Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 22, 1906, Image 5

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    II I Ii i I
, .po : & " . SLE : : " & -ri - A . .A.RA.I : : : _ i
1440 acres 6 miles fl'OIU Brolren Bov , the county seat of Custer county , N ( brnslra ; ulll1rst-clnsB soil 1llprovec1 ns follows : 175
nCl'CS in cultivution ; 10 ncres in alfalfa , sod house , frulno stable fOl' 10 head , veil , , vincI lnill , cistprn , hog lot. cattle cOl'rnl und cattle -
tle shed' all fenced. Will sell the entire tract for $18,000 or , viII divide ; nd sell in scpnrHte trncts as follo's : 640 ncres , vith nIl
jmpl"ovenent : 175 acres enl tivl t d ) .and for $8,000 , or , viiI sell the 800 acrcs , vitliout i.lnl1l'ovements , except as to fencing for
$10000. Tilne . given on , part If desIred. Call on or address . .T.LlES I.JED'VICH. Broken (3ov ( , Nebrashn. :
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I , Houses to rent iu Broleen Bow
l , are unknown at present. Every-
" the shacks.
[ , "thing occupied-even
: 'Vill Darne11 and wife , ( uee
i Mabe11e Holcomb ) who were
; united in marriage 'Ved esday ,
night , last week , left 'ruesday
for Los Angeles , Calif. , where
they will reside.
In ord r to be thankful fer
tur1cey next Thursday it will be
j\ necessary to have the price at
I the rate of 18 cents per pound
for the bird in fu11 dress costume.
' 1'hey come high but we must
, have 'em.
Willis Cad we111eft last Sunday
, night for Omaha and from there
left Tuesday for the Texas coast
country piloting a bunch of land
\ seekers on an excursion train.I I
He will be absent from the city' '
I about two weeks. I
t The ofi cers of the Souhwest
District Sunday sch ol associ a-
I lion have ca11ed a convention to
'meet at the r odi Baptist church ,
December 1st and 2nd. Every !
school is requested to send dele-
gates. By order of committee.
Last Saturday was a cold ,
dreary day , a piece of the distracted -
tracted weather that has been on
tap in the Dakotas , still there
\'Iere quite a number in the city
from the country and business
during the afternoon was very
bri k.
A MisslOnary meeting will be
held at tbe Court House in Broken -
ken Bow , November 25th , at 2:30
p. 111. by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hill ,
who have spent several years in
Mission work in South Africa.
AU are invited to come and hear
Lew Swope went to A11iance
two wecks ago where he installcd
a 1iowling : alley for G. Ii' . Bray
which was opencd last Thurs-
day. It is the first and only one
in Alliancc and he writes that it
was popular from the .start at I
the patronage steadily incrcasing
day by day and a full house all
the time.
' 1'he REPUBLICAN 'does not
want anybody , however humble ,
to come to Broken Bow or any-
hody living here to go out of
town without getting their name
in the papcr. It will be your
fault if it IS not , because we
wan t you to let us know it. All
yon have to do is to caU for
phone No. 78 and tell us.
Do not fail to rember that next
Thursday is 'I'hanlesgiving as
well as publication day for the
REPUDLICAN. If you have anything -
thing for insertion in the paper
.bring in the copy on or before
'Vednesc1ay and the ofi ce force
. will observe the day in accordance
. with the recommendations of our
ibeloved president 'I'eddy. .
Christmas is coming. This
'fact is made the more evident
, by the line of goods being placed
.on exhibition in the various business -
: ness houses , likewise the increasing -
ing attendance at the various
Sabbath schools in this city
where presents are alwa's dis.
pensed at Christmas time.
Nothing like the anticipation of
a Christmas present will swelJ
he enrollment of a Sunday
A party drove from Berwyn tc
this cit ) ' and at five ditTeren1
farms sought to purchase pota.
toes. At three of the places the
owners stated that they didn'l
bave any except what the )
bought and at the two ethel
places the occu pan ts each saic
they ha less than six bushels
' ' increditable-
'l'his may seem -
when one considers that potatoci
were proli l'c th is ) 'ear-bu tit i :
never-tbe-Iess true.
A new road record book ha
been placed in the count ) ' clerk'
! ofi ce which is certainly one 0
the most handy affairs ever pu
up in the line of record book
' .rhe leaves can bc removed an
" th pages written on a type
Writer and then replaced j
the book , the leaves being hcl ,
in place , and sccl1rely , by a ro
. extending the full length of th
. book. Since last January o\'e
fort ) ' new roads have been e :
tablished in the county and tl1
. ' work of recording them and t1J
\ . " . " changes of old roads has vcr
nearly kept one clerk husy.
. . , " . ; " ' : , \ , .
. . . . . , r . " . : } .
. .1' ' . . , . , . 'nt"i
. . . . . . . \ .
, , . . , " , , OJ
. . ' ,
. " " -
' - t _ _
Miss Emma Bennett visited
with the olkq at home-near
Ansley-last Sabbath.
Jess Wilson has sold his residence -
dence property in the northeast
part of the city to A. W. Drake ,
of the Mevis store.
