, " . . "J ' , ' - - - NEW ACHIEVEMENTS OF GREAT .sURGEONS , Operations That Almost Seem Incredible N01 Successfully - cessfully Performed as a Matter of Course. ' MOlt Recent Is the Work of Dr. Karl Garre of Berlin , in Which Devoted Mother Gave Part of Her Own Throat to Convert Her Idiot Daughter Into a Bright Little Girl. Now York.-1\todlcal \ mon hero and abroad are awaiting with consldera. ble Interest a report from Berlin glv , Ing complete dotalls of a most daring and unusual surgical operation per. formed there a few weeks ago. An Idiot child , the six-year-old daughter of 1\Irs. Louis Wolff , a resl. dent of Berlin , l1as been converted Into an Intolllgent being by the proc. ess of grafting part of the mothor's thyroid gland upon the c lld's pan. creas. Reduced to plainer language , this means that part of the mother's throat has been transferred by the grartlng .process to a gland , or tissue , lying directly at tile back of the stom. , ach. By tills operation the dull , in. j active brain of lIttle Lena Wolff has , been awakened so that It Is now per. forming the duties for which It wall Intended. ' This , in the hlstor ' of medical 't sclenco , Is without a parallel , not only ecauso such an oporatlon was never nttempt d before , but also because of its seeming vagueness. The Idea of grafting IJ rt of the throat of a mother to the pancreas gland of her child with the oxpectatlon of convert. Ing the child from Idiocy to a normal , mental condition would seem at first glance unworthy of serIOUS consider' atlon. But Dr. Karl Garre , professor of surgery in the medical facultr. ; of Breslau university , to whom the 01101" atlon Is credited , did oxactl ) . what has been described above , and recent de- spatches from Berlin declare that the operation has been pronounced a com. plete success. Professor Garre is an eminent Gor. man surgeon whose success in the transplanting of organs from one animal - mal to anotller and even from the lower animals to human beings , has attracted the attention and admiration - tion of surgical men all qver the J world. When his report of how he changed Lena Wolft from an Idiot Into ; n bright and Intelllgont IIttlo girl Is " . completed it w1ll form a valuable ad. dltlon to the list of modern miracles of surgery. surgery.An An Idiot From Birth. From the details of the case al. ready received from Germany it appears - , pears that Lena Wolff was born an idiot six years ago , says the New York World. Reason ne'\'er dawned for her a8 in other babies. She had come into the world without one ap- varont spark of intelligence and seemed doomed to pass her whole life without knowing the joys and sorrows of living. Her case was called to the attention of Professor Garre , who was interested - ested from the very beginning , be. canse In it he saw a possibility of be- lng able to prove the correctness of a theory on which he 1ll1.d been at work. This involved the probable action or 'influenco ' that certain substances or secretions found In the ductless glands ot the human body have , upon the blood. It is the blood , as everybody knows , \ \ tllat feeds the brain , I < eeplng it active , ' . ' and clear and in good working order. , If the blood is thin or sluggish the . , brain Is first to record that fact. The great German surgeon knew that the I t' , I't II I I 'tI I , ' .f 7 ; ; ; . HR/b CLnN.o. P/IRT OFfill " /AD ORRI7EtJ Tt ? TilE Ch'IL.o .5 . NCREc5 TO CI/IfE IJJltJ X , 11'el\SOn Lena Wolrr's brain was duJ : IWld inactive was because the bloo twas not feeding it as it should. Ono of the principal duties of th Iv&neroas , situated just behind th ( tliltomach , is to superintend the regulal > feeding of the brain with good blood II.ccordlng to the theory ot the Gor 111an surgeon. In the case ot Len ! Woltr he believed the pancreas wal 'mlnus ' ono very imlortnnt digestivi , essential , without which It could nee o its work properly. That very im fPOrtnnt ossentlal had to be suppllC ! : bY grafting a portlou ot a ductle81 , cland trom another living perllon. 