Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 22, 1906, Image 3

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, f ! ; F m O I. ! !
, N- ' Lydia E. P/nkham'sVoDotablo / Compound
A grent mnny women suffer with
form of indigestion or dyspcpsh\ which
does not Reem to yield to ordinn..y treat-
ment. While the syruptolllsseein to bo
lmilnr to those of ordlnnry imllges-
tlOD , yet the medicines unh'ersall ' proscribed -
scribed do not Ecem to l'estoru the pa-
tient's normal ( ! ondlUon.
Mrs. Plnlchnm claims thnt there is n
Idml of dyspepsia thnt is caused by n
derangement of the femnle organism ,
i nnd which , while it cnuses a disturb-
\ nce slmilnr to ordinary indigestion ,
cnnnot bo relievell without n medlcino
which not only acts ns a stomneh tonic ,
buthnsapeculill.rtonic effect on the fc-
mnlo organism.
As proof of this theorJ' wo call attention -
tention to the CII.50 of Mrs. Maggie
Wright , Broolelyn , N. Y. , who ; was
completely cured bJ' Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetnble Compound n tcrevery-
thing else bnd fniled. She writes :
I II For two ycars I suffered with dyspcpslo.
whicb so degenemtcfl the cntiro system that I
was unable fu attend to my dally duties. I
felt weak nnd nervous , nnd nothlrigthat I ate
tnst < , d peed ; nnrl it cnused n dlsturbanco inmy
stomach I tried different dyspepsia. cures ,
but nothmg seemed to help mo. I was nd-
vIsed . E. } > Inkh1ln's
I to give Lydlo. ! Vegetable
Compound 1trlnl , nnd was happily surrrised
to find that It ncted lIke n fine tonic , nnd in a.
. few days I hegan to enjoy and prop'erl'dl est
my food. My recovery was rn1ul ] , and in
11..0 weeks I WM 0. well woman. I hnve recommended -
ommended it to.many sulferlng women. "
. No other nrodlclno in the world has
received such widespread and unqualified -
fied endorsement or has such a record
of cures of female troubles , as has Lydin
E. Pinlcham's VeLretablo Compound.
- -
Many a lonesome and cxpensivo
trip to Florida , California 01' the
Adirondacks has been saved by
the USe of
' - -
Kemp's Bals3111
the best cough cure. If this grcat
remedy will not cure tbe cough , no
medicine will , and then all hope Ii
! rests in a , change of climate-but
try Kcmp's Balsam first.
Sold by all dcaleI'5 at : ! 5C. and Soc.
- -
All things come quiclly ; : to those
who walt on themselves.
' " Gh'e DefiaDCO Starch n fair trlal-
try It for both hot and cold starching ,
and if you don't think 'ou do better
worle , in less time and at smaller cost ,
return it and your grocer will give
you back your mone ' .
. World's Gold Production.
In the last 500 years over tfelve
_ billIon dollars' worth of gold is esU.
, mated to have been dug from the
earth. Not much more than one.half
of this is definitely lenown to bo In
exlstenco In the monetary stocks of
the globe , Of this , however , the
United States Is believed to hold from
a billion and a quarter to a billion and
n half.
Love's Flrct Awakening.
I Ono is always a little hypocritical
In the beginnings of love. How can
you expect a woman , a reasonable
woman , to confess to herself fmnlly ; :
that n man whom she dId not Imow
'esterday occupies alread ' a larger
place In her heart than all her rela'
tives. frIends or enemies ? She will
spend enUre months , a 'ear , ] lerhaps ,
In seeking for her preoccupations all
sorts of names beCore givIng to them
_ theIr true one.ladamo Emile de
, t
. .1\ .
Following Published Story That Mrs. Mary Baker G.
Eddy Was at the Point of Death , Reporters Have
Interview with Her at Her Home-Sensational Allegations - I
gations of Fraud and Deception Denied-Aged
Woman in CompaJ'atively Good He lth.
New York-Tho World , of this clt . ,
recently published sensational story
to the effect that Mrs. Mary Daker G.