J. O. Taylor , who has just
opened a new general merchandise -
dise store at Berwvn , ws attending -
ing to business ma'tters in Brolcen
Bow yesterday.
Deputi Sheriff E. P. Lowe ,
has purchased lot 6 , in block 15
-near the ba11 grounds-of Mrs.
Abbie Tut tIe , for $200 and will
at once commence building a
$1000 cottage thereon.
Jesse Gandy went to Ansley
Ilast Thursday and was present at
the count.y division meeting held
I there that day. He says those
in attendance swallowed the
division lines thrown out by
Brega , of Callaway-without being -
ing batted.
' 1'hrough the E. C. House real
estate agency Mrs. Annie Maxwell -
well sold the residence property
-just cast of the Racket store-
to Edward ' 1' . Robinson , the
consideration being : t:650. : The
residence will at once be thoroughly -
oughly repaired and put in first-
class condition.
Jeweler Anderson , who has
resided in the Beatty block the
past year , has leased the W. W.
CowIe residence , northwest of
the court house. Mr. Cowles
intends to leave next 'l'uesday
for Peoria , 111. , where he wilJ
join Mrs. Cowles and ( wo daughters -
ters and reside there.
Mrs. Lizzie Langson , who
recently purchased a rcsidence
property at York , has decided to
go there and reside and will leave
Broken Bow about the 1st of
next month. Her departure from
this city iS .greatIy regretted by
all our music lovers and her large
number of Custer county friends.
Special services will be held at
the Episcopal church next Sun.
day evening , November 25th , upon -
on which occasion l ector Xan-
ders wilJ preach to the mcmbers
of the l\Iazuma club. 'rhe music
, . . , ill be specially arranged for
this meeting. A cordial invitation -
tion to attcnd is extended the
pu blic.
The quail Idlling season-ac-
cording to law-began last
1'huriiday : and will close with
Fridav next week. Up to the
prese t time Broken Bow hunters
have not taken out a sufi cieut
quantity of salt to secure a fair
supply of the birds , as their tails
seem to have grown out very
short this year.
John Smith , of Ash Creek ,
who has been trdng to get his
threshing done since the last of
October informs us that the job
was completed November 21.
The weather has not been favorable -
able for threshing this season.
He something over 1600 bushels
, of grain which , ordinarily , could
have been done in less than two
W. B. Eastham , the real estate
man , has issued a calender for
1 < < J07. which shows a picture of
'the "Nebraska Home Folks'
greeting Mr. Bryan on a tug oil
Staten Island , N. Y. Bay , Aug ,
28 , IIJO , on his return from "
tour of the world. 1t shows Mr.
gastham-who had the
paw of the commoner-smi1inf
and intently watching the othe !
"home fellers" as they catm
I along and Bryani7.ed. 'I'h < <
. calender is nicelj gotten up atH
- [ will serve as a historical souveni
s for all time.
R. T. Walleer has decided tl
disembark from the grocery busi
ness and with that cnd in VICW i
dosing out the stock on hand
In conversation with the REl'UII
IICAN 1\1r. Walker said : "I at1
asked every day-about forty
'levell times-what I am goin :
to do , which goes to show tha
the people arc very solici tou
concerning Uly welfare and I aT
preciate the deep interest the
take , but I'm etting tired c
saying , 'I don't know , ' and
wish you would print those thre
words and my name on ten thou !
and cards anti thereby save 11 ]
lung power for SOUle other 01
casion , "
. , , . - - . . . . -
. .
: You Sn@ ' 'lJID KNOW I
Saine Mothers , unconscious of the injurious.
effects of Alum , are daily giving it to their .
Children by the use of so-called Cheap.
Baking Powder. .
What Mother . so if she only knew ?
i\.l . . . . . UIU' . Worst vVork is'its early harmful
- - - - - - -
influence on the child's digestive organs.
Positively _ bn. _ _ _ _ _ N ever , should Children of tender
years be required to eat it in their food.
Secure your Children against Al urn in
their food , .
Suy plainlp- ,
, ' . . " . ' .
I' ' ' ( \ 't d\ 1lI' BAKmNG
' . \ : , I. .
; - ; : t .J - " I
, ' , , : J i' PGYIDER
Mrs. J. G. Leonard left for
Council Bluffs , Iowa , yesterday ,
being summone by a telegram
saying that her niece-who is
sick with scarlct fever and plur-
isy-cannot live.
The Broken Bow Firemen's
Annual ball and supper will be
given next 'I'hursday ( Thanksgiving - I
giving ) night at the Temple
theatre. Mcmbers of the department -
ment will be present in uniform.
An cnjoyable time is anticipated.
We have often heard statcd
that the post office closes at 8 1'.1
m. 'I'his is wrong. ' 1'he regular
time for closing for the night is
7:30 : and tt is only when extra
work detains the force that it is
lcept open latcr than 7:30. : Money -
ey orders are not issued after u
p. m.
m.Mr. I
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burough , I
residing I ) miles west of Geneva ,
Nebr. , are in the city and will
remain during the week. Mr.