'fho chll1I's mother readily orrerel ! berself as a. sacrifice. She was per 'pectly willing to undergo the ntJcea t8nrlly p lntul and t dlous operation 0 baving part ot her throat grafted 01 'tho ' body of her little daughter it enl : It would ! llvo 1,0na her reason. The operation took plnco in ono of the large hospitals in Borlln , and by the grafUng process one end of the mother's th 'rold gland was released and stretched over to the exposell pan. crease of her Idiot daughter. For days neither mothorr nor child was permitted to movo. ' 1'0 insure a' successful grafting operation they had been tightly bound together , the child's body against her mother's neck , and there they remained until the sAvored end of the thyroid gland had Itnlt firmly to the pancreas , forming a living , pulsating link between mother and daughter. Then the link was cut , leaving a portion of the thyroid gland grafted successfully to the chld's pancreas. It is belloved now that both mother and child w1ll recovor. The complete sucess of the opera. tlon , cannot , however , be announced yet , as too short a time has elapsed slnco the operation was perf01'1l1ed. Flr t Dawn of Reason. But it is known that the dawn ot reason came to little Lena Wolf almost - most immediately atter the thyroid gland began to knit. For the very first tlmo the Idiotic stare gave place to a look of intelligence. She may grow up to be a very bright young woman. Dr. Swale Vincent , professor of physiology in the University of Manl. toba , at Winnipeg , Canada , has pre. pared an extremely Interesting article on the duties of the thyroid gland , the pancreas and other ductless glands , which appeared in a recent issue of the Lonlon Lancet. "It is bolleved , " he says , "that these ductless glands manufacture and pour directly or indirectly into the blood stream some substance or substances which are of service to the economy , olther by supplying a need or by de. stro 'ing other substnnces which are needless or positively harmful. This last funotlon is usually prescribed to the thyroid and parathyroid glands. "It is obviou8 tbat , in the broadest sense of the expression , nil tissues and organs ot the body may bo said to have an internal secretion-I. e. , thg blood which leaves by their veins contains different chemical substances from that which enters by their ar- teries. "The most usually quoted example , however , of a gland which l1as both an external and an internal secretion is the pancreas. A relation between diseases ot the pancreas and diabetes has long been suspected , but Mlnkow. ski and Mehring first definitely showed that complete removal ot the pancreas in tIle dog , cat and pig is followed by diabetes , having the usunl symptoms of that disease in man. That this is caused by the absence of an internal secretion is proved by the fact that it does not occur it the gland be left in situ and the duct tied , nor does It occur If a portion of the pan. creas bo grafted in some situation reo mete from its normal position. How the Internal secrotlon ot the pancreas normally prevents glycosuria Is not clear. Wo cap only say that it : exerts some influence upon the carbohydrate metabolism , either by favoring UIO formation of glycogen In the liver from the dextrose taken to it by the portal vein or by furthering the oxlda. tlon of dextrose in the tissues gener- ally. " Sight Restored to Child. Equally