Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 03, 1907, Image 8

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    . ,
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" ' . , . , . . . - . . ' . .
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. . I . . ' . ,
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, . , , . . , . l _
. I I.- J - : '
-Hotel Reneau
Borr AND COLD ' ,138 , ,
J. E. 18ZARD , Prop'r
. . . . . . . - - . - -
- -
- ' ' - . . . . . . . .
, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -
- '
tflff ll.6 ! ; ' 'i1 : ! imlJ'ii.J ' ! rm.f [ .l y ! ; 'Htdi'1f [ 1"rl " : ; ! fJ'I ' : ; ! ' : / ' ! ' .illi.1 ' ! ; ; .i'ii:1 ! t. :
! When desiring to figure on a bill f\1
of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . 1
L. Turner Lumber Co. 1I
rl C. . . ij
I , . , .
1.ii1\ \
L .
We 'carry ' a iull stock of Lumber. \
I Sash , Doors , Mou1dint s , etc. j
w.fl ii1J
3 Agents for the Nebraska Central - : :
. Association. ; # !
" Building & Loan : J
{ ' . f"v : r : . . . . . . . " ' u-.C ! " " . ' . . . , : : " " ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m.'lJ.f : : . . 11Z1.l. : t . ' : ' / ; ; ! r ! : : ,
' ! f"lit ! Iffi : : .
tfttm ? Jt j i' ! fIi1 ; l6i:1r.iH : : : ! : J.I : illii1 : J.l y ! t 'lX'J : ; i it. liiil ! Jir. ' J
_ - .n.w.-- . _ - _ - ' _ 1iI" . . . _ . . - ' r . . . - - , _ _ - . ! ' " . . . . .
- ! ' . : IIZ.t ( ? ' . . . . .s..IIJ6'W ! : ' . .z4 - ,
A large stock of
.A. . : aa : : p S
espectially adapted for Christmas presents on wh1ch
we have placed very low prices. You are .invited to
inspect them before purchasing.
- - -
Have reduced the price on
F" La C > -r : FI. .
'l'he best brands manufactured in the county. 'Why
pay more when you can get it for less here. Call
and get prices.
South SideSquare , Broken Bow.
.M : o".r..r.r.M " : : : o"r.I' " : II.OO- : . : . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . :
r J u II SI.A.JN" : : : : ' ,
1 ; ' l RY'S n
III _ r LIVERY and I
. ' . , , '
Rcmodelell ntlll repaired throughout. Gool11i\'ery rigs at reasonable rates. t
S AccotJIodalion for callIe and range horses. Hay at 110011 , 10 ccnts ; all ay ,
8 15 centsj over night , 35 cents. Calla11l1 see me.
! bo J'"J' ' : r.r.M . : f. ) " r.rJo".r : .r.r.r.rJ".r.r .r.rJ"- " :
Succes or to } GEO. WILLING ,
Embalmer and Funeral Director ,
Business phone , 301. Hesidence phone , 334 B.
- _ . . . . . . . . - . . . . 1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Send your Abstract Orders to
Eonded Abstracter
Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
. . .
- - - - ' " - ' - - - .
- " -
- : : : - - " " ! - -
Don't run away with the idea all lumber is alike or prices
the samc. Before you build consult
. . CO.
South Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb.
* * * *
are dealers in Heal Estate of all kinds.
WE We will bu.y or sell. Don't fail to see
11S before you buy or sell. We can do
you good. Collcctions made and insur-
if ance written. Farms rented and taxes paid. See
; us for farm loans. Come in . and see us.
, ,
, . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . , . - - - - - - - . - . - . .
, .
. '
. ' . .
. - . . . . . - - . - . -
L A _ _ . . . . , . . "
Prooeedlngs of lup.r l.or. .
COlltlnucd from FirAt I'OIl1e
the report or t116 committee be accepted -
copted and udoptcd.
Adjourned till 1:10 : : p. m.
At 1 :30 : the board , rcassembled
with 1\11 memborH present.
The errOll(10UH and delinquent tax' '
claims committce reported aB Col-
lows :
We recommend that the claim oC
N. . Sheldon be ( lllowcd COl' $ 8 30
E. M. Column be allowbd for 67 76
.J. W. HobinHon ( lllowed for a .16
I. F. S. l\Iercor ( lllowed for 7 1 : )
Jolm Dresson be allowed tor 19 35
Isullo P. 1\.01l0y allowed for 10 00
And in the JUattor of the
claim of A. Y. dutton wo rec.
ommend that thel'c be refunded - .
funded to Mr. Suttun out oC
DiHt. fund of Dist. No. 25. . $ 2 01
Out of Dist. bond fund oC
District No. 25. . . . , . . . . . . 1 45
$ .1 OU
And thnt there he trans-
i Cor red from the Diat. fund
l of DiJt. : ! No. 25 to the Diat.
