Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 13, 1906, Image 11
. . , . ' . . ' , . \ . . THE FARMER IN WESTERN I CANADA. V The Quality of N : 1 Hard Wheat i Cannot Be Beaten. The Canadlnn West In tbo past fivQ or ten years hns gl\'en n Bet baclc to the theory that largo cities nro the bacltbono of n country nnd n nation's best fisset , { ere wo have n country where no clt > . exceeds 100,000 , ar.d where only ono comes within easy dlstmco , of , thnt figure , nccordlng to the census just tal\On aud where no other city reaches n population ex. ceedlng 1li,000 , The places with n populntlon over li.OOO cnn be counted UPOl1 the fingers of ono hnnd , and ) 'et the prosperity that provnlls Is s6me. thing \1nprecedentClI In the history of nl1 countries past or present , The reason for this marvelO\uJ prosperity Is not hnrd to t3eel , . The largo mnjorlty of the 810,000 people who Inlla\lt \ Manltobn , Snslmtchownn nml AI\ertn \ , Have gene 'on to the fnrm , nnd have botalccn them8'lvos to the tasle of not only feeding and clothing themselveut ! : \ of raising food for others less Impplly clrcmnstanced. The crop of 110G ! , although not ab , normal , Is an eyeopener to many who provlousl ' had given 1Il0e thought to tile subjcct. Ninety mlJllon bU3hels or wheat at 70 cents per bushel-G3OOO. . 000 : 7G,000.000 lmshels of oats at 30 , cents 1101' bushol-$22SOOOOO : 17,000 , . OO bushels of barler atto cenlo 11m' bushel-GSOO.OO : > : malccs n. total of $92GOOo o. 'I'hls Is altogether outsho ] the root products : dairy produce , and the returns from the cattle trade ; the beet sugar Industi' ' ami the various \ , other I > Y'11roducta at mixe'd farming , When sitch 'returns are obtalnablo from the [ Jell It Is not to be wondered at that many 0.1'0 ] eavlng the congQst. , cd districts df the eayet , to ta1w upon themselves the mo of the pralrlo farm nnd the lahor of the holtsbandmnn. Wltl ! the construction of additional railroads no\ venues , for agrlcultur. al enterprlso are ol1onlng up , and 1m. )1roved opportunities nro , . rrered to the BotUer who undorstnnds pralrlo farm. _ fng , and Is willing to Ida his l1art In building up the new coulllr ' . This Is the theme that 1\11' . .T. .T. H111 , the veteran railroad \u11dor \ In the West , 'has laid before the people In a series of addresses " , } } Ich ho 11:1s . t given at various 11 ints Uuring the past few months , and. havIng been for so long Identified with the devel. opment of the West , there are few men better' ' qualified than he to ex. 11ress an opinIon upon it. 'I'a\O care of the countr ' , saj'S he , and the cities will ta1\O care of them solves. The farmers of the 'Western States nnd the Canadian 'Vest , are mal'O i J ' - prosperous than o\'er before , and / when It comes to measmlng re. I sult ! ! , _ thO" Canadian appears to ha vo somewhat the belter of It , Hln land , fs cheaper In fact. the government . continues , to give free homesteads to BetUers , and the returns pel' acre are heavIer when the crop Is harvested. Farming land In the Woste1'l1 States runs from $ GO to $ lliO an acre and UI1 , whereas equaJJj' good soil may o pur. chnsed In Canada for $8 to $ lli per of < ncre , wIthIn eaGY reach .0J a shipping . . . , point , and much of this Is : wallablo . ' for free homesteading. ' } 'ho quality of the Canadian No , 1 hard wheat can. I not bo beaten , and the returns to the acre are several bushels better tlJ..v..n on this side of the line ; the 5011 and 'cllmato of that country b lngl1ecullar. . ly adapted to wheat growing. The fact Is evidently appreciated by the large number of AmerIcan farmers who ] 1I1ve In the ) Jast two or three years settlcd In' the Canadian West. The agents of the Canadian \ Government , whmo : dres will be round elowhere , advise U9 that for , the fiscal 'car .190 t-5 , the recordn , show that 43,5,13 Americans scttled In I Canada , find In 190G the number i relcl1Cd : 7,700. From all of which. It appears that at present , there i3 a good thing In farming In Western : Canada , ! lnd that the American farm. . or ID not claw to nvr.n himself of It. A BRIDGE OF rIlAHOGANV. . . Valuable Wood Uced In Mexican Struo- ture for PedetrlanG and Teams. , As mahoanr ; III among the most costlr woods In the Ylorld , It may bo inferred that thl3 tropical material Is not very oKtenslvcly employed In the construction of bulhllngs , etc , A . brldgo constructed of soltl ! mahogany Is certaInly a rarity , n curIosity , Them is ono , claimed to be the only one In the world. built of that mate. rial. This structure Is located In the ' ( lep : rtment f Palenquo , state of Chi , 1 npas , republic of Moxlco. This dls. trlct lies In the extreme soutl\western part of Mexico , near the boundar , } ' line r of GuatQmala , 'I'he mahotanr bridge Is construct. cd entirely of that valuable wood , e\cept sarno Iron hraces and nails that are necCBsarr. 'rho brIdge spans theme mo 1\lIc1101 and Its total length. In , cluding approaches , exceeds HiO feet , while the width Is l feet. It Is used . b ' beth teams and ] 1edostrlans and , though somewhat rude antl prlmlUve In consl1'uctlon. It Is very substantial None of the tlmbcr of the fioorln v/ero sawed , for In tl1at region there 1\1'0 no sa.wmllls , but were he-n un split. In that section of oM 1\Ioxlco then are several very large rubboI' planta lions , anJ m\hogany trees are qult ( common , In clearIng away the trap Icnl forests for setting- out the } 'oun ( l'ubbcl' trees the mnhoaany growlIu also cut down tlnd removed. AI this wood Is qillto abundant , some 0 It was used In bul1'lIng the brldge.- II m l'1can ] nventor , Hammocks In Sleeping Carll. 1:1 Nom Scolla the oxperlment ha been tried of running a train wltJ hammocks Instealof the uSUliI bunk - In the Glee1llng cars. It WIUJ a grcli ' IIUCCeis. \ ' W , . . 11 . " TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN BOY. , . : He Has Improved Milrkedly of Latc , Declares a Casual Observer , , It seelUs to mQ that t110 qtlallty 'of the o } ' now growing , tll } In this country Is pooullar\j \ : fine. IIo Is not only less obstreperous atHl ogotlstlcal. ut elenrer nllli clennor minded than the laI' of twenty yem's ago , Ills mI. vance physically .w111 be mnnlfest to anyone who will coml1aro the fignre1 ! In n clnss lhotogral1h of toda ) ' with Uioso of ) 'ostol'day. lIe Is tnller , straighter , bet1lI' : featurcI , finer hnlred-handsolUor :111(1 moro 111\0 n thoroughbred In cver.var , writes George IIarve ' in I.ho North Amorl. ctln Rovlo' ' ' . The exercise to which much or this Jml1rovoment Is attributable may be no lUoro zealous , but It Beoms to be less spasmodic , mal'O consistent nmI better mlul1ted to Its true purpose. . As' an Inevltablo sequence , his habits. na\'o lJecomo mal'O regular , Improving In turn his ma nera. Altogether he has become attractive , ' partially In what ho mIght resent ' \olnl \ ; called a girlish seuse , as tho' effect of his greater tlellcacy , but chlel1) ' In 11 Imrely mascul1no way , slnco In point of real1t ) . ho was neveI'I bororo BO 1111\nly or so scrupulous of bG [ personal honor. Ilts mother 11.1 the ono chlefi ' re. , sponsl\lo \ fa I' lhls llallpy ovoll1t1on , ' ' ' her denned 'l'hlrtr yoat's ago 11rototnlo n cap and became fraukly middle. aged cat marrlnge. From thnt day the principal featmo of Ier personal np. poarance-hor fIgurc-ceased to Intor. est her especially , and at forty she ; wns satisfactory to a degree as a , mother , \ut \ utterl. } ' worthless as n comrade nnd as a holper. at fortyf1vo. she fs her tlnughter's equal : In appearance , and usually , wo be , 111 eve , her suporlor In lne possession of that. m 'sterlous , Indefina\le \ , ) 'ot pe- cullnrly fascinating quaUty Imown as "charm. " She has not only mnln. talned , but enhanced , her attractiveness - ness by growing wim , as we11 as for , her children. It Is this dally association from ba\yhood \ with her to whom Instinct' accords earliest rovereuco that' has refined the oy. 'I'he rather may hnve been no less congeulal as a comrade , but circumstances have mlulmlzed hi. a comparntlvo sense 111s helpfulness as a friend. II1mf } 1f the product of a generation less carefullY' trained , and possessing the ! 'Ielfsatlsfactlon ' of 11ersonal success , he IS unabo ] to per. celve the desirability of a change In method tondlngto broaden develop ment. Hence his patronIzingatti. . tude , his dlspostlon [ to continuo to treat as a child the son rapidly Ill ) ' proachingmanhood. . It is the mother , pCI'slstlng- being- n girl. who Is glad to be regarded and treated by the boy as an Inte11ectual 'oqual. To her , therefore , belongs the credit of a transformation which' we' lJellev6 to be clearly percolvable , mr whIch bodes the greatest g-ood to thl vast American organIsm which soon will requlro the tlnest mental and' moral fiber yet tl mandedy \ c1villzaJ tlon. Bible "History Up to Date. 1\111101' \ Reese HutchInson , the inven' tor , Is a great motor onthuslast. and ho has for man } ' ) 'ears been Interest. ed In their development. Ho sold' out his stable when ho , toole to motorln , and In consequence his son , Reese ; Jr. , n. bright lIttlo' chap of three , Imowa little of an.thlng- the vehl. cle 11no save the automobllo , Before hIs retnrn from his country' pace ] , In Ba , } ' Shore recently the lad's , mother was telling- hIm several DI\JI \ : cal storIes , and among- ethers told of the bIrth of the SavIour of the worlll , In n. stablo' In Bethlehem , The lad was mnch Interested , and late In the 'evening he awolto from his sleep anll Insisted on more storlos. Aslced what storIes he especially d slred , he replied - plied , sorlously : , "Oh , I ( lon't lenow , I thlnle I 1IIto that