remarkable and Interesting Is the operation by which sight has been restoroll to the bUnd eyen of lit. tle Margaret 11uber , aged ten ) 'ears , of No. 524 East Eighty-fourth street , New York city. She has become the subject of widespread intercst. among opthalmologlsts by renson of bel' "pin. hole camera" eye8. Eye surgeons who have followed the case at the German PoUkllnlk declare it to be , 80 far as tllelr observations have gone , without an exact parallel. Nobody knows exactly bow Mar. garet became bUnd. The liquid mat. tel' constituting the lens of tile eyes became atrophied and was entirely absorbed , leaving the Ions a thIck apaquo , fibrous cap , which shut out every gUmmer of Ught. This was three ) 'ears ago , when the little girl was only sovon. Several operations wore tried , but with no good results. The membranes of the eyes were punctured , but they , immediately closed again over the . . openings like sheet rubber when a hole is made In it. Dr. John A. Prlco , chlet surgeon of the ophthalmic department of the German PolikUnlk , tool < charge of the . case , porformlng three oporatlons In February , March and Aprll , 1894. The third one restored Ule sight to the left eye. The right eye romalned stone blind until two weeks ago , when he ' . performed a most unusual and suc. . ce.sful operation upon It. He flrat made a peculiarly shaped pair of scissors , the under blade pointed and the upper blade blunt. This instrument he Inserted through - - . nn Incision In the cornt'1L 1l11Hlo nt the top. Pushing the points IIl1II through the pupil , with the snarp blade ho punctured ( ho opallue membrullo of the lens capsule anll cut It squarely In two. The task of the slll'geon was 10 cut 80 dellcatol ) ' and proclsel ' as to dlvlllo the obstruction anll lot the IIsht Into the e 'e1'nln. ; . ' } 'ho oporatlon wn ! ! entlrel ) ' Ruccess. ful. The dead Ions mnttor romalns In the e 'o and on either al1o ; of the PUIIII a specie of the opaque subRtanco can yet bo seon. This in tlmo may bo ab. sorbed. Some Surgical Marvels. Phlladolphla and Toledo , Ohio , have recently contributed to the list of marvels of surgery through oporatlons on the brains of Incorriglblo and mon. tally dofectlve boys. A still more roe cent case is that of Carl Frodorlcks , nged nine 'ears , of No. 200 Clinton street , Hobokon. He Is under observation - tion at the Hahwa ' Hoformatory prop- arntory to' the practical roconstructlon of his brain. , ' 1'ho doctors sny the boy's brain Is so IlCculiarh' constructed thllt It pro. vents him from being goOl. . for moro than an hour at 11 tlmo. The head la or abnormal shape , the skull coming to a point. 'J'ho ears are small and protruding , and the eyes are as sharp as a ferrot's. Tests made a few da 's ago showed t1mt the boy had no sense of right or wrong. This is attrlbutetl to an ab. normal brain growth. As a result of the oporatlon , which Includes the cut. Ung out of certatn parts of the brain , It i8 expected to rollovo the boy of his wicked tendencies and tran8orm him Into a model ) 'outh. SclentIfie surgery is graduallY solv. Ing the problem of malting us over plocemeal. Haymond Moore. aYQd 20 , of Baltimore , lost the sixth and sov. enth ribs on the right side. Dr. Ham. ilton Drown replaced them with ar. tlficlal ribs of hard rubber tubing. Dy an operation at Fordham Hos. pItal , Joseph Heichel' was suppllell with a sliver wlndplpo to replace the original , which had been damaged beyond - yond repair b ) ' a hard fall. Dr. Kalntsky , the famous Husslan surgeon , recently astonlshorl the medical - cal world by furnishing a man with artificial arteries. The operation toole place in Dr. Kalntsky's private laboratory - oratory at St. Petersburg. The 1111' tlont , a ver ' rich farmer and cattle raiser , Ivan Poltlnlmsk by name , had coll1ded vl01ently with a stump whIle driving In a sleigh. 