvlng at poltcal contrIbutions de- cared non-crimInal. by DIstrIct Ator- Jerome. ley Apr. I-John Alexander DowIe deposed . . 1. leader of Zion City , Il.f. Oveleer Volva elevated to leacersh p. 7-Kansas supreme court rules that - 1an- sas trust. CI ty lve stace exchange la Iega 26Applcaton tor receiver for Zion CIty. J" made by DowIe. Jul 3-Secrctary ot 8tato Root lals tor 3 monthR' tour of South America. . Aug. 9-Wlsconsln raiway commissioners render opinIon reducnJ graIn rates fet atate 1 cent per bushel. ] 6-Gen. R. B. Drown. of Zanesvlo , 0. elected commander-In-chlet of G. A. at Minneapols. . 30-\ J. Dryan welcomed It Now Yorlt by ll gatherln ! of Democrats ob reUI'n [ rol trip nrolnd world. Sep. 30-Secretary ot State Root returns from lour of South America. Oct. 5-lreshent ! Hi ot Great Northern sold 7 0.COOO tons at ore to ralwlY States Steel lor corporaton $400.0,0. Unle 29-Slnndard 01 compan ) ' fned $5.0 at . 'Indlay , 0. . far carn'lnK on bualnes : cOlblne In vlolatQn of 6tate laws. Oct. 18-'rlennlal convention ot World'l . ' Christian 'femperance Union begun at .1 Boston. . ] 9-'froop ot cavalry sent \Vyolnc t 1 to round up dlsatsfed Ute IndIana. ' Nov. ] -Uane o [ ] 0 Ute Indians C3ptUl ) load ot al'my rations Intended tor i troops 11 \\'omlng. ' - ' companies ot negro troop. 11 I 'txas ordered dismissed trom army fet t to disclose Identy ot comrade faiure guity of rioting at DrownJle. Tex. 8--lrcsl ent and Mrs. Roosevel and party lef 'Vashlngton on trip ot In- specton ot . Panam. canal. on batteship . , 24-Presldent and put , retur to Waah- Ington trom trip t. Panama and Porto lco. Dec. 6F. 'V. FlnltT , second vIce prOI- I . dent at Souther rairoad. elected to succeed late president. Sampal Spencer. 6-John D. Rockefeler and I aBsoclat. ' who control Standarl 01 Co. , lervoc with Rubpoenas to appear betore federa crcuit court In St. Louis , January ' . . . J grain Inspection and welchlns I : \ declared void. 10-Nobel peaceprlze vnlued at " 0.0 conrerred on Presluont 1oosovolt by Norwean sterthlng ; money wi b. mlsslol. used ; establsh Industrial peace com- Standard Company - 2-Declslon aJalnst 01 pany at Findlay , 0. , thrown out in com. mon pleas court . . . . . I . . " _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ . . , " . . , . \l' .i _ _ _ _ _ .