Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 27, 1906, Image 8

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    " . . . . . - - - - - ' - -
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ContlnTed from Flr.t Pallo
and nc10pt the report of the committee ,
The Rand committee 1\1so TepOI'tOll
" ns fo11ows on the petition of P. M.
" " ' . Dady at al ror 11'Ond In T wn Hi Rngt'
1M ,
, 1' , We recommend thnt the peUtion bo
' : , , ) , granted as l'ccommcndcd by the corn.
, 1. .
1 .1w 'missioner.
. , ' . . . DnUingos nllowed ns followlJ ugnluat
, : ' Ir nond Dist No. :1 : Algernon Twp
" t : : John Dnnlels . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . $ 70.00
' . t. J. I ! . Rhodes . . . . . . ! " ' ' ' ' ' ' 70.00
. . I. F. . Slglnnn . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3u.00
' A. T. Luther . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00
, . . ' :1. : P. 1\1. Dndy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67.00
. if'l . . Against Uond DIst. No. 2 Algernon
. ' TownshhJ- :
, , ' , ; ' .
, \ I P. 1\1. Dndy , . . . . . . " , . . . . . . . . 33. 00
: ' . . ( , p , A. AmslJ'I'I' ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00
. \V. D. Amsberry . . . . , . . . . . . . ( j0. 00
' J. D. Amsborry . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 71i.00
r. ;
. fiand to bo forty feet \vlde.
; Cr' " l : , L. Cushmnn )
ri , , ; ' II. D. Schnerlnger ) Com ,
, ; . . . R. R. Welch )
I The report or the cmnmlltee wns
, ' : . iwc'lltcd and ndoplcd as read.
The OJficlnl 11ond , Hond nnd Head
f' Claims Commltteo reported ns followa :
. Wo recommend that the following
bonds be nlJprovod :
, D. II. AIslmush Ovrsr Dlsl A DDTwp .
R. A. Jenltlns , same DIRt. Ii
A. Gualnfsen Rnmo Dlut , G6
C. 11.tlllm' . Bruno Dlst. 7.
. , ' Hormllll GelRo , aame , Disl. 3 AIlornon.
. Anton Dohesh , same , Dlst. 3 Alg Twp.
; II. P. Whitney , Hamo Dlst. 1 Hayes T
Wm Hondrlcltson , sarno , DIRt. 3 Sargt. .
I John 'rollvor , constahlo Sargont 'l'wp.
L. S. Prlnglo cODla. Algoman 'rwp.
W. S. Motcnlf clerIc J.llllnn Twp.
W. W. Nye clle Comstocle 'l'wll.
J. E. Noth cHc. Custor Twp.
Chus E. IIownrd cHe. Douglns Grove
\ ; Chus. E. Howard cHe Doug. Grvo TWIJ
" . W. F. DavIs J.oC P.Algernon 'l'wII.
O. D. Chumbley , same. 'Vood Rlver'l'll
Thoa. S. Jaclcson , Inmo , Comstocle'1'
P. II. Grcen , same. Gnrfiell ! 'l'wp.
I H. Dunbnr trens. Comstoclt 'l'wp.
W. M. SIJeCl } ' trons. Douglas Grove Tp
and thnt the roHowlng claIms be nl.
, lowell. I
; . Union Pacific It R : Co rent oC
rlght.of.way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00
A. Fonda vlowlng roads. . . . . . . 1G.7j
O. ) V. D al pub road notices . . 46.00
R. R .Welch vlewln roads . . . . 86.70
L. CUllhman vlowlng rends . . . . 79,40
F. E. VanAntweTjJ surveyIng
rends and oJfice worlc . . . . . . 73.00 :
