Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 15, 1906, Image 9

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    - - -
' \ - - - . - . - . -
Carpet rag ! ' Ihell with PU-nAM
I ADELESS TYl wilt remal" bright nnd
beautiful. 'o trouble to u t.\ \
j Some men take chances on bonrd.
Ing bouso hash In proCerenco to matrl.
I.cwis'Sinlc ! Binder ! ! trai ht c eipar ; is
good 9ualitv nil the time.our : dealer or
Lewis 1"a tolj' , Peoria , 111.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Il ISII.t very much consolntlon to
1 the homely girl to bo told that beauty
, Is only okin deep.
Mr ! ! . " 'Inslo"/I : ' 5001111111 : Syrup.
For children tcelllllll : . soCle , . . tSe IUUII.ellure. In.
. llammathm alla1. " 'In ! d COI . 250 a tom. .
I To most men's minds an Idenl wita
, ' who Is said
Is Umt of an acqualntanco
to spoil her husband.
- - - - - -
Woman Novelist Widely Read.
Miss Dradd n , the P < lpular novelist ,
who celebrated her soventleth birth.
day by Issuing her'slxty.second book ,
received $12.60 Cor ller best known ef.
tort , " ady Audley's See rot. " Since
then royalties have been paid to her
on over a million copies. 1\IIss \ Drad.
don reads French , German , Spanish
nd Italian with equal facility.
I . . , Wa L. DOUCLAS
\ 3a5 I 9 R hoes
: \V.LDouglas \ $4 Gilt Edge llna
\ cannotbaoqualledatanYPllco. .
\ To lho n-altrn ft. - , .
W. I. . JOUllu' Job- ,
l blnlf 1I0uso Is th mott , . ' : : X ' .t1
' .
I complctBln thlscollntry " , l
. m < 1lor CatalO/ "
i'I i'I I i'
Mon's Shoos. .IS to elISO. noys' Shoes , 3
\0$1.1S. ! Women's 8ho s. ' .4,00 to $ l.nb.
} Mines' & ; ChtldrBn's Shoes. $2.21S to $1.00.
T 'V. L. Dnujlnll 'Vomen's , DIlsseB nnt'
Chlldrcu's shocs ; for style , fIt nud 'Wear
they ( \xccl olher makes.
If I could take you Into my largo
factories at Brockton , Mass.nnd shw
you how'cnrefully .L. Douglas shoes
arc made , you would then undcrstmd
why they hold their 5ha : : ( : , fit better ,
wear longer , and are of greater vnlue
than any other make.
" 'Vherever you live , you cau obtaIn W. L.
j Douglas ahoes. HII name and price 15 stomped
on the bottom , which protectB you . aln.t high
prices and Inferior shoes. Tak no aubarh
' " rute. Ask your dealer for 'V. L. DougllUlshoei
'i and In.let u n havlnjt them.
Fast Color : ! : elals used ; the ! ! will not wsar brasIV.
+ ' Write for llIustroted Catalojt of Pall Stylel.
, ' . W. L DOUGLAS. Dept. 12. Urockton , Mass.
all inflamed , ulcerated and catarrhal con.
ditions of the mucous membrane such as
nasal cntnrrhuterlnecntarrh caused
by feminine 1115 , sore throat , Sere
mouth : ' ! : : flnmed eyes by sinmlv
: : .r. . . . . . dosing the stomach.
, But yc > u surely can cure these stubborn
affectons : by local treatment with
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
I which dcstroys the disease germschecks
discharges , stops pain , and heals the
inflammation and soreness.
l'axtine represcnts the most successful
local treatmcnt for feminIne Ills ever
produced. Thousands of women testify
to this fact. So cents at druggists.
Send for Free Trial Box
TIlE It. PAXTON co. . DOltOD.
, Tbo tcstlmoD , . of tholl'
81111ds durlDll tbe pan
I y.'ur Is thut tb Cl1nnllluD
'Ve.t Is tbB best , , 'eot.
; ' ' rrrlt stC v :
creased In volume nnd In
vnluu , IIlId stili the Cumt-
dlnn Govcrnnlf'lIt olTotl
lflO urre. "UEE to
/ ever , b01l11 nde sBttlor.
