Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 13, 1906, Image 9

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Mrs. Alpha Morgan is visiting
. in Omaha this weelc.
p.H. . Marly , of Masou , was
. a city visitor , 'rue day night. I
1. A. Beneau shipped two cars
. I \ of cattle . and went to Omaha last
/ Mrs. Fred Drum , of Callaway ,
bas been visiting with Broken
Bow friends the past week.
Jas. Long and Steve Weaver ,
. of Mason City , came up Tuesday
night and spcnt yestcrday looking -
ing aftcr business in the county
scat. , . . . '
Roy Lowe , deputy sheriff , has
the foundation in for' his new
< hve11ing which he will erect
soon , in the southeast part of
the city .
Jas. Waite has recently moved
into his new home in the east ,
part of th1S city. He has a fin
story and half housc that is an
ornamcnt to that part ofihe city.
A street lamp has been placcd
at the corner opposite the Call-
well block. "Every little bit
" ' and-
helps"-bcfore 12 o'clock -
"thanks for smal1 favors. "
A petition to incorporate
Oconto as la village has bcen
presented to the board of supervisors -
visors and will be taken up' and
acted upon at , the preseht session
of the board.
Mrs. C. G. Huff writes that I
the RHPUnI.ICAN was in errow
last week in 'stating th Jt the sum
dcrivcd from the Ash Creek
basket soc1al was "something
over $13.00. " It was $39. GO. '
- J as. Fodge's fine residence in
the southeast part of the city is
completed and he has moved in.
It is an ornament to its locality
as well as comfortably and cOli-
veniently arranged.
Mayor George went to Lincoln
and Omah Monday to procure
books and supplies for thc' new
bank at Berwyn which , if hc
returns tonght , will be open for
business thc first of next week.
A. T. Sims has his ncw dwelling -
ing house , in the southeast part
. of the city , about ready for t e
plasters. Geo. Papineau is doing -
ing the work. Whee. completed
it will beOone of the finest cottages -
tages in that vicinity.
W. J : Rice , of near Merna , was
in the the city Tuesday night ,
cnrout home from. Burwell ,
where he went last week to
attend the funenl of a brother
whose death was causcd by a
stroke , of appoplexy.
George F. Bray went to Alliance -
ance Tuesday to secure a manager -
ger for his bowling alley located
there. "Lew" Swope has been
in charge of it , but preferred to
reside here and returned to
'Broken Bow last week.
R. D. Pickett has just about
completed a fine two , story building -
ing if ! the soutbeast part of the
city. Ross is one of the fortunate -
ate young men who is able , to
provide a commodious home at
the beginning of his business
career. '
Miss Stella Moody , of Mason
City , who came to visit Mrs. R.
Ryerson , was taken ill Monday
c.vening while calling on Mrs.
Rankin , in the Realty block.
A physician was summoned and
the cause qiagnosed as appcndi.
cHilO and an opcration therefot
is deemed necessary.
A few years ago , by lega1
proceedings , portion of the
town plat of Berwyn was vacated ,
But Ber y1.l is booming now ani
there wasn't en ugh. town lot !
to supply the demand so a pla1
of ijve blocks of that vacated wa
filed in the Register of Deed !
- ofiice this wc k by the Lincolr.
Land Co.
'fhere isn't as large a suppl )
of coal in the city as there shoul <
be at this time of the year , bu
the dealers. have been ' able te
supply the demand 'so far ane
expect to be able to do as the'
have in orders for more. , that
double the amount they conside
necessary , believing they will 11
able to get at hast half Ull
amount ordered.
The Rijpuur.lcAN is pleased t
a nouneet and we know . reader
will b glad to learn , that MI
. Harry . Iszard has consented t
'write a Christmas ston' fc
publication in these c lumtJ
next week. 'l'hose who read t11
story written by him last Chris I
mas were highly pleased , but 11
assures us the one to be pri n te
. next week is much more thrillin
with the plot deepening wit
: each paragraph until the clima
\ : . is reacbed with a really hapr
. finale.
. . - - _ h
- -
. . .
Prof. and 1\lrs. McIndoo's little
daughter , Norma , who has been
sick with pnc monia , is report cd
as' greatly improved.
Mrs. I . W. Hupc , of : : ) cucca ,
visited with Brokcn Bow friends
Snnday and Monday , going from
here to Sheridar1 , 'Vyoming.
Mr. aUtI Mrs. Emil 'l'ollefson ,
of Kearney , spent Sunday in thc
city with her brother alid sister ,
Mayor George and Mrs. Jos.