F. E. Van AntwerIJ sumo . . . . . . 98.60 !
F. E.VnnAntwerp lJlatting roads
and office work . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00
F. E. VanAntwerp , raJIo ; ; . . . . . . 65.00
F. E. VanAntwerp , lamo. . . . 36.00
F. E. Antwerp snme . . . . . . . . . . GO.OO
J. O. Mylar Chainman on road. . 2.00
C. .1. Dnvldson , salIlo . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
A. J. Durns , same , . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
H. W. Duclcner , same . . . . . . . . 2.00
R. W. Duclcner , snmo . . . . . . . . ,
Wm Wnrren , snl.8 . : . . . . . . . . 2.00
S. C. Waldron , Hate . . . . . . . . 2.00
Gee , Boatllo ) ' , same . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
C. E. Pcnlston , sumo . . . . . . . . . . 6.00
. Antlrow Wolnmnn , sumo . . . . . . 2.00
'watty Robinson , sume . . . . 2.00
Press lloolcneuu , same . . . . \ . . 2.00
A. L. Iorgan , sarno . . . . . . . . . . .1.00
E. M. Mosley , sume . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
I L. W. Floclt , sume . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
, \V. II. Ford , IIluno . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
I C. U. Rlchnrdson aorv I'd notlcs 18.00
. C. U. RlchardfJolI , Rluno . . . . . . 47.09
r John McGuire chnman on road 2.00
f , . D. F. I mpl1eld appmls'g rd dnm 16.80
I J. J. Douglall , samo. . . . . . . . . . lli.80
; : P. J. DrulII , snme & tuklng outh lG.80
) I John P. Long , same Mylnr road 5.mi
; . Lewis KImberling , same . . . . . . 1i.26
, . John McGulro , same . . . . . . . . 6.25
, I , P.A.Waltonsame , Lnntorman rd 1.80
It. H. Osborno Sr. , sarno . . . . . . 1.80
J. R. Teagnrden. same . . . . . . . . 1.80
W. I. Sargent , sarno Ford rd. . 3.00
W. S. Metcnir , snmo . . . . . . . . 3.00
DavId : 'IlcGuggln , snmo . . . . . . 3.00
J. R. 'l'engartlen , snme Drown I'd G.OO
W. 11. Osborno Sr. . same . . . . G.OO
Nor Hnrtloy , same . . . . . . . . . . . . G.OO
J.R.Teagnrden , sarno Danlolsrd 3.70
'V. H. Osborne , snme . . . . . [ . . . 3.70
Jal5. Hutchinson , same . . . . . . . . 3.70
W.H.Osborne Sr.samo Coulter I'd 3.20
P. A. Walton , sarno. . . . . . . . . . 3.20
J. R. Teagartlon , sarno . . . . ' . 3.2(1
'W.H.Ol5borne. sarno Headley ril 2.0G
P. . WaltoT' .mo. . . . . . . . . . 2.00
J. R. Toagn.J , Rnmo . . . . . . . . 2.0U
.Ii. P. Jr'.I1I11P J.H.Drown rtl .1.6U
D. HI' . SI\Ir..r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
] . 1' , . Jolorte. : , Hamu . . . . . . . . . . " .6C
.cIutchlnson , sarno Patton nl 3.Ie
, ( . II. OlShorno Sr. , saml' . . . . . .3.10
J. R. Teagnnlell , same . . . . . 3.H
: r. . H\I \ on , same WehlL. vac' ! 11 3.2U
A. 1' . Job , cnmo . . . . . . . . . 3.2C
Franlt Norton , samo. . . . . . . 3.2C
E. Miller talc1ng aclmo\'I1"1I'
montll I1entlerson row' ' . . .
D. F. Klleer appr'/HI" . ' " datl\s .
lae. Ha erty. IIU" , ' ) . . . . . . . . .
" . D. Hbl , Sllrl10 . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 [
We also , w'l1tmucod that the co ml
trensu"h ( ' and herb ) ' Is IOlllt'ucolol
to acC'f' nI da"lt In Heu oC o\'erseerf
r ' . ' Jf S. A. & C. O. PortoI' .
I . Cushman )
H. D , SchnorlngerCom )
n. R. Welch )
It was moved and carrlod thnt the 1'1
port or the commltteo bo accepted nue
Rdopted liS rea l.
The Doanl adjourned till 9 A. : 'II
tomorrow :
Wetlnosda ) ' Dec. 19 , 1901
Doard mot at 9 o'clock A. . 1\1. AI
membel'l1 present.
The nond committee as followlJ oi
the petltlon oC S. C. Wnhlron et nl t :
road In Town,14 Range 24.
Wo recommend that the potltlon bl
granted n8 recommended by the com
missioner nnd damages ulowed al
tallows against Road Dlst. No.
Wayne TWIJ..Road ' to bo 40 tt wide.
Robert ) rwln S. E. qr see 14$20.01
Richie Parmoleo N.E. DOO 23 37.5' '
Frank Myers S % Bee 13 . . . . 20.0
P' . J. Greer N. W. qr. see 24' 24 20.0
- '
"a '
_ : . - ' . . . - _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ > < O
" ' . 'I . . , , ' .
: " ' : lf. " " . . ' : _ - . , -j.i. ! . _ _ ,
- - - - - - - -
_ . I ,
- -
R. 0. HOTer K. . . Qr " " 24. . . . . .
Carrte O. Weloh.0 18 . . 17.10
' 1' . L. Phelps N % leo 119 . . . . . . 370 : [ ;
I . Cushman )
Ji. B. Schncrlngul' ) COlli.
It. It. ' ' 'elcll )
It WIIIJ hlO\'l'd IInd cllrrlud that till'
n'port or th ! ! comlllltte ! ! I.I ! ! aecl'ptml
IInLl udopted.
