Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 15, 1906, Image 8

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f In Harmony With Action TlIen by the
, President , Go. . . Mlclley Issues His
i. Proclamltlon-Other Matters In Nebraska -
braska Here and There.
, -
Thanksgiving Procllmatlon.
. I . TINCOIN-Govel'nor Mlclto ) . IS8111I
' , the followlnl ; 'rl\\Illesrlvlnl \ [ ; Ilrocll\l11n.
\ : " t Ion :
. Noh I'll sica hns novel' cxp.crlellcoll 1\
moro III'OSll011111N 801\IIOn than that.
I which Is jllst. clrnwlng to a closo. 'rho
. Uehls hnvo pro llced In ahllndRnco , the
orchnrds hllvo exe'lIed nil Il1'ovlollll
l'ecorciR nnd over ) ' matC'lnl ! Intorest.
I. 11nll llrospered , 'rhero Is 110 Ilorlion of
the atato bllt that has richly Imrllcl-
Imtcd In the henonts which the ycar
hns hrollght to ns. ' 1'ho IlrodllctJ ! of
the slimmer's toll are now bolng gru'-
1101'011 Into collaI' , storohollso nml gmn-
- . ary , whllo Iho lIong or "I1arvost. Home"
rOHollnds from valley nncl hilltop nnd
heers the heartll of a happy , IJI"Ospor-
OilS nnd contento1 ! Ilcople.
Ii'or the hlesslngs vOllchsafell to liS
Ity the Glvor of nil 10(1(1 ( wo 1\1'0 de-
VClIlI ) ' thanlfll\ , \ . Bach dny shollid ho
1dny of thanllIglvlng. It. Is the CIIS-
tom , howovel' , to ospcclally sot almrt.
on dll ) ' for the gonoml oXl1rcsslon or
pralso and ! -mW\lIlo : \ and 'In harmon ) '
with the I1ctlon already talwn by the
pI'l'sldent of the United St.utcs , I , John
II. 1\I1clcoy , governor of the atato of
, Nohl'l\slw , do horohy Ill'Ocll1lm 'l'hur8'
clay , Novomhor 2 ! ! , 190G , as a day of
'l'hanllIglvlng : nnd relluest thnt It. ho
observed In the slllrlt of melllLatlon
nnll praise. On that. day let all the
IIC01110 IIssemhlo In tholr 111311111 111nces
of womhlp 111111 let. them do reverence
10 the enl ) ' trllo nnd living God fl'om
, , , hem nil "Icsslng ! ! flow. Lot our IlItb.
) fe and Ilrlvato dovotlons tesLIC ) ' that
" 0 nro earnestly mlndflll of the mol'-
clos of the past , and lot. liS hcsoech
the Father of all I\1cI'cles for their con.
tlnllanco In the future ,
In testimony whereof I have hore.
. unto set m ) ' official slgnlltnro nnd
caused the Grcat seal of the Htato to
bo afIbcd.
Done Ilt LIncoln , Neh" this third clay
of Novcmher , A. D. , 190G.
11r the governor ,
( SIgned ) JOHN II. 1\lICKEY ,
( Signed ) A Galnslm ,
Secretar ) ' or Stnte.
Wanted His WIfe to 'Work. '
' " NlmnASKA CI'1'Y - Carl 1\Inler : ,
agoll G8 anll l\lIs11 Staphlna IIrulJy ,
aged 28. wore IInlted In mllrl'lage hy
, County , JI1l1go1. . W. Wilson. ' 1'hoy
. , . , voro b.Jth : Gornmns and co 11111 not.
llcale a word of IDngllsh a\1l1 the mar-
1'Jrgo ceremony was done through the
clerk of the cOllrt who Hpeales the Inn.
tuage. It. dovolopcd durIng the tlmo
thc ) ' were In the ofllco that. the groom
I 11all paId a frlond $ ! i0 to secur2 him
. I ( \ wlfo and ho hall Indllccd the green
, . , Gorman girl to marry the old man ,
I llecnllso ho hall a good farm and WIIS
well to do. 'fJlo groom Inslstod that.
. the jUdge mal\O hol' IlI'omlso to worl {
for h-llI1 , jlU:1t. : 11\\0 \ a farm hand , hecl\lIso
110 had to pay 1'0 much 1I10noy to got
hel' . Ho WI\S an 01.1 . hacholor and
I stated that In the old cOlin try peol\o \
hOllght wives In thlR mannol' I\nd made
1 I them do the farm worl { whllo they en.
, .
jo'cd all the vacations that were com.