Edd ' , the revered founder and head
of the Christian ScIence church , was
extromel ' feeJle ! , phrsica ) ) ' and men.
tally , and seemingly in the shndow of
, denth.
The alle ntlon was made that the
daily drIve seemingly taken b ' Mrl. : :
Eddy through the streets of Concord ,
N. II" hOl' home , was 1fraud. . 'rho
World stated that ostensibly r\lrs. \
Edd ' makes this daily IJUblic appenr-
ince , dressed In velvets and ermine ,
to show her followers that she is in
perfect health. It Is not Mrs , Eddy ,
but an impersonator , trained unrl coso
tumed for the pnrt , who appears in the
fxhiJltlon ! drive.
'rhe artlclo continued :
"This Impersonator is now known
to be Mrs. Parmella J. Leonard , of
Brooklyn , head of the Christian Scl.
enco chtll'ch In that borough.
"Mrs. Leonnrd has been an Inmate
at Mrs. Eddy's home at Con con ! for
the last three 'ears.
"Thero she bas perfected herself as
understudy to Mrs. Edd ' , and has
Impersonated the head of the Chris.
tlan Sclenco church In the daily exhIbition -
hIbition drIves when to mo\'o the real
Mrs. Eddy from her bed would have
meant almost certain death to the en.
feebled woman.
Powerlcss In Strong Hands.
"Mrs , Eddy Is powOl'less In the
hands of designing persons. They ab.
solutely control her , and their em-
plo 'ment of Mrs. Leonard's services
Is for a deep purpose. Just what that
purpose is may be easily Imagined ,
"The World has collected a mass of
facts bearIng directly Ullon the Stll'-
prislng conditions that surround the
hidden life of Mrs. Eddy.
real estate transfers of Concord , rII. . ,
Cor 1\ clew to Its whereabouts.
" 'rheso reconls show that Mrs.
EddY's estuto , Pleasant View , was origInally -
Inally purchased In great IJIlrt b ' Joseph -
seph T. Mann , her former buUm' and
! Jrother of her 11resent coachman. They
also show that r\Irs. \ EddY's homo , Its
furnishings and all her jewelr ' , Were
transferred Il few rears ago to Calvh }
A. FI'ye , the present footman , secre-
tar ' and SUlll"Ome Ilowor at Pleasant
"When an action COl' damages
against 1\1rs. l ddy threatened to reveal -
veal to the puJllc ! this transaction , the
prollorty was quickly transCorl"ed bnclt
to Its aged owner.
Frye the Power In Household.
"Calvin A. Fryo Is a great name In
Concord. Ho'ls a footmun In llvery
on the box , ) f Mrs. Edd "s cal'riago
during the "tily drlvos of the real Mrs.
Leonard an fictitious 1\1rs , Eddy. lIe
is secreta1' ) " I\t Pleasant VIew for the
rest of the hne , the ono in absolute
authorit ' , who for three 'ears has
guarded Mrs. Eddy with a vlgilanco
lenown only In priMns.
"Devotees , rl h , socially prominent
and loyal to the cult. have been
turnetl away ft'Dm the door of Pleasant
View by Frye. They have been assured -
sured that Mrt' , Eddy , although In perfect -
fect health , \ " S "o\'erwhelmed with
work , and could not bo disturbed. "
They were told that she could only bo
seen In her daily dl"ives , and were
cautioned not to 11eer through the win.
dews of the carriage under penaity of
Mrs. EddY's dlslileasure.
Her Last Public Appc\rance.
"Mrs. Eddy's last genuine public all'
11earanco was three ' ars ago , when
Cor a moment she posed on the bal.
cony at Pleasant View in sight of the
fiRS $ . ( r. . "f ' . f1 { ;
MF } fY
. r
I1.B.C. EDDY P1fffj Z ; , / 9 : AT 45
< Y/If \ M
"These Cacts are qui to apart from
the tenets of Christian Science , so
called , and will appeal as forcibly to
fair-minded members' the cult as
to the general public.
