Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 27, 1906, Image 12

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Hotel Reneau
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L''t ;
L' , . , . . . : . , " FREE . . SAMPLI' ; ROOMS fl ic'
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; 1 . " ' 1'11l' lcac1il1 gtra II.s Qf D troc blood flows through our h rd ,
( f , We have Rome ch ice sprmg' bQars , tops of our crop of spnng
! p gs , 'l'hcy arc lcngthy , heavy-bone fcllows-good eno gh
f..t for hcad-hcardcrs and .t.he.very be , t for fC(1ttl1g purposcs-
H. for sale at vety ; lov. ; pri es. " . , . . .
; We have four b slreet hy OhlO Chl f , the great hog.
I , Onc-third l1tercst in him spId for $2OO :00. : ' Their . dam we
' : ; purch . sc.d tor , $245.00'Iast. I cbruary.
t P.tltgrec : wIth , qvcJY an ! t1al sold. . .
t : , I , Wc guara tec satisfaction. -
pi . ) O'l'EW "li'dvc 'cY ti not hold a public salc.t is fall.
1.1 I.I . ' . , . \ : ' .1CO.111C ' 1 : al1,1 . , Sf'Q our , hcrd-S I mites west of Broken , IJow , Nebr.
t' ' " ! : ; I' , " , : l. I 'R'EESE I & MOREHOUSE , nROK\ NI \ [ N m. now ,
" l t . : , N ,
; I. . .
t I ' " I'
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, /(1 " j I . " . , - 1 - - . ( : ' - _ . . _ _ , .
I . , - : : ' @
: r-J mffifflffi " WriF 7ft
j f
, , I , . .ItII"1 'I I . , . Before . ' . " You 'I Build , ; , , Consult
'cea. : , E-apin.ea-u. : . ,
. , . , . .
Contractof1'a'nd.8uiller. ' ' Estitnates
, . I I. . , F'ur.niBhad free w th plan.s and spccifications , :
I j.I ,
, , , j. \ ' , ' ' 'I' ,
. . . . .
R J. , SJ : : ? .A.J : : / , ,
1\ , ! \ PROPRIE'l' I 8
' " RY'S'J. ' 8
L'I n
( . .
\I" \ ! I"I I 1 , I , r , ; . LIV'ERV' ' ' : an " ; . d .
: . . I' I I S
. . , ' _ : FEED BARN
, . .
1 I r.M , i" ' 1 : .2. EAST OF GIO E , HOTEL.
I tn ( tei 1 null tepall' tl thrbI H1 ! ut. Gootltiver ) ' rigs nt rensonab1e mtes.
. . . lIte \ dntio.I1fo.r cattle and r nge ' orses. IIay at noon , 10 cents ; n11dny ,
. , . S centsj over night , 35 celtts. Ca11 anll see me ,
" . . . . " . . . " . " . . " . '
. J".If. .Myr..oo" : : O : ; f"CO" .r J" .r"-Ir
. .
" -
" -r
. . , ' .
. . . . . . . .
. . , ; : . . ' t'ROGKW ELL & KONKEL
Succcssor to
. . . . f and GEQ. WILlING ,
' } j lm.r. r. : ' a' " FU eral Director ,
. . , ,
l , O H t > .B QJBOW , NEa ,
i'i . : ; , , : - . ' , t. , : : ,
. t" . , ; ! : ' : . I ! Uai.llcs 'phonc . , 3,0'1. ' , . , ' . Besi cncc phonc , 334B.
' I '
- , II. . " of' JlI' 'I j " , . " ' . ' 'I , \ I , " I
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u .
- . ,
S . n y ur Abstract Orders to
, " J .Ga'LEONARD ' ,
. ,
: Boncted Abstracter
. .
. . .
" Office' 1'n "Securlt State Bank t1'ld'ng
, ' " , . ' : _ . . _ _ " J' : . _ ' , _ . . . _ .
. . . . . . . . ; i . . . . . . . ' ' - ' . . - .
-.r---- : ' i ' - ; - - --r-- - - -
. , . 1 - .
or Don't run away whh the idea alllnmber is a1i1c or prices
'j " thc samct Bcror < ) 'Ou build consult
' , H 'T. SRUCE , , . " ' " CO.
r . S nth Sid ' 1\.m'hcr Yatd , Brolcn Bow , Neb ,
iJ ! . . .L.U.M . ' . BR " . . ' AND COAL
. - - - -
I- . . . . , - . I
, It . \ ( i . , ; * . c : ; . , t : , , , . , ; ; t : : ; f't ! : ( 'I : : t ; : ; tc : : : } " * ' , } * "c : : , , tZ- , ,
' '
. , , , /"BOWMAN. / . . : " . ' . i : . ANDERSON.
