" - , USTER. tJOUNTY. " , ' ; EPUBLICN. ' 'PAQ ' S , . if ES'l'ABLISHED . 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. ' LARGEST CIRCULA'rION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. , . VOL. , XXV. I , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY ! NEBRASKA , THURDSAYJ DECEMBER 27 , 1906. , , , : ' NO. 29 , - , . ' , 'fu. : ' : ; ' . : , IJ I , 40'- . . , . . . I ) . \ , ' , . . . . . : : " . . . . . . tf . ! . ' _ . " - ' ( - ' . . r r- 10 . . , ' " . 'r vr 1 q 'J ' 7 } 1 , ; \ ! { 'il ll'1.1r , , I J. , & , , " , ' 1 t f J' "ltfW'j \ " , ! : p TS ,1 , . Christmas , Afterthoughts. . . ni ) ' 0\1 forgct fOtllC ; enc ? Q D lI you ge bcttcr . prescnt than ) 'OU gl'c ? t : " \Vh ) ' lIot cvell up thc scorc with a Ncw Vcnr girt ? , I. It's pc'rfect1y propcr : \ 1,101'iuch an occasion geld ntlll sl1\'cr nrttc1es me perhaps 1r.pre oppropriatc than Iu'thillg clsc , We hlwc many dcstrnhlc 1U1d bcautiful nrticlcs suitable for New Yellr prcscnts , Prices that wi11 enablc , 'ou to statt the . ) ' < < :81' on an economical basis. . I . - . 'I. . . . ' I "I , THE DIFFERENCE. . - A pnrty or ladics were discuss ng some truits and whimsicalities of certain fmuous men , when one of ' them rela'ted thnt OQrlylo was in the hubit of waking his wife in th dend or night-she actcd 118 his secrettiry -with a shake and 11. COmml11111. , : . . . , " rane I .Tano I Get up 1 G t 11P , quick I I , have thought of , go ( l - worell" " wish I had. becn his wife I" ex- , claimeel one of' the women. "Why , what wouIcl ) 'ou have clone P ) ' inquireel the story teller. "I shoultl' have answered , " said the othcr , ' ' 'G9t up yourself. I'vo thou ht of a.a , uad , wQrc1. ' " , SURE PROOF. ' " "Sir } the own r of { his automouile has Bet run away from the couse' ; qlloBces of thc smash-up : u is num'c suspicion , " "I know that , h.ccause he is under Ithe auto. " , , ' I tytttttttttttttt'ttttt1ttttttttttttt"tt't1ttttttttt'tttttt , ' " ' ' ttt"t1"J't " " ' , - - , = ' . ' THE 'NEW YEAR IS HERE , ' : - : : : : ' . . , . , , - : : : : ' " - ) - " , - , , ' -1- - ' - . . ' = = b ' here first and the , 'I' : : = ' , lt we' were , " ' " during . . . . . . = = coming year w'e will.b& , : t your' service ' : : : . , - _ - ' , . . " , ' " , - , . . . : : ' . ' with the very best Groceries . , and Pl'O- . , : = " " ' " - - , , , " : : ' 'visions the market affordsalld ,3" ' suggest , , : : : ' : : : : : ' , . ' . " , : : : : ; : : 'E' tha yon call lld see tor yourself. ' " 3 , - - - - - ' - - - - - , - - - PlIONI NUMI1F.R ( : ' , & ' : : : : . , SH'PPARD BURK _ r : : : : : : : ON } < TWO-I < 'IYfo ; , c ; ; ; , , = = : : : : : . - - U1Ul U1 HU1Ul111U ul 1nulu UHU1U1UU1Ul1111U1U1U1U1U R , . . - . . . . . . - _ _ . . _ _ _ ' - ' = = _ = . . _ _ _ , _ _ . : ' : ! ' 'I SIJecial Bargains- I in B1IO ( Yies FOR Tl-IE NEXT SIXTY DAYS to reduce stock and make room so I can handle them more properly. I have bought the entire line of 'Moon Bros' . buggies - gies of Willis Cadwell . at greatly reduced prices , and will now sell them at IvIANUF ACTURERS PRICES while they last. The Moon Bros. Buggics are strictly high grade g09ds and should not be classed with low gnde goods usually sold by all ( Jealer . We are cutting the Willis Cad- well prices all the way from SiD to S20 on each job. We mcan just what we say. You could not buy these buggies at our prices in car lots today. ' . . . 