Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 20, 1906, Image 10

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    - - -
. .
Sends Special Message to Cor gress Giving Results -
sults of His Observations . in Canal Zone--
Rep ies to Critics and Makes
. . - Recommendations.
The Collo\Vln Is the text of Prolli ent
Hoe OVl'lt'n spcclal IIH'SSI\JO to con\tress \
IIn the lIubject If the 1'1111I1111l'I1I0 :
'J'o the Sonnto tl\1Il House of lIellresenta-
\I\'os \ :
hI the month of No\'omhor 1 vlllltl'll the I
IsthmuA IIf l'analllnln ovcr the
( 'anlll ono with consiliernblo l'arc ; IItHl
111110 vlsllell the cltll's of Panl\l11u anll
( ' 01011 , which are 1I0t In the 7.ono 01'
ulHII'r the l'lIltod Sll\tes 11111hul OR to
whleh lho Onltell Stutes Iovernlllent ,
throul\'h lis nltl1l1tA , exercise ! ! control for
cl'rtaln Al\lIlIarr pm'pnselJ , I chOiIO the
mOllth of l'o\'cl11bct' ' for lilY vlllil p\rtly '
1'OCI\1I811 It If ! lho rl\lnt ! month ot tho'
'car , th ( ' month In which the worll I\'oes ,
forwa\'ll I\t the I\'I'eatest dlll11lh'antl\Jo ,
I\nll 0110 of the two lIIollths which the
lIIelllcal departmcIII of the I'renrh ellllul
cOl11pan ) ' f011l1l1 lIIos1 ullhenlthY.
l ollowlnlf the Introllul'llon to the I11CS'
f < 11JO lho prcsltlent IttVl' ! ! 1'O\llno of .hla
} lrotrllmIl\O dllrllll\ ' the Ila 's ho WUB on
tllO-'llIthl11us , 1\1111 then Aa 'II :
Al the out et I wlllh to Imy trllmte
to the nmounl of work do no hy the
Frellch Cannl ( , o\1lIIU1 [ ' unller very 111111- .
cult circumstance' ! , Many at the bullil.
' \ \\'el'c oxcellcnt 111111
lnl8 they pUl Ul'el'c
m'olUll In use , lhouJh , naturnll ) ' , the
housc ! ! are 110W , ; eUlnl\ ' out of relH\lr ntlll
uro holnlusecl Oil llwelIInga olll ' ul1U1
olhcl' houses Cfll1 bo buill , nl1ll 1I1uch ot
the work they IIld In the Culobl'l\ cut ,
nnll lIome of the worle they 11 lei In 11 -
Ing 111 lcen , of Ilrect nllcl rell benclt ,
'I'hls country has 110ver mAde a boter
' , , which It
Jl\'eslment lhAI the $ OOO
to the 1 I'elleh for work
11111 cOllny
' the
In hotermentR , Incuding cspecaly
lntama Illronll the ; nt the
Inspccton 01 lrounl .
' to con.
hll ht of the
Ilny lenSOI SOl'el
vince mo of the wisdom of conlrosA In
to allollt olther n hllh-Iovel or
rcfusllg ' to bo u
' , 'fhere
- \
I ' 01-10\01 cllnl se0l1
' aRl'eemenl among ni people
competent to jlHlge that lho Pal1lma
route , the one nctunlly lhosen , II much
Ilerlor routes to bolt , the Nlcarglln and
Prelmlnnry Work Being Done.
The wildom of the cnnni la\\l\'omont
hall IhoWI In nolhlng 1110'0 CINuly
In the wny In which the founllu-
tloll tmn o ! lhe worlt hn0 been lall I '
have to the
ylollcll untral Impnllelce
of . beguu ,
1.lnforme oulllerl nll al
lelndl of experiments In work prior to a ,
thorough Banllulon of the Illhmus , and !
to a fairly satBfacton' worlelng out of
the Ilroblem of gelng anll knlllng a
Illbor supply , woulll have heen
dlRastroul The varlouB prelminary
hncl to be _ tuleen Iral ; and
lheBe culll not be taken 10 os to alow
us to heJln the real worlt at eonRtruc-
prlO' to Januar ) ' 1 of the IlrelJent
tOI . then IlceRsary to have
I hocme
the type b the en mil < lecllI , nncl the
' dele ) ' has been the necessary delay
\\U unl' the 29th dny or .hlO , the late
whel lho con reB : 10lnloly nnl wlsoly
that wo should have un ffoot
le\el can Il. Imlelllutch' afer thaI the
wurlt hurll '
loll\n II elu'lell al11 hal
Ineroll81ng vigor
1)on contnllel wlh
( ' \'er slnco ; amI It wcontnuo so to
J.rogrosH In the futre. 'Vhen the contact -
tact are 101 lho cOl1cltonwi 110 such
umoult :1 to IIBlre Ilorf < U rlancc cOlstull ) ' Increuling
Successful Sanitation.
Tle frBl Hrenl Iroblem to ho 601'011.
Ilpon the soluton oC whleh the SUccels or
lho re8t of the work lepe\1el , was the
of Banitalln , 'fhla was frnm
the outset untor the Ilreetlon oC Dr.
'V. C. Gor/nR , who IB to bo mndo a ful
momher of the cOllloslon , 1 muat lo
remomhcrell that his worlc WIS nol mere
sanltnton lS the torl11 Is ulclorstood In
worlt , ' .
our orlnary mUllclpnl Thl'ough.
