Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 08, 1906, Image 8

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    l' ' . . . . ' _ . . . .
' 'I'
I . . . . . . . . . . _ .
: - 411II'1 r - _ _ ,1 J ! - _ _ ' !
: ; a1f SEE THAT flUE ?
- -
It'll IIl'W Ollet .tHfen'lIt froUl
any olhcr. Malic only In th.e
, CollI olr I. IlmWII lip froUl the .
floor lhroulh the fluc allil dls.
l'lIIrgcclllllhc ' topof the 8l0\'c
thorolllhl : ' hcnlccl. .
It har. U I lhc mdlatlllg sur.
face olhcl' "lovcs havc , ntlll
hcalf1 h ' ch'culnllon os wcll.
' 1'hia IIll'UIlf1 Hrcnlcr heallllg
power , nlld
It al ! ; ! ) tIIl'nllS 110 collt floors ,
110 colcl COrlll'rfl or dcnd lIir
lI's froe.
11 J. c. AN ! .
_ _ _ . .
, m
' . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. : u..r. .Ii 'Of" . . . . . . 'I : , . : . . " ' ; : " ' " / ' ' ! ; . . I"I" . . . .It. ; . . ; " ' , ' ' ' . ' . ' . .JI. .y. : ; . . ' : . . IU nr..L't " > : ; ! ' : . /i" . ' . , . , "ih . . : - . . - . - . tt' . . . . . ; ; - " ICI : . ' . "r" WIl.1. . . . , . " , . : ; ' JJ''i' ' ' . . . .rI'4' . i.I.t . , " ' . ; . ; .h. . ; : . . . ! . . , . . . . " . . JI ( ; - : ; , , ' ! 1.- . ! . : t'1. , o ;
ri When desiring to figure on a bill : ;
1f : of Lumbcr call on the. . . . . . . . . .
C. L. Tu Lumber Co.
. I . . ner . I
We carry a lull stock Cf ! T-4u1l1ber. i
Sash , Doors , Moulc1mgs , etc. : . .i !
\r. \ r
f Agents for the Ncbraska Central i i
! i Building & Loan Association. m
t : . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . .
\.IJLIi.Ir. 'li" ! ' 1et..Ii : j/ : . " . . . : . : " ; tHiI - "E.J' ' f' , . . . .ILr..n..ILw : ' ; ' : " f" " : " ' " " ' ' ' : . ' . . ' . . ' . ' ! ' 'i lQ ' : ' ' . : " . 1"4 , . , , , ! . . .J/a ' " ; ; f/-.i ! . : . ; , . . . . : " tCl" . . : . ; 'JI. " : ' . i . . ' . . , . : . . .I.-- . . . : I 'S. . . - ; . : : , . .
I. . _ _ _ _ ' .
. " " " " " " " " " " " ' " , , ! " " " , , " " ' '
A D V O. That's who.
- -
- -
WHAT ? , .
- - 1
'l'he best goods soJd in Broa 3 !
E ! { en Bow.
- -
I Advo Grocery is the place.
j WHEN ? .
f E Now , today. , tOlnorro'v , any 3
day this Inonth. '
? '
\ Because you cnll save 3
1 E tuoney on every article you 3
r buy , and because AdAO 3
( rcel'ies arc a favorite ill
I E - every home , , , here used 3
- -
: ? l11111111111111 . 1111111111111111111111111111jl11111'1l1111111il1111111111 -
. . . . - - - . . - - JI _ , _ - - - _
Send your- Abstract Orders t
: Bond.ed Abstracter
1 I ! Office in Security State anl ( B'ld'ng
1 _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- _
! : = : : : : : . . .
; ; : : : : : - .
I ' . ' ! . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . , " . " , . . . . . , . \ . . . ' ' , . . , ! ! ' . 'A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -'o4' . ' , . . . , I.- . . : . . . , , . . . . . . . = . . . . = . . . - . : : = . . : . : . . : . : : . : : - - : . . ; . ; ; . = . . : , - . . . , - , , ; . - : . - . . = - = . - . - . :
"I'\.f"I.\.M' . . . . . . " . . . " ' - .
I J' \ .ttl. ' iii : ' . : ; : " n < . : ' J. . b . IM.J. - & ' 'i . . . . . " I. : ' . . .n. : . . / : . ; . . , . : . . . . , : ; ' ; , r".M.''t ' : ; : : / " > ! i ' .10 --L. ! . ; : : : . ' ! , t.itt..t./a . . , ; . , ; . ) . , : / i ; . ' : ! ' " " : ; : i' '
! I I If . 1
j ! 1 Y01I aI e 1
. 1
\ I from Missouri i
: r and 1.lHve to be "showed , " then please f
I step In ( ) our store and let'1 n.s sh w yon ' $ 1
: i i onl' prIces on Bedro1H SmteR , Brass , { .
