- , . ' ' - - " , ' . . . . - - , - ; . . . . . . . . - . : : : . . . . . . . . . . - - - f. ' : : JOR : : , . B .L.B : .A..F.-'i - - : & : a1i G-.A.J:1'8' . : : 1':140 acres 6 miles fl'OlU Broen Bov , the county seat of Custer county , Nebrnskn ; nIl flr t-cluss soil 1uprovcd as follows : 175 acres in cultivntion ; 10 UCl'es in alfalfa , sod house , frulne stable for 10 hend , veIl , , vincl ulilI , cist < rn , hog lot" cattle corrlll and cattle - tle shed ; all fenced. " Will sell the entire tract for $18,000 or , viII divide nd sell in separntc " .l'ncts as fell < Hvs : 640 neres , vith all impl'ovement 175 acres eultivated land for $8,000 , or , viII sell the 800 acres , vithout Inln'oVenents except as to fenciJ1g for $10.000. Tin1e given on part if desired. Call . on or address J.A.MES LEDWICH. , Brohon : oY Nebrushn. : - - - - - - - - - - - - - n _ . . AftftftftAftftftAftftAft . . . ft . .A . . A . A . . . ftftft . . ft A . . ftft A A A Aft . . t : : News of a L oca I N atu re c. : .1) . _ . . . . ft ftn _ _ AA _ " ftftftftA _ # _ VVVVV.V------- _ . . . . . . _ - _ . . AV---V--V-- _ _ . . . H. L. Mullen was a Lincoln " visitor Monday. ' : The T4ewis Stock Co. , are I billed to appear at the Tcmplc t 'l'heatre each night next wcek. "There was a man in this I man's town and he was wondrous wise. " he placed some ads in the RHPUBUCAN and found cach one a prize. Mrs. 1\I. S. Mathews , who resides in Pennsylvania and has , been visIting her daughter. Mrs. J. S. Molyneaux. the past month , will remain until after the holi- ( lays. John Piernie , of Merna , in charge of the county farm , was transacting business in the capital city of the county yester-I day and called to swap a few I weather prognostications with the Rm > uBLlcAN. I Waller Harris has decided to discontinue shipping old iron after the 20th. next Tuesday. when he will ship all he has on laneI. Bring in all the old scrap Iron you have on or before the 20th and he will buy it. Reese & Morehouse received an order the first of the week from the state of Idaho for a pair of their Duroc Jersey pigs for breeding purposes. The pigs were shipped 'l'uesdal night. 'l'hey are also in receipt of an order from the eastern part of the state. From the high school comes the report that the other day one of the teachers received the following note explaining the : 1'cason for the abscnce of one of the students : "My son will be unable to attend school for a few days , as he has just shaved himself - self for the first time. " For the information of a num- ller of citizens who have wondered what has become of Bllis Kennedy the RIUBUCAN . .1 < t. will sa\ . , that he is located at , . Halsey , engag-cd in the cattle j husiness and doing nicely. 'l'he elul es in onnection with the t . , - "u iness do not pre\'ent him from ' g-oing hunting o casionally. , The official retnrns df the recent election is prcs'nteel to th RHl'Utll.ICAN readers thh : week in tabulated form. hewing tie'ote received in ( , ; Jcll precinct - cinct lthe \rions nominees. . Those "who take an interest ill , elections should presen'e it for . - - comparison with the figures at , next election. ' J. M. Christensen , who 'farms for profit and. makes i pay. near Berwyn , was tn the lty yester- da\ ' and expressed hUl1self well , pl ased with the result of the # recent electjou which clearly ' . indicatcs that the reigns of , governmcnt will be left in safc \ , , hands two years hcnce and the , country continue to be prosperous. Will Osborne , who recentlJ made a tnp to the Indiat1 . ' ' that e\'er.vthing : ' 'l'erritory , says \ . I r there is collon which is the one . great product and all the inhabi , tants talk about. 