1 White we are closing out our bulky goods to make room , we wi1l sell all clas\1es of HEATING STOVES at ABSOLUTE' . COST PRICE. . We are right on these goods. Don't fail to see'them whether . . you wish to buy or not. G. W. APPLE , Broken Bow. _ . . . - - - ' - - ' - - " _ . . . . . . . . . - - r - r'O : - > . . . . _ = ' : ' : .n ; = : - ' - ' - ' " ' ; : : : : = = rF 91 , MONEY to Loan I am prepared to Also bargains in 'place money on good farms. Will sell you improved farms a t a farm on easy terms lower rates than has _ of payn 1e n. ever been offered in Custer county. Call Do not rent when and see me. you can buy. J allIeS Led , vich , . Broken Bov , Nebr. Ib ' . : ! J I , 1 ' - - - - - WAVES MAKE SHIPS BEND. ' I , Sea's Power Felt by the Greuteat' Ocean Monarchs. : 'AHhough the fuct thul , Bhips of I' ' great length nrc subj ctcd to cl1or- \ s , bcnding strcsscs in a Beawn , ) ! llfis b n long known to naval nrchi- I 'icc ) the gcneral public has little idea 'how so\'ere thcso stresscs can I be , " Im's a wr t\r in the Scientific I American. "Whcn the ends of 1\ ship nrc wave-supported , the vcsse ) sags nl the ccuter ; , when the wn.ve is at , the center mIlt the ( mds are com. . parativcly unsuPl > ort , it is the cnds which sag ; but it was only whcn .the transatlantic lincr hml 'reachec1 It length , of ovcr GOO foct that the of. f cts c : > ' ( ! his'lJngitudil1al ! bcnding began - gan to be seriously manifest. . It rc. , 'oaled itself in the topmost decks ) where rivets woul < 1 be shearcd , steamer or other pipes brokcn , and plates l ucklc . 'j o provide for thc alter- UlltC Icngtholli g a1Hl compresshlg of the ecks thcy me now cuJ : in two or more pll1cCS lind sliding joints are pro'lidcd. Severnl years ago' the writcr was on one of thc fastcst of the German boats when she wus , being - ing riven , hel1on , into a westerly gale , undcr her fuH horse-powcr of 37,000 , 'just to sce whal she cou ) < 1 do. ' 1"or'n' ! while , until' the grccI seas uegan to smash things up r thor hadly forwnrd , she did 21 knots an 11Oul' . During this trinl the sli iIig joints in the topmost dc k showed n total I110VCIQCnt' from fiyc-eighths to , three-quarters of nn. 1 ch , the joints closing up as the ship buricd her hcad in un ncoming . Rea ) 'and ' onening out as the wave n vCr to l1midships , while on the deck , uclow the plating showcd signs of buckling , and the oakum was squcezed cntirely out of the butt joints i the deck planking , " "FIDDLE" AND "VEAL , . ' "Fi t11e" is.n . wo'rd tlll\ hOB , 10st dignity to Buch an extcnt that no doubt Senol' Sl1rasate , whose 1'e. : cihils ucgin , &t' Br chstein 1111.11 , woulll he mititled to resent bein called f'fiddler" instcad of { l ' \'i9" linist , " All the' 'same , "fiddlel' is centuries older in our 111nguage than ( ( " " " ( ( " viplin , nnd "fiddle" and vibl" are prohably etymological ( loubleta , rnlOugh the former has reachcd us uy some teutonic route , and the lot. ter Cl1IllO from Ituly via 1rovence" both are bclieved to go back to the late latin 'f'idulll' or "vitula , " Since the instrumcnt