Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 08, 1906, Image 6

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    c ; : : : : -
r Farmcrs of oto- unty Suffering
, Much In This Repccl-BrOlhers
Convicted of Murder ,
HOC Cholera In otoe ,
NgmlASKA CI'I'Y-Tho her ; rnlaors
of this vlcllllt ' nrc g'rontly aJrmnod
at the ruvngo of the hog cholorn ,
which hna brol,11 out hero recontly. ;
Thhnvo had fwveral OXICI'tS hero I
trentln , ; thoh' slcl : hogs" hut nonof !
th'm hnvo IJCen nhlo to do nnythlng '
to stoll the Bpl'1(1 ! of the dison/ie ,
George O\"I"on lost over : WO heall , AI.
bert Jlm'mnll 7 , 1\11' . Wll'th 160 and
Nelso Ovorton : ! 1 1J. Olhor Blocl , rnlllCl'a
1111.vo lost smnll numbera nlHI muny
fnrmors have lost tholr entll'o IICt. ! (
It haB heon rnglllg for 110\01'11.1 months
nnd the fUrnlO1'8 lU'O blcmnlnS' vOl'y
much dllcouragod. ! 'l'hl8 If ! the fil'st
tlmo ( 'holern IWR llrol\On ont amonG the
110gS 0 flhls , 'iclnlty for yenrs.
Incur.1nce Company In Troublc.
Comjllalnt has IJCon mndo to State
In8urallco Doullty J. J . Plerco against
n. slIrety cotJ1pan ' orgnnlzed111dor the
lllws of Ncbrallm ! which Is accused of
malting olily a ! lnrtlnl r9110rt concorn.
Ing Its colloctlons of llromlums In or.
del' to ! lVolll taxes 011 Its huslnoss. If
the chOl'o ; Is suhstnntlatod the Insur.
anco delln.rtmont mny admlnluter a
slnll on the wrist hy revolting the 11.
censes of ngents now emlllo 'ed b ' the
compnllr. III thnt event It will bo IIOC'
cssnrr for the concern to get some IIOW
agents now ernplo 'od by the companr.
In that O\'ent It will ho necessary for
the concern to got Homo now agents or
talto out the old IIconses anow. 1\11' .
1)lerco dccllnes to glvo the lIamo of
the corporntlou which Is saId to have
dlsobc 'cd the laws.
. A FLlmily In Dlstrcs. :
1\ Smith and family of ton chil.
dren , the oldest HI IUHl the youngest
1Ii months , were IIvhlG durIng the re.
cent stormr weather In a tent In the
outsldrl ! ! of Grand Islanct. Klndllolgh.
bors , however , tool , the mother ! uHl
babe In and S01110 of the smaller chll.
dron nnd the aldol' boy wns glvon some
work by an elo\'ator man. 1'h3 fnther .
of the fnmlly dlell rocentlr ! . .
Burllngtcn pnys Old Taxes.
aEN'I'UAIJ CI'ry - 'rho IJurHllgton
paid the IIl\lnnco of the tax assessed
on ILq prollOrty In thIs county 111 lDO.I ,
'Which , together with Interest , amoullt.
cd to $2,207. . ' 1'ho IJl1 'mellt , however -
over , was mnlla unllol' IlI'otesl" the allo-
gatlon IJOlng mallo thnt the road was
fraudulently , III egn 1 \ ) . I\lId oxceflslvoly
taxCll by the state hoard of oquuHzn.
A , Big Flag.
The Sons of Hermun , of Nohrnslm
Cltr , have mndo arangomonts for the
pnrchnso of ono of the blgest lIags
ovor. brought to this stato. It 18 to
be slllt nnd on ono the emblems of the
C order , the stars nnll 'strllcs on the
ether nnd surmounted by II. monstel'
englo. 'It Is to cost thcm somothlng
1I1to $326.
Brothers Convicted of Murder.
lIAUnISON-Jn the dIstrIct court
hero two nell'OOS , .Tnmcs and , Tolm
) , strong , hrothel's , were fouud guilty of
1 the murder of Ol th Cruclter on Sel-
tembcr 17 Inst , nt the BUI'It ( ! Construc.
j't tlon compn.nY'fI cnmll on the govern.
ment Irrlgutlon cnnni In the south
r I part of thIs coullty. , TIHlgo WestovOl'
It sotltOl1ccIl thom to lIre Imprlsollmont.
f.j Awarded Honors.