. , , " .
. , . : " . "
' . I Io."y , ' ' ' " .
, : tl' ; " ' ' ' . . . , . . ' , ; . . E , a\ uqatcrs tn HCaI , : Estate of. al kiut1 .
I . . . " , , W-e . '
" \ . wl11 huy or selt. Don't fall to see
I " , , us before yet ( b"Y or scll.Ve can o . ,
\ . . < ; . , ; . Ii' , . ' t you ' , goo : < 1" Collcchons madc alJd insur- . "
" J \ . , , ' . ' \ " 3.nce : ! iittc ji F rt s rentc.t aml taxes pai . ' See , ' _ . '
. \ . , " . usJor t.arm . loans. - ' , Come 111 anl sec us. ' . ' . I "
j \ l' "j-
" ip
i ; : ! ' ' BOW'MA ANDERSON. .
; gll " &
t 7. . . , J _ ; . . . . ' ' \ . ' " t , .
i. ' i . . , , , " ) . ) : . ) " ' ) " " " ) " ' -Jr'-tit- ' ' : : ) . ' ; ) ) ' ; J ; ' ) . : a , , ) , , : t't , . i ) ) ; ' --JJ.j ; ; : , - '
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. ' . '
Dut'Man Who MarrIed Widow Had ta
Pay the Penalty.
. . . . , -
"It Roe IU 11. v'r ' herd thnt 1\1101l1
ho collell I1IIUII to IIay for the boy , "
I WOR the lument. of nil e1derly mnn who
WOR IIlImrnOlwd IIlIder curlOIlK circum.
stonces ut Lambert , Bnglond.
The proceedlngA wcro tn1con by the
InllllBtrhl1 8chool'o oll1cel' with the
vIew of obtulnlng an order for a
contribution toword , the 1I10lntononco
: of the Bon of II women whom the do-
'fondant marrlolt lWIyonrs 010 ,
' 1'he boy , It was Knill , hol1 IlCen sent
.to . the Bchool before the mnrrlago toolt
111nce. nnll the defendnnt now pro-
tcstod thnt 110 hod novel' SCCII Ule
1011 , and was Ilulto unaware of biB ex.
Istenco nt the tlmo of the marrlago.
"You hove henrd of tho' ' danger of
morrrln'g willows ? " rl'mark'cl1 Mr.
I1oJldnll ) , the muglslmto.
I "Unfortunntely , I Imow It , " rCIJllcd' '
the Iloroml on t.
I "n Bcoms herd linen , I know , " 110111
the lIlaglHtrnto. "to elLII UIJOn ( ) II to
I pay for the hey , nllt men do such
foulloh thlngB , Two ) ' ara ago you
dldll't mind IlIlIrrylnl ; this womnn. "
"Yos , Rlr , hut I I1ldn't Imow whnt
she WOI. ! then , " .was the reply ,
. An orllor was made for the payment
of no centl. ! n wo01 ( .
How "Great Commoner" .Satlsfled
Disgruntled Constituent ,
Ono of the bCHt storlofl t01l1 ( If Hen.
ry Clay reloteR to hlR dealing wIth
on old KClltllcly mountaineer who nc.
'coBtod the ' 'great commonor" otter
ono of hlB BpeecheR IIml Bald : "Wel/ / ,
lIenry , I have nIWO'R voted for you
before , bllt I can't do It this tlmo. "
"Why. now , whnt's the trollblo ? " nl.k. !
ed Clay. "I. 110n't IIko your vote on
the banl ( bill , " rOIJ1ed ! ' 1'om. "IH that
nil : I hove sllltetI YOII generally , hnvo
J not ? " "Oh , ) 'OB , alwuya hilt ( hat tlmo ,
' .
but I do'n.t 1kc ! that vote. " "You
thtnl ( I wns honest In giving It , don't
, you ? " "Yes , but you malle a mistake , "
"Suy , Tom. you .are a hunter. end
R01netlnws your gun mls8es fhe ; what
do you do then-throw It away , " "No ,
I just pick the flint antI try it
ogaln. " "Of course 'ou do , Tom , and
nil I ask of you Is to treat mo as well
as you do your 01d gun. Will ) 'ou not
do It ? " "Yes. by thuntIer. Henry , I
willi I'll try you again. "
Uniforms of Chinese Students.
