Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 20, 1906, Image 9

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: : News of a Local Nature : < <
& t ! " ' _ .JV".J'\rJ'A'V\l\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'VV" . . . . . . . . ; t./v"/v\l\r.Mr' . . . .
- - - - - - - - .
Mr. and Mrs. Nc. George , of
Cumro , visited Broken Bow
friends the first of tbis week.
W. ' 1' . High ly , a prosperous . . . .
young farmer near Arcadia..was
a Broken Bow visitor yestcrday
on business. , !
Nolman can read his title clear
to mansions in thl' skies , but the
RUl'UDLICAN gives good returns
'to aU who advertise.
We arc infornled that Mrs. W.
W. Andruss will sp nd the holi.
ays in Southern C lifornia and I
malcc Los Angeles her permanent
home. _ . . . . . .
Miss Bertha Kooser and
. ' brother , Charlie , left this morning -
. ing for Kenasan , Neb. , and will
visit their aunt , Mrs. Einspahr ,
until after the holidays.
, J " " , Mrs. C. O. Jones and f ther ,
i Mr. Scales , of West Union , Iowa ,
. ' L. ' who is spending the winter bere ,
t ! - went to Hyannis last Sunday
f and visited with friends till
I Local weather prophets say
' there'll be snow for Christmas.
It doeq not matt r to Santa Ctaus ,
I' however , because he uses an
. automobile 111 making. vi its in
: localities where there's no anow.
Hon. C. Macley , G. W.Hollen'
t beck , E. P. Gai.nes , J. W. Craig ,
" W. McManus and J. D. Petrick ,
were visitors in the city last
. . night to attend a regular meeting
I , of the Kr.ights of Pythias lodge.
J. .
\ _ Mrs. Amos Noble \vho hast
- been very ill with typhoid fever
t . the past three weeks was able to
. sit up a short time each day the
first three days this week , but
) yesterday her condition was not
, as good.
; : . : ' . Those who have m.ade their
\ , ' " selections of Christmas presents
{ are certainly in luck because
there are a great many who have
J not and during t4e days intervening -
vening before Xm1.s the stores
. will be ) crowded with customers.
John D. Tilley , of Grand Is.
and , was in the city 'Wednesday
transacting business wi h the
, " U. S. land office. His father ,
A. D. Tilley , filed on g vern-
ment land near Grand Island , 34
years ago , where he still resides.
. Read the article headed
"Boston Ideal Comic , Opera
Company" in another column in
this issue ofthe RUPUBLICAN and
II' do not delay in informing Ed.
McComas of 'your decision-if
, . you are in favor of the proposi.
I tion.C. .
. C. W. Wahl has installed a
cash register , and the. check
system of paying , in the City
'l'onsorial Parlor. There is noth-
f. , ing too much for Mr.
: - Wahl who is wide-awalC to the
I interest of his pattons--as well.
as himself.
, Roy Wallcr ; who is to manage
\ the Gold Medal mine at Hill City ,
, S. D. , left for the scene of action
rl. last 'l'hursday. He will return
\ here in a few days aud , after
N' closing up business affairs , go
J ; 'there to remain and discharge
I ! the duties of his ollice. , I
( . It is not the children ; n good
. . homes , but the homeless , the
, , . ' friendless and the unfortunate
It . : : . . that should be remembered at
' : ' . : : : : ' Christmas time. Put some sun.
/ . : : : ' shine no t e lif.c of som.eone
4. : , . else anillt , w111 bpng happ1ness
I. , ' ; ' , , ' . , for yourself. .
. I. T. Merchant , formerly of
. . . . Broken Bow , who.n w resides. at
! ; Adams , Nebraslca , where he is i
: ' engaged in buying gram was a
. ci ty visitor Wed nesday , visiting
I her sister , Mrs. W. B. Poor , and
I ( renewing old acquaintanc s.
I Mr. Merchant was postmaster at
f _ this place during Cleveland's first
. administration. _
. From the large number of
" , Christmas trees being taken out
I of this city it would seem a
though all the neighborhoods in
. the surr unding county intended
; ; to observe the occasion and that
11. it will indeed be a happy time in
: 'the lives of many little ones. ,
. ' _ The RltPUDLICAN rejoices : that it
, . is as it i and wishes all a Merry
Christmas. ,
. 'l'he postollice department wil ]
. . . . ' , hereaf er charge for box renl
; .h accordmg to the size of bOJo
, and the number of boxes rentec :
. ' , by patrons. his new departure
: will be worked out methoclicallj
; upon a basis established by tl ) (
, . . deplrtment. ! Postmastcr Jewet
sent in the sizes of the boxu
. in the Broken Bow office the
" first of this week and will no' '
, know how much to oharge fo
boxes for the first quarter in nex
year until the schedule of pricei
. are received from Washington
. .
