Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 13, 1906, Image 12

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. . . . . .lJr . . .p--1 " J.'c , . ' : -0-
Hotel Reneau
r - - , .
, .
t , \ HOT. AND COLD B/r / 118 ,
) Fl EE SAMrLl ItOOMS 1'C'
i I , . ' ' . ,
" : ; J. E. 18ZARD , Prop r
' I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - . .
f ' .
The leading' trl\ins of Duroc bloodl1ows through our herd.
We have some choice spring boars , tops of our crop of spring
pigs. 'l'hey are lengthy , heavy-bone fellows-good nough
, for head-hearders and the very best for feeding pur oses-
for sale at very low prices.
We have four boars sired by Ohio Chief , the great hog.
One-third interest in him sold for $2,000.00. 'l'heir dam we
. purchased for $245.00 last [ i'ebruary.
} , , Pedigree with eve.ry anmal ! sold , . .
, ,
f I We guarantee satisfaction
J' NOTE-We have decided , to not hold a public sale this fall.
{ } ) ' I I Cume and see our herd-S mJles west of Brolcen Bow , Nebr.
. I
1I I 1
- - - -
. .
0)- -
I"j ' - ; i' 'r r - I
4 .
j r- Before You Build , Consult
' 71 , - . . . . . . . . . , . - -
' eC ) . . . - : : . " .
; I' ' . eCap1a:1.ea"1.1 ,
r i ; Contractor and Builfer. Estimates
j _ I Furnished free with plans and specifications , .
" I . I
. I '
\ t .
; ; M"r..r.r.M : r.r.AI.O : J".r..r..r.M .r..r
:1 r J b . sa .A. : J : ] Sf , I
' " ! ' 1 ! ' ! . . PROPRIETOR
X I' ii
' S .
JJVERY' ijnJ : ' U
II ! . I' ' LIVERY and I
D ' . : - EAST.oF GLOBE HO'l'EL , H
k Remodek..1 nnd repuired throughout. Gom11ivery rigs at rcnsonnb1e ra s.
for cattle 01111 range horRes. lIay at noon , 10 cents ; aUdny , Js
, J5 cents ; over night , 35 cents. . . can and see me.
. J".r" < .xY ( .o - : : O' JrJ'/.oorrJ'.r.3".r.JC (
. L. E. COLE ,
licensed Emballner. ,
. and Funeral Director
has just 1'eceived a large stocl ; of undertaking
goods.rl'his is one of the most complete stocks
of undertaking goods ever brought to Broken
Bow.rrhey are located in the Cadwell building
on Fourth , avenne.
. .
Parties : wishing anything in this.
line are reque'sted to call and
inspect goods and get prices ,
For fil'st-olass work in unUel-
tnking'or ' embalming call and
see me or phone.
Phone Numbers : Offic7 7 ; H.esidence , 322.
. . . . . . . . . crd 11.'t : deft U , . . . . . . . . . . .
( 'rfr1'P n II.It N , . ' 1'i'G\r.
. ,
JG.BRENIZER , Ureeaec f
Pnre flcolch and Scotch Topped Shnrt lIorn
Cattle. My hcrd nu.nberll40 COWl. Will com.
pare lu breedlnll' and quality with aay welt of
Cblcall'o My experlenco has taul'ht nlo that to
II'lve 1I'0od atlllfaction. breedlnll' cattle mnlt be
r"IOIc'1I" . thl" " 'UhUle. I expect. to
. "INcUIt"n. equAl of an'thlnll'
raised In'h. . U. S. I aow hno25 : buUllultablo
Jar . thl. aad next , .ear' . enlce. Mr' cow.
.llLehrl1 ' frQBt . 1PO to pounds. COIDO and .ee
ca' .
. _ l
- ' , . , . 10. . _ . . . . " , , , , .
WES' ! ' lJOUND.
No. 39 local pa8seuller. ex. Sunda ) ' , art 6:20 : p
41 coalt I'assenller , dally , leavo..bSS : a
43 coast pallsenller , dall ) ' leave..J2:14 : a
47 local frelllllt , arrl ve. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 : 10 I'
l AS'l' 1.IOUND.
No. 40 local passenlfer , leave. . . . . . . . . . . .6:20 : a
42 coa..t IH1SRcnllcr , Ica\.c , . . . . . . . . . IOSt : ! a
44 cuaKl paKsenllcr , lean ! . . . . . . . . . .12:14 a
4:1 : local frelllht arrive. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2IU : I'
Ns. 041 aud , It :1 ako local stalls froll1 Ansi
NOli. 43 and 4J\to throullh tralUB allli ma
connections for Ueadwooll 1111I1 llIllOlntli to t
JJJack 1II11s. .