I Cund of Diat No. 2 < 1. . . . . . $ 4 : 64
; And in the mlltt r of the tax : sale
1 certificate No. 7814 covering the
weat of the Houth wcst ! of sec.
26 , town 15 , range 18 , and the tn : ' !
sale certificate No. 7755 covorina
the south of the south east ! oj
section 13 , town H , range 17. nUl
tnx sale certificate No. 77U8 cover ,
ing the north t of the south wesj
! ( lnd the south ellst of the 130ut1 :
weot , nnd tbo north west of the
south elst of secHon 3 , town 14.
mnge 18 , we recommend thnt thE
county treasurer be and hereby I
instructed to redeem from sale. WE
also reromIDond that the claim of J
8. Lion be nllowed for $23.80
We also recomlnond that thE
county treasurer be instructed t (
write so.le certificates on block 4
Westervillp , and to assign the saml
upon the payment of the face 0
the tax and the advertising fee , an ;
that the following claims be reject
e :
Glen Johnson. . . . . . . . . . $ 2 6
i\Inr1ey & Rriblee. . . . . . . . 8 2
U. P. R. R. Co . . . _ . . . _ 1035 8
1\1rs. L. St"w rt. . . . . . . . 12.J
John HarRe. . . . . . . . . . . 5 (
_ Robert Pnttorfon. . . . . . ' . _ 9 (
- . Fonda ,
J _ T. Arthur ,
, H. . ScbneriItgor.
It was moved Ilnd cnrried th :
the report of the committee be n
cepted and dopted.
The official Bond , Rand , nn
Road Claims Committee reported. .
follows :
We Jecommend tb t the follow 1
bouds bo pprov d :
C. L. GulterBon , county att.orm
t J. F. Russell , justice of tb pell <
I of Ansloy township.
H. L. Kerr , clerk , of AnsI
i township.
S W. R. Young , troaaurer of At
. .
ley township.
. = And thnt the following claims
- allowed :
Purcell Bros. , publishing
road notices. . . . . . . . . . _ $112
H.B. Schneringer , roaa committee -
mittee work. . _ . . . . . . . . . 63
F. E. VanAntwerp , survey.
ing , perpetuating corners
and ofiice wOl.k..Oi. . . u 52 :
F. E. VnnAntwerp , platting
roads and o ce work. . . . 9 ( )
L. Ous lInnn.
Ii. B. Schneril1jgcr
R. R. W olch _
Moved ucl carried , that the
port of the committee bo oooep
and.adopted. .
- Claims commlttoe reported :15 : folio
. . We recommend tlmt the 10illow
- clah11s bo allowed : .
Den P. Morris , brldgo work. . . . . : ! 3 :
11. B. ScbuCl'lngot. " " . . . . 3\ \
J03. Fenimore e , " . . . _ 4 (
It I ! . Welch , . , . . . . _ 31
A. Fonda " " . . . _ 31
.1. 1' . Arthur . . . . . . . . . . 3 :
I. . Cushman ' " . . . . . . . 21
W. It Ponnlngtou for lI , mnlln-
Ing and trips to COUlstock.
and the country. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
W. H. Pennington for visiting'
Fmucls 1\1001'0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. F.g.Stoaks for sOl"Vices rendered ,
r- AIplognrth faUllly. . . . . . . . 1
J. R ) owel1 ron1 for 1\1rs. Dubr ) "
I. . Diorks l.umberCo. , coal for 1\Irs.
Howurd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Purcol1 Bl'09.printlng board pro.
cO\H.\lng \ , County 'reasurel's
statement und notice of Med-
iculblds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10'
Purcell Dros. publishing Deltn-
Iuent 'l'ax List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Boal & Wimmer publishing Du-
IInquent Tux List. . . : . . . . . . 34J
Deal & Wohner printing board
proceedings. . . . . . . . . _ . . . , . 31
Weldon Livermore , hay to Chub-
ick. during quarantine. . . . .
II. ? \ Plncknoy snlary for Oct. ,
ov. and Dee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -to (
I n. M. Pinckney postage and inci-
dentals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (
: t' : Jules lIuunont. : salary for Oct. .
Nov. nnd Doc. , 1\100. . . . . . . . ln
'ii R. R. Weloh.
De P. Morris ,
ib L. Cusbmnn.
1t was moved and carried that the
port of the committee . be accepted :
a optod.
'fhe Poor Furm , Court Houle :
.Iall commlttoo reported a8 ,
We recommend that the follon
olahns bo allowed :
. D. O. Konkel , desk for 'I'rens- .
urer's ol1lce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11'
I D. C. Konkol , curpet for court
I room. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 8' '
, , .
