. " . . I , ' , , ; : - . L : - . _ .8 _ - ' * . . . MAINE BEARS ARE WISE SURE ENOUGH Ul' IJl Pnssat1umltollJ ; , Maino. 'Where black boars once ownCil th Wld And aU upon It. and wbore to this e1RY lhefr fondhcss for nHlllon and 'mnW fa sftc1ly r'cnllitd ' ! , t1teto sat upon" .t.bo UChch In' front ot the post office R. bnnch oC vllll1ers. ! They were just fl"Om the grocery. the wlso man. the hlstorlnn I1nd the boss hunter of the village. They had sot tied Bome points when the talk drtrted to the question. Clf courage In n man and 'beast , ami they ha(1 to sit down on the posl office bench and ba.ve It out. Uncle Penny , the wise man , snl1 that beasts of the forest hnd no renl Clourngc-that the ' fought against , despernto odds merel ' through Ig. norance. Sim Detts. the historian. 'Pondered deeply to rnlmlp some In. stance thn.t would contradict this the : ory. but before ho could recall or In' . . . .ent al1 'thlng , P'letlah Jones. the OES hunter , declared that. white no ! bIgger fool than the lJU11 moose ever etnllted 'tho earth , benrs had. on the zt..ernge , moro brnlns than men. Ami , 'be ' proceeded .to prove it. "Now , " said Jones. "you don't never 'henr of b'nr a bucking Injlnes on the raltroad , do ye ? Snrtlnl ) ' not. Moose , 9-as : an' Allers glts thO wust of It. , . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .I''l'jnt.rally. , Injlnes Is Iron. an' can' ' , maim hash outen any critter that -wa.llts. Moose ain't got brains .onuff to , ! know It ; b'ar8 has. "S'poso nIl : rou fellots recollect that ; t . antsB , of old junk that I hOlped hauL i ! Up to ( he stlltlon here last summer ? , Wel1 , that was what w s loft of ono .of . them autYJ oblles after a good , : Ibrlght b'ar had a whnck at It. Hap . Ipened down hero couple of miles be- 110w PnssndunIQ' . 'Twas an oM she I ' . , I ' Ib'at' that had two cubs , and ono day ; .when the Cambl ) ' of thorn was a : Crossin' the rend to get Into a botte berry patch , wbat should como whiz. : v.ln' along but some sports in a big : sleam wnggln an' run over ono of the eubs nn' laic ! It out cold. i - ' I liTho old b'ar an' t'other cub got . )3crost ) all rIght an' stood at the edge af the rooo a.lookln' kinder dazed. I I . IWILS close enuff to drop the two of , . them. but I'd no gun with me , so I ijust sot there nn' watched. "Pretty soon the old b'ar como out an' sniffed at the carcass of the dead. { -cub. l'Ollln' It over with her paw and / " , nnUng oronn,1 . . ' Ihnngh .he , ex. . r pected to wako It up. Seolng that the " ' ' : eub laid tltei'o stiff an' otlll , the old ; no hustled off Into the bushes with tether ! Ib tnggln' on bohlnd. I , = ' 1'P05oo that was the last of It , but that's wbem I had something new to . " 111m 'bout b'MS , " .Test ft. ' few rods up from where the t , , flld b'ar wont Into the bushes. an' . . . . , . .r- gfuri < fln' clost to the road , wa9 a big' ' . ' spruce , wIth an old stub ( dead t , \ . tr , nk ) , lo gcc1 ag'ln It. Thnt stub was - , ) ! : \Wo foot through. if It was an Inch. an' . It WI\S jest barel ' caught on the fipnlce , so's tho' least jolt would bring It down. , Welt , sIr , you can. believe me or not , but it's gospel truth-that : ) Id b'ar sbe floundered up to that bhero stub an' , puttln' her