: I'J and 40 do not run west of nrOKen JIOW.
81eeplnl ( , dlnlni : ' and recllulnt : chair c
( satll frce ) on throulI'h trahls. Tickets Bold a
bailifallu checked to an ) ' point In the Uult
Htales and Cauada.
} o'or'lnfornl:1tlon : , map" . time tables aud tie
ets call on or wrllo 10 U. L. Ormsby , allent ,
L , W , 'Vakeley , G. 1' . A. . Omaha. Nobraska.
U , L , OUJSUY , AlI'eat
Let us be your printer , Tl
, good lfind of p inting only ,
\ ,
. , I' > - - - . _ ' . . . . . . . . . . , - . . . . '
. . , . . . , . . .
. . - - - ' . ' ' < ' . - . . :
" .
, 4. . . . . - - . . , . . . . . . : . . ' - . - w. . . . . . _ _
. .
. .
. . ' ! , , , : 1' , : . _ , . = c. . . . ,
Wonder/J / of the Telephone Too Much
for Sitting null.
C. J. II. Woodbury , the onlneerlng ,
ox pert of tlto telephone compan ) ' , 10111
the heel nml shoc men the othpl' nhdlt
the Iruo verRlon of the SllUn lIul1
nnd telephone story , Sa'H the noslon
Hcralel. SltUng Bull hlul been cal"
turod by the United StateR tI'JOJlH and
was 110111 In close conflneJl1unL So
Itlso was Rnother obotroperoua lmllan ,
hold In confinemonl al a Jlost uboul
100 milcH awny The ofllcer III charJto
JJf SlttlnJ ; lIull llnd been elmln ; Iho
JnlHnn for lwo monthA , nntl waK wondering -
deringvhat h woutll tlo with the ( ! IlIJ-
IIvo. In an Inoplred momenl ho lie-
cleled to nrrungo Itn Intorvlew holW'lm
lite lwo lI\1l1uno over the tnlellholle.
Artor the neceSBnr ' ringIng III' SlllIng
IBIII1 WitS aKltcd tr ho cared to tlllle Iltto
Iho machIne. 110 tnllwd Inlo It for
Movernl mlnutos alHl dId n. . hCIIII of
) IAtonlng aloo. . .
1I0 put down the Instrument flnall ' ,
Itnd for hours W ! l o\'on moro Ioomy
than IlIlIIal , al IlLet helnnnlng , to lalle
to hllllsolf , somothlng "ory mro for
the Indian. Asluxl If ho wns IlIssatls.
fled wIth hlo accommodallono 01' If
there was nnYlhlng lhey coulel tlo for
hIm he brolto forth at lasl :
"No. I'm finlshod. It'o all rlghl
when the white man's playlhlng talleR
the whlto mlLn's language ; bul when
It learns to talle the red man's tonuo ,
Il's Umo to stop. "
It Is belloved In the wcsl. where
the Incident Is faIrly well lenown , that
this tallt over the teJ . . phone between
Lho two Indlano , had a..conslderablo In.
fluence in shorlenlng the IndIan wars.
H the Frog aWoolng Goes" Let Him
Look Out for His Skin ,
- -
' , Into faoh.
) ho bullfrog hao hopped
Ion. Dullfrog skIn In Its JUitural oolot' .
nnd nlso dyed , Is not only employed
for bells , pocketbooks , card cases nnd
cbate1nln bngo , but ,10 used "fol' vests ,
iCuffo nnd collars , and many a clever
Irl wJJl wear thIs autumn n bullfrog
Rkln hat ,
It may not sound attt'actlve. 00)0.
. .thoVdman's Home Comlll\nlon , Jltt n
tittle turban of bullfrog skIn In a
greenIsh brown shltde. with upsland.
'ing loops of dark green \'clvol rlhbon
fa I' Its trImmIng , mnkes a ver ' smurt
A bullCrog skin hal Is being made up
for a Now York gIrl , who plnns when
she wears Il to carry nn umbrella of
groonlsh tJrown skin. with It ver ' rcul.
Istlc 100lcJng bullfrog \'Ormlng the tOll
of the handle. In lo.oltlng tor dls.
tlnctlve dotalls to ndd t11 ono's tollel
the bullfrog umhrellu must nol bo
overlooked ,
'A Turkish Millionaire.