. .
J obn 1'1rnlll , aa1ary from 81\\)1. \ \ 10 I
to Dec. 10 , lUOB. . . . . . . . . . . . . 875 00
Weaturn and 'uel Co. , gas I
for Octobor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 g
Western 1.lght nllli Fuel Co" gas I
tor NOvClnber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Hi
Western Light an Fuel Co. for I
lIt1ulllu.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 40
'EtI.lIldJu/llnsMdlw. / . . . . . . . . . . . 17 UO
Hull'l'owsloy bonrd uncl wa'h-
Ing fOl. Little. to. . . . . . . . . . . . t ! 2
Rolin 'J'owsloy bourd tor.1 .It-nncl I
} nrl Goddard nnd Ole Lltlle 2 GO I
Holla 'l'owsley washln for ! lri- : : ! _
oners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ta ! I
O. II. Movls 11lld Co. . Mdse. tor I
. } ) rIIlOnor8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2
S. U. Lee , 11001' oil , turpentine ,
nmonln nnd chlorldo of limo 1 7
A. n. Dlek Cu. . sUPPlle8 for Co.
Ult ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 80
Scott Cuoper , sll.lnry fOl' N ov . . . O 00
11a1lllnonll tephens Co.Bupplies
fOl' Co. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G 7G
G. J. . ' sul't. Co. , coal
and lIoorlng tor court house 182 85
Purcell DI'OS. , supplies. . . . . . . . . . 4 7 UO
. . . . " , . . . . . . . . UG 7
Centl'l\l ' 1'01. Co. ol1lco of Co.
Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 or ;
Contrnl ' 1'01. Co. ol11co of Co.
Judge. . . , . : . . . . . . . . . . . to. G 0 : ;
Coutrnl 'l'e1. Co. ol11co of Co ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( j GO
Surt ' . Co. 011lce of Co.
SherlfI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4G
Central 1'01. Co. 011lco of Co.
DIstrict Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . G 20
Contrn1 ' 1'01. Co , ol11co of Co.
Reglstor of Deeds. . . . . . . . . . . 4 80
Contl'l\l 'reI. Co. ol11co of Co.
'l'rcnsurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OU
Contml ' 1'01. Co. Custer County
'l'olls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 21i
And wo recommend Llmt the follow.
Ing clulm bo roje ted :
Contrnl 'l'eI.Co.tor oxtrny Tole.
phone .In Co. 'l'reasurer's
ul1lco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 o (
J. ' 1' . Arthur , .
Jos. Fenimore ,
I. . Cushumn.
It wns move und carried that till
report of the commltleo bo ncceptel
and udopted.
'l'ho Judiciary Claltu Commit to reported
ported us follows :
W 0 recommend tbnt the foltow ll1
claims bo allowed :
A _ It. Humphroy Postage and Ex-
press. . . . _ . . . _ . . r. . . . . . . . . . . 17 '
, Purcell Bros. Rubber Stamps. . . 8 6
Gl.'O. D. Malr Postage and Express 2 : ; 0
Goo. . Mall' Salury for HlOO. . . . .400 0
'Goo. B. 1\1alr Appointing Election
Officers , 19U . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 37 5
" Geo. , Mnlr Drawing , Jury. . . . . . 1
Goo. 13. Mail' Attending Court. . . . 44 C
tate VS Abernuthy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ]
tate vs Gugo . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . 8 1
State VB Dennis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
State vsWllde , l\Iartlnund Ryun. 28 (
J. O. Taylor vs Custer county. . . . 4
C. L. Mullins vs Custer County. . 4 (
A. C. Gritllth VB Custer Oounty , _ U
F. 1\1. ltubleo VI ! Custer County. . U :
C. H. Holcomb Services in case of
J. It. und Enrl Goddard. . . . . . 2 I
It. II. MI\1tr \ ! Witness fees In Ryan
caso. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 18
at c _ W. Lincoln Witness and Milo-
, c- lI e Alo. . C. Gl' 11I h vs Custer
County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
H. . Schneringer
d It. U. Welch.
IlS A. Fonda.
lit wus moved and ( 'urriod to acco
19 : m..1 adopt the report.
A letter from the County Clerk
'y. ' Gru.nt County , rolatiyo to luklng C
:0 : , of some paupers for thcm was reud
tbo Clm'k.
ey It WIlS moved and cnrrled that I
elOl'k bo insll'ncted to Infm'lll them It
IS- this county oe.i not care to to
paupers h'oUlany othct. counties.
be 'l'he following commlttcos to appra
school land was uppointod by the cba
, n the applications of II. H. Roblm
.50 for the NWM of Section 8B , 'l'own
Rnngo 22 , and M. I. Smith , the Enst
IU 6 Section 8B. Town 1Ran \ ) o 22. Sup
visors. Fonlmoro , 1\Iorrls and Wolch.
