Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 25, 1906, Image 2

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I. , . "
t' , ( USTfR ( OUNTY R PU LIA" { "
. . - ! . . . . - _ - -
, ,
- - - - - - - -
DROImN now , - - NlmuAstu.
. . .
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- - - - - - - - - -
DIvorce nnd the State.
A1t1louSh nonrly nllllorsons ar" m r-
rJod by a clorgymnn , the mnrrln o can.
tract under the Inw Is n civil ngroo-
1.\out thnt mny bo mndo In the pros.
QJ1CO at n IJrollOrly (1ll1\lIlIod Inymnn ,
nnl mny bo dlssolvod ouly by the
cIvil courts. ' 1'0 I1111cl080 how tro-
' . quontty the mnrrnco contrncts hnvo
boon dlssolvol , the huronu at the , can.
. . BUS hns Intoly hogun to look ever the
reports at the dlvorco courts for the
11I\8t 20 years. 'rho Information thus
obtnlncd Is to bo used In the crcntlon
at sentlmont In fnvor ot uniform I11nr.
rlnso UlIII dlvorco InwH throughout. the
whole country. Such uniform Inws
are urged on the ground thnl they
\ would IJrovont onBY dlvol'co nml I11nlo
It. hnl1osslhlo for a mnn or a womnn
who hnd gl'own Urcd ot n wlfo or hus.
l.mnd to go to S0111e atnto which hns
Inx law8 , nnd Ulro SCCI11'O freOllum to
mnrry ngaln , nut thIs dnes not go
fnr cnough In HclUng forth the ren.
sons. 1.nx dlvorco InWH 111111 casy tll.
.vorco . threaten the stnhlllty at socl.
IOty Itselt b ) ' undormlnln ! ; the family.
' 1'0 ( ; a ) ' that the fnmlly Is the unIt ot
the oxlstlng 6 clal orallnUon ; Is to
ullor a commonllinco. bullt Is so com.
man thnt It Is ovorloolOd by these
who mnltO up the dlvorco colonlol1 ot
the varlou9 stntes. 'rho whole ao.
clnl fnbrlc rOllts on the trlntly-
or shnll ono any the unIty-at fnthor ,
m.othor nnd child. Nenrly nil Inws
grow out at the nocosBlty at lJrotoct-
Ing the family In ItB worle at rearIng
tbo young nnd prOl1l\rlng thom Cor
theIr unIon In now famlllos. 'l'ho roarIng -
Ing at a fnmlly Is the hlcontlvo ho.
bInd the olTortB at pracUcall ) ' every
snno and healthy man and woman.
The faU10rs and mothers are senti.
n ls round the camp at the younger
goneratlon , gunrdlng It from foes both
seen and unsoon. All creation
conspires for the protection at the
young , and the fnmlly Is ono of the
agoncles through whIch that dIvIne co-
oporatlvo work Is done. There maybe
bo jUBtlfiablo rensons Cor the break.
Ing up at homo through dlvorco. It
BO , they all talte tholr orIgin In the
violation at the obligation by ono
party or the other to the marrlago
contract. Dut such brealt1ng up Is
n soclnl tragedy , Bays the Youth's
CompanIon. No law that can bo
passed will mnko the unCnlthCul loyal
o their obligations , but somothlng can
bo done to make mon and women
'understand ' the bldeousness at theIr
conduct when they seek to break the
mOBt sncred contract ever entered InUl I
. between two buman bolngs.
; " " . .
Men , Women and Meals.
When men suppose tha dInner goes
on whetber they are at homo or not ,
they labor under a curlouB mlBconcep ,
tlon. Arthur Pondenys , wrIting about
thIs m. .ancholy fact , declares : "Som (
ono once said that an ordInary worn
an's favorlto dInner Is an egg In
drawing-room. All women have t
passIon for Bomothlng on a tray. T (
the masculine mInd thlnga on a tra )
are unsatisfyIng : but to the Com'
Inlno body tile ) ' embody the vel' ]
manna from heaven. " It Is easy tc
understand that Arthur Ponden'B , 01
any otber "mascullno mInd" mlgb'
bavo trouble In comprehendIng th. .