Mouammer lle ' , son of th\3 rIchest
' ' ' who will bl holr to
man In an 'I'urke ) . !
moro millions tlmn aur olher person
In the ottoman emllire. HI1\'O the heir
of the sultan. Is III Bostoll on hnKlness ,
and before he leaveR the htlslnesj ! mell
will have somethIng IIlw a cool halt
million of hlo money , .whllc he will
have tonii' of Doston's most tmllrovOI
shoe nnd collon machInery.
There Is nothing about Ih Rlecll
apllearlng mnn of 3G 'cllrs. with hIs
rotund figure. to Indl ate that he Is tlJ
: be nt some time In the future the rich ,
cst mnn In hIs natlvo land , He Is
just no democraUc as any of tliis coun.
! try's wealthy men , I1nd one wouldn't
have to malto 11 vor ) ' big all'atoh 01
, imagination to plclt him out. as ntl
? IIuammer Bey , un1l1to mo t (1f hi !
'fellow conntrymen , Is hIghly d\cate(1 (
and Inlltea11 of wasting his fathor'l
vast wealth by riotous living. bo hu
mastered lhe many great Indtlstrlc !
lhal hIs fnther controls . , nnd -nddln
to the fortune. Thooe .who have coml
In contacl wIth him say U al ho Is Itl
leeon as the proverbIal man.
Politeness Pays.
"Polltenoss , " 8 ld Senator Gallinger
.In the hope of Umn ! : a mthl'l' Itcrl
monlou8 argument In Concord. "alwaYI
pays : ' .
1110 flushed listeners loolccd up a
him In InquIry and he smiled nnt
o\'pollUoness always pays. Two IIltl ,
girls I lenow were set before a IJlatl
containIng lwo bunches at grnpos-
ono a very large and temlltlng nnd pOI
fect. bunch , the other small nnd harl
and green. The two little girls laake ,
at the lwo bunches for 'a SpllCO In s
lence. Then the polite child saId :
" 'Is 00 , ; weedy ? "
" 'No , ' the other nnswered : l'se no
a bit gweell ) ' :
. : " 'Then , ' said the rst. ' 00 choose. '
, Ring Tells Profession In Brazil.
"Ono o [ the conveniences oi Bl'uzl
Is the ease with whleh you c n tell th
partlcu1ur line of buolness n profei
slonal man Is In , " remarlced A. V. Ne
bUt , Who recently returned from a Ion
stay In Brazil.
"At graduation eMh IIrofesslom
gradualo Is glvon a rIng wlth n certal
illnd of stone for hIs pnrtlcuhtr lire
fedslon. For Instnnco , an engll\e
wi\l \ hu.vo a turquoIse , n doctor a
amethyst. and 00 on. If ) ' 011 Imow tll
rIng that belongs to each Iu'ofesslo
n : you don't have to aok a man hIs ( lrl
IU fesQlon , bul just glance at the rIng h
e1 wears. "
Chicken's Long Fast.
A New Orleans man hus llI'Ove
that a chIcken can live 23 days wit ]
d out feeder water. Ho makes aJ (
ell davIt thnt when his famll ) ' moved r' '
: k.cently a chIcken securely nailed In
ar box was In the cellar of the lIew hous
having been forgotten b ) ' the fornu
tannnto. Twenty-throe days later Ui
cool , was moved to explore the collI
Ie amI discovered the chIcken , emaclat. ,
, tJnt 8tllJ inuch allY. .
. . .
- - - -
. . . . " -
_ . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . " , . , . . . . . .1 } , . . . . . -1 . :
. . ' . . . . . -
" .
. " I _ , _ I
Had Fly Safely Tied Up 8efor. At.
tacking It.
' ' ' 0110 lUurnlng , when Imo ) ' In my
workshup , " say" a naturallot , "a Inrgo
fi ) ' , dUllhlo the slC of Co bluebottle ,
wall' ( 'allght In n llldor's web In the
wIndow close to where 1 was at work.
It WitH held h ) ' two of Ito legs only ,
nnd rOI' Homo time the Sllltter , whIch
Wit" nhont the sl1.o of Iho fly' " hend ,
llrOCllliml ! 10 olrongthen ItB hold by
aHnchlng nll111erOUB extra lines to the
two captive limbs , carefully Ioolling
ollt of rcach of tho' others , whIch were
loWn , ; olll In nil dlroctlons In frantic
efforts to oBcallO.
"Dllrlttg a short respite In the cap.
tlVO'1 ! strllggles the spIdel' cauUously
all\lroached \ , and wllh Its hInd logs
got Bavornl turnB of Its tiny rOllO
rotlllli ntto of the limbs that were freo.