'rhe phenomBnal Incrcnso In rail "a , . mllcallO-
mnlll Hllcs I1l1d utllllciltis-bas put I11111ostever1 pur-
UOIl of tbe couotry wltbln ens1 reach ot courcllcs ,
' g I le . kets , cheup CUBI end every modern
'rho NINt't'Y IIILIO
nURIIKL WlIl AT Cll ref
of Ihls ycur meuns tWIJUW ) ( 10 Ibu CI1rt1I U ot
We'tern Iunllllu. : IIPII't from Ibe results ot 0lb6 ,
gmlns I1l1d cllitle.
t ' ' 'r tulvltO nnlllntnrllIntion ; , uUress the SUI'IUt.
IN'l'KNII. : I'l' 0. ' UUIIU ItA'I'ION , Ottawl1 , CUlluda ,
or I1I1Y lIutl10l'lzeU Govurlllllont Altont ,
W. V. BENNETT , 801 New York Life Buildiu , .
Omiba. : Nebraska.
; \ . The Standard AthlotlB I.Ibrnry ot the WBrhl , E&ch
. , . . . . hook compI61011l1l.clr. DOH can become IItollclent III
any p..tlcular sport b ) ' stlll , 1111 : tbo tOlt of aU1 oue oC
the. . . books. l'rl06 , each booklO cents.
NolIlndlan Cluhs "nd Dllmb Dells , No. I CS-IW z.
. H "lrillft " ' ; t , o D ; I ' I rl " ! II
to Decolllo a Rkater. No , 2t\-285 : 1I.alth AII.were. No.
211-lIraded Call.lbelliod allliJIIIIIII /lell Drills , KB.233-
I I , iito \ oio 1 : . . : W .ok , ; . Ir : , f ' : , fi :
c"ti b t , CI ? rjO\ ' . ; tt ; : , : o fi r 1t k"o
2W-UlficlolllA.kBt Dall IInlde Cor Womoll. No , lI I-
'l'en.lng tserc. : . . . . . " 0. 2 3-lce 1I0ckoy and ke J'olo.
Unil : I.T o"t W..Vml : g "It.W ! \ rr"h ! Ute
to I'lay O"lf. No , : : so-omclal U'1.k6t ' Uall Ouldo. J'rloe ,
I'er bool.IO cents. . "or 00. . Ie toy dealers , or lellt b'l11all ,
EYer , . ' .1I0uld Fond" . card and receln
. " 11.,0. : boi' Iylllu.trated .md " nteroiltug catalogu" of
New York Chlragn I'hlhulelphlo. San Francisco
11otoo Dutral' , I'lthbutl : 8t. Louis Kalllal CI11
WAshington D"lltmOlo ! I'racu.e Clocilluall
New Orl.alls lIl1neopolll I > ellY r
! loutreal , Call"do. I.Bndon , ElIllan < 1
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
, . .
, onl1sts tor tour renrs youn" men ot lIood
CIUHootl'r aud sOllnd phlalBo.l coudillon between -
tween the ngc. ot 11 ont12.I1S aplltolltlce soa-
IIIonl Ol'portunltlos for o.d'anCBmelltl , .
1111 to 'TO u. Innntb. Itloctrloll1ns.machlnllt. .
bUtBksmltbs. copporsnlltbe , 100men ( clerlts )
cllrpenten , ahlplHlers , IIrelllcn , mUslclo.os'
oooks , eto , betwcon 21 and b 1enrs. oollltoJ
\ In alloBlal rntlna ! wltb sultablo l'a"l 1Iospltlll
IIpprenliccs 18 to . 28 1eare. Battrement on
, tbreo-tonnha pn , and al1o"ancea uCter W
I t : : : .nloe. Appllcaots mUat be American
I 'Int olotblnll outllt tree to recrulu , Upon
f1IBcnarfo travel allo"uncB 4 CBOts per mlle to
. plana a onllatmool , lI"nul COllr montha' pay
ILnd Increase In I'nyul'oll ru-ellllumont within
I tour mOlltbs of dllcb"rlle. Olflces at Lincoln
IInll U:1I11 nil I. Nebra.ItI1 , AIIO , durloll "Inter
) \ at 1I0s Moln. . . 1\ lid Mlollr City , low" Addre. .
