. ' / , , ' , . . 'I ! : 'i i' , . . , . ; . : - , ' , , ' , . . . . . ' " I > " ' 1 . . . .t. . _ Jtar Qun'y ftspubUoan. ONn DOI.t.AIt l'ItR'HAR. . D. M. AMSBERRV. . . . . p.llIliahor CHAS. K. DABSETT. - Assoolo.tn I Thursday , Dec. , 20,190& . : : . . _ . - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It is only by continual publicity - ity that the many advantages of Nebraska can be made IUtown to the outside world and inves : tors brought here to help in the development of this great state. One way to do this is to send the local papers to relatives , friends and acquaintances in the east , provided vour business firms are well repr sented in the advertising - ing columns. There isn't a paper - er in the state that does not boost for Ncbraslm , every week , even though in some of t.he towns the business men arc very niggardly in advertising and nothing indicates a prosperous and wideawalc community more than a liberal amount of adver- II" 'tising in the local paper. The post office department JIBS issued a fraud order against Santa Clause , and all letters addresscd to him will be sent to the Dead 14etter office at Wash- ington. Heretofore postmasters have gencrally laid thcse epistles to one side and turned them over to charitable people who have seen to it that the wants expressed - pressed in the letters were supplied - plied as weU as possible. " It seems too bad to break up this practice , as the real pleasure .of Christmas is the making of others happy. - - - I A bill of interest to all Grand Army men has been' introduced I into Congress by Representative Lacey of Iowa , providing that the minimum monthly pension to be paid veterans of the Civil \Var be fixed at $12. Mr. Lacey j : ' " declares the purpose of his measure is to make a service . . pension biU unnecessary. I The attorney for the Standard Oil Co. , seems to. have invented a pretty good immunity batb to cover aU rebating before the new law went into effect. It is hopcd there will be some way tc get around the resent situatiotJ . : . . . .if the contention of the counse : is sustained by the courts. - San Francisco's mayor claim that he is innocent and he want ! this proved in court ; but in spite of all this he is taking advantage of every possible technicality t ( prevent the courts from eveI' trying the merits of the case This docs not agree with hi claims. . It . wouldn't be a bad idea tl wnte ( lown the good resolution you intend to make New Year day , as they occur to you now and then when Jan. 1 arrives sift 'em down to the ones yo know you can live up to an adopt them. Try it. . Juatifled b ) . BUlinell. Nd matter how disconcertin the Hepublican attitude may b to the party of Free-Trade c "Tariff for revenue onlv , " whic amounts to Free-Trade ; it is th attitude j'ustified by cvery lin of business. Without exceptio every branch of industry J flourishing as it never fiourishe - in the world's history. ' 1' interruJt these ideal conditiotJ by tinkering with the Tanff. fc which'there is only a fictitiolJ _ delpand , might not be suicid. ! to the business of the countr , but it would mean absolu1 demoraliza tion anel stagna tie , for fully twelvc months. , No merchant wants that , H wants no uncertainty about bu ) ing goods. No manufactur < wants the li1e uncertainty amen , his customers , with the necessit f closing.lown his factory whi : the clearing' house process dra on'its long and daulaging wa ; No mechanic or laborer wants i" for it Iheans idleness and wa reductions. And nIl for wha1 . . To satisf ) ' the whims of a . fe " . academic . . theorists. . " _ College Notel. Flo'd Worden and Frank Cro - were cal1ed home Friday to he : . . thres1 . Miss Dobry and Mr. Sorensc are planninfr to spend the lie ] days at their homes in St. Pau r Stanly Scott is back at WOI after a. two weeks hohday. A treat in the way of bask , " ball is expected tomorrow eve : ing when the coUege boys' w : ' . . . ' , play the Grand Island Bapti college teRm and the Gral . . . , . Island- Business college teal We expect them tQ beat in bOI g-ames. Admission 25c. , , . . - " - ' : i. : 11. . : . . , . . . . . : : - . " . . { A ! . ' , ' 7 - - - - , I AI/air ; Dressing Nearly everyone likes n fine hair dressing. Something to make the hdir more manageable - able ; to keep It from being too rough , or from splitting at the ends. Something , too , I that will' fced the hair at the same time , n regular hair-food. Well-fed hair will bestrongand will remnin where it belongs- on the head , not on the comb ! The 1Jost ] tintl of II. tcotlmonlo.l. . . . "SoleI for ever filxty yenn. " . . . - - - & IIY J. C. Ayrr 00. . r.ow lI. MIISI. AI.u tn"ur..oturorlt or AUad& . , 5AllSAI'AIIiLLA. ' , . I'II.I.S. l' 8e 6 .s , CIIERRV PCTOIW" . 