wby and wheroCoro of this debllltate (
taste : but no woman would bo nt. I
10sB to oxplaln It. It comes Cron
the fatlguo whIch womnn suffers a
the reBult or her colossnl tasle at fee
Ing man. 'fa nourIsh tile human rac
Is the UPlolnted work of woman. A
the very Inception or me , sa's Th
Reader , thlB Is her lnbor , and novo
cau exlstenco bo so fine , so free , s
heroic or so beauttrul , Umt she mm
not pause three times n day-or mar
-to bend her mind to the menu Uu
shull please her lord. She hns bee
accused or wrIting no elJlcs : It I
snld tbat she Is Incnpablo or cumpo
Ing an oratorIo , et designing a CI
Ithedral , or concolvlng an herol
statue or painting a IJlcturo at t11
first quality. The retort Is that s11
mIght have done something ot U :
kind It the mon had not been bu'
gry so frequently anti so Insl&toutl
To bo the nourlsher oC tbo huUlu
race Is au undertaking so IJrodlglOl
that It Is a marvel tbat the more e
asperatlon at beIng cbalned to tl
larder has not made 11ends or lun
tics out of women-and from squa
to countess , tbolr sufferIngs In thIs x
surd ha.'o poInts at similarity. Is
any wonder , then , that with the OV (
hung1' ) ' man out at tbo wa ) ' , the WOI
nn seeks oscalJO from tbo t'raul
at food , nnd "oats strawberries
moonllgbt on a 11ower ) ' bank ? "
! The czar has decided now to gh'o
: the peasants the lands bOlonglng
t . } ! Im and to tbo go\'ernment. HIs {
: 'LIon ' rocal1s the 111ctures or UIO desp. .
' . \ ate travelerB In the Russian sledgt
t' ' . ; . throwi g 0..01' whato\'or the ) ' can 1
\ : theIr hands on to delay the fierce ru
i\ \ ' ot the pursuIng wol\'os.
k' Over In Gorman ) ' somobotlY h
tound out bow to make cIgars tl
ri nro free Cram nicotine. They fou
f , out how to do that long ago In t
' ! lI'I'nnecUcut cabbage belt.
t' \
\1 \
Dissensions , Misery and divorce' the Result o
Husband's Wounded Egotism. .
Atlerage Man Must Be the.
Bread. Winner and the
King or the Domestic
Structure Is in Danger of
Collapse - The Case of
Burr Nichols and His
Gifted Wife.
Shattered Romance of Two
Artists Seems to Prove
That a Woman Must I
Beware of Becoming
More Famous Than Her I
fIusband , in His Chosen
Line of Work.
Jealousy , dIssensIons , misery nnd dl.
vorco. Are these the Inovltablo conse.
Quonces when n wife Is engaged In the
Dame lICe occu1Jntlon as her husband ,
when theIr I\ves \ move on parallel
I\noll \ and with parallel ambitions , nd
when It Is possIble that the work at
the wHo oxcooos In merIt that at the
husband T
80 It would seem tram the unhappy
marltnl hlsUlry of Mrs. Rhoda Holmes i
Nichols , hIstory In which nrt and
JealouBY crept In at the door wbllo. .
love flow out through the wIndow.
1101' dlvorco hns Just boon recorded
In the Now York Bupromo court.
It Is not nn nltogether unusual thIng
nowntla's tor a wICo to outdo bor hus ,
bRnd nt his chason occupation. In al.
most OV01' ) " Instance wbero thIs oc.
curB mlsory Is the conseQuonco.
Mon do not IIIce to have wIves
smarter tItan themselves , or more ar.
tlstlc , or wIser In II. busIness way , or
who win prll.lso tor doIng thlngB Cor
whIch pralso Is usually accorded a
man , declares n wrIter In the Now
York World.
Lot II. woman bake fine pie , or do
a fine bIt ot embroIdery , or bem or
stitch , or ! IowaI' keep a neat houoo ,
and the bus blind will listen to the
world's pralso at her with complacent
snU Cactlon.
Dut lot bor keep to the lcltchon , It
you pIe nee , or vlay the plana In the
varIaI' , or mother the children In the
nursery , or do anything but ! ltop ever
the lIne at domarkntlon where bo III
boss.He Is the brend.wlnnor and the kIng.
ThoBO In his kIngdom must bo wenker
th n hlmselt and dependent upon blm ,
or the whole domostlc structure falls
and there Is no more bnpplneos In the
So It was with Mrs. Rboda Holmes
NIchols , who now has bor own studIo ,
her own children , and bor own lonely
but even nHer she hegan to sell her
Illcturos she continued to ho an en.
thusll1stlo studont. '
She went to Ii'rnnco nUll Italy , where
IIho studIed art In the best schools.