, . .
The 'oung man In the gra ) ' suit
fiung his glo\'es untl a magazine down
cheerCullr and pounded the other man
on the shoulder.
"Ilellol" he said. "Did 'ou have a
good time at the house IlUrty , and
how did 'ou JIIO Jessie ? "
The other 'OUDg man raised a
handsome but bored countenaneo and
str tched himself languid ! ) ' . "Good
thl1e cnough , " he said , " 'rho Whit-
tons know how to entcrtaln a1l right ,
and Jesslo Whitton Is a mlght . fine
girl-but the ' had quecr people thorel
Heallr , not at nIl ou kind I"
"Who were Ule ' ? " asked the man
In the gray suit.
'l'he handsome 'oung mnn frowncll.
"Thero was a girl , " ho said , IndlC-
ferently. "I don't Imow when an 'ono
has Inltated mo as 1\1lss Ilrutmero
did. Girls wlio hayo been brought up
gracoCully nlwn 's bestow sohle Interest -
est on a Cellow when the ' are Intro.
duced. Why , Jesslo Whitton said she
was perCectly delighted to I11\Ot 1110
and It was so loyely of mo to accept
her Cather's Invltntlon when I must
have so many calls on 111 ' time. 13ut
this 1\1lss Hartmero just sfJrt oC nodded
at mo after ono long , calm glance that
seemed to tnko 1110 In Crom chl1d-
hood's halJPY hOlll' down to the pres.
ent tlmo and then deliberately aban.
tloned me to tall ; : to a queer.looldng
person tl1e ' , said waG a professor oC
"Why on earth a girl who Is per-
CecUy st.unnlng-that Is. she would
be rather good.looklng If she had do-
ce t manners-should want to waste
tlmo on a dry professor Is bo 'ond me.
Just dlslntp.restedly thlnldng about It
sp61led my dinner. I dlsllko being
Irritated , so I purposely . Ignored her
after dinner and devoted myself to
Jessie Whitton , who seemed to have
some nppreclatlt.n of what ono ex.
pects Crom a girl. She arranged to
play goU with mo next morning and
listened attentlyely to my remarks. "
"Did 1\11ss Hal.tmero seem hurt ? "
Inquired the young man In the gray
The handsome 'oung man Crowned
again. "Oh , she was walldng on the
terrace with the professor , " he ad-
mitted. "And she laughed a great
deal , but , of course , that was just to
'convey the Impression aho was having
a good tlmo-I know girls' Uttlo
trlcles ! When I suggested next morn ,
lng , out oC poIltenl'ss , that she join
the golf expedition , she said she hated
goU and declined. Now , doesn't It
seem to 'ou a girl 'who was thought.
lul and liked to please other people
would sink her own preferences ?
Jesslo Whitton hunted nIl the lost
balls Cor me , because she said any
one who lla 'ed such a remarlmbly
fine game as I did should not havE.
his mind Idlstracted with mere labor ,
Sho's a girl , I tell 'ou , who has sornd
sense !
"Still , that evening when I chanced ,
to sit down b ' 1\1lss lIartmero and
had a chance Cor a conversation to
find out if she had any redeomlng
qualities I rather wished Jesslo had
gone awa ) ' and stopped her chatter ,
She Is all on the sUl'face. I could tell
that 1\IIas lIartmero was bored by It ,
though there was no need oC her show
Ing It so plainly. Oh , 'es , she wag
clvl1 enough. but she lacked the winning -
ning qualities a Cellow JlIces In D
woman. "
" 'Veren't there other people there
so that you could drop : \lIss Hartmero
out of 'our calculations ? " asleed the
young man In the gra ) ' suit.