11. . . - " . , . - ' . Bolton Ideal Comic OperA . Company. Manager Great lIas the opportunity - tunity to secure the famous , ori d- nal Boston Ideal Comic Opera Co. for Friday evcning Jan. 4 , rc- senting the ever popular "M1ca- do. " ll'he engagement depends on an advance subscription of at least 200 tickets at $1.00 each. Those of our citizcns who desire to assist in securing the company , should _ caU at Mc- Comas' drug store or Groat's furniture store and sign the list for the number ( If tickets they de- sire. Those who subscribe to the list will be given an opportunity - tunity to select scats enc day before the general sales open. 'rhe company is a fine one of several years standing and contains - tains well known comic opera favorites. And the comedy is we1l1001ed after by the Burgess Brothers , ( A. C. an4 Robert ) and Byrl Harrison , comedians. And presents equally well any of the "Old Line" comic opera successes , most popular of which , the-Micado selected by Manager Groat. . The Following Explainl Ibelf. F AHl\tnH VALLEY MU.T.s , Henderson , Nebr. December 4th , 190C , . Mr. Rufus G. Carr , West Union , Nebr. DUAH SIIt : I not ced by the Milling amI Grain News , of Omaha , Nebraslca , that : rou have started , a crusade against the bleacher question ; ] et. . the good worle go on. I am a miller of 18 years experience - perience and am fighting the bleached flour. The people are . d "ing fast enough without feeds - s irig them any more poison by bleaching theIr flour. J believe in letting nature have its own way. t wish you would. mail me a copy of the Broleen Bow Republican - lican of November 8th. Yours truly , WM. HAGEl\UUSTItH. Chr ltmal Program. for Tenth Grade of Broken Bow High School' for Friday after. g n90n , Oecember 21st : Ie SOIllC. " 'l'haLont III My Shollud".Schoo. : Hecllallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mildred lia ! ' "A Visit to the Ocean lloach..Gn ' Oluisleal Piano Dllet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . Uelellicc IIIcComas. Orrllla Hlchudsol HecltMlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .1.11110 Am8bcrn : 1I10lrrapby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . liarry Dorrll SOtllr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Clara Davis. Ethel Rockwell. Della Konkel Recitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eld rhl IIIoor. . Piano yolo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lIe8yle JOhU801 "Where Toytl are Madc" . . . . . . . . . . .l re.ll.urccl Recitation. "The I > cl'euoratlon oC Xma".IIIabel Plnc\neJ Vocal Dllet..I > era Kitlir. 1 lorcncc Khnbcrlllli Cllrrent Evenly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chall. Tarlol Recitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lIlrdle ockwltl Rea.llnll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . Altln Marth "ChrlBltUaliln Germul ) . " . . . . . . . . . .Fred Rnssoll Ht'cltatlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stellll Porlel A lIeclloteli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P.sthcr : lIea : "It'feluls oC thu Mistletoe. ' . . . . . . . . Vera Ruper Hecllatloll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chrlstlllll II all 111011' ' Headlllll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Velna Sl1Ilti Vocal 8010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eva Spall Hecltatlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nettle Jellsel "NllI'ht Schoolllill Ollr Cltlcs..l.earl Johlls > < l Pallcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jolm Jellord. . l'al.er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chas. Mulllni "Sly Pilot" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .ldle 11111110) ' . Jolm Cadwell. Max Drllke Hl'cltatlon. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H"th l\tcSherrJ Hecllallon. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ' . . . . Scrtt Sallsb"rJ I'lallo f'olu. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l lllall lne Skll1mu ! . . . . . Marriage Liccnlu. r'or sc\'cral weeks prior to las1 'l'hursday thc demand was small but during the past week ha been 1001dng up as is evidence ( ' by the fo1low1l1g list to when licenses have been issued during the past week : Joseph F. Kaspcr , Lancaster , V IS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 w Anna Klem , Ca1lawav. . . . . . . . 2' Ip 'rhos. S. Slnitb , Elt n. . . . . . . . 2' Mar ! A. Smitb , Broken Bow..21 n Arlie T. Patterson , Al1s1ey. . . .21 i- Maud C. Hawk , Ansley. . . . . . . 2 1. John A. Gungdalc , Anselmo. . 4 : : k Edith M. Greathouse , Anselmo 2 Silver E. Crist , Anselmo. . . . . .2 et Grace Griffith , Anselmo. . . . . . 2' ' n- Claude M. Athey , Broken Bow.2 ill Mable E. Leach , Taylor , Neb.l st Alfred E. Graham , Merna. . . . 2 1d Minnie Winston , Merna. . . . . . .2 n. - th Let. us be your printer. Th good , kind of printing only. oJ , - : > " ' ; "Wi. ' . . , ' . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , - - --r Jncrcu In Population. Dr. Pennington informs the Hm'ulIl.tCAN that the population of Custer count } ' is incrensinf ( , four having been added-to hIS knowledge-during the l1ast wcck , as follows : At John Stewarts , four miles northeast of town , a girl , born Dec. , 13th. Th following day , Dec. , 14th , n boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart , 8 miles east of this city. 'fhat same day Charles Snyder , residing in the southeast part of Broken Bow--sweUed with pridc when he announced to friends : "It's a girl. " , On the 18th , a son was born to . Mr. and Mrs. I. ' . P. Hawkins , residing 9 mile'3 northeast. . . . of Brocn ] Bow. y m w I BUSINESS POINTERS. 1 m m m s J. C. MQore , abst.ra.cting. 2tf Home-made Buckwheat flour- absolutely pure-at the Advo. LosT--Two warranty deeds signed by J. P. Gandy and wife. l.'indcr ple se return to Jesse Gandy and receive suitable reward. 25.tf Talk about men's fur coats- we have 'em , cheap.MItYIS MItYIS & Co. lf you are in-terested in swine , attend the sale of thoroughbred Poland's in Brolen Bow , Saturday - day , Dec. , 29th. Our cravanette cloaks , and Ladies and Misses skirts can't be beat in Broken Bow. Bow.MItVIS MItVIS & Co. I am making farms loans at 5 per cent interest. - JAMES LEDWICH , 25tf Broken Bow , Neb. Christmas candies bv the unce , - pound , pail or ton atfrom 5c to 40c per pound at the Adyo. - - Ladies , Misses and Children's underwear , in both union and two piece suits , in geat variety. Prices low. MnvIs & Co. We have ten bushels of , baby shoes to close out heap. MnvIs & Co. W ANTED-Men , women , boys and girts to represent McClu e's Magazine Good pay. Add ss 67 East 23d St. , N. Y. City. 34-tf. $10,000 worth oJ Gents , Ladies and Misses ! ; Jhoes , at lowest prices. MRVIS & Co. Do lot forget the day and date ( Saturday , Dec. , 29th ) when the sale of thoroughbred Polands will occur in' Broken Bow. Now is the time. to get those pictures nicely framed by Kimball. Do you choose to chew- tobacco ? Tr } ' the Advo's 2S cents per pound flavor. Everybody knows we are head. 'quarters for fine dress goods , silks and ribbons. MnvIs & Co. Anyone wishitlg cakes of al1 discriptions can leave orders a1 Hotel leneau. Fruit cakes iI specialty. I am making farm loans . at 5 per c'nt interest. J Al\tnS LUDWICH , 25tf Brokcn now , Neb $ tO.OOO worth bed blankets , comforts and pillows.MnvIs MnvIs & Co. Satnrday , DecemLer 29th , wiI : bea , day for farmes and stod raisers in Brokcn Bow as-all wit : be hcre who know of the sale oj 40 head of thoroughbred Poland by W. W. Conn , of Utica , Neb. It's a shame to have those nic ( pictures laying around in the dust. Get them framed bj KimbaU whose prices ar moder , ate. Good chewing tObac o , 25 cent ! per pound at the Advo. lIoUlebred draft stallions , $250 tl $600 ; imported sta11ions , your choice $1000. F. L. STRRAM , 20-32 Creston. Iown. \Ve give splendid prices 01 Misscs underwear. MUVIS & Co I mbaU has just received ; . large. bunch of moulding froll which hc makes frames to order Take that picture to him and ge a frame tor it. Mevis & Co. 