ThCfIO Inctlco wore carrIed onIJI all
the legs were firmly bound. It then
InjechJd polson Inlo ono of the legB.
ThIs lIoon showed Itselt , for Its dead.
enlng erCects reduced the victim's
strllgglell In n marked degree. The
polson IJtrnlyzes hilt does not klJl.
"Shortly after a second blto roslst- I
an co ceased , and the vIctor sottled. .
down to suck the julceo o [ Its fallen
proy. The struggles llllted ! : quite nn
haul' . Nexl mor-nlng the fly was nllve ,
nnd the ! ! lllder was sUll slickIng out
Its life blood. "
Gave Up Life In Attempt to ttop ?
Runaway Team.
Nenr Plttsford a dOl ; wns leilled In
a detel'mlned and Intelllgent effort to
stop U I'unaway team. Conrad Hoe.
nIck , a fnrmer , left hIs team standIng'
near II railroad track. Two IIttlo
tJoys wel'e In the , wagon. The horscs
wore frlghtetled by a passIng traIn
nnd ran nway with the lads. Ono of
the boys wno thrown out nml sovol'e1) '
Injured. The other remaIned in the
wagon , and while the speed of the
frlghtoned leam. increased every sec.
and he mnde frantic efforts to reach
the lines and stop them.
As the horses pnssed Franlt Tous.
1ey's place , the latter's dog , whIch CRt'-
rled the mall and dId many 1ittlo
tasks nbout the farm nnd had almost
human Intel11gence. rnn out , ntHl
seeing the Iredlcnment of the boy ,
nttempted to cnlch hold of the dangling -
ling lines , Like a human being the
anImal , wIthout a sound , rnnged hIm.
self Into lIne to selzo"tho reins , and ,
In hIs anxlely to do so. was ! ! lruck by ,
the wheel and instantly Idlled. The
boy managed to gel hold of ono roln ,
nnd wllh It ho tUl'lled the horses and
stoPlled tliem.-\Varren : MIrror.
What M 1kes the Heart Weak.
Two Important causes of heart
trouble nre underwork nnd overwork ,
but c11leOy underwork. says Outing.
Whore due to overwork It has been
physIcal , not mental. The hearts of
long.dlstance runners and , bIcyclists
'sometlmos ' become hypertrophied ,
while hearts of children sometimes
succumb to too arduous play. With
chl1dren , howO\'er , It Is usually due to
n predlspooiUon In. that dlrecUon from
: theIr parents , whoso hearls have been
I weakened by prolonged under exerclso
rather "than to overexorclse on theIr
I part
As the resull 'Of a recent examInation -
tion of nearly 10,000 school chl1dren In
the prlmnry grades by the tJoard of
I heallh , It wa ! ! found thnl GO per cent
were sufferIng from physIcal detecls ,
I nmong whIch predomInated defcctlve
. vIsIon , Insufficient nulrltlon , pulmon.
ary and hearl al1menls-a slnrlltng
condition at our boasted clv11Jzatlon :
He Paid for All.
The English cuslom of free seats
and collection plates In church Is puz ,
zllng the continental vIsllors. In
Roman Catholic countrIes it is usual
to make a small payment on enlerln
. a church. A Frenchman on a visit tc
Manchestcr not lonl : , ago , accordln
to the Guardlnn , attended service h ]
ono of the parIsh churchos. With hln :
was a party of English friends , Th (
foreIgner was seated at the outer , en
of the pow. The plalo came round II'
( ! duo course. and the visitor was the
e first to deposIt a coIn in It. The cQI
- lector was about to paso the plate te
hIs English friends when lhe l < ronch
man interposed : "Ah , no , I have pall
tor all the seats : "
Mistaken Signals.
The noar.slghted man wnved hll
handlwrchlef violently in Ihe dlrectlox
" o [ un elghth.story window.
"What did you do thal tor ? " Rskol
his frIend , who was not near sIghted
"Thal's where Flossie lives , '
ohortJed the nearslghted wan. "Sho'l
waving at me. "
"What you see In' ' that elghth.stor.
window , " explained the man who wni
not near sighted , "Is a boy silting oul
stde the wIndow pane cleanIng It. 01
wIth a largo whIte rag. " _
. Spelling Reform at Yale.