'l'here is . great dcmanll for piclccrs whe earn from S4 to 3 ( , per day according to their proficiency Book 1ceepers 01 I1d experience ( clerIcs are also in demand at gooe salaries. 'l'he Custer County Medica society met at the 'l"'emple theatr 'l'uesday night and tl.le meetnJ ! was one of the most 111tereshnl and instructing the ociety ha ever held. 'l"'he audIence roor was comfortably well filled b cihzens , all of whom list ne attentively to the reading of th papers and the discussions , an seemed well pleased with then Had the weather been mOl agreeable there would have bee a larger number present. I Charles Hammond , residin . l1ine miles south of the ci1 returned last week from a visit e a month at his old hottle in CltJ county , 111. , the first time he hi been there in eighteen years ar tIC was g-reatly surprised to fir but littl up-to-dateness. t1 people still plodding along in tl same old fashioned wal' 1 I . J reports his corn crop this ye " ! ! ' as satisfactor.r , all that he h husked so far yielding fif bushels to the acre. , . . . , , . . . , \10. . . ' . t \ ' " ; , : r r ' . " , . . , . .r ; Corn husking is now in full blast from early morning till late at night. BOlm-Friday , Nov. 9 , 1906 , to Rev. and Mrs. J. D. BrQ.ely , at the Baptist parsonage in Broken Bow , a boy. Miss Bly Kennedy left Monday for Spokane , Wash , where she has relatives , and expects to malte her home there. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Jones arc enjoying a visit from her father. John Scales , of Iowa , who may decide to remain until ncxt spriJ1g. Mrs. W. S. Metcalf , of Wal- worth , who has been in the city the past week receiving treatm nt for throat trouble , returned home yesterday. A. Hampton. of Ua venna , auditor for the Di rks Lumber and Coal Co. , has been in the city this week attending to company - pany business. 1\1rs. Lizzie Calkins , who is teaching in the Mason City school , spent last Sunday with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Poole , in this city. Trains on the Bur1lington are now running with more reguhrity and nearer on schedule than they have at any time during the past three or four months. J. H. Prettyman will olTer a bunch of cattle for sale at Finlen's barn Saturday afternoon , this week. Read the big advertisement - tisement iu this RUl'uI1I.lcAN. A. J. Elliott , proprietor of the Grand Central hotel , reached home Monday from Anolm , Minn. . whither he was summoned two weeks ago on a count of the sudden death of l11s mother- of neuralgia of the heart-at the age of 79 years and 5 month . A new gas lig-hting plant ha ! ' been Instal1ed in H. A. Watts news and no\'elty store and the poston ce , adjoining. if it keeps it 1' to the present stnndard is one of the best in the city. 'I'he manufacturers claim it is less ! expensive than nt1y othcr in hoth I I'rice and the cost of operation. Next 'l'ueslay Willis Cad wcll will leavl for the 'l'exas coast country rl'prl''Pl1ling- ! plrt\ : ' of cnpitalists intl'rt'stl'l ! in 1 : ; nil" , . lIe will be accompanied by a I bunch of prospective huyers and I will be ahsent about three weelis. ' 'rIllS will not interfere with the sale of buggies at cost , as T . E. Cole. salesman , will be at tl1 ( ' carriage repository-with the good . Word has been rGceived from Omaha that an operation had been performed on John I obin- son who has been suffering for quite awhile from a running sore on one of his ankles. Indications , , following the operatior. , were that it was successful and that I he would soon be on solid pins again. Mrs. Hobinson accompanied - panied and will remain with him - until he returns home. MAlml1 n-At the