. po- ( - - - - - poCUSTeR COUNTY RPU [ UCAn - - - - Dy D. M. AMSDERRY , . . - - - - - - nnOKEN lJOW , . . NEBllASI \ . , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gri\pholouy "ested. Prof. AlCrcll lJtnct of the Sorhonno hau boon rnal < lnK lIomo cXI1CrhllontH lu graphology whIch revenl that aclouc3 In nn unkInd light. An n helnnlng ! , the hlullhnJlhll ; of Honnn wlla clrcu , Jnted. A fumouA r.1'n1holo/ouo , / : gU\'O the followIng nnnl'sls of the grel\t I flkorlUO Ilhllolfolhcr , : "A mInd oriGInal- \ J ) ' mcdlooro nnll IIlllo culllvl1lf.'II. ' LIt , . . tlo rofloctlon. On the olhor hnnd , Iho r credulity unll 10lIaclou ( ) nclllI of the fluhject urn noteworthy. " Wllh nil- ether eXI/ort / Honan C\1110 : off 11 IIlllu ballor , riM "n clear 111111 IIno mlul1 , hut ] umlly ro\chlllr : IlIlont. " Orllllholo/y / rmrrorOll most when It foil { oul ot thu mnnllflcl'lpt of the hl'\1tal \ nKsnllRlu VI- IInl , who hllll slnln ml1ny W0111011. OUO nuthorlLy (1I.'cllu'd ( ! Iho wrltln ! ; to ho "tllllt of a youn girl who must ho clnssull 111110111 ; the EeuUor chllrnc- tors. " Another doclor 111 the flcll'\1CO ohserved "nlthough wo hl1vo novoI' lIoon Iho hnullwrlUnr of 'rnlne , wo Imnglno It Jllto thill. In any cuno ho who wrote IheBO lines wns a thlulcor. " If thin ho trllo the eSII:1Y : on "l\lurdor nB a Flue Art" sholllll ho rowl'ltten wIth n vi ow to , provlnl ; It an exact IIcl. once , I1l11ed to lIo.cnlled oVolu lonnr ) ' crlUclam. ' 1'110 totnl result of Prof. Dlnot'll oxporlments 10 to sUlmeut that In g1'llphnology It tnlr field nnl1 no ta. VOl' III U o rulo. 1II01"t : ot us would have strucle rather nem'or the whlto tbnn the adellts In the abovo.mon , tlonod cuses. Women S..crlficlnu . the Dlds. Lot the wOI'1I1 bid Itu sad Carowell to Us feathered tolk If mllllnorj' modell conUnuo thell' olrughter. Cer. taln slleclcs of the rarest I1nl1 1I10st honutlful blr ls nro threntened with extermInation at no dlstnnt I1nte. In ono Illl\1'lwt alone latol ) ' were soW atone ono tlmo 1 ,000 humming hlI'I1 , 28.000 parnleeela , lCiOOO 1lnlIshors ; : , 20,000 ahrotles nnd thouunlHls or olllel' gal" geous soullwrn birds of dlfforcJIlt Iclnds , ns well ns tloverJ and even spar. rows. Frllnco recolves every ) 'eur tram Amorlcn , 'l'onlln ntHI India millions ot birds whlcb are exchnnged ror mil. ] \rns \ ot dolla1'9. 'rho number of small bIrds nnnunlly Imllortcll Into England antI Fl't\nco l11ay ho computed nt 1GOO , ' 000. Germany cXl10rts nearly 20.000 , . 000 fenthers which are worleod up In Enslnnll Into hnt trimmings. In Lon. don there nro held every month saloH of birds' slelnll nnd feathers , IndIa alone 8UPlllrins nome aooooOOO fellth. ors. ' 1'110 South Amorlcl\n ropubllcs are awakened to the dnnger at the ox. tormlnatlon or tholr 1110st ornumental bl ds nnd hnvo pHssed I.nws regulating their slaughhr. In America han hen ; ) , formed a lealuo whoso members for , 'swenr the wearing ot fenthers , 'I'lough } the ancient Greeles nnd Romans used Ice for tnblo purposes to got through ovou buller wlmther thnn wo have heelt having ] aloly , they 1enow nothing of "Icos. " 'l'heso were Introduced Into Frnnco fl'om Hnly about 1GOO , nnll known at first ns "fromages glnces , " Iced cheeses , nl. U10ugh they were made of strawher. l'les , alH'lcot ! ! , and so forth , nnll con. talned not a drop of QI'eam. sara the London Chronlclo. l rom 17G2 the \lse ot "glacos" In the plural was satlc. tloned hy the acndomy , but not heroro 1825 IIld "uno glnco" force its way , \ Into recognized nccolltauco. "Icos" j