William Beebo , prof ssol' of math
matlcs In the college , 11111JroVes ani
lIays :
"As un example of spol11ng. thn
needs reform this from an acndoml
man applyIng for a change In nn elee
'tlve course Is appllcnble :
" 'Tho course Is so bard t1Ja I canno
Id due It justice , and I ask pormlltJo
: to omit IL'Yale AlumnI Weekly.
ea Where Everybody Doo. It ,
8 , . "DId you ever Dee a man walk I
1r his sleep ? " .
LO "Lots o [ thom j and kea.rd them tal
Ir at the same time. I stopped ort I
II. Phl1adclphla three or four days once ,
: : "l nsas City DroY81's' Teleirnm.
- -
. .
I : . : , , ; T _ _ . ' , , : - "
Cruel Husband Had Stenographer to
Record Wife's Remarks ,
FretIorlc Ir1and , al th 1asl convon.
tloq of the Nntlonal Asooclatlon of
Stenographers nl Atlantic Clt ) ' , oald
( ) f a somewhat harsh rotJuke that ono
steuograllhct' had admlnlstored to an.
ether :
"Thnt rebulto WitS a IIttlo to crue1 ,
was It not ? It remInds me of the cru.
elty of n Washington man-a piece
of cl'uelly whereIn stenography played
Iltl unwllUng II1\rt.
"Aa this mnn cnme to bed ono nIght
his wlfo saId to hIm :
" 'Hna Iho stranger Iono ; I dldn'l
i heal' hIm. '
" 'Oh , no. dent. . He hasn'\ gone , ' the
ltuKhuntl roplled. ' [ hl1vo Instructed
Iho mold to 1el hIm oht 111 three or
( our hours. '
"Tho wlfo 10olCIl amazed and ! ! l\IIJe.
" 'What-whr-who 011 earth 10 'he ,
nn 'wltr ? ' she IIlammeretI.
" ' : 'I ' Ilcul' , ' s ltl the husband , quIet.
Iy. 'ho is n shorthand rOIJOrtor. You
' ; I'e , I neltrlr alwn's forget. what you
10 ' ' dlocoul'oe from
: lItr 11Ie dUI'lnl ; rOlU'
J J till two nnd ! ! omotlmes I ' ; 0 to sleep
whllo 'ou're tall\lng , So I thought I'd
have YOIII' 'Iecture wrItten out to'llgh
amI slud ) ' It at my l fluro. 'I'ho young
man IR all ready. the doOl' Is 6pon so
that ho can. hoar you , Ilnd you may begIn -
gIn as ) lOotl aR you like. ' "
Turtles Objected to His Interruption
of Their Fight. ,
Milton .T. Vreelantl. a farmer llvlng
near Pine Brook. N. J. , was nearly
drowned In the Pass lac river yester.
day OR the result of hIs nctlng as ref.
ot'eo het ween two snapping turtles ,
sn 's the Now York World. Vreoland ,
who wns In a canoe , watched the bout
'for ' n mlnuto or two nnd then decIded
lhal It wns time for the combatants
to break away. .
Ho paddlcd up to them , reached over
the sIde , caught them by the tails ,
ono in each hand , nnd swung them Into
the canoe-ono in the bow. the other
In lhe stern of the frail eruct. But the
turtles dId not nccept tl ls decIsion ,
The ) ' wanted to flght on. and beIng
unab10 to get at each other they at.
tacl\Cd the oolfappolntcd referee. _
The farmer hnd found It an easy
matter to catch hold of the turtles'
tails when the ) ' were In the water ,
but It wns. Impossible now with the
canoe to lwell on nn oven keel. He
. caught up the paddle and with this
managed to beat off hIs assallanto for
awhile. but at last the canoe capsized. .
As It dId so ono of the turtles dealt the
farmer a blow In the back just below
the belt. II clung to the place on the
lrousers where It had rnapped and
Vreeland . found ho coul not swim.
Ho says hImself he would have gone
Jo the bollom but for Frank Jncobus ,
who turned a bond In the river In a
canoe and towed man and turtles
nshore ,
Foolish Dietetic Fads. -
"U men Jrlmly cat to Hvo , they will
not live Jong , " says Dr. Thomns La.
throp Stedman , In a protest agaInst
the despornte seriousness wllh whIch I
the present generaUon regards Its
I [ ootI , Dr. Stedman suggesls that pea ,
pie should eat vhat they IIIw. "Appe ,
tlte , " ho says , "Is as necessary to dl ,
gestion as Is mnstlcatlon. and what Is I
oaten without relish Is , with , dIfficulty , ,
tr at nIl. assImilated , for the stomacll
deSIlseR unsavory sluff and refuses to
secrete sufficient fluId for Its dlges ,
tlon : '
The dIetetic cranle , he adds , Is
saved from the olherwlse inevltabl
resulls of Ilia folly by the fact thal hIe
enth\1slastlc appreclntlon of the un ,
savory fQod whIch ho Is persuaded w1ll
i us sure hIm strength and , long litE
gIves him It taste for It. nnd 00 thE
I mOlherly stomach provides an abund.
