Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 06, 1906, Image 4
) : j\'H1I' " I . . " \I4'1r.1" ; " " " " tUJte.r tQ\\nt \ , epubUaant D. M. AMSBERHV , - - PUbllshor ( . ) HAS. K , DASSETT , - ASlloclnto . - - - - - - - - - - - - Thursday , Dec. , 6,190& . . - . . - ' . - ' - . . - - 'l'here has bcen to much of the opinion-not exprcsscd , pcrhaps , -but implied , at leastof "the public be d-"on tbe part of many corporations and combina- tions. Many of them ha\'e finally come to see their error , and have . . tried through publicity bureaus to educate the public to a different - ent view than. that which the common . people had obtained. Thcre has undoubtedly been much truth and justice in what has been sent out-in the effort to change public sentiment--but the work of education came too late. It fell on unwitling and unprejudiced cars-cars that . have become couvinced that ' .no oed thing- can come out of Nazareth. " [ i'or years the opinions - ions of the public were ignored , amI then when it was found that a selfish : ourse had placed public opinion against them , many interests suddenl , wolte up anel vigorously attempted to brin a change about but it was too late. 'l'he } mblic is like a woman scorneil-slte wants revenge e\'en if it injure herself. It is probable that the public has gone far enough in somc instances to injure its own interests , but this is what would be expected. The way to secure fair treatment is to . give it-before being dr'en iu a corner anel compelled to be just. 'rhe corporations which pursue such a course need nevel fear what the llublic in this count.ry win insist upon having done , li'air treatment ' begets . the same in return. Now the government is after the druggist trust. It is hoped this investigation will not ha\'e the same effect on the price of drugs as the prosecution of the print paper trust. Since the report went out that the combination - bination between the manufacturers - urers of paper had been smashed , the price of print paper has ad vanced $8 per ton. No message of a president has been awaited with more 1nterest than the one of President Roose- velt' which was delivered to congress on Tues ay. It proved to be a logical one , interesting and deals intelligently with the live issues. . 117 Duahel. in 9 Houn. An item recentl.r published stated thatFrnnk Cramer shuckcd 113 bushels of coni in nine hours on the James Raines place. . Last Friday on the . Swope place , farmed by Clarence Franklin , the Cramer record was beaten by George 1.'appan who shucked 1i7 bushels in the same length of time. Tappan , who is about 19 yenrs 01(1 ( , 111 mentioning - ing the matter , said : "Y OLl can bet I didn't stop to discuss wilh anybo y as to whether President Roosevelt was right or wrong in ordering the discharge of the nigger troops. " I Corn $2 a Duahel. E. W. 'Vagner , an , operat r on the Chicago board of trade , has issued an interesting pamphlet in which he takes the ground that denatured alcohol will put corn up to $2 a bushel and corn land up o $300 to 5500 per cre. He says : "Corn is the biggest , readiest and best producer of alcohol in the world. Alcohol is the best and cheapest available source of light , heat arld motive power 111 the world. Light , heat and motive power arc the three agents closest allied to the civilization , development and advancement of the industrial world a d the COI1- ' ortable existence of mantdnd. Those who consi er this funny laugh ; those who think it not \rue should sell the corn crop of 1906 short , but the farmer who (1isposes of his corn below 40 cents at home is throwing a way money. " To OUlt Convict Lobar. The Bureau oLLabor has just iss cd a report devotpd entirel ) ' to the discussion of convict labor. The tendency of various state to engage in the manufacture of goods in competition with free labor is occasioning much adverse criticism , for it not only estab. lishes a dangerous precedent but it' is inimical to the 1Uterests of both commerce and labor , 'rhe dealcr and workingman and ta . payers in assisting to support the penal institution , are thus placed 111 the position of creating and aiding a rival with whom they cannot hope to compete in th open market. ' Those states whol in their eal to strike the so' called trusts , adopt this means 01 solving an economic , probem , . , . . . , " . . - - - , ' . . . ' , IIQ , ; : ' " , . J . . . J , , , ' , . . . . oOr 't . . . . , _ , . I " The Taking Cold Habit The old cold goes ; n new one quickly comes. It's the story of n wcnk thront , wenk lungs , n tcndcncy to consumption. A yer's Cherry Peetornl brenk's up the tnking-cold hnbit. It strengthens , soothes , henls. Askyourdoctorsbout it. "I Iliul trrrlbll' cot. ! , 'nllll . " tlll"1t rellrv1 > ,1 , no , ttrle.1 A''or' , l'herr , I'ectornl nllll It Ir"ml" ' " btoko III' III . ) ' 1'010' ' a'OI'I'ed ' lilY rl'lllh,1\11I1 elllet cyrr1nt : 0 , 1I1Ybnly. . n dhlYI'lIdrrfnl work fur me.l1.J.I ' . LVT7- , Tuledo , Ohio. . . . . " . . . . - - ' " \ ' " - - - - - Made by J. O. Ayer Co. . LowelllJau. Alao 1'IJlIuf.1omren : , or ) , 54RS.'I'ARlLU , - I'II.LS. - 1lel-S IIAIR . , 'IOOR. Icop the bowels regulnr wIth Aycr's Pills. Just ona pili cneh night. ' " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - would appear to be hurting the ver.r class of their people the ) ' arc most anxious to defend. 'rhe disastrous losses t6 the farm implement trade is touched on in : . the report , a condition attributed. in a large measure to thc manu- sacture of binding twine by sc\'era lof the states , The qua1i Club Will Meet. Broken Bow I quality Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Clara A. Young. Dec. 14 , 1906 , in honor of Eli1.abeth Cady Stan- tou , at which time the followin g program will be rendered , after which rcfreshment will be served : Instrumental Solo , J thcl Johnson - son ; ' { 'alk on the Life anGVork of Mrs , Stanton , Mrs. Clara A. Young ; Violin Solo , Tom Stuck- ey ; mposoc1e , Pauline Oldham ; Music , Lulu 'l'ayJor ; Rcading , Mary 13owman ; Vocal ole , Mrs. F. E. Tavlor ; Heading , Zelia Housc ; Re cling , Voilet Larson ; Music , : Arabell Peart ; Reading , Francis Young ; Music , Nola Smith. All members of club are requested to be present. Mra. . Mary Brown Gets Draft for $3000. Joe Moore , secretary of the RQyal Highlander castle at Ansley , delivered to Mrs. l\brv Brown , of this city" Tuesda night , a draft for 53000 amount of insurance carried in that order - der by George Brown , her son , of which she is the beneficiary. 1 t will be remembered by the readers uf the HItl'UUI.tCAN that Geol Brown was killed a few weeks ago on the railroad below Mason City , by the train rUlinng into his team aud buggy. The amount will be of great . value to his mother in her d - I cling.da s and is another very forcible argument in favor of life insurance. New Dank at erwyn. On Monday the Berwyn State Bank , with a paid-up capital of 55.000,00 was organi1.ed with ollicers and directors as follows : , President , Julei1 ! Haumont. VicePres. . , E. A. Hannah. Cabhier , W. L. McCandless. Directors , W. A. George , Frank Miller , John Staab. 'rhe charter , books and supplies are expectc.d in a few d vs and it is the intention to begin' business next week. . Berwyn and the surrounding country is very I prosperous and bhere i e\'ery reason to believe this institution , under the management - gement of the above named gcntlemen , will proh a sound one and of inestimable' value to Berwyn and vicinity. ' Aa Seen by the Inapector. The Uniuersity Journal , published - lished at LincoJ11 , contains an article from the pen of T. Mordy Hodgman , state inspector of high schools , in which he obsen'es the Broken Bow schools as follows : . . "Broken Bow has made remarkable - markable impro\'ements this year -espcciall ) ' 111 its scientific and library equipment. For .rears the burden of hard times and \lnulating debt has l < ept this school sadly deficient in adequate 'plant , scientific , equipment , library and course ofstudy. Now all is changed and Broke\1 Bow bids fair in the near future 1 < J become a strong leader in th < : western part'of the state. Thi happ ) ' transformation is due tc better times , an ambitious board and its efficient superintendent , J. M. l\IcImloo. Having foUl high school instructors , a sURer- intendent trained and experienced in normal methods and a wide I territory seeking better ru ra1 teachers , Broken Bow has \ i elJ undertaken the normal tra1UlUg , course but the courses . carried strictly on the fitan ards su gested in the pubhshed I syllabi. \ . ' - . . . , . . ' . , , " . . , ' . " , . , . . - _ " . r , " I. . ,1\ . III' Sad Acclde t at MUH Cltr , ' Last Snturday afternoon Mrs , E. E. Davis , residing about 5 miles south of Mason City was killed by jumping from a buggy while' tcam driven by her was , runninJ. { away. lIer sister. Mr6. J. L. Knox"was riding with her. when olle , f thc tugs become unhooked - hooked yltlch allowed the pole of the buggy to drop to the ground. 