Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 25, 1906, Image 7

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    _ - " ' ; : ' . - . . . . . .
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. . . . . .rwr-nnn TrTlr1r .nn.
. .
Who Knew
"I teol as though I'd boon attending
summer school or university exten'
sian course. " said Now York woman
as she sank Into the nearest piazza
chair tid looked atter the rotrcatlng
carriage trom whIch she had just
al1ghtod. "U ever there Is 0. chnlr of
gCIrcral Informatlon created nt any I
college the young man who brought i
mo up here just now should 'hl\vo It.
"In the first place. we'd scarcely
started when wo passed 1\ hugo wagon
pUed with burlap . { jags. each contain.
ine what seemed IIko a mammoth
cream cheeso. It smelle ! ! just for all
the world IIko ono enormous dollcates.
sen shop. I said :
. .
, 'Oh. Is that the way you make
cream cheese up horo'In these great
blocls , and then send It down to the '
city to bo cut up In IIttlo squares and
wrapped In tin fall ? '
. .
"TIsn't choose. It's casein , ' sldm. '
. med milk. you lcuow. What they make
piano leeys and buttons out of , ' was '
his roply. .
" 'Duttons made of mlll { ? ' I repeated
In astonlslllnent. I
"Woll , nt that he began such 0. vol.
loy of Information thnt I can't remem.
ber ll 1f ho said. Ho told me how they
separated the cream for butter at the
creameries and then extracted the
casein from the sldm milk.
. "It se ms th9 curd Is preslCd : and
. . baked and drIed and ] lowdored until it
becomes , perfectly white and odorless.
. It's almost l1ke celluloid. only not In.
. fiammable.
"He said ft was used for all sorts of
things. Ulco playing cards. expensive
1 paper and pen holders. Finally. as a
I sort of dismissal of the entire subject ,
I ho said :
. " 'Why. it's practically on the same
prlnclplo as making knife handles.
combs and things out of blood. '
" 'Dlood ? ' I repeated.
" 'Ob. yes , ' ho continued. in the most
. matter .of fact tone. 'Lots of blood at
I , all the big slaughter houses. you lnow.
. They'd bo sure to find some use for
that. It takes II. fine polish and is sol.
Id and durable. '
"Just as I was getting over the
shock of this disclosure. I again no- ,
Heed the delicatessen odor. This time
there was no wagon in s'ght. but over
in the fi131d was what looked like a
' pond of milk.
" 'Whatever is that ? ' I inquired.
: " 'Sklm mlllc-ovorsupply. Neigh.
I . bors don't like it. but the rell.mery's
I . got to get rid of it somehow. so they
pump ft over into that hollow in the
f field. Doesn't smell very good , ' and
I at this he whipped up his horses and
I . tried to the pond of sldmmed
i milk in the distance as soon as pOBsi.
ble."I settled back for 0. moment. wait.
I Ing to see what would come noxt.
"In a few moments we came to several -
eral prosperous looking farms. In
. every chicken yard and bero and there
Ii. . . . . . . . . on the grounds adjoining the houses
were thrown bright red blankets : In
, one place an old scarlet shawl and
r. perllaps further on an antiquated red
. " 'What are 0.11 the red thing'8 for , ? '
I inquired.
" 'Hawks , ' he roplled sehtentloush- .
'A hawk'll never touch a chicken if
thero's anything red around. 'rhought
ever 'body know that. '
"I felt rebuked and kept sllont for
some tlmo.
"We'd gene quite a distance when I
suddenly looked down on my lap and
was dismayed to find that my fountain
I , ' . pen. which I always carry in 1l1y hand.
bag. had eVidently begun to leak and
the ink was gently oozing through the
s am in the lcather.
" 'What shall I < 10 ? ' I exclaimed as
I showed 111m the generous black spot
rJght on the front of my light sldrt.
" 'Ink's easy enough to get out , ' he
said , in the most unconcerned man.
nor. 'I'll stop at the next house we
come to and get some salt. '
" 'Salt ? ' I repeated.