I ance of gnstrlc julco of the proper com ,
Earth Becoming a Desert.
That the earlh Is becomIng a des
efl nnd that It Is only a matter 01
time when It will be a desolate waslo
was the statement made by Prof
Lowell in 11 lecluro befor. , the Lowel
Instllule at the Massaehnselt8 InsU
tute of teehnology.
: rhe water contaIned by the earth If
passIng gradually ort Into Inter-olella1
i space. and the great deserts such a !
the Sahara and these In ArIzona arE
IncreasIng In sIze much more rapldl3
than most people thInk.
AccordIng to Prof. 'Lowell , whal
were once well populated valleys Ix
the regIon of the Sahara , is now [
dry , sandy waste. In Mars slmllal
changes have been takIng p1ace , al1l
. the planet Is now about threeelghlhl
desort.-Boston Globo.
Question oand Answer.
When Nathan M. Morse was trylnl
the Tuc1terman will case before JUdg4
McKim. at Boston , Dr. Jelly , the well
known expert on Insanity , was ono a
the witnesses. Ono of the hypothetl
cal questions asked of the wllness b :
Mr. : Morse contained no less th n 20 ,
000 words. The lawyer started thl
pithy question at the opening of cour
and closed only a few mInutes prIor tl
the noon adjournment. The poln
that Mr. Morse wns endeavorIng' t. .
) . brIng out related to tbe mental condl
tlon of the testator when' ho made hI
It will.
n T I/J / Is saId to hl1ve been the 10ngoR
sln.le . Interrogation ever made In :
court of law , and the answer con :
prlscd just throe , words , "I dnqt. \ . "
n The Cynic Again. '
Wo always dIslike a man who hl1
I , grasped nn opportunlly we failed t ,
n Boe. When we say of a. man that h
, " won'l 110ten to reason ho is probabl ;
Baying the same of uI.-Tho TaUer ,
- -
. -
Legal Notices.
. . "
- - - - - - - - -
Unlt.ed Stalu Land Office. l
Broken Dow , Nebralka , Notembel 26. 1906. f
Notice Is hereby IIITen thllt JOnN A.
MYJoRS. of Merna , Ncbra lIa. haY IIled notice
of Ilia Intention to make final lI"e ) 'ear proof III
AUPllQrt of hi" . claim , vlz : 1I0me.tead Entry
No. 1M } , made January 4 , 1900 , for.theVii ne ,
nli nw Section 2l. township 17 lIortb ranllO
23 west and said SJroof will be mule : before
Reilister and Receiver at Droken Duw , ' 011
December : ' ' 9 , 1906. lie nameB .the followlnlt
wltnuAes to prove hlA continuous residence
UPOII , aad cultvatlou ! of the land , vlz : llenry , _
II. Myer , of Merna , Nebruka ; JanIe ! ! Cool , of
Merna. Nebraska ; James W. Uowell , of
Metna , Nebraska ; Benjamin } o' . lIarrett , of
Merna , Nebraska. JbUN I RtlIiR.
25-29 Rell'lster.
County Court Custer Count ) . , Nehraska.
To the helrR and next of kin e.f Mary E
} 'oster , deceased.
You are hereb , notified tbat Kattle M.
Weimer , daulI'hter of said decealed. liaR filed
her I'etltlon In said Court. asklull' Ihat R. H.
Walker Ulay be applluted Admlnstralur of the
cstate of Mary E. I'oster , deceaseLl. RaId mat. ,
er haM be on set for hearhlll' for December 281h ,
10. at JO o'clock la , m. at tbo county court
room. In Hrok n How , Nebraska , Wilen all
Interested putles may appear aLd be hl' rd.
Dated tbe 30tn day of November , llO ,
ISEAL ] A.R.11uMl'lIKRV , County Judll'c.
J. A. ARMOUR , AU'y. 2J.28 ! . ,
Notice to Non.relldent Defendant ! ! .
JenUle M. McCnlly , 11arry F. M Cully , Daisy
McCully an,1 Marlon C. Blnllham. defendants ,
will take notice that on the 6th day of Decem-
ber. 1906 , Anton Abel , plaintiff herein , filed his "
petition In the District court of CUliter ' -
NebraRka. allalnst said defellllantR and .Jame ! !