are rofol'l'cd to fr01l1 tlmo to time In t I the eighteenth cent\lr ' In Engllsl1 IICO' pIo's letters fr01l1 abrond. "Iced rJ ! ercamo , " however , were Icnown as \ early as the yenr when William ot Or. I angGJ came over , aull h ' the milidlo or . the olghteonth contlll' ) ' "Ico crenm" 11 figured In cool'CI' ) ' booles. \1 \ Here Is un ollll lIttle drnmu , the Bordlll end of which Cl\l110 to Ihht the I 1 ether day In a Lon on poll co comt. Some 'ears ngo n respectable nml thrHty accountant who had 1I\'ed n bare , 10n(1) ' sort ot a lifo , was told by hIs 1I0ctor that ho had but a short time to lIvo. Seeing no sense In stlclt. Ing to his treallmlll , ho throw \lp his i. . situation nnd 1I0voted hhllselt to get. J tins the most pleasure possible out of \ I the lItt10 calltal ] he had saved by I ) 'oars of hnrd worle , Dut 1I0ctors ( In j ! rare but nulhotlcatcd Inslances ) make \ . ! 111lstl\kl'l1. Perhaps a gay lito was the , I best . prescription ho could have Imd- ) he stultll10d melllcnl sclenco. At all ! events bls lenso ot lito o\ltrnn hl'l capl , : , tnl and ho wns the other tiny sent to jail tor six months tor gottlng mono ) ' on false pretenses. It Is novel' snto to say , "Let us eat , drlnt ] nnd bo mol'l' ) ' . tor to.morrow wo l1l0 , " The Islnm ! of Sl. Uc ona , whol'O Na. poleon wns six ) 'enr8 a ca11t1ve. la to bo abnudonell as a garrison hy Grent. Dritnln. Slnco the oponln ! ; or the Suez cannl It Is no longoI' 11I1IIorlant as a stopping place on the route to India. . 'I'ho Now Yorlt .Malt suys : "SlIu\llta. neousl ) ' w1th the Incoptlou oi the foot. bal1 seasolt 11arval'lI In1s tlodlcatod anew now 5OOOOOO medical school. " ' 1'hls , Ulta Mr. Plcltwlck's warmIng pan nl. lu.l u. DOutlil. . bldd. . mo..luu. :1 : t . , , \ , , i " ' , . ' . - ' , , 'I . . . . - - ' . / , . fi. . - - - - - - 4X. .r i : BALAA.M'S : : : : : : BLE.SSBNG : : , t. . ' . . : . n nETEE N T H - J n Cloud and Pillar Serl03 . : . ' ' ' ' , - , : : : A SIORY 01 "If nllllLII\l ! > 'i , JOU : ( [ Y Of : ' : ' ' JIll 1IUlll W l'tol'll .s. , , . .s. , I. ny Utc "llhhway and Jlyway" l'tcl1cher .s. ' : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . . : . ( Col'l'hch& , IfIVd , " 1111" aUl"or. W , 8 , I hoe , ) Scrlrltl1l'o Al1UlOrlly-NurnlJers 22 , 23LIllI / 24 : o peclally 22 : G ; 21i : 18 , ( \1111 31:8. : DOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo' g SERMONETTE. Dnli\nm la one of the otrnne [ ] , I InconGlotent chnractero wo find In the Dible. Although not a Hebrew , but n dweller among 8 the hCi\then \ , yet In Gome w..y . 0 which Scripture doea not reveal I he Wi\I ! pOGlicoGed of n certilln knowlede [ ] of the one true God. I The mOGt Important .queGtlon ' which . .risen . In connection with D..I..mn . . 10 : Did he JIve up to the light that he h..LI . ? Dy this question we mny me..oure . the I mnn , . .nd . perhnps dlocover why he prescnto so we..k . , GO miser. tlble a picture and plunes [ ] . .t . I..at . upon the very Gworda of the people of the God In whom he believed. There Is no evidence to show th..t . 8..la..m . . , enllhtened [ ] with a knowlede [ ] of the true Godr souht [ ] to let the lIht [ ] shine and win the people i\mong whom he dwelt from their henthenlol1l. In fnct , we find to the contr..ry . , for It 10 certain that he deb..scd . hlo knowledge of the true God , . .nd . hla brllll..nt . att..lnments . , tr..ff1cl . < ln [ ] In them for the gold nnd favor of kings. How deplori\ble Is the condl. tlon of the soul that liven not up to the privilege of Ita lIoht , th..t . reduceo everything to the cur. rency of this world , and Is can. tent to dWell on the low plane of the merely oensual and tem. 0 poral. 