The estnb1lshment of government
'sohools In China and the equipment
of stUllontR In unlrbrmR Is furnishing
o market. fOI' 'mlll.tnry clothing.
AccordIng to' the Drltlsh consuat
\VI.IChow , QO .of these schools have
been opened in that. prefecture n10ne.
The untform conslsta of a coat and
trousers 01. foreIgn cut , wtth brass
buttons and po k caps , end shoes of
foreign paterno
In the strfctly mllltar ) ' schools
Ihakl Is , vorn , , All thQ uniforms seen
, Ullpeal' to bo of British cloth , hut
: there Is Il rule , which Is ovldently Ig.
norOlI , that only native mutertal be
used. Caps , . b ttons and hrald all
come from Japan.
The shoes are sattI to bo of 1I0ng.
' 1Ol1g manufacture , hut a very Inferior
kind Is made locally of native leather ,
. . -
- - -
: Prospector at 85.
Though 85 years 01d , Jesse Cochran ,
a oltlzen of Seattle , hlUl startetI for
the gold fields of Alaska , where he
'hopes to make a fortune before he
dies. Years ago ho was a wealthy
man , but lost his money on the San
FrancIsco stock exchange , S1nce
then he has earned a scanty Hvlng as
sign painter. 110 hns two sons com.
fortably oft In 'Seattle ' , each of. whom
Is ready to provide for him , b t the
oid JUan has a1wnys relied on hhnselt ,
u.nd sulled for Skugway without 1T.
hi ! : them any 11tnt of his Intention.
Geese Make Good Actors.
. . A farmer would scarcely beltcvl
that a goose requires enl ' about 01
: : hours In ardor to prepare It tor thl
footHghts and a crltlcn1 nUl1lonco , ani
thot a common pig , which hUR beel
bought In the market. will In 30 houri
ho competent to b10Bsom forth as al
octal' . According to Mr. Clyde t\\1
ors , a trainer of wide oxporle.ace . alii
much potlonce , it takes a duck abou
three tIaya to learn how to march 01
the stage , to foUow the chorus , antI t ,
march off again at the proper tlmo ; I
takes a chicken a we ok or moro , and
turkey cannot grasp the Ilrt of actin
before six months' limo. Mr. Power
I has trted to train n peafowl , but It
finds that 1t Is impossible. A geol / !
l the mostintelllllent of aU the fent
ered tribe , and , U' goose Is a1so tb
only one of the domeattc fowla thl1
sbows utrectlon.-He1en Grant In Lei
, lIo's Weekly.
On Second Thoughh.
"My friend , ' said the InsurantJ
agent to the young man , "let 010 11
sure you ngninst aocldent tollay. "
"Never bad an acotdent In my ltfe
was the young lI\an's prompt reply.
"But you may have , Aren't yo
about to marry ? "
"Yt , but what's that lot to do wit
! o. 'U"
"A great deal. Suppose your wit
was to get angry with you and thro'
any lng at you j or your moUle..11
M 1aw might attempt to use force I
dealing wlUt yoU ; or.- "
The young man stopped hIm.
"Ah , that rQmluds me , " ho Sail
R "I'll not. get mnrrlo . ' : .
: . Try The R publlcan fc
I. ' . .
M . ,
a&il' , P R lNT . I.Q. .
: . t
, . , , .
. . .
, It
' . ' . , . ' . . . . . . ' : . . . . ; .
. . . . - . _
. . ' - - - - "
: ; ;
. '
, ' ; . t
. , . . .
- .II '
, 1V
_ , :
- : ' . I /
. . -
' , .
' "
Every ' -
. . . _ "
Niece and Nephew'
" "
. . _ '
01 Uncle 'Sam . f
. . . ' , . , ,
. . . - . I ,
should be deeply interested invh:1t he has said about soda' ' . " \
, . crackers , because they : tre the one. food with which ll f , . : .
'them ar familiar.
Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda ' .
crackers arc richer in nutriment and body-buildmg clement. , ;
properly proportioned , than any food made from flour. , : ,
" 1\
f This is saying much for common solJa crackers , and
much more for Uneeda Biscuit , because they are
soda crackers of the best quality. They arc baked bettc . ,
more scientifically. They are packed better-more clean1y.