A. Ward and Mrs. Jame ! ! A. Wanl , coulltY'j-
the object andlrayer of which are to loreclose r
a certain mortll'alle"executed by one Prallcl ! ! .
M. McCully to the plaltl\lf IIpon the Mouth bait IT
U5) ) of Mectlun ten (10) ( ) , cast half I Ii ) of the .
north.eaRt quarter ( I , east half. tV.1 of the
south-easl quarter ( ) . Rontb.west eluarter I I
of the 1I0rtbeast quarter ml.nortttowcst qnarter
( Waf tbe Bouth'east ' 1Ilarter ( I. we t haU ( Ii ) I
of the north.west quarter I { I. Wcst balf ( Ii ) of '
the ! sonth-west ( J. southeast .qlllI ter IMI 'of ; .
the norlh.wcst quarter ( I , north.east quarter J ' _
( I of the south-West quarter ( I of section
cle\'en (111. ( west baIC of tbe north.weRt quarter
I . l , welt half ( iii of the south-west quatter of
sect 1011 lwelve (1 ( ) , cast ! .talC ( Ii ) or section
fifteen CIS ) , and all In townsblp fonrleen ( H ) ,
ranlle twenty.three (23) ( ) , west , to Rccnre the
faymellt of a promissory 1I0te dated November
.1905. for the sum of $ 960OO and duo and pa- .
able 011 the first day of November , 1910 , with 4.
six per ceut laterest from the date thereof ,
pa'able annllall ) ' . and whlclt salel note haa
been declared due by reason of a lrovlslon In
the morlll'allO Ilrovldlnll' that sa Iii debt ma ) ' be !
declared due on failure to phy Intcrcst at tile
time the Bame matllrell auli the Inh 1 est all Raid I
note maturlnll Novcmber I , J9\ \ ) ( " hall lIot been I
paid or allY part of It and the plalutlff has declared -
clared said n te due and payable. 'l'here 18
now liue on said note : ind'lIIortllalle the Mum of
$ -1960.00 with six per cent Inlerest thereon from } i
November J. 1901 > , and Rlx per ccnt Inlererest
upon accrued Interest. $297.00. from Novemher
I. 1906. and pJalntlff prays that Raid premises . I . \
may be decreed to be solli to Ratlsh' the amount , _
dno thereoll.
You are required to answer said etltloll on
or before the 14th day of January. 11J07.
ANTON AIIEL , Plalntla.
1.Iy E. A. Coo'k. bls attorll > : . ' 19-2,9. ,
. . \
NOTICE OF } o'INAL SE'l' LEMEN' ! ' . .
In COU1lty Court , .before A. R. Hllmpltrcy ,
County Judlle , In the matter of the estatc of
James Dlnll'ham , Decealled. .
To the and Uelrs ; and to all who 'I '
are Interested lu tlte estate of James hlilham ,
Deceased :
'l'AKE NOTICE. That Wlllnni lIInllham ,
Administrator of the aforesaid I state. has
filed a report of Itls dolnlls as lIuch. aad asks l
tbat the same be approved. and that be be dill-
charged from further obllll'atiou therelu. and
tbat thE County Judlle make BUCIt order as to
the distribution of the assets belollJ'lnll to said
estate as may seem Just and equitable ; anll to
asslll'n the dower o [ the widow herein. deshl'
nate tlte heirs entitled to a IIhare III said elltate.
and to II'rant such other relief as may be deemell
aecessary In the final lIeUlemen { of said cst ate.
Said matter has been set for hearlnll' on the 4tlt .
day of Jalluary. 1907 , at 9 o'clock am. . , at the . '
L'ounty Court room , III Drokeu Dow , Nebralka. . .
at wblch time and place all parties Interested J.
may appear and be heard concern hIII' the
Dated this 3rd day of December. 1906. " ,
[ SE"LJ A. R. llUMPJlREY. 1 , "
' 16-29 County ' thoit
The unknown belrs. devisees and ICllateell 0 ; " 7 .f't' ' , .
Mahala 1.1 rl II'lI'a II , Jacob 1.Irlll'II'an , and J. W.
Shea. will take notlco that Merrill 1.1. UUllnell '
bas filed his pctltlon In tbo Dlstricl Court of \ !