residence of , the brides parents , Mr. and Mrs. . C. II. Holcomb , in Broken Bow , Nebr , Wednesday night , No\'em- ber 14 , 190(1 , in the presence of relatives' a few friends , Mr. William T. Darnell and Mis Mabelle Holcomb wele united il1 marriage , Rev. J. H. Teagardel1 ofiiciating. ' 1'he first of next week the young people leave fOI Los Angeles , Calif. , where the ) n will reside. I A farewell surprise party wa ! e given the Misses Iletlm and Alice d Humphrey at the home of Mr and D. 1\1. Amsberry last Satur . I day night \vhich proved a sur pnse in all the word implies Havi.ng been invi ed to spend Ull evemng.at Amsberry's they wen .g and upon arrival found abou ly thirty of their friends all 0 Jf whom gave them the glad hane LY and a merry ha , ha. Afte 1S greetings had been exchangec1 HI music and refreshlt1ent wer HI served , after which games , cot te versation and more music to Ie quicklY'lped ! the evening awaJ Ie On 'l'uesday the young ladic ar left , in company with the as father , J. R. Humphrey , fe ty ising Sun , Iowa , where t\1 \ iamily w ll reside. . . If YOU . . TOUc-n , your tongue to L'UM and look in the glass-you will see the effect- You can't help puckering-it makes you pucker \ to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you t ke this puckering , injurious Alum right into your system-you injure digestion , and ruin your stomach. , , AVOID ALVM Q - Say plain/I- " , , ; , . . ' RO.ALBAKI'NG ' . ' 1M POWDER Royal is n1ade from pure , refined Grape Cream of Tartar-Costs more than Alum but ou have the profit of quality , the profit of good health. , , - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - ' - - - , Mis , > Aelelie Whaley , of Calla- way , who , with her twin sistcr Ada , just raduated from the : : ; ioux City Medic.II college. WOlS a Brokcn Bow visitor yesterdOl ) ' . Chas. Himple ) ' of Arnolel waS I city \ ' sitor ycsterclay. While here he filed homestead papers on section 25 , range 11) , townsh i p ; ! ( " fin which he had purchased reli nq u ish men t 1':1 : prrs. The securitv state bank has just receh'ed a" nice case of safety deposit lIoxes and has placed the same in a conspicuous place in their banking room. 'l'h olTers absolute protcction for valuable papers of all ldnds. They invite the public gcneral1y to call and see how they are prepared to serve their customers and friends. A Juvenile Party. Miss Gladys Tooley , daughter of Mr. nnc1Mrs W. A. 'rooley , entertained friends last Saturday afternoon in honor of her tenth birthday. After refreshments were partnlcen of , games were indulged il : , and an impromptu program , beginning. with < I piano solo , brought out man ) tine readin s and songs from the little ones. The guests c1epartee : feeling that their hostess was tJ success. Miss ( Tladys was th ( receipient of a number of beauti , ful presents. 'l'hose invited and present were Ruth I4edwich , Bessie Crow Leona Shreve , Georgie Bri.Hlle Hazel SmiH1 , Jessie Apple Mamie Apple , Bunu e Reyner Mary Chrisman , Luc.r Chrisman Lenora Johnson , Ocean JohnHolI LeilIa Shackelford , Velma Smith Lilas Currie , Henrietta Smith Louise Penn , Nellie l\Iartill IIelen Snyder , Marie Wood , Clnr 'raylor. Ethel Stewart , Glad ) ' Brown , Harrold Bigelow , Bert Snyder < lnd Clarence li'inlen. Your Name in the Paper. 'i'he RIU'UUJ.ICAN docs ue want anybody , however humble to come to Broken Bow or an' boely living here to go out ( town without getting their nan s in the paper. It will be ) ' 0\ ir fault if it is not , because > r I want you to let us know it. A Ie you have to do is to call fl phone No. 78 and tell us. M-- , - - - - - - I The Royal Highlander Team. 