. _ " " " " - ' ' ' " ' " " - - : : - - - " , . - . . . " " , . . - , HUMMING DIRD CHASED DEE , .j Movements of COL" ' . , Resembled ! 1 Flashes of Lightning. - Here Is story as told by a gentlo- mm who spends the greater portion ot hl time studying the habits ot birds : A humming bird with an angry dash expressed Its disapproval ot the pres. ence ot a big bumblebee In the Bame tree. The usually pugnacious bee In. continently fled , but he did not leave the tree. He darted back and forth among the branches and white bIos. soms , the humming bird In close pur- suit. 'Wlere will you find another pair that could dodle and dart cqual to' tl ese ? They were lIlto flashes ot light , yet the pursuer followed the track ot the pursued , turning when the bee turned. In 'short , the bird and the bee con. trolled the movements of their bodies moro qulcltly and moro accurately \ tlihn ho could control the movements of his oyes. The chase was all over In. half the time It tnltos to tell It , but the excitement ot a paclt of hounds after a fox was no greater. The bee escaped , the bird giving up the chase and alighting on a twig. It couldn't have been chasing the bee for food , nnd there Is no posslblo oxplanat on of Its unprovolted attaclt , o.cept that it wanted all the honey Itself. American Expert Leads World. Gardner F. Williams , the Amorlcan mining onglneer who directs the din. . ' . mend output of the world , was born In Michigan , but became a resident ot California at 15 c.nd a student at Call. fornla college In Oakland , afterward the state university. Ho perfected his education at the mining Academy of Freiberg , among the lead mines ot Saxony. Ho was assayer In the mint . ' nt San Francisco two years and spent some time In practical work In the mines of Nevada nnd northern California - fornia : Ho then went on an exploring expedition for the Rothschllds to Mil.- schonaland and made the acquaintance - anco of Cecil Rhodes. Ho toolt charge of the mines of the Do Beers company In 1886 , through the Infiuence ot Rhodes and has been at their head until - til recently , when ho returned to . America , leaving his son , Alpheus . WH- lIams In his place. The Scotsman's Diet. For centuries the chic ! diet f the Scotch poopld has been oats In some form or other. As a result they are to-day the strongest , both mentally . { lnd. physically , of any nation In the : world. The best rolled oats made is Quaker Oats , and our readcrs can now get a large family package for 25c , and with each package , free , a beautl. . . rul vleco of imported china. Ask your grocer to-day for a lamlly package of , Quaker Oats. - Anticipate Honor for New Yorker. Rev. Dr. Magnes , recently elected assistant rabbi ot Temple Emanu-El , In New Yorlt , Is spoken of as the next president of the American Federation ot Zionists : at present Dr. Frieden- waldo of Baltlmoro , is the official head of the federation. He who comes up to his own idea of greatness must always have had a very low standard of it in his mind. -Hazlltt. Few men wlll admit they are wrong as long as there Is a chance to make others bellovo they are right. CRISIS OF GIRLHOOD , A TIME OF PAIN AND PERIL . Miss Emm . Cole Bays that Lydia. B. Pinkham's Vegeto.blo Compound has Ba.vod Her Lifo and Mo.do Her Well. How many , lives of bcaut ul young girls have boon sacrificed just as they were ripening intowomannooc11 How mu.ny irregularities or dlsplncoments have been developed at this Important period , resulting In years of suffering I , A mother should come to her Cl111d's aid at this critical time and remember that Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound wl1l prepare the system lor the coming change and start this try. Ingperrod In a young glrl'sllfo without II pain or irregularities. Miss Emma.Colo of Tullnhoma , Tenn. , I ' writ s : Dear Mrs. Pinkham : U I want to tell you that I am njoylng bet ; . ter health than I have tor : r 8rs. and I owe itnll to Lydia E. Pinkbnm'sYegetablo Com. pound. " When fourtcct years of n I rofTertd almost - most constant pain , and Cor two or three l00rs I hnd sorencss