shoulder ! lg'n ! It , brought It down , slam 'bang , rig11t across tbe roatl. " 'Veil. sir. I never see the like , an' lor some tIme I sot there , ; Vonderln' what the old b'ar was up to. Then. . njorly , It began to leak through me thllt she WIlS after revenge on the , f1'I'Orts tlJat 1lIIed : her cub. She was ablocldn' of the road ag'ln the tlmo , tilei'd come b\Clc. : , "Well. I says to m 'solf , says I. There's no tcmn' when the fellers'll fIOmo b\c1t ; It ma - be a wee I. . An' so I I\avln. ' other fish to fry. and It beln' Jl'Ono ot mY' mess , anyway. I kept on. I 11'1\5 gene R couple of hOllrs , an' , wfttm. I come back along , cuss me If , . , t tha.t , old b'n.r . an' her cub wasn't a-set. I tin' tbero In the edge of the bushes as . . . Ot'.Igh ' they expected comp'ny. When 1 W'ent , 1"Dt they never budged an' , Ibnvll'l. ' ' no S"Iln. I come right al ltJg an' left them to tend to their own bls'noss. "I hadn.'t got moro'n ton rods fnrthef' 'long toward the vlltage when I heard lha great tootln' nn' . looltlng : t11cud I see the steam waggln a- ' , ' strealtin' It < lown the road. 'Now. ' , eays I to myself ; 'nO\v. that there .mMheen must Il-cost a thousand dol- 1ars. An' with un respec' to the b'ar's 1 'feelings ' , 'twouIcI bo a cussed shame . tn BCO It go to smash ng'ln an old stub ' J'lot ' wuth .ton cents , ' so I hollered lcr ' . ' - - 1bo : "porla to hold uP. bill I glless the ' t t rlIdn't hel1r me. for they lIew past In 'f ' . . . on cloud 0 ( dust. " 'Here , ' says I. 'Is where the old b'ar gets sQunro , ' an' I hustled back nfl.et , lbem down the road. It's a ! thick growth along thero. an' hard to IJCC nnyl.hln' 'copt In broad da 'I1ght. . jlro 'fore the sports Imew It the ' were : rlght onto that big stub. I was jest 'ncu enuff to see what happened with- tout geUln' hit wIth any of the wrecl ; : . ' i1"lrat I hellrcl n. yoU , thcn a blimp , an' ItbC'lt como amailhln' an' crash In' lI1.c brcn.ldn' a jam 01tbe West Branch. ' ' } 'hD.t maehecn jest 1'1 : : up IIko a bat- I Itct1 on rock , nn' In a minute the all' i , was full of 'It , The two sports , the ' Isbot out n.bcnd nn' landed face down Iin the ro\d. One wheel sailed err Into ! the bntsh. tlU' one of thcm rubbered \ jhoops thcr hnvo on the tlm hopped i \U \ } ' ) an' hung on the branch. It was the I complotC9t 'reck I ever soee of an ' . Ithlng , an' 'ou could smelt benzine a , mile I\way- . ' \ "Jest as I come up I conld hear a crnshln' awny off In the berry patch. . ill was the aiel b'ur an' her cub , goln' lOa MUslled , 1 s'pose , at hnvln' dOllo 'a good Job nn' got square , This fall. " , conchld d the boss hunt < < : 'f. "I am nsoln' after tha.t b'ar , It I SQt her I'll know ber , tor she'll ameli or beuzlne " . . . . < h TfWiNG XPEftIENCE. ' - - - Spent Over $100 In a'Valt ) Search fQr Health , - Miss Frances Gardner. of 369 .Jack. on boule\'nrd. Chicago. 