I , Death of J. N. Gaffin.
, . FREMONT-.T. N. Galfin of Valley ,
\ llIod at the Fremollt hosl1ltnl fron :
Ilflral'sls Ho wna Gl ) 'enru of age. IIII'
" Gaffin In I8 ! ! : ! nnll 1897 WIIS sllCnlter 01
. ' . . the houRe , lJolng l'ollrosentatlvl
, y. ' , from Sal\llliors count ) ' . 1I0 wns dO\lllt \ )
on IlIs\lectOl' \ unl10r the fusion admln
t iAtration. The bOlly will bo tnlccn h
Jlls former hOl11o at Colon fOI' IntoI'
: t mcnt , the fl 111 I'tir'l 1.Jelng 1 \ held tllorl
: : ( . MOlldllY morning :
\ . . Mr. Gaffin was 0110 of the IlI'omlllen
' : : figlll'cS In the hlstor ) ' or the 11011\1118
i ] \I1l't ) ' . lIe was a mombOl' or the hOIlSI
of ropresentllUvos In the sessions a
I ] 801 , when S. 1\1. Ehlor was SllcllIer
und In 18J [ ) : when ho waG made SlIeale
\ ,'Fnlt. : nlAn11 \ 1 H97 when he 'wa
" again s\lcalC \ ! ' . Ho IlI'eslded durlll !
j. some atormy scones.
. \ "
i , . . 111 From Trichina Polson.
, , 'FREMONT-From onllng dlseaso ,
1,4 IlOrl { . Mr. 1\1\11 1\1rs. 110111' ) ' lIolno IIn' '
YOllllg Eon , WlIlJllr. rosldont.s of th
If I
j 'now town of Leshara on the SlolI
I ' ' 'Clty.Ashland line of the BllrllngtOl
'l . lro critically 1\1. \ 'l'hoy WOI'OIrough
. . to the Fremont hosl1ltal where 1\11'j
.of . , Heino Is 111 n ) > rocarl011s cOlldltlon. ,
woee ! ugo Mr. Holne hutchorod a ho
. .
. th ! famU ) ' , hnd ralsod 111 a ) > ell hac
. , of the houso. Some of the moat WI ]
" ( mton and the following da ) ' the fall
: ( \ 1 II ) ' were tallen III. When the 11h8
; clans 11ronouncoll the dlBOIISO h'lchlll
Iolsollln ! ; the alele 110rsolls wel
"rought to the hOSlll1l1l.
Kill a Big Eagle.
GRAF'TON-Ellward ' Everett It III E
l\ bIg American eagle 011 the E\'erl1
farm alJout two miles norlheast I
Church 'rrlal Postponed ,
CA1\tDHlDG \ - 'rho chllrch trl
wlllch was advertlsell to tnlo plnl
'fit. the Cnmhrldgo l\I. B. chllrch e
( ) cl01lcr 1 for some reason 1mII' be (
110slponed. 'fho local paBtOl' here WI
: utvurtlsOJ as the "JJI'o ecutlng attc
1WY" In the trIal which Is acnlnst OJ
.or 'tIlt ) former IIUlt01'S ot this chUl'c
"I'ho br1nglnl ; of this mattol' to t11
'town for : \ trlnl. sillco It hils lJOen 0\ '
. ' 1wo ycnrq ago since the nlleged ml
f ( \onducl \ tool { Ilia co Is not I\ppro\'lJit
; 'h ' ) ' all the eltl7.E ns of the town , nCII' I
unany m < ' : tnl > erB of the church.
1f f
I. .
. ' . "
; " J -1.
- -
r- "
. _ , . . . . . . . . ' . " ' . .
' ( - ; " " (
, J
- - - - - -
'fht' Jr ( > l\t Wtllt : oC the farmers 110\ '
19 COl'li hUllwl's
I ' ' . . lIclIl1'lco'IIIt\.o
: 'IIInlsh'I' of \ nrrnllgol1
Cor n ullion rovl\'al. .
I llroll'n Bow hm forn1l'll 1chllJ for
1I1IIIro\'l'uu'nt oC tl1l' ( 'lLr.
The ( lrUlw tern will sIIOI\l1 $ .10.000
In Imlln\"omenl nl I rolt1ont.
