Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 10, 1907, Image 1

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    , .
, ' . . 5.lU 11\ et L\b . tl\t\t\U \oc\O\l \ - , ,1' . \ _ . . _ Tf . . ' " , . . ' . . . _ , ' - . , . " 1"'r , . . . . ' , - , . , , . . . . . .
( ' 'USTER COUNTY PUI3L' C < " : :
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' l GLASSES. "
Is all expression with which wet
" are ofteu grectcd by prospectivc
t \ customers. Defore thcy lcave us
k . we usually cOllvi cc them that the
question of whether they con wear
n nose glnss r sts more on the opti-
cinn's abilit ) " than in 1I0ses.
complicated ej'e defects we '
I sometimcs advise the use of specta-
c1es illstead of lIose glasses , ntH1
there are. too , some few noses on
which it is impossible to fit glasses ,
hut they are rarities with \IS.
.f,1 ,
. ( I I
) I I
I -
' \
DR. C. B. JOB ,
( Physician and Surgeon
\,7. , Office and residence one block south of
_ , Ryersou & George' ! ; store.
, I
An Honelt Statement.
The Square Deal Mining &
Developmcnt Co. , with Gencral I
Offices at Rockfor , Illinois , owns :
over 700 acres of fine mineral
land in Colorado.
This includes four water rights
a 162 acre town site ( patented )
and 30 town lots in Frisco , three
tunnel sites , two placers , over
1400 fect ot tunneling and
development work , the entire
equipment of necessary buildings
at the mines- and 73 fine lode
claims on Chief Mountain , confessedly -
fessedly the richest mOL1ntain in
that district.
There are no debts against the
Company except those which become -
come due as , current mcidl1ntal
exp nses.
C pital stock is 2,000,000
shares , full paid and non-assess-
'I'here are no favoritisms shown
to anybody. It is a stockholders
Cumpany , pure and simple. and
the business of the Company is
carefully looked after by a strong
directorate of good business men
selected by the stockh lders.
25,000 shares only at eighteen
cents per share on sale January
1st. 'rake all vou can of it , for
. -
1 t means money to you.
For further information , phone
178 , address or call on
E. WmSENH.nD1 [ { , Agot.
Broken Bow , Neb.
Let us be your printer. " 'l'he
"ood kind of printing only.
J - , . . . " . ' . . ' , . , . . . . . " . - . . . , - .
; " . " , . . ' n " - ' " , " , . . " . 'oJ\ \ J ; ' 1:1' : . \ . ' ! I' : . ' . , . . . . , . : 4 _ _ _ _ . - . .
/'t':1 / : : - : The New 1907
. .
I.t , - I IS here. The old 1906 IS '
, I j paEsed away. We apt -
t I preciate the many courte-
cies extended to us by our
many patrons. We are
' ; now in our twentieth year
m Broken Bow and hope
: ' , to serve YOlt successfully
; , during 1907. Our aim
witl always be to serve
you well , to gi e you
honest , pure , healthy
Edlc-Woro you taken by surprise food products. Quick de-
when he proposed , dear ? .
' and good treatment.
Ella-Goodness , yes ! Why , I hadn't l1ve1'y
even loolted un his financIal standlJUt.
: Jai'Ior : J3rea faE-1 ; .
Egg-O-See , per package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c
Malta Vita , per package. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c
Pure New York Uuckwheat , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05c
Self Hising Pancal\e : Flour.
Vitos , per package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 15c
Vitos , per package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] Oc
Prices Celery footI , per package. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c
Shrcddccl Weat biscuit , two packages for. . . . . . . . . . . . 25c
Force , per package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c
Our cotIees are fine. Prices , . . . . . . . . . .17,20,25 , 30 , 35c
Kamo syrup , per pail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c
Pure Maple syrup , per gallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c
\ .
; > J. C. BOWEN ,
v ,
\ I TRADE North Side
Pure 0111 ctoer VIIICL'ar BROKEN UOWNErm.
1 , . . . . . .
' ' , ' , 'If- . : ; . . . . . . ' .
. . . ; . n _ , . . . \ .
, ' I , . ' . _ . _ _ _ . _ . - . - . . . . _ _ - . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ -u.-cr- _ - - - - - . . .
. - - - - -
1 r L - _ _ L _ _ : , . . - -
, ; ,
r I Special Bargains
in B tlggies
to reduce stock and mal < e , room so I can' handle them more
properly. have bought the entire line of Moon Bros' . buggies -
gies of Willis Cadwell at greatly reduced prices , and will now
sell them at '
while' they last. The Moon Bros. Buggies are strictly high
grade goods aud should not be classed with low gnde goods
usually sold by all dealem. We are cutting the Willis Cad-
well prices all the way from 510 to 520 on each job. We
mean just what we say. You could not buy these buggies at
our prices in car lots today.
\Vhile we are closing out our bulky goods to make room , we
wi1l sell all clasces of HEATING STOVES at ABSOLUTE
We are right on these goods. Don't fail to see them 'whether
you wish to buy or not ,
G. W. APPLE , Brolen Bow.
. . . .