At the second nnnunl contest of the
, Western Nebraslm ] llgh school declnJn.
atory nBoclntlon he1l1 at Shlnor , the
! following were awarded first honors :
AHcC' Wilcox , North Plntto , d1'l1mutlc
i class ; Annn Undcllff , SId nor , 111unor.
l. . . : ) us clnss ; Esthm' Antonhlls , NorUl
Platte. There were ton contestnnts.
Lost Money on Chautauqua.
1 AUDUHN-Tho Hnnllal meotlng of
the Chautnuqua bou'd : wns hold nnd It
I , II wns dlscoyered thnt the mn.nl1gomont
lost $214 In the ! ) rogrnm of the present
Benson , 'rho progrnI1\ was II. Yor ' ox-
pom\vo \ one. The assocIation hils over
OO ns a roseI've fund nndro In no
" , t'se dlscou1':1gcll.
Paid il $1,000 r-Ine.
PAWNF..E CITY-IJI11'1'r Shmhtt , n
' 0\1I1S' fnrmor Hvlng ahout sIx mlles
perth of the city , wns nl'rnlned , 111
JUdge Darton's COllrt , chnrged wltll
adultery and bastard ' , the complain.
ant beIng .Tosephlno M. Conradt. Th
bnstardy c1I1rgo } wno dImnlssed 1I110r
the IJI1 'ment oC ono thoufJI\I1l1 dollnrs ,
n Good Price for Land.
HASTINGS-C. P. Mecham who 1m !
resIded In Wamla townshl ! ) Cor llIorl
than twcnty 'l'arl ! , hils sold hIs wel
Improved qunrtor section of land II
that 10cn1\t \ ' for 12OOO.
Hlcl < s GetD $1,000 for Injury.
LEXING'rON-W , I . Hlclui of I'ar ;
nam Recm'ed ; 1,000 frolll the UnlOl
Pacltlc rnllronll for InjurIes ho rocol\'O (
b ) ' bolng 'Strucl ( 11) ' II. Union Pncll\ \ (
locomotive moro than two rears ago a
. Jap Contractor DIsappears.
FREMONT-Oltl Kohel , n Japa
ese beet contrnctor , has dlsapllenrol
together with hIs bnnd oC twent ' worll
era , who. cnmo hero Illst. spring nlll
\Vorlte ! ! nIl summor. Kohol ] oCt mRn
. bUls unpaid.
The CnA ! count ) ' SlIndn ) ' Bchool ns.
lIoc/atlon / will hold throe 1I1strict moot.
Ings thIs filII.
' ] 'ho Ocld Fellows oC J nAtiA 1\1'0 mnl ( .
Ing Ilrorl1rntions to erect a $7,000
hulhllnlV 1\vo slorlos high. .
FOllr/llg / tllnt ho woulll go Insnne
from the ( Iffccts or. morphIne , Bon.
jam/n / I" , A 'ers commlttod ulcldo at
1'ho Washington County 1'eachor8'
assoclntlon will \1IlIet ! nt mnlr In the
hIgh schonl nRsemhly room Snturdny ,
Novcmhcr 10.
i Carl Alwood , rOllllllng two miles
from Milford , wns Itlclwd In the face
IIr 11 1I0rso. A doc lor halllHIHHI to he
hund ) ' anll the man's life was 11I1\011.
Ahno t o\'ery youn ! ; man , and the
'old ones , too , are joining the Yo 1111 ! ;
"Ion's CllI'lsUlin nssoclntlon al Colum.
hus , through the efforts of the acllvCf
hmdness commlttoe , conslMllIg of
1\h' . m. II. Dart , fL dl'ugglst or
Auburn , hllH he en solectoll by the
CommercIal cluh liS a delegate to th'e '
tl'nIlR. lIsslsslppl coml11C1'clal ; con.
gross , to ho hcld lu Knnsus City on
Novemher : ! O.
Burglars outered the 1'c'Shlonco < of
D , O. Dwyer In'Plaltsmouth hy ) lrylng
open n window und entering hIs bed
ream , relloved hIm. of all his mono '
and departoll , wIthout dIsturbing hIs
quiet slum hers.