' , i Iron and wood beds-In foct on ev'ery- ! !
. , ! . K \ ! thing we Cllrl' oJ ' ' ' , especially on Carpets ' . . . .
j and LinooleulH. 1
Just Take a Look
K'J at thmw nrcssers and Commodcs , 'l'nnn
f Mnhogouy Huish , madc to mateh Olll' i
I bruss beds.tVe hnve n l ew line or l
: l .b'oot Hests , Olocl Shelves , Uomb Onses , 1
. .L'owel Hocks and. many ether useful li
/ t and ornamentol ortIcles. . Oome eorly , ; 1
. b e f are t I 10 ossortment 18 b 1'0 I cen , 'I' M
I. ' . LI. .
l .
. 't . " I'- . ' * . : ' " ! ' = -tr . . : " ' . . ' ; ' of. ' ' 1' . . ' . . . ' ' . , - , , ! , , , , . . . . . . . , . , . -l..U : , : " . _ " , ' " ' " . . , . " . . . , . . , . . . .uu. . . . ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . - . . . . . . . , , . _ . . " ' . . . . . i j/'t . ! '
jo Ii t. . [ ji1. ! . , : . .ft . ; 't. : ; .e . . . ' ; ' : ft' { ; : : . il.iJiWt'l : " ' , . . . ! . rri : : : J.u : j.t"I'n'L'J\r.T : ; . ; ' \ "m.1".I ; : ; : ' . 'Cj. I"J " i
. t
. , " - -
_ _ , . . _ _
The Phy.lcI"n 1\1 " Puhllc Teacher.
A new function of the mcdical
I profession , brought into strong
light by reccnt events , is touched
I upon by President Eliot , of
Harvard , ill his address at tbe
I dedication of bis n'w medical
school , printed in Science ( New
York , October 21. ) 'l'he physician -
cian is beginning to act as an
instructor of the people at lar e ,
teach in , ; the whole popnlahon
how lseases arc caused qnd
communicated , and what arc the
corresponding mcans of preven-
tion. Presidcn t I iot believes
that this function is sure to be
amplified and made more effective -
tive in the near future. IIe gocs
on :
u'1'he recent campaign against
tuberculosi is a good illustration
of this new function of the pro-
fession. 'ro discharg it well
, requires illmcdical men the power -
er of illteresting exposition , with
telling illustration and moving
cxhorta tion. Obviousl ) ' the
function calls for disinterestedness -
ness and public spirit on the
part of the profession ; but to
this call it is certain that the
profession will respond. It also
calls for some new adjustments
and new functions in medical
schools , which should hcreafter
bc careful to provide means of
popular exposition concerning
watcr sup'plies , foods , drint.s ,
drugs , the parasitic causes or
consequenccs of disease in men ,
plants , and animals , and the
modes of communication 0 f all
communicablecliscases. Medical
museums should be arranged in
part for the instruction of the
public , and , with some suitable
reservations , should he statedly
open to tbe public. ' , I.'he mecli-
cal schools should also habitually -
ly provide popular lectures on
medical subjects , and tbese lectures -
tures should be given without
charge on days and at bours
when working people can attend.
In .other words , selected physicians -
cians should become public teachers -
ers , as well as private praction-
ers. America has much to learn
from Europe in regard to this
public-spirited service on the
part of the profession.II
The Movement of Anti.fraud Law. .
'l'here is to-day , all over our
country , a. . decided movement
toward the enactment of laws
that will protect consumers
against substitution and adul-
Many States now bave very
stringent pure food laws , and a
national pure food law is to go
into effect all over the United
States on January 1 , 190'i.
New York State has also a
law prohibiting the stamping of
cotton as linen. and a law compelling -
pelling all silver sold as sterling
to be ' )25-1000 fine.
Other States have othcr laws .
along the same lines.
North Dakota bas taken the
lead in enacting a law for tbe
protection of propcrty owners
against a very common and
scrious kind of fraud-the selling
of ac1ulteratec1 paints and paiuh
contain ing' ingredients wor thles
or worse than worthless.
. 'l'he law passed by the Nort1 :
Dakota legislature compels al
mal < ers of auIterated paints tCJ
label their ] { egs with the exacl
ingredients of their paints.
Pure-wh i te-lead-and.l i nseed-oi
is accepted as the stanc1ard pain
by the law-makers , just as it i :
by paint authorities everywhere
Lct ; us be your printer. 'rhl
good. kind of printing' only.
, - -
- .
- - - .1. '
" n-T . . . . . . . - : - "I - --V- - : - : : - _ _ _ 11 . . . . -.III I"I I . . /
: Food tovork on is food to Jive on. . .
A man , yorks to live. He must live
to work. i
He dQes both better on . ; I. :
" I . \
Uneeda Biscuit \ . . I . !
the soda cracker that contains in the
most properly balanced proportions a
greater amount of nutriment than any
food Inade from flour.
