_ , ' 1' " " , - . . , . ; ; ; , . - , _ _ . _ " " " - . . 4" . . . . . . . . . . " . ' , r' . J. ( USTU COUNTY RPUBLIA [ ( i . . - - . - . - . . DyD.M.AMSDEnn , nuoKIBOW" - . . N'I BnASIA. ' - ' - The Jew ; d Others , / , Mal1Y ohservors have nolod f""o i . . largo num er of .Jows In the collcg6o t- : ntHI profe8slonnl Bchools at AmorlcR , r , nnd hnvo prollhoslcl1 thnt In tlmo . . Im'go prollOl.tlon of the members ot rr r ; the 10nrnol1 profosslons w11J ho mon of , Jowlsh doscent. Sumotltnos they hav ! . ' : : talltod nbout the uuporIOl.It ) ' of tbo Jowlsh Intellect. Ono of the 1II0St . . , nol-od .Jows In Amorlcll hils IntolY d ' nlel1 thnt the mon of his race nro BU' perlOl' to the mon of ether mcos. 110 snys thllt ovcry ono l1oslt.os the thln s ( thnt nro wlthholll , nnl1 that the wa ) to mnko the fnmlly live Is to confront It with hnrdshlps nnl1 persecutions. . ' 1'ho hnl'llshll18 110veloll the ) IOWaI'll : : nnd the . wlthholl1lng of ollilorlunlt ) . mnlccs opportunity hlghl IIr17.Od. ' 1'ho , dovolop/llont of the .Jows In Amorlcn , proves the 1I'lIlh ot these /enemllzn. / .tlons. ' 1'he rnco hns sufCorel1 pOI'aecu. t tlon mId is hardy. It hna not onjoyoll , freedom of Ollorluull ) ) ' In Iho old t world. When it comes hero it rushes for the Creo schools , the law nnl1 the mClllcul 11001es , ns , n thlrsly anlmnl , plunges into n str am and ravels In the cooling walora. Ono dOls ! not neel1 to look to the , Jew alone for proof thllt early donlnl of opportunity Imalecs it prIzed , romurlCfJ the Youth's 'Companion. ' It ia the countr ) ' hey , : Ispondlng his youth where the field Is Jimlted , and drenmltl ! ; of wldor worlds to conquer , who rises to the top in the city , 'fho city is to him not a place for nmusement , hut n IIlnco for worle : nnd ho concentrates his minden on his huslness whe.'ll ho secures em' plo'ment In town , whllo his cltJred ! competitor too often dlsslpntes his energIes by the mnuselllcnts that are nt hand Cor the dlstl'ictlon ot the In. dlfCerent as weIl as' Cor the relnxa. tlon ot the industries. ' 1'ho suresl way to make n hey IIrlzo things 10 to deny them to him until ho hns earned them. Circumstances train men by den'ing to them various Irlvllcges till they wrest. them Crom an unwll. Ung fate , ' Dy recent loglslatlon l rnnco talces the lead of nil coulltriea In the 111'0' tectlon which It affords to workIng men and the provision which It makes' ' for their Cnmllles , A worlm1l\n in the dlsclmrgo ot his duty doCfJ 1I0t now have to Ilrovo lIegl1genco on the parl of his employer in order to recover damages. 'fho governlJ1ent guaran' tees the laborer ngalnst loss through hia employer becoming ! Jnnkrullt , und In some cnses an anulty ot value ns high as GO per cent. ot the worltman's wages goes to his Camlly In cso flo Is kUle , The clJ1l1lo'ers , In ol'ller to protect themselves , insure ngalnsl nU ldnds of l1ablUtles , and the com. panles which 110 this Insl1l'anco Bre , in turn , investigated hy the govorn. ment. Other countries in which va. rlous plans Cor the ootter protection of working mon have heen advanced w111 watch with much Intel'est the : progress ot the French methods. , , i "Ono renson wh ) ' Now Yorlc women i nre the nel\testin the world , " salll the ! buyer for a Plttsburg notion nnd dr ) ' I' goods house , "Is the fact thnt they use ' fewest