Clarence g. Slorm , a young farmer
1'osll\lng \ ahoul five miles WCllt of Den-
1\OIman , went to the house of hIs
sweetheart I'ecelltl ) ' und shot himself -
self three times , falling on the oor-
stO ) ) , The young man bol'o nn excel.
lonl rOlHitatlon. lIe Is uHvo , hut his
wounds . are pl'ohllllly fatal. , ,
'I'wo denths by dlphthorll ) . wom re :
ported fl'om a Gorman settlement
north of Arapnhoo. A IHlhllc funeral
wns unnollnced for tl lutor dar , lIu t
WIIS promllUy 8tOlllell ) by the heulth
omcers. Schools were closed nnd strict
qnarantlno wns declnl'ed In thut dis-
'rho notnrlal commsslon of 1\lnx
Cohn of Nohrnslm C'lty Is to ho re-
volwd by Govol'l1or 1\lIclcoy. 'rho
charge we\'o made In connection with
the Dntterfielll cne' , Cohn holng accused -
cused oC havIng nffixod hIs nol:11'lal :
Heal to an Instrument which ho did
not see the ] mrtr sign.
During the recent col(1 ( wcather f1
lmmp ontercd the 1lI0om school house
two mllell e ! st oC Axtell and In order
to lceell WlIl'm ho hullt a . . , fire In the
steve wIth hools. 110 burnt \1)1 ) ahout
$2 worth of hoolts. lie hils not yet
heon tnlwn Into cllstolly , hut th
IJhel'J.ff Is on the ] ooltOut for him.
At Omaha between fift ) ' and sIxty
memlJors of the al10ged coal combIne
were IndIcted hy the' grm1l1 jnry on 11.
clmrgo of violating the state I
laws In n. bill rolurned eforo .Tudgo
Sutton. The nlll1\Cs of these Includoll.
III the IndIctment ar.e wIthhold , hut
It Is said 1111 the momhors of the
Omaha coal exchange I"O In the list.
E < 1. H. 1I0lden , who hns lIoen opernt
Ing an elevator at Durr for a number
of "ears , has left for IH\I'tH unlOlown ,
leaving 11 numhor of crodltors , 1I0mo
of whom lovled on what 11rollcrt ' ho
loft. Schmlnlte comlll\n ' nttachod for
$285.20 , 1\tlchn.e1 . Darsllor for $ i3.EiI ) I
and Wllllum nnd Audl'ew 11l'own for
$ ! JO. It Is otnted thnt there nro II. num ,
hel' of other crodltors who have not
mod tholr suIts.
The hoard of droctors of the Chau
tnuqua assoclntlon at Dentrlce < mot
last wcolt and organlzod COI' the ) 'eal'
h ' eloctlng the , followIng omcors : A.
W. NlcltClll , presldont ; S. Hlnnltor ,
vlco Ilresldont ; E. A. McGlasson , sec.
retnr ' ; C. L. Hood , tronsmel' . , luh'
18 to 30 were the dates fixClr for the
1107 ! nssomlJly nnd the dIrectors mn
dotermlned to ml1lto the comIng ses.
sian the est 'et bold.
Game 'Vnrl en Cartel' now has a vlo ,
Illtion of ho gameInws whIch III'0babh'
ho will have to IlI'ospcnto undO ! ' the
fedeml laws , 'I'ho vlolntor Is Uobort
\VIIIl and ho lvec ; In Bell vel' Dnm , Wls ,
REcently WIIIl blllo1 [ out from IIu '
Slnlngs a hex containIng twont '
grouse nnd foul' Iluclts to Do Knlli
Ill. 'rho Qxpress mos enger dIscovered
the contents of the box nnd rofus.ed .
to accept the shlplUent , throwIng the
box out of the car.
11etwoen 600 11\111 GOO boys entered
the DOdge count . corn growIng con
tt'st ] IISt 1IIII'Ins , aud e\'ory ono of thol1\
will hllvo a rIght to hrlng nn exhIbit
of his , ; mln to l"romont In DecomhOi
when the lIlg oxhlblt will talw plnco.