outlho zone nnd In the lwo clloB of
Panala aul Colon , In Ildllol to the
tmnlalon worle proper , ho hnH hnl tl
:10 : ni lho worll Iml the 1lrlno hOlltl\1
lIervlco doea as regards the uoton. thnl
the heaU h Ilelmrlmont a I co Il 110 II the
\'I'loul Itatel nul eltel 111 thnt Cnl ,
Wn1InH did II Now YQrll whel he
coanell II slreeta , 'rho I'culs have
been Iltolnlng , 'rho latlunus been
I lywurt for deatly unhealifulnels ,
Now , uftol lwo 'elrs of oceupl\tol
the ( ' ( ' ' a
cOllltonl lS r'II1I1 I'kl'RI 11
death mte ' '
10 l'OIa'o favo\blv wlh
leaBOnlhl " healthy 101'nllloa 11 the
ITnlted IHl\tol : glllleclal cure hUl been
de\otel to mlllnlzhl/ risk duo to the
Il'eBelco of the le IlecleR of mosqultoeJ
whIch have ( to '
becl (0111 II'olato
mnhllal Ild 'ellnw fevers , ] n ni ( the
Holomonts , the lte temIOrnr ) ' towla
or cItes compnsed of 110 whlto black
mlplo 'eR , which glow ul1 heI nnd
thel'o In the trople jUIHlo as the
of the worll Ilctate , the ulmosl neelB
exorelse to Ieep the conditons helllth ' ,
Bverywhero nre to be Becn the drllaJo
ditches which II rOIvlng the water
11\0 romo\'ell the hrcedhlg III aces ot lho
mosquitoes , whllo the whole jUlgle II
clt a\ay for a consilerblo Ipaco arund
, '
the the
habitatons thul 11111ro 'llg
] llaCell In whIch lhe losrluloe8 tale shel.
tel. ' 'hele dralnago dltche ! and clcarllgS
arc In c\llenco In every lettement , Int
together wlh the Invnrlale Ireselco 01
screens around the ,
Inosqulo Ilnzas anI
of mosqulo ,1001S to the houses , nol te
Hpeale of the carefll C\nlgalol 11t haE
gone on In a1 Infected houBeB , 1101bUes
cphlln the oxtlordlnlIbsenco 01
mosultoes , A : I l11ater o fact , but
a ohmlo mosquio , and lhls nol oC til
dal'rous Ipccles. Wll seen by hn
member oC our party Inrlng my three
dnys on the Isthmus , 'I'qual care II
talten tlY the Insllectol- ' the healh le ,
Jlal'lmenl to secure cleanlneBs In Ut
housol Ina proper hnlenle cOIltons 0
e\'ery lelll. I Inlpected hotwetn :1 : nnr
SO waler-elosots , bolh those usell by thl
whlo emplorNI und thoBo uBecl by th1
( olored laborers , In Illost every case
foun the contlons pel'feet , In but on' '
case Ill I Ind thol real ' ball , In thl
caeI afectng tetlonwnt of ulnuu'
Tlel white clplo ' 08 , I founll the I '
'ad Indeed , bul the builtngs verj' 1
11herltell ft'm the French compnn ' an' '
'wer being uBell telllol'lrly whle othe
luldln s w ro In the course of cOIBlrlc
tlol ; nnd l'hllt lnr the llofcct\"o wate
I sel II II"W all excelent closet wllh
coM plpo was InlrOeelR of
loWer \lrOeelR \
III nearly Inll le.l , overth (
loss. Utls dll not cxeupo lho flet that UI
hud been to 1m
Temporary Iccommoll tons , cve
only luch ns lohllel's IIte when Cmp (
I bcen Ilro\'lde ,
In the lohl1 Ihould ha\e
Orders to t lis were Issued , I a1
the reporl ot Dr. Go\'gas on the II
Jcnl . 1 was Atruck. howcver , by t
fact In thlH In51lucl , us halmo
every tmt olhcl wlere 1 'olnplnlnwt1 mn. .
which 1110\011 to hnvo Iu ) jusUlcntl
whatever. It thnt Bteps hall r
really aplleorC remely the e'
complained of. and that the trouble . w
. duo to the exlreme dltcul ) , a' '
1alnl ) . at Ilrovldlng In eve
ofen tor lho constanl hlclcnse In t
of omploell. limcrally the -Il
vision Is mndo In ) I\lvance , but I IB r
bo I
IJ0511blo thll Ileuld Ilwnys
; when II II not there on91es
cBO ' which the '
Ilorlod of tmo I1UI'IIg eo\
tlons nro UIBaUsneloo' , ult 1reme
bo provided i bul I novel ( ound
CII caBO where the rcIedy wnB not bel
povided as sllecdly as possible ,
. Improveme"ts In Clte !
'fho worlc In the clleB
, and Colon hnl he ! , hlll
p\larnn . as In the 10no IR < lt. 1\11
muny respects much more dllcul 1
' to 11enl w
It W
the all < ally oxlstng I neceIRaT' > loton. wh
had smpltllY w
nnturoly ' chunge8 , ) \ al\o
t'ovolutonal'y ( or 1 Ion I tmu :
.to llercelve , In Colou the popu
ull1 conlists lal'gclY of colorel lab
who , hnvlng como over from
'Vest Indlcl to work on the ell
abandon the worlt a11 lther talll
the brush or Idlu In Celpn Il' '
thus pcopUng' Colon wIth the lenlt
slrable nmonl the Importcd labor4
_ _ . " _ - . . . . _ . . . . . . . .
for the Kooll 111tel11y men ot courllo
contnuo lt the worl ( , Yet astonllh-
InA proArela III been mldo In hnth
" 110 , In Plnall\ lHr cent lt the
! 11'l'cta lhat ur to ho 'Ia\ecl nl al uro
n h'l'adY ( ' nn
111\'cl wih oxoelont 1lclc
1m " "mell laid II hel\y ' : oncrolo , 1 Cew
ot the Ilrl'etl 1111 Itl In prOCOBa of
II\II : , ' 'ho eWer ald wllter lorvlces
1 II ciy 110 oC lho 10St molerl Jy-
1lnlC t 'II" , SUIO of lho servlco hn v-
tll jUlt h l'n eOIIII'teel.
In Colon the conditoll uro peeular.
ll It II UI re lrds Colon thnt most of
the ' heen
very hltel' C0l1111Int hal
1 iul c. Colon Is hull 01 I\ low otl
IRland , covCred at more or le81 Ihalow
ellthR velotnblc
wih acclnulatolR
or 1011 , which l\orcl1 lultelaneo nn
Htronlth to lan1lrloteA of low-
I'hl trIICII 1lllntl. Ono-hnI of the
Ilrtloo ) the lallnll Is covered wlh
Wlt'JI' at high Ile , 'ho nvorage height
'hi. Jln" . ' . Inhnlnln' . WIA tvnltnof
whlt occurrecl wh'n IIWtJllgltcclllt
of the uthor
I I' , ' 'hnt II honell CO/\llllnllmldo \ t
were nol made wlntonly or 111 \ cloul-
Iy , they Ilnosl nlwlYs Ilrovll luo to
to lho fact
fnluro Ipprecllto thlt
waM In the
tmo neccsRlry crlaton
nnd 'completon of this ttanic work In
n trople ( ' , Is
wlderl'sl I lnposlhlo
toIold 10mo ml8tlIeel In Iulllnl n
tllnt clnal through junglo-covere
mountnln/ nnd IWIml19 , whlo nt tle
Ilme tmo saniatng 1101110 cltleR , an
pro\lclnJ for the feecln , ; Inl Aoneral
earo of frol 20,000 to :0,000 worleer !