ono n\out \ the garage in Bethle , hem. " I _ What Tuberculin Is. Tuberculin Is the result of man ) ' experiments to obtain a curative antitoxin - toxin , or serum , for tuberculosis. It Is a product of the growth of the tuber. , Ie organism In artificial cultures , says Farming , but It.IG a perfectly harmlms product when prol1erly used. Ir w1l1 neither cure nor cause , the dlseaso to spread In au affected anImal : neither will It Injure a health ) ' ono In any war. In sl lled hands It Is almost In , fa11l\)10 \ and. with orcJlnary Judgment the errors are only u few per cent. In Pennsylvania .1,000 animals thnt had ; ; iven charactorlstlc reactions wore slaughtered and examIned and the presence of the dlseasu was demon. strated in all lJut olght. The Eye Game. CapUvatl lg shades are "coming In" with the likIng- for cantllo light at din , ner part es. Ono of the prettiest shades Is of whlto I.'tltln , ombroldered \"llth silverthread. . Candlehadc games will bo popular. Ono Is called the "oro game. " Ever , } ' shade bears n l'oproductlon of the e'o of a dls , tlngulshed man'or womal1 , Imlnted on mica , which lights up. Pencils am ] cards are passed IIrou1HI at desert , and guesses as to the ownJrs of the orlgfnal eyes arc written tlown. Th ( diner wllo makes the largest numbol of correct guesses gels a prlzo , Gloria Mundi , "Speak of me , " quoth the novollst. . magnanlmousl. } ' , "as" 'frankly 'us If ] had been dead 100'ears , " "If you had been tlead 100 years ] shouldn't bo spenklng of ) 'Ou at all , ' replied the critic , taking prompt. ad vantale of the dlspensntlon.-Puck. It's often difficult to g't even with people who eWe ) ' 0\1 money. . - - - - - - - - - l'It"Inslll" " , . : ' ; nnthlllit 11'1IP' For children Icelhlnll. lOti eM Ihe Iuma , rrlueel II\ ' aamml'lon. allaJ'l1)ahl.curclYlnltcolle. . Q. buWt Almost nn ) ' ono cnn bo n power for cvll-but It takes ( a I11l\n ntuons . mOl' to be a 11001' for gooll. . I'UTN.U [ FAUEIESS DYES color ' OOtl8 ' ' culm' wIth It's mal'O , bl'lghtul' " . ! ! wol'le then olhcl' ! . About the oril. } ' dlrrerenco between n. famn , } ' jar and a ( ami ! ) ' row } s U1at the jar Is n trHle s111allor. - - - - - - - - - - Lowls' stn lc DlI1l1cl' costs mOl"\ ! than I other lie ' , Bmoltcrll IUlow wl1YOul' dealer dEIII's ! ) ' Fnctor ' . Peal' In , 111. , . - - - - - Elun1'ty of your enomles Is lese uu. certain than the ( rlendshlp of your friends. National Pure Food lnd DruDs Act. The Gnrfiehl Hl'lIIc ics mcct with the hi hcst I'CllIhclncntR of the JICI.a \ \ ' . ' 1'0\,0 \ Gnl'ticltl 'l'lfor const\uton. ! \ ! _ t "I hear , Mrs. O'Flannagan. thnt your husband Is'er ' strong In In's convlc. " "YIs ' lJut ho's walee In his tlon ! ! . , SOl' : , hend. " - - - - - - - - - - Defiance Starch-Never sUelts to the Iron-no blotchta-no bUsters , 111111ee3 Ironing easy nnd099 tlot injure the ' GOO s. , COGt of the Taj M2hal. The Taj : \ahnl , at Agra , wOl1ld cost ten ml11lons If l1t ton ) ' . It wn begun In lG29 , and finished In 1G-18. . . - - - - - - - Important to Mothers. 