TJIO \ 'oad'committee \'eportctl as rol.
lows 011 the POtltloll or Wm Moore ut
1\1 for II chnllgo In'oad No. 30J ! III
town 19 Hllllg ! ! 22 ,
We recolllmend thllt the Ilotltlon he
cranted alld I1runages allowed liS fltlp.
ulated IInd the cleric to turn ovel' wllr.
\'lint 011 Vlcto\'ln Twp 1I0W In his
Illmds ns per stntement o the tOWII'
HIJlp clorle hereto IIttnched. .
, ' L. CusIJnllL1I )
II. n. Schlll'rinsor ) Com. :
n. n. Wet h )
It wnEl movec ) and cal'rled thnt the !
\'epo\'t of the commIttee be nccopted
! lnd IIdollted. nnd the 1'0ud changed
'rho matter or the estll lIshlllont or a
pUblic road by user through the land
i of .J. n. Lnng In soctlon 12 town l
I Hnngo IS und on the north slllooC , the
rlght.of.wny of the llul'lIngton rail.
road wua then tnleen UII. Mr. J.iUlg
nppcnred nnd flied his 'ohJectlon8 to
the IIction or the Doni'll tulwn on the
4th dny oC Oct. 190G In declnrlng slIld
IIno to he n pUblic hlghwn ) ' .
No further nctlon wus tnlccn I . In roe
gn.-I to the mntter.
'J'ho followIng resolution was Intro.
duced nnd by a vote , , oC the honrd was
ndopted. .
WII1m : As , The ytar's : IHlBlnoss of Iho
counly honl'd Is nholt ! to oloso IJnd with
It comcs Iho rolro\l1enL ! of t.wo of UUI'
membors. 'l'horoforo , ho It
RI SOLVE\ ) , That wo rerreL to lOBe
fl'om oln' .olllclnl clrcle-.1. 1' . Arlhur of
Dlst\'Ict. : No.1 nud lJ. U. Schnorlugel' of
District. No. nu thllt on the uvo of
theIr retit'oll\ellt. oxlewl thom '
\ wo to 011\ \
hearty apprcolalloll o ( the splondld
WOI' " tllC'Y 1m VII done un ( I our hest.
wlshcs fOI' tholr ( Iltm'o SUC'oss. Mr.
Arthur 111I8 served Custel' ( wlluly lu Iho. .
' or ' six ' ' the
( 'uIIl\clly sUllen'lsor ) 'eUI'8 ,
lust two or whIch ho hils bOlln the
honOl'cd 011l111'ml1l1 of the uody. ' 1'0 hlni
wu ewe debt of grntitude for the fall'
und 1\I1)1artll\1 ) mllllllor In whloh ho hus
cOlleluclcd the Om.o , und wo flOl thnt to
his uullily as ulH'esldlu Ot1iCOl' Is dno.
to u gl'el\t metelil. the HIICCOSS which thhc
bod.V hils meL with Ilnd thu good results
accomplished during t.ho ) last. . YOln' .
MI' . Schuel'lngol' hUH pl'oved hlmsolf II ,
CO lIelgnt uud elUcll'lIt mombol' In
every wuy 1111(111 gonlal nssoclute.
Wo cl\lInt.tonlouut. ! this tlmo to the
hurmony und gOOlI feuUn ! ; which III\
provulled umon the mOlllbOl's of the
body du1'1ng the pust yenr which con.
dltlon hus not only mndo It moro plens- '
nnt , but has.1lIudo bettol' r.sults possl-
Whereas on the 12th day or Decem-
bOl' , 1901 , 1IJllbllc road was established -
lished by the bonrd In township 18 ,
mngo 23 , nnd known ns the Henry
Kelley road. nnd whorens. one of the
contlltlons of the estnbllshment or
snld road wns that J. F. Drochbuhl ,
the supervisor of the tllstrlct In which
the rend lies , was to recommend I\ .
chnngo In the survey nntl report to the
next soslon of the bonrd , nntl
Whereas no report 01' recommenda'
tlon wns ever IIIntlo on the change ,
'I'hc\'oforo bo It resolvetl : Jos. Fonl.
moro bo nnd Is hereby nppolnted to
the desired change In the road 11nd'
to rOllort same to the next seslon oC
the honrd und to attach copy or the
field notes oC the 1IIII'\'eyor I\ntl pInt to
hlR I'eport.