" "VeIl. any absorbent's good. but
most of them ' 11 leave a grease spot.
Salt's the best. '
"Ho reined lip at the next house and
I held the horses whllo he went in.
Soon he reappeared with a hnndful of
salt done up in n piece of hea. - brown
"Putting II. plcce of the paper under
I the cloth. ho covered the ink spot on
both sides with the salt nad rubbed it
. vigorously. blowing away the top layer
every few n.oments and putting'
fresh salt. As you see , it hardly shows
at all now. and ho assured mo just
now when ho drove away thut by put-
tlng salt under the spot and oyer it.
letting it remain that way for an hour
, or so and then finishing the treatment
with another rubbing. not a trace of
the ink stain would remaln.-N. Y.
Had to Give Up Cigarette.
Emperor' WUlIam of Germany. driv.
Ing along the principal street in Der.
lIn the other day. throwaway his clg.
nt'ette. A clerIc plclccd it liP. Intend.
Ing to treasure it as a memento. but
9. pollcemun pounced on him and in
qulred what ho wanted with it. The
clorl { told him. "You must give it
up , " the officer said. "You want it
only for purposes of ridicule. " And
ho took it from the Indignant clerIc.
. Marriages of First Cousins.
First cousins may marry in nU
IJtatelJ but Arkansas , Illinois , Indiana.
Indian Territory. Kansas. Missouri ,
Nevada. New Hampsh.lrc. North Da
Jwta. Ohio. Oklahoma. Oregon. Penn.
. . oylvanla. South Dalcota. Washington
nnd W'omlr
F' m
I.vou COUTT. f
FII.uuC J. OUICNU' mak81 oAtil thAt ho I. . .nlar
paUuer ot tbe IIrm Qt F. J. DIIIC1ICY & CO'l dulnK
bUIIDen In tL.1 City Dt Tolodo. County Rnu ! ltAID
atoreu.ldt.l\n tllat , , , Id ftrm will ray the Ium ot
ONR nU..VH&V DOLI-AilS tor each and e'ery
calO ot O.l.T.l.nR tllat cannot be cured by the ule ot
U.l.LL' . CU.l.lIBU CURl : .
Sworn to before mo an .ubocrlhed In my rrelence ,
thl. ay et Vecombor. A. D .l .l'OLEASON ,
nallI. atAnh Cure I. taken Internally and act.
directly on tbo blood Dnd mucoul lurface. of Ibe
Iy'tem. lIend 10r tetIIUl..IIIAh. frca.
. ' . J. CI1E E&I CO. , Toledo. O. i
Sold by nil Dru ; htl. 7 e. ,
Take llall' . Family rllll for cOl.t\paUon. \ I
Treasures for the Loulfre.
Attention Is called by the Travelers'
Gazette to recent acquisitions by the
Louvre. notably of a lICe size bust In
chalk , primitively colored. of the hor.
mlt king of the eighteenth dynasty.
Alchoumalon. or Amenophls IV. , ono of
the strangest flguros In the long lIne
of the Pharaohs. The bust Is n re.
markably fine speclmon of the art of
the period. and is well preserved. De.
sides this. there are four seJulcl\ral ) \
urns In blue porcelnln from the tomb
of Rnmeses U. In these urns waD
tound , besides fun oral linen. certain
organic matter , which is being chem.
IcallY exnmlllnil.
Microbe of Gray Hair.
They hayo discovered a new mlc.
robe in New Yorl { and It Is quite popu.
Jar amen ! ; actors a11l ! society women.
It Is called the chromophage. Its spa-
cial function being to tllrn the 11alr
gray at a comparatively early a1e. The
hnndsomo actor who has these white
hairs on his temple that the women
admire so is full of the clil'omophagcs.