. The damp , dust and odor proof package retains all the goodness , - . . ; "
ness and nutriment of the wheat , all the fre hness of the b st - ; !
. baking , all the purity of the cleanest bakeries. . I
Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks bellt' " , ,
- - '
for his people , His people have shown that they think t' : )
Uneeda Biscuit the best of that food , nearfy , " 1
400,000,000 packa es havingalready been consumed. . :
. .
' : .
- - - -
Uneeda Biscuit : .
. . . .I-
. . .
, - - - - . -
Legal Notices.
We , the undershlnl'll. hereby allsoclale our.
selve ! ' ! tOl'ether for Ihe l > urpOlle uf formlnlr a
corpura\lo:1 ulliler the laws of tile , Stale of
Nebralka , allli do adopl the followlnll' Arllcles
of Incorporation :
Art. I. The name by which thlll corporation
shall be kuown Is.Uerw'n Slalelank.
Art.2 , ' .rhe "rlnchal place of' bnHlneHs oC
this corporalloll shall be at Borwyn , In the
connt } ' oC CUllter allll Stale of Nebraska ,
Art. 3 , 'l'he object for which this conlora-
tlon III f rmell III tu carr on a conunerclal
bankhlll' bUlllnoss under the law ! ! of. the Slale
uf Nebrallka.
Art.4. The nlhorlzell capital slock of Ihlll
corporallon shall be $25,0 0,00. which 8\Ock'
IIhall be .lIvlded 111\0 IIhares of the par value ' (
of $100.00 each , of which $5.000.09 shall be sllb. I
scrlbell aud fully palll up , No tranllfer oC the
slock oC this corporallon IIhall be operative UI1.
III entered upon the books of the corporation.
Art. 5. ' 1' he highest Indebledl1ellll oC thlH
corporallon shallnol exceed two-thlrdll oC the
paid up ctPltal slock. [ except depOltll.J
Art. 6. 'l'hlll corporatIOl ' IIhal1 beiliu b.I.
I nells on the 1st day of December , 1fJ06. and I < hall
lerlnlnale on the ISI da ) ' oC December. 2\106 \ ,
Art 7. 'l'he omcer" oC Ihlll corporal 1011 flhall
be a preqldent , vlc..presldenl. callhler. aSRls.
lant caRhler. ami a'boanl oC ellrectorll. conRlsl.
Inll' of 3 ( members' of which the firRt nameel
ofl cers may be a lart. 'l'be lIalll of1icerR and
board oC directors shall have the mallall < Hnent
allli conlrol uC the alTalrll of this corpocatlon ,
1 Art. H. ' 1'he annual \lwollnll oC Iho ! lloele.
hulders' this curporallon sball be on the
I fourth ' 1'uehda ' In October oC each year. at
which melInll the ufl cerll and ellrecl'lrS IIhall
be elecled by the Rluckhulderll of tl1l11 corpora.
tlun. Tbe term uC ofl co uC the ofl cerll alld
, dlreclorll above pruvldeol fo : I\hall \ be for a
period uC ono rear. or unlll tbelr l uccesqors ' arc
elected ami quail lied. A maJori\y oC' the
sbareR of Ihl8 Corpuratlun shall Iconslltnle a
( IUOrUm al any relrnlar or sl > eclal IIIcetlnl : ' ,
Art. 9. l acl1stoclthololer IIlIall. at all rClrnlar
or special meethlll'lI bo entl\lOlI 10 one 'l'ole.
either In person or b ) ' proxy , for each . f hare oC
IIlock hl'ld.
Art. 10 , 'fhe ArllcleH oC Incorporalloll may
bo alllellllcll at all ) ' rellnlar or s\leclal lIIeetlnll'
called fur lhal t > nrpose , b ) ' a Iwo-lhlrds vule uf I
aU the ! ; Iock of Ihe corporallon. ,
' ' ' ! tileRs onr hanlls lhls Ih day 'oC NO'l'em- ,
ber , JD. . I'IOU. SllI'ned ,
W. A. GnORGI ! .
P. M. CUHRm.
In preence or R. D. I'lc1.e\\ .
STAT II 01' NnllHASKA , 'liS '
I , On this 2M\ll day of Nuvelllber. A. D. . 1906 ,
I before lIIe. the unolerHlllncd , a Nolar ) ' l'ubllc
, wllhlll anel for Cllster connt ) . . Nebraska , duly
" cOlllmllil < loned allll ' "Inallfied. persollally ap.