pins. Appnrently buttona , I hoolts , and e'es , nud tallo perfol'lnO the job ot fastening thel1' gai'ments IJI'oUy thoroughb' , Strange to saYr It is in Boston that the pin trnde flouri9hes most nbundantly.Vomen buy moro pins there , nccordlng to the pOImla. tlon , than any other city In the coun. try , Thut habit does not speak woIl for Dos ton , remarlts the Plttabum Dis. pa.tch , 'rhe pin habit Is Inimical to I tidiness , That is the reason that New II York women nro so splck nnd SIUI- they use tew pins. 'fhoy hnvo not , to bo sure , reached the stnto of oxccl , IDnco attalncd bj' the Chlncso , who taboo pins altogether , but they are nearer thut stllndartl thlln an ) ' other community. " A record tlmo tor converting Tain Into bread has been establlshod by 1\ Canadian farmer , Wheat which was In the sIlent nt three o'clock in the afternoon was made Into scone ; ) boo fore six o'clock. When operatioDO be. gan a wagon stood in the barn wit : . about halt a load at grain in the hear. Beside it WI\S a thresher : connooted wlth this was a gasol1no engine , The engine w s sturted , the aheaves were fed. into the thresher nnd the m'aln WAS do posited in n bin. The x'ovmr , vns then transferred to the cl aner and the work at changing the Howl ) ' t.hreshed whcut Into fl 0 III' was ql ckly carried throligh. - . , I If Secretary Wilson Insists upon 'food productS' being given their debt names , remarks the Detl'Olt Frco Pcss , wo can Coresee the gradUhl dls. appearance ot these good old n"mes , olive oil , potted chicken , strn" berry jam , maple syrup , veal lent and .rnlnc ( meat. Uncle Sam's troollOl's are t ) In "feaso tholr skill with. sabers. N01 that the wenllo l is nny longer ot l11uo1 \U In war , but just to holll thOL.1 cut , . . figu . . I ' , . , . ' . , h > < < ' . . " ' ' , . ' . . . .M.I.&k ? . 'I. $ : ; / ] J. r'i , , f " _ 1'tIW ! : * _ . . .l. > .l . . . . . , . . . , J . " " ' ' ' ' . ' . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . \i. .t , ' , - . . . . . . . . - , . . . - - . C UNTV HUNTS INDIAN'S COLD. I Old M:1p Shown Where DI:1ck Hawlt Dur/ed / His Money. ' - I . . . Fairfielll , In.-All , JoITorson count ) is now ong-nged In 11 mnd hnnt for Iho ) , urlcd gold or { Jld Chlot mnck Hawk , 11 clew to whleh W IS not long U ! ; " discovered In"tenring down the rllins tlf un 0111 log cnhln , It was whllo I workmen were engned In destroying lho cnhln blllll In'1838 by llhollham I lIonnlfielil that they found an inlt hol'll , qlllll cuso nnd mllsty old IJockot. I hoolt. 'rho IJockethouk cont.alncd an I 1828 nownlll1lJCr cllPlllng , a ph'slclan'u I I'oclpo and 11 letter , : 'hls letter , thollh hadly fnded , wnu read with the hohl oC 11 ml1nlrylnl ; g/UBS. / It Waa wrltton nt Snn I"l'I1nclsco " , nd drCflBO(1 ( to "Wllllnm , " ntHl signed " .f W , " In p/lrt / the lottel' fJaYS : "Yl1I lenow whnt I fOllnd out trom mack Hawl. . . . , 0\01' from IIlnola. ! I 10olwlI , IHit novel' thollght IIntll I gilt nearly Ollt hero. Ahollt that there 111/1)1. / ) It werln't where the lines cross , hill In the mldllio. Now , don't you tlll Ilnyono , hill try this hero IIlan ( IIInp follows ) , You see , wo always 11111110 the mlstn/w / of digging at crOSB' Ing A. 'l'hat olhm' Inlll/ln / , JIm IWOWCtI 11I01'0 thnn he lot on. 