"Many millions of dollars-jnst how
many the records fail to show-havo ,
IJ ssed Into 1\1rs , Eddr's personal possession - I
session slnco the founding of the
Christian Sclenco cult. Millions of
bel' books have been sold. and each
book has yielded her a ro 'alty of one
"From the mother church In Dos ton
she 'earlY receIves n great sum , con.
trlbuted by devotees in all Ilarts of
the world In the form of annual dues.
Ono of her closest friends and followers -
ers estimates Mrs. Eddy's fortune at
$15,000,000 , and her annual Income at
"Of this vast sum there is practically -
cally no trace. There Is no public rec.
ord of Its investment , no clew to Its
"Hor financial agent and cousin ,
Frederlcl ; : N , J."add , secretary of tbe
Lonn and Trust S vingB bank , oC Concord -
cord , while refusing details , has said
thnt 1\1rs , Eddr's estate is surprising ! ) '
small , she havIng 'exllended the lJUlk
of her fortune In charities. '
Has Only One Apparent Asset.
"Dut none .of the charities aided br , Eddy could bo desiGnated by 1\11' ,
Ladd or foun1 ! by searchors. 1\lrs.
Edd " 1:1 : on1) ' visible asset is the Can.
can ! bouso and the .10 neres of Imrk
land that sU1'1'ound it - valued at
"Chri tian Scientists the world over
doubtless will bD anxious to Iwow
what has become .of the [ ; reat fortune
of the helple5s old lady , conUned to
an uppel' story of bel' Isolted home.
"The ' will on1y 11/\\'o to consult the
assembled faithful. Since then 1\1rs
Eddy has been invIsible save to Fry (
and the members oC his inner clrclo. '
, Continuing Its charges of fraud ane
doceit. the World stated that thor (
was ample ground for the wldespreae
! Jollof that 1\Irs. Eddy Is slowly dyinJ
from enneer. It has been discovered
says the World , thnt this dread dls
ease has nmlct < 'Il .others of the Dake :
family : that two brothers and two sls
tel'S of 1\1rs. Eddy died from It : nIH
that an oIloratlon Cor the sarno malad :
alone saved her father's life.
"Thoro is posltlvo evidence Ul
Mrs. Eddy has secretly omplored reg
ulnr medical 111'a titltmers Cor horsel
and for certnln favorlt12 members 0
her family , It Is 11ractically certai ]
a Boston cancOl' specialist , whosl
name 10 known to the world. Is now II
constant attendance at Pleasant View I
Reportera See Mrs. Eddy.
Following those charges the Ne\
York Sun printed the following a <
count of an intCl'\'lew granted by 1\1n
: 'Ilary naker . Eddy to a part ) . a
nOW8I)11IIOI' ) representatives at ho
home October 30. '
"l\lary Baker I rldy Ifl alive , but al ,
and feebl , and suffOl'illg from som
complaint 11I(0 palsy which malccs be
head aud hal1cls shako. She gave prol
ablv the last Interview of her lifo thl
afternoon to 11 relJOrters from DOl
, ton and Now YOl'k , and 1I0W , In th
\\iol'ds of no of her housohohl , 'th
gates of Pleasant Vlow are close
forevor. '
"Slnco the llUblication of the at or
to the effect that : \1I'S. \ Eddy was \II
1101' the control of hOI' hOllsehold an
that 1\h's , Pamolla Leonard , a heal
Bl'ookl'n , was Imllersonatlng th
leader of Christl an Sclenco on h
dalb' drlvo , the city ( Concord , N. II. )
has IJOen filII of roportel'lI.
H , Cornell Wilson , Chrlstlnn Scll'nco
) lross agent for Now Yorle and "Icln.
it ) . , nrrlved Monday morning and stood
between the reporters nnd the hOllse'
hold at PIl'asant Vlow. Archibald
\IcLclall ! , editor of the omclal Chris.
tlan Scleneo pnbllcatlons , cumo up
to heltl , nnll I. . C. strang , the local
I11nn , 11180 was on the job.
" 'rho first rOpOl'tol'S to al'rlve do-
mnnded nn intervlow. Wilson stood
i . them off , doelarlng last night Mro.