'fh ( ' to me , clther
of InHulc'nt ! hrou/ht In caring tpr
1010 IC the lahorer" , or of faiure to
fnllh the 'lavnontl of Colon. or of
falur/ HUply wat ( , or of Clllro
to huld wooden slewnleH ( or the ule
of the laboreIl In the rIny scalon ,
nn Invcstrmtol , ulmont wllh-
nut mrrnntn" , 'n ' provel ,110 tn the
uter Imhllty or the commllJslon t9 o , .
' ' ,
o\'el'thlng It once
Unjust CrItcism.
Care and torethouJlt hlve heen exer.
cllcd hy the cOlmls lon , n\1 nothing his
roUeeted 1010 l'redll upon them than
their refusal olhor to go Ihead too flsl
or to ho deterred hy the Cear of
Crom nol gln nhell fast e\oul\'h , I Is
curloull to note the Cncl thnt many ot
the most Ievere critcs of the commlBslon
erlelse thol ( or proelBely opposite rea-
lOn ! , IUl0 complalllng bltorly thnt the
- , - - - -
, ,
- - -
- . - - , - -
Ym Ilcrogra"h , CII'yrlht , by UndcnTOI Ullerw\od , N , Y.
At Pedro Miguel , Culebra Cut , PresIdent Roosevelt was photographed
seated on on of the Immense steam shovels used In the work of excavatng.
oC the Iln being 11 toet nbovo low
, 'rho furnlRh
tde Illfht undulutons
nhllow , natural rOlervolrs or tresh-
wnter ht'eedlng plncel fOI' every vl\rle-
ty of mosllulo , Ind the ground teldA
to bo lowest In the mldllo , " 'hen the
town wnl ol'hlnuly buit no atumpl
wua made to 11 the low grould , either
In lho ntreets or on the Imlllng oltes ,
10 Ihlt tho' entro lurflco Wll prac-
tInlv n uonCmh' , : wh" " Ihn UIII-
mlro hccnmo InlnSI\lllo eel'tnln or the
Ilr(1tH W'O r'wlnlV Inulovl h. fl-
In espeell\ly bnll luII holeH wllh loc
roclc or olher latl'llll. In September ,
tO : , 1 R 'Htel11atc e\olt wnlt heJI to
' plnn the ' -
fOllulnte 1 l'nell ftr II'OP-
of the ' III Februnr '
11 Ilnlutol cl ) ;
InRt temporal'Y were
relef 1)IHlrel
tll < en , whlc In July the Irosecuton of
tl wOl'k WIS llelful In goo(1 ( earlH'st ,
Thu alrea ' vlllhio In the
relnlH Ire <
10\\'lrlnA < ralnln ! guterln ! und Pl\-
Inl of the stleetl HOle four monthH
ho I'equlrml hotore the worlc of
lIo\erlge wi Inl Ilroe" 1IIIrovement wil
ho comllletI , bul the pr ( rl'SH alrealy
IH ' , ha.o
mll0 IHOr' lallccl Dltchel
been dug throlgh t o town , conn'ctng
the sal wltor on hftl sides , nnl Into
lho , which
thelo 1101111 hlve lervld al
hleectng pilces for the mosfUloes , are
lmlne < ' 'helo llehes hnvo Inswored
thoh' pnrpOre , ( or lhoy are Ilrohnbl '
the ehlof CIUSO of the aAtonllhlng
dlmllnton of mosfuloel More diches
of lho Illml arc beinG conltrucled ,
Colon Water Supply.
I WIA not prctcable , with the
foreo l\ the comlllslon'l cllBposal , In
In vi ow of lho .Jeell that the force
Ihoull he ufec In the IlrL er town of
1'ananJ to hcgln' thll worle hefol'o
enr ! Inllt winter , " 'ateI mains were
then Illt In the town nml wnter WUI
fm'nlHhod to loplo In
thl ! tarly lnrch
, ' a temporary relorvolr 'rhls
n'let'olr provell to ho of InHu\clont
capaciy before the end of the
. S\'llon nnd the . shortugo Wil made up
by tcr ' ' lho Panama
hmln ; . . O\'CI'
, that there nl
rairoad 10 wal ni tmes
of the '
Inl Imllll Hupnl ) very h'lt
wlter. .lnco that tmo the now reser-
voir haell ot Mount iOIlO has bcen
p\otcll ' completell , 1 vhlted thll
1''aclvolr , I II 1 Inlce > over n mie
long a ,
111 brol
hal mlo I 10W
- carrlel 1010 lOOOOOOOO l alolB 01
- wuter , J
Irlt-elass .orward horowltl
a IJhotoRfJlh of this Ilkl' , togothcl
with ucrtnlh other photogrphA oj
what I saw whlo I wla on lho Ifth ,
mUB , Nothlnl hit 1 cltnclysl wl :
hureafor l'eml < Il neeelllry In thl
dr ' l"mHon to haul wltor for the U81
of Colon Inl Crlstobl "
Colon Pnvements.