and pain In my sldol ueadllchos Ul1Il was ( llzzy and nervous , anI ! doctors ull Called to holn m . "Lydia E. Pinlham's Vegetable ompound was recommended , und ufter taklnt lt my health began to inprov Tl1pldly , and I think It saved my lito. I sincerely hope myexperl- enco wlll 00 aho1p to other girls \vhol\ro pass- Ill ! ; Crom girlhOOd to womanhood. Cor I linow your Compound will do 118 much for theul. " If you lcnowof , lUY-'Young girl who Is sick and needs motherlyadvlcc ask her to wrlto ltfrs , Plnlcham , Lynn , 'Mass. , and she will receive free advice which will put her on the right road to strong. hca1 thy nnd happy womanhood. Mrs. Pinldlam is daughter-In-law of Lydia. E. Plnltham and for twcnty-fivo ye rs bas been I1dvi < ilng sick women of char e. - ! IN STORKVILLE ; , CENTRE How Mr , IIJllnx Cot 4,000 Brlok8 for Nothing . . "Tho only man In Storltvlllo Contel who hall a house with brick fOUlulntlon walls , " said Col. Calliper , "was Hob ! 'ort minx. Not but what brlclts are to 'bo had In plenty In thnt Jocnllty , for there Is a fine pit of brlclt clay In the nolghborhood , but stone is I cheapor. "And so when Robert lllinx bull this house with above ground founda. tlon walls ot briel" why , nnturally , these brick supporting walls wore con. shlorod remarlmblo : but the walls Ithemselves wore not near ! ) ' so remark. able os the manner In which the bricks contained In them were obtnlned , with the Incidental fact thnt Mr. minx got his brlclcs for nothing. It was llko this : "Mr. Dllnx , as it happened , lived n Itlttlo out of the center , on 0. road to tho. brlclt Jtlt'ns , and right baclt ot his Iplace , on another parallel road , there was 0. row ot cottages occupied by men who worked in the brick yard. "Now minx had cats , and It was not Ilong after he came there before his cats became a great annoyance to his bricltmalter neighbors in the rear. Tko cats would como out Into minx's baclt yard and garden nights and howl and yowl frightful. .ly and disturb the brlcltmen's 'sleep. Pretty soon , o.s people do everywhere - where at other people's cats , the brlclt malters began throwing things at Bllnx's-bootjacles and old shoes and 'Ithe ' usual things lIlea that , with the usual ineffective results , untll finally one night , just by the merest chance , one of the men plclted up and throw o.t the worst of the cats a brlcle , which 'landed ' fair and square on Its marlt. "After that they throw lUany brlclts , whlc-h rarely hit what they were almel1 at , but which did tear up Mr. minx's baclt yard and garden something scan. dalous. And then the throwing of the bricks suggested to Mr. Bllnx an Idea. "He had qulto 0. piece along there on his road , and pretty good land , but the house on it was old , and not much ot a house anyway , and Mr. minx came Ito thlnlt about building a new one. And 'he ' was a thrifty man , always saving where ho could , and when these brlclts began to come over he had o.n idea. "How much less would it cost him , , ! to asleed a mason , to have the tounda. : tlon ot his new house Quilt , it he , 1B1lnx , furnished the material for the ! part above ground : and the mason ; ! said a matter ot $35 or $40 , , and so Bllnx set about collecting the bricks Ithrown 'at his cats to provldo th11t ma. ' 'terlal ' : the mason having told him , when Bllnx had casually mentioned bricks to him one day , that It he bt lt' ' lof that material , his top foundation walls would require about 4,000' bricks. ' "At the average at which they had been coming over nights for the previous - vious two or three weoles , Mr. minx figured that It would taleo him about a , year to collect that num1.er ! in thlsj way nnd In that tlmo o bricles .thrown might do considerable damage ' 1n his yard and garden and so he thought he'd put up 0. little protection , for them. As It was there was just a post and rail fence running along the rea of Mr. Bllnx's property between , that and thb brlclt men's yards , and , now ho put up , at the foot of his yard , a d garden plot a six foot board fence. . setting It back about six feet , so that. when