111. . writes : I "Gentlemen : I heartilY Indorse Doan's Kid n 0 y PIlIB , as I ha\'o tound by personal experlenco t hat they arc nn Ideal lltlney : remedy. I suffered , 'with com- pllcnttons of kid. ' complaint for neY' I nearly fiyo years. i ' spent over $100 on useless rome le9 , while five boxes of Doan's Kldnoy Pills cured me In a few short weels. I am now enjoying the best of health. have a fine appetite. the best of digestion. and restful sleep , nil due to 'our splondld pills. " Sold b ' atl denlors , 50 cents II. box , Fostor-1\Hlburn Co. . DufCalo. N , Y. . . - - - - - BROI < E THE WILDCAT'S BACK , Phliadelp . ' a Man Victorious In H nd. to.Hand Combat. Unarmed and alone , Thomn Dyko' was attncked by a wildcat on Locust mountain. south of Mount Carmel , Pa. Ho had been In Ashland Rnd started to drlvo homo. His horao stepped on a nail and ho put the animal In a sta- ble. ble.Then Then ho started to walk homo and was on the mountain when the cries of a wlldcat alarmed him. A Cew minutes later he fsaw the beast ton teet In front of him. The nnlrnal finally sprang. He jumped aside and ' ,8St4 body of t e cat struclt' the.ron.d , ho leaped upon It. For several mln- utos 'the fight between tbo wild ani. mal and the man wont on. At length by a Quick swing he broke the ani. mal's back , A physician dressed the se\'eral deep scratches on his face and hands. but otherwlso ho was unlnjurod. TORTURED WITH ECZEMA , Tremendous Itching Over Whole Body -Scratched Until' Bled-Wonder. ful Cure .by Cutlcura , "Last year I suffer d wltb h tremen. deus itchIng on my back. which grow worse and worse. until It spread over the whole body. and only my face Rnd bands were free. For four months erse so I suffered torments , and I had tc scratch. scratch. scratch , until I bl d , At n4h . - wben I went to b ! l .tblngE got'worse , and I had at' ' times to getup up and scratch m ' body all.ovor. unUI I was as sore as could bo , and until ] BulTered excruciating pains. The ' tolt mo that I was sulTerlng from eczema Then I mllde up my mind that I woull use the Cutlcura Remedies. I usec thom r according to Instructlona. ant very soon Indeed I was greatly 1'0 . ] leved. ' I'tJontlnucd "nut wen , anc now I am ready to recommend tbolCu L curn Romedles to anr one. l\frs Mary Metzg'Cr. Swectv.tter. Okla. , Juno 28 , 1905. " Squirrels a. Walterl. It bas tnken l"isk Goodyear ot Burchtown , Pa. , two years to tra.ln his pet squirrels , but his ertorts arc now repaid. and on Thanksgiving he treated his friends to a surprlso. Gathering half 0. hundred or morE gray squIrrels , MI' . Goodyear taugh1 them to go Into the woods and plcll up nuts , carr 'lng thorn to bls home On Thanltsglvlng night at a rlinnOl his guests noticed n. 'small board run nlng trom a window to a nut bowl The host gave one knock on tbo' tablE with his knife. A squirrel hOllpec down the plank and dropped a. chest 'nut Into the bowl. Two raps broughl a IIqulrrol with a walnut. three knockl a hellbark. Finally. a grave , old 8Qulrrel t.001 bls place and cracked the nuts. wind Ing up the performance by bruohlnl oft the crumbs with his thick bush tall. The Sunny South. Now when all outdoor farm wor1 has ceased in the north. the tern "sunny south" and all that It means appeals with full force to the nortllO\ ' ! fermer as ho realizeD that with hln tf'ls a case of romalning Indoors fo the next several months consuminJ everything that hao been producc ( during the growing season. In thl "sunny south" something c n b. raised every month In the year. anI practically cvor ' day can bo spent ou doors. No blizzards. No sunotrokes Cattle-raising Is very profitable. Lnrgl