H. haB heon the custom nt past con.
tests to let enl ' the wlnncrs of dIstrIct
contest cntor the countr cl'ntesL :
ThIs pl'ovod somewhat unslltlsfactol'r ,
, hOWOVOI' , and It was decldell to nllow
: thom all to como to Fremont thIs year
Snys the Llcoln Journal : Cupl. A.
t 1\1. Trimble und John WeIsman will
len vo for V Icl.sburs , 1\1lss" to taltc
I 11l\rt III the dolllcation of the 1lllnols
I monumonts. 1\11' . " 'elsman Intends tc
find t11iC' stumll that ho hId bohlnll um ]
I huvo the monument moved to thul
apot , ns he Imows the sIege was 10t
tIed rIght thm'o hr l\tcA11Istm"s ChI
3 cllgo hattory. The maIn monument h
I dEscrlhed h ' Cnlltaln Trlmblo's broth
1 or , Judo , 'I'rlmhlo , .us the finest monument
mont all allY bnttJoflehl In the wOI'ld
At Colnmhus the Union Pac1l1c Hnll
rOlld comlnllr , gav.e > Foreml1n Webl
Instructions to spnro no fining 01' 0' ' ;
llOnso In fixing the culverts b ' the sldl
of the Ml'rJdlnn rand. ' 1'hls gooll now
111cnses the ( 'ltI ? ns who 1Ivo In th
Eouth pnrt of town hocnuse It wtl
Ilraln Ulolr Jots to the Plntto rlvo\ ' . '
Two 111en , agoll resilocllvel ' thlrt ,
IInd forty ) 'ears , were al'1sted nt th
11url/\\lton / depot In IInsllngs , chnrgo
with nn attomlt to Imss countore !
d nloney. The bill In qur.sllon WllR ,
Y confederate ton.doHar bill , nnd Wl
J [ ound In tbo men's Dosflsslon. !
' " - " ; r'Zlm' . "J ( , ' . " : mNtl' ' . " " , , , . . " or , , r . . . . . . < <
. , ,
. . , J" , . .
- - -
. '
- -
Removal of Third Car from Thorough"
fare Bridge Abutment Releases
Bodies of Three Women Pinned
Beneath the Coach.
Atlantic C1t ' , N. J.-Tho contention
of Coronel' Gasltlll that 11 lIumber of
1I0rsons who lost their lIves In the
oloctrlc train wroclt on the Thol'ough.
faro hrldgo may ho hurled In the mull
where the cars lllunged wns horne
out late 'I'uosday , when the lIodlos of
1\l1's. Paul FelslJorg , Mrs. Selina John.
HOII nnd that. of 1\I1's. Sarah 1\111101'
were recovOl'ed fl'om under the third
car. ' 1'hls cllr hung from the 'ahut.
mont III the contOl' of the lI1'Idge , with
Its no so In the mud , and whol1 the
workmen WOl'O trying to 11ft It from
the water the hodles worlwd looso.
. Thnt of Mrs. " 111101' was pinned fast
111 the wreckage , but that of 1\1rs.
Folsberg fioated UII to the vieW of the
wOl'kmen. 1\1rs. , Tohnson's hody was
fouud some tlmo later , caught under
the wroclmge. All were cut und lJat.
Dead NeVi Number 58.
1'ho finding of those bodlos Increas.
os the oll1clul Idontlfied dead to 51 ,
and the total number of bodlcs recov.
e' . . . -J >
IGIJ'J lie
: L":5 c..tLZ
PI:1ce of Wre'ck ,
ol'ed to fi.1. ' 1'horo nre sUB Imown to
bo nmong the Ilel\l the lollles of Mrs.
Frnnlt 1\1 \11'0 e , threo-'oar-old ,10S0tl1l
l\1cl lror , II. N. 11ul'ch nnd Armlln AI.
exls 'I'edosco. which mnken the eel"
taln lIumbor of dead In the wrecl , to
ho fi8 , there sUB remaIning nt vl1l'lous
mortuaries three unclaimed bodies ,
'rho locnl otllclala sa ) ' the totnl
death list Is G2. On the ether hnnd , a
grent man ' were earl ' on the ground ,
I1nd some of these who WOI'OscIICd
fl'om the train 111'0 Inclined to the be.