'l'hero mllst ho nenr $ DOOO , nl1lf mehbo 11101'0 , nc. cOI'cllng 10 what Black IIawk Cetched thut tI1'110. " 'rite lanllrnnrles 011 the map are 1'0' memhered.by old seltlers , nnd a tree flhown In it stili remains , It is sllll' po sOIl thnt llIacle Hawk received this golll In llaymel1t Cram the govern. ment for some conulcleratlon. 'rhel'o Is nil old slory ahout Iho county thnt three braves were given the tasle of Ilnding a hiding place Cor this money , throo' being chosen so that , if ono or two at them should bo Itllled , the lIur. vh'ors cOllld tell where the treasure was hurled. And It happened , all three at these Imllnns were lellled not long acter , nnd this is snld to ho the reason why the gold was , never rocnverel1. Who the writer or reclllient of the old lottoI' ' was none can tell. Neither can it bo understood how they cOllI II find Ollt anythln nlJOllt the location of the gold. Bow. over , .Jefferson counly people are giving - ing themselves the benefit of the ilollht by digginG 0.11 around the indl. catod spot : . DIC UP OLD SLAVE PEN. Phlladelphl:1 Tunnel Borers Find Underground Dungeons. PhllndellJhln. - Subwny worlemen , digging for the foundations of the new , tunnel station , IIncovored , nt n depth of 100 feet , whnt Is plainly an old slnvo IIrlson. The 11OU'is cOll1posed of , n\lTOW ! colis In three tiers , with three 'foot corridors hetweon. Heavy Iron : hars covered the windows nnd in each cell were nmnaclSllppOI.tS. . DIrectly nbove the prIson la the house of the late Slellhen Girard , an ccentrlc rich man , who gave Girard college to Philadelphia , It has long boell handed down in locnl history thnt Glrnrd drove a brisk alavo trade and that the basis of his gigantic Cor- limo came trom that source. The estate Is now estimated nt aoveral mil. lions. Girard came to Phlladolpl\ln \ In 17701 , In the war at 1812 ho made hla his. torical lonn to finance the cOlin try. After that ho worlecd nmong the yol. low fever victims in Philadelphia acter nenl'ly every ono else had fied the city , 'rho origin at his Cortune has alwnys been a mystery , 'rho old Girard house is within halt n blocle ot the Delaware rlvor , trom which secrat aCCl ! s would have been easy. , John W. Jordap , IIbrnrllUl or the Pennsylvania lI1storical socloty , said thnt ho hlld recently vialted slave dung onslnder an old house in Elit. IOI Md. , which corrosllond exnctly to these found to.da ) ' , A curious cll'clllnstance connected with the discovery ia that tor years a legend ot , hnuntlng has hung arolll1l1 old Water street , between Marltet and Arch , Stories ot underground shrloks , chain rattllN : ; , blows , and all the other mnnIfestatlons have been told , Houses near the old Girard 111aco co'uld not bo rented because ot this. . WOULD SAVE M'KINLEY HOME. Dwelling Place of Late President's An. cestors Found In Ireland , 1\Iollne \ , Ilt-An all peal is made to the American peolllo to save the an. cestral homo of President WlIllnm McKinley locnted in Irelnlill. Two 1\10' \ IIno bOYlI , George E. HoIt nnd Lester R. Crolltz , on a tour round the world as slloclal correapondenta made nn In. vestlgatlon In Irelnnd ot the origin ot the McKinley tamlly , 'fhel'o the ) ' came upon a cotta go lu which the forefathers ot the III'ealdent lived , They 1I1Owiso tound the owner ot the land about to tear down the I structuro. They allpealed to him for a resplto long enollgh to allow thom to llresent the matter to the people of the Unltell States and give thom time to try al1l1 secure a tUl\d tor its Ilresor. atlon. Ho ngreell to three months' Ilelny I and gay them an agreement to that offect. The Art of Or:1tory , Wllon 'l'hlors wall president of th ( French repllbllc ho was abollt to Is sue some imlOrtant manifesto al1l ' submitted tho'dl'att to a crltlcn trlend , . , "Yes , " said the crJtlc , "tho matte Is clenrly expressed , but 1 mlsa Ull ease and fluency or your usunl st'le. ' "Ah , ' relllled Thiors , "I hnve no worked these In yet ! The ease wll cost mo milch labor , anti the fluenc' 1 shall have to drag in by the hai of Its bpad. " , I f\\ " /0. ' . . . " " ' /1t. ! . ' . . . ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . -1.w . ' . u _ _ _ . . ' } : ' " , . , . . - - - - - - The Missing Crown of St. Michael. _ I . . . , < : : i" t " , . . . ' , ; . , ' . . . : . . . . . . . ' " . , : f" . ' . , ' . . ( : " , . . j- ' , ' , / , , ( . ' : : . < . < : : ' ; " . { ' . $ , . , ; 4 + ffl. . ; t. ? . . . . ' . . . ' . " : ' . , .t . . , ' , f' : . " ( . ' " . Ut. . ; . ' WJ. " . . . . . ' . . , ' fi.fj' 'io. . i i.I : . . . " . . ; : i ; ' : ; : W' : < .r. ; ' ' . > : ' . . ' 1- . " . .t' . . . . , . ' . ; " ' ' " + . , . ' ' ' F. . . , . . . : , ; . ' ' ' " " , . " ' ' . 'J1 ; ' : " t , < ' ' , . . . . ' " -i 1. . - < - < . , " " r' < . : < , j" . , < : ; " " " , : ; , : : : ; . 'kfJ ) ' - < , ' . 2 " ' ( " ' , l'N. ' , . . ' , " . \ ' :1 : ' ; ' ' ' ; , , , 'fiJ' " . . \ ' : , . " Pi . . , + { : " : : . ' . t. . " A1f. .r : . ; ; r { , { t ' " . ' < $ ' . . . , . . . , ! : rj&9'.jI : , : . ' > , : < " , . . " : ii'ff.a J.r. j ' : . . . " " , . ' . , , t" . ' . ' . . < . , . " . " \ t ; , . . . . . . ' ' i'r. , ' < /i\ . , < t , ' ' ' . , , ; / : : \ . . , " . , , , , ( : . > t . ' . . i : , . ' " , . , < , ; " ' , . \ . . , ; : , ' " ' : ' , . , , , . . ' , < ' h : , < ' ' < . . . . ' . . . . . ' . "jt. . , . , , . " , . . , . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . > . 4f < 2. " ; ' ' > < ; 11i. * 9 < > , / . , , . ' , /f . . . : : : . : ; ili ! ' > ; > : : . . ' : ' : . . , . " ! Y A : ' . ' . . < " : ' 'f' ' , . " . ' ) J , : ! i ; ? J.- : : . . . . < t ' ' ; ; : . . > : - , ' " " . " . : . , . . . ' " ' , , . ' . ' ; " . 1 , , . ' . ' . ' ' " . < } W : : tt oi A little while ago the famous crown of St. Michael , which belongs to the nbbey Q.f Mont Michel , . disappeared In the most mysterious manner , Rumor . nuggested that It was not stolen , :1S Is generally believed , but that Its prlc Is. owners hid It , fearing that the officials , of the French government would c charge of It. The crown , which Is said to be worth $90,000 , Is richly , joweled. It was made In 1877 by the jeweler Mellerlo , anti most of the B were given by pious persons. . e.rJ' J'"J"J"J"-rJ"J"-'J"J'"J"-r..r-'J".r..rJ"J"J"J"--'J".J.Y'J" oJ"-J"J"-.r.J.Y'J"J'.oo'J"J"J".JCf" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE JUMPING FLIP BUG. ARIZONA SOCIETY TORN UP OVER NEW GAME OF CHANCE. , - It Was Imported from Mexico-Much In Favor Now by the Women of Yum:1-Rules of the C:1me , Yumn , Arlz.-Tlio high society of this town Is all torn up over the evil effects oC the 1I1p bug craze , Not since UIIl DulceI' ran of ! to Sonora with Bonesy Swab's wlCo and Donesy'a Cour children hua Yuma had such a shake. down of ita best social set. It Is all duo to 1\Irs. Isaac Steppacher's mother , Senora .Chlqulta Salvadores y Casablanca - anca , of Magdalena , state at Sonora , Mexico , and the COl1mOn 1IIp bug of lhe 1\10jave desert. Senora Casablanca is a 1\Iexlcan \ of the old Custillan lineage. The 11Ip bug Is a species of beelle. Senora Casabl. anca's chief charact latic Is n 10ve.Cor rare Conus of gambling. 'fho 11Ip bug's only intorestlng feature is his peculiar ability to jump about two Ceet In the all' when prodded with a toothpick , About two months ago Senora Casa. blanca cumc up Cram Magdalena to pnr a visit to her daughter and he : ' son.ln.luw , "Iko" Steppacher , who is Iho "weIl.knowl and popular night clerk" in the Golden Eagle hotel , near Iho railroad station. About n we ok atter Senora Casablanca arrived 1\Irs , Steplmcher scnt out cards to the so. clety Co lit inviting them to n little afternoon affair , On the bottom ot the card , which were the best specl. 'l1ens ot the Weekly Scorpion'a fine : engraving work , were the words "Flip Bug" in old English typo. On the day ot the reception the guests came early , Mrs , Steppacher did not leeop them in SUSl1enso. Atter Imsslng around the frappe meacal she Introduced the ladles to her mother and then led them into the library. In the mldtllo of the room stood a roulette la'ollt without the wheel. ' 1'hel'o were chnlrs uround for the guestli and a stacie or chips In front ot Iho bunleor's 11lace. 'l'ho wonderIng gllests were each aslwd to bllr In , billo chips costing four bits nnd the reds and wh.ltcs In prollol.tlon. Most of the women had como well heeled : tho" others wrote Ollt I. O. U's. 'l'hen they aat down nnd Mrs. Stel11111cher's .nother 111'0' dllced a JIIp bllg. . 'fho hug , which is a bectle about as thl'ee-monthsooll1 cockroach Is big as a - , a VOI'y IIecllllnr Insect. When caught In the fingers It wll1 plar pos8um and draw aU ot Its sIx muscular legs up close to Its abdomen. When vlaced _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -A..u . _ A. on a fiat surface the bug remains ap. parently dead unUl prodded In the rear , 'fhon It will sUddenly leap about two feet in the all' , landing two Coot or so away , sometimes on . its bacle , somotlmes on its Ceet. In the now game or "flip bug , " as ir..troduced at 1\1rs. Steppacher's recop- tlon , the bug is plnced in the ccntor ot the bourd , 'l'hero ho stays , curled up , while the players make their beta , Ono can bet on red or b nck : on num. hers , odd or even , and on whether the flip bug will land on his back or hla feet. This leat chance gives an added zest to the game , . When al1 bets are made the banker gently pokes the flip bug. He jumps. Where ho lands , there the banker pa's : the banltor nlso pays on whether ho landa right sldo up or not. Dets are then cashed , the flip bug is coral1ed and n now round of bets is made , When the bug jumps oft the board altogether the banker gets his percentage. As a matter ot course , flip bug became - came the rage in Yuma's social set , Every aHernoon Cor weeks thera. was a 11111 bug party. Popular patrons of the town set their little boys out on the mesn hunting Cor 11Ip bugs as they would a 1\1exlcan haIrless dog , and carried - ried them everywhere they wont In 1Itt10 cages m do of cork and pins and suspended on their chatelaines , Dig gambling debts began to be contrncted by the unfortunates and heavy orders tor dress goods were sent to Los Angeles by the lucky ones. WILD FOWL NEAR EXTINCTION , Government Warno All States Pre. serve Laws' Are Imperative , Wnshlngton.-The department of ngrlculturo has Issued a report on the distribution and migrntlon ot North American ducks , geese , nnd Bwans. "Formorly abundant over the whole ot the United States , " says the report "water Cowl are steadily diminIshing in numbers , and some species appeat to be thl'eatened with extinction in the not distant futuro. The r value fet food is grent , and they have termed in the pnst , and Cor nll fllture time should 'contlnuo to form , a valuable asset nnd an important source or revenue to tho'sevornl states which hm'bor them "Tho preservation ot the numerous apecles of ducks , geese , and swans 1& becoming I\n Important matter of log islatlvo enactment , and the present 1'0 port is Intended to furnlah intorma tlon as to present range , abundancG and migration ot the several specl08 with reterence to pracUcal leglsla. tlon. " 'L ' _ _ -A"uJl.u _ -A..u _ --.A. _ A _ - - - - - ' ' - - - - - - - - - - THIS COW GIVES BIRTH TO FOUR CAL VES. Pnyotte , O-Nothing tlmt lias 11ap. . pened in recent ) 'ears has causQd 11101'0 Interest in thl8 community than the birUI oC four calves tl'om ono cow , which occurred at the homo ot II. S. Martin , on whnt Is known as tllQ "Hacetrack Carm , " and hundreds have been to see the cow nnd calves. At 11rst thoughts , except 1.0 a weU lJOsted 8tockmnn , the occurrence may not seem so womlel'tul , but the Cnr. ther ono goes into the matter , the moro It Is till bo mlll'veled at. A careflll search ot books and all' thol'IUes , and consultation with stock. ' men and vetorlnul'y surgeons , reveal , the fact that tour calves nt OnO birth I I' ImR novoI' before been reported , nnd o Is , so Car as can bo learned , absoluto. " ly unkRown , Dr. George l'J. ' Cook , vet. It grlnnrlnn , nsserts thl\t , 111 his opln. II lon , It Ims novel' lIeforo happened , y whllo Dr , Perry , the ohlest vetor. l' inary surgeon in this ecUon , liays he hns .lIved 75 yellrs , and 1I0t only. . . . . . , " ' _ . . \ . . . - never saw , but novel' heard of such a thing before , As to tllO posslhl11ty ot a mlstakt. being made , In Umt the calves were the product ot two cows , instead 01 ono , unknown to Mr. l\1nrUn , that II disposed ot when it Is known tllat every othel' cow 011 the farm , of whlcb there were six , had already had a cnlt this sllrlng , and this WIlS the last cow left to como In. The cow is just a talrly good grade , Durham cow , nothIng out of the or dinary , She will weigh abollt 90' pounds , 'l'ho father of the calve. 'was a fllll blood Durham bUIl , nol registered , weighing nbollt l,70C pounds , who was sold for beef lasl sllrIng. Two at the cnlvos are males and two females : three are spotted &nd ono al1 red. All were allparently nl strong as ordinary calves when born nnd the smal1eat ono seemed nl strong and Uvely as any of the othors. ' J - l " 'I. , , ; . . . . , - . . & : ' . . ; ; II You enn (1" YOllr ( } , rrlnf ! III tllJl : nn' 110111' with PUT AM l"ADhLE S DYES , Ask rOUI' druggist. It the shoo fits It's n sure sign a woman will ask for a smaller alze. LewIs' SlnHlo Dlnder Rtrn1ght Fie. You pny 