proflts are made with IIttlo labor It growing fruits. vegetables ; etc. , Co northern marltets. Strawborrles anI cantaloupes are great revenue gottet'fl Water ullsurpassed. Worlt plontlful Lands cheap and productive. Far rc lIable Informlltlon , address G. A. Park Genera ! Immlgmtlon and Industria Agont. Louisville & Nnshvillo Rallroal Compan ' , LoulsvlIle. K ) ' . - - - - Actress a Loyal Kentuckian. Mary Audcrson Do Namrro. wh ( rceently Issued her momolrs , has 60n : a copy ot the book to the Commercia club of LoulsvUle. K ' . , with the tel lowing note : "For the Commercia club of Louisville. with the beB wishes of Mary Anderson DC ! Na\'ar ro , a Loyal lover of Kentuck } ' . " . - - - - - - - - Important to Mothers , Enmtne carefally/ < < : very botllo of CASTontA. a ufo and Bure rctncdy for lurnnt1l and chlldrcn , and WI that It - Deartlthe " " , Slgnalure ot / Kt U'U ID Uao For Ovcr ao YCllrll. T.J. , Kind You llAvo Alwa , Doagllt , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ n _ _ _ h When a man Is broke his frlendl Bro always ready to give hlm-ad Tlce. I . - ATTRACTIONS OF WE3TERN " CANADA. ; ' 1agnlncent Crop Return. for th" Year 1906 , - The manner In ' " , hlch 'tho Canadlnn' West hu attracted settlers In recent years hIlS caused many of our journals and pUblic men to "Jlit up and take no- tlce. " to use a current phraso. From every , European country and from ai , most every State 1n the Union hugo number of ' 8ettlotl\ have fIe ked'to the pralrio provinces of C nadn. whore free bomosteads :1nd : " 'Jdo opportun. ltIes are open to nIl wlio deslro to avail tllomselves ot thom. The greatest factor In attracting settlers 1I0s In the Inherent rlchnoss of soil and sultnblllty of cllmato for producing what Is universally consld , erod to bo the finest wheat In the world-tho "No , 1 Hard" of Cnnadlau growth-amI ether cereals that rank In the very first class. This 'eJ.r : the bnrvest returns were : Wheat. ! JI1 , ' 000.000 bushels ; oats. 76,000,000 buoh. cis : barlo ' . 17,000,000 bushels ; and when It Is consldored that t.ho entlro population of the three provinces-as ovldenced by the qulnquennlnl census just comploted-Is only 810,0011. It Is easily seen that the lure of the Cnna- dlan West Is In Its agricultural paten. tlalltles , Another feature ' 1hlch attrnct the settler Is that railway construction Is proceeding with such rapidity thnt al. most every district Is within oa3 ' reach of outside markets. ami that good prices for all lines of farm prod. ucts rule practically from the eom. mencement of agrlculturnl oporatlons. This Is a factor which did not provall when the earlier settlements In the West 'Wero made In Canada and In the Unlte.d ; ltntes , and lias glvon a great Impetus to Canadlnn 'Vestern settle. ment In recent } 'oars. The free grant systt'm of borne- steads wllich provalls In the pralrlo provinces , by 't''hlch every settler who Is n 10 and willing to comply with the conditions of actual soltle nent ( by no means onerous ) Is given 160 acres free. except $1 . for entr ' . Is a great drawing card. and In the last fiscal year Jathored In over 189,000 addl , tlonal to the western pormlatlon , of which 1 > 7,796 were from the United States. The further fact. as 15 strongly