8al..m . . l < new the true God , but there were some things he I cnred more for than the true God. How true th a Is of multi. tudes In the world to.day. They have knowiedoc of the true God , I . .nd . yet Ihey , refer to dwell ap..rt . from God's peeple , they covet the things of the world and gladly reC'elve the homage i\nd trIbute of the people of the I 8 world. It waG D..I..am's . . wIllfulness and not God's graclousneaa which at I..ot . wrung the permlo. slon to go wIth 8al..k's . messen. gel's. And D..laam . Is not the Inat person whoae willful , per. verse heart has overrlden the expressed will of God. Dal..am . could hobnob with I < lngs who were plotting the 0 downf..11 . of God's people , but he could not niter the Divine pur. i pasco concerning them. How limited after all are the powers 2 of evil. 0 A concecrated heart never 2 goes with nn Itching palm. It Is possible for one to Bee with the ele..rnesn . of i\n angel of lIht [ ] , . .nd . live like a creature of d..rkncos. . I To know God and to live God me two different propesltlons. The one Is like the electrical app..r:1tuo . nil equipped for use , the other 10 the :1pp:1r..tuG . with the current turned on perform. Ing Its functions. HIgh . .nd . holy glfta may be pr03t1tuted to b..se . uses. It Is a poor testlmonl:11 to a m:1n's religIon when he can live i In a community wIthout'm..klng . It better. 00000000000000000000000000 I THE STORY. ALAK , kinE ; , r the l\1onhltos , was In ' troublo. I ' ' SOl'O ol' 1111)8 unll ulghts now ho hall nelthor eaten nor 9lellt , for not ono but 8COI'es at mes. ' : longenl IUtlI como In hnHto to his 1ml. ! lCO d\l1'llIg the 1mst month with alnrl11. In { ; stol'les or n. st1'nllge and torrlhlo lIeo1110 who hnll como out at ggYllt 3.ud were sweolllllg the InhalJltnnts of the IUIIII hofol'o them , I At first. ho hnd received the reports with dlsdnln , Ileclarlng that the mighty mon of Moab were nblo to wlthstu1ll1 such enemies , but ns the rellorts grow maI'o alal'lulng anll ho hnll heen Informel ! fully ns to the tearful destruction ot the Am01'ltes. a ilorco nllll l10werful lleolllo to the south at his Ilomaln , hlB conl1denco hnd qulto doserlell him. In hla nnx. loty ho had go no out to ono of the high mountulns ovorlooldng the 111uco where Isrnol ] n ' oncnmllod , nnll ns his O'OS took In the great stretch at tents nnd notoll the mllIlary lIreclslon nnll order with which the cn111\1 \ wns Inll ! out , ho found lIttle to roassu' 0 him. " 'l'hnt Is tholr tabernacle , " replled an attendant In rOS\1011110 \ to his query us ho pointed to the squnreshallod tent In the center ot th' cam11. "And It Is there tholr God Is said to have His dwe1\lng \ plnco , nnd that coud ] which you BOO hovorlng nbovo the tabol'l1aco ] 113 the vlslblo 11re50nco or tholr God. 'l'ho Ileolllo through whoso conntr ) ' they hnvo 111\ssel ! told mo that It 113 this eloud which has lell tbom ull the way trom ES'llt , 1\1111 haa glvon thom victor ) ' ever their enomles. " "IIow stmngo anll m'sterloua It seems , " rosr.Qnllcll the Idn1 ; , as a SUIIOI'SUUous shlvQr llU sed over hIm. "It 1001\13 almost lIlea a thIng ot lIfo I \ It swnyo there nbo\'o the tnbor. Il\s nnclo , " Fasclnatell , lIeomlngl ) ' , by the sight , II the king Ions stool ! there watching. 