Cusler County. Nebraska , the object and ; t.
prayer of wblclt Is to remo e the clouds from / .
tbe title to the northwellt quarter of section ono
In towushlp fourteeu , ranll'o nilleteeu. In uster
County. ebraBka. by. an order aud decree of
sard court. c:1l1cclllnll' and decrcehlll' all fraudu.
lellt a d void the Receivers receipt to Mahala
Drlll'lI'au. tbe mortll'alle by Mahala Brlll'llan
and husbaad to Judson C. I'orter , the deed
frolD Mahala Hrlll'llall and husband. Jacob. to
Jamell Hall ; the mortllalle from James lIall
aud wife to Mabala Urlll'lI'all ; and the deed
I from James W. lI411 and wICo to J. W. Shea.
I all coVerlnll' said land , and also decreelull' a
11'00.1 title to said premises In the plaintiff and
. for suclt other aad further relief as may be
You are required to answer tltls petltlou on
I or before Jalluary 2lstl907 , or tile same will be .
I takelt as true alld Judlrmeut rendered ac-
I Dated , December 10th. 1906.
. MORRIS D. 1.ItmNltLL , Plalutlff.
J. A. ARMOUR. AU\ ' ; 27.31
I _
! United States Laud Offi.e. l
! Drollen Dow. Nebraska , December ! O. 1906. , f . /
. Notice Is bereby I'lven that 11UDERT .
LEONARD. of Aflselmo. Nebraska. has filed
. notice of his Intention to make final 5 year
proof III support of his claim , vlz : lIomestead .
Entry No. 2 06. made AUllust 8 , 1901 , for the r
s sw section 33 , township 19swX nw lot 4.
section 4 , towllshlp 111. N raull'o 24 Woo and that
. said proof will be made before Reilister and .
Recel"er at Droken 1.Iow. Nebraska , on Jallu- t ,
ary JS. 1907. lie uames the followlnll' witnesses
to prove biB continuous residence upon , and
, cultivation of. tlte land. vlz : JOhlllI , McDer. "
matt. of Anselmo , Nebraska ; Charley Ulcko ) ' .
of AJlselmo , Nebralka ; James } , 'orall , or . .II'
leima , Nebraslla : Tim 'l'eahon. of Allselmo , Il
. NebrJ.slla. JOliN REESE.
27.32 Rell'lster. , <
United States Lalld OIDce , t
Droken Bow , NebraBka. December 8. 1906 , f \
A sufficient coutest affidavit bavlnll' been
filed In this office by 10:11.1 Purrow , coutcstant ,
all'alnst 110mestead entry No. 2342 , made June
29.1906 , for 6U se section 7 , nw uw sec.
tlon n. eH ne ! ' lectlon X8 , township 20. rallll'e
23. by Jeanie Claucy , Contcstee , lu which It Is
alleued that Jenule Claucy never cstabliRhed a
settlement ullOn said lal1d lIever cstabllshed a
residence or resided tbereou has made no lIa.
provements of any kind thereon and has entirely -
tirely failed to In any ulanaer cullivate any
partlow. of Hald tract and baR abandoned thu
same and IIald defects now exist. said I'artles
are hereby uotlfied to appear. res pand and
offer evidence toucblull said alletatlon at 10
o'clock a. m. on January J8 , 1906. before tbe
Reilister aUll Receiver at tUe United States
Laad OIDce In Hrokeu How. Nebraska.
'l'he said contestant bavlnll' , lu a proper aID.
davit , filed December 7 , 9O/J. set forth factB
" , hlch sbow that after du" dlllilenco persoual
service of this notice can not be made , It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such uotlce
be II'lveu by due and Ilroxer pnbllcatloll.
27,32 JOliN REESE , Register. ,
County Court , Custer County , Nebraska.
'l'he creditors of the estate of John M , Amos '
Deceascd : ,
'ralle 1I0tice That I will sit' at the County
Court roolllla Broken lIow.L hI said Countyon
the 21st day of January , 19\fi \ , aad on the 2111t
day of June , X907 , each at 10 o'clock a. m. of
each day , to recelvel and cxamlne all claims
llalnst Raid estate. whit a view to their adjust.
me rt and allowance ; alld that au the first date
abevo tbe petitions of widow will be luard : for
homestead. exemptions. allowauce and other
Statutory rlllhtll.
It Tbo tlnae limited for the presentation of
a claims atalnst salli estate Is six monthll from . . .
, the 1st day of Jaauan' . X907. aud tbe time limit.
1 et1 for payment of debtB Is one year from Bald
Dated December 1 > .1906.
A. R. 11UMJ'URII ) ' ,
27030 County Judll'u.
o .
o .
o Try The Republican for
y ,