"Oh , 'es , " admitted the other. "Dut
a lellow doesn't like to be rude , you
know. I Celt It my duty to bo as nice
to her as to the rest. 1 thought if shct
liked heay ) ' conversation , judging Crom
her Condness Cor the professor's so.
clet . , I'd show her he had no 1lI0nopol
on Intellect. so I started to explain the
Russian situation to her , but she
stopped me. She looked right at me
with those queer brown e 'es of l1ers-
they have gold Slots In them-and
asked me In the sweetest , coldest
volco possible if I didn't think it a
waste of time Cor leople not weU In.
Cormed on a topic to discuss It , and
then began to talk about the weather
and the scenery. Dut JeS1.'lle never
woulll make a mlstako JlIw that. She
said when 1 talked with her that It
was a pleasure to get the well.balanced
views of a man 011 Jlvo questions , "
"Then didn't ' stick
why 'ou to
Jessie ? "
The handsome 'oung man passed
his hand over his brow. "Oh , I'm
always Interested in new types , " he
said. "And : i\1lss lIartmoro was one.
Sometimes she would appear to forget
I was there 01' that 1 had said anything -
thing and she did not seem at all embarrassed -
barrassed when she came out or her
trance. She was utterlr regardless of
my CeeHngs 01' mr wishes amI 'et
she smllelserenel ' . "
"I should thlnlc 'ou would have
been relieved to escape Crom such an
unsatlsfactor ' roung woman , " com.
mented the 'oung man In the gra '
"I certalnlr was ! " said the l1and-
some ' 01111g man. fin ) } ! ) ' .
"Coming out to the polo match to.
morrow , aren't rou ? " ) lursued the
other 'oung man ,
The good.loollng 'oung man hesitated -
tated uncomfortabl ' . "I'm afraid I
can't , " he said. hastllr. "I'm getting
kind of tired of polo. " Desldes , I'vo
some ) leOIle coming Into town tomorrow -
morrow whom I feel I ought to show
around-tho matlneo and lunchcon ,
that sort of thing , 'ou Imow..n.o. . I
don't thlnle 'ou Imow them-It's 1\IIss
Hartmero and her mothcr-Chlcago !
DalI ' News.
Thousands of
\V 0 m 0\1 surrer
d a II ' backache ,
headacllo , dlzz ) '
s poll s , languor ,
nervousness and
a dozen other
s 'mptoms of kltl.
ney trouble , but
lay It to ether
caUS03. Make no
mlstnleo. K 0 0)1 )
the Iddneys well ,
and these aches
nml troubles will
Mrs. Anthony
Cadrotte , 77 Mechanic street , Leomln.
ster , Mass" says : " : \Iy sight Called ,
I had sharp pain In my bnek and
bearing-down pains throug\ ! . the hillS.
I was nervous , CretCul and mlsorable.
The urlno was greatI ) ' dlsordored and
I beban to have the swe11lngs of
dropsy. I was running down fast.
when I stnrted1slng Doan's Kidney
Pills. A wOl1derCul change came and
after using them CalthfullY Cor a short
tlmo I was wel ! . "
Sold br a11 dealers. [ j0 cents n box.
Fostor-l\l\lbu \ n Co. , Duffalo , N. Y.
Keeplno P:1rents In Subjection.
In the lICe oC the very rich some
parents stilI seek to resemble these
curCews Inca1'l1ato In humble lICe who .
keep the girls at homo and the bo 's.
out ot the barrooms , l\lIddlo lIfo nnd
elli age are too hldebou > > 'lto get ac.
customed , to the manners cf the new
geqeratlon of 'Qung men who are old
and WOrIl beloro they graduate and of
young women who win or 10iO ] arge
SU/11S at gambUl1g. Ohlldren have a
right to c. ( ct from their parents o.
cle ! obedience. At firsb this may be
difficult , but , as Arlstotlo says , "VII"
tuo Is a habit , " and It cnn be acquired.
-N. Y. Evening Post.
The Ideal , Family L xatlve.