HPfltrlC't' I\nll 1"lIlrhur ' will meet. In
a football contl'tlt thl lIIonth.
l'rl'IInrntionl' nro going COl'warcl for 11
bIg I'l1l1glons re'I11 In 11111'\11\\1.
Coal dcnh'l'S oC Columbus are hn\'lnr.
dllllcnlt ) . In "otting sulllclcnt RUIIII\ \ )
for cnstomcrs.
'rho Antl'lolle Count ) ' 'ronchers' as.
soclaLiou will heM theh' regulnr lIIeot.
IlIg Novelt1bcr 10th.
'rho Sprlngfiolcl WClmnn's club , which
has IIC0n very IICtlVO for the last. ycar ,
hlL.q billed out II lecture course.
'rho' officers of SarllY county are or :
fcrlllg It rowllrd of $30 for the nrrcst of
the thler who stele n mule from Port
Mr. 111111 Mrn. 1.1. A. WhiLing nt AI.
bloll , cclellrated theIr golden welhllnE ;
A Inrgo company of IICIII' rolnLlves
were presellt. '
At.Vnhoo a son of John AIlJert got.
his hand cllllght. In n mnchluo which
Il'avell him minus ono thumlJ , which
IlI\d to he cut. o IT.
.Tohn 1\1elna , one of the oldest. clth
zens 01 Cumlng connt ) ' , dlcd 111 1.111' '
coin last woel { . Ho hall Cor It long
limo heoll In the Insnllo asylum.
C. A. Lowls' sale of fa 11 C ) ' Polnl1l1.
China hogB hrought a largo crowd of
farmers to Beatrice. I'\o ; head
solll at an average of $30. A G.mollths-
old gill brought. $1l1i.
'l'hr9"gh noglect. nnd some mlsunder- ,
stllUltIng the propcr o/llcors / fllllell to
file the certlficllto or nomination for
the prohlhltlon Imrty In Gllgo county.
lucnco their lIamcs will not IIppcar
UpOIl the Imllot at the coming elecllon.
As the result of the dlH'
charge of a doulJlo.lJarrolcd shot. gun.
Phllllil Llpl1ert a lIastlngtJ youllg man ,
recelvell It dallgol'OuB wouncl In the
rIght arm , which may necessitate the
amll\1tntloll or that IImh.
O. S. Colthm' . who lives 80mo olght
miles sOllth of 'rllhlo lwcl { , recellt1) "
mal'lwtcIl the most \'alualJlo load of
graIn over mnrlcotell In the cOllnty , It'
cOllslsted of scventy-ono lJlHlhels of
red clover secll , which wns sold for
$ G,2i ! pel' hushol. IImolllltlllg to the
Imug sum of $381.25.
'l'ho repOl't. of Stnto 'I'rcasurcr Mol"
tellsell or the trausactlons or the state
treasur ) ' d\ll'lng the month of Octo
hel' , filed with the atate 1\11 11ILo 1' , shows
that. ho had on hand OctolJer 1 , $2GG-
194.82 , and on Nov. 1 , $2D8,72i .31i. The
recohlts dllrlnt. ; the month amountel\
to $272,911.04 IIl1d the oXl1endlture
Itecently a fat hog was stolen from
William W'nn In PlalLsmouth , and
hid In n vacant. barn on the 11remlsefJI I
reccnLl ) ' occupied by M. S. Driggs. .
UoCore the thief l'eturnell to get thO ;
porlwr n nelghlJor Informed the 1I0llcQ
of the fin . The promlscs were guard-
e for a few days and nights , llUt. the
robber came not.
Paul Vnn Aclwren , manager of the
Crowell elevator at Llndsa , hns de1
cldell after a cunvuss of the town , to
Install lL comllleto and ull-to.dnto elec.
trlc light. plant In Llndsa ) ' . Over 400
lights ha\.o nlready bcon contracted
ror. The town board at. a tpcclnl meet-
contracted for thlrty.two slxtoen
cnndle power IIgh15 for the streets.
In conversation with Superlntenden
Scllley of the Stanllllrd company at.
North Platte. It. was learned that two-
thirds of the bcet. crall Is ! ! tlll In the
groun . 'I'he factor ) ' at Lcavllt Is us.
; Ing 1,000 tons a day , but. the yield
per acre Is so heavy tha.t. . the heets ,
from fiCly to elxt ) . acres per ay , lecps
the Cactory running to Ils utmost caj
pRclty. ,
Wlln both feet frozen so ba l ) ' Utat
) amputation ma ) ' lJo necessary , \1. Cnr. '
tel' , n negro cool { , who came to pollco
In Omaha for
: ) headquarters melllcal.
nttentlon , told a torrllJlo tale of suffer.