't'hn &un sllnle tQ 1'0st anll the darkness . - . - - - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . ' ' ' ---'I _ 'l1 .f l. . . . . . Bottled "own In the vnlloy and ' .hon ( 'rollt Ill' the mountaIn towards where tho" " 'Jtooll. "See ! " ho crlod , oxcltedly , "It glow : ! now nIIl thoulh the rout Hun hnll 'HOUO ' 10 I'ellt In Its 1J0 om. Surely wo cnn. 1I0t hOllO to pl't/\'I111 / nElIll1st 11 IleOlllo whOlIO 0011 vll4ltll tholll In Imch might nllli 110\\01' . Whnt. shull wo do ? Whnt Hhall wo do ? " And the , Icing In hiM ( lIatresA nnd fellr wrung his hands , IInd ) laced lip lIulI down , the whllo IwoJllng hili eyes IIllon the rltmmlng 11111111' lu the (1111. ( IInce. It WIIS the ouly thlllg now vIa. Ihlo In the vlllley holow , IInvo the faint uulllueH of the tllbel'unclo whIch alooll out IInllol' the tight of the ] Il1lnr of 111'0. ' 1'110 long lIuou of tOlltS Rtl'otch. In uwny In OVOI'Y dl1'ecUou front the tuIJornuelo hUI ] tnrlod from vlow , hut thnt stClllly , nwful , myatOl'louII glow ntool1 out 8hm'II1y 111111 1111011 hIs hellrt with UIISIJonknJ.lo fear. It seemed to him 111m Hrnnt wlng(1 ( tlIC1l1Rtor thnt wnll honrlu110wu / ; IIpon him to lIolo him lu itA tlllollU IInll tea" hlH IJOlly In Illeco 111111 devolII' hili l1osh , IU1l1 ho ahrnnle bncl , 11I111 utulllhlCll IIl1d woulll 'havo talloll hl\ll not the nttondant callJht him. "Whllt stl'l1l1Eo , l.el'1'lhlo God Is I.hln ? Who lu thol'o who l\1\owa of this God ? Who Is thol'o who CIIII holll us ? " he cl'led. " ' 1'horo Is a man 111 Pother , Blllanm. the f10n of Beer , whom 1 hnvo heard to11 has heen J.roally ; glfled , of the Hods nnd thet'o Is no goda with whom I ho Is not fnmlllnr , nlld I doubt not' ' that ho would Imow of thin God of the Hebrews , " "Balnalll of Pelhor ? " slowl ) . rOl1eat. ed the Icing , "Is not ho the one to whom the nllUons about go In tlmo of troulJlo ? Is ho 1I0t the 01'l\clo who has ton'told the fn11 of 11\unOl'OlIS clUes of the land ? " " 'I'ho very one , " re1111ed the attend. ant. "Go nnd fetch hll11 , " commanlled the ] ( Ing ns ho hnstenod down the mouu. tllftl path nnd returned to his ] mlnce. Now Daaam ] , nlthough 3. prophet and Ilrleat 11I110ng the l\lIl1lnnltes , hnd a ] cnowedge ] of the true God aUlI feared 111m. On maI'o than ono occa. slon hnd the true God or Heaven given him visions or the events which were to C01110 to pass , nnd his fame ns 3. pl'Ollhet hud spread through all that country. Wh"n the messengers hall como to him from the l\lng of the l\Ioabltes , sn'lng : "Come , curse this people , for they nre too mighty for me : perael. vcnturo I ohnll pI'ovail , that wo mny smlto them , IInd thnt I may drive them out of the laud , for I wet that ho whom thou hlossest Is hessed ] , and ho whom thou CUI'SOSt is cursed , " he was tllled with IIn eager desire to go with thom thnt ho might receive tholr rIch gifts , hut ho dare not. for of long tlmo ho had hcard that this people which had como out. of Egypt were Gud's chosen people and under Ills specla1 caro. For this reason ho asked that the messengers tarry tho. n1llht ; while ho should obtain word of the 1.01'11 concerning tlle mattor. WIth heavy heart ho saw the mos. sengers lIepart after he had told them thnt ho could not go. lJut when n few days Intcr there came a more noble deegatlon ] from Dalllk lJeseechlng him to go with them , he willfully sought the face of the Lord again and ob. tnlned from him the permission ilC sought. 