Is ono that can bo used by the entlro
family , ' .oung and old , weak and
strong , without any danger of barmCul .
eCCects. It should have properties
which Insure the sarno dose alwa 's. .
having the same eCCect , otherwlso tho. .
quantity will have to bo Increased and
finally 10so Its eCfect altogether. These
prOIerUeS can be found In that old
Camny remedy , Drandreth'o Pllls , because -
cause Its Ingl'edlents are of the purest
herbal extracts , and every pIlI Is kept
for three 'el1rs beCoro being sold ,
which allows them to mellow. We do
not beHeve there Is a laxative on the
market that Is so carefully made.
Drandreth's Pills are the sarno fine
laxative tonic pills your grandparents
used. They have been In use tor over
century and are Cor sale ev rywhere ,
either plain or sugar.coated.
Sculptor Alleges Injustice.
Intormatlon comes Crom France ,
where George Gray Durnard Is work.
lng on the marble groups which are
to be the chief adornment of the new
atate capitol at Harrisburg , that the
aculptor has told Intlmato friends that
he wlll wreck his creations beCore ho ,
wlll lot them be taken across the
ocean without a Call' compensation Cor
his several years ol labor. He was to
have $100,000 f.or the work , but the
payments have been delayed. An ,
order to prepare replicas of his statues
tor exhibition at the opening had been
nearly completed when It was coun.
termanded , although Darnard had ex.
pended $4,000 uplln It.
For Our Women Readers.
As probabl ) ' a11 , ol 'ou know , the
name QUAKER on n. package of
1'01100 oats means exactly what ster.
ling does on , n. pleco of sllyer.
Dotb stand Cor PURITY. In an.
other part of this ] JaIJOr YOll will find
nn advertisement of QUAKER OATS ,
now put up lor the first time In largo
prlco as Inferior oats. In addition you
get In each paclmgo FREE n. beautl.
ful picco of Imported china. Read
the adverUsemont , and then asl : ) 'our
grocer C.or a li'AMIL Y package of
QUAKER OATS. You wlll bo deHght.
ed with the oats , and moro than de.
lighted with the beautiful present In
the paclenge.
- - - -
Disappointed M n's Explanation for
His Lateness.
The other afternoon a man rushed
Into the Reading terminal , galloped
up the stairs and dashed for the train'
ahed just as the gates were closed
a alMt him , sa 's the Philadelphia
lIe looked as If he wanted to swear
most vociferously , but he was out ol
wind , and all that ho could do was to '
lean against the ( en'oo and soulfully ;
sigh. It was then that the grlnCul IdIot -
Iot , who Is always on hand , IJ ced over
nnd butted in.
"Did you miss your train , 0111 boy ? " ,
ho Cuerled. ) with a smiling glance at :
the panting one. I
"No , " was the grouchy I'ejolndgr , "II
chase myself up hero that way every
five minutes to see them shut the
gates. "
"What made 'ou so late ? " qucrled I
the .other , not at all abashed. "Is 'our ,
watch out ot order ? "
"No , m ) ' watch Is all to the good , " I
replied the man who missed the train ,
"but 1 think that my Ceet are a out
two minuteR slow. "
- - - - - - -
21rd's nbrokcn Flloht.
In ono unbrokep. nocturnal flight the
European bird known as the north.
ern blue throat haa been proved to
travel from central AfrIca to the German -
man ocean , a distance of lGlO ! miles ,
making the journey In nine hour .
. .
- - - -
I.c \ \ ' hi' S1 lr Dhult'r ci al'--rl11l'9I , " 'o t '
Mh f III mll , ( ' nil t hI' marll't , \ our
denier 1.1'\\"Is' 1't1dot' , '
or \ \ , l'eorm , 1JJ ,
Proposal to Honor Engineer. I' '
A )1 ) { ) lIoBltion In honor of John A.
HoobIlng's 1110I11or ' b ' tbo erection of
n 1110nUI11ent In Trenton , N. J. , Is tnk.
In ! ; n. new turn antl the citizens l11ay
built ! n nfJ\V school of Industrial arts' '
nnd dedicate It In bls nal11e. l\tr. '
Rooblhl ! ; wus the bulldor ot the
Drooklrn nnd ether SIlSllulIslon
bridges , and one of the Corel11ost en. ,
rlneoro In the countl'y In his duy.