' "
W. W. Uurton , of Merua , was
a city visitor yesterday. He
Idndly remembered the RUl'UnLI-
CAN office with a business call.
Miss Eva Cadwell , who has
becn at Ghi ago Studio of Music
for several months past returned
last t1ight to spend the holidays.
Miss Mablc Hall , who has
been east for the past year and
a ' half , engaged in missionary
work is expected home Monday
night. "
Willis Cadwe\l left Tuesday
for Texas and will be-there about
three weeks showing a party of
Jand seekers over the famous
Texas Coast Country.
At the Episcopal church next
Sunday morning special music
will be rendered as a part of the
servics. A cordial invitation
to attend. is extended th public.
R. G. Carr , proprietor of the
West Union Flouring Mills re-
cently.favored the editor of the
l UPUnI.ICAN with a fine supply
of his unbleached flour , for which
he has our thanks.
H. T. . Bruce & Co. . who have
her ofore 'handlcd lumber and
builders material exclusivel > ,
have built a coal shed and w111
hereafter have constantly on
hand goo supply of that
comocl1ty. ,
Paul Humphrey , who is in the
government employ and located
at Sheridan , Wyoming , cal lc
home Monday night on a visit.
He says there was about three
feet.of . snow in Wyoming- when
he left there last week.
Dr. Christensen r.eturned to
the city last Friday from Chicago
where he has been aHending :
special lectures on the eye , car ,
nose and throat the past month.
He was accompanied 'by Mrs. C. ,
who has visited with re1atives' t
Hampton , Nebr. , while he was
in Chicago.
At the Baptist church next
Monday night-Christmas eve-
a Ferris wheel will bC ( , laden with
presents and distribute them as
it revolves. A program consisting -
ing of songs and recittltions will
be rendered after which Santa
'Craus will arrive in his automobile -
bile if there isn't enough snow
for his sleigh. ,
The county supervisors have
beeu' steadily at work the past :
week and succeeded in surrounding -
ing the business so comp1etely
that they expect to be ablc to
adjourn either this evening or
tomorrow. 'l'he next meeting
will occur in January at which
time two new members , Messrs.
J. B. Gilmore and J. E. Grint .
will become boar 1 members , .
succeeding Messrs. H. B. S'chner-
inger and 'l'homas Arthur.
Mr. Patterson , booking manager -
ger of the Boston Ideal Comic
Opera company , is not a com.
plete stranger to Broken Bow
'rwo years .ago he gavp us the
Beggar Pnnce Opera Company
and is now. making a trip to the. .
Black Hills. Mr. Patterson' '
assuret ! : us that the Boston ldeal. .
is the finest and largest comic.
opera organization ever up this
line-twenty-five people-and
they are cngage < } in Deadwood ,
T-Iead and Sheridan on very large
gnarantees , which makes li'riday-
night , January 4th , possible for
Broken Bow.
The home of Supt. , of scho ls
and Mrs. P111ckney , in this cify ,
will certainly be the scene of
hapPIness and good cheer at
Christmas time as three of their ,
absent children will return and if
the welkin don't riug in their
vicinity it will be on account of
the superintendent never having
been a youngster and forgottan
al1 he ever knew about tricks and
merry-making. 'l'he ch11dren
are : R. M. , princip l of the
schools at Hyannisj Charles , who
is attending the Wesl' an University -
versity at f-lincoln , a c1 Mary ,
who is teaching school near
1\'lason City.
W. D. Grant has the head of a
jade rabbit which is somcthing
more than considerably out of
. the ordinary and we believe it
would be safe to assert that one
I with four distinct and separte
tears was never before seen. And
t that is the p : Uern of this head.
I At first sight one imagines that
, . the regular two cars have been
slit , but such is . .ot the case.
Each of the rour ears have grown
t tbat way and are un form in size.
s The rabbit was ldlled by his son.
in-law , Henry Wehlingin Turner
t Val1ey , who amputated the head
r before noticing the freak of
t nature , and did not cut it off fat
s enough back to permit its being
. mounted.
, . - - - - i - - " . . . . . . . . ,
- 1 "f :11I& lL : : : : :
I r
' , . . . . .
will hand yo\ ! ROYAL even .
if , you go Blindfolded B to his ,
stol'e and . ask for Baking Powder.I / !
Al1Y maler of AL UM Baking Powder -
der would lile to Blindfold the .house-
wives , so that they could not see tIle label
on the cari.
, . . .
Soy plain/sl- \ - '
. - ' '
. ' . I' ' IM POWDER
. ROYAL is. an absolutely pure , Grape Cream of Tartar
Powder. Aids Digestiol1-Adds to the h'ealthfuilless of food.
NOTICE- may want fo know-if some certain brand of Bnkin : Powder contaittl
ALUM or IJhosphatc of LIME , send us the name and we w1l1 ( without cost to
you ) advise you from official reports. ' . - .