' 1'ho CoHowlng potltlon for the Incorporation -
corporation oC , the vlllngo or Oconto
wns then rend by the clerk :
Oconto. Neb. , Dec. 10 , 1906. To the
Honorable Doard of Supervisors of
Custer County , Nobraslcn-We. the
undersigned taxpayers of the vlllago of
Oconto , do hereby poUtlon ) 'our hou-
omblo body that the vlllago of Oconto
be Incorporatetl Into a town under tho'
luws o the stuto of Ncbrl\slm nnd wo
further name the boulIIlnry lines of
sulll IIrollosed town ns follows :
Beginning at the northenst corner
oC bloclt 4 or 'l'oboy's Second adtlltfon
to the original town plot oC Oconto.
thence south to the southeast corner
of bloclc 1 or 'l'oboy's Second addition ,
\ .lonco west to the southeast corner
cl. bloclt 1 of Tobey's FIrst atldUlon ,
1 ( h ncl south 35 rods , thence ' . , . : Jt " 0
ho ! ) , ' .1thm line botwe"l. a..ctlolls : , t
1\\ , & : i , t " \ \ 'nshllI , 'nug2 : t wt : ; of
Gt ! . P . . . , 'lid\C \ f.ot&th k U\ ) south
I5ltle n h , " 11J"or J rl ht oC way ,
thence 1 , I th\"l. . . . , 'n the south sldo or
said rlgh : C way to Fourth street or
the orlglll6. : town IJlot of Oconto.
thence ast on Fourth street to the
I' section IIno between ectlons' 31 and
I 32 or the said township nnd rango.
I tllOnco south to the northwest corner
or bloclc 4 or ' 1'obo"s FIrst ntldlUon ,
thunce cast to IIlnco of beginning.
. Nnme ! ! . Nnmes.
! H. C. Chumbley. Samuel Wilcox.
I J.i' . DI'ltlgoJ. ! Albort. Drown.
Ed 'roboy. 'V. L. Drowning.
J. V. Dovlne. n. P. Brlghnm.
A. E. Drlghnm. T. J. Trlndle.
Thos. 'V. James , Claude Warwick.
Daniel Lowls. Al I1aveland.
. Leo 1\1cltnuo ) ' . U. It. Crowe.
J. E. Hnrshbarger. F. I. Brynor.
F. II WOOlI. W. C. Dr'nor.
C. D. Chumbley. D. S Meelc.
Leo G. Penrsou. P. ' 1' . Cnroy. .
. Geo. W. Thurman. M. T. Carey
J. F. Slacte. Geo. C. Wobstor.
Chns. P. Itedforn. J. C. Wndo. 1\1. D ,
J. F. malr. M. Conle ) ' .
W. J. Nott. Geo. Mnry.
J.W.l\Uddleswnrt. Ella S. Kollogg.
Edwnrd Houso. H. ' 1' . OWon.
'rom Dalloy. Jns. A. Owen.
C. J. 'rhurmnn. R. E. l"ulth
3 OIon Jackson. W. A. Pntterson.
Albert E. Stono. , \ . C. Zlmmorman
E. S. Fox. \Y. J Dnldwln.
R. B. Havoland. 'Mary llrlnnen.
' 1' . lrurroll W. E. Chumbley.
Chas. Freoman.
Doforo the Doard or SUIJorvlsors 01
Custer County , Nebruska.
In t o matter of the IncorporllUoI
. . . . , - - - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r. . . , . . . . , . . . . . ,
, " L " 1).1. ) ' . . . . . , ' . . . . . . .
- - -
. .
- . ; " " ' . . . .
or the Vl11n/Jo / of 000800. Qulter eo.n.
ty , N brtlBka.
IHuto oC Nub\'uukn , ) , . .
)89. )
CUJtl'l' County. )
n. (1. Chl\tnbly , IIlIlng OrAt tluly
' , 'worn , 1111011 his oath dupoJes ! und SU'R
thnt Ill ! IIJ now unl ( for nhout thwu
Ylurs ItnnlCtllnlely Illst pnst has IICulI
u \'I'slLlont of the proposed vlllnge oC
Oconto nnll tuxnble In Inhnhltnnt there.
In , unll IlfIlunt fJUya thnt the accom.
IlIlnylnJ ; ICUtlon ! for the IncorJlot'lltlon
or the sl1ld village , which Is dntell
Duc. 10 , lJOG. ! wus Algned b ' 5 : ! taxa.
blo Inhabltnnt8 or suld III'oposeel vII. ,
lage : nnd nfIlant sl1Ys thnt ho Is uc. .