the brlcl.s struck it they would. . fall on his own land. "All eats , every whore , like to walle. on the tops ot fences and aU cats , 'seem ' to welcome meotlng other cats there as an amply sufficient provoca- 110n fOr clawing and spitting , fighting : and howling : and no sooner had Mr. BlInx got his fen o up than all tho' cats In Stor..kvlllo aenter , apparently. : came nights to wallt on It : and what. . had 8J cd the frightful howling of ; minx's cats seemed now to the sounds : produced by this new band of cats as ) but the feeble tuning up of a.few scat'l torlng members of an orchestra to the , t.:1l0 that breales loose when the whole outfit gets going. I "The brlclt men were stirred ac- ' cordlngly : and night nfter night when' they came homo from worlc they brought valises and carpet bags full of bricks : and when the cats started. up they did. With the first squak of a. cat you'd hoar a brick land against the. board fence and when the cats got' going-why , humph ! I've heard what. some people thought was quite some racket in back yards hero in the city" when cats were caterwauling and peo" pie were firing revolvers out of the ! windows to scare 'em off and throwing ; various odds and ends at 'em that clat. . tored more or less , but all that would bo child's play to what you could hear ; out in this qulot country place when' ' the bricks were thundering on minx's board fence and 40' cats on top ot Il were walling and screeching and ; screaming abo\"e the uproar. "All this was masle to Bllnx. Why" he tolU me that on a number of morn Ings-he used to get up early to carry 1\way the brlcles before p oplo around , got up-on a number of mornings he carried away five wheelbarrow loads of brleles , and ono morning lIe got se'lOn : I And In less than a month he had , bricks enough for what he wanted and to spare. "Then ho tore down the fence and drove away all the cats , his own In. . , cluded , and gave the neighborhood peace , and gave the mason orders to go ahead with the cellar foundation : and he had brldt8 enough for the walln and' pretty near enough left for his ( : hlm. neys. "Bllnx Is dead now , but the old'house still stands , the first and the tmly I house with top cellar walls of brlclc yer built in Storkvlllo Centor. " I , ---'I - "THE MARRYING SQUIRE. " Justlco Gee , E. Law , of Brnz" , Ind. , Hils Mnrrled 1,400 Couples. Justlco 000. E. Law , ot Drnzll , Ind. , baa fnlrly earned the Utl3 ot "Tho Mar. rylng Squlro , " by which he Is known far and wide , hav. Ing already married some 1,400 couples. ' ' ' rtO 'l'en ) 'ears ngo was l1elluty county . treasurer. "At thnt time , " said Justice Law , "I was sufferIng - Ing from an annoy. Ing kidney trouble. My bacle ached , my rest was broken at night , and the 'passages of the kldnoy secrotlons were too frequent amI contained sediment. Three 1 : xes ot Doan's Kidney Pills cured mo In 1897 , and fot" the past nine years I have been free from Itld. ney complaint amI baclmcho. " Sold by all denlors. \ 60 cents a box. Foster-l\Ulburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. . Plcquart Shows Generollty , Gen. Plcquart , the defender of Dreyfus and now the Prench mlnlstor of war , has defined his attltudo to. ward his ld prosecutors In the army. When an officer who WIlS Involved In the conspiracy that banished Pic quart to the border or the Sahara , entered the minister's office and began to stammer out a statement on the sub. ject Plcquart stopped him , saying : "I only know ono thing nnd that Is that you have always been an excellent ot. fIcer. You may be sure that I shall not for ot that. " Lnundry work at hOl1e would bO muc" more satisfactory If the rIght Starch were used. In order to get the desired stiffness , It Is usually necoe- sary , to use )30 ) much starch that the beauty and fineness of the fabric Is hidden bl3hlnd a paste of varyinG thlclmess , which not only destroys the appearance , but also affects the Wearing - ing quality of the goods. This trouble can be entirely overcome by using Defiance - fiance Starch , as It cnn be applied much moro thinly because of