Daldheaded men are Immune from the
microbes. He only attacks the hair.
and a man without hair need not war.
ry about the chromophage. For years
it was thought that a process of the
blood Idlled the coloring mnttor of the
hair cells , but scalpologists In Now
York combat that theory. They say
It is the chromophage. The mlcrobo
does not IIIw heat and for that reason
the woman who uses the curling tongs
is less Ulccly to ha vo gray hair than
the ono who puts her hair up in pa-
Heavy C st of Unpaid Postage ,
One of the most curious contests
over bcfore the public was conducted
by many thousand persons under the
offer of the Postum Cereal Co. . Ltd. ,
. of Dattle Creek. 1\l1ch. . for prizes of
31 boxes of gold and 300 greenbacks
to thos9 making the most words out
of the letters Y-I.O.Grapo-Nuts.
The contest was started In Febru.
ary , 1906. and it was arranged to have
the prizes awarded on Apr. 30. 1906.
When the pUblic nnnouncement ape
pearod many persons began to form
the words from these letters. some.
times the whole family being occupied
evenlpgs. n cOm lnation of nmuso.
ment and education.
After a while the lIt : : ; : : ; began to
come in to the Postum Office and be.
fore long the volume grew unUl It reo
qulred wagons to carry the mall.
1\Iany of the contestants wore thought.
less enough to send their lists with
Insufficient postare and for a period
It cost the Company from twenty.fivo
to fifty.eight and sixty dollars a day
to pay the unpaid postago.
Young ladles. generally those who
had graduated from the high school.
were employed to examine these lists
and count the correct words. 'Vob.
stor's Dletionary was the standard
and each list was very carefully cor.
rected except those which fell below
8000 for it soon became clear that
nothing below that could win. Sarno
of the lists required the , york of a
young lady for a solid week on each
Individual list. The worlc was done
very carefully and accurately but the
Company had no idea. at the time the
ofter was made. that the people would
respond so generally and they were
com polled to fill every avallablo space
in the offices with these young lady
examiners. and notwithstanding they
worlted steadily. it was imposslblo
to complcto the cxamlnatlon unUl
Sept. 29. m'or six months after the
prizes should have been awarded.
This delay caused a great many i11'-
qulries and naturally. created some
dlssa.tisfacUon. It has been thought
best to make this report in practicallY
all of the nowspal101'S in the United
States and many of the magazines in
order to malce clear to the people the
condltfons of the contest.
Many lists contained enormous
numbers of words which. under the
rules. had to bo eliminated "Pegger"
would count "Peggers" would not.
Sumo lists contained over 60.000
words. the great major ty of which
were cut out. ThO' largest lists were
checlted over two and In som cases
three times to Insure accuracy.
The $100.00 gold prlzo was won by
I. . . D. Rees. : . 1227.15th St. . Denvor.
Colo. , with ! HH1 correct wOI'ds. The
highest $10.00 gold prize went to S.
K. Fraser , Lincoln. Pa. . with ! JJ21 ! cor.
rect words.
A complete list of tilO 331 winners
with tholr homo addresses will be
sent to any contestant enquiring on u
postal card.
Be sure and glvo name and ad ress
clearl : ! .
'l'his contest has cost the Co. many
thousand dolhirs , and probably has
not been a profitable advortlsement.
nevertheless perhaps some who had
never before tried Grape.Nuts food
have been interested In the contest.
and from trial at the food have been
shown its wonderful robulldlng pow.
ers.It teaches In a practicable manner
that scientifically gathered food elements -
monts can be selected from the field
grains. which nature will use for 1'0'
building the nerve centres and brain
In a way that Is unmlstakablo to
I uscrs of Grape.Nuts.
" 'rhero's a reas n. "
l'ostum Cernl Co. . Ltd. DltUe Creek , J.llcb.
How a Veteran Wa Saved the Am.
putatlon of n Limb ,
D. Frank Doremus. vetc.\'f\n. of
noosevelt Ave. . IndlanaI1olls. Ind. .