brought about by the agent of th ( ; Canadlnn Government. whoso addre5 appears elsewhore. that a splendid common school system. practical ! ! tree. prevails throughout the entire countr ' . and Is easy of access In ever. the most remote districts. Is anothCl great hiducement to the settler whe bas the future welfare of his famll In mind. and this. coupled with th ( fact that western Canadian law anc order arc proverbial. completes [ clrclo of good and sufficient reason I why the tit10 of Immigration bas se ' In so steadily toward the country' ( the north of our boundary Uno. I The Highest Brldgo. Work Is now In pr < > gress on a IIUS pension. bridge over th : fdmous "Roy , al gorgo" of the Arlmnsas rlvor. h Colorado. at a. point where the chILD nel Is only 50 teet wldo at the botton and 230 feet wldo at the top. Thll bridge will span the 'river 267 fee above' the ) lurfaco of the wator. an ( will be. therefore , by far the hlghes brldgo In the world. The materia will bo oC flat steel and stool cables I the cur-red girders finding securo' ' at tachment In the solid sides of the C111 yon. The fioor oC the brIdge will bl . or plate glass ono and oJ1 ( . .half Inche thick , to afford visitors the plensur , of looking' down the' chasm , On oac ] Bldo will be strollg , high steel rail Ings. The brldgo Is part of W1 ale < c rallwav scheme. , - - - - The Evils of Constipation. are many ; In fact almost e'ery se rlous Illness has Its origin In constl t patlan. and some medicines , Insteal 0 . preventing constipation. ndd to It This Is true 'of most cathartics , which when first used. ttavo a boneficlnl of feet , 'but the 'dose has to be eoutl11 tlany Increased. and b roro long th , remedy c nses'to lll1ve the sllbtes offect. 'there Is on preparation , ho\v ever , that cnn be rollel upon to pre duce the sarno results with tQo sam' ' dose. cven aCtor fifty years' dall use , and this Is Drandreth's PillE which has a. record of OVOl' 100 year as the standard remedy for constlpv tlon and nil troubles \'lslng from 1 Impure atate of tbo blood. Drandroth's Pills are the sarno fin laxatIve tonic pili : rour grandparent \\lJed , and arc for sale cVJr 'whore elthor plain or sugar-conted. New Hobby for Collectors. The Ingenuity of clIectors In th dIBcovor ' of new Ilelds having bee : exhausted , there Is stili open to ther that of collecting the tlnest speclmo : of forged or spurious works of art an' ' this Is capable ot becoming 1hobb ; s'arccly less Interesting or admlrnhl than the plmnllt of the gellulno art : cle.-Art Journ31. Gas Englner ; on Canal Boata. Canol boats propelled hy gns CD Ines supplied from 1)lnnts on th , boats which make the gas from coni are UEcd In Gormany. For slow boat of moderate capaclt . the Byston seems cmclent and economlcnl. - - - - - - First Author-UOh , the unllttornbll monolon - of existence ! I am Ihor oughly disgusted with It all. WOIIII thnt I might completely disappear Co n whllo ! " " SCGond Author-"ThOI why don't 'ol\.marry a famous wo mnnJlldl:0. : . Tc\\"i , , ' Sinlle ; ninrlcr cignr-riehc t , mos 1tbf'inl ; Plnole on the marlct. : You dealer or Lewis' Fnclory./l'coria. / III , . . - - - - - " - Xo , Alonzo , a h:1chelor : Isn't necea . Imrlly an Ild\"oca.te of the slnsle.taJ Idea. , . . . - . , A