At the chicken pie dinner and
supper last Saturday the ladies
of , the M. E. church cleared $96
and desire to extend thanks to
all who so generously patronized
them at that time.
J. H. Mulvany , residing 18
miles south , is in the city today.
on business and rejoicing that
the mail carrier now goes by his
door , which 'relieves him from
having to go to. Gcorgetown for
his mail.
George F. Bray , who has spent
the past ten days at Alliance
where h recently installad a box
ball alley , returned home this
morning. He reports the alley
doing a tine busincss , being
patrol ized by he best people of
that C1ty.
J. S. Molyneaux , manager of
the Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. ,
111 this city , informs , the RH-
IUDLI AN that th re is plenty of
coal 111 Br01en Bow to suppl )
the deman-d and will .be all the
time unless , of course , the rail.
roads are bloc1ed for a week or
ten days.
. Chr1stmas will be observed at
the Episcopal church next Mon.
day nigh t and good cheer will
prevail throughout the entire I
evening. 'rhe music ha been
especially arranged for this
occqsion and the Sunday school
will be assisted by the bef.t
musical talent in the city.
Mrs. R Ryerson was consi'ler-
ably hruised one day last week
by falling. from the delivery
wagon while crossing the railroad
track west of the depot , where
the driver was compel1ed to cresson
on account of the street being
blocked by a freigh t train-a
common occnrrence in Broken
Miss , Martha K. Dill , of the
University School of Music , is in
the city with the view of putting
in a Studio of Music. Miss Dill
comes very highlj recommended
by the faculty of the University.
She has had ne rly five years
experience as a teacher and is
well qualified for the ork. S e
her card later.
The ladies of the Jresbyterian
church have , for sOlm' time past ,
bren manufacturing fancy and
useful artic1's and had a large
stock on hand when it was ' first
displqyed in the postoffice : t'uild-
ing yesterday , but the fal1cy
articles were so beautiful , the
useful articles so substantially
made and all of the articles so
: in price that they were sold
before 5 o'clock in the afternoon ,
. .
Next 'ruesday - "Christmas
com s but once a year"-and the
RItPUDLICAN hopes it may be a
m < : rry one for every pers9n in
thIS great country.
All ladies in Brolen Bow who
intend to receive calls New Years
day are requested to notify the
Rltl'UHI.ICAN , personally or by
phone ( No. 78) not later than 10
o'clock a. 111. , next 'rhursday.
Will McCandless , who has been
with the Security State bank in
this cfty the past year , will make
his resic1ence at Berwyn after
this week having been clected
cashier of the Berwvn State
bank which will open for business -
ness next . M H1day. Mr. Mc.
Can less 1S an c'xemplary , affable
and courteous young man and
the RIU'UBI.ICAN predicts he will
make good at Berwyn.
Chrialian Church.
Come and let us reason together -
er , worship together and sing
praises together. Come Sunday
morning at 11 aHl in the eyeniug
at 7:30 : allc1join us in our services.
. . . . Fairview Farm.
About a year ago Mr. D. K.
Wilson , of Wahoo , Nebr. , pur.
chased 720 acres of land one mile
northeast of Brokcn Bow aud last
spring his son , J. E. Wilson and
family came and commenced
work to establish a home thereon
and farm it for profit and the
r sult of their efforts in so short
a timc prove tlat ! the object
sought will be fulIy attaind in a
very short on Ji'airview Farm-
the name selected for it. .One
hundred and fifty ' lCrC3 were
planted to corn and this yielded
sixty-five bushc1s to the acrc and
twcntyfive tous of hay were put
up. Last week the finislung
tonches were put on a new harn ,
one of the laq est in the county ,
it being 36x44 , with 16 fect
corners and 32 feet to peak.
Fairview Farm , until last sum-
mcr an almost raw piece prairie
land , under the carc of Attorney
I aud Mrs. Wilson , will soon become -
come one of the most beautiful
and thrifty country places in thc
connty , yet no'more hospitable
than at present , we feel sure.
For Sale.
' 1'h irty head of horses , c nsist- ,
ing' of work horses , drivers ,
I s ddle ponies and brood mares.
Four registered Hereford BulIs.
Three Poland China Boars.
Two' Mam moth J acki.
2 miles south of Broken Bow.
Patronize the RnpuHI.IcAN
l ad vertisers. " I
- - - - - - - - -
_ d _ _ _ _
- .
, Trees -
, . ,
, : '
. XMAS ANnLES , . .
. . . ,
, PLUM . PUnnING ,
I \
MFr E : :
. Also a , 'full line of Staple nd
Fancy Groceries , ' Decorated.
L mps : , St : ple Crockery , Night
Lamps , Elegant Water Se'ts . ,
Etc. , Etc.
. . . I
r ,
" " '