. l > carcd 'V. A. ( ieorlre. Julell IIaulllollt amI 1' .
1\1. Currlc , 10 me known 10 bc thu Ide ltlcalller-
. sonK whose uameK are amxed to the forellolnll
Artlclell uC Incorporalloll. and fach for hlm
Relf aclmowlelhred the lIame to be his vulunlary
act ami deell ,
In wltnesR whereof. I have hereunto set my
hand anel amxeol lII fficlal seal Ihe llay and
year lasl a1 > eve wrlUen. Shrned , .
ISUALJ Hess n. I'IFKRTT , Nolar I'II1 > lIc.
Cstale of NelR K. Deceased. . III County
Conrl oC Custer count ) . , Nebrtqka. ;
Thel Stale uf Nebralka , to aU persol1O ; ! Inler.
. . elteol In salol e lale. lake nollce. tbat a Iletltloll
has been filed for the allpolntment oC Dora
as admlnilitralrix of sahcstale , which has
been Het for hearlnll' herein , 011 7th or January.
1IJ07 , aiiO o'clock a. m ,
Dated December IS. 1906. :
2s.30 IImAr.1 A. R. lIUMI'IIRIICoUnlY Inlllc.
Uilitell SIale8 l.anl Ofl ce , l
lIroken 1Iow , Nebraska. December H. 1906. f
Notlc < l for l'ubllcalloll. [ Isolated 'l'racl. )
Notice Is hereby Illven tilal In punmauce of
Irllitructh > 11R from tile l.unllnlssluller oC the
General Iand ( JOice. nndet nnthorlt ) . yeslell In
lihu b ) ' Ioecllou ; } ISS. U. S. Revlse.1 Slalntell. aK
amended by .ACI oC ( .onllres8 , approved June:7 : : ,
1'106 , we wltl proceed 10 offer at public sale UI1
the 21st day uf January. ' 1007 , nexl. at Ihl"
ofl ce , Ihe fol1owlllll' tract o ( land , Ill-wit : Iot
2IIectiun 18 , lowllshlp 18. 110rth ranlro 23 wellt ,
An ) ' and alll > enons clalmhlI' ; ulversei ) ' Ihe
above doscrlbed landll are advlsell to. Ole their
clalnlll III this oltke , un or before the day abuve
desillnaled Cor the commellcement of said lIale ,
ulherwl e Ihelr rhlbls will be furCelled.
JOliN RBIISB , Relllqter.
" UAI < IUS 1\1. AMSUBRKY. Receiver.
, /
' ' - ' ' '
CON'l'I-S'I' : NO'fICE.
United Slalel I.allli On ce , t
lIrokenllow , Nebraska , December .1S , 1110O. f
A sufl1clent conlest an da'lt havlnl : ' been
filed InIlls ofl1ce by : ' 01 a r ) ' 11 a'e r , conlestant.
lralnst lIom slead entr ) : No. 3JJ , mallo Sepl.
3,11)03 , for ne nw } ( , nS neH. &e . nCJ - . Hl'C.
thll1 25 , township 1'1. ranllo 2 , b } ' 1.1 11 po
Chlnlel. conteilee , In w1.llch It IK al1elled Ihat
l lIlpu Chlnlcl bas abandoned bahl l.remlHcs ,
6 11I1d falle.llo re ldo thereon Cor 1II0m Ihan six
1II0nlbs last p\SI. thai. he has failed 10 litabliRh
W 11. lellal and Ilona fiole residence on , salll tract ,
[ 1- lhat ho has fallelt to erect and lIIalulalll a
boulo ur olher 1 > lace of allode on B\ld tract , all
, n of which defecIS exist : It this tlmo aUII have
' 1I0t b en cur , Said partl s am hernb ) ' ndll.
Oed 10 aPI > earl reMl'ond amI urrer evidence
tunchhllf said a lellatlon al III u'clock a , III. eu
I. Jalluary 2SII.)7 , before the RCII'IHler and H. .
, c lvor at the Unl\ell Slales Iallil omcu III UfO >
k u lJow , Nebrallka.
'l'ho said cOllle8lanhlvlnll' : . In a'roIICI
afl davlt. med I > ecember 15 , 1006 , lIet forth facl
which abow tbM after due dl1ll'ence personal
senlco of Ihl. 1I0tice clnuol : bo mad" , It II
, r hereby ordCJred and dlrecled that Buch liotlce
be "Iven by duo and I > rol'er publication.