Un the applicntlon of Sllrah B. LII
GO say for the West % of Sec.
Town H. Range 22. Su pervlsc
Fonda , Schnering und Cuslll11un.
. It wns lDoved nnd carrie that SUI
, . visor Cushmnn be and hereby Is
polntod n COlDllllsslonOl' to vlow an
reo port upon the expediency of "ostnhll
ted Ing tl"Oa in town 10 , ran go 20 us
tllioucd for by Alton ReynOl. ot 11.1 ; I
that Supervisor Schnorlnger be
'polnted to examlno und report n1
the oxpe lency of estahll5ihlng road :
petitioned for by J.V Henry ot 11.1
town 15. Ro.nge 24 , nnd by A. Lamn
ot'9.I. in town 15 , Range 2 , and by
C. .Jenson et aI , in town l , Range
and th:1tSupervlsor : Fondn b nplJo
ed n commissioner to vlow nnd 1'0 ]
9 00 upon the oxpcdhlCY of o : > tabllshh
rend us petitioned lor by A. A. .
o 00 nings ot nl , in Town 13 , Ruugo 21 ,
thut SnpervhlOr MOrl'ls ho appolntel
g gg examine and rOfort ' upon the oxpcd
ey of establlshln a 'road as pelitl ( ]
. .1. 10 fOl' by 1\lI1ler In 'l'own 15 , Rungo 1
Th. , following resolution wus I
nnd adopted by u unanimous vote.
( ' .7U Mr. Chalrman- :
Hoforc adjournment I desire tel
l D5 sent the tollowing r0501utlons for
coniideruUon of the bourd :
L m
Whereas , tbe year's business of
' 7liunty bonrd Is about to close and'
it comes the retlroment ot two of
J tag
: IDltmbers.
) ( Uti'N1ereforo ' , be It resolved that wo
.gl' . loolle from our otllelal clre1l
) 11 : T. .Art.hur of District No. 1 and II. .
i ml 'Sol1norlnger of Dlstl'ict No. . ( und
.un tho.eve of tholr rolirclluent wo
, toud itO thel11 our beal"ty nppreolr
of , the 8plendld work they have I
. . .
r ' \ nd , our best wishes for their h :
! , cuccess. Mr. Arthm , hus serve ,
c.uuty , in the capaelty of super'
1\1 adll.n1c years. the last two of which lu
' , been the honored chuirman of the 1
' 11 IIr. \ U'o him we ewe a debt of gl'Ut !
Iforlthe full' and hupurUal maun6
Iwhlchho hll8 conducted the ofileo ,
, '
'i tWO feel , that to his ability as 1prosl
S /lEI"otllaerhl. / ue , to a grout extent , till
_ _ ' , . . Tll . - -
oell which this body ha. met with d r-\ \
Ing the pnst year.
Mr. Schner111godms proved himcH ! 11
competent un < 1 ol1 clent mOllllJer 111
oyory wny nntl n gl'l1lal n880cll\to. I
We l'nll utlol1llol1nt this tl1uo to the
harmony unll good teellng which has
pl'om\lcd \ ulUong the members of tbl8
lJtJtlY dul'ing the ) Just yell.r.
I I 'l'hls condition has not only mlldo the
wOl.k moro plensant but hns mndo bottoI'
results nosslble.
Jos. Fonlmoro.
It WIlS moved nnd currlod that the
County Clerk be o.n hereby Instructed
to dmw wnrrnnts for ntI cla1lus allowed
at this meeting of the Hoard or so far
us the funds wl111Jl1rmit.
further business he.
There biong no
fore the Board It WILS moved and curried -
ried to adjourn sino die. '
J. ' 1' . AltTIIUlt , JO ! ! . PlmlAN ,
Chllirmnn. County Clerk.
- -
Consult him If you Vlnnt Wnter.
Brolen Bow.
Phone 112 , - {
I r .r.r. : r.r. ' " . . ' . " ' . " . .rA'
. l
) jeweler and 01)tician
West Side Sq are , 1
x raken Bow , '
} Nebraska.
l n ;
. ij j i
) ( ) OOtOt
o . . . . . . . . Herd "R ded n" . . . . . . . . .
o Prl"on flrult Nn. 71703 .
