Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 27, 1906, Image 10

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    " . . . . - . , . . . < < f , . lilt , lI . 1 JjIIsI ! I
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rl ney Nebraska Hn3 Inve ted In
Lincoln Intrect : Dearing Secur.
ItI = J 1nd Which Delongs to
th Schooll.
Sc eel Funda.
J..1NCOJ.N-'l'ho sll1lo oC Nobranlm
hng $ Mri8,7) . i7 of , trust funlls In.
, 'oslod In IlItercHt l.Iearlng soc rIUes.
' ] 'ho hlonnlnl I'cport of Auditor Sdarlo
flhows the CUl1 s t'o ho In\'ested aH rol'
lows :
J'ermnnent1chool . . . . . . . . $ G.787.2UIIO
J't'rl11l1t1onl unl\'I't'nlty . . . . . 166,060.00
A l'lc\lIl\lrnl uollt'J1' enllow-
l11enl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433.471.31
NorlOlIl enduWlI1etlL . . . . . . . 71.IIU.4Q
'I'otnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S7.4IiS.7IG.1i7
'J'ho tJOrmllllonl 8chool fllnd Invost.
mout Incllll1es' $ Jri8.1,8:1 : , G ! ) oC IIlnt
ItOnornl fuud wt\rruntH. 'I'ho totul
amount of these four fUIHIs Inv'sted
III ganurlll fund elate warmnts Is $1 , .
.7G1,317.GG. AH the totnl outslandlng
Indebtedness of the stnle consists of
, $1HO,071.:11 ! : In the Corm of stllte war.
\ { ants , Uls shown thnt the. Jate In the I
( t , ' " owner oC 02 llOr cent ot lls debt. Some I
. .
' wnrralltll will ooon he pur.
: " i , 'of the o
chnlfod hy the ulnto nM r Is call'
'r mnted that 1111 hilt II Jlor cenl'of" the
t oul..tnnliln warrnllts nro held by the
IItate ns IIn "Invatemnt. " 'I'ho stuto Is
j < thlls pl\coli : In the nltltudo ot pny.
J Ing Interest to Itself on Ita own dobt.
'fho only nllvnntnM gulnell hy owning
J : the out8tnnlllnwarrunts / Is thut the
Interest goes to the : .mpport. . ot the
, IlIIbllc IIchools. helng apJlortloned neml.
t onnll\lI.r : to the VDI'lous cnuntles nnd
, then to the school Iilsh'lcts.
, .
, I
\ . DogU3 ' Check for Good Lot. '
FHfJ1\t : 'I' - .Tonll C. Johnson. nn
0111 mnn or'Dnnlsh extrarlWon , nold a
. house 'anll lot. lIouth of the traelu ; to I
1 n man giving his Immo us Sam 'fom.
I mcs anti rl.'relvll In pnyment n choele
on the l'I'lJmont NnLtQnIlblIIlt. : : which. .
1 blrnvoll to bo wordtltlIs j' ! : : ' "IAftor re.
: el lng hili 11col1 nnrl OI the same da ) ' '
he went to the Socurlty'Silvlngs hanle ,
"vhlch occnples the same rooms us the
1.'remont Nntlonul bunlt , nnd borrowOlI
of them $300 , giving n mortgUgo' n'
the -lot na socurlty. .Johnson wont . o
the hnnl , to 1I0posit the chcc1t nnd
) lournoll he hUll heen swlnlllell. Tom.
'mes h\9 : 1ot hoen IIcon slnco.
Nebraskan for Richards' Place.
j NIODIlAltA - I.'rlends of Nelson Cotwn.rdell Ilron : ! endorse ,
tUents to the Nehrnslm delogat-lon at
, Wnshlngton nsle1n , ; that ho bo np.
" ' 1lolnted commlsslonor o't the General' '
I Innll offico. 1\11' . Swoltzer hns for yenrs
, been emplo'otl by the
om < < io In ndjusUng government- .
" ( ' ) ' 8 , IInd 19. said' to untlorstnnlt tHere
oughl ) ' tltc.mnny . Intricate que.stlons In
flelrl' wOI'I" HIR trlendo Claim tlmt his
.Innd officc rocore } Is the vcr ) ' hlghcst.
'fho onrlol'etl1ontR t com.IOse ( 'fllllng
men In the atnte. nnl } th nth'o can.
cresslonal dclogatlon. ,
. , . .c o t.I.n ! Ceub ; \ Day. . . , '
I LtNC LN-'I'ho crIppled wnlfs nt
thmortliopeillo : hospltx\t \ hnvo been
mnlntnln1 ! 1l1t II. . .pecnpllll cost 'ot IOSB
. : t.hnn 17 CCl lS n tIIlY.