Burough is here for the purpose
of purch sing land and with
that object in view is looldng
over various parts of the connty.
, He says that corn , adjacent to
Geneva , is avcraging from 70 to
. so bushels to the acre.
At the home of her parents ,
Mr. anell\frs. J. ' 1' . Wood , in
Broken Bow , last Saturday after-
r noon , No17th , MIss Marie
Wooel. er.tcrtmned about forlv of
her friends in honor of- her
twelfth birthday. After refreshments -
ments had becn served the remainder -
mainder of the afternoon was
spent in playing games Miss
: > Wood was the recipient of 'manJ'
- beautiful gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Williamson ,
- who left here last March , re-
n turned to the city 'ruesday night
with the inte.tion : of remaining.
'l'hey went first to Spokane ,
Wash. , and remained until Jul ) '
and then went to I os Angeles ,
and sojourned there until return'
ing to this city. 'l'he ) ' liked the
country fairly well , but coulc' '
1 not see any < I.d van tages there nol
e \ possessed by Nebraska whiles
s- there were many more disadvant
I y I ages , hence decided to retun
1-1 where health an wealth are jus
as bountiful ,
- .
' " - ' "
- -
- - - - - -
A Big Land Dcal ,
" \Vi1lis Cad weH , who is disposing -
ing of his real and personal hold-
ing's in this county with a view
to locating iu the ' .rexas coast
country , last week disposed of
one of his ranches located eight
miles southwest of Broken Bow ,
compnsing 880 acres , to B. G.
Hackett , of Omaha , the consuler-
ation being $20,000. In real estate -
tate circles this sale is said to be
one of the most extensive and
important ones made in the
coun ty for a long time and is be-I
licved to be the forerunner of
considerable activity in Custer
county dirt during the winter
and spring.
Marriage Licenses.
'rhe following have secured
licenses since last 'I'hursday , . :
Wm. Bennett , Soda Springs ,
Idaho. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Evaline Allison , Brokcn Bow. .21
Fred N. Bell , Hound Vallev. . .33
Addie M. Dye , Round Valiey..22
Jesse P. N ansel , Calla way. . . . .21
Maggie McFate , Callaway. . . .1cJ
An Elevator Dcal.
Wilson Bros. havc sold their
line of elevators to the Union
Grain company , of Omaha.
'rhe ) ' have elevators at Broken
Bow , Berw'n , Anselmo and
Mem& ' . It is .reported the purchase -
chase price is $25.000. 'l'he I
stock of coal on hands will hc ,
I sold out bY l .
: _ ;
A Good Company.
'I'he Lewis Stock company has
appeared ilt the 'l'emplc theatre
all this week and is one of the
best that has visited Broken Bow
in many years. 'rhe specialties
are exceptionally strong. Frank
DeMoine , the wire artist and
, juggler is good. 'l'he H.epiers
, in their character sketches arc :
. fine and the Mathews are equally
I good. On Friday night this
company presents the "Colorado
Girl , " and on Saturday night
they play the "Sunset Minc. "
Popular priccs of 15 , 25 and 35
cents are prevailing this week ,
. and our people arc getting the
benefit of a splendul show at a
low pnce. Matinee Saturday
afternoon , commencing at 2:30. :
- -
. - - . - . . -
, " ' v. . . . . " _ > \ . . ' 1' I.\ \ " . . ! t" . - " : 'J' - . - . . . J" _ . ' , , 'It , . : " . " . , - - : : -"RS'umtzo. : . 1tiIIIIita ! : . JrUJMolJ'"G . . . . . < < rf . _ .dI
' . L. E COLE ,
" licensed Embahner c
, and Funera I Director
has just received a large stoek or undertaking
, goods.rL'his is one of the most complete Rtocks
of undertaking goods evm' brought to Broken
Bow.rJ'hey are located . in the Oadwell building
on Fourth avenne.
. - - - - - - . . . - . . . . . . .
Parties wishing anything in this
line are requested to call and
inspect goods and get prices.
, ; l 'o1' fi1'st-dass work in unner-
' . ta4ing 01' embalming call und.
, see me 01' phone. .
. OffiCfI , 7 7 ; Hesidencc , B 2 2.
\ . - . , ' "M : . . . . ; ; ' J : . lJDft tmUIII' > r1. . " '
T . _ - - _ _
r f ;
t r. : ! h U
'I'he leading strains of Duroe blood flows through our herd.
" \Ve have some choice spring boat ! ; , tops of our crop of spring
pigs. 'l'hey are length ) ' , hea vy-uoue felJows-good enough
for hcacl-hearders and the vcry best for feeult1g purposes- _ .
for sate at very low pri es. .
We have four boars sired by OhiO Cillef , the great hog. '
One-third interest in him sold for $2,000.00. ' ! 'heir dutl we . , '
purchased for $245.00 last Februar ) ' . . : :
Pedigree with Evcry : animal sold. "
" \Ve guarantee satisfaction.
NOTg-We have decided to not hold a public sale this fall.
Cume and see our herd-8 miles west of Broken Bow , Nebr.
. . .
. . , . . . ' , < 0 . . . ' " ' " ,