J. S. Molyneaux and Will Frey
went to 1-4incoln Monday to be
present at the funeral of Peter
Dierlcs which occurrtd there
, Harry Dangs is now nicely
located in his new photograph
gallery on the eastj'side of the
square. IIe opened up for busi- Saturday.
Dr. C. J. Christensen , who has
been taking a post graduate
course at the Chicago Eye , Ear ,
Nose aUt ! ' 1'hroat college , wntes
that he will return to' Broken !
Bow next Monday and resume , :
his i
Franlc Smith's new house just
north of the north side school
house , is lathed and ready for
the plasterers as soon as the
doors and windows arrive. 'Vhen
completed it will be one of the
finest residences in the city.
Mrs. I-I. G. Rogers and daughter -
ter , Nettie , formerly of this city ,
now of Boston , are visiting in'
the city , the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Willing. They have
a host of friend in Broken Bow
who are pleased to renew their
Hon. J amcs Whitehead came
in the first of the week from his
ranch where he held forth for
two months , and said he w s
ignorant of what had been doing
in the world , further than that
he heard the president had
visi ed the Panama canal.
A ' case of small pox is reported
at S'eneca-the night operator at
the B & .M depot-who was
quarrantined so promptly that
the authorities do not anticipate
an epidemic of thc > disease and
are alert in watching for any
new cases that may develop.
. .
Col. J. E. Iszard , of Hotel
Reneau , is ble to be out gain
after a sick spell of more than
two weeks. his illness bcing oc ,
ca ioned by a bad cold which
took : omplete possession and run
him into the repair shop regardless -
less of the strenuous struggles be
made to resi t such a. procedure.
Frederick I-I. Bcntley. attorney
at law at Ansley , quite well
known in Broken Bow , after an
illness of about two weeks , of
gastritis , ied Tuesday. He had
been a resident of Ansley about
t1tr years and was a member of
the A. O. U. W. The remains
were taken to Hastings today
for buri3.l.
Charles B. OvertonJ residing
two miles from erwvn on the
Broken Bow , sic1e , was -in the city
Monday , and informed the RE.
pun . .IcAN that corn plcking was
not going along as rapidly as it
ought to as belp is harer to get
and that when it is sccured it
doesn't amount to much in
shucking corn.
Rev. BqHly , pastor of the Bap'
tist church , entertained hi
Junior Normal lass at his home
last Friday night and the Senior
N rmal class Monday. These
classes were given their firs
cxaminations on these evenings ,
after which they were served
with light refreshments. Both I
classes report having enjoyed . the
occasions very much.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Sarall
Stevenson lost her purse on the
street while riding. It containe ( '
a sum of monev and yesterday
morning- she sent a lost adver ,
tiscment to be printed in th (
REPUDI.ICAN. Within half at
hour. thereafter she found the
purse \yith the contents Un
disturbed-at home. 'rhis !
another instance. which gocs t <
prove that it pays to advertisc
Messre. Bowman & Anderon :
the real estate dcalers , havi
purchased the elevator ! ind coa
busine'Ss conducted for a numbe
of years by Wilson Bros. . in thi
city a id will continue the same
The ) ' are well. known as i
"sjIuarc deal" r ; al estate finl
al d the same honorable busines
transactions that has gainel
them this title will be pursue
iti 'conducting the grain and em
business. 'l'his should uot enl
accord them the very liber ;
patronage enj yed byVilso
Bros. , but materially i:1crease i.
. .
Mo _ _ . .
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. .
TO GUARD SHIPS against the unseen dangel'S at sea , '
the 'United States Government maintains lighthouses.
To g11a d your 110me against tJ.1e unseen -
of food the Government
seen dangers . products , -
ment l1as enacted a pure food law. The
law'con1pels tl1e manufacturers of baldng
. p'Qwder to print tIle ingredients on. the "
. label . of each can. -
The Govcrruncnt has made the label your proJection-
so that you can avoid alum-read it carefully , if it does not . .
say pure cream of tartar , hand it back and .
Sajl plainlg'- ' ' ,
' '
ROYAL is a pure , cream of tartar baking powder-a pure
product of grapes - aids the cligestion - adds to the healthfulness -
fulness of food.
\ '
- -
Merchant J. C. Bowen reached
home yrsterday after an absence
of ten days. having been called
to Boston on account of the
illn ss of his daughter . Miss Ada ,
who' was a member. of the 1907
graduating dass at the Boston
Con ervatoryof Music. From
there he went to Ogdensburg ,
N. Y. , his old home , and visited
with his father a couple of days.