Uneeda Biscuit
- - - -
, -
- .
Legal Notices.
NOTICI 010' Al'POINTl\nNT : 01 , ' , \ j-
1\11 NIH'rR'l'OR. .
COUllt } . Court CUHter Couuty. NehraH\.a ,
'l'u the h lrH allduext of kill of Charlml n.
Swallson , jecea ell.
You am hereby lIotlll < 1 that J. H. Swallsou.
lIephew uf lIaltl decl'aHell , halIIell ! hl \ > etltloll
III Hald Court. aklllir that he may he allllOlllte.1
adlllhllHtrator of Ihe cRt ate of CharieR I : .
Swallsoll. dece\se.l. Sailimatter liaR beell set
for hearlllg for Novelllber : Hlh , 100 ( " at In
o'cloc\e \ .1. m. , at the Coullty COllrt Hoom , III
Jlrokell Uow , Nebraska. when all Illterested
Iartle' ! ilia ) ' appear allli be heard.
Dllted the 2it h day of October. 1906.
hmAI.J A. H. IIUMI'IIKKY. COllllt } ' Jlllhe.
J. A. AUMOUK. AIl'y. 21.23
UIIIIClI Slate. . 1.\1111 Onice. t
Hrokenllow. Nebraka. ! OctotJu 'l : ! . IWO. f
Notice Is hereby Illvell that l DWIN S. UP-
UIKg , of Merna. Nebraska. has l1Ied lIotlce of
his InlHltloll to malee final "fi\'e } 'ear" proof ill
IH\I > port of his clal1ll4 vlz : HOlllesteul gntrv
No. 251.09. mllle Nov. 26. 1 1. for the s } RW7.C.
Sectloll 20. Towllshlp 18. Hantre 23. aUlI that
"aid proof will be made before Helrl"ter an < 1
Hccelver , at llroken 1I0w. NebraHka. 011 Dec. 1 ,
190 ( , . lIe names the followlnll wlllle" p" lu
prove his coutllllloUl resiliellce 111'011 allli cnltl-
vallon of. the lalld. VI:1 : : : Hermall HwanHon , of
Ausehno. Nebraska ; Ceurtre 'V. Shallkland.
of AUH llIIo. Nebraska ; Joseph 1' . l\IcCormlc\ \ , .
of Allselmo. Nebrahka ; ; I rallk C , Slllith. of
llrokell Buw , Nebra ka.
20-25 JOliN HUI\SU , HelllRter.
' ' , ' ' ' ' ' N'.r AD-
NO'l'ICI : 01 41'I'OIN'l'\I1 . Ol -
COllnty Court , Custer CC.llllt } . , Nebraka. !
' 1'0 the heirs aud uext of kill of Green A.
Jo'reeman. IucOltlpetent.
You are hereby lIotlfiel that C. H. Holcomb.
of llrokell Bow , NebaHka. has tiled his petltlou
III ! lalll COllrt. aldlllf ! that he ilia } ' be appullltel
I/uardlan of the estate of ( : reen A. I'meman.
Illcoml'etallt. Said matter haR beell eet for
hearlnll fur November 20. 1'10 ( , . atl0 o'clock a.
III. . at the COllllty Court HoolII. In Brokell Dow.
Nebraska. whell all Interested , 'artieR ma ) ' appear -
pear alld be heard.
Dat d the 19th day of October. 1906.
20.2Z hmhLl A. H. lIUMI'IIKUCOUllt } . Jllllie.
J. 'V. Shea. full uame IIl1kllowlIShea. ; .
hlH wife. lirst lIame uukuowlI. alld theunlwowlI
helnl allli devisees of said J. W. Slteaj tile nil'
kllowlI helrH alld devisees of Mahala IIrll'lran ,
somethlleH : called Drllrllll amI home-
tlllles llrlll'llell. formerly 'l'homp on , former ! ) '
Ollden. IIUW deceased ; Jacob II rI tr'a II. SOllie-
tlllles callel lIrh"rlll and sometlllles IIrhneen.