- . .
says : "I had been
showing S'Wpto111s of
kldnoy trouble frow
the tlmo I was mus'
tered out of the
armr , but In nIl my
lICe I never sutlored
as In 1897. I1ead.
aches. d7zlness ! : nnd
I sleeplessncss. fi r s t ,
and then drops ) ' . I
was weak amI holp.
less. Imvlng run down from 180 to 125
pounds. I was bnYlng terrlblo } Jain In
the Iddne's. and the sccretlons 11assed
almost Invohmtnrlly. My left leg
swelled until it was 34' Inches around.
and the doctor tapped It night and
morning until I could no longer stand
it. and then he advised nmputatlon. I
refused , and began using Doan's Kid.
ne ) ' PllIs. The swc11lng subsldCtt
graduallr , tho. urlno bec(11uo natural.
nnd all my Imlns and aches dlsap
peared. I have been well now for nine
years slnco using Donn's Kldno ) ' PllIs.
For sale by all denIers. 60 cents II.
hox. Foster.Mllburu : Co. . Duffalo , N. Y.
- - - - - - - - -
Kpt Tax Receipts Long.
Charles KI 1g. of East L\borty. \ a
suburb of Plttsburg. Is what might bo
termed a careful man. He has been 0.
voter hr the East Liberty district slnco
1857 and when aslted on the last reg.
Istratlon day It he had a tax recolpt
ho pulled from II. poclwt. tax recel)1ts )
for the tast 41 years. When aslted by
the registrar It ho had an ) ' moro ho
roplled that If ho went down deep In.
to his "strong' box" at home he might
} Josslbl ' find a few dating long baclt
before t.h\ oldest member of the board
was born. Mr. King Is now 78 years
old. having been born In Daltlmore in
1828. remoYing to East Liberty In
185 ; . His first presidential vote was
cast for John C. Fremont and his last
for Theo ore Roosevolt. He is "
stanch Republican and as a contractor
and brick manufacturer for half a cen.
tury has contributed much to the up.
building and growth of East Liberty.
Brushed Sea lee from Face Like Pow.
der-Under Physlclana Gr w Worse
-Cutlcura Worke Wonders.
"I suffered with eczemn six months.
I had tried three doctors , but did not
got any better. It was on my body I
nnd on my f ot so thick that I could
ha.rdly put n pin on me without touch.
ing eczema. My face was covered.
m } ' eyebrows came out , and then it
got in my eyo. I then wont to anoth.
er doctor. He asked me what I was
taking for ft. and I told him Cutlcurn.
He said that was a very good thing.
but that ho thought my fnco would
be marked for Ufe. Dut Cutlcura
did its work. and my face 10 now
just as clear as It over was. I told
all my friends about my remll.rlcnblo
curo. I feel so thanltful I want ev.
erybody far and wide to know what
CuUcura can do. It Is a sure cure
for eczema. Mrs. Emmll. White. 611
Cherrier Place. Camden. N. J. , AprJI
26 , 1906. "
With the except.'on of the stage vB.
lain every man hall his .good points.
Lewis' Single Dinder Cigar hls n rich
taste. Your dealer or Lcwis' Factory ,
Peoria. Ill.
A laying hen is better than a abnd.
ing mlll.-From the Scotch.
1\lrB. 'Vln lov' Soothllll : SYfup.
For ehlhllen 1..tllllllt. oonen > > the IIUIIIO. reuure In.
II Wluatlon allays 1alll.cul'o.wllldcullc. l:6u : a bottlo.
Some people even covet the gold in
tbelr noighbor's teeth.