1I0 was hurled out and Impuled upon a brolten branch. The jagged lllece of wood struck him below the hip joint and ranged down for about four Inches. The wo\1l1l1 was an exceedingly ugl ' one. It was directly over and In line with the fe. moral artery , which supplies the on. tire leg with blood. Dr. Kalntsky saved Poltlnkask's life by , removing the injured part of the femoral artery and replacing it with an artificial onc. The Berlin surgeon , Dr. Seyfried , has succeeded in giving a man a new top tor his skull , made from the skull of an ox. Restored to Rationality. At Stamford , Conn. , a unique operation - tion on the slmll of the twoyear-old son of l'tl1chael Gunther has given the . chance to grow. InunolIatoly on ro ( ' ( ) \'crln from the I\nl\cstllutln , n look of normal Intelligence showed in the child's ' ' the of the o'es , Ilro\'lng tteory doctoro that the akull hall been preAS' Ing ulHluly on the brain. With the prol19uro rollovell , the brain waA free to exert Itselt. 'fho doctors bollovo the bo ' wltl lIoon bo able to talk and act as ratlonall ) ' as the llrlghteat of his IIttio pla'n1:1tos. Dr , Guthrlo and Dr. Carrell , of the University of Ohlcago , nave been make Ing 1\ series of remarkable exporl. ments In surgery. 1I0arts ot 1I0gs have boon successfull ' moved UII into the anhnals' nockR antI there Ilor. fOl'med their functions. The clrcula. tlon of blood In canines has been 1'0' versed without causing the I\nlmals any I\pparent Illconvenienco. "What wo ha'\'o 10I\rnod , " Galli Dr. Carroll a short tlmo ago , "gl\'os U8 hope that some dlY0 may rOlllaco \\'o\1llllod and W01'1l.out hearts In 11\1- N4 , _ 01' tJR4/IV _ . . 'lllt" " "lNl " 41f,1 ; I REHOI'CD - : . . . A'IF81f1r.J : crL' P" " " ' ' ' ' . ( ' 'I'1of1ErE , . . . .It/'r/t'r ' HI/RH . . SIlliER T" Olfr I ' . lWO-I : ! 'T1f"1'N OIlT . - ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 WRS"t'o ' lu"q'l" " .I11"1'1 > TO. $ n' . . . . . . B < 4' < J.-rNNCI/Rr YI'INS . - - : J7r"N O liP P/J/I1ERTII"t' 11/1:5 ; . C'/l 'ruu/rON. . . . . ' , . . _ RqttRlE':5I'1"'D : ; " , veiNS W DUC i\ rN" 0I0 tllt"'D , C'RIf"'T O r Pl1IVC'RCI/S I 3'lllEIi' BJ"'DJtvC' _ _ FO" , " "NCE CliP . IMN ( ' 01' I > eS J.1'C' _ _ . C-r".ri.'D V ONE ( r Tllf NCJ T , f'ECEvr IlCHIEYEtYEtV7 .w rJl/tfCERY man beings with the healthy , 'outhful and strong hearts of living monkoys. " Sewing Up St3bbed Heart. A recent dispatch from I\1llan do. scribed a wonderful surgical Ollera. tlon there by Dr. Meda. A workman had been murderously Ilssl\ultell , a Imlfo in the hanll of an assllssln actu. ally plorclng his heart. 1I0 WI\S I\t. tended by surgeons who cut a wuy through his breast to roach the wounded heart. ' 1'hreo stitches were required to close the wountl , which had almost entirely lwulell five da ' 9 after the ollCrntion. : ' 1'0 restore sight to the blind o 'eB of Wilton Helnard , of Waahlnston , the slleclall6t6 ul the Eplscoal ) gye , Ear and Throat Hospital have grafted the transparent membrane of a Delglan haro's eyeballs to Helnard's eyes. ' 1'ho most recent rellorts on this olloratlon Indicate that it Is going to be a suc. cess. cess.C C , A. McCartney , a young contractor of Pasadena , has survived the unusual experlonco of Il vlng his heart and lungs cXllosed , washed , mended and replaced. Ho was injured last June by failing from a bicycle upon the up. turned prongs of a hayrake. 110 is almost as well as over. lIow TilE REN r.q8L OPERI7TION /loJ/'ER' FCWN. O ONl fCffRET HJOEQS : YEc5 ro RE TORE HER c5lvllT. , - - , / . - CHILI/oS PIlNr'IrElr TO WHICh' I'IlRTOf'flOTIIER llytWlP GI.Il/r'O J l1 CIiWFTEtJ : , ' : . . . . . . . . ' ! :1 1 FI > ! . 