Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 01, 1906, Image 1

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"It w uld wake the Devil. "
That WIIS the remark of a cnf-
t mler to whom we were showing
olle of onr lIew IIIckle alarm clocK ! ' ! .
Here is a handy tiltte timer al\l
reminller for a small price.
Needed ill the ) room-
. , the sick room-the sc 1001 room-
up stairs , dowlI stairs , a11 aroun
, the house.
, . . . , . , , , ; Not the cheap. flimsy , timeless
sort , but n good substantial lime
: . ' ' " and nlann dock combined. .
l. . .
The Road to SUCCOII.
We have just received from the
Burlington Passenger Department -
ment a very useful leaflet describing -
ing the wonderful resources , as a
mixed farming and dairying
countr ) ' , of western Nebraska ,
northwest Kansas and eastern
Colorado. 'l'hc folder tells how
a man can start in this country
with a heard of about twenty
cows and with no assets but
strong' hands and a clear head
and become independent in a
very few years. It c vers
thoroughly every connty in this
region , giving prices of land and
lists f land agent from whom
definite informatton can be
obtained. 'fhis folder shonld
be in the hands of e\'ery man
who wants to better his condition ;
who wants to start his son on the
road to ! mccess and independence ,
and esp cially , every renter , who
wants to become a landlolder.
This folder will be sent free on
application to everyone writing
for same to the PassengerDepart-
ment of the Burlington Route at
U. B. Church.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Preaching service 11 a. n. , by
Rev. S. S. Leonard of Memphis ,
Neb. All are invited to cQme
and hear him.
. . ' - -
- - - - - - - - -
, "
' ; : . . ' r 91
' '
, . A P P L E S
I am handing ] a car load of fine BJ N
DA VI8 apples , well sorted , for a party in
Ivissouri , which he wants closed out at once.
) . . I will sell them while they last at
, 50 cts per 'bushel.
Reinember , they are not my apples and that I
am not "knocking. " but have been instructed
f to sell this : car at tbe price named.
: I ,
. . , '
, LE1rrfIIS Y
I have a complete stock of fresh and pure
goods. 1'here's none hetter on the market and
the prices will cause your purse to smile aud-
ibly. Investigate this matter. _
'I J. rq. ] ? JE.A. : E ,
Realty Block. Phone 161. Broken Bow ,
IL _ _
I :
- - -
I'F . " . - - - . . . . . . . .
When it comes to stoves that do not require heaps of
talk we are there. 'l'he stoved we" ha\'e do the work i
and rccomme.nd themselves. Tl ey have a reputation
built on mCrIt.
- -
Corn Shellers
, We are agents for Joliet a.nd Keystone corn shellers.
. . Can furnish allldnds of repairs. ' .
, Casoline Eneines :
Talk to us about International gasoline engines-sta-
tionary and traction-from 2 to 15 horse power.
All Kinds of Feed Grinders.
t11t1""tt1t1t't't11""t1""tt"'Yt'1'1"t1"1" " " ' ' " " " " " " ' ' ' " " " " " " " " " " " " '
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I 'G'roce ri es I
- -
- -
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I and I
- , -
- -
- -
- -
I Provisions I
- -
- -
- -
- -
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I The attacks made upon 111e by the opposition , so far as they reflect -
flect upon 111Y character , official or private , are utterly and maliciously -
ciously false , so condemtled at home , regardless of party , recklcasl ) "
manufactured by their unscrupulous author , who imagtnes he may
( lerive a benefit by a reduction of my vote. M. P. KINKAID. I
- - ' - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
Look out for False Circular. .
'l'he custom of the demo.pop
press has been , in years past , to
attempt to defeat the republican
candidates , by publishing their
papers and by cir ulars , after it
is too late' to answer them
through the medium of the preas.
We have an intimation that such
will be their tactics this year.I I
As a matter of fact there is a
strcnous effort being put fourth
by the large ranch men in certain
quarters to defeat Congressman. .
Kinkaid. 'J hey first tried to. get
a republican to be a candidate
against him. Failing in that
they put up Shumway on the
demo-pop ticlCt. As yet they
have not shown their hand in
this county , but may , after they
think it is too late for a reply . to
be made.
Another scheme is being
premediated to defeat C. L.
Gutterson for county attorney ,
by charging him with being in
favor of saloons. i
Wherever such charges are
made resent them. They dare
not be made in the open.