Ilunlnted with nil oC Mltl pnrtles who I
olgnell the I1ttl1chod 1I0tltlon ror the
or the Huhl vllll1go or
Oconto I1nd afllunt rurther RU'S that he
clrculntetl the snld Iletltlon III the snld
i vlllnge of Oconto for the IJIITIOSO ! oC
securing the'sulll signatures nnd that
1111 oC said slgnl1tures to suld potltlon
except Geo. Mar ) ' and Ella Kellogg
were slgnod to suld Ilotltlon In his
prescnco nnll tllI\t uU or the 51 signa.
turea so secured by him us nCoresnld
: tI'O genulno und uro wrltton by their
own hand8 I1nll In tholt. own hand.
writing except thnt or Mary Brennan
and thnt the slgnaturo of the , Hald
Iar ) ' Brcnnon WIIS nttached to said
potltlon and her IlIImo written thereon
hy this affilant I" her presence nntl by
her rcquest. ; I1nd uffinnt further says
that nil or the snld 61 persona who
slgnetl the accompnnylng Ilotltlon ure
now and at the tllllo or sIgning the
Bule ! potltlon were bona fieo ! residents
nntl taxable Inhahltants within the
torrltory described In said potltlon
whIch Is sought to he IncoTjlOmted us
the village or Oconto ,
Affirmt further stutes that he Is now
111\11 for more thnn three yellrs 1m.
medlntol ) ' laflt llilst hus been weH acquainted -
quainted with all o the persons re.
sidIng within the limits of the terrl.
tory that Is proposed to be Incorporut-
ed Into the suld village of Oconto and
that there nre within the limits or the
said proposed . vlllugo taxl1blo Inlmbl.
tunts on the.tlato oC salp petition nnd
at this time to the number oC 66 nnd
thnt all the taxnble In tnbltun\s except
three signed the annexed petition.
Afnant further stutes thnt there are
now nnd was at the time of signing
the said petition 225 persons who
we\'o and IIro now actuul reBldents oC
the terltory sought to be Incorporated
UR the villnge or Oconto , the suld 225 ,
actual resillents or snld tel'ltOl' ) ' nfore. '
suld IncludIng men , women and chll.
dron und thel'o bolng less than 1500
actual residents In sl1ld IJTOPOROd 'cr.
AlJ1ant further suys that , he Is In.
fOl'lnod nntl bclleves thnt the names oC
Geol'ge Mary and Elln Kellogg were
procured by J. T. Drldges and that he
Imows the slgnaturo of Geo. Mury and
ho sa's he hell eves the sl1ld Rlgnnture
of the snld Geo. Mnry Is Ienulno nntl
that the saltl nume was written b ' the
said Geo. Mary.
Affiant rUl'th r says thnt It Is the tle.
slro of the said persons so petitioning
the llOlLl'lI of '
Supel'vlsonrR as ufore-
sl\ld thut the suld terl.ltor ' propos. . . '
to bo Incorporated shall be Imown 1'1
and cnlied the Vllngo or Oconto.
R. C. Chumbloy.
Subset'lbed In my presence nnll
sworn to before mo this 19th day of
December . , 190j. (
.1. R. DEAN ,
( Senl ) Notnry Puhllc
! \Iy conunlBslon expires 4.16.1D10.
Defore the Board or Sqpel'vlsors
of CUBter Count ) ' . Nob\'l\slCl1.
In the matt or eCho IncOl'llo\'l\tlon
of the vlllngo of Oconto , Custer Coun.
t ) ' , Nohmslcu.
Stnto oC Nebraska , )
Custor County. ) liS
.J. 'r. Drldges being flrHt duly SWOI'll
upon his , oath IleIJOS s nnll flays that
ho has read nnd ImowR the contents
of the a ltlnvlt or R. C. Chmnhley at.
tnchell to the } Ietltlon for the Incorpo.
ration oC the Vlllago of Oconto
and thnt the statements or said nffiant
with reference to the actual number
or reshlents or the territory described
In snld petition al'e true and that the
statements with reference to the num.
bor of taxable Inhnbltants withIn the
said proposed bountlarles are truo.
Affiant further says thnt he ob.
talned the slgnaturen oC Geo. Mary antl
EUn S. Kellogg to Bald petition antl
thut the suld signatures wore written
b ) ' the respoctlvo pl\rtlos In their own
hnndwrltlng and that the slgnntures
are genulno and were wrltton In the
presence oC this nffiant.
Affiant further I1U'S that ho hns roe
sided within the proposed corporate
limits of the snld vlllago or Oconto for
moro than 2 yeurs Immedlntol ) ' last
IJI\st nnll thnt ho Is ono oC the slgnera
to snld petition , antl that ho Is well
acquulntell with nll of the taxnblo In.
hnbl\l\u \ 8 or salll IlI'ollosed vlllago anll
thnt ho Icnows nil of the Inhn.bltants
of said IJTOposetl village.
J. T. Drldges ,
Subscribed In m ' preQenco and
sworn to before me this 19th day or
December , 1906.
J. n. DEAN
( SEAL ) NOlin' ) ' Public.
M ' commission eXIIIt'es 4.15.1910.
. .