1 rode throul\'h the Itrlcts of Colon
sOllng thum at the height of the rlln'
IIalon. afer two daYH of ulmoll un'
xamlll'lt < ownllour. when they wer ,
at their \'ery worst. 'l'nllen as
whole lhe ' w'ro undoUbtedlY vor' '
had : al had IA Pennsyl\anll avenu'
' before Oranl'H
In ton
\1111111 Ilhnln
Istraton , "ront Itreot II 11readY II
thol'oughly latHfnetory shnpo , how
OVCI. Homo of the sile ftreetl ar
alao In Hooll conditon , In ethers th
In the Htrel'ta Is raplllly goln
on , ' 1hro\gh threo-ourtll oC th
town I II now IJosllhlo to wlll , ew.
during lho IlerlOl of tremendQlf
In low /hocl wltho\t wettn" rul '
flet. owln/ to lho rallllly'th whle
tlo Hlrfaco water III carrIed Iay I
the dlchel In the reTalnln/
fourth of the Itrellts the mUll / vor
11eep-lholt as ll' p al II the orltnar
' of - ' ' river
Itrol't I low-h'lnR to\
of the Iml0 110 In 110 Unied Stnt. .
dlrlng curly Illrlnl Al men to whom
spoke wore I Inll II tylng lhat I
of of the Colon strcetH W01
100 per nenl holer than Iyell' iK
In 'fho mORt sUlerlelul eXI\mlnaton '
Iletho townnhowl I' progrelR lhat 11
muclo In
h'n made andls I
Ih eadamlzlng lho slreotl Complaint Wi
to by In onUrel reputal
10 )
Ih mal0
of man aa to the lHrloter of some
the \sell for ropnlrlnlr or
101 Inltorl\1 , ' the
ila- tlln IIlroetl In'eltJaton cO
or- 1lltnl proved wul ( oundcl. but I ul
the 11111l'lroll thut the UBI of the rnater !
hall been nba11onod , t
11 cQmmlHllon Ilueston uter hnvlng trlod It In 0
de- te 01' lwo . Itrcots - Inlnl It not nPIJ
r Irlato. result of the Investgaton
I " 7 : ' , . ; : , .
" " '
" ' '
" '
. .
. ' ' , .
, O'I " .
" .
" ,
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, > : " i. : . : : ' " . , ' " " _ " _ " < _ , _
' f work Is not In 1 more nclvancel condl-
o lon , whie the others cOllllaln that It has
- been rU5heli wih such haste thut lhero
hns been \ ' for the
1 hylleno und comfort oC the employes.
o As u mater fuct nolther critcism ' 11
o JIBt , I would hl\vO bcon ImpoRslblo to
K go Iulckor than the commlB810\ Ims
o gune , for luch ( Iulclmoss would have
meant InRulclent Ilrcparaton , On the
\ ether hand. to rofllo to 10 Inythln , U\
'a ' 1 every p09slhlo future contngency 11\1
been hnvo cnuscll -
h let \olll wholy U\-
n warrlntell delay , 'l'ho rhht course to
Jfolow WIS exacty the course whlcl Ims
'y been ( OIOWOll ] \ery rClsonublo preparl-
wns O In thu hYHlenlc
'y ton wnsI alvuncethu
\I alvunce\
'n con llons In especlll be \ ng mude as
'H nenrly Ilertect us posstblo ; whl0 on the
: I uthor hall there hal beeu no Imll ro-
10 tusnl to 118h fOlvlrll the worll because
ro of Inabity to anUclpato every 1108BI':0
o UIerHenCr , for , of courBe , many deteotl
ot can enl ' be shown by the werllns oC lhe
IH a ' 5tem In artual prcUco ,
n- In nlllton to uHcl1llng to the henlh
1\1 of the elllloyls , II II of COlrsneceB -
,10 , Aan" to pro\'llo ( or the zone.
of 'lhls Is llone by u pol co foreo which ut
11- IreRe\1 nUlbcrn ever 2 Icn , unler
nClpt. . SI\\tun , Ahout one.lfh of the
10 men are whlo nli the ethers hlaek.
lal ] Ilhlc's J
\ 11\ercnt questoned tomu 2
ho 01:0 of theloun , tullnK them al rnn-
dOThe ' ' sot ,
dO\ I Ino phYllcalY
' \0 all In dilclpllne , With ono excepton al
Iho whlo men I Questoned Imd survol
ot lu the America ! army. usualy , In the
. . .
. .
. . , - - -
, ' beIOned : to the beAt
lhlllpplnlB { .
t.po o ( Amerlran 80ld or , Wihout ex.
the whom 1
lppton hlacl ImlrNnel
, ! uCltonrd ha ser\(1 plher II the lrlt-
I h army or 11 the Jllalrl or larbldos
' . They were contente.I . ,
Ih(1 ( Wl'ro 10111 thclr worll well , " 'hero
p03 lblo the uro used to control -
trol people polermen own color , but In
nlY no loslnton Is tell II
them Indlscrhnilately ,
Inasmu'h ns so 11\1 both ot the whlo
In(1 ( colorel hrlo broulht
familes wih lhem , IIchools hl\o been
\ , the school sorvlco helnl\ ' under -
oRtl\blshed 11 O''onlor. For the whie pupis
wh , to Anwrlcan teachers uro employe ;
for the colored pupis there 110 1110 Bomo
whlb AlerlcR' teachers , 010 Spanlsl\
leacher , anll one colored American lech.
cr. most of them bolm colored teachers
from , Tntlalca , Barbados nnd St , Lucia ,
' 'he lehoolroOns were /ood , uncI II wal
u plonsanl thinA to B the Ilrldo that
were < In lhelr worle an
telcherl tullng
. :
.thcl. pupil. i
Care of Employes. '
Next In Import/mce to the problem of
, nnd Indcell now of eClnl 1m-
sanltnton Is the problem of Becurlng nml
caring Cor the lechnllcs , laborers ald
other who "ctually 10 the work
on the emplores the rairoad , This great
tlBk hal cnnl n under the control o ( 11.