, , . \
Good Showing of Reglltcrof Deedl OlEice I
of CUlter County. I
The following report , furnished
the Rm'uur.tCAN by Reg-ister of
Deeds \Vood , represents the banner -
ner ) 'ear of the ofi ce , which is a
small increase over 1905 , and of
the total humber of in truments
fiied approximately t.wo thousand
ar arranty deeds , which repre-
sel boni fidetransfers. Taking
int consideration the county's
pop lation , estimated at twenty ,
tive thousand , or a basis of five
thousand voters would give every
twd voters out of five a change
of title during the year.
Total number of instruments
filed. during 1906 and amount of .
fees :
Jaunu ) ' 42 I"co $445 10
. } . 'cbrnao' 444 4 < > 5 O
March 4 8575
A Nil 5J 5M 55
' . 'JO I
Ma ) ' 4M2 52. !
Jnne' , .4"2 48 ! ! 115 ,
Jul ) ' 366 3.4 ! 95
AUllust 29\ :113 : 35
" ScPtcmber 413 4J. ' ! ( AI
" ' October ,120 44. ! 5
No\'cmbcr 401 444 c.s
Decembcr , _
Tota1..f' > .I61 $5 7 6 00
RClllsters l'Ialary. ' . . . . . . : . . . . $ IMII 00
Dcputy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . toOO 00
Rell'ularclcrk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 OD
I xtra clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 42
Postagc. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 OS
'l'olal expenses. . . . . . . . . . . $3268 41 $326847
' .rotal excessllahl to county. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2517 r'J
'l'otal mortgages filed :
1906 1905
No. AIII't. No.III't. .
I.'arlll 71.15 $1.0I1.0'1.9 I 71t ! $ )19,657.70
City 1U2 8-,706.83 ' I 114 57.101.77
- - - - - - -
Total..9:7 : : $1,0911.7.\7.15 830 $976,159.47
Total mortgages released :
1906 1905
No. Amt. No. AIII't.
Farm 1190 $691.57l.61 913 $5411,254.31
Clt ) . 85 50.'i7.Sa I 112 : ' 3.2i7.S0
- - - - - - - - -
975 $741:1.370.16 : 1025 $571,6JI.81
During the rear 1905 there were
113. deeds in foreclosure at an
amount of 553,440.27 , and in 1906
there were 93 , the amount being
A Good Thing.
Frank G. King is again starring -
ring this season as Andy Markoe
in "A Homespun 'Heart. " Mr.
King knows a good thing when.
he sees it , and so does the public
and that "A Homespun Heart"
is a good thing , admits of no
question. Those who have seen
it , evince a desire to see it again
and never fail to do so , when an
opportunitr , is afforded them.
This play IS not only interesting
from a dramatic standpoint , but
on account of its moral aspects
as well. It abounds in wholesome
influences and teaches a salutar.y
life-lesson-nor is it devoid of the
comedy element. Andy's quaint
humor is irresistible \ and : on-
vulsing. Mr. King has taken
care to surround himself with a
capable company of actors , singers -
ers and dancers. The scenery is
beautiful and our theatre-g"oers
may rest assured of seeing sC ) lne-
thing unusually good at Broken
Bow Opera House on Jan. 14th.
Th , Miniater an Inlurance Agent.
A firm dealing in life insurance
sent out annual reports of the
conditions of tl e company they
represent to their customers and
one of the reports fell into the
hands of a certain minister who
holds down a pulpit not many
miles distant from Broken Bow ,
The followihg letter was wriUetJ
by him and sent to the insurance
agents :
"Gentlemen : Again I have
been honored in the .receipt oj
your insurance reports , Fee ]
like remonstrating , however ,
over the omission of one of the
companies I am in and which I
represent , which , as you know1
handles both fire and life insur-
ance. My company offen
polices almost phenomenal it
generosity. As to fire we take
the worst possible risks , badly
constructed , with dangerous ex ,
posures and at a merely nomina1
rate. one of the companies in. .
cluded in yo r lis.t , of reports cat
propose such promises as ours
We also insure lives even whet
the applicant has begun to drif
out into the unfathomable oceal
of eternity ; the premium bcin
only the dying prayer of till
"Indeed , I doubt if any of th ,
companies on your list woul
dare issue policies of this 60rt
Our liabilities are very heavy , t ,
be sure , all but stupenduous , yc
I we arc very sure wehave sume
I ient surplus to cover them al ]
For statement of capital on hane
see our reports , St , John , xivl :
Yours truly ,
- . - . - - . "
'l'he scripture referred to J'ead ,
"If ye shall ask anything in m
I name , I will do it. "
zz *
z E B
Doctor Le ch , Dcntist.
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf
\Vhen you have bogs t sell
call up No. 62. H. II. SQUtlHts.
See that fine line of coffees at
Home-made Buckwheat flour-
absolutely pure-at the Advo"
Shoe repairing a specialt ) ' at
Mevis & Co.
. I am making farm loans at 5 ,
per , cent interest.