'I'hls Is ohown by Mra. .Tohnson's
biennial 1'0pOI't. She Is superintendent
ot the homo of the frl6ndless , nnll hnR
fj\lpervl lon over the orthop tllc hospl.
tal. She nxpondotl $2G.I'O ) , ' ncroi-dlng
: to her rep r.L. tor II. hrns ! ! hc lltead for
lIeI' room. ' nnll tlm table ot the ! luper.
Intenllent I , sepnrato from that at the
11.1.tlent5 : or other emplo'es. There
will ho II. deficiency tor the lcglsbture
, to meet.
J FrowM , ' 01'Tobncc.o \ . UBers ,
I UNCOLN-'fho chQwh1.G of tolaoco
, "us.t ceJlsQ . t .the sJntolnlvorslty. .
1)'an PouJtd ot the Illw school post 011
n letter from Chnncellor Andrews or.
\1erlng the 0(1'1\11'810n ( of af\llienta who
chow. Denn Pound nnnounced that
the rulwouhl \ ho rlrltlly onforced.
Marc thnn n ) 'car ago omoldng wns tn.
boool } on the campus. Now the smol , .
rrsM.-ndjourn to n plnco south 'qf '
I e\mth street. It Is eXJlected thnt
lbo c lewers wilt join them.
. ,
After the 3p : : 1leer:1hlp. : ,
I IINCOLN-Representntlvo DOIlc ,
'of Douglas coun ' tOIIl ' encnged qunr.
. ters at the 1.Iudoll hotel for his cam.
palgn for Rpoalor of the l1OUSO of , rep.
resontn tI vos. Rellresentn tI ve Me l\Iul ,
I n ot Gngo county also ongnged quar.
t rs for the snmo' purpose o , anH
hotel. .
Gift from Ex-Senator DI trlch.
HAS'I'tNGS-lo'ormer Senator Dtot
rich has orlterc't the 1l11pamtuR tor r
) 'mnnslum IInraphornnlln tor the ne' ,
Young Men's Chrlstlnn ussoclatlol
building. . 'I'ho gift Is much appreclat
Money for T"lrd Ncbr 1ska.
, . Two IIrnfts nggl'cgatlng $28,240.fI' '
havheen \ recelvell by Govorn'o
Mlc1tey from , the natlonnl overnmen1
Theel' hnvo 1.I00n awurdell for pny du
the members of the 'I'hlrd Nol.lrnsl ,
roglment for time which wns spcn
between tholr onllstments and thel
I tustorlug Into sorvlco of the naUom
The SCaV lllgllr Act.
'The supreme 'court must decltl
'Whether or not. the "scnvenrer nct" I
unconstltutlonnl. 'I'ho Illw Is nUaelte
tby the nttorneys tor Mary A. 'I'ralnc
1\011 her brothorlnnll sIsters of Bo
11'uttQ CO lllty , wlp } clnh" . thllt , the . tt\l
'Is trying to doprh'e them or the
tUlIo n.nd vestOlI right In Ii 't' rtfil
Qllt\rler scctlon or la Hl ; ; wlthollt dl' '
Iprocolls of 11\w. 'I'he tlalntltrs. ! wI :
tnfo h lrfl. . { 1t ' 'XJUnm } I. 'f.'aln9f. 1\1
) ' to got aclc 11. deed to JlrollOrl
RollI tor tn.xe to the l\Illvorlclt \ 1.09
and 1'I'U8l company ot Alllanco.
. ( . .
I , " _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . . ' . . _ _ .L. , . ; , . ' - : - . . : _ . . . . : . _ _ ; . . ' < . _ - . : . . . .
III lilt _ _ . . . . . . . . 7 ' - - ; . . . . . . ' - -
" ;
. . . . ,
Mrs. I.l11le Is aoeltlng It IJ rd from
Gov. 1II1elw ) ' .
In the reylvnl nt Fn'mont there word
O convcrslons.
Sovernl IIOW'cnSOR or iJllIhtherln.
rOllortod nt Clcnrwllter , "
The distrIct cout1. or CUlnlng cOl nly
will convcno .Tnl1lHln' 7th ,
Postmaster McNnll ) ' ot Edgar ha : }
resigned nnd will remove to Iowu.
Worl , Is , to he RtnrtClI lit once on
the now Catholic IlOrSOllu/e / In Ucat.