'fwo days later Ilc stood upon thl : ! high place where BlIlIl , the god of the Moabltes , was worfihlped. The seven altars have heen hullt nnd Dalalt Is stnndlng hy the smoking sacrlficos , whl10 Dalnam has gone yonder to hen l' whllt God might Ba ' to him , Within his heart wno the hurnlng desire to say ull that the Icing desired of him , for he bol'o no love for Isrnel , but ho lenew that mere words coultl not accomplish Isrnel's ruin and thnt If God hall sllolten blessing , It were fo11y rOl' him to speult curses. Dny ufter da . the effort of King Bnlale to wring from Daaam ] a curse u110n Israel continued , nndnlwa 's fall. ur nnd dlsapllolntment , null nt last , In dls ust nnd angel' , ho sent Dulaam i huclt to Pothol' empty handed and In disgrace. 'I'hon It wns that Dalllum , troubled nnd dlssl1Usl1el1 , sought to counsel the Itlngs to make frlenlls with Isrne rather limn to seet to fight them. "Lot the most heautlful of our women bo given unto them that they may In. lIce them and draw them away , " he said. 'I'hls ndvlco seemed gooll , nnd during the weelts which followed Israelite : ! nnd l\1oabltes nnd l\1hllanltes mlnglc.lt fJ'ee1r , a thing Which so displeased Moses and the elders that It wns not long ere Moses had to resort to the most severe moasures. This culmln. nted In the plnguo whoso nwrul rave ages In the ranles at Israel were on1) ' stn'ed when Phlnens hnd lIestro 'ed a l\lIdlnnltlsh l11'lncoss nnd the wicked Isrn01lso who bad brought her Into his tent. Should l\lIdlnn let such affl'Ont go unchnllonged ? Dalnam still counsol1ell 11ence , "Nny , wo shall fight , nnd thou shnlt fight with us , " vowed the king , when rumors came that Isrnol wns pro/lar. / In to go out ngalnst thom. "Wo shall see how thy blessing shall 1lros/lor. / Curse Israel nnd thou slm1t remain In safety lit homo. " " ! Jut how cnn I spealt curses when Gall has spolwn only goodness can. coming Ismel ? " 11001' Dalnam protost. ed , us 110 wont with thom to the flell1 of bnttlo. 'l'hen came the Israelllc ' and they warred agnlnst the 'l\lIdlnnltes nnd they slow nIl tllo mnles , a11lt they slow the Itlnge of llJll\n , booilio the rest of tho11tlmt were slalu ; 11l1m(1) ' , Evl , nnd HoluJlI1 , nml Zur , 1\1111 Hur , and HolJn'O kings of l\Udlnu. Aud Dnlanm , nls\1 , the son at DcaI' , they slow wIth the dword , . : : - ' : - " ' - V.rr--- It you walt for othl3rs to do thIngs lor you tbl > are apt to do you whllo you walt. _ . - - - - - - You nlwn ) ' get cun vnlue In J.cw a' Single mnder ItrnlRht ! . e cigar. Your dealer or Lewlll' I'.netary ' , l'coria , 111. - - - - Women H..ve . Pd'Snake. , A rreat mnny snnkos are Imported Into England. 'I'hero In a hrlak do. mand Cor snnko petn among rIch Indlon _ ] t'/I / funny Itlnrl ot IIOt , pOI" 1111118 , hut they noom to IIko tholll , nnd rot qulto fond or thom. I UlIlJI'OIU ' It'a bocaullo lallloll nowadnys ! lito the 1I11UlIml , Of conrao , these 1I0t Bnalcos 111'0 all nonpolsonollll.-Lonl1on Murn. Ille Leallor. A Good Record. Out at all t.ho externnl rome leD on the Illarket0 tloubt. It there III ono that hns the record or tl1nt world. renownell porous plnster-Allcock's. ' It has now lJeen In lIS0 for sixty ) 'enr9 , aud stl11 continues to bo all ] Iopular as ever In doing Its great work of 1'0' Hovlne 0111' pains nnd acheu. It .111 the remedy wo n11 neell Wh011 Buffer. Ing Crom nny ache 01' paIn I'esultlng from taltln [ ; collI or oVOI'otrnln. Allcoclt's P storD nre sold by Drug. Clsls n11 over the world , - - - - - - - Senator Spooner's Ghootln [ ] . Senntor 8)1ooner ) , of WisconsIn , Is successful hunter or IJlg game. On ono ot his trlp8 he hnd for 11lu guide ) Jill l\IUl'ray. They wore out looldng for hear or deer ono day , when 1IIur. rny sllddenly throw 1111 his rlfio anll fired. 