, Tuclton Smth , unll on the whole hus
done , Al preBont there are
, whlto employes ald some
lome , 6,0 elployes on the Isthmus ,
1 wen colorel 0\01 the dlfforont places where
the lelnds of omployes were
diferent I saw representnUves
of every typo both al tholr work und In
their homeB ; amI 1 converse wih prob-
ahly u cOlplo of hundrell of lhem 11
told , chooslnlf them at Tall0m from
every lnlf those who came
clasllnllnclu cerlaln .grlevances ,
especialy olmolt eXII'e8sell tar grenter'l .
content un wIth the can-
thnn BatAacton who caled to
complaint ,
Nearly , of the whlto omployo ! ha
come trom the Unle Stnt08 , No man '
clln see theBo young , vlJorous men
doing tholr duty wlthoUl
energotcaly In thom as Americans ,
/ thri
They represent on the Ivergo 1 high
elaBB , DoubtCBI to conl\'ress lho waJes
paid thom wi scem hlJh , but us n mattel - ,
tel of fnct only general complulnt' '
which I found ' real bnsls among ,
hal In '
the to me upon lho'
Isthmus wnB male , to the pecular
surroundhll\'s , the cost of Ivhll\ ' , and the
' from . -he wages were
diltance' hOle.he
. fn
not as high ns the ' Bhoull be.
reaIy ulmoBt every man I spollo to Celt
facr ho oUl\'ht t be receiving more
money-I vlow. howe\'er. which the 1\01-
IIge man who Btays at homo In the
Unied States probably lkewise h01s
as regar s hImsel 1 append Iglres of
the wuges paid , so that the congress can
jud e the matter for Iselt , Latc' 1 shal
confer on the . wIth certain repre-
sentatvo Inbor mon hero In the Unied
8tates , aB wel as going over with Mr ,
8to\'ens , the comparUve wal\'es paid on
the 7.ono un nt home ; Ind I mny then
communlcnto my In lnHs to the canal
eos of the two houses ,
Chinese and Other Labor.
-Of the 19,000 or 2 , OOO day laborers
employed- the cCnal 1 few hun red
are Spaniards. 'l'helo do exceUent
. Their foronmn tolll mo that
they did twlcQ Is-wel as the 'Yest
In lan Ilborers , They Jceep healhy
nnd no dUlcu1y IA experlencel with
them In uny wny. ' Some Ialan labor-
"are ulso employed In
with the driing , As might be expected -
pected , with lahor us 11U priced a '
ut present In the United Stntes , I has'
not so flr proved prncUcablo to get
any ordinary lahore1s from the United
SlateB , 'he Amerlcnn walfe-workers
on the Isthmu ! uro the highly paid
nldUCI mechnnlcs ot the t 'pes men-
prevIously , A stendy eforl Is
toned made to Iecure Ialans. 1111 es-
peclalY to procure male Slanllrls
becnuBo of the vcr ' satsfaclory ro
S thnt have como from their employment -
ployment nnd theh" number wi bo
Incrcased al tal ns possible , I hns
not proved posslhle , however , to got
lhem In any thin/ mte IJe numben
neelled for the worlc , and from present
we sho.l In lhe main have
to rely. for the ordinary unskiled
wOl'le , parth' upon colored Inborers
from the 'Vest I nll II party upon
rhlnese labor , I certainly ought to
bo unnecessary to point out that the
I ,
. -
Frm llrogrlph , cOI1rllht , by Underwood & Undero. N , Y.
" Pholooraph of the President and Mrs. Reese elt and party leaving thl
' Tlvol hotel at Colon taken durlno the recent Inspecton of the canal by thl
: chief executve.
American worl lngmln In the Unltel
Statel hus no concern whatever In th
queston nl to whelher. the rough worl
on the Illh1U8. whleh II ( [ ( I
In , done by
alens o\ent II alen
fl'om Olle country wllh I hlnole Hili
or hy alons trom unother countr
wih 1 yelow nltln , 011 buslnos . ! 1
the canal nnll
to IlA UI elclent ! n
quicklY IS posslblo ; lro\'hled ) alwa
Iolhlnl Is done thnt Inhuman
lmt Inborerl und Ioth II nl thaI I
tel'ferol wlh the wlgos of or lowel
the Ilunllartl of Jving oC 0ow
worlelen. HuvlnG In view this prh
clple , I have 1\ rrnn/NI to try ReVell
lhousald Chlnelo luborers. ' 'hls Is d4
IIlrablo bolh hecnulo wo must try 1
out what laboreIl are mosl ( f
1\1 . nl11. Iurth < rmoro. heCI\UBO "
Hhoull not lea vo 011801 ves I t t
morey of uny one tYllo of torels
labor. At pr'Bent the I reat buil I
the lnlll1011 lahor on the Isthmus
Iiono hy " 'est Inllin nogroel ohlol
from Jamuloa , Barbados , anl the Oll' '
posles510ns , Ono of lho go'
gnglah of the landK In Quealon hi
shown un unfrledly Ilsposllon 10 01
worlc and hnH thrown obstlcleB In tl
way of our geting the labor needc
n.,1 It , . hllh1y'I".lrnhlo tl I'
outsIdeIl t he ImpressIon , howov
I\Y ( , thlt they uro Indlsllens
II olnlel
blo nnd ean lctotu terms to us ,
The 'Vest IndIa lahorors are ( air ]
but only ( alrlY , InlBfnctory. Some
lhe mon doory wel Indeed ; tlo , be
' - - - - . . , - , . .
. -
_ TP
trr elnl8 , who nro to ho fOlnd as foro-
tct UK Ilele ! mechanics , al polco- .
. are ; nll many of the
Illl. mel
nl111"ly Work . 1001 of 1\orerR Constructon nrl 11ao , gool. I
nut ot thu O who 110
thousanll nt our
brought oVlr under conlraet (
xpenso ) o of Into the jungle to lve.