Sioux CUy , In. , nnll Dni\otn \ City ,
Noh. , 111'0 to bo connected lIy Inter.
nogus ton dollnr hills wel'e Ilnssell
In I remont nnd n half down or more
mmerchl1nls bra losers on account of
John Close of Columhus clu\I'ged hy
.Josle Stlll'el , with helng tather of her
child , hus been lIoulld o'er to the dls.
trlct court. '
George Me'or of Platte cO\luty W:18
Injured In II. runaway acchlcnt , Ilnd his
log hns hoen nmputated to prevent
blood poisoning.
Mellsures nro helng tnlen to or.
ganlze 11.11 nntl.lohllcco Hiigla ! umong
the young men who uro students In
the normal at Peru. -
Ne : 'ulllc l hns no outstal1lllng bonds
end has ' 2,022,881 Invested In the
hon a of olher slate unll $3G1G,747 In
honds of Nel.lrnolcD. countlcs ,
The now slate hllule nt Hosnllo , II.
now town on the Grent Northern ox.
tensIon , lotnted n fO\\ ' miles from Dan.
( ! roft. 011ened for l.Iuslness last weole.
A man was foun 1 II. mUo from
Greenwood , lying In the rend with his
tllI'Ont cut. He was talum to a city
hospital nnd It Is thollght ho will re-
Andrew Arnold of Hed Cloud wn.s so
hndl ) ' Injured h ) ' the horse on whlclt
he was riding failing with I him that.
vor ) . amnII hOJoS 111'0 entertained for
his recovory.
Columbus ht jUbllnnt oxcr the expec.
.tatlon pf a $ .41 ,000 upproprlatlon for
the new pUblic building. Sealed oIYers
ha\'o l.Ieen pul In by a number ot
people who have sites to sell.
'I'hle\'es entered the DUl'lIngton tool
house. In W'mnJ'e anll stele n wagon.
lend of valuuble tools. Dloodhounds
were put upon thtl trnll , which WWl
lost heforo proceodlng very far ,
E. .J : King. sentenced to the penl.
tentlary for two years nnd six months
for burglnr ) ' from Douglas county , was
dlschargod by the governor. who com.
muted his sentence to a torm. som ( ) .
thin ! ; OVOl' nine , months.
'I'he JJoqrd of Super\'lsors ot DuUor.
county luis onJ.11l yod John Slrecter as
shperlntendent of the ount ) ' poor fnrm
for another ) 'el1r at , n salary of ! ! OO.
Ho has held that position tor sc\'oral
ycars nnd 11lUJ made a good superln.
In. ) ' Q'Hlmrn , a Omahn boy murderer
under sentctnce ot dentll sentenced for
the Icllllng ' .Qf Nels : t.n\lsttm ; , a snloolo
Iteepor. has filed n brIer In s4Pporl 'of
his petition In error In the supreme
coII' t. 'rho 'hrl f Is filed by Attorney
.James P. English.
. 'h ? so I' nnunl school apportion.
menl which has been mnde by the
dn.te .treas\lrer gh'os Antelope r.o\lnty
$3.170.32. 'I'he 'amount will bo at once
apportioned 10 the dlrt'ercnt school Ills.
trlcts b SUllcrlntendent Ward a.nd
the IlIrl'ctors notillell.
'l'ho Noronhn. county fair gronnds/
loeatell nt Salem , were 30111 at Rherirt's
snle In 1 'alls City , to satisfy a mort.
goge hold by the Salorn Interstate
Chautauquc association. 'f.he proll"
erty wns purchaocd h ) the Hlchardson
County Fair u8ocllltlon ! ,
A counferonco Is now on wherob ) '
cnstorn capltnl Olures to Instnll an
nlet'lrlc light. nnd power plaut In AI.
lIanco , In c se Nopar arrangements
can ho malic. 'I'he town f r some tlmo
hns IIcon conDlderlng thQ feasibility of
eatabllshlng fluch n"111ant.
A chocl , for $24' , li [ .8. . wns received
by County 'I'reasurer 'i'roupe of Duf.
falo count ) ' from the Union Pacific
Rnllroud ContlJUny In pn .ntent of 11
Pf1I'l , of .tho tu.xos ot .tho comlJnny tor
the 'enr 11011. ! 'I'he totnl amouut 01
the tnx Is $37,112.2ri , leaving a bnl'
ant'o of $12,1C G. 4 unpaid.
A cnmpalgn has been Instituted te
do awn ) ' with the orthopedic hospltnl
I nt Lincoln , nnd to dlstrlhute the crlp.
} lIed children among the general hos
pUllls of the RtutO. using them fOJ
clinical lIemonstratlons and Iceepln
them lit the expense or the stato. Thl !
mo\'oment meets , w.lth strong dlsup
I provnl on the pnrt of lUost physleltnl : !