1'- : . > , , ) - ' " , " I . . 'WI' " "V'I lIID I1l4lGllkJET HUBER ( ffir - " boy rationality. The child was born with normal mental and physical en. dowments and began to show , when a year old , 61gns of general deficiency In all his senses. It was finally doter. mined by the surgeons Interested In the casl3 to explore the child's skull. Dr. J. T. IlIgglns , of Now York , as. slsted b ) ' Drs , Whitehorn and Hogan , of Now York , and Howell and 140eb" of Stamford , performed the Ollel' tlOIl at Stamford Hospital a few months ago. They removed a strip of bone trom the skull th1'oO Inches long and onehalf Inch \\'id(1 , to glvo the brain a . - At the Harper HOBpltal , Dotrolt , Dr. H. O. Walker has succeeded In giving a 12. 'oar-old boy a now shin bODO taken from the leg ot a dog , To Keep AHve Coronado's March. Several thousand dollars have been raised by public subscription tor a monument to commemorate the march of Coronado into New Mexico , It will : ) l1slat ofI. . huge gl' nlte bowlder from the OI01'lota mountains , to.II \ ) 1I0llaheti on four aides and suitably In- sel'lbed. H will bo erected at Lao Vegas , " - " - " , . . : ' . - - . . TABLE DELICACIES. , SOME NEW AND SOME OLD RECIPES - IPES OF VALUE. Plain Fruit Cake-Appetlzlllj { Celery and Nut Salad-Flve.Mlnute Sauce Adds Vastly t Flavor of PuddIng. - Plain Fruit Cake.-Cream ono nnd one.half CUlls of butter with two cups of sugar , add ono CUI > of molasses , ono CUI' of milk , four well beaten eggs anll ono level teasllOon of soda dls. solved In the milk , ono pound of sood. otl raisins cut lIne , ono level teaspoon ot mixed Slilco and 11\0 cups of flour. Dako In a largo loaf In n moderate oxen. Steamed Brown Bread.-Mlx and sift together two cups of' corn meal , two CUllS of rye meal , ntul ono CUll ot flour , Mix two-thirds cup of mo. la ses with three cups of milk , adtl a 1)ll1oh oC lIult and n slightly rounding teaspoon of soda. 'furn In the dry Ingredients ; bent and Ilour Into u eov. 'erotl mold. Steam three lIoure. Celery and Nut Salad.-Cut the eel. or ' In thin sllcos cI'osswlso and use on1\ ' the tender whlto stalles. Parboil the English walnut meats IIvo minutes and rub err the thin , brown skins ; breal < up Into small pieces , but do not chop. Use equal measure of nut ments IInd celery amI servo with a , boiled dl'esslng on the inner leaves ot I lottuco. POl' the dl'esslng beat the ! 'ol1ts of two eggs , add ono.hult level lImHOOn ) el\ch of mustard and salt , beating all the tlmo. Add four tablo. 8poons of vinegar and coole in a dou. blo bollor until It thlekens. 'J'ako from the l1re , add the .stlflly heaton whites ot two eggs , then cool and when well chilled add ono cup of beaten cream. Sauce for Puddlng-'l'o ono CUll of boiling \\'atOl' add a level toupoon of corn stal'ch mixed " , .lth ono cup of sugar. Cook llvo mlnutos' , add ono. half eu ) ! o'C buttOl' and lemon or vanilla llavOl'lng. Cott3ge PUddlng.-Slft ono and .ono- half eUIIS of fiollr with three level tea. spoons of baking llowdor. Deat two eggs , add ono CUll of sugar and beat again ; add ono CUI' of mille aUtI the flour. Baleo in a shallow lIan und Cllt In squares 01' in a deell pan and cllt In SIlC S or in lllull1n tins. Serve ' \vith a f3a uco. Small Spongc C3ke.-SIft together ono CUll of flour , ono CUI' of sugar and two level teasllOons of bulefng 11Owdor. Put In thrce IInboaten eggs and beut 1111 five mlnlllc . Stir In ono tablo. Slloon of hot watOl- and bal < e. . Caramel C3ke-Beat to a cream ono CUll ot sugar and ono-qllartor Clip grated ehocolato meUml ever the tea. Itottle , ono-half Clip 110111' sifted with ono and one-half level teaspoonfuls balefng powder , and a teaslloonful of vanilla. Dako in layors. For the frosting cook together ono anll ono. half Cups IlUlverlzed sugar , ono-half cu ) > mlll < , and a picco of butter the slzo of an egg , boll from five to eight mlnntes. 