'fho 'oenntor saw nn animal full heavily , and cnlled : "Wo'vo got hllll this tlmo , Bill. " v " , Yo ! " sneol'od the guldo. " ' 1'hero's no we about It. I lell10d him plain enough. " Quiclc1y ma.1dng their way to where theIr . the . found fine quarr ) Jay , ) a slleclmon of Jersey cult. " 'Vo'vo lelllell some bolly's calt ! " ye11cll the guldo. Senator Spooner gave 111m n with. orlng loole and said : "W\1Ilam \ , you should bo moro particular In your chol , o ot pronouns. ' , Yo" Isn't adapt. ed to this particular lustanco.-1\m. waukeo Sentinel. HAD TO USE A CANE. We:1kened 1 < ldneys M..de . :1n Elwood , Ind. , Man's Back Give Out. n. A. Pugh , transfer business , 2020 North D street , Elwood , Ind. , sa's : "Kidney trouh10 leopt me laid up for a 10ng time , and when I was ahlo to be up I had to use a can I had terrlblo baek. nches and pain In the shoulders. The Ie I d n e . secretions were dark colored. After doctorIng In .aln , I began using Doan's Kltlney pms. Three boxes cured mo entirely , and I am glad to recommend lhem. " Sold by all dealeJ's. 50 cents a box. Foster-l\1Ilburn \ Co" Duffao ] , N. Y. E:1rly L:1bor Strike. in 1832 there was n ten-hour movo. ment among the shipwrIghts and calk. ers of New England , nnd severnl strikes resulted , which proved suc. cossful. Laundry worle nt IlOmo would bo much more 1It15faclory If the rIght Starch were , used. In order to get the dcslre stiffness , It Is usunl1y nece5- sarJo' to use so much stllrch thnt the beauty and fineneJs ! of the fabrIc Is hlddon behind a paste .of varyinr ; thlclmess , which not only destroys the nppearnnce , hut als affets : the wearing - ing quality of the goI5. ( This tronblo can be entire ! ) . oyercomo by using Defiance - fiance Starch , as It can ho npp1\ed \ much more thln1y hocanso of Its great.- er strength than other malees. Experlenco Is the father ot wisdom' and memory the mother.-From the German. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " " V V V " V v i RHEU ! T S a i ; y EUR L R ! X I ' ! , , . \ . . . I'I . ! . . . ' C ; . ' . : I 11 ' f."t' : : . , , TlI.tQ + . . . ' . . ' . : . o . ! . t ST 1 . . : . : t JACOBS j y : ? OaL : : : y . .1 , " . The Proved Remedy . : ' : . : For Over 50 Y ear . Y 9 X ' . . Price : ! : c Gl"l : > 0 ; : { - . , . . . . -v- . . _ . . ; . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . " . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I'f . ' 0 ' 0 . . X V : : - - - - - . . . . . . , , - . . . . _ - - . ; " , : " : - " - . - - " ' " "IV' _ _ _ I DIRDS THAT ENJOY DANCINQ I Have Regul . "Dall Rooms" for Their Gyratalons. Dancing la lJy no menu ! ! conflnod to qlladrllped ; It la the IlrlncllJnI IIIa1 'ot ' mnny hlrds. Pcrhllpa the finest ot blrl1 dancerlJ Is the SOllth Alllf'rirnn cocle 0' the rock. 'I'hoMo hiI'll" hayo rOIIII\r ! IIlinc. Ing pIIlCOS , level 1IhJ ] ) ( whIch they Iwep elOL1' of atlekl4 IInd IItUIIIJI ! . A dO ' .llll fll' 11101'0 or the hlrel IIl1nc , 01'11 nssomlJlo lIl'ollnd thin "pol , IIIICI I then n coclt hiI'll , hltl Hcm'lot C'ont ) .oroct . , IItoPII Inlo Iho cOlllol' . Sllronc1. Ing hlo wlncn 111111 tnll , ho hOlollln ; to I dnnco , lit fil'ot with IIlow nlld utillo. Iy stellS , then Irlulilally ; 11I'JI'O IInd 11101'0 I'Ilplllly IIntil hu /.1)1111111111 / / ) ; 111(0 a 11111d thlnl ; , At laPll , tll'od out , ho nlnlt/.l / Ilowu , hopn out ot the 1'1111 ; ILilIl l\11other taltOu hll'J ' 1111100. Sarno of the qllnll trlho are great Ilnncorll , 1\1111110 al'o