Governor 1\lIclOy ) IllS Informed Dr
F. 1\1. Sisson ot the Omntln cl1l1d sav
. Ing soclct . that ho will not commutl
the droth sentence of Jur O'Henrn 0
Douglas couut ) . , to lIfo Imprlsonmont
Dr. Sisson vIsited the governor to In
, . ( ( 'rcede for the young prisoner , Mrs
O'UenT11 "Istted her Ron nt the prlao ]
Ilnd an affectlonato Intervlow fonowed
State on Inspector Ed. A. Churcl
hrolce the monthl ) . record tor the ) 'en
during UtO month of' Novembvr b :
turning Into the stnte trollsury 11. bu'
onro ot $1,434.67. ns the surplus of rl
celptR ever oXllondlluref. ! Ho receive
$2 , 30(0 and expendcII $ lOlG. ! Inclm
In 8alurloll for hmselt IInd omc
fort'o n.nd 110Pllt ) . Inl1pectors and sUI
plies for the ontce ,
IIO Is II t'uijdldato for connnandllI
ot titc 8Q1I1ICI'S' home. He la ono (
the oldest realdonts of the southo:1. : !
ern parl ot the stnte utHl Is II. prom
nent member of the Grand Army ot tl
Stelldy Impro\'emont In ot11clenc ) ' I
mllrl,8mnn hlp In the N brusl.1l N
tlonal guarll Is shown In the annu
rellort of l.Ieutel1uut E. H. Mullowno
Illspoctor of aman II.\'n1.8 Ilractlc
1'ho porcentagu or the l < ' l'o lme :
cnme U11 from 12,81 ! to 22.8 per ron
tlmt of the Second rogtl1ll.'nt rrom 7. :
to 19,87 l.or : cent.
. . . . .
. ,
At _ ) ; M " 'M" , } " , I 't' ' ' ' ' ' / ' ' ' " ,
. . - -
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_ . . . _ . - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - . - -
, . . . . .
1ffImc , .
. .J.
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- - - - - nH ' - ,
_ . - - .
I Ono ot the unlquo features or the
c.ol11lng Jamestown exposition will be
the display of the great Dismal Swamp
to visitors. 'fhe management of the
oxposltlon Is planning fOI' a waler serv.
k'cc which will enable these who wl 1.
to do so to penetrate the 1,000 square. .
mlles ot wild ocenery comprIsed with.
In this almost worthless section ot I
Virginia and North Caroltna. And In i
proparlng for thlll feuturo ot the oxpo.
91tI n , the manllgcment deelnres thal
the word dismal Is a mlsnomol' ,
E\'er'body , ot course , at ono tlmo or
anolher has lward ot the Dismal
Swamp. Over 100 years ngo Thomns
MODl'e , the Irish 1I00t , mndo a wonder.
ful ballad nbout It , Immortnltzlng a
Indy In a whlto canoe , the opaqueness
: If the mystery of the swamp. the \In.
ondlng lI arch th ro ot an .unhappy
lovor. Mooro's poem was full ot weird
beauty ; perhaps to It are traceable
mnl1Y or the customary Impressions of I
the coun t.y. Moore sang : ,
"Away to the Diamat Swamp he spceds :
Ills path was ru ! ; ed and Bore , :
Through Lho tangled juniper , beds of
reeds. ;
And many u fen where the scrpcnt feeds , :
And man no\'or Lroo beforo.
"But oit [ rom'lhe Indian hunter's camp ,
This maid and hel" 10\01' so true ,
Are seen at the hour of midnight damp , .
To cross Lhe lake by a IIrell ) ' lamp '
And paddle theIr whllo canoe. "
. . . . During the ante.bellum days , the .
Dismal Swamp used to l.Ie the hldlng
- - - - - - -
- r I
. _
. _
I first lonn company on this hemk'sphere ,
the Dismal Swam11 Lnnd company.
The stock was subscribed for wIlh
some hesitation , but It paid sroan dlv.
Idends , and remained within Vlrglnln
fnmllles. And even as late as the
present year the Dismal Swamp Land
company 1's on the records , and there
Is a profit balnnco for nil holders of
Its stocl , .
Washington conceived the Idea or
dlgslng u cannl from Eltzabeth City ,
N. C. , to Norfoll" Va. , and connecting
Albemarle sound with Cheoapealto buy.