I " DAKtos M. ANSDERKV , ReceIver ,
ALP A. MOKGAN , AH'y for Couleslant . , I
; \ . " - .
' .
" -
, .
J- - - - -
. ,
- - -
- - - -
CON'I'I ST NoTteF- .
Unllell Stales Iantl Omce , l
llrokon Bow. NebraRka. Decelllber S. 1906. f
A silnicient conteqt affidavit havlnll' " bee II
filel In this oOicby ! I al Purroconlestallt ,
al/'alnst IIomeRtea.1 entry No. Z342. made June
2'1.1904 , for He He f ectlon 7 , nw nw Rec-
tlon17. e ' ne section IH , townllhlpZO : ranll'c
. by Jennie CIlncy , ConleRlee , In which It Is
nllelled that Jennie Clancy never eRtabllsbed a
f ltUement upon Raid land never established a
rellidenoe'or resided thereon has lIIade no 111I-
provemenlll oC any kind thereon and has en.
tlrcly fallec ! 10 In any lIIanner cuUlvate any
I.ortlon of sahl tracl and has abandoned the
ame and said defeclR now exist. , Raid parties'
are hereby 1IOII0eil 10 appear , respond and
olTer evidence 1'onclllllll' Kahl allell'atlon at 10
o'clock a. III. on January Iii , 1907. before the
Rellisler a 1111 Receiver at tile Unltecl Stales
I.and Office 111 HrolenlJow. Nebraska.
' , rhe salc ! contestant havlnll , In \roper affi. .
davlfilell December 7190 . flet forth facls
which sliow that a\er \ du dl1hrencopenlOnal
Rervlce of thlllnuUce can nol be. made. It Is
, hereby ordered aud directed thaI such notice
he I'lven by dne and proper pnbllcatloll.
27-32 JOliN RIIBSII.ReIl'IRter.
' .rbe unknown heirs. devisees and lel/'ateeq of
Mahala lIrl/uran. Jacob lIrlll'llan , and , J. W.
Shea. will lakCJ notice Ihat MurrlR J. nnnell
liaR med his 1 > etl\lon In the District Court oC
Cusler Count ) ' . Nebraska , the object and
Iraycr oC which IsU remu'e the clouds frolll
the tlUe to the northwest quarter oC secllon one
In tOIVnllhlp fourteen. range nineteen , In Cnster
County. Nebraska. b ) ' an oroler and decree oC
Hahl court. cance11lul : ' and decreehllr as Crandu-
lenl and voltl the Receivers receipt to Mahala
Hrhnan , Ihe J1Iorlllallo by Mahala lJrllI'lfan
and hnsbam\ Ju\180U C. Porler. the deed
from Mahala IIrhnan and hURband. Jacob. to I
Jamesllall , : tbe UlOrtll'afe from Jame
and wife to Mahala Hrllruan : and the deed'
from Jamell W. II.tl1 and wife to J , W. Shea. '
all coverlnll' l ald land. aud also decreclnll' a I
! l00.1 II\1e to Raid premises In the plaintiff and' '
for snch otl1er and fnrther relief as may be
YOIl arc rcqulred to anllwer this petition on ,
or befure January 21st.I'I07 , or tbe Rame will be I '
la eu aR Irue and judument rendered ac.
cordlnllly ,
Dated. December 10th. 1906.
l'o101UHS H. HUNNltLL , Plain lilt.
J. A. ARMOUR. Attv. 27-31
- - - - - - - -
Notice to Non-reshlent Defendants.
Jenllle M , McCully , Harry 1' . MCuUy ; , Daisy
McCul1y alHIMarlol1 C , Uhlll'ham. defendanls ,
will tak nOllce thai on the 6\h day uC Decem.