alld hlH unkllowlI heirs aUlI devisees ; James
lIall also James W. Hall. alld hi ! ! wife. -
lIall. IirHt lIame ullkllown. allli their ullkuowlI
helrll allli devisees : Cora 1\1. lIullllell , Illlardiall
also Cora 1\1. lIullnell , allli Cah'llI A. II UII II ell ;
the unl(1\owII 1\Ilrs of Hllfll ! ! 1\1 , Olrdell. de-
ceaHed'and l dltll Cllmllliulls. 1I01l.reHltlellt ,
ceaHed'\ \ r of JUdSOlI C. Porter , deceaHel , will
take notice. that 011 the lth Ila ) ' of October ,
lWtJ , Morris II. BUllllell. plailltiff herein. filel
his I'etltloll III the District court , of l'lIster
coullt ) ' . Nebraska , all'aillst said defel"lanl . the
object amllra'er of which arc to remove th J
clOlldK from the title to lhll 1I0rthwest qu.uter
IIf Hectlun oue , In tuwlIshlp fuurtetII : , ralllee
IIlnetetn : III Custer county. Nubra'kaj by all
order alld decree of Hahl Court callcelllnll , all'
lIulllnl : . alld decreelnl : all frandlllmlt. " 0111 alld
of IIU effect the Pillal Heceh'erK Heceh > ! from
lhe Uultel States to Mahala Brhl'an : tht
murtlfalCe by Mahala 1IrilrICen ami hUKbaull ,
Jacob. to JllllslIl1 C. Porter : the .lel',1 by Mahal
Brill:11I aTi.1 husbaud. Jacub. lu James lIalli
the 1II0rtll'aife b } ' James Uall ami his wife ,
gvallue. to Mahala Urllllrlll ; the .Ieed by Jame
\V.Hall atlll wife. Evallue. to J. 'V. Shea. allil
the lea e from Cora 1\1. BUllllell , ami hllsballd ,
Calvlu . . to M. 11. BUllllell. all Hald Illstru.
mellt coverlllir Baht premises. "aid prayer alK'
askluir a filld hI II' aud decree as to the helrR III
Huhs M. Ol/den , deceasel. amillecreeltlll a IrOOl :
ami perfect title In the plailltiff III lIald l > feml
lies all.1 for allY other alll fllrther relief tha' '
e'lullIIay rellulre.
You are re'llIlrel to anRwer thlK I'ctltloll 01
or before Decemher 3rd. 1906.
Date.1 October ltith , 1')06.
MOKKIS B. Uuonu.L. Plailltlff.
Uy his attorney , J. A. AKMOUH. llJ-2.
BROS. . .
now have in their complete lines of fall goods in
Clothing , Furnishings , Hats. Caps , Shoes
Carpets , Dress Goods , Outings.
A Large Assortmet1t of
Ladies Rain and Winter Coats. ,
You can see a larger line of
: F"UE : = I. . C C > . .A.rr.r S
here than any in othHr N ebrl ska store. Beforc Luy-
iug your fall supply'come in and inspect our stock.
Courteous treatment guaranteed.
- - . . . . . . . - .
r r
If you are looking for the Quality of
lumber and Building Malarial
for the Least Money let us figure on your bitt.
\Ve ahva's try to please.
H. T .BRUCE a , CO.
South Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb.
I . - -
" " . ' . -d1'q. 'rM" " , . ' . , , " . .w. : : - - . . " . . . , . . . . . . . . , ' : . _ . .
- - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - -
- - - - - - . . - - . - - - - -
' 1'0 Ilule Jlrlclwer , Brlcluer. IimllJ\Il1e 1111-
YOII allllll'ach of } 'OII will talee lIollct ! that 011
31st da } ' of October lfJlW , . Carrie S. pllllllh lIIe.1
IIIr petltloll alrah'Kt yuu allli each of } 'ou. In
the l1lstrlct COllrt of r u.ter Couuty , Nebraska ,
III all actloll wherelll Carrie S. I'll1mb Is lllalll-
tiff. allli I.I7.zlc I1rlcl < lIer. aml. Brlckller first
lIallle 1I111(11oWII but whn III the husballli of Raid
defelldallt. I.lule IIrlckuer. arc defelldallts ,
the objecl and prayer of which petltloll Is to
fureclo o a certalll tax lIell UPOII the north- ,
e bt quarter of Hectloll twellty. e\'III1. towlIshlp
t\\'ellty. ra II 1ehrhteell. . ' ; II ter COLlllty.
NebraKea. ! exilltlllir IIlIder a tax Rale of Flalrl
lallli dill } ' 1tI\lle : UII the20 da } ' of February llJll ( ,
for the taxe ! ! UpOIl saltl lallli for the year 1895.
Haiti certificate allloulltll. with lIuh eCluellt
laxes. Illterellt allli CO tll. to the SIIIII of $ JIJ , : ,
for which allloullt. tOletller with IlIlerest. CO tll
of suit a 11I1 altorlll'y'll ( "I' aK by law allo\\'el.
\l1.lllIlIff llrays jUIIIIH'nl , ; that "allle ilia y he
d..crecd to be a lir"l lien I 1'11I1 a huve dCHerlb"11
prellll ej allli for a decree of furelollure alld
sale of Raid real estate.
You arc recjulre,1 to all wer sa hi petltloll 011
or hefore MOllday. the lith day of Decelllber.
190b. or Hal.1 petltloll will he talc ell a ! ! trne aud
jllllllllellt relldere.1 accord hUI'I } ' .
Co\RIUlt S. 1'1UMII. Plalutlff.