'rhe bright bird learns to perform
simple tricks as a puppy of kitten ,
and if his education has been properly -
erly conducted , enjoys hi. pretty
"stunt" and takes as much pride in
it 1\8 does his human audience. Of
course , some birds , like some people -
. ple , are slower to master an idea
tl an others , but with patience and
kmdness any feathered pet will acquire -
quire a few tricks at least , and if
r there arc severa ! bird members of
the household quite a little circus
1 may be arranged.-St. Nicholaa.
" . . . . . . . . . " - . . . . . . . . , .
Ii _ . . . _ . _ _ _ _
. .
. . ! . . - . --r - . : .
The Other Fish.
( Copyright , 1906 , by' Dally Story Pub , Co. ) !
roila ! Pierre hHl : never h'en
IIl'ltllk IJefLlI'c. Hul I\\'l'r (10111. ( ' UII-
t hillg thllt n straight you II/ / ; man
should 1I0tdo-until the "turpentine
lnUII" eame out on the unyou' ancl
Hn l1 to oW lIIun gtil'lIlIe that ho
woull ! give hill ! th\'o lIl1l1r ) U hlln-
dl'td. : for the t\lI'l' ' lItille I'ighlH ill
his strip or 10,000 pine trccs. And
that vcry flIIlIW 1111) : Pierre ClUne to
118k old IIInn Htienne for his.daugh. .
tel' . . '
"So YOll t'illk you be first one , eh ?
You suy 'trce dollars one hlltllre . '
D l1u , but dus ohl man'rcech 1 And
? lIn , J. tic to Alllnmn. tout-dc-suite. '
Ha , das whut YOll t'ink mayue. But
.f say naIl' ! You hear das ? Non 1"
But it wria not because of what
the 0111 111 un said ; it was because ho
saw Amullda walking to church with
the "turpenCine 111un" and could not
.make Amunda see him that 111nde
: Picrre tuke a bottle or whisky clown
into the bend or the hayou and
got drunk. Yes , and stny drunk ,
Hlceping most of the time till the
hottle was empty.
. It was the suck of oars in their
locks thut woke him. 'l'hen voices
tmne : , and he listened :
"Dey say I'ierre ain't going win
race dis year. "
"Pourquoi ? "
"Dey say 'turpentine man' going
1un his fust bout ; dey say Amanda
going sail wit' him. "
"ila I"
The suck of the oars died away.
! pierre plunged into the bayou and
swam until Bober. "Pardieu , dere's
more dan one girl in de worIa 1"
Alors quoi ? As soon af ! he was
'sober he went down to the stor
'an bought two yards of very narrow -
row , very pink ribbon , and he must
have wanted it for a fishing ] ine , because -
cause as he strode away i-rom t.he
store he was saying under his
breath : " 11 y ales autres poissons
pans Ia mer , toujours. All , oui 1
toujours. "
And so thinking of the other
fishes ahays in the sea , Pierre made
his way through the woods to old
man Aloysius' front gate. TIe surprised -
prised .Cecilia on the front steps ,
and she could not get 11P , because
she had no ahoes on. Pierre sat
down beside her and they spoke of
the wen.ther which had been very
dry Io.tely-fortunately for Pierre ,
though he did not mention that of it ; they spoke also of mam-
Illa's garden amI papa's crop ,
Cecelia with such dignity as one
Why Should He N'ot Hold Her Hand1
may when one's little eietor is gig.
gling within doors because one hae
heen caught without her shoes ; and
Pierre with such intelligence us OD (
JIIUY when one is talking of ODE
thing and thinking of another. Ana
presently Pierre's thoughts came tc
the front with :
HI heen t'ink. . me , das maybE
you'll sail in 'Lis des Enux' wi
; I\e \ on Fourth or July. Das makE
me proud , yes. "
Cecelill wus swept into silence b )
the rushing sweetness of this sur.
prise. She forgot the little sisto !
giggling within. forgot that she luuJ
on no shocs. 'rhere was only tIu
trembling strong fingers pressing (
tiny'pucket. into her huml , only till
pleading ol that pleasant-vel' '
pleasant "oice :
"Das ; my color , pink. You gain !
wear it ? "
' ' ' ' she " .f
'Yes , murmured , wea ]
Alors quqi 1 Why should he no
hold her hand ? Is it 110t good 1 <
I leel Rlim fingers within J'our paIn
after you have been long alone i
And if it be girl's love that put !
the fingers tilCl'e , what matter i. .
which girl ? And if it be moon
light , and mall1lnl1 has called of
I that gi ling , little . . , . sishn'-Voila
_ _ _ _ h . _ _ _ . . - . - .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . .
L. " " - II < .d
- - ; ; I
ftlJ hqt . . " .t lPourtti of
July , n , 'ery hot day. Mme. Pnul's
hahy gel a AIIlIstl'oke nnd olLl man. .
' ellO bC'I\nll' pro : rnted und feJl oir
the wharf into the water , ' uIHl too
IIIUI1) ' ) JIPII took tOQ. mun ) ' drinks.
I ills 11110 ] youlez-\'O 1s ? Wus it not
Ihl ! Fourth of July with a boat race
tin the LilY ? 'J1h regatta was to bo ,
I'un in three classes. Schooners , I
, ; lo'ops and cat-bouts. Some there
wl'e ) hi thul sweltering crowd who 'I '
followed the flight of the schooners ,
bllt upon whur ! nll beach and bank
every "Cajun's eye was npon the cat-
bout mec. . and every ROU of 'Cajan's i
tIIolle'y was upon one of the two
1'IlCer8. 'J.1O } "turpentine man's" 1
cat , the Kitten , that flew the blue
pCJ1IlIllIt , nn Pierre's Lis des Eaux ,
that flQw the pink. They were
well lllutched Ipoats , nncI beauties ,
'glcllming white with their brond
, belts or brilliant blue or pink ; each
with It big new snil , each with a :
lovely girl in the bows flying the
colors she favored. Each with a
sinewy young fellow Ilt the tiller determined -
termined to win. Bow and bow
'Ule ' two boats forged ahead , leaving
1111 other mcers in their rear , and
bow and how they crossed the line
at t.he judgcs' stand. Hearty cluer- :
iug stnrted them on their second
coursc , and after the cheer one single -
gle "oice like a dropping shot :
"Watch out , watch out he don't get
your wind. "
For whom was thnt warning
meant ? What was it worth ? Perhaps -
haps one of the young sailors knew.
'rense , with ever an eye to the girl in
his bows , the "turpentine man"
gnve his boat every advantage his
skill could compass ; tense , with
every eye to the windward , Pierre
went on nn erratic tack , caught the
Kitten's willd and crossed the line
a secoDll ahead. Then the shouting -
: ing of the "Cajans drowned all other
: shouting , then Mme. Paul's baby
cflught the sunstroke that CRme near
lending its little life , then old , man
Zeno fell over into the water , then
; old man Pierre sat down on .the
( sand with a bottle , feeling life too
! good to stay sober. Many a muttered -
tered French oath , many a broken-
.English exccrntion , and above their
'united growls a running chuckle of
'hoarse laughter. It was the old man
Iwho had shouted the warning , and
( as he laughed he shook a crooked
, old finger at a smear on he far
laway sky-IIDe.
"Das too far off , " objccted a
I ' 'You watch out , " was the only
, reply. And watch out they did. Already -
ready the Lily under her reef
'was ' fopting it after tbe the Kitten ,
.and already , but too late , .the "tur-
, pentine mun" had seen the white
! puff now beginning to turn hlack.
[ t was too late to shorten sail now
if he mcant to leave himself a chance
'to win. .And win ho must , for winning -
ning meant Amanda if he could
teach the strand before the squall
reached him. He resolved to gamble -
ble it-as an American will-and
gave his boat all the sail she want-
On they came , the Kitten and
tile Lily , Ilnd the squall , half a mile ,
quarter , eight ; while the sky darkened -
ened and the' waters shiVered and
fhe very babies fell silent , the othcr
racers fled to harbor or reefed close.
' 'Ho make it " said in
, a man , a
hoarse whi per.
"You watch out , " returned the
prophet. , unmoved. As he spoke ,
the Lily , like one struck by II
strong hand , layover. But there
WIlS a. sure , grip upon her tiller and
no flutters of hope or fear shookthe
hand that held illo halyards. She
! righted gallantly under her reef ,
and with the foam curling along her
rail , fied away before the rising
wind. And then the watchers had
eyes for the Kitten , and as they
turned their eyes upon her the
squall struck her. 'l'hey SIlW her
leap at the blow , saw her shnke off
her master's grip as 11 wet dog shakes
r of [ water , saw the big Bail go up
. against the mast with blow that
woke the echo/ saw her for a second
IlOge down and then blue pennUlt !
nncI gallnnt sailor. and beautiful
JDlliden with the 10,000 pine trees
she stood for were awash in the
shivering water. Boats shot out ,
men shouted , children lifted up
their voices and wept-and the Lily
dipped her pennant to the judges
l' nUll ran for harbor.
Cecilia , looking back at the rescuers -
cuers and their rescued , watched
"Dey most made some more fiah , "
she laughed , and Pierre laughed also
-with tenderness.
"You brng ! me good luck , " he
- said , gallantly. He had fairly forgotten -
gotten that Cecilia was herself "the
other 11ah. "
. . . - . - - - . - , - - - . . .