She was Buccossful there , aild ovont.
unl1y wont to SO lth ACrlca nnd A'ln : !
( or laudscapcs.
Stili honrtCl'eo nl1l1 wInning her O1vn
wny In the worlll , aho settlell down In
Florence , where the all' Is the very
hreath oC art , and where lho slty Is ns
tendoI' n9 the eyes f lovo.
Hero In the course oC her worle she
met 11. yount ; pain tel' nnmed Burr Nlch.
ols. lIe , too , was a fine artist , nnd
theIr mulunl tnste8 dl'ow tho11\ ' much
1l Is strange that. the very traits
and charactorlstlcs and the mutual
II1ces whIch glvo bIrth to love should
In the end bo the moans oC ItB death
nnd' funeral. The young artists dId
not dream oC the truth oC those thIngs.
How could the art Cram whIch love
sprang bo Its mmderor ? Neither dId
they reck oC the Cutmo when they
became ongngCll. Wns there not the
magIc or love In theIr brushes ? Were
they not bohomlans enough to face
the Cuture with light henrts ? Could
they not paInt the tearhll eyes away
Cram the face at sorrow , and put the
cap and hells on tbo plcturo at pov.
erty ? On these Cundamental bellets
they were marrIed.
NIchols , 111\0 hIs wlCe , was a fine
paInter. They lived an Idenl mo In
tholr studIo. They palntod togetber ,
talkctl together , I1lanned together , Jlv.
Ing and droamlng for each other.
Ah , whnt II. little fraud love Is actor
all ! Ho had fired the last arroW In his
qulvor when ho shot them through the
heQrts , and then be lert them , deemIng
bls duty dono.
'rho NIchols artist family wa In.
creased by two lovely children as
tlmo passed , and tholr 'bapplness In.
creased nccordlngly.
Whllo tboy were prosperous and
contented In Florence they at last de.
clded that they could bettor them.
selves in thIs country.
They came accordIngly and settled
down In the studIo Ql111rter In New
York. They continued theIr successtul
< mreer , dlsvoslng at tbolr plcturos as
fast as they could paInt tbem. They
were hnppler thllU most marrlod peo-
ple. They made frIendly crIticIsms at
eacb otbors work , adopted each otb.
er's suggostlons , wore forboarlng and
Ccrrglvlng , as men IlUd wlvos shouh1 be.
In 1897 Mr. NIchols began a plcturo
whlcb , as It developed and the Insplra.
tlon toolc wIngs withIn hIm , he re.
solved to send to the Paris Salon. As
the Idea grow bls worle became moro
patnstalclng. Should ho succeed , the
added Incentlvo as well as the pres.
tlge It would glvo hIm would bo at
' 0-
) r-
rm. .
[ IY
to $ a !
course In lICe , separate nnd dIstinct
tram that at her dIvorced husband.
DoCoro Rhoda Holmes ml\rrlod she
s , was known as now 1\8 a wl\tor-oolor
ay paInter at much merit. Her plcturos
sh were sought by dealers and oonnols.
Beurs , who flII.ld good prices Cor thom ,
DoIng an artist , 6ho natura II ) ' be-
came well Imown In the Now York
I t arttst colon ) ' around FItt-\'onth
street nnd EI&hth avonue. She was
n d
pretty and popular and good.
Mils Holmes owns not only a painter ,
. . . . . . . . . . , . - . . . . " ' ' " ' - ' ' ' . . . " , . - " ' "
Iitf/lll/ER CA'6''w " " 'M
prlcolcss vnluo In bls Cuturo work.
The wlCo watche4 his worle wit
the gruatost sollcltudo nnd Ilrlde. St
encouraged hIm and gave hIm lo\'h
and unstlnted vralno. She lJUt h. .
own b 'usb by UI wntch hIs. To b. .
bls work afforded a period oC selC-a
negation In which 1111 her beIng WI
wrap pod up In hIs.