Under his sU11erviBIon the effort was
undertnken. Hero and there during
the progress of the work , sunleen ior.
ests were encountered. The tools of
the excavators were highly Inefficient
for these dl lcultles , so the sunken
forests were subll'mely dlregarded and
tanls after the fashion of the levees
of the lillsslsslppl were built up on
either side for several miles.
'fools , spades and wheelbarrows , energetic mon , did the lubor on
the canal , but Umo flow by on wings.
In comparIson with this venture the
Panama canul of is no more
prodigious. Th revolution eamo and
went. Washl'ngton becamfl ! command.
Ing general of the Continental arm los ,
then llresldont , and passed away , but
the succes91vo builders of the cnnal
'did not finish tholr worlt untU tbo
nineteenth ce tur ) ' was In intancy.
Washington ditch is stili vls ble , and
Jericho canal IS there-tho canal
- - .
' . ' S' ' . < , " : ' . - . " , , ; ; - ,
; ,
' " '
' .
" . " , - ,
. '
; . C' . ' . . . .
. ' , , : ' .
. . ' . . . > \ ' , . . ' > . . . . , \ . - " , . . . ' . . 'J.F ' - , . ; ' . " .
, . ' " , , ' " " !
. ,
, ; '
- - - -
. . . .
Sportsmen Penetrate the Swamp's Depths.
{ Ilnco for runnway slaves. Hither they
mllde with common purpose ; everywhere -
where In the south , among the blnclO' ' ; ,
the Dllmtnl Swamp came to be Imown
as a plnco ot 'rofu tor renegades
frotu the pluntatl' na 'and Simon Lc. I
grees. I
nut the tragic elClUtmt of the whole
fugltlvo sltuaton ! was. not the 8wuml1
with the r l1ellent , UII , mallgnunt
name , but the llaths leading thither , I '
the long routes across the southlnn
slaver ) . states. So the posslblllt ) ' ot l\
runaway negro trom Louisiana ronch.
Ing the swamp. \ as alwa's remote
enough , yet I [ ho were successful In
, malting that region , the swamp was
\'ory trul ) ' a heaven to him. In I't were
always plenty of game nnd security.
'fhoro , said the ante ntHl post bellum
. ,
\gm1l1s ; , were whole hlbeB : ot ncgl'O\.1D \ ,
. strnngo black l1'lbes whercln n do.
scendant of African ltingB might ngaln
be Ule' ' ruler ot his kind ami of bluels
from everr corner offrlca , wherein
. a descoudanl of a lllain sU Ject or
slave ot Itlngs was very 'meely the
ruler of'n l he shrvo'ed.
Hero , at.ull . , UI Q negro soon
rolaps 4 Int a : prlmllJ'vq state. that la ,
IIvOil a hizy , seml'savage life , hunted ,
I1shOlI a1\l1 slept , fought when elmnen.
tnl 11l11 ! lo 1s aroused themseh'es , com.
mlttod occasional dopredatlons on the
border sottle1110nts , nntl ncl , 1owledgell
al10glllnc to the stronest ! Indl\'lc.lual.
} "ow . "eliroos . . . . .oluntlil'lI ) ' Il'ft the
swamll tor clvl1lznttoll.
Necessal'lIy the word "Msmal" hnd
tremendous power of sug estlon fet
all manner of w lrd tnlos amI' delu ,
olouB. For yeurs the rnglon wall com
monl ) ' lool.eilllIon ns 11' pace of drenli
nnd mullglill ) ' , an unfertllo , mlhenlth
and 1.11111rontnblo secUOI of 'the 'matl
Of bUler value. practical or aesthotlcal
of or both , to men of lQst gOlloratlol1l
0. . the Dismal . ) had little or noth
11.1 Ing at all.
Y. 11owo\'or , thnt far.Reelng PQl'sonago
10. George Washhlton ! , ventured to ha\ '
nt some respect for these 1,000 squal'l
q I lIcs ot the now cormtry. S enrl :
as 17G3 , WashIngton survoyC1 till
SWI1U111 ; subsequently ho to 1'111 cd tit ,
. . . , . . . . , . . . . , . " " " . "
- - - - - . . . - - - - . - . . . " ' - - ' . ' - - ' .
wlllch waJ1 dug for the purpose or
lIoating limber out or the swamp. To
the westward ot the lowlan s the an.
clent shore of the ocelln is clearly
and sharply defined.
The geologists believe that at ono
period of remote tlmo , the ocean rolled
ovcr the swump nnd 0\01' thousnnds ot
squnre miles of enstern Virginia nnd
of North Carolina at tbo lower end of
tho' Chesapeake bay , In sUPllort of the
bellet Is the undoubted fact that the
tOI.tln.ry . deposit of Virginia Is the
youngest amt best formation In the I
slnte. So the soli Is pliable , tillable
and 1Iroductl..e.