J Al\n S LnDWtCU ,
2 tf Broken Bo .v , Neb.
Missouri black walnuts and
hickory nuts-fine goods-at
Good chewing tobacco , 25 cents
per pound at the Advo.
Don't forget to order your coal ,
oats and corn at west side ele\'a-
Shoes repaired at Mevis & Co. ,
on short notice.
LOST-Two warranty deeds
signed by J. P. Gaudy and wife.
Finder please return to Jesse
Gandy and receive suitable
reward. 25-tf
. For bargains in real estate see
Bowman & Anderson , just west
of the Security State Bank. 10tf
\V AN'l'nD-the year around ,
ten men , with or without families.
HUl'US G. CAlm , .
20tf Doris , Nebraska.
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck-
Mevis & Co. , is the place to
trade if you want to save money.
The best importel1 horses , $ [ 000 each.
HOllie-bred registered draft stalliolls ,
$250 to 1 750 at my stahle Iloors.
20-32 Crestoll , Iowa.
W still have about two
hundred bushels of bulk apple's ,
in fine condition , at from 85c
to 51 per bushel. These are the
last low price apples this season.
J. N. PEAT.H & Co.
r am making farms loans at 5
per cent interest.
25tf Broken Bow , Neb.
W ANTED-Men , women , boys
and girls to represent McClure's
Mag-azine Good pay. Address
67 East 23d St" N. Y. City. 34-tf.
Carpets , rugs , portiers and
couch covers at Mevis & Co.
Prices very low.
Do you choose to chew-
tobacco ? Try the Advo's 25
cents per pound flavor.
Any oue wishing cakes of aU
discriptions can leave orders at
Hotel Heneau. Frui t cakes < I
I am making farm loans at
per crnt interest :
Broken Bow , Neb
Home-bred draft stallions , $250 t <
$600 ; imported stallions , your choice
$1000. P. 14. S'1'RUAM ,
20.32 . . Creston , Iowa.
Go to J. W. Scott's for un.
adulterated flour-pure , just a
the wheat growed.
R. B. Mullins , M. ' D. , D. D
S. the Dentist. 37t
Removal Notice.
, I have removed my stock 0
Undertaldng Goods , 'pictu're ane
I oem Mouldings , etc. , to thl
. room recently vacated by R. 'f
1 Walker Grocery Co. , and am pre
pared to do all kind of furnitur
upholstering , Busincss phone
85 ; residence 322. L. E. COr.E.
For Sale.
'l'hirty head of horses , consist
il1g' of work horses , driven
saddle ponies and brood mare
( i'our registered Hereford Bull
Three Poland China Boars.
'l'wo Mammoth Jacks.
tf. AI.I.AN RHYN1W ,
2 miles south of Broken Bo\\
Corn She11inll.
I have a first-class corn shelle
and will do vour work in thi
line at satisfactory price !
l : Phone No. 356 or address.
y I C. . PROUTY ,
29-32 Broken Bow , Neb.
. . -L
, - - , .
. ,
- - - ' " - - - - - -
I MONDA V , JAN. 14th
. - . .
A Homespun tleart is a beautiful pastoral comedy drama ,
I which , by its pathos , its heart-touching incidents , its real beauty
and its C'omed ) " , stirs th : soul of its auditors to their v ry depths
. and makes them laugh with real mirth at its funny outcome and
, wit. Opera house managers everywhere report it a splendid show ;
I ' ? lany of them saying it is the best they have hatt. The company
, 1 IS an exceptionally st.rong on . ' . .
A real treat awaits everyone who buy tickets and wItness the
! ' production of "A Homespun Heart" at the Opera House , Monday
night , January 14th , ,
Prices : Reserved seats or general admission , 50 cents ; Chil. .
dren. 25 cents. S. P. GROAT , Manager.
The company supplies all the scenery , used. j
tltt't"'t"t"'T'tt't"tt"t"t""y""tt"t""tt"tl't" ' " " ' " " ' ' ' " " " " " " " " " " " , , " " " " ' "
i -
I Start Iig11tI I
- : : : : : =
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- -
- -
E : A great deal depends upon starling a new ycarin the : : : :
- : : : : :3 :
I = = right way. Of course you have made a number , of good : : : : :
- : : : :
= = resoution ] and that is one of the right ways , provided : : : : :
- : : . : : : :
= = that among the resolutions you have incorporated one to = =
l = - = the effect that 'you will use none but pure and unadulterat. . ' - : : . : : : :
- : : : :
E ed Groceries and Provisions purchased from : : : : :
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---1It - - - - - - ' -a - ' -
Ir 'I .
. to Loan. ' ,
. . . . . - - -
I am prepared to Also bargains i ,
place money on good farms.TiJI selLy u
. improved furms a t a farm on easy terms
lower rates than has '
of payment.
ever been offered in
Custer county. Ca11 Do not rent when
and see me. you can buy.
- -
J allIeS Ledvich ,
Broken , Bov , Nebr. , 7
l ! : _ . : : ! J.
_ _