IIW1LII' ! CI\IIWKIL , Attorlley.
Atlet ! : Geo. B.lair. . Clerk IJIKtrlct COllrt ,
' 1'0 Niels ShUIIII OIl -Slmollsoll. . firHt
lIame ullkllowlI. hut who III the wIfe of "altl
defelldallt. Neils Sln1OlIsolI.
You will take nutlce that 011 31Rt da } ' of Oc.
tober , 1900. Carrie S. Pillmb t11ed her petltloll
alCalllst YOII aud cach of YOIl. III the DistrIct
Court of ClIster COUll ! } ' , Nobraska. III all action
wherein Carrie H. pllllllh III 1lallltiIT , and Niels
Hhllollsoll alld - Shnoll ! < ou. firHt uame UII-
kllOWII are defelldants. th. . ubject aul prayer
of which petltlou II to forecloHe a certahl tax
lIell upollthe caRt half of the east haU. sectloll
thlrteeu towllllhip thlrteeu. North. raUlle , west of ( , th 1' . 1\1..111 CUllter coullty.
Nebraska. exlstlllg IIl1der a tax aln of Raid
lalld dlll'lIIade 011 the 3nl da } ' of N'lvlHuber.
100 : : . fot- the taxes upou saldlallli for the } 'ear
I'JUI. Saltl certlflcaa\U.oulltll , with sll11 elJllellt
taxes. fur tI" , } 'earH 1902 to 1905Iucluslve. illter.
et ! aUlI COllt ! ! . to the RUlli of $40.49lfor which
alllollnt , tOlether wltlJ Illterest. costllof slIit ami
attorlley's f'e all b } ' law allO\ved. plailltiff l'raYII
Judllllellt : that Kallle l1Iay he decreel to be a
first 1It-IIUPOII aho\'e deHcrlbed premises ; ami
for a decree of foreclosure alld lIale of said real
YOII arc reqlllre.1 to aURl\'er saltl lctltioll 011
or heforeIollday , the 17th da ) ' of lJecelllber.
1\06. \ or said petltlllll will be taleeu as trlle amI
Judlrmellt reuderel accordilltrl ) ' .
CAK'UU R. l'LUJllII. l'lallltiff.
lIy 'VIILIS CI\IIWF.rI. , Attoruey.
Atte t : GKO. II. 1\I1\1K.
Clerk District COllrt. 21.2.J
XOTICI OJ. ' PI' ' 1'I'l'ION.
Estate of Johll M. Alllm ; , dl'cealled , III COlllltv
Conrt of CUllter CUI1l1t } . , Nt'hraska.
' 1'he Stale of Nebraka. ! ' 1'0 all perSCIIIS illter-
ested III said etate. ! talllllotlce. that a petltiou
IJaH beeu filed h ' X. g. A rlllstrollll , for the ap'
polutmellt of Hllllle sult\ble perllOIl as admlllill.
trator IIf lIall Htate , which haK heell sel for
hearlll. ' : ' herein , 011 tlllI 3Uth da } ' of No elllber ,
IIJOo. at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated October 31st , I'J06. '
21.2.1 [ SICAL ] A. R. HUlU'I1R \ , Count } . Judle ,
III COIIIII ) ' Court of Custer ( .ouuty. Xcbraska.
To all per.OLlII IlItereSle.1 III the Estate of
Isaac " 'addllllrtull. deceaHld.
Whllreall , M. S. gId } ' . al'ellt ofIalfllie 1 ,
'Va.hllll'tuu , widow of lJtc.sed. : of Merna. of
lIalJ Cuullty. haR l1Ie(1 III I1IY OmCII all JrIKtru-
l1Ieut purporthll : to be the last 'VI11 alld 'l'esta.
meut of IHaac'addlul1ton. . decea"ed. la te 01
ball coullty. alld petition pr.lyllllllU have Hame
a.lmltted to tlrolmte , which 'Viti relates to buth
real : \llli per ollal estate. whereupou I ha'o al
I.uluted tbe 2 lId day of November. 1906. al J (
o'cluck III the furenoou. at lilY ollieo In Ralll
COUllty , aR the tlllle allli Illace you aud all cou.
cerned , tl\ay aplear aud coutest the Irobate 01
the sallie.
lJated October : ; 0. 1'10 ( , .
21.2.J A. H. HUMI'llJmCouuty JIIII'e. :
III the Ulstrlct COllrt. CII ter COlltU } ' , XebraHka
In the lIIatter of the ! : 'uanllallqhlp of Kathe
rlue S. lloblltll , IIIlnor chilli of William H.Bob
Ills , Ul'ceaseli.
On read IIIII' aud fililllI' tlill I'etitlull. duh' verI
fied. of Sarah U. 1I0bllts. ! : 'uardlan of tlJe per
80n alld cqtate of KatIJerlnll S. 1Iobllts. 11111101
chltJ of William 11. 1IohlltR. rleceabtd : , fOI
IIcenc to sell alll nllllh'ltlelolle fourth IntereH !