40 j. ( .BREN1ZER , tlreeaec f
Pure Scotch :11\11 Scotch Toppcd SllMt He
c.\ttle. My hcrd numbers 40 cows. Wilt cc
pare In brecdln ! : ' and quality with auy west
Chlcalro My experience has . me tha1
pt lIve Iloollsatlsfactlon. brecdlnlr cattle must
ral.cJI" tht. . . .ltltuCiC. I expect
r..h'ctlJt ln JJ re the tqunl of anythl
o f ralscd lu'h" U. S. I now ha7e25 bulls sulta
' Jor thl ! ! and next year',1 scrvlce. ! 'tly CJ
1'0 Melillt from 1400 to 2000 J'ounds. Come and
Legal Notices.
, ho .
, leo Ullited Slatcs Land Office. ,
Hrokenllow. Nebraska. JanuarI. 1907.
affidavit havlnll' been fi
sufficient conteRt
. ot1lce by Wilber E. Lutz. contesU
ISO In this '
' made October l4. I'
cntry No. 50')1.
, I' alalnst ! townshh ) 20. raUlro
1 : for west haH. section 35.
by Cornelius S. Munhall. contestee. In whlcl
ion I ntryman has at no time
' that
1'1 allclI'elt
. that
the tract.
19. tabllshed a
abalHtoned the Bald track. that
1L has wholly months last paBt be has b
than six
72 more saId tract. that ho has fallcd to
. absellt from
er. . and
f\ald tract In any manncr.
the \
prove tlmo. ! :
all the laches exist at the IlfeSent
hereby notified to appear. resp
. ) artles are
II ( I - anll otTer cvldence toucl1hll : saId
' 12. 1907 , beforc
' . .
o'clock m.
lit a.
lU United St :
, al1l1 Receiver at the
Reilister How. Nebraska.
IrS Land Office In Hroken
salll contestant l1av I nil' . In a pn
aOidavlt. The ! Hed Dcccmber 31. IIIJO. set forth f :
that after due dlllilence persl
lor- which Eervlcc show of this notice can not be made. I
and directed that such notlc
np- hereby .
due and proper Iubllcatlon.
"Ivcn by
. "
. Rccelv
. !
IshN. . ' 1' . AU'y for Coutcstant. :
In County Conrt of Custer Coullty. Nebra' '
m and to all
' 1'0 the Crcdltors aud IIelrs.
of Jolll1 Juker.
ap- are Interested In the cstate
pen Deceased. 'l'AKE NOTICE. That Clara n. Juller.
mlnlstratrlx of the aforesallll state. haR fiI
BLS ! report of hcr dolnlfR a'llluch. al\ll asle , ; that
' . al1l1 that she be dlschal
; 111 lIame be appro\'ed.
from further oblhratlOlI therein. and that
. lOrt Couuty JiHll1'e maKe such order as to the
trlbutlon of the assets belol1\Clullto \ said eE
1\1 .
aalllay seent just aud equitable ; deslilnate
share In said estate. ani
24 , heirs cntltled to a
grant such other rellcf as tlla'bedecmed n !
I Int - sary III the I1l1al 5ettlenlent of said cstatc.
been set for hearing on
Said ntaller
: : ) Ort 1st day of February. 1907. at 10 o'clock a. nt.
' . In Uroken Dow.
a the Cc.unty l'ourt RoolII.
braska. at which tlll1e aud place all pal
J on- ' and be heard coucerl
onInterested Ill\ ) appear
the same.
ul1d Datcd thlK 28th day of December. l00 .
1 to ( SlIAL ! A. R. I1UMI'IIRlIV. Couuty Judl
J. A. AIIMOUR. Att' ) ' .
Estate of I zm L. Wheeler. Deceased
U . Connl ) ' court of l..1tster county , Nebraska.
: 'el\ d 'I'he State of Scbratilra , to all persl Uli . .
csted III , ; ald estatc. take notice. that Ch :
Penll has11led a filial " , ccoUllt alld rellort 0
adllllllititratlou. aud a lletltlon for fiual s.
lIIent aud dlschanre as such. which have'
p"oI'et for hearlulC before liald Court on Jan
2IIth. 1007. at 10 o'clock a. m. . when you
t I 10 appear alld contcst the same.
Dated Dec. 291h. 1906.
: " ' 9-32 ( S AL ] A. R. IIUJJPJlRRV. Coullty JI
t I 10
our Estate of Nels K. Lec. Deceased , In Co
Court of Custer COULlt ) " . Nebraska.
' 1'he State of Ncbraska. to all personlt I
' ested IlIlIald cstate. take notice. that a pet
1'0- has beellllled for the aPIolntment of Dor
) J. as adl1llnlstratrlx of stld estate. which
beell set for hearlull' herein. on 7th of Jal11
, } ' ' . " 11107 , at 10 o'clock a. nl.