- - _ . - -
. "
' . '
' ) f 1' ;
: - - " '
" ,
First in War
is the imporlance of coa1. and it
is no less a neccssity in p'atc.
news is 1I0t plcnty juct now.
But if your bhl is empty wc want ,
to fill it. We cannot olTer you
any concessions in pric ( . You
know how that it. But we
can and cIo promise to gi'e you
as good coal as you ever burnl'd.
and perhaps a little better. No ,
we don't scull samples , but we
will en you from 50 pounds up.
Dierks Lumber and Coal Co. . - '
r. B.
WES'I' nOU-ln.
No. 39 local paRRenger. ex. 8un < la ) ' . art 6:20 : pili
41 coast IJas"ell/l'er , dally. leave..11:511 : a III
43 coast passcnller , lIally leave. . . .12 : 14 a nl
47 local frelllbt , arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 : 10 p IU
No. 40 local passenlCrr. leave. . . . . . . . . . . .6:20 : a III
42 coast passenlfer. leavc . . . . . . . . .10:5\1 a III
44 coast passenlCl.r ! , leave. . . . . . . . . . .12 : 4 a III
4 ! ! local freight arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 2:1 : p m
N's. 41 and 41 ale local stOIHI frum Ausley
Nos. 43 a'ld 42,1 re throu/I'h trall.s allll make
cOllllectlon" fur UculwoUlI ; to 1111 all po111tR tu the
iliaci , 1II11s.
3'J and 40 do 1I0t rUII weRt of urOJ en IIOW.
Sleeping , dlllltllC allll recllnlnl ! chair carll'
( scats free ) utI through tr"Jn" . 'fI.lwls sold :1111\
ba/l'lI:1lto : checked to al : ) ' \ulllt ill the Ulliled
Statell alld Calmela.
} o'or Information , mall. . time lablclI alld tickets -
ets call 011 or wrlteo ! 11. L. OrmslJy. allont. or
I. . \ \Vakeley. . G. p , . \ . . Omaha. Ncbraoka. . .
11. I.'OHMSUAllent ,
J . , A. ARMOU1 ,
Attorney at La\v.
Broken Bow , Nobr.
llavll1lC jusl hael ellChl ) 'earll Iractlcal exper ,
Ie nee all Dounty Jlltlre. will give spe Jal a\len '
tlon to tbe drawln/l' amI probatlntr of wills and
. the administration of estales of deceasud Ier. I
sons anel mInors. Write or phonl , mc. ll11ay
save . YOII P trip.
DR. C. B. JOB ,
Physician and Surgeon
Office an residence one blocksouth of
Ryerson & . George' $ . store.
Professor of Psychology , , .1
r.incoln Medical Col1ege. Office at
residence , oue-half hl ck eLlst of U.
B. Church. Chronic diseases given
specIal attention. 'Phone 147.
f.I UONltADj
O.f.I "
, . . . t'AIt'r In . . .
Pump..Wlnd. MIIt . Tt1I ! . ' . ! . . , ] . .
ngIIlQ ! ! , 010. cle.
roron Bow. Nebrtlt\lrll. \
Consult him If you want Water.
Phone 112 , - Brokcn Bow. .
ff l" 0'y i 80u ce1101'
UODm . a and 9 , Realty mDck , rokcn now , Nob.
Practice In Stale and Federal Courts , A\I. \
stracl of titles examlncd. Heal Estate anll I
Mnnlclpal Law a specialty. Dealer In Heal
'Estate. Strict :1Itel1tlon gl\'cn to all buslnes ! ! t
, Office 111 Meyer Dlock. I'holle 110. lIrolel1 1Iow
, Registered O. 1. C , I-logs :
CIIAS. T. WRIGHT : Broken Bow , Neb
. . . . . . . . Here ! allt : CSed UJ. : . . . . . . . . .
Orll11'lIlI I'r lt U" . 71'jOJ .
.1 .1I
.1I I I
l..BRENIZEl ( ; , Breeacc f
Pure Scolch and Scolch 'roPPt'd Shorl 1I0rn
C\ttle. My herd numbers 40 cows. WIll com.
pare In brerdll1 ! : ' and quallt ) . with au ) ' weSI ot
Cblcalro My eXIcrlenco halllauR'ht nlo timt to .
trlve l'oods:1t1sfactlon. : brt'edlllll' '
mllst be
rn ," tit. . . ultltuUe. I I
rttl.cUlen , lurc the equAl of : Urtl I : .
railed Inlbll U. S. I now b\7025 : bulla suitable ,
Jor thl. and next year's scnlce. My COWl \1
AIIelgll trom 1400 to 2000 ) tound . Come aud lieo
bon' . '