'faleo from the 111'0 and stir unUl cold , then add a teaslJOontul of vanilla , beat , and spreall between the layors. If preferred balto in a loaf and shnilly frost with the caratnel. - - - - CurtaIn Styles. Lace curtains will bo used this fall but thp artistic printed IInons and IIght.\J lght materlala are going to bo moro popular , 'l'heso fabrics cost less than lace und harmonize moro with the furnlshlnss , especially in the small apartmont. 'rho new printed linens have cream-colorod back. grounds , with bright fioml designs in both large and smal fignres. Among these artistic materials are the print. ell and plain linens , madras nnd light. weight grass cloths. 'fhls style of ma. torlal loolts ) > artlcularl ' well with mls. slon fUl'Uitl1re. A Laundry Hint. In these days of ombroldored col. lars ono often IInds them rough-edged on the Hcallolls after laundoring. A ver ' Blmple and oll1caclous remedy has been discovered. Dhl the forefinger - finger In cold water and rub along thoU U ) > pCl. edge of the collllr until it feol8 smooth , and It will no longer scratch the neck. 'l'hls remedy need not moisten - ten the body of the collar at all , if care Is used In smoothing down thorough rough edgo. Cellar Shelves. When space is lacking for the safo. keolling of Illcl < les and preserves In the closets and cupboards It is an In. expenslvo mutter to have a droll shelf built In the cellar , or , f91' that matter , the amateur carpenter of the family could mulO one with very little trouble by susllendlng four straight and sub. stantlal strips from the rafters , for supports and to these llulllng a wldo board for 1\ shelf , so having it hang from the ceiling , safely ollt of the way of mlco , and also In a cool , dry place. Novel Way of Mending. A good way to mend a round hole In n slll < or woolen dress , and where otherwlso only a patch cO'Jld rome ly muttol's , Is the following : 'rho fra 'ed portions around the tear should be carefully stJothod , and a picco of the matorlal molstenCiI with vcry tbln muellage , placed lindeI' the hole. A heavy weight should then bo put upon It nntll dry , \than It Is only Ilossiblo to discover the montled place by car < > ful observatloll. To Clean Horsehair r"rnlture. JIm'sehah' fUl'nltllro can bo q\lIckl ) clealled hy fil'st beating It and brush. Ing all the duat from it , then wipe off with a cloth wrung ollt of hot watol' , to which has boon added a tablespoC . ' ful of ummonla to each 1111 1I' t. Bo sure In wino with the raln ot the cloth. , , ' . " ' , .h. " , . < C' ! : . . . . " . . - . , THEY CURE RHEUMATISMi - - - A Pnrtlcularly Painful Form of This DlacaGo Ylulda to 1:11' , Williams' Pink Pills , or the many ( orm8whlch rheumatism InlcolI , tlmt which ia } lollUla1'1y Imown as solutio rhoulltatism llrobl\bly tortures its vlotlm llloro thnn nny othor. That Dr. WllIlnllts' P1l1k Pi1ls have clIl'CII this stubborn a9 well ns palnrul tJ'oublo is n. ( not. proven by the following statement , and IO sulrol'or who reruls this can aC. font to lot llrojudico stumt in the way of trying these blood.malt1ng Ill11s. Rholtlltatiu is now genomlly 1'0' cognize ns n. dlAel\8o or the blood , Dr. Wi1llal1ls' Pink PlUs malec-actually Illnlec-pltro blood. When the blood i9 } lure there can be 110 rheumatism , Mrs. Thomas Brosnohan , of 4 Mill street , Watertown , N. y" MY8 : . . 