Dtted I > ecember 15. 1906.
thut 2S-30 ( SRAL ] A. R. IIUJJPIIRRV. County JI
ttlon Uulted States Land Office.
Drokcn now. Nebraska , December 14. 190
done Notice for Publication , ! Isolated Tract
ItU1'O Notice Is hereby IClvell that In pursualll
Instructlonli frolll the lo.mlssloner 0
, Ister Gelleral Ialld OlUce. uuder autltorlt ) ' vcst
VISOl' hIm by liectlon 2 SS. U. S. RevIsed Statute
amended hy Act of C.oulCrelll. allpro\'ed Ju
I I Ins 1906. we wllll.rocecli to otTer at public sa
the 21st day of Jalllt.\o' . 1007 , next at
lody , . ! lce. \ . the followhll ! ' tract 01 land. toltI
Itudo - . section 18. township 18. north ranll'e 23
An ) ' al\ll all personll clalmhlll adverse ! ' '
l' I n abo\'e described lands are advised to lIIe'
claims In this ollicc , 011 ur before the day :
und deslll'nated for the conlluencemeut of said
[ lng otherwise their rllChts will be forfeited.
I JOliN . RelCl
. . RaItSK.
) sue . 'W. _ _ _ . , l > ARIUS M. AJJSURKRReci
_ , " " " , " ' 4"'t1rr " ll.llU .
, . , " . . - , - -
Cou 11 t ) " Court. Custer County. Nebraska. _
The creditors of the etate of John M. A11101 ,
Ueceaedt '
'l'\ke uotl e That I will lilt at the Coul1ty
cou'rt rOOI1l , III Drokcn HowL In Raid CountY.OIl
tlte : lIst day or January. 1911' . and 011 the 21 t I (
day of June. 1907 , ench at 10 o'clnck a. IU. of \
cacll dart to recclve and cxal1llne all claims
alCaln't Raill clltatc. with a view to their adjnst- , I
meLt : md allowance ; and thaI on the firllt date ,
above thc petiliolls of wldo\\ ' will be heard for 1
hotne9tcall , exemptionR. allowance al\ll olhcr . .1 !
Statutory rllChts.
The time IImltcd for the pre'lcntatlon of
claims alCalnt ! said clltate Is ! ! Ix lII lllh" from f \
the 1st day of Januan' . 19\)7. \ and thc tlllle limIt-
ell for paymellt of debt8 III enc year f runl flald
date. It
Datcd Decembcr Ii. 1906.
A. R. IIUMrJlKR ) ' . " I
:1.30 : Countv JUdICe. I
Uultcll Statc ! ! Laud Oflice , . . }
Droken Dow , Ncbraska. Dcccmber 8. I'I\.KI. ' It
A suniclcnt cOlllcSt affidavit havillII' bccn
filetlln tltl ! ! ofilce by ] al I'nrrow. contestant.
alfalnst IIolllestcad cnlry No. 23-12. lI1ade June
2'J 1904. for se ! le scctlon 7. nw'nw ' { scc- "
tl n 17. c\ \ ncflectloll ! 1M. townRhh' 20 ranlle :
23. by Jcnnle Clancy. Contestee. In which It Is ,
allcllcd that Jennie Clanc ) ' ncver cstabllRllcl1 a.
Rettlement upon Raid lalld nevcr ctabllshed a 4 " #
rcsldence or rclded thereon lias made no.lm.
provcmentll of any kind thereon : tI1I1 has cn-
tlrely failed to III any manncr cultivate any
I.ortlon of Raid tract and has abandoned the I
ame a 11I1 said defects now cxlst. flallt parties
are hercby notified to appear. rcspond ami
otTer evlllcnce touclllnil said alle'atlon : at 10 .J
o'cloclC a. m. on Jannary 18 , 1007. before tile " '
RClllster and Rccclvcr at Ule Unlte1 States
Land Ofiice IlIllrokenllow. Nebraska. 1' 1
'l'he lIalil contestant lIavlnl { , hi a proper affi.
davit. filed I > ecember 7. 19Q1J. set forth facts
which show that after due dlllll'cnce tlersonal
scrvlce of this notice can not be made. It Is ' "
hereby ordered and dlrccted that Huch nollce \I \
he II'lvcn tine aud .
by proJlcr publication. , '
27.32 JOliN RIUSIt , Reglter. ' . I'
The unlmown heir ! ! . devlsces and lelCatecB of
lIIallala HrlR'lfan. Jacob Hrlllilan. and J. W.