ber , l'J ! . Anton Abel , plalntilT herein. filed his
peUtlon in Ihe DIRlrlct cOllrt oC Cnsler counly ,
NebraRka. all'aiusl said deCendanls and James
A , War,1 and Mrs. Jam ! ! > ! A. Ward , his wife ,
the object and Irayer of which are to foreclose
a cerlaln mortllalle , execuled by one Francis
1\1 , McCull'to the lllalntlli upun the soulh l1alf
( ) uC secllun len (10) ( ) , cast half B ) ot Ihe
nurlh-eallt qUarlcr ( 1 , cast balf ( \ ) of Ihe
bonth-east quarlcr ( O. flolltl1.west qnarter ( ? o )
uC Ule north.east quarter U ) , north'west qn\rlor
( ! oO uf the Houth.east quarter ( . ( ) ; west half ( Ys )
oC the norlh.we"t quarler ( ! 4) ) , west hUf : ( ) oC
thu south-weill ( ) , IIontl1-easl quarter ( - ) of
the norlh.west qnarter ( ) . north-east quarter
IW uf the south.West quarter ( W oC section
ole'en (11) ( ) . Wellt haU of the north.welt quarler
( ) , wellt half ( y ) oC tl10 sou\1l.we6t quarter oC
secllon Iwelvo (12) ( ) . cast half ( ! oi ) oC Rectlun
, fifteen ( IS ) , and all In township fourteen ( H ) ,
ranll'e twenty.three (23) ( ) . west. to secure 1ho
Ilayment of a promlll"or note daled November
I. 1'JU5. for the sum uC1960,00 and Uue and payable -
able ou the lint day oC November , 1910 , wllh
six I > er cent Interest from the date thereof ,
' ) layable nnnilal1) ; . and which lIald' note has
been declared due by reason uf a provision In
Iho morlgall'e I > royhlh..l . that said debt Utay be
declarell ciue'on fallnre to 1.ay Interest at the
lime Ihe same matures aud the In Ie rest ol1l1ald
note maturinu : t"Qvemlier I , 1906. has not been
paid ur au ) ' part { It'allil the plaintiff' has de. .
clarcd Kalel nole dno and payable. There Is
now due on said nute and lUortll'alle the 'Ium oC
$ -I9W.OO with six per cent InlereRt thorlon from
Novemller 1. I'O. ' > , and Rlx per cent Inlereresl
upon accrnellinterest. $197.00 , from Novemb t
1.1906. and ) llalulllT prays tl1at sahl premises
may be decreed to be KOlel to satlsCv the amount
duo thereun.
Yun are equlred 10 answer said pelltlon un
ur befure the 14\11 day of Januor ) ' . 1'J\J7.
ANTON AUKL , Plaintiff.
Hy l . A. COOI : . his altoruey , 2'J.29
Unlle.1 StateR I.and Ofl1ce. t
lJrokell lIuw , Nebraska , December 10 , 1900. f
Nolice III hereby c-Iven that IIUlJCRT
I.EONARD , of Allselmo , Nebraska , has l11ed
notice of his Intention to make final 5 year
\ > roof In II ! ) porl oC his claim. vi : : lIomeslead
l nlr ) ' No. " ' 106 , made AUllullt 8 , 1901 , for the
, swH' < ectlon 33 , townsblp 19lwU nW 101 ,
secllon oJ. township 1 , N raUlI'e : ! oj 'Y. , ami that
SalllllruoC wlU 1)0 made before. Reilistur and
I Itecelver at Hroken 1I0w , Nebraska. on Janu.
I ary IS. 1'101 , lIe names Ihe ful1owlnl : wl\nesses
lu I'rove I1ls cuullnuonll rellidence upon , and
cullh'atlon of. lhe land , vi : : John II , McDer.
, Inolt , oC Anbelmo , Nebraska : Charle ) ' IIlckey ,
, uC Anselmu , Nebraqka ; James Foran. of .in.
. .p.lmu , Nullras a : Tim Teab0I1. of Anselmo.
Nebraska. JOlIN HEIISB.
21-32 _ l ellistet : .
, I Unltel Slates Iand Office. l
IIrokell How , .Nebra kl1 , Novembel 26. 1906. f
I' I Nollce Is hereb ) ' ! flven that JOlIN , A.
, 1I1Y HH. oC Merna. Nebraska , bas I1leol nollce
. . oC hlllnlonllon lu make l1ual five year proof 111
. 1upp rt oC I1ls claim , vII : : llomcstllul l
. . .n. 1M } , made January of , 1900. for the w ) ntrl.
. n\ \ . nW1Secllon U , lowl\shlp 17 north ranll'u
23 weat and salet proof will bo made beCore
Hellisler an,1 Receiver at IIroken How , on
I I > ecembcr : ' ' 11 , 1900. I1 names tbe followlnll'
I wltnuses to' ' prove hlB continuous residence
I ' upon.l1.nll cultlvatlou of the laud. vlz : II ell f ) '
' ' Myers. of bierna , % jebraska- James Cool , of
Merna , Nebr 18kaj James W , Uow 11i \C \
: Merua , NebQskaj De 1jamln F. BarreH f
Merna. Nebrukn. . JOI1K RBSIIE.