IIIG' with a IInrt ) ' of five In the lJllzzard
last weel { In the balllanlls lWa ! ' nnllhl
Cily. S. D. 'fhey hnd to go sevcnty
miles 10 Ralllci City. Thclr hlnnlwlB
WC1 0 wot. 'I'hay trudg-ell In the Bnow
and Ice to lc0011 from reezlug to death.
s All had tholr fect. frozell.
Count ) ' Cleric Haverly of Douglas
county has turllell ovel' to the county
treasurer the tnx lists for 1906 , which
hnvo bcen comlllled b ) ' John EIlwnrds ,
who I 111 chnrgo of the tax doparlment
of the ol11ce. The list : lhows the as ,
scssell valnntlon of the count ) ' , both
1'111 and porsollal. to lJe $30.G33,0i8 ! ,
an of $820G2G ever Insl year ,
As thcso figures are hused on ono.fiftl1
or the rcal vahlo the ) ' mean the total
\'alue of Ilroperty assesed ! Is ovel
$1i3OOOOOO. !
Corn husldng Is now actively hi
pro ross throughput this scrtlon , Sa'f
a West Point. 11Ispatch , 111111 the ) 'Iel
Is conelclerahl ) ' OVC1' the average , hotli
In quullt . anll quanLlt ) ' . Great dffi [
culty 18 holng oXllerlellced lJ ) ' the farmer
or : ! In getting help ouou h to mo\ ' (
the crOll. All the aVllllablo men I\r (
behll ; tnl\Cn out of the tOWIIS and vel
! d the sUPIII ) ' Is far short of the dema1I1
tl Should hall wcather super\'OIlO ho
of tweon now and Christmas 1I1111'h COI' !
will ho Icft In the fields until sllrlllS
W. H. Woods of Culhoun hall hi :
nl molh'r'B shawl , huught. In gnrlanl
' slxt.fivo ) 'eurR nlO 1\1111 worn fan
; n forty ) 'onrs. Allhollgh worn blll1ly II
BIot' ! , the fiowors 011 the IlOrdcr are a
! II
13 hrlght us when the ) ' loft the hnnd
" of the omhroldorel' .
It. 'I'he Union Pacific surve 'ors 11ass ( '
h. throulh Gr\sham , running the ! 'lxt
IS [ fllirvor on the proposed IIIH' fl'ol
er Strom1hllr ! to 1.hll'oln. 'I'llls 1\11'\0
Is. Is Bald to l e the last ono nnd Is hel n
of made with a vlllw of obtalnln th
, ) ) ' mn5t. IlIreC't IIno wllh the IIghtCf .
J cradcs vlD SewnI'd and 1\I lIfo rd.
. . . - , " . . . .
- .
\ . ' . . . . . . _ , . . . ,
. 'N"'Arll' ' tvt'W $
. - .
P.'actlce Marches Planned to Influ. ,
ence Restoration of Confidence
In Provisional Go..ernment.
Havana-It. Is tIle Intention of the
provIsional govornment. to have the
American troops here make extenslvo
practlco marches througbout. the coun.
try. This should not. lJo Intel'lll'ote
as a threatening demonstration ; the
step Is taken for Its moral effect. on
the restoration of confidonce. In a
general order Gen. J. Franklin Dell
enjoins all officers I\UlI cnllsted men
of the American army of occupation to
manifest nil possllJlo courtesy to.
wards CulJnns of all parties , and to
take no active Imrt In the snppresslon
of disorder , except In exlremo emor.
goncles rendorlng Interference for
the 11rotectlon of 1Ifo and property
ncco'ssary. 'rho duties of the Amerl ,
can forces are , generally speaking ,
Ihnltod to the tendorlng of good offices
for the prevention of frIction lJetween
confilctlng clements.
Upon the recommcndatlon of Carlos
Garcia y Volez. hlsl1ector of pUlJllc
institutions , San Lazaro hospital , In
whIch there are several hundred lep.
ors , prolJalJly will be shortly 1'0'
moved to an Island oft the northern
coast of 1\tatnnzas provInce. ' ' 1'ho 1'0'
moval of this hospital hns long lJeen
desired , but. the project. has lJcen opposed -
posed by the wealthy private corpora ,
tlon lJy which It. Is controlle .