1I0f that several bodIes were swollt
down br the l1'a"j' tldo and novel' I'e'
cOVOrfll. It Is contended b ' some that
the total loss of lIfo will ho ahout 70 ,
'rho ! 1ndlng of the lJoll ' of "Irs , "tIl.
] 01' WIIS followl'd at the tomllorarr
mol'UO br ono of the most lathellc
I3conos In the ontlro hoal'tl'endln , ; af.
fnll. . 1\1rs , MilloI' , who was In l oor
health , hnd tnlten the trip to thl' sea
011 the olectl'lc trnln with her daugh.
tor.ln.lllw and' grandson , Losllo , The
. oldol' 111'13.111100 son vms hel'O Tues.
. da ) ' to got tlie erCl'ctR : of his wlfo and
son and a 1'1'11.11 go about. the shll/1110nt /
. of the botUoa , wlien the bodj' of his
moth 01' was brought In. Llo was sign.
Eight Persons Executed.
St. Potorsbl1l'g.-J lght pOl'sons aI'-
rested hero In connection wIth the
roblil1' ' of $1S8S2G from Cnshlol' Hor.
mlll1 , of Ule custom house , Octobel'
27 , were trll'd hy cO\ll't.martlal IInll
oxecutml 'I'uosdaj' .
PromInent Florlct Killed.
Scranton , Pa-J. ] . . Dl1\on \ , 01
Dloomlngton , ono of the lel1dlng nor
It 1 Ists or the Unitell States , was lil1\ell \
I . Iat I gusBoomlJurg \ by u freIght trait
n s I whllo "Hemllng . to the unloadIng 01
_ " ' - ' 1IiIII : 'l' : " ; > _ . . . . .
Ing for the effects of his wlfo and
son when the 1I01lco learned of the
reco"el'Y of the lNJdlos. 1\tIller Idonll
fied the body of his mother , nnd al.
most collnpsod after cl'ylng out that
ho was Joft alone In the world.
Only One Unidentified. '
The pollco , In going over the effects
of S0l110 of the victims at the city hall ,
found a letter In the poclwts of u
garment taken from one of the uni ,
dentlfied bodies. It WIIS addressed to
Wllllum Grnnnlng , Penn Door Sash
comlan ) ' , 'l'wcnty.flfth anr Callowhlll
streets , und was written lI ) ' 11. brothor.
This apparently Identlfios ono of the
unclaImed victims. The bed ' Is In
charge of Undortaltor 'rhompson on
The ono nbsolutely unldontlfied and
uncalmed ] hody , at Crowloy's morgue ,
Is that of a man about 42 'onrs old ,
weighing ahout 200 pounds.
Asldo from the search for the bod.
les , interest now centers on the In.
quest WhIch wl1l be hold lIy Coroner
Gnsltl1l on Thursda ) ' morning. While
ho will not express an opInion heforo
the InquIry as to the cause of the ac
cldont , It appcars from his statement
that ho Is convlncod the brldgo on
whIch the IIccldont. occurred Is not. as
It should bo , find may bo rehulld.
Resolution of Sympathy.
' 1'hat the oll1clals of the cltr geneI"
allr want a most rigId inquiry , so that
reSIJOnslhllIty for the accldont may ho
Ilncod. Is shown b ) ' the action of
councils In ndopting resolutions ox.
pressln sympath ' 1'01' the hereaved
and emhod 'lng the following :
"Hesolved , 'l'hat every olllcer of the
cIty government who , by reason of
his presence In the work of rescue , or
for any other reason , can glvo assIst.
anco to the county officll11s charged
wIth the worlt of dotermlnlng the
cause of thlB disaster , Is hOl'oby direct.
ed to glvo such assistance , In order
that these responslblo for the appal'
ling loss of life may bo punIshed and
the IIvos of rallrond passengers safo. '
guurdod , "
To Hear Brldgetender.