'I'he Royal Highlander team of this city , wcnt to Ansley Tucsday n Hernoon to assist in castle building" . . 'I'hey drove own in the afternoon , returnin Wednesday mornin r on No. 41. I They report having enjo'ed a good time. They helped to initiate fifteen refugees alld the most of the night was used in the work and the banquet , which followed. I The members of the team which wen't to Ansley were : Misses Emma Scott , Essie Hol- comb , Hanna I yell , tottie Sims , Jessie Hector , Mrs. Ellis , and Frank Grifiith , Den Walton , Ii' . , W. Hutchinson , Alvin Burk , James Thomas , Joe Hic1mlan. , - - - - - - - - - ' Educational Meetings. 'I Superintendent Pinckney has arranged for educational meet. ings in the count ) ' , for which splendid programs have been ar- ranged. Not only teachers and pupils are iuvitedto attend these meetings , but parents as well. 'l'hey will be held as follows : Anseleno , Ii'riday , Nov. 23. 1\lerna , Saturday. Nov. 24. Ansley , Friday , Dec. 7. ' U. . Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. At - 11 a. m , Rev. C. 1\1. Kellev will preach , Mrs , Kelley will im the : pulpit in the evening. 1\1ir.sion , stvcly at ( , :15 : p. m. All members , desi red present. Firat Grade Teachers. , County Supt. Pinckney has re. ceived a circular letter from the , state superintendent which wil , be of interest to teachers holelint. I , first grade certificates. 'l'he let a ter states that "All such teach s ers may earn a grade in PSj' y chology to apply on a state cer tificate by fulfilling the follow ing conditions : Application It accompanieel by 50 cents , mus , be sent to the state superintend ' - ent not later than December 1st > f 'l'he state superintendent wi' ' Ie then send a list of questions for \r written review of Putman ! Ie psycholog ' , One paper to 1.J I .11 written 111 December , one i Dr March and one in May , eac paper to contain about SOU word ! - - . . . . . - . - . - . . . . . . . . - - . . , . . - . . , ; ' - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ' . - . - - - - - - - . r : : ' ' .1 , : ' ; .d' ; . ; ; . ' ; . , ' _ _ ' ' : - arIW.v _ , , , . u" ' ' ' : ' ' 'i- ; /I l. Etl COLE , , : licensed Emballner and Funeral Director , hus just l'ceeivocl a large stock of undertaking goods. ' ) 'his is one of thc 11Iost ; complete stocks of undcrtaking goods e\'OI' brought to Broken Bow. They are located in the Oadwell huilding 011 ll'ourth avenne. . _ _ . _ - . > " ' Y " L , , _ _ _ . . . _ . _ Parties wishing anyhing ( ; in this line are requested to call and Jnspect g'oods and get primm. , 11'01' first-plass work in nnne- ) taking' 01' embalming call Hnd ! see me 01' phone. \ Phone Numbers : OfficC' , 7 7 ; Hesidence , 322. _ . - - - - " - " " - ' . CUSTER COUNTY \ . ,1 f. . . . , 1.ftt ' . ft1 ' 1" ' . . n " " . ' f ( .i' W ; ' 1i r D 0 F . _ { . H I { ' "I ! J. g . , ! I- IK . , . "J " . I ' . . ; . I1 : itI ' t@'t J i1 % > ; iJ , . . i'i 'i < i./fJ. . ' I' . / ' ' , ' 1 , iH."l . 'HN11'J,7'p'r \ DUROG JEhSt y 1. i .k t I . _ 'rhe leading strains of Duroc blood flows through our herd. _ We have some choice spring boars , tops of our crop of spriug _ pigs. 'rhey are lengthy , heavy-bone fellows-goocl enough _ for head-hearc1ers and the vcry best for feee1ng purposes- for sale at very low prices. t We have four boars sireel by Ohio Chief , the great hog. , _ One-third interest in him sold for $2,000.00. 'I'heir dam we purchased for $245.00 last I.'ebruary. ii Pedigree with every animal solel. Ir We guarantee satisfaction. . IS NO'l'E-We have decieleel to not hold a public sale this fall. Cume and see our herd-8 miles west of Brolcen Bow , Nebr. : h . REESE & MOREHOUSE ' nROI Nl.lIR. { N lIOW. ,