man's con ( (1cnce I. hili pzIYate : walch man , Jllrll. Wln.lo" , ' . flo"thlnK' 1'11rnr , . . . .r hlldr.1I ' 'lIhIK , . . . .1'u. . . . "m..I.unfU III , m. IOII aJ\aJ1 lnI1I"'hdeoll . lI6oabotU. Dhls)1QS ) may come and blushcs 111/11 I ' ' - GO , but frocklcs 'hI t [ : " onforov r - - - - - - Anron enn dye with PUTNAM FADE- IJES8 DYl S : no experience required ; IUCCC88 su/U'nntccd / , Bayo a woman : "I cnre not who d0 9 'tb thinking Go'lotig as I am per' mltted II > do tM tnll < lng , " , - Lewis' : : jnc1e DintlCT ttr.1r ! ht te , oignr is good ? unlltr nil the time , Your dC41er or , . Lo\\s : FactoQ' , Ieoria , 111 , As a rule , wIlen people nay whnt they menn n lot of oxplanatlon Is nec. ossnry , For lcxllJllIh' . f1lnooth finish. stlrt'- nSR ! and t1urnbllltDeftnnco Starch hns no eQual-l0c Cor IG 0" , . - - - - - - - - - " Accordlns to the last census there arb 11 female well.bororo In the United States. N:1t1onal Pure Food .md Drugs Act , Serial No. 3St. a 8i ne hy the Uo\'crn. ami Uuul'ant . thnt the ' ' men ! IIt'Cp\l'ations com pI ) ' in ovcn' re J1cct wit h the I'l'qult.c. I11cntll or the 1'nro Food and Jl'I ! I Art npJlrnr on C\'rt' ) ' ptcknje of the Gart old 'fen C0l11pm11 : prcparntcns. ! - - - - - - - - Ambitious Youthful Violinist , Miss Selma Gustafson , of Dolhl. Ont" a youthful violinist. hns nppllod ( or thC' lendershlp of ono of tIlO orches. tras the Colorado Mldll\ud railroad Is orrnnlzlm : : . Glvo Defiance Starch n. . talr trlal- try It Cor both hot and cold starchlni ; , and If you dOI1't thlnlt.'ou . do beltor worl , . In lesS tiniC.artd .ut s\1 ! llor cost. return it and our grocer " ,111 glvo 'you back your money : - - - - - - - - - - - - - To Get MIlitary Pointers Here. Gen. Drugere , Cormol' mlnlstor of war of France , Is expected to151t this country In the near future to malto an Inspcctlon of American posts and stuely the organization nnd the mothoos of training the American soldiers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cntnrrh Cannot Be Cured wltb I.CAL AI'I'LlOATIONg.nR they cllnnotrellcb the Icat of the < 11101\80. Catarrh 11 n blood or con.t ! ' tntloual dIRC.OC , alll ! In order 10 cllre It 71111 mu t hlko Internal rCl11cdle . 111111'1 Catan b Cure II lakca In. ternally , aud ftC11 dlrcllly ou tbo blood nud mUCOIII IlIrbcr.l. lIall' . Calarrh Cllro la nut a Quack medl. cine. I t waR I > rCRcrlbcd by ono or the beH rby.lclacR In thll country for ) 'l'ara amI II a rCjlllar rre.cr'rlloll ' , It II cOlllPo.cll nf the hcat tunIca known , Cfmhlllcd wltb Iho he.t hluod pnrlncr" . actfn ! : dIrectly on the ntIlCUI. . . .nrfRcu. The rerfcct cumhln.U\n of the twn Intredlonlll what rroduu. Buch1'Ondfrtul ro , lultlill cur'lI ' t c\tllrrll. : t1end for Ic lIlIIonlal. . free , } o' . , I. CIII.-TY ; & CO.J'rep. . , Toledo , 0 , BOld bV' DrllllllhtR. "rIc1l7 c. Take 1'11111'1 } 'awlI7 1'11I. for consllpatlon. , _ _ 1' _ _ _ * Where Lawye rc Unpopular , A Inwrer made his apIJenranco nt Colobar. West AfrlcR , the ether dip' and n Gold toast n : wspnper. noUns the fnct , said : "It Is very unsafe for the people for la\\'j'ers to practlco' ' a1 this place. Their appearance In thlE rh'er will soon Invelglo everyone whc Is not careful Into IItigatinn , and tb will feetl on tholr folly. 