III the followllll : de crlbed real estate. whlcl
sale h ; to correct a Kale heretofore lIIale of said
real estao ! , to-wit :
1. ' 1'he south half of the 1I0rtheast quarler
the lIurtheaHt quarter of the Kuuthea l quarter ,
aud the Routheast quarter of the 1I0rthwe.1
quarter of RIItlolI (15) ( ) . towllshlp fourteell 114.J
1I0rth. raUlre ( 1 , ) west of the blh I' ,
1\1. , CURter CCUllt } ' , NebraHka.
2. 'l'he sOllth half of the lIortltwest qllartel
and the uorth half of th ! : sonlltwet quarter 01
Kectloll tllirty-two ( :12 : , ) towlIshlJ' fourteen ( I.J.
1I0rth. rallire twent.olle (21. ( ) weKlof Utu 6th 1' ,
1\1. , Cusler count } ' , N ebrallka.
3. A Iarcelln a Rqllarc forlllill thu "olltheaRI
curlier of the Houtheat ! quartllr of the lIortheasl
quarter uf slICtlOIl tweutolJc (21 ( , ) towlIHlth
sevent'ell (17 ( , ) lIorth. ralllre twenty-live ( : ! 5 ,
west of the UtilI' . M. , CIIHII'I'cuullt ) ' , Ncbraslea
cOlltalllloll' abolllllvlI acres.
4. ' 1'hatl'arcel III tbe 1I0rthwe't quarter a
the northeast quarter of "ectloll tell ( to. ) t ! > WII
"hip ( IS , ) 1I0rth. raUlI'e tweIlU..tltrclI (23 ( , ' wellt 0
the ( , th 1' . M. . Cnster COUllty , Nehraska. con
talllllll : III allll"e acres 1II0re or ICI.
5. Lutll thlrteell (13) ( ) ami fourtcell IH ) h
block (15) ( of the orllrillal towu to Broken 1I0w
Custer roUllt ) ' . Nebrallka.
I.'ur the l'Ufl"ue of rallllul : ' fUIIII" fur the e,11I
atloll alllimailltcllauce of Kahl IIIluur. allli I
appearhllr from Balli pctltlun that saltl re\
. . eiltate that Is 1I0t brlul'hllr In a reveuue to tltll
- Iluanllall or ward.
It 18 therefore onlure.1 that the next of 1(11 ( II
i Haiti miller an,1 : tll IlersouH illtercHted III Hall
e3tate appear heforo IIII ! III the court 1'11I11I1 h
the coun hUlIHe III the elu' of IIroleell UOens
tcr COUIlIY , Nehrulka. on thu : lnl daY of Uccelll
ber. A. 11. . I'JO . atlO o'clocle a. m. of "tlld .la ) '
to Hhow caURe. If all } ' tllero be. wh ) ' IIceu ! ! ,
Hhouhl lIut be Irrttute.1 to Halll Samh II. 1IIblltH
I/uanllau. to 11,11 "alII real "state for the pur
pOlle above lIet forth.
Aud It III furthur onlered thal a COI'y of UI
ortler he pefllUually servell 011 allleuolls Illter
cRIed IlIlIaltl elltate at least fourteell daYII be
forll the Ilate 8et for the hl'arlul : ' of haltl JllItltlul
b ) ' publlshlllll' the allle III the CUllter COUllt !
HeJlubllcallof IIrokell Bow. Nehrallka.
Dated at Chambllrll III Keanle ) ' , lIuffal1
COIIUty , Nebraska , this 31)th da } ' 01 Octobe'
1'.100. IIKUNo O. 1l0RTKTI.KK ,
JUII10 of the Uistrlct Court of
Custer Coullty. Nebrask ) ' .
ALI'ItA MOKGAN. AU'y. for IlCtltltloi8. 21.2.
Unltel 1tate9 I.all < 1 Onice. t
Brokell 1I0w , Nebrallka. Octl'ber I ) . l'JOG. r
Nollce Is hereby Illvell that CII ANCY II.
SWICK. of Gate ! ! , NebraRka , has lIIel 1I0tiCe
of hlsilltention to lIIalee IInal five } 'ear Iroof III
Hupport of his clallll. vl:1 : : : Houjteatl Entry
No. 210.III\1le : March II.l'JOI , for the esw ,
II' . He . Sectlou 14. 'l'owuRhl" I , Hanll'e 21 ,
alld that Raltillroof will be lIIadeldorc rellls-
' . 'r ami rt'celver. at 1I0w. NehraRka , 011
November li , 19011. HII lIallles the foil ow IIIII'
wltllesses to Iro\'e his cOlltlllllOUS r lIhlence UI"
ou. ami culth'atloll of the lallli. vl7. : Georlle
'rem pier. of IIrokell Bow. Nebrauka ; Jese !