'rho swnmp Is largely covered with
juniper timber , by which the waters
are strongly Impregnnted , with medlcl.
nal qualities. Peaty formation Is
dofinlto ; In places vegetable mould ex.
ists from ten to l feet deep. Occa ,
slonnlly IIres bl'enk out In the swamp.
It the lIenson bo utlllsually l'l1lnless , the
water recedes from the surface , leav.
Ing It ry to a depth ot three or four
feet and a IIno temptation for a con.
lIagration. The fires then burn Into
the llCaty mass slowly for weeles and
weels , until at laBt the heavy rains of
the wet season como and quench the
smouhlorlng maRS and l'estOl'O the wn.
tel' to the surface ngaill.
The cnnnl has been a grent commer-
clnl benefit to the Dlsllllll Swam11 , be.
cause it has done the worlt of a drain.
ago systom. In the days ot the colo.
nlsts the swaml1 was Infinitely moro
n1al'sh.lIIw than at present , but with
the 'complotl'ol1 , or the canal It was ob.
served thnt Inrgo areas ot morass be.
cnmo traversable tor pedestrlnns. ' 1'0'
dny an oxtenBlve portion 10 used for
agrloultural purposes. In the orth
Cnrollna section n largo slloep ranch
, thrlvos.
Prom the grounds of the Jamestown
oxposltlon Lnko DI'ununond Is 20 mllea
dlstRl1t. But plUlouh ! the means of ,
, h'lwellng to the lake are now qulto In.
lI equnte , the mllnagement ot the ox.
losltlon ! has mudo tllnns to bring about
suoh radical t'lnprovemel1t ns will maltlJ
dall ) ' excll1'slons to the recesses of the
1'I. lon entirely feasible aull 1ttracUYe ,
, . . . . . . . - -
. . , , - -
_ _ . ' , _ p..h' .
< <
Dy the "Hl hwAY and Dyw : y"
I.reach er
lCoV1J1 ( ; . t 'kJ'Ios ' : ! ) . atltbol' ,
Scripture . \uLhorltY-I.uke : 2S : * O : espe.
clally 17 nnd 18 , antl John 9:1.\8. : : \
. . . .0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
o .
. .
0 The good tldlngG proclaimed :
: on that first Chrlctmas day. by .
. the shepherds who heard the :
: Heavenly message of a Saviour .
. born , who made haste to find :
: JesuB , and who then went and .
. told what they had Geen and :
: heard , has gathered force and .
o meaning with the centuries :
: which have rolled by since then .
o until now all the world echoes :
: with the song of the angels and .
. the message of the ahepherds. :
: We say all the world , for while ,
: the kingdoms of the world and :
. the peoples thereof have not .
: yet become the klngdoms.of our :
. Lord JeBus Christ , there are .
: those In almost every :
. clime and nation whcse hearts 0
: respond to the good tidings of a :
. Saviour . born. Dut However't.
o . slight the world's appreciation .
o of God's great gift Is , certain It
: Is that there has c me to be. ' :
. universal recognition of the day
: whIch commemorates the birth. :
o day of God's son. Multitudes.
o . upon multitudes of people who .
: share In the Christmas cheer , :
. know nothing of the real ChrIst. .
: m 1S blessing , Popular custom :
. has given them a Christmas. I
: hell ay , without bringing to :
. their hearts 1 realization of the
: meaning of the good tidings of :
. great joy from Heaven. They
: have the ChrlBt day without :
. having the ChrlGt. This Is the
: one discordant note In the : I
. ChrlBtrnas song , the one dark 0
: shadow that shuts out the glory :
. of God. :
: What thing more needful .
: then than that those who have :
. heard the good tldlngn and have .
: found the Saviour should , like :
o t e shepherds of old "glorify . .
. and praise God for all the' things :
: they have seen and heard , " and .
. should "make known 1broad" :
: the message concerning the. .
o Christ ? :
: The first Christmas day was .0
. a day of good tidings , let every :
: Chrlltl'l:1as ! : day be so character. .
o Ized. To this end we need the :
: InBplratlon of the angel's meso . .
. sage and the song of the celeB' :
: tlal choir. When and where may .
. we hear God speak and catch :
: the harmony of the Reaven. 0 .
: born music ? In the quiet hour 0
. apa t. In the secret chamber , :
: where the world Is shut out .
. and the soul IS'sensltlve to the
: Divine Influence. It Is then that :
. . God's meosenger , the Holy Splr. :
: It , comes w1th some new 'word .