'tber bY ruin Inc thom. " L3undr ' work nt homo would be much more satisfactory If the rllhl Starch wore USfl . In order to get the desired stiITnes.'J. It Is usunlly neces , sary to use no much stnrch that the beauty nnd finen ss "ot' the fabric IE hidden behind a paste or varying thlclmess , wblclrnot' only destroys tIH I , appearance. but , also nrre ts the wenr. Ing qua1lt.y or tho. go"ts. ! This trouble I' can bo entirely overcome by using Dc , fiance Stnrch , ns It cnn bo "applied m\lch , morn thinly becaus 'ot ! to crent. . or strength than other makea. , - - - - - - - - Competent for Jury Service. During the Ice trust t.rlal In Phlla , delphla a prospective juror was quiz , zed about the Quantity of Ice he used "l use a IIttlo occasionally. " he Isaid. . "How much T Enough to tempm a highball ? " Wha.t do you mean by highball ? " roared the attorney. "Ar , . amateur. " murmured the juror. "car not presume to onllghten an expert. ' 'This man Is , a competent juror. ' I- chimed the court , and the trial pro ceeded. . . . . - ' - - - Gen. Rucl er Now. Living Quietly in retirement Ir Washington In his nlnot ' .nrth yeal Is Gon. Daniel H. Rucker. Cather.ln law of Phil ShC1'ldan and boyhooe chum of Sherman , whom ho resem bles more than a IIttlo .In appearance Ho was born in Bollevll1e. N. J. . ane at an early ago onllstell In the arm and ocrved on the frontier , being r great friend of Kit Carson. He sorvct during the Mexican war aD well aE the clvU wnr nnd ] las Jived In Wash luston a number of years. - . - - - READERS of Ihls paper de- suing 10 buy any- Ihlng advertlSlJd In lIs columns 6hould Insist upal ) hav'nz ' whal Ihey ask lor , refuslnz 1111 su"'U- " tules or imltl1lons. ! I , " . . . . - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c FARMS FOR REliT AS" . 11.J. . . . : OJI G ( lIU" " . J. UVJII IJ. . t"uv CIT" 1."Im n.a. - . - , r . . , " " ' . , _ SICK HEADACHE 1'0sltlTt11 curt'(1 ! . ! ( J1 " thee LUtJe 1'1I1s. CAD"JER.S 'I'heT a1so reUOT : ms. tre58 nom D1JJpeJEta. In- d\geIIUOD. \ and 'I'oCJ n E : ttn" A ertett m. I V E R Cy for Dtntne5lt.U3e3 , PI LLS. Iromtne&o JJt.d 'I'nsto In the ) touUt. O > atc < 1 Tongue. I'n1n In t.be BI < 1o. TOnr D m'1m. ' 1beJ roguIato the Dowc1o. 1 > ure11 Vegetable. SMALL PILl. SMAlL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. y CARTERS Gcnui . Mu \ Bear Fae-Slmllo 51gnaturo aVER L2 - PILLS. / REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. - - - , STOVE POLISH ALWAYS RRADY TO usa. NO DIRT , DUST. SMOKR OR SMELL. NO MORE STOVIl POLIS" TROUULES W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO , 51 , 1906 , J . . . . . . , . ' , T' , - - - - - - - - NEW . WHEAt . , INDS' JU I' " -TH INIDIAIi WEST 5 000 1IIII1IIIollllt .1I11 I of rail" , . , . till. year IIun opened up . largtly : IlIcrra.cd I rrlo . tot ) ' to tbe prolrulh. ! . fannrrt of Wroteu , CRlllllla 111I11 the OOY. , erlllllellt of the Domino 1011 COlI\lmlu 10 RI , ONU II t.INlIIutU AND SIXTY ACRltS Plum to nery BeUler , THE. COUNTRY HAS NO' SUPERIOR CMI WOOtl'aud,1I'fatrr InabIlIJ . .ncrcllllrcllu \ and IIchooll cunnlll nt : 1I1Rrk t. eaft ) ' of Recrut laua 10WI cllmale th st In the 1I00thrrl1 tune f\Hateronr. I.aw atldorller prn"llI nr\yberfl" Itor 1I.lvlce encl