Deafness Cannot U" Cured
by tocal al'pllc tlon8 , a Ihoy cauuJt rt'ch the d18'
. ,
ea.eII'ruon ot the oa . 't'ncro It unly IIn3 war 10
CUrB lIealnou.nd that 11 by coulltullonsl ! rcmc\l , I ,
l1eafncs 18 cauoll II ) ' au 11111 111I0Clllld1llon IIf IhO
hIltCOItS IInlnl : ot Iha " , ulac/llnn / Tltbo. Whclllh. . .
tltl > B II 1t11\IIIICII : 10u hn'B rumbllnlll"und ur 1m.
t'tVtcct hCllrlnlt , athl when It 11 eliUrely chlAe < l.lIcnf.
ncull tba , ,
tllllelS Uh ! Inl1..IIII11Atlon oRn hB
taken Oltt Anlt th I tltbo re.tored to Its norlllal 01'111. ' .
lion , bc"rlolt will h I'ell C"rcvcrl IIlnB CMOI
out of ten nro cau r" b ) ' CatArrh. which h uotbln. :
butnn _ Inllame.l cODdltlon or IhB .lIrlacCl.
\ \ 0 will Itl\'o 0110 11l1nJre.1 JIIRU fur IIn ) ' cnse ot
' . .
DB'lfne. Ccnlue.101 \ . \ tbnt cnnnot be cured
by 111111' . C..tarrh Cllre. S"I1' for clrcula. . , troe. .
. " , L P. , I. Clm ECO. . , 'I'olodo , O.
B 1" "T 1) rum : I AU , j l ! ,
Tllko 111111'a111111111 : l'l1la tor onnstll'atlon ,
Romance In Writers' Lives.
A stl'lllSo ! comedy aud tra edY wan
woven Into th" IIvea of Ibsen and
Djornson. As YOl1ug men they were
great Crlends : then politics fiung then.
all rt : the ' quarreled and never mct
Cor years lHI 'ears. Strange fate
brought the children oC these two
great writers together and Bjornson's
daughter maiTICd ] bson's only child.
The fathers met aftm' a quarter of n
century or Relmratlon at the wedding
of thell' cl1lldren.
Suffered Severely with Eczema All
Over Body-A Thousand Thanko
to Cutlcura Remedies.
"For Over thlrty.fivo years 1 Was a
severe suCCerer Crom eczema. The
eruption was not confined to any ono
] llaeo. It was al1 ever my body , 1Imbs ,
and oven on m ' head. I am sixty
) 'ears old and an ol soldier , and have
been oxamlned by the Government
Doard o VOl' fifteen times , and they
said there was no cure for me. I hnvo
talwn aU kinds ot medlclno and hl1vo
SIJent large sums of money for doc.
tors , without avail. A short tlmo ago
I decided to try the CutlcUl'a Heme.
dies. and acter using two calos of
Cutlcura Soap , two boxes of Cutlcura
Ointment , and two bottles of CuU.
cura Resolvent , two treatments In an ,
I am no\v well and completely cured.
A thousand thanles to Cutlcura. 1
cannot speak too highly ot the CuU.
cura Remedies. J01111 T. Roach , Rich-
mondale , Ross Co. , Ohio , July 17 ,
1905. "
Plenty Morel
R\lsseU Sago was much opposed to
drlnldns. lIe would often ral1 with
bomely and humorous wisdom against
"Men drlnle , ' ho said one day to
broker , "because they are Imppy , bo-
CUlISO they Ilre sad , because they are
too warm , because they are too cold.
Is there any logic In that ?
"When lace men drinking I think
of a little boy at the seashore.
"This little bar , at play wlUI his
bucket and shovel Lu the sand. sudden.
Iy ran to the edge of an advancing
wave , nnd , scooping UI ) a handful of
salt water Md fOllm , drank It greed.
" 'Oh , don't drlnlt that. ' said his
nUl'se. 'It will mal\O you thlrst . . ,
" 'What If It does ? ' said he. 'There'
' ' '
plenty more.