Americans 0:1 the Isle of Pines are
excIted over the nrrest. and ImprIson.
ment of n countryman namcd HolmeG'
lJurg , on the charge of cnttlng down a
tree on the lJoundary IIno or his own
proporty. A commltteo has como from
the Island to request Gov. 1\lagoon to
del10so the present ma'or and appoint
as acting mayor Second Lieut. Robert
'rillonl , of the marino corps.
Two Bandits Secure $7,000. From
Cashier and Escape.
La Salle , lll.-'l'ho Farmers' and
: \tlners' lJanl { . of Ladd , a minIng town.
was hold up and rolJbed Monday after.
The assistant cash I or , J. .J. Hurloy ,
was alone In the lJank when two mon
entered nnd aslted for Bomo IIClmles.
'rho next moment , covering 1\11' ,
Hurloy with revolvers , they ordered
him to throw up his hands.
The robbers then marched Hurlo ) '
to a bacle room , where they bound him
hnnd and foot.
The roblJers then helIlCd themselvm
to cash and escnped. They loft $13C
In gold besldos a quantity of sliver 011
the bank counter and lsturlJod little
In the \'nult. .
The amount of their booty will lJ (
alJout. $7,000 as near as the hanle of
flcers were nble to esthllllle' the loss.
New Congres3man Kills Man.
Daton Reuse , Ln. - Domocratl <
Congressman.cect. : Judge George H
Favrot , Wednesday evening S1101
and Instantly killed his lifelong nsso
clato and Cormor schoohnateo Dr. H. II
Aldrich , ono of the best Imown clll
zons of Daton Hougo. Whllo hundred !
of persons were near the sreno or tht
shooting none Imow whlll happenel
lJotweon the two mono JUdge l'a\\'o ;
rofusClI to talle lJo'ond letting It b. .
Imown that the matter WIIS a IIrlvat4
Crosses Sea 901 Times.
New York. - Thomas Klnsoy
purser of the AmCl'lcan IInor St. Paul
which l'eturne Sunda ) ' from the IDnl ;
IIsh chllnnel , finished his nine hunl1rcl
and first. trip across the Atlantic oceal1
Mr. Klnse ) ' holds the record of havln :
crossed the western sea oftener thai
any ether living man. His mlleag
amounts to about 2.703.000 mlles 0 :
the Atlantic aloao.
Vtlluable Letter Mlssln ! ) .
Fayeltovlllo , N. C.-The Ilost. offic
here wns rolJlJell of a registered lette
containing $ :1,000 : on October 2G. Th
money was sent b ) ' the Planters' Nt
tlonlll banle of Rlchmon , Va" to th
Natlonal banle at. Fa'ottovlllo.
Attempted Murder and Suicide.
Roele Island , 111.-In a tit of joa
ous rage lJecause his attentions wor
reJected , Barney Howland BtalJlJe
Mrs. Elllo Dalor a dozen times an Cl
his own throat. lIe will probnbly dl ,
The woman will recovor.
. . . . . . . . . . .J ' . . " . .
WhItes Lose Suit for SIare of Chero.
kee Wealth.
Washlngton.-Tho supreme conrt oC I
the United States Monday affirmed the
decision of the court of claims In the
case or Daniel Red Dlrd , the Chero.
Ieo nation nn others , versus the
United States , Imown as "the White
Man's Cnse. " The cases Involved the
long pending claims of 2,000 and 3,000
whlto persons to lJUrtlclpato In the dls.
trlbutlon of the lands nnd the funds of
the Cherolcce nation because of marriage -
riage with members of the trllJo.
Throre are over 4,000,000 acres of Inn
and the tribal funds nre extensive.
The decision was favorable lo the In ,
The Indians strenuously resisted the
claim , contending that they had never
by law recognIzee ! property 1'Ightg on
account. of Intermnrrlage. In 11l\ss\nl \ ;
upon the cases t.ho court of claims held
that the l1'llJal lands a\'o not. communal
lands , but. that whites who ncqulred
cltlzenshlll by marrlago prior to 1875
have equal Interests with the Indians.
In the case of marriages Into the trllJo
sInce that. tlmo It was held that no
rIght. or propert ) ' had lJeen acquired
excopt. by those who hu paid Into th ( >
common fnnd the sum of $500. ' 1'he
court. or claIms also held that. whlto
huslJands of Cherolcce women who
have alJandoned their wives have for.
felted all rIghts as CherolOo cItizens ,
Including that of participation In thc
proceeds of sales of Cherokee lands.