Edd ) ' wns blls ) ' and the stor ' hadn't
'ot been called to her attontlon , 110
nnnouncoci ho might ha\'e somelhlng
Important to sa ) ' if the reporters wOllld
meet him at 1100n ) ' at the Eagle
hotel. At 11 o'clool ; : ho Plloarecl with
a list of repol'ters ho proposed to adi i
mH. Foul' 01' fi\'e of these present
were not on the list.
" ' \\0 Ilhln't 11I(0 the tone of 'our
atOl' ) ' 'eltorda ! : ' , ' sald 1\11' . Wilson to
ono man. Howo\'or , the ' tOllght It out
until nll ! Jut two were lot in on the
Inter vi ow. 'rho rOllOrtor for the paller
which IlubllshlJll the original story
nnd a magazine man were not Cor-
"A wOl11nn reporter went up to
Pleasant VI ow nnd had herself all'
pointed spolesman. ; : She came back
with three lUeationa , which 8ho
had agroell with the Scientists ,
were to bo aslted of 1\11's. Eddy.
In tholr eonclavo the rOllorters added
a Courth. 'I'hero wore 11 reporters al.
togother. Wilson lined thom UI In
the ! JIg rocelltion 1'00111 of Pleasant
- - - - ,
11 sweoplng gesture WIUl her dleoR'
ung'lll Imnd and lot so her hold on
tbo curtain ,
" 'Do you drlvo dally ? '
" 'Yos. '
"At that I1l tnllt Pr'o caught her el.
bow amI turned her tOWI\1'l ( the front
door. before which her carriage walled
to taka her on her drlvt' . Strang felt
In on the ether side , nnd Mra , I cldy
walkClI between them.
" 'Havo ) 'OU the manngoment of YOllr
own nffah's ? ' aalced the fllloleoswomnn.
' ' 'l'ho qllestlon IIlfVOl' was nnsworoll.
At the door lo'r 'e 1\1111 Strang foil bacle.
Mrs. Edd ) ' wal1ed ; : the width of the
plnzm ; I\lone. H01' gait had a stately ,
11\nguld grace. hardl ) ' BUggt'Stivo or
old nge , but her hand shoolt bndl ) ' as
Strang helled ) hOl' to n scat In the
"When Mrs. Edd ) ' had gene the re'
' shown ' Ploasnnt
porters WOI'O o\'er
View hOllse. When the rOllortCl's of
the nOWllllallor : which 11rlnted the orlg.
Illal stor ) ' Intol'vlewod r\1 \ ra. l dd ' Inst
weol ; : they saw , 01' thought they saw ,
an olectrlc hattery and 1hasln of
blood fltnlned water. 'rho guldo
showell the reporters in 1\11's. Edd "s
stlldy a ! Jasin of clear wator.
" 'Simpl ) ' a 11ngOl' howl where she
wnshos hol' fingers after writing with
a poncll. ' 'l'he ) ' said : 'And 1\11 tor It. .
battery , they must have mlfltalcon that
Btlmll for electric bolls"
House Now Closed to World.
"When the rellorlors returned to Ulla
Imrlor a woman of the hOllsohold came
" (01) ALO.vE 16 NY Ph'Yc5 C//iN"
Viow. 'rhis olens from n main hall
by foldIng doors lIlIng ever with cur-
I talns. Members of 1\1rs. EddY's household -
hold , Including 1\1rs , Pmnolia Leonard ,
were frInged about the wall. 'I'here
came a ta1 ] ( ) n the folding door.
" 'Sho is here , ' announced ono of
the healers , dramatically.
Shows Evidences of Age. "
" 'rho Coldlng doors slid baclc , the
curtains ll ted-a statel ) ' figllro In
whlto stood bowing at the door , statel '
at first sight , but n feeJlo ! old womnn
at second , Her sleln was dead whIto.
her cheels ; : sunken , every ounce of
snare fat gene from her face. The
long , pointed chin , ehnracterlstlc of
Mrs. Eddy's Caco in youth , was as
beautiful as ever , So , indeed , were
the largo o 'es , and the long , finolr.cut
noso. Over the face rose a mass of
110rfectly white hair , crowned by n
white bonnet.