the A1110rlclln aaud hili crl1ncs. It In n' 1110St IlIltlcl'ollll sigh ! . to watch CI'II110 IIIIIIClllho / ; ; In so deslerlltely ) RlIlol11l1 OVOI' the whole 11orformrllUo. : 110 loolw 111 < 0 n uhy ) 'ollnr ; 111nu who hmi just learned to walt ? nud Is mthO ! ' IIIIhll111011 of the IICCOI11 p1lsh 1II0nl. "Ah ! " sighed the rich old wll1ower , "I would willingly dlo fOI' 'Oll. " "lIow soon ? " querIed the 11retly but prac. tical maid. - ID : : ifi , \ , < i , " ' < M ( 7 tiJ " "OLD Upm ! an , con8idle E1 . THE POMMEr l"f 1.sLICiE i LIKE AL1. 'to"y'v/is VVATERPROOf' CLOTHIH . . - ls ntAdr of Ihl' bCt , , macri ! ! ) , i bl tkcmllo\'l ' . ) tulll t nttd.tnso'd ! ' . 10W : .9 rrh d dtU ! weT ) lhm. ' . f.4 . . . . . . . r m TICI\1OTHE : ' . ' SIGN CFTHE FI511 / ' . - , . . . , . . . , /'l.fHti ! ! < TOwr ,4NI. IAIICG..IJIllm .aOWtK co . Il-c . . . TORONTO , CAli. " 'STCN.MAI\U..j ) . ' ! t1.i.IW.Ul'd - - - - - - - " \ ; ! , 1 , l' t , O\'er 200,000 American farmers who have "e ! . OVER NINETY MilLION BUSHELS of wheat from the har\'e t of 1906 means good money to the farmers of 'Vester II Calla'dn wken the world has to be fed. Cnltle Raising" . Dairy. Ing" alld Mlxcd l'arlUln arc also pro.ijlable call. Ings. Coni. wood end water in atmUllallee : churches aUlI schools convenient ; markets easy of access. Taxes low. For advice and ill formation address tlae Super. inteudent of lltllllijralion. Otlawa , Canalla , or any authorlz ( l Cana < 1I:1II G'\'ernment Alent. W. V. BENNETT , 801 New Yerk LiCe Building , Omaha , Ndmlska. ' . . . . . . --P. . . . . . . . . - " " " - . RTi'ADERS < : Ilhls , tapQr do- l , . . 1:1 : smng to buy any- - - - - - - - thlnz advertised in Its columns should Insist. upon hl1ving , what Ihey I1sk lor , refuslna all subsU' ' , lutes or Imitations. I - - : : = ' ; . : . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oIlJCigB7 } } Thompson's Eye Water - - W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 44 , 1906. 'Iff lfult ' . : mn ; H mlh . II " m. Ii ! & lm\ ' ml " :7 depends so much upon her functions , , that the least upset of them affects her " ' " I whole 'system. It is the little things I that count , in woman's life and health. :0 : The . little pains , and other symptoms of , l . > I' : womanly disorder , soon lead up to big . things---serious pains , serious diseases. It is for just th se ordinary , common , womanly troubles , that the use of a . : gentle , strengthening , female tonic , like , I : ; W NE . ; 1 f f \ . , Woman's Relief 1 has been found so successful , in thousands of cases , . in relieving and curing.HI had been troubled with . female complaints for 12 months , " writes Mrs. Bettie Arp , of DJ.l1pby : , Tenn. , "and although I was under doctors' C3re for four months , they did but little good. I took ne bottle of Wine of Cardui and one dollar's worth of Thedford's Black- Draught , and now I am better. I believe Cardui saved my life. We are poor people , 'but I shall always keep it in the house. " It relieves woman's < worst pains and regulates fitful functions. Try it. At All Druggists in $1.00 BotUes . _ " " ' _ ' _ " c" " " " _ , _ , , r'---"H' = " ' " . " , , , , _ ) WRITE US FREELY and frmkly. In strIctest confidence , te11lng an your troubles , and stating nge. We will send you FREE ADVICE , In plain sealed on- " vclope , and a vl\u:1b\e \ \ 64-page Book on "HOME TREATMENT - MENT FOR \VOMEN. " Address : LadJes' Advisory Dept , The Chattuiooga Mcd1clne Co. , Chattanooga , T mn. QH \ - _ . , . l - . " . - _ . - - [ . . .