IIe says the weather while he
was east was fierc1y : disa reeable
and cold and he was glad to get
away. Miss Bowen accOt1'1panied '
him to N. Y. , and will remain
thcre until next week and then
return to Broken Bow.
The board of supervisors met
Monday and transacted business ,
adjourning that evening till
tomorrow and went to Kearney
to attend the session of ' County
supervisors. apd commissi'o'ners of
the state. ' ! 'hese meetings are
held annually and the Custer
county suoervisors extended an
invitation'to the association to
, meet in Broken Bow , next year ,
but were beaten by Omaha.
The meetings of the supervisors
are very bene1 cial to those who
attend , as the various methods of
conducting county afIairs are discussed -
cussed and those most feasible
deducted therefrom.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Her Lucldeat Month.
At a parlor meeting on the
north side , one evening recently ,
where those present were whiling
away the hours in a soci l chat ,
one of the ladies present ,
in spcakiug of the lucky months
and days , told those present that
to her the month of March was
L by far the luckiest. In eXllain.
ing her reason for this , she said :
1'1 was born 1n March , I was
, married in March , my husband
. was convcrted in" March , three
children were born in March and
husband died in 'I
I my March.'I
'l'here was a ripple of laughtCI
- that passed over the hearers , but
the spcaker was not aware of
) what she had said regarding hel
husband's death in "the mont11
she claimed was the lucJdest fo ]
To the Public.
We take this opportunity 0
thanking our many friends an <
: . customers for their liberal patron
lI. age in the past , also to announ l
L1 to the g'el1cral public that WI
' 15 have added a full line of domes' il
( coal which we will dispense at a
d reasonable a price as possible
Ll Again heartily thanking yO !
Y and soliciting a share of YOU
l1 valued custom , _ we are inos
n I respectfully , .
. II. ' 1' . BlmCIt & Co.
- - - - - - .
Largo Barn Burned.
At about G.30 : p. m. , yesterday
the large barn on Allen Heyner's
place , 2 miles south of this diy ,
was totally destroyed by fire ,
together with three calves , one
sow , two sets of harness and a
The cause of the fire was the
same as when Chicago was nearly
destroyed. A lighted lantern
was left near a cow and in some
manner overturned and set fire
to the straw.
In addition to the stock burned
there were twclve head of horses
and ten cows in the barn when
the fire was discovered but they
were rescued. Ben Tvson , employed -
ployed on the farm , c t a gash
one and a half inch deep in his
left arm while enJaged in cutting
halter straps with which the
horses were tied.
The building was large enough
and arranged to accomodate 20
horses and 18 head of cattle.
There was no insurance.
Sale Dale Cancelled.
Joseph A. Mattox had bills
printed intending to hold a public
sale of siock and farm implements
on the 20th , but has now decided
not to do so and desires the
REPUDUCAN to ad vise its readers
of his later decision so they w111
not be decived should they see
one of the safe notic s.
Marriaic Li en.e. .
From Nov. , 2Hth until Dec. ,
7th , no licenses . were issu d , then
one on the 8th. which indicates
that Custer county 'lovers do not
seem to have reached the point
of seriousness as quickly as some
of th ir acquaintances think they
should. ' ! 'he holidays ought to
produce a briskness in this line ,
however :
'l'heodore Andrew Johnsol1 ,
Gothenburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
C ara Sophia Johnson , Goth-
enburg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Samuel Hammonds , Mason
. City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
I' Clara E. Haddix , Mason C1ty..17
Public Sale. .
On Saturday of this week , the
15th inst. , at the Uichardson
barn in Brol < en Bow , Willis Cad-
well will ofTer at public sale the
- last of His horses , cattle , hogs ,
wagons , buggies , harness and ,
in fact , eyer'thing he does not
wan t to move to 'rexas. If he
sells t he home place , 1 mile north
of town , he will also auction the
l1 bousehold goods. The sale will
r b'cgin at 1 o'clock. Six months
t time will be given on approved
security , interest at 10 per
ceu .
- - - - - - . - - - - _ . -
Christmas "
Trees. .
XMAS CANDLES , " , - .
. 'FRUIT AKBS , \ .
PLUM PUnnING , , "
. .
.A. arraE : : :
Also full line of Sta , ple and
Fancy Groceries , Decorated ;
L3Jmps : , Staple Crockery , Night
Lamps : , Elegant Water Sets ,
Etc. , Etc. . . .
. . ,
I . . .