The central ! 1gures In the InquIry
on 'l'hursda ' will probablr ho Daniel
Stewart , the old bridge tender , and
, John Splltor , the towormln , who opor.
ates the slgnllis. Stewart doclnres
positivelY that he loclwd the draw
II1'oporl ' after the schooner ) 'acht Slnl
had Imsscd through , und the railroad
ofilclals say that In unj' event the slg ,
nnl fOl' safety would not have boon
sot when the train cnmo along had the
I'lIlls lIot been right. , Tohn Spllcor ,
the towol'lnnn , when asked ahout this ,
snld that ho could not see the traclts
clearl ) ' enough f'Om hIs 110sltlon to
Imow whothol' the tmclts were In lIne ,
but ho slIld ho got the slgnnl from the
tender thnt thor were all right and
gave the traIn 11. cIonI' tmcl , .
Bishop Nicholson Dead.
: \l1\waulwo-Isaac \ Lea Nicholson ,
D. D" bIshop of the 1\l1\wllul.eo \ \ I pls.
copal dloceso , died lit his resldonco
In thIs cltr lute Monday afternoon
after u lingering Illness. ' 1'ho"ond
cnmo pencefull ) ' nnd was not unex.
Ilocted. An allmont of the heart , to.
gothor wIth ether COlllllllcatlons , WIIS
the cnuoa of dontll.
Pythlan Hall Is Destroyed.
I.olllslo , O.-Flro Wednesdn ' night
I destl'o 'ell the enth'o opom house
hloclt ontalllng a loss of $100,000. The
tire started In the Inlghts of P .thilln
10dgo rooms and withIn an hour the
ontlro block Wus consumed :
Prca nts laland to City ,
Unclno , WIs.-William HOl'lIclt hus
11l\1'lhased and 111' ( 80nted to this clt ) '
l a llll he Islllnd In Hmlt rlvor.11' . 1101"
I lIcli has nlso donated a generous SUI11
I to l.oJnvort thIs Islnnd Into a beautiful
lJark , 111uch l1oelle 1 In Haclne.
, " " , de _ .
. '
Oil COMPANY FINED $5,000 ,
Given Limit for Single Violation of
Valentine Antl.Trust Law , and AI.
lowed Usual Time for Appeal ,
Flndla ' , O. - In the probnte
comt here Mondn ' , Judge llnnkOl'
ovorruod ] the motion filed lJ ) ' the at.
torlloys of the Standarll 011 compan '
for a now trial and Imllosed a fine or
$5,000 hnll costs of the lll'osocution In
the recent suit IIgalnst the Standard
held hOl'e.
On motion of the defense the court
ordered thtlt the defendnnt comlll1ny
ho nllowel ( ,10 dnys In which to prclmro
und 11I0 Its bill of excellUolIH In the
caso. On motion lJy the Sta'ndard at.
torneys , JOSCllh O. 'l'1'OUll , of Bowling
Green , 0" and S. II. Tolles , of tJlovo.
land , the 1I0ntellco Imposed was or.
ered SUSllOdod for II. llOl'lod of GO
dnys for the 11l11'l10SO or filing a lIe .
tlon on error 111 this caso. It was also
ordered thnt the criminal Inormn.
tlons pondlng against John D. Hocke.
foil or , the Dl1clcyo Pille Line cOl1lpan '
and the 1\Ianhattan 011 company lJ6
contllluod until the next tel'm of
The fine 1111110sed by Judge Dnnker
was the limIt for ono offense , though
the law stlllulates that each day that
the Illeglll comlJlnaUon bu lness IS
carried on constitutes n separate ofl
fense. Tnltlng this vlow of the stnt
lites , It wns 1I0sslble for the court to
Impose an aggregate"of fines alUount
Ing to over $6,000,000.
Former Member of Interatilte Boar
Dead at WashIngton.
Washington. - James D. Yeo
mans , formerly a member ot' the Interstate
torstato commerce commission , dIed
, . ednesdllY of a complication of dls
cases. Ho was 61 yours of ago.
1\11' . Yeomans took part In many of
the Important cases lJrought hefore
the Interstate commerce commission
lIe was a nntlvo of Wyoming county
New York , and had consldorahlo Oxpo
I'lenco In the railroad worl . Ho en.
James D. Yeomans ,
tered the railway service earl ' In Ufe ,
became general superlntondent of the
Duffalo , New York & Phlla elphla
railway , was Idontlfied with other railroad -
road Interests and later on bocam
general superintendent of the Olean
IJradford & Warren railway. In the
latter Imrt of his rnllroad cllreor ho
was Idontlfied with railroad buildIng
In New Yorl" Penns 'I\'l1.nla and 1\lIch.