or 10nC around Colon , or worlc so hal-
IV "rt" . I . f..t , Ih. " 0" in I 1' clavR of
ni to CBUIIO a lerlols llmlnuLon
the amount of labor performe on 1"11-
la1 nnd Snturday of each wetle.I I
ot theRe Jama I C/
ulstonod mlny
InhororJ a8 to the con ltnl of
work nl1d what. chungel they
I Iny
wilhed. I complalntr
recelvel mlny
from them , hl t 11 re lrls most o ( I
these c mflalntl they lhemlelves contradicted -
tradicted one Inother. In 11 casel
\hero the complaint to their
wal IS
trentment hy any Indlv11unl It proved
on ' that this
l'xlmlnaton II1vllual
wns hlmlelf I 'Vest Incln man of color ,
-oIUlor 1 Iloloeman. n Rtorel < eeper. or
an , '
Isslstant Itoreleeeper Doublesl
there must bo lany complaints Igalnlt ,
Amerleanl ; hut thee to whom I Ipoko
dll not happen to malt nny sueh com-
pll\lnl to me ,
' 'he worlc 11 now olnA on with /
vigor nnd plellsant to witness -
ness , 'I'ho olelenqv prohlems of the
canal nre th , \ Bocn , the Ontun
dam , nnd the Culebrn lams . 'J'he Cule-
brn cut mUBt be ll1 e , Inyhow ; hut
of eourRe ehnnges UI to the laml or
at least us to the lock ! ! ndjlecnt to
the < ams , ma ' HUll ( ccnt The I
Boca daml ofer no parteular prob-
10m , the holom matorlal belnA so
/ood thlt there Is 1 practcal certain-
ty. not merely al to what can he
nChlevell , but a8 to the of uchleve-
lent. 'hc Ontun dlm tme olers the most
sorlous problem which wo hlvo to
solvc ; yct the Iblelt men on the
Isthmus \ bolcve thnt th'H ' problem Is
certlln of soluton I10ng the ) nes
Ilropose ! ; allhough of course , I 1e-
celHltates grenl lol , energy , nnd In-
, , of
leligence 1111 alhough efunly
course , there wil bc some ) tUe rlslt
In connecton wih the work. The rlslc
ar } Res from the fact that some 01 the
material near the hotom Is not 80
good 11 could he ( lcslrec H the hugo
enrth dnm now contemplate IB thrown
qerosl from ono foolhl to the other
wo wl have' what II prctenly I
low , brolld. mountain rldgo bohlnd
whIch wi / the Inland lalce"rhI8
artlclal mountaIn _ wi probabl show
less "copage , thnt fB , wll have grenter
restraining capaelt ) ' than the average
naturnl mountain rlnge. The exaet ] 0-
calty of the loclcs It this dam-as nt
the other daml-Is now bclng de-
, In next
termlnel .pri Sepetory
'raf wlUI three of the nblest engln-
eel's of the countrY-Messrl Noble ,
Stenrns Ind Ripley-wi vili t the
Isthmus , und the three englnoers wil
mallo the Inal nnd concluslvo examl-
nntons us to the eXl0t site Cor eaeh
10cle , Mennwhle the work Is going
ahead without n brealc. -
The Culebra cut oes not ofer such
great risks ; that Is , the dnmage lablo to
occur from occasional lan Blps w1 not
represent what muy bo calell major dlB-
asters , The ; ork wi merely caI fer In-
, perseverance ,
telgence Ind executvo
capacly. I Is , however , the worle upon
which most tabor wi have to bo Bpent _
The dams wi bo composed of the earlh
taken out of the cut Ind very possibly
lhe buiding of the locks and dams wi
tullO even longer than the cuttng In
Culebr Itself.
In Culebra Cut.
The mnln work Is now belnlf one In
the Culebr c t. I was slrlklng and
Impresslvo to see the hugo stenm shovels
In fuI pIny. the lumplng trains carrying
nway the roele nnd eurth they dlBlodged.
The Implements of French excavaUng
machinery , which ofcn stand n Ilte
way from lhe lne of worle , though oC ex-
celent construcUon , loolc Ile the vcreBt
loys 'when compared with these new
Iteam IIhovels , just lS the I renoh dumpIng -
Ing cars Beem lke toy clrs when com-
pnrel wih th lonlf trllns of huge cars ,
dumpel by steam plows , whleh nro now
In use. 'hls represenls the enonous
ad\'ance that hns been made In maehln-
ery during the pasl Quarter of I cen-
tr ' . No loubt a quarler ot a cenlury
hence this new machinery. of which wo
are now so ] Iroul wi simiarly leem out
of date. bul It Is cortalnlY serving Is
PUrlOSO "n'ow. rhe old French cars
had to bo enUrely lscardc 'Ve sUI
have In , U5 n tew of the more modern
but not mosl modern , cnrs , which hola
but 12 of eorlh. can be em-
plored yarll certain They wit sharp
curves , Hut the 'recent cars hol from
2 to 80 yards Iplece. Ind Instead of the
old clumsy melholls of unloading .hem ,
a steam plow Is Irawn from end . end
of the whole vesUbuled lroln , thus 1m-
mensoly economizing labor. In the rainy
reneon the steam shovels cnn do but
lto In dirt , but they work'steadiy In
rock In the harder ground. There
were some 25 al work < urlng the tme 1
was on the Isthmus , Incl theIr tremendous
power und olcloncy were most Impres-
New Records. for .
As soon the lype of cannl waB de.
clded this work bC/I\ In good earnest ,
'rho rlny season w ! shorty bo ever unl
thcn there wi bo nn Immense Inereaso In
the a\ount tllln oul ; but even durlns
the last three monthR , In the 'ralny sea.
son , stenty progresR Is Ihown by thE
fgures : Inugust , 2 2OO cubic yar s ;
In September , 21,0 cubic yurts. ant II
October. 325.0 cuble yards , In Octobct
new records welo establshed for th (
oltput of Indlvldual Bl1.lels IS weI I
for the tonnllgo haul of II1vl ual loco
motves , 1 hope to see the growth of B
healthy Iplrll of cl11ulaton between tH
shovel nnd locomoUve crcws
jUBt such I spirit as hns grown on OU
bate IhlpB belween the diferent gu
crews In maters _ oC murllBmanshlp
Posdlng through the cut the n\ount 01
new work can be seen at 1 glnnco. 1
ono place the entre Ildo of I hi hnl
been taleen oul recenty by 2 tons 0 :
dynamite , whloh were exploe at one
blast , Al I10ther place I WS given (
prellldenUal salute or 21 charges of dyna
, On the top notch of lho Culebrl
mie the prllm Is now IS wlo us II. wl
bo ; told. the cnnal be ut this poln
has al 10W een sunil nbout : feet belo\ '
whnt It orIginalY wns , I wi have tl
bo sunle ubout 1au fect tarlher. ThrouJh
out the cut the drlilg , blastng , shovel
are on con
Ind Iolng wlh
Inl ,
Increasing on rgy , the hug
Itanty bellg pressed up , UB If they wer ,
sl0vels howitzers , Ilto the most un
loollln places , where they en
Iloly way lute the 4lsldes.
Raiway Improvements.