Albright. of Bwken 1I0w. NebraRkn : lo'rederlck
llickmau. of ! llema. Nebraska : James Coff-
l1Iall. of Gates.
't , JonN HEnsn , HClllst r.
Ullited States I.aud Onice. l
IIrokcu How. Nehraska. October 22. 19O . r
Xotcp ! 1'1 Itl'n1by II'lvl\lI \ that GEOIHJ W.
RII\ NKINU. . uf Anllellllo. NelJra ka. has
jlledllullee of his Inlelltloll to lIIake fiual "five
} 'ear" proof III RUPPOrt of hi ! ! claim , \11. :
HUlllestead Entry No. 11.017. made April 2. 1900 ,
for the 8e { Rectloll 17. towllshi1M. . range 23.
and that said proof will be matle before Hellls-
ter alld Heceh'er. at Brokell How. Nebrallka.
Oil December 1. 1906. He lIames tbe followlllif
wl'"esses to Ilrove bl ! ! cOlltillUOUS reldence !
IIpOll , and dlllivatioll of. the lalld , vlz : lIer.
m:111 Swallsoll. of Allselmo , Nebraska ; Edwlll
S. Updl e. of Merna , NebraRka ; Joseph 1' .
McCormick. of Allselmo. Nebraska ; Stewart H.
: \Iathon. of Merlla. Nebraslca ,
20. 5 - JOliN HlmSE. Rellister.
111 the I1lstrlct Courl Custer COUllt } . , Nebrahka.
III the matter of the appllcatloll of Mable
Watters. formerly I\lablu Moore. Guardlall of '
the elltate o ( Anna May Moore. nllllor. to sell J f
real estate.
011 the readlnll of the I'etltloll of Mablo " " "
'ValterR. Illlardian of the Ilersoll allli estate of " ,
Alllla May ! \Ioore , minor , duly filed and veri. \ : : "
sell the lIudlvltled olle . "I
l1ed. for a lIcellse to '
tweHth Illterest o ( said miller III the 1I0rtb half
of the ! ! outh half of sectlou ( , . hi towushlp 19.
ran Ire 17 , III Cllsler county , Nebraska. ( Subject
to Ia'mellt of $ ? S3. ) for the edllcatloll alld
malllt Jnallce. If lIeeded. for millor. or reinvet. !
ment or loalling. alld It appearhlll front salll
petltloll that said Interest Is II III all , and the
premlHe ! ! farm lallds. expenlve ! to look after
and 1I0t snfficleutly producth-e.
It III ordered that the next uf kin of lIahl miller -
or , alld all perHOIlS Interestel III said estate aI'-
I'ear before me 111 ope II Court a theCourthouse
In 1Irokel1Bow , NebraRka. all the 3rd da ) ' of
December , 1906. at 10 o'clock a.II. . to show
calise. If allY there be. why IIcel1RII should 1I0t .J
be Ilrallted to the saldguardlall. Mable Watters , , - , ( . .
to lIeli HaitI real estate for the purpuses set ,
forth above. at pllhllc or I'rlvate . .ale.
It IN fllrther ordered that a COP } ' of this order
be l'ubllshed for three success"o weeks III tbe
Custer COllllty Hepubllcall , a uewslaper prlllt-
cd ami pllbllshed III Custer county. Nebraska.
Dated at Challlbers III the 12th Jlldlclal Dls.
trlct of Nebraska. this 181h day of Octuber. 1906.
Jlldlre of DIstrict Court of
' -lister COllllty , Nebraska.
J. A. ARMOUK. Att' } ' . 2O.2Z
United State ! ! I.alld Onice. t
Broleen Bow. Nebraska. October Z3. 190G. r I
Notice III hereby ! rIven that HEHMAN J.
MAR'l'EN. of Merna. Nebraka. has lIIed 110-
tlce..1 his Intentlou to ma e final "l1ve } 'ear"
proof III support IIf his claim. vlz : 110mesteaI
I lItry No. 1.5'25 made Dccember ti. IS'Jfor \ the
w\1s HeJ. ( Hectlolll . township 17 , ranlru 22 , al.d '
that Hahl proof witl be madll before .HeIKter j'
ami Receiver. at llroleen 1I0w. Nebraska. on
Decemberl : , HI.b. lIe lIames the follo\\'hlll' .
wltllesse ! ! to Irove bls cOlltlnllolls reRldellce np-
on. ami cult1vatloll of. the lalld. , ,17. : C. l' .
Grabert.llf Merna. NebraRka : A. J. Hallke. of
! \Ierlla. Nebraska : Uharles CouII'r. of Broken
Bow , Nebraka ; Carl Grabert. of Merna. Ne-
braska. JOliN HuuslC.