Its greater - er strength tha1)o other malees. GAVE DRUMMER A SCARE. DelaY6d Telegram Suggested Awful Possibilities. "Thero was ' 0. traveling man , " said the night operator , "whose wIre presented - sented him with a son whlle ho was out drumming up trade. The doctor got the man's address , and , slnco his wIre was doing none too well , wrote oat a message glTing him the news and tc-lUng him to return. "Tho doctor gave the message to the cook , who couldn't read. She forgot to send It , and the next day the drummer came homo' his own ac- cord. "He stayed a. day or two , found his wIre doing all right , .and set out or. his rounds again. .Nothlng , as it hap. pened , waS Bald about the forgotten telegram. "And at the end of the week the telegram was remembC'l'ed by the cook. With an exclamation of horror -you lenow she couldn't read-sho hurried to the office and sent to the drummer that delayed message. When ho got it that night he was terrified. What he read was this : " 'Another addltlon-a son : your wire very 1ll : return at once. ' "He took the midnight train for hQme. Ho was UltO a man in a trance. . 'Another ? ' he kept muttering In a dazed voice. 'Impossible ! ' "On getUng home he was so relieved - ed when everything was explained to him that he decided not to fire the cook , after all. " . A DOCTOR'S TRIALS. He Sometimes . Gets. Sick Like Other People. Even doing good to IJeople Is hard work it you have too much of It to do. No one knows this better than the bard-working , conscientious family doctor. He has troubles of his own- often gets caught in tbe rain or snow , or loses so much sleep he sometimes gets out of sorts. An overworked Ohio doctor tells his experience : "About three years ago as the result of doing two men's work , aU n lng a 'largo practice and looltng after tbe detalls of another business , my health broke down cc.mpletely , and I was lit. tle 6otter than a pIiyslcal wreck. "I sulYered from indigestion and constipation , loss of weight and appe- t.lto , bloatln and pain nrter meals , loss ot memory and la lt of nerv , force for continued mental appllca. tlon. "I became irritable , easlw angered and despondent without cause. Tho' heart's action beca.me Irregular and weak , with trequent attacks ot palpl. tatlon during the first hour of two nfter reUrIng. "Somo Grape-Nuts and cut bananas came for myunch one day and pleased mo particularly with the re- sult. I got more satisfaction from It than from anything I hrd ; eaten. tor months , and on further investigation and use , ndopted Grape-Nuts for my morning and evening meals , served usually with cream and a sprlnklo of salt or sugar. "My improvement was raDld and permanent In weight as well as In physical and mental enduranco. In a word , 1 am filled with the joy of livIng - Ing again , nnd continuo tbo tIally use of Grape-Nuts for breakfast and orten for the eventng meal. "Tho mUd pamphlYlt , "mo Rend to Wellvlllo , ' found In pless. , Is invariably - ably saved and handed to Rome Medy patlent along with the Indicated rem. ody. " Name glvon by Postum' Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. "Thoro's a rea.- IOn. " , Turn flatter ) ' upsldo down 'nnd you ba ve slnmler. . - - .1\ln. . " 'Inllt" , ' " " . .nlhlll" Hrnr. For l1lhlren IMlhlnll. , nll" " he I/lIm. , reduc'l lno bn\IDI'lonU"'l l1ln. cur. . . "llId 'OIIC ! . c a boLlle . . - - . . _ - A womnn begins to sit \III antI talte notlco when other women say nice things about llCr busband. - - OM SOCM , Bneb of Chnlr cte.t enn he ( h'Ctl with I'Ul'NJUI I AUJ LESS Dl'Et ; , fnst , briGht , dlll'lblo : colors , . . - . - "fhe ring of the almlsbt ) . dollar adds appreciably to the sat ! fnction a girl derives from her onlayumcnt ring. J.cwis' Sillllo Hinder Cignr hAS a rlcJl t1\l'ote. Your ealer or Lowls' lo'netol'y , l'coril111. . ' - - - It taltes a man with st\'onl will pow. er to IIsteu to reallon wheu ho Is angry. . National Pure Food and DruDs Act. All the Gnrlleltl HcmetliN ( OI1l\lY \ ] with the Pure Fooel nll Druss l.nw. ' 1'01,0 Gnrfieht Ten { or cOlIsliplI tlon nnd t\ick- hcn ncho. - - - - - - The young man who lhlnlts his boss can't got along wllhout him may lmvo to get along without his boss later iu the game. , mporttnt o Molhors. Examlno caretuU ; everY bottle or CASTOntA , a . . .ro 111111 .uro rcmcd'lor Infllnta nnd children , and .eo , hilt It Drusillo B1naluro : erIn In U.o For Over 30 YO f8. The K1114 You naTO Alwa : . DOUJtht. Australian Educator In America. WlIllam S. Mnyer , ono ot the most notc. educators or New South Wales , bOlng connected with the University of Sydncy , Is visiting Boston. Mr. 