The mOB I ud\anced methods. not enl ;
In conslructol , bul In rllroad manuge
mont , hnve lcen appled In the ZOD
with correspomtng economies In Ur
and cost. 'rhls hns been shown In th
, hnn lng of the tOlnalfe from Ihlps Inl
cora , In trom clrs Ilto ships on th
Panama ralroa , whore , thanks largel
10 the efciency of eneralannge
, the saving II tmo amI oost , hn
been notoworlhy. 1y examhmUon ten
ed to show lhat Bomo of the depurtment
( doubtess noceslarly ) become eve
developed. and couldnow bo reduced c
subordinated WIUloUt Impalrmont oC ef )
clency and with 1 Iavln/ cost TI
chalrmnn of the commission , Mr. Shont :
has al malors of thla kind constanl
In vIew , olld Is IOW reorganlzlng'lho gal
ernment of the zone , so us 10 mlo ti
form of a mlnllltrtPI both marc lexlb :
nnd less IXIIOISlvo , sUbordlnaUng uver
10 with 1 view 1
Ilreot elcloncy
thinG of the cannl commission , Frol
10 ehnnl\'es of thlB 1 < 111 wi UI
douhtedh' hlV ( to bo miie , for II mu :
ho remelhm'e\1 that In tlls glnnt WOI
of cnnslrueUon , II Is conUnullY nece
10 devcloll 11epartments or hurellu
which are vlil for the , tmo bell , bl
heeol11o uselll ; jusl OR II \
whih loon - to bull ,
bo contnualy IleeSlanto lul up
; , nnd 0\11 to el'ect towns , whleh
h1B yearl wi oleo more glvo Ilaco
, or wi them bo at lho bolom
( ' the of the
lho Irol\l lall'l lt olda cal
Critics and Doubtno Thomases.
Is 10t ell ' 11 tllrl. but Inovlabl
\ worle ns ghunUo IS thts whtl
tl\t beun ullorlall'1 on the Isthm
8hould urOU80 every IIpecles of hostl
, 'rho ' so n (
10lJIUons 1'0
11111 so trying , nnd the worlc so vast , th
Ind he Ibsolutoly out at the CIUC
woull mlslallos ahould not bo mnl
ton , occlr. Unforcseen dUlcul1
arlsc , I rom tmo to tmo Ieemlns
wi . plnn8 wi have to
WOI.50tlell At Irelenl 25,0el are 0
l1nSl'll . t
I\gelt UI tllil. ACer Iwhlo
numbcr wi bo doulled , In such a \1
It Is Inevllablo thl\t there shou
bo hero und there a scouldrel , Ve
many of lhe poorer class of laborers In
lho 10ntl1 developmonl to Jlrotecl tlel
lot vos agal18t either the I'BClly
I . ethers or tholr OWI folly. Rnd It Is I
) posslllo tor human wlBdom to devlB6
itplan by which the ) ' can InvarIably
protect d. In a pllco which hn ' ; "n
tor ages n byword for unhea1hftlcs81
nn with so tarlo a congregnlon O [
Itrlners nuddenly lIt down Ind Bet to i .
har work there wTI now antI then bo
outbreals of dlsense. 'rhero wi now
nnd then bo shortcomlnl\'s In administra-
ton : lhero wi be unlookel-tor , Iccl-
dent ! to elay the exravaton of the cuter
or the bulldln of the dams ad lock8.
Each such Incillent be onUroly nat4
\rnl , nnd. even wi 8erlous , no ono
of them wi mea n more ttn 0 Ito
extrl deJa ) ' or trouble , Yet each , when
dlscovored by len8ton mongers and 10-
taied to tmid talk of Ito Calh , wi
servo IS an exclse tor the belof that
the whole worle Is helng badly "nnglll.
Experiments wi contnualY be tried In
housing , In hYllene , In slreot ropnlrlngi
In dredlng Ind In 11 glng earlh nl
roele , Now anel then In exporlm"nt wi
be 1 faiure ; Inll those who hear
of , certain amonR ot
I f proporton doubtnJ
Thomases wi nl once bolove that th
whole work Is 1 faiure , Doubtess hero , .
and there 80mo ml\or bo
\ rascaly wit ,
' but to this I to
I\COVcl'e < ; as , hlvo say
that ater the most palnslaltnlf Inquiry
I have heel unable to Ind a single .reput- \ .
0110 Ilerson who had so much us hoarl1 >
o [ serious the '
Iccuaatons a\ectng
honesty of the comllBslon or of nny '
omcer under . I ' t
reslonslblo I. Ippen n
< t
lolor dealng wih the most serIous
char e , thnt of the ownership of lots In .
Colon ; the charge was not n vnnccd by
reputable man , nnd Is utterly , baBe
eRS , I II not too much to say lhat the
whole utmosphero or the commlBslon
breathoB honety as It breathes olclency
nnd energy , Above , the work hag
Illeen kept ahsolutely al ot poltcs , I
lVe never heard cear ot
Bpolls poltcs In I Iu eBlon
connecton wih
I have In\estgatcl every complnlnt
brouKht to me ( or whleh there Beemed
to be uny Ihalow of foundaton , In
two or throe cases , ul of which I '
have Indlcntcl In the courBO of thIs
Iessage , I came to the conclusion that I
there WIS Counlaton for the complaint -
plaint , and that the methodl at the
commIssIon In the respect complnlned
of coull bo beterel In the ether In-
Htnnoes the complnlnts proved -
lutely baseless , save In two or three
Instanees Where they referred to mlu-
tnkes which the commhlslon ha(1 -
renly round out und rorrectel. 1- f
Slanders and Libelers.
So much tor honest crltclBn There t
remulns an Immense nmount ot as !
reeklells slnnder nB has ever been pub-
IBhed. 'Vhero the slanderers are at
foreln origin I have no concern ' , . '
.them ! 'Vhoro they are Amerlcansr I
feel for them the contempt
nnd Indlgnaton : because , In n spirit J )
of wanton Ilshonesly and malce ; . .
they are trying to Interfere with \ und '
hamper the executon of , the
work ot the klnl ever ntempte grcatest ,
ure secltng to bring to naught the - _
forts of their countrymen to put c-
the credit at .merica one ot the tt
teuts of lhe . ages , The - outragcous
accusntons o ( theHo slandcrerH con-
sttute a gross lbel upon a body oJ
pUblc servants who , Cor trnlnel Intel-
IlfgenCe ! , expert ubllty. high eharnc-
etr und dovoton to duty , have never
been excoled nnywhere , 'rhero Is not
I mnn umong those directng the work ,
on the Isthmus , who has obtnlne(1 his
poslton on nny other basIs than merit
nlone , und not one who has used his
Iloslton In any way tor his own por-
sonal . or pecuniar udvantage ,
Plan to Buid by Contract. '
.fer m st wo
. careul consideraton
have decided to let out most ot the
worc by contract , J wo cnn como to
Batsfactory terms wi th the eontract-
aIs , The whole worlc Is of u Jdld !