1\Iy trol1blo began with n severe col whloh I took nbout n woole before Ohrlstmas in 1004 , I begul1 to hnvo , rhoul1lntlo pain8 ill 111Y baok ntHlllmbs and nCtor n. Umo I couldu't Btmlghtoll up. I suffero the most n\v ul pain for 1110nths nnll 111I1Ch of the time was un- nblo to lonvo the house nu I hud to take holtl of n. chair iu order to waUe nu sOlllethuQS I cou1l\ not BtuIHt np nt all. I' The dlseaso was prouol1ncod sclatio rheumntls11l nIHl , although I hatl n good lhyslOII\I1 amI toole his medlclno fnith. } ully , I dill not Rot auy bottol' . Ailor Bomo six woelts of this torrlblo pniu aud aulforiuR I trlod Dr , Williams' Pink Pills aud thnt Is the medloluo that curClI mo. After few boxes the pnll1 was Je"slntouso 1\11It I could Reo decided im- provemout. I coutluued to tnJw the pills until I WnB ontlruly cmed 1\1111 I Imvo novol' lU\ll any ruturn of thn h'oublo. " All drurmlsts Roll DI' , W11Iin1l1s' Pink Pills , or the rmnedy will be 1l1l\1I0d post- pnld , ou receipt of prlco , 60 cents per box , six boxes for $2.CiO , by the Dr. WiI- lla111s Modloiuo 00. , Schouectmly , N , Y. CURES CONSTIPATION . It is just ubout impossible to bo stck when the bo\\'c\s \ are right un 110t possslblc to bo wcll wbell they nro wren . Through its action on tbo bowels , Lane's Family Medicine deam ; the bOllv insldo nn leave I 110 lodging' ' pla ofor disease. I { or : once ) ' 0\1 wish to Imow how it feehl ' to bo thoroughly well , glvo thl ' famous IncaU'\'o ten. n trial , Sol by aU calcr : > at 2SC. an soc , Many" married man goes to a near. by saloon for a "smllo" because be gets nothing but frowns at homo. . - - - - - - - - For flexibility , smooth finish. surr- ness and dUl'I\hlllty , Donltneo Starch has no equal-lOc for 10 0 ; : . . _ _ m _ _ The Common Evil , The sin which Is termed dlshoncsty is the sarno ovll as tl1at which Is called dseaso ! In living bodies or bllgl1t In the seasons , and in clUes end governments has another name , which Is fnjusUco.-Plato. , - - - - Sheer white goods , in fact , any fine , wash goods when new , ewe much ofl their "ttractlvpncse to the way they , are laundered , this bolng done In IL manner to enhunce their toxtllo beau- . ty. Homo laundorlng would bo equally - ly satisfactory if prop or attention . . .as , given to starching , the first essential being good Starch , which has sufficient' strength to surfon , without thlckonlng : the goods. Try Deflanco Starch and yon w1ll bo pleasantly 8urprlsed at the : . Improved appearance of your wore. Important News Chronicled. An English paper gravely announ. ces that "Sir Keri Singh , the mahl1rao of Srohl , lost his last jaw tooth on July 2 and had II. diamond one put in its Vll1co. " ' . Important to Mothers. Enmlno cuerully every botle or CASTORIA. II eafo and euro remedy for Infants nnd children , Uld eoo thnt It IJcor the , , / BJI'IIatureor In Uao For Over 30 Years. ' 1' .c Kind You UI1TO Alw , : s Douoht. Uncanny Chinese Legend. There are the two celebrated towers - . ers of the j1nperlal city , the Bell tow. er and the Drum tower. As to the casting of the boll In the former tbere is this Ie.gend : There had been two unuccessful attempts and the lito of the founder WI1S threatened in case of a third faIlure. His daughter discovered - ered by occult meana that nothing but the blood of I\ . virgin mingled with the molten metal would Insure suc. cess , So at the next casting she sac. rlficed her life by throwing herself Into the molten metal , leaving only one shoe behlJJt1. The casting was perfect. But when the bell was first struck "all were horror-strickon as , after the heavy boom of the bell , . came a low w..I1 , as of a girl in ac' ony , distinctly saying the word 'helsh , ' IIhoe. And to this l1ay people wheD they hear It , say , " 'fhoro's poor Ko-al' voice calling out for her shoo. ' " - 8ha11lhal Time. . \ . " ' Lb. . . . "J - - - - -