so-callcd appears to have received , Hs Dame as one appropriate - propriate to the merriment of a festival ( "vitulurP'-io kcop a fes. . tival ) , and since "vitulnrP' probably mcant originally to sacrifice IL 'call ( "vitulus" ) , we ha e the ast nish- result that " " " " ing "fiddle , "violin , nd "velllP mny ue reckoned as rc- . lations-Lon : o l Sketch. . . . - - " THE TOBACCONIST'S EFFIGY. . , 'Ono or the most peculiar things in , the whole history or signs is lho fnet , that while all other shopkeep4 crli wcre pntronizing the embryo J aint'rs , the touaeconist always I cnBed upon the wood carver on the " con inenl as wcll as in Bnglnlll1. As long ngo us ] lizuheth'8 reign the wooden image or the llIuck Boy was I the fuvorite sign or the tobacco denlcrll. Latcr the customary sign wns t he If ighlnndcr , or a figure or Sir'Wnlh ) ) ' Haleigh. , In 11 oBnncl , for Rome strange ren- son , thl' tohnceoni&ts adopfed the clnir.r maid I\S tlieir sign , with Ow motto , "Consolation for sucklin s. " L'ho ] 1ll1inn , naturnll.r enough , has alway ! ! been the prcdominant sign in this country , although , once in a while a reversion to t.ype crops ut with the ancient B1l\ck ] 10'y.1')10 ) Sunday'Ilgazinc. ' \ . LEZE MAJESTY. .Tmncs 1. or England , and VI. of Scotland , WRS , as everyone , knows , dcficient in vjgor and steadincss. Having hoard or a famous preacher who WI\S , 'ory witt.y in his' sermons mul ) ecu1inr y' so in his choice of ' , texts , he order d this , clergyman to preach uefore him , With 1\11 BUit- able grl\vity the learned divine gave out his text in the follow'ing words : ' , Ta III cs , first and sixth in the Int. tcr par of thc verse : . 'lie that wa- verdh is like a wave of the Ben 'driven with the , wind l11ul tos8cd. " "O < ls. hicJ\CnS I hc's nt 1110 1\1- ' ' reldy , , ' ) , oxclahue th J\lug.-Scrnp 'I pook. 'j , , , , 'A BIG S , VING. ' - , ' 'Listen I" saiel the Inall , of middle ago. lIe WIlS bending over the palmist , whispeting' excit dly in her Q\r. ( _ . . . . ' I , ' " , \ HUsten 1" he said again. "My : wife is coming to yon this afternoon to have her f01'me told , I\lul if you want to make 'some money or the . . SIl\O- " . SIlO.H laid/a bank'note on the stuffed ' \VPS lfCl d. ' ( /f1'cH hcr on no account to buy n motor car , bccausc you rcad in her pa m that she is oomed to bo killed in an automobile accident. " WHAT HE WOULD DO. - " 0 , lady , I do love peach cako/ ' hinted the hungry hoho , IlS he rest- eel his greasy sleeye on the gatepost. "Well , " replied the housewife with the r lling pin , "suppose I should make you some peach cake. Would you do Ilny work P" "Would I , mum P Why , I woud } do de hardest work I evcr did in my life" . "And what would ) 'OU do P ) ' "Why , 1' < 1 clilllh c1ut tree Ilnd get enough penches . for de cukc/ ' I . . . = - - " . . iIR NEW YEAR GREETING I'r is with the greatest pleasure that we extend to our friends . and customers our annual New Year Grceting. Another of time rich in has cycle , accomplishments . , , . been added to the age of the universe. We would indeed bc forgetful' did we Jail to cxpress our appreciation of the liberal p'\tronage we ha : c enjoyed - joyed during the yc'ar and we wish to assurc our friends that ifve