'l'his frightened the horses and the.r started to run. Both ladies jumped , Mrs. Davis' neck bting broken , death occuring 111 a few minutes , while Mrs. Knox was badly hurt , but it is thouJht will recQver. Undertaker Kimball , of Broken How , went to Mason that night and prepared the remains of Mrs. Davis tu be tatten to Lushton , York county. her former' hOlUe , for burial. . , . - - - - - Dilchargcd for Want of Evidence. J. H. Goddard and son , arl who were arresteI ! ; last week upon suspicion of dynamiting three safes at Callawav , were discharged from custody ; County Attorney Johnson deeming the evidence insufficient to convict -and no preliminary hearing was harl. Upon baing released from jail the son was re-arrested upon a warrant sworn out by Charles Westcott , of Grand Island , who identified Earl as having stolen a horsc and buggy from him a year or so ago. The sheriff from Grand Island was on hand and took him to that county wher I he will be tried fur horse stealing. The Royal Highlandeu Meet. The Hoyal Iligblanders enjoyed - joyed another royal time at their regular meeting Tuesday night. A numbcr came up from the Anslc ) ' castle as g'nests of Berwick - wick castle. Three refugees were introduced to the mysteries of the oreler by the assistance of the team , under the able leadership - ship of Captain Frank Grillith. After the work of thc castle was ccmpleted the members of the castle with their guests enjored : a general supper provided by the Fair ladies in the banquet hall. Among those present from Ansley were : Mrs.Frank Carhn , Mrs. Schnab , Mrs. J. H. Varney , l\Iiss Deliah Scott : Miss Agnes Crowthers , Messers J. A. Moore , Albert Burk , Carl Russell , T. A. Jewell , H. L. Kerr , Harry Butler , C. Arlington and Lep K ml ) " . Married in Omaha. Victor O. Pattcrson , Ncw oston , III. .21 Edn Bluc , rokcn How , Ncb. . , . . . . . .24 Under the head of "Marriage Licenses" the foregoing two Hnes appeared in the Omaha Bee l st Saturday. Miss Blue is-or rather was-tcacher of the 10th grade in. the Broken Bow schools. In tbat capacity she has provcn ver.y efficient and her pupils and friends will , perhaps , discover no changc except that it is now Mrs. Patterson , instead of Miss Blue , who will continue her duties - ties in thc school , yet all are anxious to see the groom who did not ccompany , her from Omaha. I am making farm loam ; at 5 I . per Cl'nt interest. JAMES LItD\VICU , 25tf ' Broken Bow , Neb. . . - - - . . . - - - - No'rlCl Ul < ' l"INAT. Sl TTI.EMEN'r. ; rille 8TATR 01' NIIIIRAYKAlYR CUIITRR COUNTV. f' In COllnty COllrl , before A. H. lIumlhre ) " . County Jud.eln . the lIIalter of the estate of Jalllesllln.halll. . Deccalled. ' 1'0 the Credltc.ffl allllllelrll , an,1 to all who are Intereqted In the estate of JameK ' D ceaRe,1 : 1Ihllfhalll'I 'l'AKl NO'1'ICl . 'l'hat Willard Uhllhalll , I Admllllfitrator of the aforesaid Estate , has : filed a report of his dolnls as snch , and asks that the sallie bo approved , and that he bo dls- charll'ed frolll furtller oblliatlon therein , allll that the. Coullty Judae luake 8uch order a8 to the distribution of the a88e\ll bcloUKhlll to 8ald estate as lIIay seelll just aud equitable ; a 11I1 to a"lIllI"lI the dower of the widow bereill. desll : ' lIatd the heirs elltltled to a IIlIare III flal,1 estate , and to "rallt Buch other relief as may be deemed lIecessary In tbo I1l1al seltlement of sal,1 estate. Said malter Iiib..en ! lIet Cor hearlllll' on tbe 4th day of January. 1907. at 9 o'clock a. III , . at tbe County Court room. In 1Iroken Uow. Nebraska , at which tlmo anll'lace all partie. . . luterested nll\ ) ' appear and be heard concernlllil the same , Datell this : :1rtla : ) ' of December , 1906. hllC Ll A , HlluMI'IIRRV. 