. of revelation and the Saviour Is :
: born anew In larger , fuller. .
. meaning to the soul. :
: And with the new vlBlon 0 . I
. . comeB a fresh note of joy which :
: rIses and mlnglen with the. .
. Heavenly music. Such blessed :
: experience , which may be the .
. privilege of every child of God , :
: brings the heart Into personal .
. touch with the Christ , and Bends :
: him forth with a full glad meso .
. sage. 0
o The shepherdB made known .
abroad concerning those things :
which they had heard and seen. .
It Is the seen and the heard :
testimony which Is needed. .
The dlsclple : must needs hear :
God speak , must n'ee'ds look up. 0
on the Christ and feel the In. :
splratlol1 of hlB presence. Good :
. tidings , the Christmas message. .
: Good tidings , Indeed , If the soul ;
. 'shall realize that God has given .
: It a SavIour. Good tiding : : , In. :
o deed , for : : tll the world , because , .
: good tldlns ) which were told :
. forth on that firBt Christmas.
: day. :
. 0
. . o..o..o..o. .
GREA'f sorrow hall come 111 to
t11a humble Judean 1lOme. 'fho
baby was hllnd. The comlllg of the fll'st
born son had been the occasion ot
gl'ent reJolelng In the household , In
which neighbors nud l'eltI\'es ! had
joluc < 1 , tor no e\'ent In the Jewish
home was of gl'eator ImtJortnnce thnn
the coming of the first buby. Ilnd the
hope of e\'ery .Jewlsh llIot1ler was
thnt It might be 11. bO ) ' . Arid when
such It was. the devout henrt of the
mother dreamed fondly of his futuro.
Am } so with the coming of this beall'
tlful baby boy , JOie and Ills young
wife Ruth , found a new hope and In.
splratlon tor the ) 'ears to come.
Dut as the weeltli Imssell and these
great dnrk eyes IIhould have taken
notJ of the tIllngs Ilbollt , thl.3 parents
sudden ! ) ' reallzell the awful truth that
thoh' boy was 1.I11nd ,
Decnuse of this the hearts of the
parents were l111ed with bltternoss ,
yea almost rebellion ugalnst God , nnd
tlley searche their hearts to nnd an.
swer to the quostlon. "Why bad the
< < ffilctlon Cjnto' ? "
Such. was their stl\te of mind when
on. the last Sabbath day the ) ' hall
gone to tllo s'nag\fuo as was th'lr
custom. for the ) ' wel' a devout couple ,
nnd l1ua il ; ; ' ; the Rabbi read from
on ! ot the prophets of the promised
. - " - , , , , " "t " , - , . . . . . , -
. . lf ' " " ; . , I" : , ) "
. - , . . . . . . . . . .
Mosslo.h , 'Nho wno to ) loa1 Lhe broken
hearted , to give dellvoro.nce Lo Ute
captlvos , the recovering ot sight to the
blind. The words seemed to .como to
tholr hearts 1I 0 II. retreshlng drn.ught .
to n parched ROUI. They byard noth.
Ing more of the reading , nftd In thair \
preoccupation of mind IlnoBcd out of
the synagogue without gcnrcely 11
greotlng to their neighbors aull
frlol1ds. . . . - . .
But when ut home , they had. spok li
together Qf the work at Lhe prophet ,
nOlI , us they bent o\'er the rude cradle
ot tholr boy nnd 100lOd Into hl6 sight.
I ss e'os , that were tllrnell to theirs
wilh such pathetic appeal as though
ho would say : "I henr your loving.
tender words , but I cannot see you. "
they slghM nnd cried out In the yearn.
Ing of their hearts :
"Oh thnt the PromlsotI Ono would p
como nnd glvo sight to our hoy. "
And during the da's which tollowed
they had found the growIng hope
within their breast9 that there \Vas yet
help fOl' thoh' bor and that when God
sent his delIverer to Isra'el It would be
nil right. I
"Dut when will he como ? " Impa.
tlently cried the mother , ono day as
Jose was starling err to his work.