have failed in any manner to serve thcm satisfactorily - isfactorily it cannot be tributed to l1ck ! of cndeavor. We are anxious to serve you during the y ar ! fJ07 and , assure you of , prompt service , just ' treatment and a careful - ful consideration of your wants. We wish you all a very : IIappy and Prosperous New Year. " J. S. & J. . F. : BAISCE : , . \ DRUGGISTS ; , BROICEN BO'V , NEBHASICA . .d I - . : fIJ , , . . " - - - . . . The Boston Idoal' Comic Opera Co. Coming to Bro en Bow OPERA HOUSE Friday Nigllt , Jan. 4 : - - 1'hose who love splendid m.l1sic : and the richest comedy . will get n feust. , . , 'l'his , without u t , will be equal , or superior to any opera ever heal'd in this city. , If it is HOt. YOH'can , have . I ' ' . your money rBturned.I , 'l'ho press everywh r , 'SICak vcry higlily 'of thQ com- pany. 'l'hoy sny t.he Burgess , brothers have , o superiors as , comedians. " . \ , \ " ' : . 'l.'ho 'cho.l' s of ' J a'Itfesc' , . < Mnidens , is ono' . of the . ' gt'cat , ' ' features. ' , , ' " 'I : ' , Beautiful costll1neS , gl'nnd st.age . settings the most enqlu nting music fin sid - 1 > litting , f ln ' , v.ig bQ phnrac- te 'lstIc of the 'v.hole cyet1l1lg. I' . . . . " Secur'e , seats enl'lyat ] d : McComas' or Groat's. Heserved sents , $1.00. , . . S. Po' J OA'l'ltthager. [ . . r Mli ? _ I U S T RR 0 L L , E G B.I , I Brok n BowNe , r..1 t Winter Term Begins Janu.QfY lth , ' , Ex } erienced T achers , New Bui1ding , , Excellent quipments , ' 'Latest Methc(1s , ' Up-to-date Books. ri\ Two hours each ay tor personal help and instruction. If you want the most that c n be gotten in a short ri\ time corne to Custer College. , mr Our rates are very reasonable. ' Good board and room , SZ.76 to $3.00 per week. , ' Write or uisit us. ' LOREN CORNETT , Pl' s. t . , y d . . . ' : , - - - - - - - . ; V'I WPOF . 1. MARINERS' OF IT. We Wish . , . You . A Happy : New Year. Dl1uber-I confine myself to marIno subjects. Very tow bandlo 'ships 11" I [ O , ' Connld r } hesc Prices : Pt SI1Jtalr-Thero'd bo lots more . , ' ' wrecks If they did. ew 1906' Sour Pickle ! : , per dozen. . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . 10e New 190 ( , Sweet Piclcles , per dozen. , . . . . ' . . . . . . , . . . . . 10c " : . , 'l'he Puritan , a fine pancake preparation , per sack . . . 25e Egg 0 See , 3 packages. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 25c Grape Nuts , 2'packages. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 25c' White Chief Cheese , full cream per pound , . . . ' . . . . . . , . 20e' , After Dinner U. All Know Mint , . . , ' . . . . . . . .10e and 25e It'ancyIrish Mack reI , 3 .for. . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Finest Codfish , 2.1b , brick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . , . . . . . . . . 20c Life , a breakfast food , it's tine. , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . 10c Pure Old Ci er Vinegar , pcr gallon , . . . . . . , . . ' . . . . . . . 40c' Halston Pancake , Flour , 2 packages. ' , ' . , . . . . . . . , . , . . . 25c Large bar of Castile Soap and cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDe J. C. BOWEN , 'L'RADC North Side Pure Old Chlcr Vlncllor UROKCN UOWNEnR. MARH' - \ . . . "