IF YOU W t T to ELUUd Wmr EV
horn I. YOllr cblLnce. , 'Vu olrl'r Sr..OOO III VASil
t ( ' ' ; lftO , , b I h\ \ ' r l' : I un. , [
SUCct81 'lnd U'umrJl' . Ilom ! OUIII IIIln. I'lIcll lor 1\
filII tOolr. l.l ; SlIcet'a. n"onum R Ilorne OlJlllprl/\lon
an Jttlew a/lltt'ltw. . I.UO. Prlzt's I\ru III nddltlon
to u IIb fIIl commlssloll on rnch ordar. 'l'r.csu clubs
nlmost soli tbcm rl'l'cs. 8011I1' rllrn " ' 00 1week. .
mnny ns much liS I. Cnn use 1\11 your tlmo or n !
flLrt of It. Wrlto to-dny fur pnrtlculnrs , boforu YOllr
I'rrllory , II loken.lo
8tlCt.811 JUOUI . U "obl.lloa SII. II. . ! I. . . Tor. Cltr.
IItnln the hum ! ! ! or sllot. the kOLt.lo , oxc.cpt. :
grl'01nutlllUrlll ( ' .
Bome men havon't troubles enoush
of their own. so they got married.
SmokeI'll hn"o to en\l \ lor I.cwle' Siegle
Dlnder cinr ! ; to et I . Your tlcnler or
Lewis' l actory , Peoria , Ill.
Unless man has plenty of sand he
seldom leaves footprints 01\ the santle
of timo.
Defiance Stnrch-Slxtcon ounces Cor
ton cl'nls. all otlter rnnds contain i
Qnly 12 ounces for snmo monoy.
Few mon call do two things nt 0111. : . , .
but any girl can chow gum nnd talk
Important to Mothors.
:1mlno : carcfully oTcry LolU ot CASTOntA.
n ufo nnd eUfO remcd1 tor lufl.nts : nud cblldren.
IUld I O tbat It
DCllutbo ' /
Signatnroo !
1.n Ueo For Ovcr 30 YCJr .
' 1'110 lliud You lInvo AlIVIII : DoU&bt.
Gnakcs Foilstcd : nnd Eaten.
In A\lstrlla : sovornl Idnds of snalces
are eaten roast ; ! d. ' 1'hoy nro salll to
bo equal In delicacy nnd flavor to the
fll\Qst stowed eels. A travcler declares
the steam from the 1'0a3Ung rOllU1os
Is by no I11cnsll1sa vorr.
( 'E'ICH If you uru n YOllngnOli , , l1l1l1g to
I . n rOlllh It 110 IIIt1u COIUQ totnll ) j'rlLllcls-
cOlLlidrocolvOlbo hhlheltwnjlOI 1'11111 o/lywhcre " "
eurtlJ. Jobl for every body antI 110 Question' nlwo
It you are wllllnl : 10 00 I flLlr day's wllrk lor " , " 'II
thun IL fulrd'lY's \'ur"artlclllnr nddrcsK IItlltAU :
0. . l'rULII'ITY. 110001 AU U.lnn "r.IIIII" " ' . , SO. I'n , , " ' ' ' ' '
If . "o " C ; I ; f Tholllpson's Eye Water
. .
- - - - - -
W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 42 , 1906.
. , J
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. : : : : : If more than ordina.ry skill in playing brings the honors of the' t . . : : . . . : . " . : ; 1
" ! ' ; ' 4. , , . " : / game to the winning player , so exceptional merit In a remedy ; " . . _ ' " . : , ,
ensures the commendation of the well informed , and as a rea- . . , . . . . \ : . . . . . . . " ' : . \iI"t' : ;
I . sonab1e amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to , . . > " " : ' : ; , : : . : i
. . the health and strength , so does a perfect laxative tend to ono's il . . JI . ; ' . ; : " ' ; . . : 'I
. , improvement in cases of oonstpation ! , biliousness , headaches , I . , . ' : ; . ;
, , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . etc. It is all important , however . , in selecting a Itl.xative , to . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . > . 1 . . , . . , . , r
' . .
" " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . .r. .