Judge Gutterson has been a
resident o ( Broken Bow the past
twenty years and a more upright
citizen has not lived anywhere.
Further than that he will see to
it that the laws of our state are
strictly enforced. He will attend
strictly to bUiiness. ! 'fhere will
be trials no po tponed , after he
has them set down for trial , bc-
cause of the county attorney's
absence , which has been the case
in the past two years , if Judg'e
Gutterson is elected county at-
torney. Only last week , we are
informed , two whiskey cases , one
from Anselmo and the other
from Sargent , had to go over ,
after. the defendants and.witness-
es were here , because of the
abseace of the county attorney.
'l'his was not the first 'case of
the kind.
Tl1en there is a strong effort
being made to elect a democrat
U. S. senator and it will be well
to look out for false acquasations
against Norris Brown or our
legislati ve candidates' the eve
of election.
Be not decei ved. The republican -
can candidates are worthy of
support and if elected will prove
true to the trust Imposed in them.
For Good Road. as Well a. Good
Just at this time , more' than
ever before , the question of good
roads is in the minds of the business -
ness mcn and farmer alike.
There is no other one question
which should receive the attention -
tion of evcryone more than this.
It is somthmg that every country ,
every neighborhood and every
town should loook out for. 'Vm.
Warren , the republican candidate
for respresentative , is an advo.
ator of good roads. He has
hearlded the question broad c1st ;
over this countryfor the past
several years , giving papers and
talks upon good roads
before the farmers meet-
ings. If elected , he will be
in a position to do more than talk.i i
He can act -and not enl . v can he ,
but he will act. If you. want a
man to represent you in the
legislature , who represenLs your
personal interests as well as the
country at large vote for Wm.
Warren. ' ! 'he good roads
question is his hobby , and he will
ride it into the legislature for all
that is in it. The rural mail
carriers , the star mail carnes , the
farmers , the stockmen nnd those
who only go out for a ride over
the country all realize what good
roads would mean to this country ,
and all should vote alike for the
man who would carry the
question into our legislative halls.
Warren is the man that will do it.
-Callaway Queen.
To Old Soldiers.
All soldiers who wish to have
the best advice as to pensions
should place their claims in the
hands of Joseph H , Hunter ,
Pension Attorney , Washington ,
D. C. , as I personally know that
I he g ves faIthful attention to his
worle. ' : SIMON CAJ'lERON.
. I
. .
- - - . - _ _ _ , _ . - _ . . _ .
A Local Fi.h Story.
Oue is told on Hobert Skinner ,
which , in the vernaculer of the
boys , "isn't so worse. " The
gerlt1eman in question is not only
a fisherman , and knows how to
fi h , but he goes to it on ever ) '
occ'lsion that prescnts itself and
sticks to it with the patience of
Job and the persistence of n
porous plaster. One afternoon
-a hot , sultry one-he was discovered -
covered Qn the creek bank ,
intently watching a cotle which
occasionally wobbl d by an undercurrent -
current and fightIng bull gnats
while the perspiration stood in
betJ.ds and rolled from his face.
Coming up to him one of the
fellows asked ;
"How long you here ,
Bob ? " bel
"Since this mornin' . " -
"What kind 0' lucJ ( llav-
ing ? " ; y
"Oh , not very good. "
"Well how . many fish yer
caught ? "
I At this time the undercurrent
whirled the cork around again
and Bob answered :
"Well , when 1 get this one
that's been nibblin' for the last
three hours and another one" I'll
have two. " . .
'fhey came on to town without l.
seeking more information but
found it late that evening when I
they saw Skinner making for
home carrying a fish pole , woebegone -
gone look and nary a fish.
Under Republican Adminiatration
Our manufactures have doubled
since 1896 ,
Our farm values and" crop
values have doubled since 1896.
mployment and wages have
raIsed from 50 to LOO per cent
.since ' . 1896.
A thousand mhl on dollars
ha\te been added to our saving
banles since 1896.
And failures , in spite of the
enormous increase in husiness
have fallen off more than half as
compa , e4 with with 1896.
Train. Change Time.
A new time schedule .went into
effect last Sunday and the time
of all trains was changed , except
Nos 39 and 40 , the local passenger -
senger between Broken Bow and
Lincoln. 'fhere wasn't much
change , but the enough to leave
you unless the train is
behind time-which is usually
the case. The time at Broken
Bow under the new schedule is
as follows : . ! !
W S'1' l'OUND.
No.3' ) local passel1lCer. ex. Sl1l1da ) ' . . art ( , :20 : Pili
41 coast passel1lCcr. dally. Ica'.c.:58 : a III
43 coast pasKcnlCcr. .Ially Icavc..12:14
47 local rehrbt , arrh.c. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 : : I' P a III III
No. 411 local paRelllCer ! , h ave. . . . . . . . . . . . ( , :20 : a III
42 coat ! pas elllCer. leave. . . . . . . . . . .IO:5B : ant
44 coasl11asRelllrer , lea'.o. . . . . . . . . .12:14 a III
4 local reltrht. arra vc. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,2 : I' p III
It will , by this , be noticed that
Nos. 43 aml 44 are scheduled to
meet here at 12:14-midnight. :
Uncle Sam is wealthy , but he
finds thltt it takes a surprising
amount of money to support an
automobile. The officials of the
Treasury department at Washington -
ington , gasped las' ! week when
they looked over the report of
the Collector of Customs at San
Fran isco and found that it cost
Sl , 80 to run the official auto
during the last six months , or
abe t $8 , for each busin ss day.
In ! ldditiont a1400 clerk has
been install chauffeur. 'l'he
ol\ector \ in his report acknowledges -
-ledges that the automobile is
expensive , but he asserts it is not
l xqry but absolute necessity ,
talting into consideration the
condition of the city.
The Rev. Irl R. Hick. 1907 Almanac.
The Rev. Irl H. Hicks has
been compelled by the popular
demand to resume the publication
of his welt known and popular I
Almanac for 1907. 'flus splendid I' '
Almanac is now ready. I"or sale
by newsdealers , or sent postpaid
' for 25 cents , b ) ' Word and Works I
Publishing Co. , 2201 Locust St. ,
St. J-4ouis , Mo. , publishers of
Word and Works , one of the best
dollar monthly maga nes in
Al1erica. ! On , J\lmauac goes
wIth every subscription.
r ; ; ; 1
t Abstract Co. , ,
t Bonded.
' & (1
, UnlySet of Abstract Books in County I
One Continuous and Unbl'ol en Line
? of Business Since Beginning , "
, Fifteen Yeul's Ago. I )
A few properties of 0111' OWI1 for sR1e 011 terms right
Notary Farm Loans ubllo I A RE'1\'rEAU . , I
. . .
Phone No. 201. Sec'y-Treas.
. . . _ . . , - _ . . _ . . _ - - . . . . . . . . . - . - - . - - - - I
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- - - - - - - - - - -
( r.---------- ,
. to Loan.
I am prepare to
place money on good
improved farms a t
lower rates than hus
eVQr been offered in
Custer county. Oall
and see me.
Also bargains i 11
. farms. Will sell you
a farm on easy ter 's
of paymont.
" "
Do not rent when
you cun buy.
I James LedwicIl ,
. Broken Bow , Nebr
\ \ . ' n.l )
- _ . - - - - = - '
I - ' . . _
- - - - - - - ' 0
, . . . . . ' . ' . ' .
, .
Wake up and
Boost '
forBrokenJ3ow :
Good Heads generally
mcan prosperity for a
town. Push the good
work along. Everyone
Red Jacket Sweet Cider , the pure quill , finest on
earth , per gallon. . . . . . . , . , . . . . . , . . . . , , . . . . , . . 35G
Wright's Buckwheatli'lour. All buckwheat , a lb. . 60
Sally Gibson Pancake Flour , rice , corn and wheat.
It's gool1. 'fwo pac1cagcs for. . " . . . , . . . . . . . . 25c
li'ancy White Comb Honey , per frame , . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
Ii'ancy White Extracted Honey , 2 pounds. . , . . . . . . . 26c
Rice Pop Corn , clean and good , a package. . . . . , . : . 10c
'I'ea T./eaf , Japan tea , the , finest , a pOllnd. . . . . . . . . 50c
Halston Pancake Flour , two for. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 25c
JeU-O , you know i t' finc , a package. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c
Kamo Syrup. It's all right. A gallon pait. . . . , . . 50c
Guaranteed Pl1re Maple Syrup. . . . ' . . . . . . $1 35 and 1.50
J./ipton's Famolls 'rea , acan. , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . , . . 40c
Standard Stock Foods , all sizes
Hess Stock Foods , all sizes.
TRAD Nortb Side
I-lire Old thler "Ir CKar JJROK N now. NEHR.
roIARK 4 . , ' . . , . . , - , -
. .