Igan. Ho was succeeded on the In ,
terstate commerce commIssIon by
Carmer United States SonataI' Francis
1\1. Cocltroll , of 1\IIssouri. 1\11' . Yeo.
mans had prlvnto business Interests
In this city , to which he devoted him.
Rolf after hIs retlremont from publlc
Judge Yeomans , as ho was familiar.
] y known , had a wide acqualntanco
with pUhllo mon and pl'omlnont cltl.
zons hero and was unlvorsally
Government Wins First Cilse AgaInst
Contractors on Federill Work ,
Clnclnnntl.-Tho first test of the
federal olght.hour day law ended In
n victory for the government here
Frldaj' . After bolng out only 15 min.
utes the jury In the United States
court found the Shorldan.Klrk Con.
tractlng company guilty of violating
the luw In the construction of the big
Ohio river dam at Fornbanlt , nIne
miles below thIs city. The dotormlna.
tlon of the penalty will como ] ator.
The law provldos for a fine not ex.
ceodlng $1,000.
FilipInos to Have Conoress.
Washlngton.-Tho prosldent Is pro.
paring to rcdeom his promlso made
to Ul0 Phlllpplno peopo ] through Sec.
rotnry 1'aft that the ' shal1 have a
, ll1\rllnmont of their own , condltlollcd
upon tholr good bellllvlor for II.
t01'1I1 of two : rears , and It Is undor.
stood thnt Secretnry Tnft himself will
proceed to the Phtllpplnos next sllrlng
to witness the Installation of the
now form of represontatlvo govol'n.
Trainman Is Killed.
GreencastJo , ] nd-Wllllum A. Mc ,
LaIn , nn omplo 'o of the DIg Four
l'nllroOll fel1 under a moving cnr Wed ,
nosdaj' and was Instantly kllled. Ills
fnther resides at Butler , Pn" anl1 11
wlfo at Carnogla , Pa.
Judge Gary Is Dead.
Chlcngo-Judgo Joseph E. Gary , th
oldest 1I10mbol' of the ChIcago bonoh ,
nnd the ml111 who sentenced the IIn. .
archlsts to hung , dIed suddenly nt hIE
homo , 36D OntarIo street , Wedncsda
afternoon. .
" - - . . . - . . . . . . . . . " "
, , " " !
- I
Missouri Pacific , Atchison , Topeka and
Santa Fe Rock Island and pacific ,
Burlington & . Quincy , and Other
Roadn Involved In the Complaint.
WASHINGTON - Al1rallrOlu1s ope.
tatlng In Oltlnhoml1. hnvo been mallo
I defendants In a complaint filed with
the Interstate Commerce commIssIon
b ' the torrltory through its attorney
genoml W. O. Cromwell , the charge
being that oxlortlonato rntos are
charged on shlpmonts of wheal to Gnl.
veston ani ] that poInts In Arlmnsas ,
1\1Issol1rl , H.ansns , NchraFla , Iowa and
Indlun 'l'ol'rllory are 1 . Jred. 'rho
complaint Is the result at' agitation of
long standing.
Complaint was fUod by the Howard
'tilling compnny of .Wlchlta , Kan"
that the 1\1IsSOU1' \ Pacific , Atchison , To.
1101m anI ] Santa Fe ; Chicago , Hocl Is.
lunll & Pacific ; Chicago , nurllngton &
Quincy ; Dcnvl'r & Hlo Gl'l\ndo , SOUU1' f
ern Pacific and Union Pacific railroads '
are maintaIning ulljust dlfCerentnls
agaInst fiou1' and In favor of wheat
shipped fem WichIta to Pnclfic coast
termnals and poInts In Arlzolla. It Is
claimed that this discrimInation operates - j
rates disastrously to the fiour m\l1s \ 01 I
Kansas and uplJullds the Pacific coast \
ml1ls , and tho. complaint urges that r
the dIfferential bo alJollshed.
A com plant was nlso filed with the
commission by the Farmcrs' 1\1er.
chants' and ShIppers' club of Kan.
sas against the Atchison , 'ropoltD.