's clothing stocl is going today. Must be close.1 out. I am making farm loans at per cent interest. J AM1tS LnDwtcH , 25tf Broken Bo R , Net . " . . . . . . . . . . . . : I . . - . . : / II I I . Christmas . " ' i" " " ; ' : ' . Goods - \1 erant every oue in this locality to know of this immens . . . . . - , and mag-lifieent ; line of UIIHIS'rMAS : GO DS , we purchased for them : It will only he a f w days until every on wilJ be buyin'g . . i Christmas Presents by the wagon load and that is why we arc tell- in'g . you now of the big line we have ready for you. It's no easy I - thing to select Christ.masresentsand . it's. . good thing to know in advance or a place where practically everything can be had. . . . . . Watches , Clocks , : Tnweh'y , sit verware , Libby Cut Glass , : b'ancy China , Books , Bibles , Albums , Toilet Sets , F ncy Goods , P rfu es -tr ; t and ll1..Rny other beautiful things too numerouS t.o mention. . . . . . Ii COME EARLY . i , f Our big holiday stock is now displayed aU over the store. t Look out , for it is so large and so attractive that the store will be full of buyers right up to Ohristmas . , time. . Remember , if you come . i . -early you get the first choice. If you w.ait till the las minute you r ge what is left. 1 Ed. McComas . . ' . f - , ( t . I Doctor each , Dentist. . School shoes a specialty , at prices to suit. Also chi1drens arctics at lowes } priccs. MItVIS & Co. For bargains in real cstate see Bowman & Anderson , just west of the Securjty State Bank. 10tf W ANTItD-the , year around , ten men , with or without families. HUltUS G. CARR , .20tf Doris , Nebraska. . 100 overcoats of aU grades , colors and sizes , going at a bar- gain. . , MEVIS & Co. Drs. Farnsworth & Beck- Dentists. 'I'he best imported horses , $1000 each. Home-bred registered draft stallions , 250 to $750 at my stable doors. A. I ATIl\IF.R WIl.SON , 20-32 Crestoll , Iown. I am going into the law and realestate business. Any law business undertaken by me I will guarantee to finish successfully - cessfully or no pay. l7tf JnSSIt GANDY. For a beautiful line of Lunch , cloths , Table cloths , 'l'able lin-I ens aue ] Naplnns see head- quarters. MEVIS & Co. Go to J.V. . Scott's for unadulterated - adulterated flour-pure . , just as the whea t growed. W ANTRD-Gent1eman or lady with good reference , to travel by . rail or with a rig , for a firm of $550,000,00 capital. Salary U,072.00 per year and expenses ; salary paid weekly and expenses i advanced. Address , with stamp. I Jos. A. Alexander , Broken Bow. R. B. MUllins , M. D. , D. D. . the Dentist. 37tf. First in War . is the importance of coal , and it is no less a necessity in peace. GENERAL COAL . news is not plenty jURt now. But if { our bin is empty we want to fill It. We cannot offer you - any concessions in price. You know how that it. But we can anel do promise to give vou as good coal as you ever bur ed , 5 and perhaps a little bctter. No , we don't send samples , but we will sell you from 50 pounds up. I. Dierks Lumber and Coal Co , - , L _ . t EVERYTHING FOR CHRISTMAS i . The time of good cheer will soon be here. So soon , in fact , I that it , is now time to be making I I'I 'I . And you DJay also like to lnow i the best plRce to make purchases. i ) This . , ve can answer a d positive'r 'r ] y assert you wiJl ) lave to seek . . fUl'th r than thi store for what . " you'want. . ' . I. Fresh Oysters Celery - Candies Nuts Turkish Figs Cranbernes . . f Bananas Oranges Lemons . Malaga Grapes Pears BeUfiower Apples ( Custer County Honey , strained and in the comb. Nebraska , Missoun anel New York Apples . 11 I , . I Come here -Christm s , , Trees and Tree Trimmings. . J" . : J ? F .A. . x. . . E ; , South Side Square raken Bow. I - - - t- . - - SNYDER BROS. & Co. . . ; . now have in their complete lines of faU goods in Clothing , Furnishings , Hats. Caps , Shoes t Carpets , Dregs . Goods , Outings. t , A Large .Assortment of I , L dies . Rain and Winter CO tS. I . You can see a larger line of . , ' : EUEI. : . . C C > . .A..r s lere than any in other N ebrflska store. Before buyIng - Ing your fall supply COlne in and inspect our stock COlJrteous .treatment guaranteed. , t . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ - . . . . . . . . . . . : . : : .