Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 01, 1906, Image 6

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    _ _ ' .H _ ' _
How the Structure Will Appear When
Fully Completed-Cost About $100"
OOO-Other Nebraska Matters Here
and There.
1Ierowllh III a plelul'o of lho now
State UIIIVOI'sll ' ' 1'l'IIIIIlo hulldlllg ol !
Lillcoill 1111 Il will allllUnr whill com-
IIlclol1. WOl'Je Oil I ho fltruclure Will : !
cOlllmollced ( 'nrl ' lant IIIrlllg' ! , 011\1 \ hrUi
bcoll Jlrogrellslllg I'lplilly : flhlce Ihut
tlnlt' , Al Ilrl'ROIII I hl' wulls hrwc hcclI
mlsctl to Iho flocolld flool' lillO , It Is
JlrollOOtl ! ! tu cOlllpleto the hulllllllg III
time for OcrllIJaIlC } ' at lho olJolllng of
the unlverslly Ill'xt fall ,
'rhe hulldlllg will ho a Inrgo OliO ,
hlld , occord/III / ; to l'rc ' ellt IlIdlcatlons ,
rwlll IIOSSOSR consillorahiu nrchlloctural
1JCnuty , II will hourlO the two ChrIs ,
t/nn / oBsoclntlon'l of the student hOlly ,
the 1Il0ral'y RoclolloR , allli olhor hodlos
Ilocullnrl ) ' . connectell wIth the ullder.
rradunto lIfo of the IIIStllulloll , Ono of
the mnln features or the hulldlng will
Jo , a cOlllmodlo1lft tlullllorlul1l , with a
tote I Rcatlng Cc'\llaclty of ahout 800 ,
'rho hulldlng " , .1' ' ho three stories In
belght , aho"o tJI ( . h , semon1. On the
, ground fioo { It0'111 measure lHx123
" .
- -
- -
'I'll ( ! 1101110 of the II1n'o of DtH'lll CII ) '
IB flunrllllthull on nccoullt of flcllrloL
fO\'l'r ,
Hov. J" , 1' , . . , Broo/fl / frolll 'l'OX08 , hns
tulten chnrgo uf the Flt' t BallUHt
church III GOIIO\ ' ' ' ,
Somuol noVolI of Grafton Is III jllll
011 It dlor e of wlfo' hoatll1J ; , Alllly
Ashlro [ Is IIIRO 10clOII 1111 for . chll'lu'n
ateallng ,
A IInlqllo cole ratlon 10 IJClng nr-
\'I\l1gol1 II J'nwl1eo City b ) ' the 1Ollltar ) '
hllnll , In the form ot It reulIon [ 1\1111 '
"holl1o comng" [ of nil of the old 11111\ .
hers , ,
Iosslo [ Jo'lnnnlgon , , lnllgHLor of FI'I1I1I (
( 'Iallnl an 01 BOlwOI' Croesll1g , wns
flo\'oroJ ' scalded y fl tub of hot water
s"laRhlng ever her us It wns beIng
cmptloll by hol' mother.
' 1' . C , Mnl'Bh of SOlllh Oll1l1hn notl.
flo(1 ( thO honnl of 1I11'0ctors of tlll 1"1'0'
mOllt YOllnflen's ! < ' ; nrlstlnn nssocla.
tlon thot he wOlIlII acco"t the call
oxtonlled hIm to hecome socrotnry.
'rho tOWII of 'Vymoro hOB hoen very
octlvo In molting Imlll'Ovoments dill"
In ! ; the last Sllmmor , A out tw.enty .
IIOW resdollces [ have heen hllllt since
Inst s"rlng , and neorly liOOOO aqllaro
feet of cement Bldownll ( , hosldl2s n.
large umollnt of. rlck wull ( , has hoon
Inlll ,
After hroodlng o\'er hIs III heulth for
many months Edgar t.ocl ( oC Omahn ,
decldell to end all and cut hIs thront ,
wIth II. razor , Lock wus formerl ' a
travcHng solesmnn In the omllloy of'
" " . ' ' . : ' " " . . ' - " . : ' ; N ' , 'h ' : ' ; 'W ; { j . : < ; "k ' : r , , ' : ' t:4 :
, : ' \ . , . , ' , , : , . ' . ' , , . . j. J : : . : t.l : + ' , ; " /it6. : " , , \ WB , . , : : k : , { . : ; ( " $ t,1h : ! : < ? : .f W\t , ' ' ,
P ' : ' : : ' " f , 0\ ' " i' '
: ' f ; : : r ? ( : t
. , . . , : '
/ . . . . ' 4'
" ' ' " : ? " 'f
' ,0 , ; <
, ,
: . \ , " . .
. ' . ( ,
" '
, . . . . .
. " . -I
New Temple Bulldln ! ) of State University.
focI , which will ho Increasell h ) ' IJOrchos
to nhoulHx140 \ feel , It wilt cDntan [
two ontl'llllclI. olle facing H slreetnnll
the othel' 'l'wolCth : : It root. A hove ellch
elltl'l111CO will he the Him pIe [ nscrl1JtlolI
" 'rho 'romplc , " wltl.t the dale , 'rho first
noOl' wl1l conlnln the I'ooms of th 1 y ,
1\1. C , A , I\lId thl' y , W , C , A" el\ch aIlHO'
clatlon heln 1\8111gnoll qUllrtol' fullr
Ildequato t'l the wOI'Je It hI carl'ylng on ,
' .I'ho first noOl' wllll\llIO COli lain so\'oral
noolts , 001.Y COrrieI'll , lml'lol's and rocell- . .
lIolI rool11S , liB \\011 as lho ulI(1II0rlul11 ( ,
which will extelld thl'Ough the socolld
11001' IIlso ,
'I'ho second ( JODI' wlli he glvon overt
t 0101'0 1111rlors l\uII hnlls , fol' the use
of vl\l'lous soclotlos of lho clt ) ' aud the
unlvorslty , Several of the WOl11ell'S
cluhs will he glvon the use of these
rOOI11S , The IHomry societies will hove
coml1lodlollS II all 1:1 : on the third 11001' .
The hulhllnl ; Is bolng constructed of
h'drnl1l1c IIl'eRllod hrlck Inlo which fine
spllntors of tron WOI'O hlown , ) Jroduclng
n handsome roddlsh'hlnck effect. 'rho
trimmings alllI docoratlons will ho of
Dedford cut I1LOIIO , 'I'ho ! lI\rcllaso \ of
the 10tR ou which the hullllln ! ; ' will
stanlla , : dlngonally Ilcross from the IInl-
: verally , Call111\1R at 'l'welClh and R
streets , COtlt tllo Alulo $ , OOO , 'rho can.
t.racl for the liulhllng Hself cnlls for
nhont $90,000 , 'I'he remnlndOl' of the
$100,000 will go to pay the archltoct
nnd to dofl'llY the OXllense of construc.
ing 1\ lon ! tunnel to connect the buildIng -
Ing with the unlvorRlty heating 111ant ,
No clnss or. recltatlou rooms will O In
the Imlldlug , ,
I HlIrd Work Selllno Apples ,
I AUBUHN-C , E , Blessing of this
ell ) ' has l'eturnol1 t'I'om South Da1coU\ ,
where ho hOR heon selling IlPIJleB
nhlpPod him from NOlUaha cll\\lJty. \ 110
SIl 'S thnl whl10 the domaml for U1Jples
jo grent. the lIu r1ect , Is aIt'OIul ) ' O\'O\ "
stoclwd , Many shlpllOl'S oould find no
: > :1los nnd the fruit was dUl11ped Into
the atocl ( yards , 'I'ho Bhlppers also
encountel'od n Hloto law rOfJulrlng n II ,
'Conso ' to Boll f'llil and son\C' ' of the
cities were also nrmClI wHh ordlnnncos
requiring sUlI another IICOIISO , l\tnnr
of the shhlliorH were I\1Tosted for
scoltlng to evade the IJIl'lng of the 11 ,
cense. MI' . Blosslng lost consilierahlc
money on' his shlpmont.
Horse Fell on Rider.
OA1\1DJUDGF Ezra C.'a'lIan , 11
farmer lIvhlJhout twelve mllm
northeast of COll1brhlge. , Nehmsla
tnot with II. 11nlllul acciliellt which 1'0
sultod In n IIroltOlI log' , ' 1'110 fmellll' (
wna dOllo h ) ' n. horse fnlllng whlh
being rhldoll hy MI' , WI\'lI\on :
Dryan Has Visitors from Japan ,
LlNCOLN-S , 1Iasoha , a 1I\0ml1o1' 01
fho Parllalllent of Japall , al'l'h"td hi
Lincoln accolllllllllied 11) ' his Iecrcttlr '
Yamachlta Y. llr'nn , nt1l1 Iho two gOIl' '
tlomen WOI'O ont'CJ'tnlnod at dlmwr 1\1
noon hy Mr , ulld 1\II's. William J
D1'yall at theft' homo at Fnlt'\'low , 1.11'
Hl1.Solla Is maltlll ! ; It tOll1' of thIs couu
try. Ynl11achlta y , lll' 'alls the YUUII !
JapanOo llrotogo of 1\11' . Hl'yau , whe
, calno to 1 lncoln Blx ) 'Ollrs a'O nllI
made his homo with thlo ) ' BI'11I1S 10U1
,3'ctu"J , adoutlu theh' lIamo ,
the AmerIcan Halldsewed Shoo com ,
IlDny hut resigned hIs 1Josltloll last
slll'lng owing to hlB h alth ,
COllduclor Harry lTollldns and Ell"
glneol' WOOll White eI'ero ancste.1 In
North Platte , hy nllthorltles of LexIngton -
Ington , Oil the nhnt'go of rllnlling traIn
No , 11 t/Jrollgh / that city nt Il llOell or\'o miles an hOlll' , 'rho city
ordlnancos IJ1'ovlllo that the rate shnll
not exceell eight II\lles 1101' hOllr ,
At J roll\ont rccclltly the Chicago alld
NOI'thwestm'1I railroad had a hlg I'lIsh
of sto k huslness down Its mal II IIl1e ,
Sovell hUllclred null nfty cars are to he
handled throllgh Fremont from Dead.
food , S , D" and to helll tldo O\e-r , the
I'llsh Blx ongln s have heell tmnsforred
from the lown. to the Ne raslmWyom-
lug dIvisIon ,
An Inqllest was held at Fremollt on
the hody of Pleasant Ulchordson , the
mOil who jumlled Olt the roar of n
building to the sldowalle. The 0\1.
deuce showoll thot ho was I1rohably
IlIsnllo at the tlmo , as rccently he was
not In his right mllld , , A hrother lIv.
Ing n a farm nenr LIncoln , arrIved
ancl tool ( chnrge of the body.
A Dllrllngtoll ngellt was In orth
Plotte II. few doy ngo looldllg up the
tltlo to Innds In rallgos 30 , 32 and 34 ,
alld l1nrtlcularly the ownershll1 of lots
In thnt clt ) ' thnt are crossol1 by t1l0
SIlI'\'OY which IIOSSOS through this cIty ,
1'ho mission of the agent Is evldenco
thnt the IJrolJOsod rOllto UI ) the North
rh'ol' hos not hoon.llOlIy nhnndoned ,
Charles 1I0108WOl'th , engineer In the
omilloy of the Fremollt Jco coml1nny at
Its slnd ! lIlt west of town , was letllod
nt his homo by contact with a IIvo
electric lI ht wlro. Shortly nCter 6
o'clock he went down cellar to fix the
fllrnnco , 110 did 110t como hacl ; : and
nftOl' ten or flftoen mlnlltes his wlfo
wellt dowu to see whnt ho was doing ,
She frnmd him stnndlug on the cellar
bottom with ono honll gl'aSIed around
the lamp soclcot. 'I'h hand aud ann
were hndly chnrred nnd there were
othol' bllrus on the bOd ) ' ,
Dert 1\IInnlck , the fOllrth of the for.
mOl' attendnnts arrested In cQnnection )
with the Norfoll ; : lnaane hospital scandal -
dal , 'was OIlCO cnlleel a hrllto h ) ' the
former sUllerlntendent , Dr , Alden , \\"ho
, , hos jllst reailned , ace l'tllng to the
I'stlmon Inlrodllcel } at the orlllnnl
In.vosthntlon. I"ormcr 01114'11110 ' Wntch
Cronk tesllllCd that 1\Unnlcl ( struc1 ( I11t
old patient In the stomorh hecaus
he would 1I0t 110 down , 'I'hls was Pa-
I tlent1\fcGoo. Oronl ( toslll1011 thnt Mln ,
, , nlcl ( struele n 3ecoIHl nntla third , when
the llltlentroso ualn ! , lIl1nlck 111111
) the 0111' , . man on the hell and' tlum
) miRed hIs foot and stampM on him ,
oltber on the log 01' In the stoml\ch \ ,
The physlcnl h'nlnUnp ; dAplI'tmont :
t .or the Peru Normal school , Is 1IrOlJar ,
Ing' a souvonlrJOollot which will bo
I dlstrlhuted nmoag the students for
, the lIurpoo of tlmulatln 11tlO1'O In.
touso Intol'est In atJllotlcs ,
In her IlPJ1o IIJ to the SUIII'omo court
Delllnh Uu tlligo of I"alrhut' ' , nUaclcc(1
. the I1resont s'stmn of 6chool land "a1.
. \l llons. She wants '
elrhtr nCI'os. nP-
; 11ralsod under the old law , ' to bo ro
J slOl'I.(1 to Its former "l\luatlon , The
I former prlco wns $1..100 uud she de.
l' clarcs thllt the lalHcomUlils onol' In.
cl'Qased , the ngur06 10 $ ,40 ! ) ,
. . . . ,
' . . " , " " . I
- - - - - - - -
[ 11)I'CUlchcOh ! , In < ; h'IIIO Onlly TrIbune , !
, ' ,
- - -
When Prices of Products Go Up They
Tend to Make Agriculturists
Stick 'Together. .
East St. Louis , III , I- The fca-
turo oC the da"s seBslon of the
first annllal conventIon of the Amerl.
can Socloty of EqllIty , which Is com.
110sod of farmers , was the uddress of
1\1. J" , Slmrll , of Narrows , Kr , He
strollgly urgcd the farmers to perfect
all OI'ganlzatlon ,
" 'rho trusts and comblIes [ , which
are the agencies of the Infernal 1'0-
glens , call us jayo , harsecds , I'ubos
alld mosshnclts , und say that even If
wu do OI'galll1.o we won't stIclt , " ho
"I toll 'ou that when organization
raises the prlco of J1roduct It Is the
hest slickIng 111 115 tOl' In the world , I
Imow the farmers wlll stlcl ; : , l qulty
menns a fall' deal. All mauufacturlnI- ;
Industries Ilx thc prce [ of their 111'011.
ucts and know what pl'C'l [ the ' are
golllg to get fOl' them , ' 1'he fm'mer ,
the bnclebono of the uatlon and the
world's greatcst producol' , has heen
going 011 the theol'j' that ho will tal\O
whatm'or he can get for his products ,
Equty [ Intends that the fal'mer shall
talto his ploco wIth the , world's Pto- '
ducors and fix a IJI'ofltable prIce for
his products , 'I'hnt can only be Ilone
b ' a 111an of marketing products to
control ami regulnto the market
I1rlces , "
\Vednesday'B sosslon was devoted
11rlnclllally to addresses along the
lIne of ' ,
forming an agrIculturIsts' or
ganlzatloll to fix and maintain prlcos
on farm I1roducts ,
illinois Supreme Court Holds Leglsla ,
ture Has No Power of Exemption.
Sprlngnld , Ill , - 'rho sUl1remo
court 'Vodnesdoy rendered an opln. II I
Ion In the case of 1\10 SlllH'emo I
lodge at the Modern American Frater'
nnl order against the board of review
ot Effingham county ,
' 1'ho supreme lodge PlCheduled otnce
furnlturo I\liel SIlPllllos for taxation
amounting to $6,000 , The hoard of
review added $30,000 , the Illllollnt of
mortuary OXIJCnse fund on hand , The
lodge IlPIJenied from the action of tllo
hOI\\I \ , nssortlng such flll'lIl was ox'
emlJt under the provIsions of the nct
of 1U05 ,
The court holds that , the leglslntl1le . :
had no IJowor of exem11Uon ,
Cranberry Trullt ; Prices Up , '
Ap\ll'ton \ , WAIJlllf.'Jton g'roa rs !
bello\'o the ) ' have dlscoTorod a Rew
combIne , Price lI ts wel'O recolved !
from UII'OO dlfferont crnnbel'l'r joh ,
berB , all qllotlng IlI'eclseJy the same I
figl1l'o and all demnndln from 8 to 10
cents mo.l'o pel' quart Umn was ClRwd )
a 'c.\l' a/o / , Crnnbol'l'les , It Is 1.IOld ,
wll1 reach liS high us 18 cents.
- - - -
Joins Joliet Dank Colony.
JollQt , lIl-Hl'Jward S , Barker , pres ,
Ident. of a hank nt Frnnkfort , Ill. ,
whIch I'ocantl ) ' flll : d , ) Jleadell guIlt ) '
'I'llesda ) ' to t\\'O Indictments for em'
b01.1.lemelit 1\1111 was Hlnm co currOltt
'tHmtonces of ono to5 , .e\rli , BarkoI'
will \J [ ; ln hlB tOI'lU I\t once ,
Mother i111d Children Drown ,
Sauta 1"0 , , 1\1.-'lrs , Cundal01l\11o
VIHII ' Bares , wlf'O of a I'allchol' at
HOIIIII ! J\lollnlaln , find hOl' two chll- I
dren WOI'O dl"lwned In the Rio Grande
near Santa Po during 1\1on08)"s bllz ,
zard , 1'ho ) ' wore fo.l'lllllg the rlvor.
Ga ; [ ; xi'losion Kills "wo.
St. Paul , : \111111-0001'10 C , lJardlng ; I
whlto , alHl 1 l'l\nk Ald-t'lch , eolOl'od ,
were Idltoll In It tunllel 1c\lIn : 1'rom !
the St. Paul Ga'il '
: Light tpnllll\'n"s' :
nlallt , at Fourh a rill , lo\ln tHr"olfJ ,
Wcdllesdnr. r I1n cXllloal n of gas ,
, , . . .
. -
'Houseboat Goes to Pieces Under
Pounding of the Waves. .
Key West , Fla-Survlvors from one
of the house oats or the Florida Coast
rallwa ) ' oxtenslon along the Iwys tell
a harrowlllg tale of death and do-
structlon caused b > the storm of
'I'hurslln ) ' ,
W , p , Dusenborry , cIvil eng1noer In
( 'hal'go of the wOl'k on Long Key ,
who mlraculollsly escaped lleath , al'
rived here on the Russltm steamer
Jonnlo , among other survivors res-
CUCI1. Ho says ousoboat No , 4 , on
which were 1liO mon , was struck by
the storm at t\vo \ o'clock 'l'hursda ) '
morning , and was rlvon out into thc
gulf through Sawks channel. At six
o'clock the housebout began to brea1i
UII. Hud as the great waves hIt h r ,
lI1en , slng1r and I1l bunches of two
and three , were washed Into the sea
and drowned , SOIllO'ent helo\\ ' for
protection , but when the top of the
boat was cal'l'lod nwa ) ' the wm'os
rushed In and the boat soon went to
1Jlecos , 30 01' 40 of the men being
crushed to death In the colla\ls \ , the
othel's grabbln timbers to save then
from drowning ,
011 ono II10co of tlmbor 16 mon WOl'e
clinging , and nine were hangIng to
another , 'rhe sides of the houseboat
was crowded with mon , It turned
ever three tlmos. each time reducing
the number ,
Judge EvansDecldes Labor Clause In
the Erdman Act Is Void.
Loulsvlllo , Ky-In the United
States district court Tuesday Jud e
Walter 1'Jvans ' , In the case of the
United states vs : J. M : Scott , a train
dispatcher fol' the LouIsville & Nash , '
\'lIIe railroad , on trIal for alleged vIolation -
lation of the Erdman act , which seeks
to Ilro\'ont Interstate carriers from
lee lJlng their emliloyCfl out of labor
unions , held that i ectlon0 of the
act Is void , becnuse It Is not a regulatIon -
latIon of commerce within the mean.
Ing of the commerce clause of' the
constitution , and therefore beyond the
power of congl'ess to enact , The
court sustained the domnrl'or to the
hfdlctmcnt agnjnst Scott and dls.
clmrrod him from custody.
Wickes Will Is UpHold ,
Chicago , - 'l'he scnsntlonal con.
test. of the will of ' 1'homa8 H.
Wickeste Pullman car magnate ,
enllod In Jud o Honoro's court 'I'ucs-
dar whA\ the will was suslalned by
verdict of II. jury which declal'ed
Wickes snno wben he cut off hIs own
chlldron and a grnnc1eftlld and loft the
hulk of hI : ! estate 'to a nephew , HuSh
'P , Walden. A scaled vordlct , wht h
wau l'ortchOl1 dtel' alx hours' dellbera ,
tlon , WitS r n(1 hefore a cl'owd that
jallUnRtl the oourtroom , 'I'ho jurr took
ol1lr four ballots 'n reachIng Us vcr.
( lct" ' '
President Now a G , A , R. Man.
WushlnFton-Presld nt Roosev 1t'
was 'Vedn sda ' mustered In as an
honortll' ) ' membur of the ssocJoto
Socle ! ) ' of'nmswOI'th IJost , Grand
AI"I.I\Y of the R llllbHc , or , rount Vel"
non , : - - : , y , ' 1'he cOl'ClUony took 1110ce
In he cnhlnet room ol the xecutlvo
olnces , ul1l1 " 'US conducted b ) ' Gen ,
Horact ! Porter. 'rho Il\'eshlellt made
a row rClnlu'lttof a 11atrlotlu : charac-
tor. ,
Joins Joliet Bank Colony.
J ollct , llI-Hov.a I'll S , BarliCr , pres ,
IIlent of 1IJllIlt at l"mnl.rort , III"
wh1 h I'CCCII tJ ) ' faUCll , pleaded guilt\ '
' 1'lIcs 11 1\ ) ' to two Indlctmonts for oni ,
he.zlomcnt anll wns glvon concurrent
t1entcncos : or orlO to lCi 'ears ,
Judfle and Jury Disagree ,
Cnrml , 1II-.lohn Rltsch , IlH1Ict-ed on-
I ! chano or shootlllg William Nowmall
haCftU80 the IUtler accosted his wlto
on the ctreot , Was I1l\ed $ : ! Ii by a jblry
III the tLI'oult court. JUdge Peal'c' :
commwlHlcll the d OI.
. . ,
Accident In the Roiling Mill MIne of
the ClImbrla Steel Company at
Johnstown , Pa.
Johnstown , Pa-11y an cXIJloRlon In
lho mlllo of the Camurla Steel cmn.
pnny here Wedllesday seven men ere
rellorted to he dead alii } two l1alnfully
ut not fatnlly hurnod ,
The oxploslon Is thought to have
been cans cd , hY the IglIlUon of gas In
soltlng off a blast. Most of the vlc.
tlms are forelgnors , 'rho eXllloslon
occurred in a homUng three miles
from the mOllth oC the mlno shnn ,
EIghteen men are reported Imprls'
oned In the heading , ut no mention
Is made of this In an officIal state.
ment glvon to the press y the man.
agel' of the Camurla Steel company ,
' ' I
'I'ho statement says :
"Dy all explosIon In the Rolling Mll
mine of the CambrIa Steel company
Wednesdny evening seven men are
dead and two are painfully but not
fqtally injured , Up to the present
on1) ' ono of the dead has been' Idontl.
lIed , Ho Is an AmerIcan born mIner
named Sampson Luther. It Is bellev.
od the other dead are all foreIgners ,
as oro' the two Injured , The wounda
of the lottoI' consIst of burns on the
face , back , and arms , lacerated
wounds of the scalp and ether parts
of Uio body ,
" 'I'he oxploslon took p1aco in hend-
Ing No , 29 , a conslderablo dlstanco
from the flIfated Klondlke sectlon
where 114 men lost their lives over
four 'ears ago , The exact cause Is
not known , \Jut It Is sUPl10sed that
the gas was lIred by the putting off
of a blast. All the men , when found
lmd their snfet ) ' laml1s In IIroper trim ,
showIng that the accIdent could not
have been caused by neglect In that
dlroctlon. No damage whate\'er was
done to the worldngs , and the mIne
will run as usual.
Nearly 1,700 Per ons Crowded Into
Buildings Intended for 400 ,
Havana , - Gov , Mngooa visited
the natlollal Insane asylum Sunday
afternoon and dlscovorod rt deplorable
state of affaIrs there ,
Ono thousand six hundred nnd sixty
l1ersons of both sexes are crowded
Into 1\Itlty \ and dilapidated buildIngs
with cal1ac1t - for 400 persons only ,
The ' are sleeping on broken cots ,
rel1cs of the last Amorlcan occupa.
tlon. .
Congress made an alll1roprlatIon to
enlarge the as'lum , but the money
was 110vor eXIJcnded ,
The conditions are vorr little
hettor than undcr Spanish control ,
Gov , Magoon will take steps to erect
additional buildings rtnd remedy the
abuses ,
Metcalf and Straus to Be Added to ,
President's Advisors ,
Washlngton-The following state ,
ment rogardlng prosl1ectlve changes
In President Roosevelt's cabinet waF
made l1ubllc at the WhIte' _ House
Tuesday night : On the retlroment of
Secretary Shaw and Attorney General
Moody from the cablnot the fOllowing
changes will bo made :
Secretary of the treasury-Hone
George D. Cortelyou ,
Postmaster gonoral-Hon , GeorgG
Von L , Meyer.
Attorney general-Hon , Charles J ,
Secretary of the navy-Hone Vlc'
tor B , etcalt ,
Secretary of commerce and labor-
lIon. Ollcar S , Straus.
Quarrel Over Farm Rent Leads to
Fatal Shooting of Two. '
Paris , -.Denjamln . Sager , a
farmer , was shot dea'd nnd his son ,
Claude , aged 21 , fatally wounded
. Wednesday by John Sebastian , an
aged farmer.
The Sagors had rented t1. fi ld from
Sebastian , and were to JJaY So asUan
'for rent halt the crOI1 of oOl'n grown
thereon ,
Th y quort'elell over division of the
crop and SagoI' and his two sons at.
tacked Sebnstlan with eOI'll knlvQs ,
whereulJOn the latter drew a 1118tol
an sluJt two of hIs assnllants.
Burton In Prh.on Cell.
Ironton , MO-Parmor United Blates
Senator J. R , Durton , of Kansas , are
rived from S1. Louis 1\10nd:1Y : nlabt ,
shortly after five o'clocle. and , after
dinIng \Vlth hIs \Vlte and nl\co ! , i ur.
rendered I11mselt to the jailor and was
assigned to a cgll In the ! renton jail.
Irs. Durton accompnnlcd hor1ns. .
band to the i hcrlff's om-co utll tl1en
went to the eottaro she rented , whore.
aho will remnln until her Imsbnnd has
s rvOIl his o ( { mouths' SQutenco 1m.
1I0sed by thQ federal court In St.
Louis ,
Canadian Engineer Dead. '
Lnnslng , Mlch.-WUtlam ' 1' . Jen ,
nlngs , aHed 61 , con ulthl : ; englneor of
the clly oC ' 1'orunto , died at the rosl ,
donc of l\taIln.g r JR. \ . Elliott , of the
? oIlchl anTnlted Rt lwu's , In Lan'
Bing , WednesUny ,
IoWa Mayor Dies.
Cedar RalJlds , la-Amos H , Cpnnor ,
mnrDr of Cedr : Rapids , and ono ot
the most promtnent Gontrnctors : In
lho mh1cllo wost. dIed suddenl ) '
WOtlneMny of keart falluro. IIQ was
G3 : rearlS ohl ,
. . .
, .
Action of San Francisco In BarrIng
Japenesc Children From the Schools
Discussed-How Matter Is Viewed
at TOklo.
W ASHINO'I'ON - Vlscoun't AOld ,
the In.llnncso amlmssador , at a. con.
ferenco with Socr < Jtary Hoot at the
State department , mudo the request on
behalf of hIs govor 1ment , that the
UnIted stat s so that Japanese subjects -
jects in Cnllfornln were accorded theIr
fllll rIght of children to freely ntttJlI'i " '
the pUblic Bchools or San FrancIsco. i
Secretary Root will t.alc" the muttoI - ,
up with the prOldent , and it It ! j
lIIely that rel\l'Osentat\ons \ will hu
nutho with the authorltlos of Oallf II" (
The am assador said the oxcluHlo:1
of Japanese chlldron' from San Frau ,
cisco schools was the chtef cause ot . '
, - -
the crIticIsm of the UnIted StatlH , <
\ "
Ho was inclined to dIscount oth'lI I i ,
causes given for the sentiment against
thIs countr ) ' .
No formal pretest was lOdged by tlJA
nmbassudor with Mr. Root. . but In n
friendly , way Viscount Aold dlscuss- ) ! )
the situation with the secretary and
expressed regret thn.t . Jallanoso chll.
dron shoultl bo discriminated agahlflt
The frlendshll1 between the United
States and JalI\n Is too close and of ,
too long st.\ndlng to justify any for ,
mal protest on the l1art. of Japan be ,
callso of wrongs its cItizens may hay\ !
suffered In some localities In the
United States , saId VIscount AokJ.
"Thore Js , much mlsunderBtandlng hI
Japan concernIng the true situation.
Of course. the Jallnneso governmcnt
fully that the action agalI1.i31
the Japanese children Is local an'l nol
general In this ountry , Qut all the
Jnpaneso poo)110 ) do , not understand the
conditions In' thIs c lUnt\'y \ , and an un ,
friendly attitude tQward Ja)1an ) Is re ,
b'arded as a national action , "
' 1'he action agaInst the JapnneRe
children Is regarded as ext\'emel \ ' so.
rlous by Viscount Aold and he made
no atteml1t to discount its iml1ortanco ,
"After all the ) 'ears of frlondshlp be.
tween the two nations It seems too
had that 11001' , Innoceut little Jallnne'to
school children should bo sUbject te
euch Indlgn1t1os , " saId the ambas ! a , ,
dol' , "Such action on the Imrt of 10 ,
cal authorltlos' In thIs country Is 1'l" " -
smllod very bitterly b ' all Jnllan se , " "
Japanese View of , Situation ,
TOKIO - It Is bollevod here that
the antl-Jal1anese foellng in , Amorlcl
Is confined to the labor element. The
tone of the Japanese press Is sober
Ing down , Thoughtful Japanese he-
1I0ve that If the countr ) ' allowed Itsell
to he carrlod away hy a mOlllentan
excltomont against Amorlca this would
only pia ) ' Into the hands of those whe
are anxious to attract foreIgn sympl\.o
thles from Japan , It Is hellovod that
the frlondshlp between AmerIca an
Japan Is Coo doe)1I ) ) ' rooted to ho sacrll
flced through trlval animosities ,
E. H. Harriman Will Retire as Pres.
CH CAGO - 'I'hero was a story ir. i
cIrculation here that E , H , Harriman
is to retlro from tl e I1rosldency of th
UnIon und Southern Pacl c railroads. . . .
According to the , , rumor the I1lan Is tc
maltO J. C , Stubbs , now traffic dlrectOl
of the HarrIman lines , I1resldent In \
addl tlon to his prosen t 110s1 tlon ,
1\11' , Harriman will remain chairman
of the executlvo commltteo of the
system so that ho can ltOe)1 ) his hand
at Ule helm ,
The reason for reUrlng from the
presidency Is said to be a desire te
devote more of hIs time to securIng t
a line from New York to the aPclfic r
coast and from the Gro t Lakes to th
. Gulf of Mexico ,
I Books Must Be Produced.
I ST , LOUIS-In the United State !
circuit court Juclge Flnlcelnburg do
clded that Rohert M. Frazer : , chairman
of the eastbound freight comm1tteo
must produce before SpecIal Commls
slonor Rornbauor , the records of thE
commlttoe , wanted by the govornmenl
In Its ouster suit proceedings ogalnsl
the Termlnnl railroad association , In
Issuing the order on Frazor to turnover
ever hlB rate books , the Judge com'
mented on the fact that lhe termlnu\
suit Is a matter of vItal Intel'o.i1
throughout the United Stoos ,
Poce's Condition Is Better ,
ROME-Dr. LaplIOnl said the JIOII0'i !
condition was Improved , The swelling
of hlB foot had nlmost dlsallpearod ,
the paIns hnt ! ceased and his' ' temperature -
ture was nonnal , He was , ' therefore ,
allowed to see the Drltl2h. pilgrim ,
age , but Instead of the audience OCOUI'
ring In the 111111 of the consistory , Itr ,
llre\rrnng d , and which would hn.V6
made It neoossary 101' the pontiff te
walk , It was held In the throne room ,
The POJO' was c.\rrle(1 to the throne ,
fillll the I1lhrlms filed befo'ro . 'hIm and
kissed his hand ,
Merman Church to Retire.
SAUr IJAKE CITY - Reports thnt
the dhurch fiB an organIzation Is' to
retlro trom eommet > Clal huslness were
verified wht.n It was o 1cial1y an.
1Iounced that the Utnh Nntlonal bonl
had hoon sold to W. S" McCormlcll ; of
the IJrl'fi'tomnt.lng firm of McCor.
Illic1e & Co , 'l'ho Jlrlco pnld fur a ma-
jorlt ' of the hunl ; RtOC } ; : was not
statod. ' 1'110 hank's stock wn ll\rgely
o"'l\cd \ h ) ' the church. In the 110st
four lIIonths the Mormon church , ' I
lulotl 11Isl'osed ' of Its holillnLts III the 'r
Utuh 1..Iht : nnd Hallway COIl1J1tlny.
, ,
. '
' - , . '
. . .
, , '