Shea. will takc notle that l\Iorrls H. Hunnell
hall nlcLlhls petition In the District Court of
Custer Count ) ' . Nebraska. the object and. I
prayer of which Is 10 rcmol'e the cloul"l from
the title to the northwest quarter of lIeclioLl one '
In township fourtcen , ranlCe uilleteell , In Custcr t
County. Ncbraska. by an order allli Ilccree of
11:1111 : court , cancelllnR' and dccreeltlll as fraudu. ,
lent and void the Hcccivers receipt to l\Iahala
DrllClCan. the mortlCalCe by Mahala Drlll'lfau J
and husband to Judson C. Porler. the dced I
froml\Iahala IIrllClfan alhlhnsband. Jacob. to .
James IIall : the mortlCalfc from Jamel IIall I ,
and wife to lIIahala HrllClran ; aud the deetl
from Jamcl W.lI.t1l and wife to J. W. Shea.
all covcrlnll' Kalil land. and also dccreelllll' a
1100.1 title to said prcmlse'l III the plaintiff and
for such other amI further relief as may be
cqultable. i
You arc rcqnlred to answer this pttltlou on
or before January 2hll.1907. or the sallie will be J .
tahen as trne an(1 judgmcnt rendered ac- I
Hatcd , December 10th. 1906.
- l\IOKKI'I1 ! ' ! . IIUNNltLL. PlalntltT.
. J. A. AnloloUR. Attv. - 27-31 It
2731'I 'I ,
Unltcd States Land Office. t
Drokcn Dow. Nebraska. December 10. 1906. f \ i \ Z
Notice Is hereby Klvcn that HU ERT I
LI-ONARD : , of Aroselmo , Nebraska. has filed ' . I
notice of hi ! ! Intention to make filial 5 year
proof In support of his claim. vlz : IIomestcad I
. I-ntry No. : .w06. made AUlI'ust 8 , 1901. for the '
sy. swM section 33. township 19.sw . , nw lot4.
! .1 scctlon 4. towllshlp 18 , N ranlle 24 'V. . and that
said proof will be madc before Heilister and
Rccel\'er at rokcl1l1ow. Nebraska , on January - '
: ary IS. 1m. He l1ames the followlnll' witnesses
T , to prove his continuous resIdence upon. and
cultlvatloll of. the land. vlz : John II. l\IcDer-
: : motto of Anselmo. Nebraska ; Charley IIlckey.
, \ of Anselmo , Nebraska ; Jamcs'oran. . of An-
selmo. Nebraska : Tim Teahon. of Anselmo.
Nebraska. JOliN HBRSE.
27.32 Reilister.
Unltel Statcs Land Office. ' "
Hrotten 1I0w. Nebraska , Novembee 26. 1906. }
Notice Is hereb ) ' II'lven that JOHN A.
MYERS. of Merna. Nebraska. has filed notice
of hIs Intention to make fiual fi\"c 'year proof In
support of his claim."Iz : IIomestead Entry
No. l 4 , made January 4 , 1900. for the w ! neJ4.
nYs nw Section U. townshIp 17 north ranlle
23 west and saId proof will be made before
) rn Heilistcr and Hccelvcr at Droken Dow. on
; nl. December : ' ' 9. 1906. He names thc followlllil
of wltn"Rses to prove hiI' contilluous rcsldcnce ,
l to upon. ; tnd cultivation of the land. vlz : IIenr ) ' \
be II. l\Iycrs. of Merna. Nebraska ; Jamcs Cool , of !
to Merna. Nebraska ; James 'V. IIowell. of
IIIIl Merna. Nebraska ; Deujamlll P. narrett. of
ble ' Merna. Nebraska. JOliN RRRSR.
IWII 'Z5-29 Reilister.
see _
Wc , the underllhl'llcd. hcreby associate ourselves -
selves togethcr for thc purpoge of formlllll' a
- corporatlo:1 under the laws of the State of
Nebra9ka. and do adopt the followlllll' Articles
of Incorporation :
l Art. I. ' 1'he name by which this curp ratlon
r shall be kllowu Is erwyn State Bank.
led Art. 2. 'l'he principal place of busIness of
LIlt. this corporatlol1 shall be at Derw"n. III the
'JIH ' county of Custer and State of Nebraska.
25' Art. 3. 'l'he object lor which this corpora.
l ! It tlon Is formed Is to carryon a commercial
es- banking bUKlnessunder the laws of the State
he of Nebraska.
for Art. 4. The authorized capital stock of this
, een corporation shall be : i'2S.e.o.oo. ' which stock
1m. shall be divided Into shares of the liar value
hat of $100.00 each , of which $5.000.00 shall be sub-
iald Bcrlbed and fUlly paid UP. No transfer of the
end stock of this corporation shall be operative un-
1 at tll entcred UPOll the books of the corporation.
the Art. 5. The hill best Indcbtedness of thIs
: ttes corporatlon shall not exceed two-thirds of the
paid up capitailltock. ( except dcposlts. ] !