'Eruntnc carefully'every ! Jolllc or CASTOntA , n ado nnd urc rcmf ) ' ror lufnnte I1ml chll ren , nnd 6CQ thnt It /7f1 - ' Deers the / L'A SIsi1l1lurc or ) : 7. U' In Usa For Over 30 YCllr , The Kind 1'011 llave A1wa.Ye ! lOUCI1 . Will Study Irish Language. The education committee of the LOll' don cOl1nty council Ims doclded to recommend - ommend to the council thl\t classes for the study of the Irish lan l1ago and lit , eraturo be , opened In the pubUc elc' mentary schools of Flnsbury , IsUn toll , St. Pancras nnd Stel1uoy. . - - - - - - - - - - - t Sheer whlto goods , In fact , nny fine wash goods when ne'\"l , owe ml1ch of their attractiveness to the way they are laundered , this being done In 0 manner to enhance their toxt1o ! b'n\I' 13' , Home ] lt11lderlng would bo equal. ly saUsfado.rr If lu'oper attention wa : : given to starching , the lIrst being good Starch , which has sufllclant strength to stlfien , without thlc1tenin ( ! the goods. Try Delianco Starch an you w111 be ple santly surprised at th Improved appearance of your worle. Depew Writes Remlnl:1cences. : While Senator Chauncoy 1\1. Dopew was enjo'lnr ; his long rest at Ardslcy' onthe.Hudson he ( lid , a. good deal , 01 worle on his reminIscences. He fs nol sure that they will ever be published his Idea belnr ; that they mIght be 01 Interest to hIs son. In his fifty year of pubUc Ufe Mr. Depow has knowil a great mnny promInent personage and his remIniscences can hardly ( all to bo exceedingly rcadablo. Checked Attempt at Monopoly. . Trusts were 10moUmes dealt wltb summarily In' old England , 1"01' I'n ; stance , the r cords of the Brewers' company show that "on Monday , July 30. 1-122 , Robert Chlchele , the mu'or 01 Lend n , sent for the masters and 12 bf the most worthy of our company tCJ appear at the Guildhall for Gelling dem ale. After much dispute a\o\1t \ th price and quantltr of , malt , wherehl \Vhlt 'ngtone , the late mayor , declarm ] that the brewers had ridden Into the country and forestalled the malt , te raIse Its price , ther were convicted h : the penaltr of .c20 ( $100) ) , which ob , jectlngto , the masters were ordereC : to po l\Opt In pr son In the chamber lain's custody uhtl1 they hould pay it or fintl security Cor' the paymen' ' thc-c f. " I , NEW YEAR'S CALLS. A New Drink to , Replace the Old.Tlme "AppleJ lck , " Twentfive ) ' : ago the custom 0 : makIng Now Year's calls ; , vas a. de IIghtful ono for qll concerned , untl tome of the bo's bet mal'O "ogg-nog' or "apple-jact" than they could sue cessfully carry , Then the ladles tried to be charlt able and the gentlemen tried to b4 , as chivalrous au e\'er and stand \1P n , tho'same time. It thlnltS there has not beeI consldern\lo \ ImprovClnent made In UH last quarter of a cen.tUl'Y In tbe US4 or alcoohllc beverages , let him stol to consider , among- other things , thl fact that the old custom of New Year' : culls and the genleel tippling Is nearlJ obs.olete , , ' ' of one'l 'I'ho custom call1ng on : frle"nds , however , at the \egl11nlng \ a the new ) 'ear , Is n. good habit , and nn lather good ha lt to start at that tlml . Is the use of wellnlUdo P Dtum In stead of coffee .or El1lrlts. A State ! } Island doctor has a sen sible daug'utM wh haG set Poutun before her . ; uests IlS a good thingte ( jrlnk at Yue [ 'I'lde , and : I. good ' \'I a : 10 be ln the New Year. Her fatho " ' 1'1 te : "MY daughter . [ \11(1 I' lla\'o usee Post1lI11 