"Sho was enfolded In a hugo black
velvet nnd ermine cloak. She was
grasping the curtaIns with ono hand :
CalvIn Frye , her 'secretary , stood at
the other olbow. Both hands were
shaking , her head and lower lip constantly -
stantly trembled n little , as with a
slight palsy. The spolccswomnn began -
gan at once on the fir5t question.
" 'Are 'ou In perfect health , 1\Irs.
Eddy ? ' sha nskod.
"Mrs. Eddy bent toward her with n
slight movement of Inquiry. 'tho
, sl101ceswoman I'epoatod the question a
little 10l1l1er.
" 'Indeed I am , ' replied1\1rs. Eddy.
"The effect of her volco was start-
ling. It hall n slight senllo qulvor , but
it was deep and lovel. 'rho combina.
, tIon gave It an unearthly quality , It
" 'ChrIstian SelontIsts are allowed
mnny ] lrlvilege8 , ' she suld , 'so I h0110
you won't mind If I ask you to go
away. '
"Just before ono o'clock there came
to Pleasant Vlow a belater ! 1I0\\'s11l1110r
photogl'alJhOl' . lIe wunter ! IIttlo. 110
only wished Mrs. Leonard and Mrs.
I ddy to C01110 out Into the sunlight and
IIOSO for him , so the worlr ! might see
how IIttlo they res0111Jled ! each othor.
StI'llng roCused hint. IIo fielded : -
" 'At ono o'clock the gates or
Pleasant Vlow will close to the outer
world forover. ' ' '
Amusing Acts That Followed Period
of Darkness.
"When the electric lights went out , "
said a man the othel' night , "overyono
looked blank. Everything was blank.
In the theaters the c11l"taln of darlmoss
descended before the boll call. ' 1'ho
vaudevlllo gh'l changer ! fr01l1 1\ giggling -
gling thing to a fl'lghtonod. 1J0Jer ! In-
"The cUiltomer at the bar raised his
stein In brillian light and poured the
beer down his collar in utter dark.
ness ,
"A man buying a handkorchlef.
Electricity out ! lIe poclcots the goodll
nnd ets out.
" 'rho street car Is slllnnlng around
the curveFl , and his eyes are follow.
Ing the grneeful lines of the hand oJ
ono who sits by his sitle. Would that
ho could hut touch It. 110 did.
" 'rho old deacon Is I'eadlng hlFi Bible ;
and , coming tn the pnssage , cnst IntJ
hell fire , ' just as the 111'Inted wor
; )11
_ -
-r - = > - .i--- : " : - -
_ _ . $
o q. .1 ; : . iF. . . - > = ' . . - - - - - - . -
l' ' I # 1.5.EOpy IIOIIE "r'LEIf8I1NTWEJ "
Intensified a fe ( > lIn < ; wl'ich all the 1'0-
porters confessed to each other aft-
erward-that this WI\S 1I0t a woman.
but an allaritlon ) ) ,
" 'Havo 'ou any other physician tha. . . .
God ? ' asked the tlIoioswoml1n. ! ; :
No PhYtlcian But God.
" 'No ) lh'slclan IJllt God. Ills over.
lasUnl- ; arms al'o about mo. 'l'hat Is
cmough. '
"As she enld this Mrs. Eddy 1111ldo
vanishes Crom his sight , was thor
any harm In hlH relleatlng these las
two wortls with n rIsIng (111)1hasls )
'I'hoso and mllny ether Incidents nrl
the result of the power giving out Ins
night at 10:30 : o'clock.-llirmlnghnIJ
Deep Sand In Desert.
'ho ayoragQ depth of sand In th
u serts of AfrIca is estimated to b
from 40 to f. feet.
5 000 nlll1l1lonnl mllcs
, of rallwn ) this
Yl'nr hnvo opened III ) a
Inrgely Inereascil territory -
tory to the rro re58I\'e
Carmers 0 'VcAtern
Clllln"n nllli the Government -
ernment of the DominIon -
Ion contlnncR to give
SIXTY ACIUiS IliUm 10 every settler.