100 for cIgars not so ! ; 'ood. YOU1' denier or Lowls' , l < 'Uctol'S , leo 1'11I , Ill. No man imagines he Is aa homely 119 ho is. For flexibility , smooth fInish , stiffness - ness nnd durability , Deflnnco Starch has no equal-10c for 1G oz. Love is seldom hlll1\l to the financial Interests connected with a matrlmonl. . nl donI. Important to Mother : : . . EJmlno : cnrcrul1y every bottle or CASTOR1A. n uro nnd enre remedy lor lufnnte ami children , - anll eeo tllnt It /I't - thoI't - Dms the / ? : - - /-i- / SInaluro at ' : : , ( / In Use For Ovcr 30 YClrl ! . 'l'J ) Kind You llavo Alwae llouo ; t. There is no renson W11Y men ahoullln't love their enemies ua they love themselves-csl1eclally if they hnppen to bo their own w rst eno- mles , . TERRIBLE SCALP HUMOR , Badly Affected with Sores and Cruta -Extended Down Behind the Ears -Another Cure by Cutlcura , "About ten ) 'ears ago my scnlp be. came hadly affected with SOl'O and Itching humors , crusts. , etc. , and ex. tended down behind the ears , 1\Iy hall' came out in places , also. 1 was greatly - ly troubled : understood it was ecze. ma , ' 1'ried various remedies so called , without effect , Sa v your CUtlCUI'l1. . advertisement , and sot the Cutlcura Remedies at onco. Applied them as to dlrectlbns , etc. , and after two weeles I thinle" of use , was clear as n whistle. I have to state nlso that late last falI , October and November , lD04 , I was suddenly nlfilcted with a bad eruption , painful and itching pustules o\"er the lower part of the body. I suffered dreadCulIy. In two months , under the sldllCul treatment of iny doctor , conjoined - joined with Cutlcura Soap nnd Cutl. cui'll Ointment , I found myself cured. H. 1\1 , F. 'Velss , Rosemond , Christian Co. , Ill. , Aug , 31 , 1J05. ! " Could Take His Choice. At a recent inquest in a Pennsylvania - vania town , ono of the jurors , after the \lsual swearing in , arose and with much dignity protested against servo Ice , aUeglng that ho was the geneml manager oC an important concern 'und was wasting valuable time by sitting ns a juror at an inquest. The coroner , turning to hla clerle , said : "Mr. 1\Iorgan , kindly hand me 'Jervis' ( the authority on juries ) . " Then , after consulting the book , the boroner observed to the unwl11lng juror : "Upon reterence to 'Jervis , ' II find , sir , that no persons are exempt Cram service ns jurors except Idiots , Imbeciles - ciles and lunatics. Now , under which heading do 'ou claim exemption 7"- Success l\1agazine. If we could only seQ .ourselves as others see us-but we can't , BO thero's no use worrying about It , . - . . - - - - - . . - . . - . . ' . . , - f , JBES ! ! SICK.HEADACHE - - \ -TabletJ ! .lUd powc1o-s ; : adv ns cures for slck-hcadacho lIre rcn- $ er\lIy harmful and they do not cure but only deadcn the p:1111 t , } . pullinlJ $ the nerves 10 sleep for (1 short time through the Usa of morlhino or cocaine. Lane's Fami y Medicine the tonic-la : < atlve , cures slck-hcad- ache , not merely stops it for an hour or two. It removeS the caUse of headncho nnd keeps it away , Sold by all dealers nt : ! 5C. and 50'0 , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAKE EVERY DAY , , rCJm COUNT- ' , no. matter how' . . " , . " 'f , bad tlc weather. I : ' You ' . cannot , ) f ! 7 I I afford to be. J without ) ' tl ' ! ( , TO\VER'S , WATERPROOF OILED mT "OR SLICKER. I I Whcnyoubuy , f : Ioolt for the t SIGN OF THE fISt ! I' , unr.r : : Ic cl'I . . I1.iUIUo- ( , ) , . . . . . ell - J I"Owtll co. eo ro. u 11. , . . . TOWn tAHA" ' ' ' co TO TC'O'TOc. , W. L. DOUCLAS . 31150 8 $3aOO Shoes ! SE8T IN THE WORLD . . VILDouglas $4 Gill Edge IIno c3nnolbaequalladltanyprlco : 'n . To Shoe ntal rn ; W. I. Douglas' JobbIng - . ' bIng JlOUS& II the most , oJ complete In thll country . ' II/ /Send/or Clataloa / 6HOES FOR EVERYDODY AT ALL FIUCES. M"n' 8hooo. $3 to $1.30. Doyo' Bl1ooa. $3 10$1.211. Women's 8ho09. $4.00 to $1.110 , M189 8' & : Cl1l1drcn'o , Shoos. $2.211 to 1:1.00 ; : , Try 'v. J. . DOII11t8VOln0I1'9 ! , 1IlIssc , and Chllliron'llhlloll ; tOl1 1113'10 , fit aullvour I they ( \Jool olher ma1tos. If I could fulee you into my largo 1 fnctQricG at rockton , Mass.and show \ . ! you how carcfully W .L. Dougln5shoes " ure mnde , you would then understarld - . why they hold thcir shape , fit better. , I wenr longer , and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever you live , you can obtain W. L. Douglllsshots. tils name IInd price Is stampelt on the bottom , which protects you agolnt hlgb 11rlccs IInd Inferior shoes. Take no , substh tutl ? , Alk your dellier for 'V. L , Douglasshoe. and Insist upon havIng thcm. Frnt Color Eyelets used ; thcl/ will not /Uear brassfl' Write for IIIl1strnted Catalog of Pall Styles. W. L. DOUOLAS , Dept. 1Zo Urockton , . . .10. " - - - - - You CANNOT 1. . " " ' , . " " . J I ' , " U - ' . . ' . ' < ' . . all inflamcd , ulcerated and catarrhal conditions - ditions of the muc us membrane slIch as nnsal catarrh , uterine catarrh causcd by feminine ills , sore throat , sore mouth or inflamcd eyes by simply dosing the stomach , i But you surely cm cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease gcrmschecks discharges , stops pain , and heals the A ) inflammation and sorcness. Paxtine represcnts the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produccd , Thousands of women testif. . . . to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box ? 'IIE R. PAXTON co. . Boston. Mass , DE UU CIE STElRCH- : ; : -othP.f ! ! arCh 8 only 12 onaco'-OIImo price IIn "DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. , , _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . .h. . . . ' J.h. _ _ _ . . . _ _ : iCay.W : JJ.rIR"Jt1N:4..T. : : ; . , .H - . . , - . , Let Me Send You a Package of Defiln 9 St rch with your next order of groceries and I will guarantee that you will be better satisfied t with it than with any starch you . I have ever used , I claim that it has no superior If for hot . or cold , starching , and It Will Not , Stick to the Iron ' , with DJo:1" : A10iCE S'1'AUCII , lIut YOU OET om-TlIt1ID ! llllUU I'-on YOUIt ) lONEY thun oC fillY other bl'l\nd. DEFIANCE STARCn costs 10c for II. H ! . ( ) , pn.clwge , Ilnd I 'will refund your moncy if It Gtico'i ] to the Iron , ' ' , 'fruly 'ollrs 1l0NF.sT JonN , 'Tho GrocerymaD ,0 ; ; . . " , . . . " , . . . - : : -t ' : ' : : . DEr : , ' - : , . , ' ISOl N 0 ' WILL NDT Ii ! r'D OR : STICK TO 10 rb II 1:3 n I " 'l4bj 8 . . IJ THE IRON I " ' Olttl"'tJ STARCH .n , . . , . , . . . _ . L. , . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . , . , . . . : . . _ . - _ . . , _ - . - _ . . , _ . , ' . _ . . . . _ _ ' ' . . , - - . . . . . . . Jl.