The decIsIon affirme that. decision
In all l'espects.
Chiefs of Dlssatlofled Indians to Con.
fer with President.
SherIdan. Wyo. - A conference
of the Indians and the troops ha- : :
resulted In an agreoment. on the parl
of the Utes to ret.urn with Col. Rogers
to Fort Meade , S. D. , to lJo cared for
there lJy the govornment. while Chiefs
Red Cap and Dlnck Whiskers go to
Washington to talk the malloI' over
wIth Prcsldent Roeyelt.
'rhe Utes wl1l go uvorland with
troops of the Sixth ca\'ah' ) ' . The In.
dlans have not lJecn dl3armed anl1
will not be as 10:11 ; ns they make no
threatening move.
The conference was held lJetween
the s01ll10rs and the Ute camp , 15
miles northeast of Moorhead. The
chiefs In attendance. who were senl
by the band with power to act , are
Red Cap , Unknahkln and Pan nap ,
I Chlof Diack WhislccrB sta'ed with the
Ute band.
Before lcavlng for the councU thc I
Indians har' a danro In the open and
solemnly discussed the situation. At
the confol'once the chIefs were alTered
transl1ortatlon for the trllJo nnd Its
) ponies bnck to Utah and rations duro
Ing the winter. A premise to consider
the mntter of giving them a now hunt.
Ing ground next spI'lng also was ma e.
Harahan Heads Illinois Central.
New York. - Dy the eloctlon
Wedncsday of J. T. Harahan ns Iresl.
dent. of the lUlnols Central Railroad
. compan ) ' , to succeed Stu'vesant Fish.
It Is lJolloved that E. H. HarrIman has
at Inst. realized the fulfillment of his
plan to control railroad IIno rrom the
Atlantic to the Pacific oceans.
In this great. plan the Illinois Cen ,
tral was the ono link missing to complete -
pleto a Ino of traclt from Now York
to Snn } 'mnelsco and Portland , Oro. ,
Croln the Grt : Lt\cs ! ; to tl'o Qulf ?
1IIo"lco , and from the sulf to the Pa.
, clfic ngnln ,
Former Governor' ! ! Wife Dld.
St. LouIs. - Mrs. I sthor A. Stan.
I. nl'd , wlfo of fonner Gov. N. O.
Stanard , died of nouralgla of the
hoal't at her homo hero \"ednesda ) ' ,
Mrs. Stanard was 73 ) 'eal'S of age and
although she had lJeon III for some
tlmo , her death cnme unoxpectedl ) ' .
Philippine , Transport Service.
San Frnnclsco.-Tho transport. Lo.
II' gan snlled Monday for Manlln , Here.
aft.CI' a transport will bo dlspatchod to
the Philippines on the 5th of each
month , Instend of ever ) ' o dtl.s aD
formorl ) ' .
Death of IJuslne03 Manager.
1\tllwaultco.-Albort \ g. Huegln , wen
Imown In nowlillUper circles thronh. :
cut the coulltr ) ' and for many ) 'oara
ronnected with tllwl\ukeo popors In
the capacity of buslnoss manu or , dIed
- - - " " " , - - "
. ,
- . . . . .
President Announces Appointment of
Attorney General to the Supreme
Bench to Succeed Justice
Henry Blilingo Brown.
WashIngton. - Secretary or the
[ nterlor Ethan Anen HItchcock will
rotlro from President Roosevolt'a
nhlnct on the 4th or next. March , and
James R. Gnrfield , of Ohio , nt present
30mmlssloner of corporations , . . . .11I
uccee hIm. lIerlJert Knox Smith ,
ItOW assIstant commlsslonor of corporations -
porations , will be appointed to 1\11' .
Garfiold's place. These changes and
lhnt. of the retirement of Commission.
01' Richards of the general land office
Dn March 4 were announced In the
COllowlng statement. from the Whlto
House \Vednesday :
' 1'ho secretary of the InterIor , Mr.
Hitchcock , has Informed the presIdent
that. ho would bo unable to stay arter
March 4. 1\11' . HItchcock has for some
tlmo felt that the very exhausting
work he hns lJccn engaged In for over
olght ycars In the InterIor department
was wearIng on him so ns to make I
[ mposslblo for hIm much longer t
romaln. At. the presldent.'s earnest
request ho consented to accept a re-
appointment. 011 March 4 , 1905 , at. the
tlmo of the president's inauguration.