ConI , WOOl ! nil" wnter 111 nbnndnnce ; ehllrchcs
01111 Hchooll con\'elliellt : IIInlkets easy of access ;
tnxes low : clhnllte the hest 111 th" lIutlhern 11'1\1-
peratc zOlle. I.I\W 11I111 oldel' prevnl1Rcvcrywhere.
Ilor nlvkt' 11I111 luformallou miMes' ! the
SUl'ItIUN'I'HNlJIiN'l' Oil l.tM1GHA1'ION ,
Ollawa , Cnllndn , ur RIlY Ruthorlzed Cnllndlm
Guvernmcnt Agent ,
W. V. DENNETT , 801 New York Life Duildin"
Omaba , Nebraska.
N t Complimentary.
A stoclnleaier , buying horses In
Colorado , had been directed to the
ranch of Old Dill Snnds. Wishing to
leam somothlng of Old Dill's business
methods before entering , Into negotiations -
tions , ho made some InquirloH at a
near-by ranch.
"What sort of business man Is Bill
Sands ? " ho aslccd.
" 'Vall , stranger , " roplled the rancher -
er , "I don't think Old Bill would go
plumb to hell for a nickel : but ho'd
keep fishing nround the edges for It
until ho fell In.-Lipllincott's.
Magazine For the Blind.
Through the munificence of the wId.
ow of a New York capltnlist , the
means Ims been supplied for the es-
ta lishlng of a magazlno printed In
blind point typo.
And Why Dr. Williams' Pink PilLs
Arc D Specific for Dangerous
Physical Declines.
The symptoms of general dohillty vary
according to the CltuSO but wealmess is
nlwnys present , a tendency to perspire
awl fatigue ensily , ringing In the cars ,
sometImes bluek spots pa.ssing . before
the eyes , weuk back , vertigo , walceful-
n sscnusecl hy illltbility to stop thinldng ,
amI uurefl'ellhiug sleep. ] ho cause of
tIJo trouble mny be S01l10 dl'l\in 011 the
s 'ste1l1 or it may bo 1II0ntal or physical
overwork , sometimes insufIlciont nutrition -
tion clue to digestiyo disturbanco. III
the lutter case thom iu generally n loss of
appetite nncll. coated touguo as well as
generalluuguor aud debility.
Mi8.1 Lulrd\L \ Motzger , stenographer ,
livingnt 7Il\Iill street , Watortown , N.Y. ,
suffererl for over n yeur from general
debility. "It WUf/caused / by ovorstmly , "
she Rays , "uwl I luuluo IUn bhion , didu't
wuut to go nn 'whero , my food didn't
tuslo HourI , I WIlS rUIl down , lifeless and
listlcs'l , I took 1Il00Ucines but they fuiled
to help 1110. 1'iulllly ! friends recom-
IIICIHICli Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills to my
mol her 1\1111 she got R01l10 for mo. I toole
them for 801110 ti1l10 nwl wns entirely
oUl"ucl und lltWO hud 110 l'eturn of the
tl'Ouhlo , It
Dr. Williams ) Pink Pills cure debility
bceul1so they actuully lIIuko IIOW. rod ,
ridl blool1 , nnll Uli the blood carries
lIomish mon t to nIl the orguns fillll tissues
of the llOlly , lIel'\'es as wcll as musoles ,
the new hlooc1 8timulntcs the organs to
do the wurlc that nntnro expects of thom
\1111 nOl"uml henUIt follows. Not only
Iii this trcatmont sl1l11olent to cure de-
hl1lt . hut muny 80\01'0 1101"\'OUS disorders
IlS wull.
'l'ho I1mS are soM b " nIl druggists , or
e will hu tUllt ; llostpaitl ) 011 l'ecoil1t of price ,
a fiO contR I01' hex , Hlx hexes $ :3.liO : , by tbo
I' , Will } nlIlS Mcdicillo Co" S hcnoo-
tudy , N. Y. Soud for free f t book.