for.oOme tlmo PIlDt , and WI , feel uro I contains wholes01110 fool [ materIal. , "I ahall not on ] ) ' recommcnd It te [ m ) ' patients , liut , my daughter will bl , most l11eased to gl\'o a demonstratlO1 . Df Postum to our Christmas and No Year's callers. " Rend "The Hand tI W l1v1lle" In pkC's , "There's a reason. ' , BOY'S HEAD ONE GOLID GORE. Hair All C\mo Out-Undes' Dcctor Three Menthe and No Bettcr- Cultcura Worrco Wonder : . Mr , A. C , Barnott. proprll"to- t. general store In Jh'ard , - Oltlahoml1 , tolls , III the following grateful leUl'I' hoCutlcurJ. . c\1\'l'l his son or n tl'r- riblo ct'zl'lI1J. . "My lIttle bur had ec. zoma. Ills hl'nel WnB ono HoUd Harl' , nll o\'er hill scnlI1 ; his hall' all came out , ntHl 110 RII'fetod ! ' " ( 'lIT 'l11\1ch. I Itnd a 1111 ' 8iclnn trent him , hut nt thc" end of thl'oo I1IontlU1 he wn3 no bl't. or ; I remom\ol'ed \ tll'\t 11\0 \ Cullellra H CI11 o tll NI had cllred 1110 , I\ul art'I' gl\'lng him two ! JoUles of Cu lcur:1 UeRol\'cnt , according to tlll'ect1 n.J : , omlIsing Cullcllrn SOnl ) and OI'lt. I110nt 011 him Ilal1r , his ecZcma 10Ct him , 111s hall' HrcI1lnln , and ho hnn never had nn ' oozoma 'OItIC'O. WO \ISO the Cutlc\1rll Sonp and Olntn\C'ut , a:111 they It'OI ) 0111' s1t111 sort and hoa1t1I } ' . I chct\l'rull ' recommo1Hl the Cutlcura Hemollios for nil caseH of eczema. A , C. Dal'l1ett , : Mar. 30 , 1905. " . . - - - - I Wlfc Desertion larmD. So man ) ' Cll1clnl1l\tI wh'C'fI hn\'o been deGerted bj' lheir 11Utihnnds of late thnt th city coul1cll hl1.J ! talton otopa to , ward putting 11 cllt'ck on stich run. nwa's. It has ! .Jeeu found that mort- gao ! 10al1 shl\l'ks are contrl\ut1ug \ fac. tors in 1\ great many caseB. A man'a I\bl1lty to mortgngo his furnlturo with. out the Imowlego ( ] of hlo wlfo la n strong tC'mltntion to hus andn or weak will. Au ordinance Ilns } ) ( 'en Intro- ducall maldnr ; such 1I10l'tgal0 of no nvnll unl'ss thc ) ' bear the slgnatuI'o or . both hus\m \ a1H _ ! ! : _ Keep III Good Health. Tbere urt' many thousanda of l1eo' 1110 all OVOI' the wOI'hi who can at. tri\uto \ their good hel1llh to taking one , of two Bran roth's Pills every night. 'I'heso pills clel1nso the at01pach nml owols , stimulate the ) chlne ' and liver nnd 11Urlfy the 1Jlood , 'rlIOY are the same fil10 Inxatlvo tonic pills ) 'our Sl'andllnrentslsed , l11Hl lJolng purol ) ' vegetable ther 1\1'0 ndnl1ted to children nnd old people , liS well no these In the vigor of mnuhoodl1l1d womanhood , llrandreth's PIIII ! have lJoen InllJe fQ ) ' over a cont\ll' ' I1nd aI'O 'Cor oalo ovel'ywhore , platn or D\lbal'coated. . . . - - - - ' - ' - Japan's [ ! mproGs Populir. It is doul1lCul If tiny ) 'oy 1 consort , : : : . moro loved by hOl' 11eo11)0 ) than 10' the ompl'ess o ( Janan. Educated accol'd hlg to feudal leloas and sldlled In all the acc01Ilpllsln\lents bofittlng one of her Gocial omlnencc , her majcot ) ' strimgly favol'o the \roadness \ of. tht. IIOW educntion for women and from her prlvato P1lrpO gives large silins tow rd the malntonance of women's ) schools and nnlvUl'slties. During thE war with Russia the empl'ess vlsltod the hospitals man ) ' timeD and m'er } ' day passed 110UrG malting bandag-os , The eerect of these IHil1da es