J. R. Garfield.
nut. he then stated thnt ho could not
aay how long ho could stny , and he
feels now he must Insist on being relIeve - I
lIove after March 4.
Declines Foreign Post ,
The president. urged hIm to accept
the ambassadorship to France , but
Mr. Hitchcock feels that he Is entitled
to alJsoluto rest and wns olJllged to reo
fuse the offer. The presl ent. went
carefully over with Mr. Hitchcock the
choice of a successor who could be
depended Ul10n to carryon with nb-
solute fIdelity the present policies of
the department , and agreed with Mr.
Hitchcock that. the best man to carry
on the exceedlngh' onerous , dllficult
and rosponsllJlc work of the depart.
mont waG 1\11' . James R. Garfield , at
present. commissioner of corporations.
Mr. Garfield has nccordlngly lJeen no.
tlfied that he wl1l be appointed on
March 4 , when Mr. Hitchcock retlrcs.
Land Commissioner Resigns.
Commissioner Richards has Informe
president that In accordance with
his Intention , eXl1resscd to Secrctarr
Hitchcock last 1\1a ) ' , ho wl1l resign :
his resignation to bo eeffctlve March
I. This will complete eight years of
servIce In the land office , four years
s nsslstant commissIoner. and four
) 'ears as comml5slonol' . Ills succes.
IXr has not rot lJeen dotermlned upon
The as lstant commIssioner of cor.
orntlons , Mr. HorlJert Knox Smith ,
wl1l succeed Mr. Gnrlleld as commls.
sloneI' of corporations.
1\11' . Smith has filled the position or
asslstnnt commlsslollel' of corpora.
tlons slnco August. 15 , 1903. He was
al1):01lltcd ) from Connecticut.
Meody to Be Supreme Justice.
The lu'csl entVe nesdny nn.
: lOunccd the appointment of Attorney
General Wl1llam Henry 1\Ioody or
Massachusetts as juatlce of the sue
prome court. of the United States , to
succeed .Justlce Henry nllllngs Drown ,
who r'tlred some tlmo ago. Mr.
: \1000) ' has filled the office .of attorney
general since Jllly 1. 190 . PrevIous
to that time ho 'had served for moro
than two ) 'el\rs as secretary of the
nav ) ' . lIe had also represented his
sllato In the fifty.fourth , fifty.fifth , fif.
tyslxth and fift.soventh congresses ,
It. Is genera ) ) ) ' expected that Mr.
l OI ) ' wl\1 \ I'ctlr from the depart.
I ment of justlco the Intter part. of Dc.
: : ember.
Cashier Herin ! ) Sentenced.
Chlcago-Ilenry W. Hering , former
cashlor of the Mllwauicce Avenue State
bqnlt , 111eadcd guilty to forgery and
omlJezzlement In Judge Plnclmey's
l'Urt. Monday afternoon and was sen.
tenced to the l1el1ltontlal' ) ' .
Ends Life Under Train.
1Il.-Uccauso of do.
EIlwl\\'llsvlllo , -
Dl1on oncy. WIIlam [ J. Schwartz , nged
S , a oaloonlst. and well.lmown Demo ,
C1'lltlc 11011tlclan. throw hlmselt under
a Wnlllll' > h train Mondny and was In.
h\antly lellleti.
Dead at Age of 102.
[ 'Indla ) ' . O.-\ll's. : Anna Depow , ono
of the oldest. residents of OhIo , dlod
i\1Gnda ) ' at hOl' homo In Wharton. Her
ac ! wus 102 ) 'ea1's 1\1111 she has bcen u
I'oaldent of W'nl1dotto county for the
I last hnlt centur ) ' .
- - - - - - -
Count In Queens County Under Inveo-
tlgatlon - Qemocrats ClaIm That
Fraund Is Being Practiced In the
- , !
N W YORK-With the official vote
of but tbreo countlcs missing , Lewl.
8. Chanler Is apparently elected 1I0u-
tenant governor on the democr tlo-
Independence league tlckot by a plu.
ralll ) ' or approximately 1,700 votcs
over M. Linn Bruce , republican. To
arrive at these figures Bruco's probable -
able pluralities In the oountles of Eo-
sex , Ontario and NIagara nre based on
the vote for the ropubllcan gubornal < >
rial candIdate. Fulton county Is also
mlsolng , excopt. n statement. of Druce's
plurality ver Chnnler. Whllo slight
changes may be made In the rot.urns
from sQv ral counties , It. Is not. bOo :
1I0ved they will materially reduce
Chanler's lead , but. on the contrary }
may Increase It.