, ' { I"\'r".1 ; < . , : . - " , , ; ! ' ' ' ' ' " . ! ' ' ' ' ' . ' choose ono c f k nown qua 1. Ity an d excellence , Ii k a the ever : ' , I" . . . . . " ' ; " : : ; ! / ' ' , ' " . ,
; ' : 'p ; . ; pleasant Syrup of Figs. manufactured by the California Fig : /t' ' , : ! .M. . : : : : ,
" 'if : ; : Syrup Co. , a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system . . . : : / ' : :
' : : : : i ! : . . offectual1y. when a laxative is needed , without any unplel1.sant , . . . . . . : \ < " : , t =
. . } after effects. as it acts natural1y and gently the internal : . . . : . .
; . : " ' . : ; . " ' : ' . , . . . . . . . " " . . . " on , . : . " . . . . . .
. J'.h. organs. simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance , > l ; . $ . . . . . ; 'ff
. . : ; . : : . without griping , irritating or debilitating the internal organs in : . . ! 1 . l ; ; ; ! .
' : : ; " ' any way , as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurlous ' . . . \ ' . \l..t :
, ; : . . natura. As the plants which are combined with the figs in ' : , . . . . . . . , : ; - . . , \
"x' . ' , . ' . . : . ) . , ' . . . . ' ! 'i\ : the manufacture of Syrup of Figs are known to phyicia.ns : : " . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . \f.i : ; , . "
" . : : : : ; ; . : . : : : ; \ ! : . : act most beneficially upon the Gystem , the remedy has met ; 'fr"r : . . ?
' ; l ts" ' I" ; " with their general approval as a family laxative , a fact well ; . : . :
. . worth considering in making purchases. . . ' : , : . . . : '
: : ' . , l".t .
. . . : . It is because.of the fact that SYRUP F FIGS . , . , '
: ! ; : , ) : 'l' : : ' : : : : I"\/ : ' . : . is a remedy of known quality and excellence , and approved by : '
\tt , . . : ' : ' , physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
' . ) . ! ' informed peoplQ , who would not use any remedy of uncertain
: . . ; : : quality or inferior roputatlon , Every amily should have a .
. . : ; . , , . ' : ; bott1 of the ge uine 01,1 hand at all times , to use when a
' : I. ; . : . )17\Nj' ) ! ' : "
: : ' . . . . . : t : ' " laxatlvo remedy IS required. Please to remember that the
tS : : : ; \ ; genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size
. ; . ' : . 't , ; . . . . , : . - only , by all reputable druggists , and that full name of the
. . . . : . : ; company-California Fig Syrup Co. , is plainly printed on . . . . . . . . .
the front of every package. Regular price , 50a per bottle.
CollII moro Doodl brlohter end 1:1I1or colors than ony other dIe. One toc package colors all nboro. They dye In cold waler beller than ony other dre. You can drll
any garment without ripping opart. Write lor Iroo booklet-low to Dye. lcach o\d , MIX Colora. 'ONROIt DRUG 00. . Unlonvl1l . WIllIlSoII" .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m - - -
Loaded Black Powder Shells
cStliN W RmV A.l"
Hard , Strong , Even Shooters ,
Always Sure Fire ,
The Hunter's Favorite , Because
They Alway& 6ct The ( Uameo
For Sale Everywhero.
" , . . . . . - - - - - - - ' - -
- " - ' 7'-- '
- ' - - - - - -
you "
you ' ' 'lU\t 'I ' i
comp1 tc
prot ction. I I
o.nd long 'f _ !
servIce , . ' \ I
These n.nd mM\Y II I \ !
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$ 25 000 00 FOR AGNTS. Plenunt
, wllrk 111\111111 : Ytll1r frumrt. .
troqllCnt f\lcs. Inrjlu " " " 1ulI ( ) " . . nl1lt hilt prlau
for 1111. Alldr" . . "Ollt. I ex. 11 11. Uh 8L. . N. r. UII1.
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For Emer encies at Home
For the Stock on th farm. .
Slo s Lin mel\.t
Is a. whole medicine chest ,
Price 25c 50c & $ 1.00
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Address Dr. Earl S. 5toan Boston , Mass.
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Thousands of W OJJ.1men
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S 81' ence take Wine of Cardul.
Sold by nIl Drud ists Of
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