Eventually .1ho . great painting WI
flnlshod. With the utmost care th. .
pnclced It and sent It off to the Pax
" ' - . ' - " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' . / _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
- -
'Oar.- . . "
Then followed n. porloll at deep
anxloty In which two soulll jolnCtt , 1m.
patiently they nwalted the Issue , In a
month the nuswer call1o. The pIc.
turo hnti bean nccopted and would be
dIsplayed "on the II no. . "
, Toy relJnctl In the NIchols 110uso ,
hold , They would now paInt with a
deep and strong found allan at Buccess
under them. The Pell'ls Salon had
Rpol\Cn and the ParIs Salon WILS
mighty. 'rho plcturo h G secured
"honorablo mention. "
The lmsband resolved to 1Jalnt an.
other picture for the followIng yo
Snlon. The wICo would try It , too , she
saId.Vas not her husband's success
her own ? It aho should succeed , would
not her success ho gracIous In the
eyes oC her IJUd autl master ?
Mr. NIchols smilinglY gave hIs aBsent -
sent to the plnn nnd they Bet to worle
with light hearts. 1\Irs. NIchols could
only paInt between the Intervals at
carIng tor her children , but she went
at the work with a light beart , boplng
agalnllt hope tor success.
The two pain tors wrought and la.
bored sIde by sIde. They saw tbelr
separate efforts grow Cram mute outlines -
lines , and talm form and sh t\o \ accord.
Ing to theIr ideas. I
Up to this tlmo not a cloud had
marred their domestic sky. They were
happy , with the careless happIness at I
children. TheIr art was a joy-a play
to them.
And so they plt : 'ed together untl1
the paIntings were 11nlshed. In order
to Insure separate onslderatlon they
were packed anp shipped In separate
boxes to the Paris Salon , where sIt
the world's arbIters In art.
In due time Mrs. Rhoda Holmes and
Mr. Durr NIchols recelvod their re.
spectlvo'erdlcts. .
For Mrs. Rboda. Holmes It was :
"PaInting accepted and gl\'en bonar ,
able mention. "
For : \11' . Burr Nichols It was : "Paint.
Ing judged unworth ) ' : hereby re.
turned : '
Here fell thp sbadow , It wo 1'11'0 to
bollevo those who sympathIze with
Mrs. NIchols. Hero entered the note
or discord. Hero was the parting or
the waYB wherob ) ' two souls became
oshanged. through the lICe at eartb
and the eternity at heaven.
With the wlte's jO ) ' was a feellng or
slncero sorrow for her busband. Ho
had worlmd so hard. Ho bad hoped
for so much. Why could not b th or
them ha\'o won ?
Althougb the shadow was In hIs
heart , the husband spol\O bravely at
the future. "Lot us tr ) ' It agaIn , ho
said : "wo may both wIn next time. "
And so they went to worlt Cor II. sec.
end trIal. Sldo b ) ' sldo they paInted
as bofore. But now there stood a
ghost between them-the Impalpable
shadow oC jealous ) ' and dIscontent.
The wlCe , 11ercel\'lng thIs , grleed
much over It. The husband , ImaginIng
things that were not , grow glo my
nnd tacIturn.
In duo tlmo the two pIctures were
packed In separate crates and shlPPoli
to Paris and In due time the answers
came back.
HIs answer was a box with his pic.
turo , returned wIth a d.w acl\l1owl.
edgment : berD an acceptmce wIth
honorable mention.
, h Thou , sa ) ' Mrs. Nlcbols' friends , tbe
10 man's nnturo seemed to chmgo : on ,
Ig Ure ! ) ' . Ho became grumlJY and cross ,
31' NothIng seemed to please hIm. The
31' Iron had entered bls soul. The wife
b. had outdone the husband In hIs chOSOI1
1S sphere of lICe. Oh , strange phase or
man's nature which mnkos such
: \s thing unCorglvable !
JY Some old philosopher has calle
'Is 10\0 "tho egotism or two. " The ego
tlsm at Burr NIchols had receIved (
, . - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . , , " . . . . . " ,
' .
- -
fatnl blow , nnd nndor t . \L blow 10vo
withe rod. There wnR " ' ,0 maI'o peace ,
110 moro happlnoss Irl the household.
Soolng this , the children were silent
nnd mlsornblo. I
But the strnw cnmo when Mrs.
NIchols' pIcture , her famous "Scarlet
l.ottor , " recolved encomlumB on both
sIdes at the Atlnntlc. The husband
had novoI' done anythIng IIko It.
Arter a yonI' of trouble the couple
separated , the hltsband goIng away
nml the wlCo remaining to work out
. . -
Jwn career.
. . doreaHor her exlstenco wns peace.