It. appears thnt all the other cnndJ. .
dates on the democratic stnte tlckeU
are elected b ) ' small pluralities , all at
whIch will exceed Chnnler's.
The count In Qucens county 18 under
investigation by the office of the state . .
attorney genoral. The reason tor It i.
ChaIrman Woodrul'f of the stale rOe
pUlJllcan committee sald :
"I nm neither claiming nor oonce4-
Lng anything. In the case of Druce
probably tile courts will have to pMB
on the void bnllots , possibly as many
as 15,000. "
Ver ) ' nearly full returns from 0.11
counties of the vote tor governor give
Hughes 746,334 , Hearst. 684,722.
Hughes' plurnllt ) ' , G1.612.
Hughes' plura1lt.y outside or Oreater
Now York was 13G,338. Hearst.'s plurality -
rality In Greater New York was 74,720.
Chairman Conners salel that the reo
pUlJllcans were holding back the returns -
turns ; that. fraud wns being practiced
and that. In his opinion there were
i enough Independence lenguo ballots
not. counted to reduce greatly Mr.
Hughes' plurality and possibly elect
Mr. Hearst.
Chief Executive Will Inspect Route I ? '
the Canal.
W ASHINGTON-"Goodby , I am go.
Ing down to see how the ditch is get.-
ting along , " shouted President. Roose-
velt. as he stood on the after starboard
deck of the yaeht Mayflower at. the
WaShington D < l.vy yard as the vassel
was leaving the dock with the preili.
dent. for hIs Panama trIp.
AccompanyIng the president were
Mrs. Roosevelt and her mnld , Surgeon
General lUxey of the navy and 1\1. C.
Latta , one of the assIstant. secretaries
of the White Houso. Tbe 1\tnyfiower
will take the party to Walt Trap IIgh
at the mout.h of the Rnppahannock
rh'er in Chesapeake Bay , vhere a.
transrer will bo made to the battleship
Louisiana , which Is to convey the pres.
, Ident. to and from the Isthmus.
Kansas Is Very Close.
TPOEKA , Kas.-Although there are
still fIve Kansas counties not heard
trom , It Is generally belleved that
Hoch. republican , for governor , has
been elected by bet.weon 3,500 and 4- b
000 plurallly. The domocrn.tlc com- "
mlttee has conceded nolhlng. sayIng , .
the omclal canvasB will be necessary
to etermlne the result. . .
Joint Statehood Wins.
SANTA FE , N. M.-Jolnt. statehood
carried b yonly 4,000 or 6,000 majority.
'whlch is much less than was antlcl.
} : ated. Andrews , republican/ will be
elected to congress , but. with a much
smaller mnjorlty than was forecasted.
Prohibitionists Much Elated.
CHICAGO-Those In charge of the
prohlbltl n national headquarters In
this city were congratulating them.
selves upon the excellent showing
whIch they claim the prohllJltIonls18
mndo In the dl.fferont stales Tuesday.
A large number or dispatches have
been receIved and Charles It. Jon e 11' ,
the chairman of the national l > rohlb1.
tion committee , snld that. the total vole
of the party In t.he different states will
exceed 352,000 , wherea.s the total tor
Swallow for presIdent In 1904 waa
Defeated by His Hired Man.
Pupln , ColumbIan university Instruo-
tor and Inventor of the ocean tole.
phone , was defeateliin Norfolk for the
legislature by his hlrod mnn. Matthew
Will Attack the Trusts.
WASHINGTON-Attorney GeneraJ
: Moody announced thnt he woull ! take
up the Standard 011 procedures at
once. He belleyes the matter will
reach a bead In the court within two
Californians Make Appeal.
W ASIIINGTON-The pollcyholde1'l
of San FrancIsco appealed to the state
depnrtment to aid them In forcing
three Gorman Insurance companies
Gnd one AustrIan company that r
tused to pay tor any of the property
estroyed by fire and earthquake to
pay pollclcs.
Judge Meehan Dead ,
SPRINGFIELD , ILL.-Judgo Thomna '
M. Meehnn , a prominent democrat Md \ .
elnce 1897 circuit Judge , dIed here of
typhoid tever.
- -