Consummate Nerve.
nator Tlllman , at a banquet In
Charleston , said of a notorious corporation -
poration :
" 'rhls Is what I dislike about these
"They break the law with bribery
I\nd with corruption , and then , It there
Is a strlko among their hands , a window -
dow broken , a gate torn down , they
are the first to come whining to the
law-these lawbreakers-Cor protec.
tlon. 'Vhat nerve , what Impudence ! "
Senator ' 1'1IIman paused and amlled ,
"Do you know what , In their nerve ,
t11ey romlnd me of ? " he said. "They
romlnd me ot a man who taltes shelter
from a thunderstorm In nn umbrella
shop. "
- -
Even When the Facts About Coffee
Are Plain.
It Is curIous how IJeoplo wl1l refuse
1.0 bo1levo what one can clearly see.
Tell the average man or woman
that the slow but cumulative po son.
ous oCCect ot caCCelno-the allmlold In
tea and coITee-tends to wealwn the
heart , UISet the ucrvous s 'stm and
cause Indigestion , and they may laugh
at Y01l It they don't lmow the facts.
Provo It by sclenco or by practical
demonstration In the recover ' or cof.
fee drinkers from UIO above conclI.
tlons , and a largo 11er cent. of the
human family wUl shrug their shoul.
dc > rfl. tal\O the drugs and-Iwep on
drinking cofCeo or tea.
"correo nOYOl' agreed with me nor
with several members of our hOllse.
hold , " writes a latly. It enOl"Vates , de.
presses and creates a feeling of Ian.
guor and heaviness. It was only by
leaving off coITeo and using Postum
that wo discovered the cause and cure
of these I1ls.
" 'rhe only reason , I am sure , why
Postum Is not IIBell attogethor to the
exclusion of ordinary coffee Is , many
persons do not Imow and do not fleem
wllllng to learn the facts and how to
pi'eparo this nutritious beyerage.
Thoro's only ono way-according to
directions-boil i fully 15 minute ! ! .
Then It Is de1lclous. " Name glvon by
Postum Co" nattlo Crcele , Mich. Head
the tlttlo boole , "Tho Road to Well.
vlJIe. In pkgs. "Thero's n rcasoll. "
" ' .A . _ . . . , _ _ . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - _
: \m ; '
\ These HandsfjI. e Dishes
with every large size
t'ami8Jf p8cGrage of
, Quat . < G.r Oars .
You will enjoy eating QunkCl' Oab ; , because Quaker
Oats is the best rolled oats made , 'rlwre is a delicious
taste to Quaker Oats that 'ou never find in othcr brands ,
Quaker Oats cost no more than inferior rolled oats ,
and in addition yon receive a handsome plnt , vegetable
dish or cup and saucer , of semi-porcelain , beautifully ,
dccorntcd in dainty tints and gold , with evcry largo sized
family package.
QUaker Oats
has a larger sale all ovcr the world thun all other brands of rolled
outs combined.
This of itself proves the superiority of Qunleer Oalo. If you .
have not used Quakcr Oats already , you don't lmow how deliciou ! ; ,
wholesome and satisfying rolled onts Cl1l1 bo made.
Remember , you gt.t ! these exquisitely decorated disheG in every
largo sized family packaga retailing at 25c. Remember , you get
better Oats and better chinn thal1 you have over bought in n family
packaga and lit the sumo price. Quaker Oats is 1001'0 economical ,
tastes better , and goeS' farther than nny other brand of rolled oats.
Do not allow your dealer to substitute inferior oats or Quaker Oats.
'The ' Quaker"Oats (9n\'Pa1\Y
TllC1'o's a now Qllalcer product , Qllalcer Best Cornmcal , Bold only
in scaled packagcs , 3 lbs. 10 ccnts. Ask vo"r grocer.
who believe in quality
25 olnces far 25 cents
Made from pure , carefully tested
Makes all baking healthful.
Why pay more for inferior '
powders ?
Cl1lcnao .
. ,
Th is Is What
Catches Me !
16oz.-0nc-Thlrd 1\ofora Starch.
A. .
- - - - - - - - - - -
f ' " . .1\ , . " <