2 , : ! 5 Hellister.
Unllel StateR I.alld Office. t
HrokellBow. Nebraska , October 22 , 19O . f
Notice Is hereby II'lven that HEHMAN
SWANSON , of Allselmo , NebraSI\a. has HIed
lIutice of his Illteutiollto make final "fi\'e'ear"
proof III RUpport of his claim.17. : Hometead !
Jo ntr } ' No. 1 .JO , made September 12 , 1900. lor
the II nw ' . se ' nw } ! , Sectloll 21. towlIshlp 18.
rallll'e 23. and that said proof will he made before -
fore Hell'lster and Receh'er. at Broken How ,
Nebraska. 011 December I , IlJ06. He names the
- fullowhllr witnesses to prove his cOlltlnuous
reltlellce upon. and cuhlvatlc II of. tite lalld ,
, ' 11. : leorlrc W. Shallklalld , of Auselmo , Ne.
. brasea ! : Joseph 1' . McCormick. of Allselmo.
Nebraska ; Edwin S. Updike. of An elmo , Nebraska -
. braska ; Stewart D. Mathau. of Merlla. No-
bra k" . JOliN HUESE ,
: : o.ZS Hell'lster.
Ullltel lateR Iallli Office. l'
nro ell 1I0w. Nebraska , October 31st. 1906. r
Nutlce Is hereby glvell that HIRAM l\I.
HROWNJoI.I. , of Hates , Nebraska. has filed
1I01lce of hisilltelltion tumake I1l1al "live year"
proof III HUPP'Jrt of hlH claim , vlz : HomeRtea.t
elltry No. 25S3. made December 9 , 1'101 , for the .
w IICU. lie } ! sw , sectloll 30. towlIshlp : ' ' 0. . .
rallll'e 20. alll that Rahl proof will be made before -
fore Helrlster ami Receiver. ; It Broken Hllw.
Nebraslla.oll December 12. 1006. Ho names
the foitowhllr wltllesses to provo hili COUthlUOUII
ru ldeneo upou. alld culth'atloll uf. the laud.
of < : ate . Nebras. "
\11. : WllllamM. Stallhlls. " "
ka : Ioaac I. . Gerrln'er. of Mllbnrn. Nebraska ; '
AngeH J. Smith , of Mllburll. Nebraska ; Charlc8 1
W. Gibbs. of Broleell Huw. Nebras-a.
: :1.2\1 : JOliN HUES" . Rellister.
' 1'0 Chrlhtlan llunee. - urtre , first lIame
. uuklluwlI but whu I ! ! the wife of said defemlallt ,
Christian Burlre.
You ami each of } 'ou will take notice that on
I 31st da ) ' of October , If ) l.o. J. . A. Whht filNI her
. Ietltloll all'ahlHt you ami each of } 'ou , III the
District COllrt of Custer coullty. Nebraska. III
. all actloll wherein I. . , \ . 'VllrhtlsplallltlIT. alld -
Bllrll'e , - Burll'e first
Christlall ! lIame UII'
h 1I0WII. are defen < 1alltH. the obJect ami I.rayer
of which Iletltlon Is to forcclo'e a certalll tax
lien UPOII the east half of the 1I0rthweRt 'juarter
of IIeetioll thlrty.five. In townHhh' thlrteell
nurth. rail Ire , twent.fl\'e west Otllp. M. . III Cus :
ter conllty , NehralMa. exlsthllr IInder a tax Hale
_ of lIald la d dul ) ' made on the 3rol day of No.
\'emher. 1. )2. ) for the ttxeH UIIOI' saI < l land for
thll year (1)01. ( Said ct'rtlflcate amuuntH with
subHe'1ueut 1IXI'S , fOI' the ) 'l'arH IUu 10 Ir s III.
cluslve. Interesl allli COHIs , to the Kumof $ 7.jU.
fur which amount , IOlrcther with luterellt cORtH
H of suit anl attornO"slfec a II ) ' law atiowed.
. Illallltlff prays ju'hllllenl ; that sanle ma } ' be
de reed t ' bo a first lien UJlOII abo\'e Ilescrlhll.1
l'remlHes. au.1 for a decree of forcclollure alld
Hale of said reall'state
You arc requlrel to nRwer lIald petition on
f.r before MOIHla } ' . thll lith Ilay of December.
> ' 00. lIr saltllotltloll will bll takell as true allli
j Udlrllll\nt \ reudered accflrolhllfly. I
. 1 , . A. WIG liT , I'lalllllrf. ,
II y \ \ ILLIS C hIlWULL. Attorlley.
Attest : GKO. H.IAIK , -
Clerk District Court. 21.2- +
. . . .
. -1 .
r ;
'A.I .
. . . .
: . . , . .
r . . ' . .
, . . ,
' ' . . " " . -
. . . . . " " .
. .