2s.t9. : : . . . " . Rell'lster.
\ ,
. .
. . .
, .
. - -
. - -
NO'1'ICl' : OI > ' I'INAI. St-T'l'rI : 1\tI N'f.
'l'lIB'STATE 01' NR RASKA , .
If Sri
In Coullty Court , before A , H. llunlphrey.
Coullty Judlreln the l11a1\er uC tlllJ eslate oC '
James Blnllham , Deceaned.
To the Credltr.rll and HelrR. amI 10 all who .
are Interesled In the estate oC Jamell 1IInll'ham ,
DeccaRed :
' .rAKE NO'l'ICI . ' .rltat Willard Hlnllbal11 ,
Administrator oC the aforesaid Elltate , has
filed a report oC his dohlll'R as such. and asks
Ihat the same be approved. and that he be dls.
chanl'ell from further obllll'ation lhlJreln. and
that t\16 \ COullly Judlle make such order as to b- .
, t\1 \ , dlstrlbullon oC the assels belonll'lnll' 10 said . :
esUte as may seem jllllt and equitable ; amI to
asslllll the dower of the widow her"ln. deslg.
lIate the heirs enl1Ued 10 a IIhare IlIlIald estate. 1
and to II'rallt snch olher relief all may tie deemed
necessary III the I1l1al Re1\lemellt uC'sald estate. \ , . .
Said "latter has been set for hearlllll' 011 the 4th ,
day oC January.1907l1t 9 o'clock a. m. , at the
l'ounty Court ruom , In lIroken How , Nebraska.
at which time and place all parlles Interested ,
may appear and bu heard COllcernhl1r the \0)
m A
Dated this :3rd.lay : oC December , 1906 ,
[ SIt LJ A. R. lIu.n'IIRR\ ' ,
26-1:1 Counly Jlldlle. J
CounlY Court , Custer Counlv. Nebraska ,
The credl\ors oC the e lale of John , : -t. AmDI ! . - . . . i
Deceaf eel :
'l'ake uollce That I will sit at the Cuunty
Court room. In Brokell UuwL In said Countyoll I
the 2111t day of January. 190 , . and on the 21st
day uf JUIIC. 1907 , each at 10 o'clock a , m. oC
each day. to receive amI examine all clalms. , ,
all'aillst said eslale , wl\h a vieto Ihelr adjuRt. ' \
mect alld allowance : and tbat on the firsl date i
above the pelltlons oC widow will be heard for '
humestead , exempllons. allolVallce and other . ,
Slatutory rlllhts. I
' 1'he tll11e limited Cor Ihe Ilreselltation oC
claims all'alnRt said estate III ! ilx mJnlh Crom
the 1st day oC Januar ) ' , 1907 , and Ihe time IIml\ .
ed for paymellt oC debllls one year from said
Dated December 5. 1906.A.
A. R. nUMl'lIRR ) ' .
27-30 Conlltv Judge.
. " " " .cor..Cl' .rJ"
. ' l '
& Jeweler and O ticia.n . .o ; _ . .j
West Side Square ,
roken Bow ,
. . . .
i. '
1Co 1
Attorney at Law.
Broken Bow , Nebr.
Havlnll' JIIRt had elltht years praclfcal exper
lence as Dounty Judlle. wl11l1'lve spe"lal a1\en
tlon to the drawlnl : and probatlnll o ( wills and
the administration of estates of deceased per-
80IIS and minors. Wrl\e or pholle me. I may
\lave YOIl p trip ,
DR. C. B , JOB ,
Physician , nd Surgeon
Office aUl } resitfel1ce OIie b10ck south of
Ryerson & George' store.
Professor of Psychology ,
Lincoln Medicnl Co11ege. Office at
rcsidence , one-ha1f b10ck east of U.
B. Church. Chronic diseases given
spcclal attention. 'Phonc 147.
Meals or Lunch at All fiours ,
. Servcd promptly 1
and to prder at
Hayes & Snyder'j
Restaura11t , . 1
' , ' 'First oor north of Baisch's ti :
drug store . ? \
. .t
. \ ;
, .