lulonn\l\oll \ ncIM 'R tb , RUI'nRIN'I'RNlJItNT 011 J\I\T1GRATION. : : 0111\\911 , Canada. , t > r an1 lIulhorllcd Call11dla. . Guvul1nt nt Agent , W. V. DENNETT , 801 New York Lire nuild/D' / , ' Osba. Nebraska , - - U. S. NAVY enlllla fllr rour 1ura 10'IIIA mon of 10(11\ abullotur and .ou nd I'huicl1l ' coudltlon br- ' ' 'I1UII &h8 aat's or IT alltll' : . . . . .pprenUco Ira. monl O"I.uuunltlcN " rur ndnllcClUt" P41 118 to ITU n montn. KlcolNJlftn. , machlnl , " . hlaokllUlIlI. , cOIprnlllllhR. 7 ( , . > lOell ( clt'rka ) . OIU".UI"rs , ahlll1ll1"'I , IIrCl\lcn , IlIualcl.'U'I\ aook. . II'O"bowcclI ' 21 anct . .6 tcora , cnhllcu In . , .eolal r.ltlnjt. , ,1111 lultftbln l.n1l hUlpltftl "ppren'let" 16 10211 nllra. lIclirrulfmt on ur'o-fuurtll. Plt1 nnd 11110"nnl' ' ' ' oflt'r ro 7'l1ft lonlco. Alpllcanta mua , bO' ulcrieau ol . lr lo'h'nJr ' olllll' free 10 recruit. , Upon III trMcl aUowano. . " cnntft pl'rjmUo 10 . Obarro ' . IIl1nll. four blllntbl' par "n < 1 InorraRo In p.7upon ro-ellllCLmon' " "hln four moulh. or dl'l'burwe. uroo. . . at 1Inco n anrt lluUIIW' , Nohrahka , Allo.llurtnl"lnllr. a' lip. 1\Inlnr. , , , , , , 1'l101lJ : Cl\y. 10" " . A'lctrr a NAVY RECRUITINO STATIONP.OBtd4..0 tAII , The best in the , land is not I always the est costly. KG POWDER BAKINC , 25 ounces for 25 celds is the purest and most efficient baking help in lhe country. It's a waste of money to pay more for baking powder not half.so good I K C Baking Powder is made and guaranteed by Jaques 'l1fg. Co. . Chicago. j It . . WINCHEJTER Smokeless P wder Shel1s , "LEADER" "REPEATER" and t The superiority of Winchester I Smokeless Powder Shel1s Is 1 undisputed. Among intelligent shooters they stand first in pop- , ularity , records and hootlng I tl qualities. Always uSC'J them : for fBeld or Tra &bootlnVe I U Ask Your Dealer For Thom. I . : . : : = , A 000 00 REWARD 9 Paid for the J'roof or any wsropreseDI.\ I " ' ' FALFURRI" 's'UAND' ' In the GUI.F COAST CO"'NTRV m SOUTH TEXAS. Oor Farmers make ftUfa CfO-P1 01 fro"l S50.00 t\l $ ' 00.00 per acrll. and two or tbrell craps a ) 'ear. SUFFICIENT RAIHF IIL.I. . PRODUC"I rtVE BOIL.S. ARTESIAN WEL.L.9. HEAI.TUFlIlo CL.IMATE. No Dlilianil In our COllnlr1 : lIke In the I'an handle. Lolltl lIolla NOW at ' 14.00 to 'as.DO per acre , on easy terml. WRlT TO. DA Y for FREE LITERATUIIR and LATnST TEXAS MAl' . Arivertlllnr Ier.artmont D , , FALFURRIAS IMMIGRATION COMPANY , " NHAS CITY. MO. L T S R,110\A ( you , . ) - - - - . . - - ' . . : Dainty , Crisp , Dress , I Summer : . r Skirts . are a delight to the refined woman everywhere - where , In order to get this result see that th material is good , that It I. cut in the 1atCit fashion and lUa l Defiance , . i , Starch I in the laundry , All thre thrnRs arc im- portanl. but the laSt is ilbsolutely neces- sary. No matter how' fine the material or ho\y daintily m de , bad starch and poor laundry wor will spaU the 'effect nDd' ruin the clothes ' D FIA.NC ' STARCH' is pure. will not rot the clothes nor cause them to crack. It sells at Ioe a sixteen ounce packa e everywhere. Other starches , JUuch inferior , sell at Ioe for telve ounca package. Insist on getting DEFIANCE STARCH and be I sure of results. Defiance Starch Oompany , Omaha , Nebraska. , < < I