CuI , It 10noly. There was but ono easel
now , and ono painter. There was but
ono ambition , nnd Umt was the sup.
port and education oC her children.
Art for art's saIto was no moro. Love
for lovo's snl\O was a fnrco.
'rho womnn continued to 'orl (
' . \ \ "
E PIC E 7 4Wt1V'CT. .
bravoly. She could have gone to
rance or Italy , wbere bel' young artls\
daYB were passed , but she preferred to
remain In thIs country and educate bor
children. She toole II. studio at East
Gloucester , Mass.
In her artistic career she won eleven
modals. She had sbown pIctures at the
exhibItion oC the Roman Water Color
socloty In .1883 : sbe was hung on the
IIno at Turin , Milan. the Royal academy -
my at Paris In 1900 , at the ChIcago
and Pan-American exposItions , at At.
lanta , Nashville , Cleveland and the
nos ton TriennIal In 1896.
She Is a m mber at many art clubs
and socIeties anl1 was tor nine years
\'Ice presIdent at the \Vator Color club
or Now York , is a member at tbe Na.
tlonal Arts club , the AmerIcan Wnter
Color soclet : , ' , the Now York Water
Color club , the llarnard club , Pen and
Drusb , the \Voman's Art club , the
American SocIety of Mlnature PaInt.
er9 and an assocIate member at tbo
Woman's Art Cl'bb ' ot Canada.
ror eight years Rhoda Holmes NIchols -
ols has never ceased to struggle. She
has earned a Call' competence and has
a retired life , but grndually she Is
learning to be happy again-happy' in
the love of her chl1 < 1-en , which knows
no dIstrust 01' jealousr.
The other day the curtain fell on
tbo last act In tbls strange marital
Mrs. Rhoda Holmes Nichols received
a decree oC absolute dIvorce , carryIng
with It the legal custad ) ' or the chl1 ,
dren , and authority to resume her
maiden name.
Incompat1btllly was the cause s\ven \ ,
but the dl..orce papers are sealed.
Mrs. Rhoda Holmes Is sUIl young
and much at life Is ) 'ot before her.
Dut It Is doubtful IC she will o\'er agaIn
reQrd : love as anythIng but n mIrage
at the youthful budn , an unsubstnntlal
dream , the flesh tints laId upon the
bones of an awful ekeleton.
Dut t110 oxprrlonco of Mrs. Holmes
Is not slnguar. ! So long as l11an's no. ,
turo remalno unchanged , just so Ions
w1l1 ho demand the leadershIp oC tbl1
faml1y , both tr..entall ) ' and )1hyslcal1y ) ,
The srlrltu31 crown ho accords tc
woman without question.
1\Ioral : Do not be:1.t ) 'our husbnUl1
at anything ho ma ) ' undertalo.
- - -
Free Beds for Cats.
In an animal hospital In Phlladel
phia there IB a free bed for cats
I I endowed by a servant , Ruth Darling
, who dh. In that cU ) ' some ) 'earB ago
. She hQd nh\'a's lIked animals , ant
I left her sa'lnrs to provldo free trent
I ment oC ailing potn In the l'oIahor ani
L I mnl hOSlJltnl , whore It. takes the fern
L oC a commodious Iron cage wllb th. .
L Inscription "Tho Ruth Darling Ded'
on It In gold lottors. This bed hal
ulwa's a long list of catf : w,1Wni
. to bo treated. DurIng one ) 'ear a ;
manas 5G were cared for.
- , .
. . -
It Helps Women to Win Bnd Hold
: Mon's Admiration , Respect and Lave
Woman's grcatest giftls the powerto
inspire admiration , respect , nnd love ,
There is a beauty in llenlth which is
lUoro attractive to men thun mere regularity -
larity of featuro.
To bo a successful wife , to retain the
10..0 anc1 admiration of her husband ,
should 1)e ) 0. woman's constant study. _ _ _ '
At the first indication of
. painful or irrcgular pel'ioc1s , head- 1'
nche or bac1mehe , seeuro Lydia. . E.
PinltlmJn's Vegetable Compound and .
begin Its use. .
Mrs. Chns. F. Brown , Vice-President
MOt11Cl'S' Club 21 Cedar '
, 'erracc,1 Hot
SprIngs , Ark. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham- .