26-'l1 Count ) ' Judle. Notice to NOIresldent Defendants. Jellllle l. tcCully , IIarry 1McCully. : . DaI8) ' lcCullY allli Marlon C , lIInlllllIdefendants. . will take nollee th:1011 the 6th day of Decem. ber. 19011 , Anton Abel , 1)lalntlff herein , filed his 1tltlon In the District conrt of Custer cOllnt ) ' , Nebraska , against II a 1 < 1 defendant ! ! and James A , Ward and I\Ir8 , James A. Ward , bls wtfe , tlte object and prayer of which are to foreclose a ccrtatll mortllalle , eXecu d b ) ' 0110 1-'rancIR r. McCulto the plallltll1 upon tbe Routh half ( J I of section tell ( IOJ. cabt half ! ) of the i 1I0rlh.eallt qllarter ( I , east half ) of the suuth.east quarter ( . , "olltbwebt qnartqr H ) of tile quartcr ( ) , nortb'west quarter ( ) of tile sonth.east quarter ( I. west half ( hI of the 1I0rth'\fcst qnarter I ) . WUBt half ! ) of the 1I01\tbwest ( " soutlH allt quarter 'I of the norlh.west Quarter ( ' ) , Dortll-ea8t qnarter I ) of the southWest quarter ( ) of section I eleven (111 ( , ' \ ! lt half of the northwest qnarter ( J , { ) . west half US ) of the lIoutb.west Quarter of lIectlon twcll'o (1:1) ( : ) . east half n ) .of sectlun , fifteen (15) ( ) . and all In township Jourteen ( H ) . , ranll'e'twentythree (231 ( , west. to sccure the I ) ) ' of a prollllS80ry note dated November . 1905. for tbo sunt of f4O.OO and due and pay. I able on tbo lint da ) ' of Novcmber , 1910 , with 1lIoc ; per cellt Interest from the date tbereof. payable allllually. and which saId note has been declared due b ) ' reason of a l'rovlslon In the mOrlll"lille provlthlillhat 8ald debt Ula ) ' be declared due on failure to pa ) ' Interest at the time tbe I13mo matures all,1 the Interest on 8ald note maturln ! : No'cmber 1. 1906 , hall not been lald or any part of It and tbe plaintiff has declared - clared said note due and payable , Tboro Is now due all stld uote and mortllale the 8um of , f 9 OOO with 81s per ceut Interest thereoll frolll. . November I , 1900 , and 81xper CCllt Inlererest upon accrued Interellt. $197,00 , from November 1.19\)6. and Illalntltf praY8 tbat 8ald preml8es may be decreed to be sqld to satld , ' the antouut duo lhereon , You are required to answer said petition on , or before the 14tb day of Januory. 191 > 7. ANTON ADEL. l'lalntltf , 117 , A. COOK , his attorney. ) .29 . . , tf . _ _ _ . _ il , - . , - ' . .Jo.- " " ' : ' ; : _ 0. _ " ' .L'U' IJ11".4" . . . - . . , . . . . . . . 'Sat. December 15th at Ona o'clock p. m. , at Richardson's J3 rn in Broken Bow , we' will sell the last of our horses , cattle , hogs , wagons , buggies , harness ; in fact everything we don"t t w n t to take with us to Texas , and if we sell our hemet place , north of Broken : Bow , will sell h01.\sehold goods. TERMS : Cash 01" good. not .for 6 months with approved - proved security at 10 pr ct. WILLIS C DWELL' ; . . , , = : ' - - - : - Opera Honse , Tlll rs. , Dec. . 13th , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1\1' . Porter J. 'Vhite presents his Stupenduous and : Magnificent production of : US'T j GOETHE' IN MORTAL TRAGEDY , , . , - - - - - _ . , . , THE MOST COMPLETE . THEA TInCAL . PRODUCTION I EVER PRESENTED . , IN THIS CITY. . , CARRYING 'ALL THEIR OWN SCENERY. BUNCH L G HTS . AND FIRE EFFEC'l'S. 1.'HE ACME OF STAGE REALISM. \ - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I 1 MISS OLGA VERNE AS "mat'gu t'lt " \ . . " , , 'SEE' : ' - THE BEAUTIFUL . GARDEN SCENE , THE FAMOUS ROCKEN SCENE : E3E , .A. . ' THE - WORLD'S FAIR QUAR'fET , IN THE - . CELESTIAL CA THEDRIAL SCENE . , , , : . . I Pr8Ice't. . . Reduced to Firs t Seven Rows , $1.00 ; Balance of , Parquette , 75 cents. Chairs , 50 c nts ; Elevation , 35 cents ; Children. to - . , ' . ' " . - - - , - . . . - : . . ' EVERYTHING , 'F R HRISTMAS . " . The time of good cheer will soon , be , here. So soon , in fact , th t it is ' . , now time tc be m kol1 g list of . all' you intend to h ve for . " . . - . - . ' . Christmas. . . , And you , may also' like to know the ' r best Jlace ? to make : purchases. . This - we can answer and : positively as. . , sert you will ha va to se k no further th n this store for what 'you w nt. , . Fre'sh Oysters Oelery Oandies Nuts 'l'urkish Figs Cranberries ' BananasOranges. . Lemons ' . . ralaga Grapes Pears Bellflower Apples . I " Ouster Oounty Honey , strained and in the comb N ebraska , Iissouri and New York . . . Apples FREE I ! A BEAUTIFUL . PICTURE with a ean of Baking Powder which is go od and never fails to give entire satisfaction. . . J. N. PEA L E' , SOUTH SIDE SQUARE , 'BROIEN BW. I " I . " , \ \ . ) , I . , , . . \ , , ' , . ' . I . .