811te < to the pecular genius of our
people ; und 011 people hnve developed -
oped the typo ot contrnctor best
to rrnpplo wih It. I Is of course I
much beter to the work In ]
pnrt by contrct than to do It nrgo
the. government. provided It Is 11 - , J
slblo on the one hand to Beeure to the 1
contraclor . a sumclent
to make I. worth 'whle for respon-
slbe ] eontractorl of the hest kind to t
uldertlUc the worll ; unl proviled on
the oth < r hnnd It can ho done on terms
which wil not Ilvo an excesBlve prolt
to the contractor at the expense of
the government. After much con-
alderaton the pln already promul-
gatel by the sccretary of wnr was
adopted. This plan In Its ossental
features was lrfed aCer careful
Ind thorough ftudy nnd conalderaton.
by the , chief engineer , 11. Stevens ,
who , whie In the employment of ' 11.
, the president of the Great Northern -
ern rairoad , hal personal experlcnco
of this \ory typo of controet , Mr.
Stevens then submited the plan to
the chairman of the commlllslon , Mr. '
Shonts , who wont cnreuly over It I
wIth 11 noers , the lelfol adviser of
the commission . , to Bee that ul ] eral 7
Ifcultes.wore metr le then lubmlt-
ted copies of the plnn to both Secretary - I
tary 'raf nnd mysel. Secretary 'raft .
submitted It to some of the best coun- I
se ] at the Now Yorlt hal anll nter-
I wont over It very carofuly
wurls 11 'raf and 11. Shan Is , anl wo j
laid the plan In lIs Aeneral features
before 11' . Root , 1y conclusion Is
that It ComhlnlR the mnxlmum of nd-
vantngo with the minimum of Ilsad- t
. Under It a premium wll bo ,
put upon the speely and economical
conBtructon ot the cnnal , nnd n pon- ,
alty Imposed on delay and waste , 'fho t
plnn as promll atcd Is tcntatve ;
It have to ho chaned
doubtess wi !
In Rome Icspects be fore wo can eomo
to n satBfactory arreement wih 10-
sponslble contrlctol-perhaps even
afer the bids Ilvo been recolved:1
und of eourse It Is posslblo that woo
can-ot come to I aAreement , In whloh
case - the Aovernment wll do the worlt
, , the worlc on the
IseI ,1
Isthmus Is progressing atcnlly and
without uny let up ,
Single CommIssioner Desired.
A seven-helded commllsion Is of
course elumsy Instrument _
n executve .
'Vo should hlvo but ono commllslon-
er. wih such heads of departments I )
und other omcers under him as wo \
may neceRsan' . 'Vo Ihould bo
Im1 "
expressl ' permited to employ the
beRt englncols In the -cuntry as con-
sultng' engineers. ! .
I this paper with I map
nceomlnny what the ennal
Ihowlng nuhstllntaly fnish el. 'Vhen . fl ;
wi Ice
the Culebrl cut hal been mnle nnl \
the buit f they 110 bult 11 It
prelent lums proposed ) there wil then bo
It hoth the Pacifc and Atantc endA
of the canll two great fresh-water
lalces , connected by n broud channel
, running at the botpm of / ravine. F
aeross the blelebono of the 'Yrstern t
Hemisphere. These best Infoned bo-
thlt the . ( work wi ho completed
levo i
In Ihout eight years ; but It Is never
snfo to prophesy ubout Buch 1 work )
In the trolllcs ,
us thIs , espprlnIY
of Success. 1
Confdent .
O ( the success of the enterprl80 I .
as weU convinced ono can b -
am ni
Is Jmman , !
of nn - enterprlso thlt I
Is worlc upon which our .
1 Itupondous down
( eUow countrymen ere enrngCl
the , whie we
there on Ilthmus Incl
hold them to a strict nccountn-
houll for o In which they perform - .
form , t IIhould recognize , wih
tranlc I , the eplo nature or
the tlllc upon which they are engnJel .
- Importluce.
ul1 are Is world-wle lomethlng which wl 10-
ld lhe eredlt or
dOll Immeasurlbly , w1 henoft nl the
world nnd whtch wil ] ast ( or aHes
to come. Unller 11 ShontB anll Mr.
Slovens und Dr. Gorgas this worle hns
started every omen of good tor- .
tune. ' wih Ind their worlhy associates ,
from the hlHhest to the lowest , 110
to the Ilmo eredlt that wo , I
would glvo 10 the flleked men ot a .
vlrtnrlu" ( "mv ; for this rOllCuest nt
( , In 11 great and ( ar-reach- .
relce "r..t .1"nl . . " , n"l thl VAry -
conlUestA , whether o ( peace
10 JreateBt . which hayo ever bell won
'Ii by any of the peoples of manllln , A
liS hadge I to bo given to e\ory Amerl-
t ) . eln cltten who for 1 spoelell tmo
IW haR tnleon pnrt In this worlt for par-
at telputon In It wl hereafer bo held
: sto relecl honor Ipon the man par-
le , jUBt as II relects honor lpon -
eB n 801 lcr to hnvo belongl to 1 mIghty
: Iy army In a great war tor rlghteous-
bo neiS , 011' folow countrymen on then
nIslhmul are worldug for our Intereft
ho nd tor the nl\tonal renown In the .
11DlmO ( Iplrlt and wih the slme el-
that the mon of the nrmy an
IIl clmcy
r ) ' Iavy worll In lmo of war. I beck -
ck hoo\el us In our turn to do al wo
rcan to hol lIP tholr halIs and to alI l
of them In eveI' way 10 brIng their .
101 great worlc to 1 trllmpnnnt conclu-
. ' ' ' .
u slon. 'l'tIO0DORE ROO EVEL'r.
bo The Whie Uousu , Decembcr 17 , 1lQG ,
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