'i'ho good man shook h1s hea nnd
then with nn efCort to be cheerful and
fol'Co a smile , hO said :
"nut he will como. Hark ! what Is
that ? he exclaimed , as the sound ot
music and the chanting of a Psalm ot
praise tloated In to them from the
streot. And both hurrIed to . .
they . , . . _
doorway just In time to see a group of
sl ephords 'passing , while in tholr train
was a cl'owd of curIous , wonderIng
villagers , lIs1ening to their SllOuts of
praise , amI to the strange words they . I
were spenllng. . . '
" 1\Iosslas has come ! l\Iesslas has /
come ! " they heard the shepherds . \
shout. And as the crowd l1ressed
close around them and hnlf In won.
derlng amazement amI halt In ridicule ,
asked them what ltlnd ot. wIno they , i ,
hnd been drinking , they slOpped and
shouted : , /7
"Na ) ' we are 1I0t drunl , , ' as ye may "
suppose , but God has gIven us n vision
ot angels who told . us that : \esslas
has come. "
Jose and his wlfo Ruth had been
eager listeners to all that had tran. , .
spired , and now eagerly l1ressed for.
ward , demanding almost tlercely : I
"Where Is ho ? Where Is he' ? " :1' : .
"In Bethlehem , whither we went
last night , as the angels bade us , and , , "
we fonnd the babe wr\ppod ; : In swa.d.
dllng cloth os and lyIng In II. manger. " , . .
"A babe' ! qnestloned Ruth , the hop. " j
that had bounded upward dying wlth- " . . . .
In her heart , "What can a 'babo do ? " t '
"Dnt he Is Messlas , fol' the angel declared - '
clared that \Into us was born n. Saviour , . ,
which Is Christ the Lord. And we
have seen and worshipped him. " . .
"The word ot the prophet , " repeated
Ruth over and over again to herself ' : ,
as sh r turned to her , humble little - , / .
while her husband cOli.tlnued
dwelling , '
J t'
on his way to his work and the s'ep' r , \
herds pa sed through the village J' ? ' .
shouting their psalm ot prnlse andl . , ' -
glorlf"lng God for His great gIft.
"And It was the word of the prophet t
which said he should give sight to the
blind. Some da ) ' perhaps ho will come
and touch thine eyes , " she concluded.
as Dhe leaned over her baby's crIb.
She lifted him to her arms and then
sat Ilud let the gllmmerln : : hope com.
fort her heart.
Thirty years have passed since the
beginning ot our story. 'fho IIttlo ; I
blind baby has grown to manhood , f.
while. the parents have hoped on and "
on lOI' the dell\'erance which hns not
come. What place fOl' the blind Sn.V .
byl the roadside , or near the teptplo at .
.Jerusalem , where they might receive . .r' . , . 't
the alms of the people.
But one day r mor came to the
blind man ot a prophet which had
come to Israel and was doing wonder. \
ful things In Galilee. Instantly his ' , .
thought re\'erted to the words or his
parents years betore nnd when hlt !
father came' that night to lead him theme t
home , . he eagerly told him what he .
had heard.
"Is not this the one ot whom the
shepherd ! ; spoke so many yenrs ago' ? " l . .
he aslted.
As the ) ' talled together concerning
the matter , the p1ll'1IOSe grew within
him to go anll find thh ; new teacher.
Ptrhaps he would help 111m : After
l1Iuch persuasion ho won the consent
of his parents to talte him to Galilee.
nnt when they had come thither they
found thnt he had depnrted , and they
f'et ' out to fullo'I'hU5 begnn II.
50l1'ch : whlch dragged Its weary. dls.
appolntln * ItJIIgth through the rf ! '
l11alndor of that year , on Ul1ough : thf ! 41
next nnd on well Into the third. Oh ,
those wearr journeys. these rising
hopes as they neared the place where
It was sold they would find him , and
l1Je blttOl' 11Isappolntmont as they
slowly alnod the point only to find
that he had passed on to another part
of the countr ) " . And so It had con. .
tlnuod and Jose and Ruth had at last
Ilorsuadod their son that It was uso.
leBs , and the ' had relurnerl to .Jernsa. f
10m. and ho had again talen up his
nccl1stomed 111aco among the mondl. :
cants } tear the temllle askln alms. ,
And ono 1111) ' ns he sat there dls.
heartened and sad. ho hearll the
crowd lIa sln ! ; aUII cal1Pht ; the words :
"I am the light of the world. " HI" \
heart lealled within him. With II.
bound ho rose to his reet and went i
towards the voice. He telt the gentle
pressnre of lmnds I1pon his sightless
e'OR , and heard the words. "Go wash
111 Iho 11001 of SlIoam , " and ho knew
thut at II\t : ho had met his deliverer.
Anll he wont and' washed and came '
Eet'II1and / when they had enst him
out uf the SYI1l1S0.l1fJ bCl nuse he test ! . , 1
flot ! or Jesus and wll\tt he had 110ll
fol' him. po followed him , bl'nrln1 ; with .
j . n. gla\1 \ hoar.t the 10011 tidings or a
Sa "lour found.