) per Art. 6. 'l'hls corporation shall begin busl-
: lcts ness on the 1st day of December. 1906. and shal1 1
) nal terminate on the 1st day of I > ecember. 2C06.
t Is Art 7. The o icers of tills corporation shal1
e be be a president."Ict.prcsldent. . cashier. assls-
tant cashier. and a board of directors. consist- ;
'r. Inll' of 31members of which the first named
io.33 oOicers may be a part. 'rhe said o icers and
- board of directors shall have the manalCement
, and control of the alTalrs of this corporation. I
Kk . Art. 8. ' 1'he allnual meetinll of the stopk- ,
: holders of this corporation shal1 be on the
w Jr. 0 . fourth Tuesda ) ' In October of each year. at
whlchmecthlll the oflicers and dlrcctors shall
d be electcd by the stockholders of tbls corpora- ,
a -
tlon. The term of ollice f the officers and :
: a directors above provided for shal1 be for a
thi : perlml of one } 'ear. or until their successors are
rgc elected and Ijuallfletl. A majority of the
Jre ! shares of this Corporation sball [ constitute 1\
quorllm at any rellular or speclalmeetlnll.
Itt te Art. 9. Each stockholdpr shall. atall rellular \ jj .
d or special meetlnllB be cntltled to one vote.
. . either In perSOl1 or by proxy , for cach share of t
.cel ! ' stock held.
Art. 10. The Articlcs
the of Incorporation ma ) ' ii .
be amended at an ) ' rell'ular or special meetlnl : ' "
"Nat callcil for tbat purpose. b ) ' a two-thirds vote of ' I
- . .call the Rtock of the corporation. ,
Witness ollr handllthl8 28th da ) ' of No\"cm- I
I' nil ber. A. D. 1906. Sllllled.W. .
W. A. GROR01t.
3t..J.'J P. 1\1. CURRIK.
In presence of R. D. l'lcloett.
. I n On tbls 2 th day of November. A. D. . 1906 ,
before mc. tbe IIlIdershrned , a Notary } 'ubllc
I1ter within aDII for Cnstcr cOllnt ) . . Nebraska , dilly
commIssioned and /Qualilied. /
lrlc , personally ap-
f his peared W. A. Geonc. Jules IIaumont and ' .
. I 1\1. Currie. to me known to be tbe Idelltlcal per-
te ; sons whose namell are axed \ to the forell'olnll'
Articles of Incorporttloll. aud
cach for
' him-
: : . Yy self acknowledlCed the sallie to be his voluntary
act and deed.
In witness whereof. I havc hereunto set my
hand and a ixed my o iclal
I dICe . the day and
) 'etr : last above written. SllI'lIed.
- lSKAL ] Ross D. l'ICKItTT.
. Notary Pllbllc.
, unty CONTES' '
uter- Unltett Slates Laud Office. t
, Itlon Droken ) Jow. Nebraska. December 15. 1900. f
L Lee A su iclent contest afiidavlt havlnll' been
has filcd In thlll o ice by Man' Da'cr. contestant.
ary. allalnst Homestead cntr ) ' No. JJJ , made Sept.
J. 1903 , for neK nw . n)2 ne . se ne { . sec.
tlon 25. townshlr. 19. ranll'e 24. by l"lIlpo
dll'e. Chlnlcl. ' contelltee. n wblch It Is allelCed that
- } 'lIlpo Chlnlcl has aballdoned said llremlses.
: tnd failed 10 reside tbereon for more than IIlx
l monthslaat past. tha he has falJedtocstabllsh
. r a lellal and bona fide residence on saId tract.
. ] that he has failed
: to erect and maintain a
ce of house or other place of abode on said tract. all
f the of which defects exist at this time and bave
ell In not been cured. Said partlell are bereby no\l.
s all licd to appear. rcsl > oud and olTer evldcnce
n 1:1 touchlnll' said allclCation at 10 o'clock a. m. cn
Ie on JauuaryS. : 1907. before the Reilister and Re.
tllllI celver at the Uulted Slates Land Office In ) Jro-
I ot ken Dow. Ncbraska.
we t Tile 8'lld contestant havlnll' . In a proper
. th affidavit. filed December 15. 1006. set forth factli
their whIch sbow that after due dlll.-encc llersonal
'bove enlce of this notice cannot be made. It Is
sale hereby ordered and directed that IIlIch notice .
be "lven by due and proper publication. l-
ter DARIUS M. AJJSURHRV. Receiver.
elr. . tPlI MORGAN , Att'y for Contestant.
, '
, , .
I\ )