"For nine : , -enrs I dragged thro1t h 1mlscr. .
able exiswnce , sUffering with inllammatlon
end female we..lImes.o ; und worn out with
pain and weariness. lone da ) ' noticed state.
ment by n. womansufferfng-as I was , but who
had been cured by L'dla E. Pinkham's Ve/ / ; .
etable Compound , nud I tletcrmilled to try It.
At the end or three months I was n different
woman. Every one remarked about It , nnd
my husOOnd ft1l ! in Jove with me aU ovtr !
again , Lvdia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound -
pound built up my entire s'stem , cured the
trouble , emi I felt like n. new woman. I am
sure it will make every suffering woman
strong , well and happy , os it has mo. "
Women who are tl'oubled with pain.
ful or Irregnlar periods , bac1mche ,
bloating ( or llatulence ) , displacements ,
inflammation or 11lceration. that "bear.
ing-down" feeling , dizziness , faintness ,
indigestion , or nervous prostration
mrl.y bo restorec1 to perfect health
and strength by taldng. fJydin. . E.
Pinltham's Vegetable Compound.
- - - - - -
$3a50 & 3.00 Shoes
W.LDouglas $4 Gilt EdgD UnD , .
cannolbaequalledatanJprlco ,
< 1' . . . . '
To Shoe lHaltr3 : '
W. I. . DouglLs' Jobbing -
bing House Is the most , ii7' ' .c1
completeillthiacountry , {
. Bend/or Cataloa , . " ,
Mon'o Shoes. $ to $1.(50. ( Doya' Shoos. S3
to $ lI ; ! . Women's Bhaca. $4.00 to $ l.l5b
M1eaes' & ; Chlldron's Shoos. $2 , 15 to $1.00.
I'ry , V. L. Douglas 'Volllcn's , hIbaclI Bnd
ChlJdren'8 shoca ; for "t'lo , fit nndYcar
they "xccl other mnkc .
If I could tnlco you Into my Iztrg . .
factories at Brockton , Mass.and shoW
you how carefully . L. Douglas nhocs
are made , you would then understand
why they hold theIr shape , fit better ,
wear longer , and are of greater value
than nny other make.
Whe'rever you live , you ena obtala , V. L.
Douglas shoes. Ills name I1l1d prIce Is stamped I
on the bottom , which protects ; ) 'ou against hl h
prices and Inlerlor shoes. Taka ito .rub.rtl.
futlf. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglalshoes A
IInd Insist upon hl1vlnl : them. '
Fast Color Eyelets used ; ( hey will not wear brassv.
Write for Illustrated Catalos ; : 01 Fall Styles.
W. L DOUGLAS , Dept. 12 , Drotkton , . 'lulJo '
- - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
Wo wnntn IIvenctlvennd thoroulhly expertcncc
61LleswuI11a this locality with sulllclC/lt money to
\Juy \ outrllbt hlo first month's supply ot our Him-
, Lo\v F'rcnurc Jlollo\v Wire G.uo.
lncllY . utility needed III cvery store and
homo nlld tully campI. . , , & ; "llhlllsumncorulcs. To
suoh II. mn.n wo wlllll\'e cxcluslvo swes rllbt nnd
lIunrnntco to rofllnd lIH1ncy It IIOO < 1S nut sold In ro
. ' l'st , 'l'hll ! tnndufd.
dl\Ys. 1 < 'urt berJloutirularo fin reqII
UUlCtt Llllbt Co , . 030 N.llalstcd 81" CblcaKo , IlL
Legally Her Husband's Boss.
Doston has ono woman wbo Is legal.
ly her husband's boss. She Is Mrs.
EllaI' Carlisle Ripley , ono at the ns.
slstant superintendenbl of the public
schools of the city and the wlfo ot
PrincIpal Fred H. R-Ipley , at the Long.
fellow school at Rosllndale. Mrs. Rip.
Icy draws some $85 a weele at tbe
hub's wealth , about $1,500 maI'o per an.
num than the man who has recently
became her "bubb ) ' . " An assIstant
superIntendent Is vIrtually a super.
vIsor and : \Irs. RIpley Is In reality her
busband's superIor and could " 111'0"I I
blm In a mInute It she saw 11t. Mrs.
RIpley IB a young woman of pleasing
Opals Found In New South Wales.
Valuable finds or opals hnve been
made near Walgett , N. tI. 'V. , ' ono
I patcb oC stano worth ; CGOO havIng
been struck , whllo two miners found
, 0. Btone for which they receIved 900.
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