'I\1ayor \ Is a native of Oreat Britain and went to Australia 18 years 11.0. - - - - - - - - How's This ? We olfcr Ono lIundrod Jlullar. nO"lrd tor IIn , r 8 : : rh Ihat canllot bo purod by lIa\l' \ , F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. We. the underahncd have kno'lvn 1 < ' . J. Cllener for 1110 Jut HI , earM , IInd lIellevo hll1l perfectly hon. orltlo III nil bUllnclB IUlIsactions IInd noanclall , . .ble to carry out IIOY ublllCatlonl made by hI , t1rul. W AoLI1INU. ! ' . : INNAN 4 : MAVIN Wholo..le DrullloU. Tel dO. O. JIall'e Catarrh Cure II tn.ken Jnl rDl1l1y. aCllng dlrecllYllpoo tllO blood aod mucous l trtace. ot the Iyltcm. To.llmontall lellt froo. Prlco 7:1 : oonl' per boillo. Sold by . all Drulilfln : . . Take lIa\l's \ 1..I1II1Y I'm. f"r constlplltlon. Artists Dislike Solitude. 1\Imo. . Bernhardt antI Signora Duso have mutual horror of bolng , alone whHo traveling. Caruso , the tenor , is ot the same tempcrament , always avoiding solitude. Ho Is always ac. companied by some frlond , . who arranges - ranges traveling and other details for him , g1.ves the sl.nger ndvlco and talees all similar responslblIlty from the artlat's shoulders. . The Original Poroull Plaster. , It's Allcock's , first introduced to the people sxty years ago , and to.day un. doubtedly has the largest sale ot any external remedy-mllllons bclng sold 'annually all over the world. There have been imitations , to bo sure , but never , has there been one to oven com. pare with Allcoclt's-tho world's standard external romedy. For no weak bacle , cold on the chester or any local pain , the result of ta tlng c01d or over.straln , nothing we lmow of compares with this famous plaster , .Engllsh Labor Party Active. In England the Labor party Is aslt- Ing all the affiliated unions to double their sUbscriptions to the parliamentary - tary representation Cund. It Is now two cents a member. , Quaker Oats For Little Folks One of the reasons why Quaker Oats ia used universally , is because it is n food that makes both children and grownups sturdy and healthYI because it is so easy to digest. QUaker Oats , " in the largo alzcd F mlly Pnckado at 2lic-the sarno prlco ns common rolled onts-contalnn clUlOr n plato , vegetable dleh or cup nnd SaUcer of beautiCully decorated , Bcml- porcelain china. If your ffroccr docs not hnvo the Family rackaJ.o. . ! ho will get it lor you. " ' [ J\e Qual\er Onls Gmp"\\y Dunker ne t c.'omrnenl/ ! tflt : non' , deliria liB UUllker profuct-the be t corn- mC'tll J'ou'r ! ! Iwcr Ilnd. Try It 8 I'olmctScalcd pack- IIge for J.Oc. READERS of Ihls Pllper desiring - siring to buy eny- thing advertlsod In lis columns should Insist upon hevlng \Vh"t Ihoy ! isk lor , rolusln ell substl- tules or Imlll1t1ons. AN..K : t 1od : tt WSP P&tt t.O : . f..u"tn . . f1t1 . ltDh'J1\n , , "nlfd . " . hnt' ' tf9ttJ . - JOINTED POLE CUTA I.n for = = Clrc I ' lolh. > CUTAWAY HARROW CO. , = 1lWUMa. CMlL.u.u WANTED A' GOOD . AAr.A'RT. lIald 1'I'r"kl ' , . Addreu UA'l'lGWAY SALESMEN NUIUJEUY 00. , LoMan.lo1f1l.o W. N , U. , _ . . .A . , NO. 48 , 1 06 _ _ , ! - ii i i SIOaI\S : A ; ; i : LiImelt . . , ' I , : \ for COU911 , Cold Croup. ' 'k \ Sore Throat.StiffNecl.r , . I .Rheumatism and . . . i Neuralgia 1 . , c. i I At all . Dealers. , . " . . . ' . . . Price 25c : 50c & $1.00. ' \ d' I . I .I I . " ' : . . . ' " . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . _ . - .ffi . . . . . ' , "I " " . . . . : 'i..t. : . - . . . .H - - I r. . . . . . .M. . . . , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , . - - K -.t. . ; " . . . , . : . . : : . . . I ' : ) . . . , ' . . I . . . ' , ) . . . . . . . . ' .r. " ' ) - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -ft' . I , - . . . . . . . p.I ' 1"'l . . : : . . " . ' . " 1 , . . . , \ i ' . . , - - , " " ' " . " - , " - " , - _ , 'l . .Ih" : : : ' . A. " ; " ; " . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . ' " ' ; r , . : : 0' . ' ' ; : . . ' ' : ? . : . . . . . : f \ -'t. . . . " . ' : : : : l : : \AJINNING ; ' ' ' ; ; ; : ; { S . : . . . : i : f. ' . . . . , . , \ , . , . . . . . . . . 1 J L 'f" J TnIOI'TE ' , ; . 1 ' ; . ' : ' ' . . ; ' : : I'I ; . . , . ' ' . . . 'A . . . . . " , . J . . 0 ' . - . , M' t ) . . ' : ' " . I . .2 ; : [ ; i. . ; If m re than.or . inary skill in playing brings the. honors of tho" ' : ! . : . ' . ! ' ' ' ' . . . " ' . . ' game to the wmnmg player , so exceptional merit in n. remedy . ' . . , . - f' ensurCEl the commendation o.f the well informed , , and as rea. . : l- . . . . . . ' . . , ' . . . ; sonable amount of outdoor hfo and recreatIOn is conducive to . , . . . . : . ; : . : $ : . : i3 I the health a1d strength , so docs a perfect laxative tend to ono's II . Jr t : : : . ! . . improvement in cases of constipation , biliousness , headaches , I' , . " ; , . ! : . ' ' . , . ; . . . . etc. It is all Important , however , in selecting a laxative , to .0/ < \ ltt'Y:0. ; : . choose of known and : ' " . : , . : . one quality excellence , like the ever S'i : : . : ? , : . . pleasant Syrup of Figs , manufactured by the California Fig f' h { : Syrup Co. , a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system e. : ; ' , . . effectually when a laxative is needed , without any unpleasant after effects , as it acts naturally and gently on the internal orga.ns , simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance , without griping , irritFJting or debilitating the internal organs In any way , as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious . . _ nature. As the plants which are combined with the. figs in ' : ' . . . . . . . ' . ' . : ; . . . : . . . : , ' , . ' ; ; the manufacture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to ' . : " " " " " " . . _ " : \ , < } ' " ( - : ' ' : ; l\ \ . , : . .t . { act most beneficially the the : ; : ( : : . . . . ; . upon system , remedy has met ; : ' ; l ' , ' : : . . ; . . 'NJth their general approval as a family laxa.tive , a fact well ; . : , : : : . . . ; worth considering in ma.king purchases. . : : . : : : . . . . . - ' . t . . . ' It is because of the fact that SYRUP 0F FIGS . " , . . , . . .t" "iH : , : , , . .w' ' 1 ; : is a remedy of known quality and excellence , and approved by : ; " . . ; , I t'I\i \ : ! : ! ; ' , . ; t > , . , : : physicians tha , has led to its use by so many millions of Vlell . , : : I ' . I . ! informed people , who would not use any remedy of uncertain , ; , : , . . : , : . " / quality or Inferior reputation. Every family should have a. . . . " " : / ' ' : ' : " , \ ' ; " : ! . "I' , 'i'"j : . ; . : . . bottl of the gcqulne on hand a.t all times , to use when a . , 'j.I.I\II.I. ; ? : : : : ; . ' . ' ' . : . ; ' . ; ' 1' , ) : laxative remedy IS required. Please to remember that the . : ; . ; : " , .I' , , I : . . t , genuine Syrup of Figs Is for sale in bottles of one size " ' ' :4 : t : ; , . ' . ) . . : only , by all reputable druggists , and that tull nama of the . . . . . : ' ' " ' . " company-California Fig Syrup Co. , is plainly printed on . . , . " , . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . . . , . . \ , j' . : ; . . ' . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . : ; ' the front of every packago. Regular price,60c per bottle. ' . . . . , . " . . . , . I. . : . . . . : . . ' , . . . . . . . : . . 'JJ. . . . . . . ' . ' ; .J. - \ . . ' . . . . , . . , . . " . . " . . : " ' ' t. 1. I ' . ' \ . . , . " . . , . .4. . . " " ' ' ' ' ' : ; : ! I : . . ; " : ' ! ! : : ; : : ; : : ; . . . . UFQRNIA fi G S RUP . : ' : \ \ \ : ; ! 5i f. W : - ' , . . . . . , . . " ; . ' . . . _ . " , ----.I' " _ - - - - - _ - .I" " - - - - ' --.MIt" = - , . . - . . _ _ - "