upon the wounded 1:30l : lers has been of deOI ) in' terest to medical l1ud sclentlnc men. for the soldlors lionored by them seemed to raIl , } ' under a pePllllur men , tnt Influenco. All ether bandages were destro'ed after their first nse : these made by the empress were sterilized and used ngaln for the slmplo rensol1 of theIr eIIect on the recovery or the soldlors. , - , - Don't Be Nervous Indies , tut get rid of tbe dis- case which is the cause of' most'of woman's ncrvousnc , vi : . , female troublc : . 141 was very nervous , " writcs Mrs. . L. Jones , of G.IIatin ! , } Tenn. , "and wffctcd six : y ars wHh every discl.r. : pcculhw to my sex. I had headache , backache , and acute female inflammation. I took thrze bottlc5 of Carc1ui and it cured " me. I gained 35 pounds in we ght. I teU my husband th t , i WJ E CARDUi ; \VOfitAN'S \ RELIEf 1 , was worth its weight in. gold J : to me , and I recommend it tea a ' aU women. " , : l ? At nll DrugBisis' o E " . . . . . . , Qttak r Oars . , " In every largo sized 1F'amily Paoltago you'll find n . handsome , Eiemiorcelain 11ina dish , ' 1'ho dishes will plens ovel' houswife , 'l'h Quaker Oat..q will give genu- t .me satIsfactIon to every member of the family. Every family , . ought to eat the . ' ' ' ' ' 4' best roBed oats -that means Quaker Oats. 'rhe Qualcol' on the oulsideof the package gunrantecs the purity and quality of the oats on the inside. QUaker Oats . , . " 'hen you can buy the , large sized , Fanrily PaCr"3G of Quaker OaL'J. containing one of these daintily - tily decor tcd dishes. ut same price you pay for common rolled oats , 25c. there is no reaSOI1 why you should net use the best rolled , OUt.s mnde. . ' \ 11\e Quar egats (9mpt\1\Y , ! } : llC' t Corrullelll cool.1I better , nll.1 ilJ better , tlnll nnT other corlturlll fUllde. 811011I111 , 6r11"(1 lIIcknge , JOc. ' ' I . . . , . KC. ' BAKiNG POWDER . . 25 ounces iorr 2 $ cents The original 25 OUlzce ea1t- Others have copied the can , but 1 < ' equality has never been equaled . at any pnce.t . JAQUES MFG. co. Chicago . - - - - - . _ - - - - - . - - - - " . . . . . . - _ . _ - - - I NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERU EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT , CAPISICUM VASELINE / EXTHACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PL'.NT A OUICK , SURE , SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR. PAIN-PRICE 15e-IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-AT ALL DRUGOISTS AND DEALERS , OR ' BY MAIL. 01' : RECEIPT or 15e. IN PosnG ! ! STAMPS. DON'T WAIT TILL TUD 1 > AIN COM1J9-nlJlJp A 'fUnD HANDY. A substltule for and superior to mustard or nny other plaster , and will not blister the mosl delicate Gkln. The palnallaylng and ollratlvo qualities of the article arc wonderful. It willolop 'lh9 loolhache at once , and relieve Headache and Sciatica. We recommend It as the best and safesl external ' counter-Irrltanl Imown , also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all Rheumatlo. Neuralgic and Gouty complalnls , A trial . will provo what we clllm for It , and It WIll be found to bo Invaluable In the ' household and for children. Once used 110 family will be without It. Many , people say "It Is the bcst of all your preparations. " Accepl no preparation of vaseline unles3 thl ) : : : : lme carries our I\Qel , AS otherwise It 1:1 : not genuine. SEND YOUH ADD'RESS AND WE WILL MAll. QUn VASE. LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEHEST 'IOU. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. 17 STATE STREET. ! lEW YORK CITY : : : tB II t.3 WA n V I'altl for ( h" JlroO of nn ) ' mlsraprasenla. ' 4D I' } 000 " 00 tl . 1'I..P. tlons III our Lltcraltro ! about FAlfURRIAS LAND . III ( ho GUI.F COAST COUH7RV IN OaUTII TEXAG. Ollr I'a..mers make 'urcrol > of frollJ $50,00 to $ ] 00,00 Ill'r nero , alllllwnor Ihroo crOI's a ) 'e3r. SUFFICIENT RAINFALL. P.hDUC- TIVE 6011.8. ARTE31Atf WELLS. ilEAl. TItFUL CLIMATri. No DIJ7.Zards In onr Counlr ) ' like III the Pan hanellc. Lalld gell , NOW al ' 14.00 10 par acre. 011 ca.y torms. W'OTl 'fO. l > A Y fnr Plum I.ITI > HATtIIW allli J.ATHST 'fHXAS MAl' . dvertlslnt l > cp''rtmellt I ) , PALI'URRIAS IMMGHATION ( ; OMI'ANY. KAN S CITY , MO. LET S SHO\\I YOU. - - - - - rn m UnfB1 "nmf t JdUM .II L lUJ SLOP i1D , SPATTER MUSS OR STOVE POP-B8H . . . - - - - - - - O\'cr 200,000 Amcrlcall I nrlllers who hn ve FCt. Iha irealelil OVER NINETY M llIOt BUSHELS of wheat frpm Ilia har\'r'q IIf I' ) ( ) ( , lIIr'ans 1(10 < 1 mulley 10 th farllleni uf WeHlarn CaliAda when the \.olld 110111 tu be fed. C.UIlc : HaiNlllg , 1 > .I IY' III ; : : all Mlxcoll'arlllllljt are also ' 1'1I11 , 111\1:8. : Coal , wOlld 01111VOller II nlollllliance ; churchcli allli IIClI0018 cOllnllle/H ; lIIarkel uay of ACI.'t' , 'I'axel' Ie.w , I'or Qlvlce 1I11 < 1111forlll811011 RddruM ( ha SlIper. IlIlelll\olIt IIf IlIlIlIwrlltlou , ( ) III1WII. Calla < l" . fir Rlly auhorl,1 ( ' ; IIlRdlall Gn\.rlllllclit Alelll. ' \ ' / . V. IJENNE1T , 801 New York life naildin , Omaha , Uebraska. . , - - - WANTED At ooon . HIAUY , na" ! . . . . 'l'"AY , " .rltl , Addren ( J 'l' \ BALES MEr. UlLIKItk' : : CO. . l. 1lan. lotra , I . . u. S.NAVY cnlluM for fOllr lean ) ' 0'11I1 ( men ( If 1l00t ! cillunclllr "lid 10111 pbraleal condltlol1 bOo . t'eclI tbo PlCes or I nnd IIpproutlee lea. . 11I0111 cj'\lOnllnHlu ! \ rur adyallccmentJ pa , $16 to ' , U 8 JIIIH1t1. , mectr.clans , mo.IIIlul'lI. blaclII/IIIIII , , , ' / . Tcomoll telerk"1 , C.u Clllcro , bll't ' 1I0rl. IIrenulD. luuslcllura. IU n , OIl ! . bet > I'I'oll 21 und I't Tean. cnllatod 11111 oatul rnllliill : , , 'U.lllilablo ' Inn npll//ln III' ' ' ' III IU : ! O Tcan. bOlrllnl IIIrro-rol/lllIs pnT and allowannes alter U , . "art .enleo. .AIJJllltUDllllllllt bo Alilorican clll7.0lla , I'jut nlothlnll olltflt tree to recruits. Upon (1'011/1 : trayel 8110"/lIiC/l4 cenu per UIIIII (0 1'11"0 "f onliAlwln' , It''nuM tUlirUUDlllli' 1'1& ) ' onllillCrl'81O IfllJL111J10n ro.clIUllm nt " . lour 111"11111 or dl.cb"rKII. Ot11ccs ut . .ltbln a"IIIullllll. , NCllfl"ltn , Also. dllrhlK "Inler. lit ! l1"1 l : , , , . . "I'd Hlollr City. Ilw . Addrtll ffAVY ntCRUtTtNO 5TATIOl'lPO.lIldt..O ' IAIiA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " READERS 01 Ihls paper de. slrina 10 buy any. . . . - . - Ihln , adyertised in Its columns should Insltil upon havlnIC , whal Ihey ask tpr , nfuslna Ioli subsU' I'tcs or Imillolions. W. N , U. , OMAHA , NOt 49 , 1906.