& Santn. l'e ; and Gulf , Colorado &
Santa Fe and numerous ether roads
thnt extortlonato rates are charged
from ; Kansas points to Galveston and
moro favornlJlo rates are glvon tQ poInts
further north In other states.
It Is deelarcd In lhe complnlnt that
n. reasonable chmgo ; for the transportation -
tation of wheat hy carload lots for ex"
port. from poInts In Oldahoma to GoJ.
veston Is not moro limn 5 mills per ton
mile , and that the railroads are mak ,
Ing chnrg' } In excess or 7.75 m\l1s \ pel
ton mllo.
It Is asserted that by aggreomont
the sixteen railroads Inyolved hav6
cstahHshed uniform rates nnd that all rft . <
: llscrlmlnato In favor of the longe.z
Jauls crom poInts which arc al1eged
:0 recelvo proferontla ] treatmcnt , The Jf
ommlsslon Is asld to determlno what "
1:3 the just rate from Oldahomn points " ' -
IJn expert wheat and that rate bo '
made the maximum In the futmc.
Cilpture Big Wagon Carrying Three
Thousand Pound : ; of Flour.
SHEHIDAN , WYO.-A band of Ute
Indians hold up one of tlHf gqvernment
3U pply wagons between Arvada. a.nd
: he troops of the ' 1'enth cavalry and , f
tooted It. doprlvlng the troopers ot tIJP'
much needed supplies. In the plunder . \
was 3,000 pounds of flour , whIch the
rolls paclted away strapped to tll01r
panic'S. Drivel' James Forgln and his
string team were held up. at UIO point
of 100 rilles In the hands 'of Utes and
compelled to sit In his seat whllo the
braves cOlUpletelY rolleved him of his
load. The empty wagon wns a11owcl1
to proceed.
The troopers of the Tenth , joIned 'by
these of the Sixth from Fort Moude ,
were running hort of provisions , and . 1
the capture hy the Utes hILS placed the 6. J . ,
military on short rations.
Sucked Down to Death.
ATLANTIC CITY , N. J.-Tho body ' .
or H. H. Durch , another vlcltlm of the.
Thoroughfare dlnster , was recovered j
from the mud. The divers say that
the body was In an uprIght posItion
leaning agaInst the piling of the bridge '
and hnd apparently been sucltod Into
the mud feet first. .
SIOUX CITY , Ia.-Whlto nul1 , one
of the chlofs of the SIoux Indians , was :
hI Sioux City today on hIs way to
the scene of the ute uprising In 'Vyo.
mlng to act as emlssllry of pence. lId
8ald ho was nnxlous to meet the ] ead.
ers of the Utes that he mIght use his
Infiuonce to dIssuade thom fighting.
W ASHINGTON-'rhe rallwny postal
clcrlts of the country p1'OpOSO to asl
congreas thIs winter to allow them (1
per dlom for expenses Incurred while
awny from theIr homes In the dl&
charge of thell' dutlos.
Clark May Chanoe Mind.
CHICAGO-When , EiCnator Wllllnm
A. Cark ! of Montana was In this city
on hit > wn ' west he was nsl\Od If ho Intend -
tend d to bo II. candldnte for re-olectlon.
"I had nbout mndo up m ' mind , " said
the sonataI' , "not to bo II. candhla o fOl'
the 'Senato ngaln , but m ) ' frIends Insl. ! ! ! :
I shnll be : ' ' 1'ho senator Is now on his
wa ' to Montnna , havIng ] elt nero on j
Thursday. Ho declnred ho had almost ,
complotoh' recovered from hIs automCJo
bllo nccldent In Franco.
. \
Omaha Man Re.Eected. ! ,
CANTON , O.-Tho Luther lengue of
America , now In sessIon here , wl1l
moot In Chlcao ! In blonnlal convention
I In 1D08. The league elected Wl1llam
, C. Stovor , Ponnsylvnnla , lll'esldont nnd
novo I..uther M. Kulllis , Omnha , gen.
01'11.1 socretnry.
Brother.ln.Law of Harrison ,
{ ) TT l\tW A , In.-'homas , T. Devin ,
, a brothCl' of Preshlent Denja.
mln HarrIson , died hero , ngod 70 " -
, ) 'curs. IIo WIIS mllrrlod to Sarnh nnr.
rJson In 1859.