Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 18, 1906, Image 8

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nnOI < I II W : NmRltASl
Sleep nnd Nerve Rcs. .
In the dayt ! when eight houra for
! alooll wall 1I011\1I11\1Iy I'l'garllod as an
. 'IOlll' ' too lOll' ' ; for any I1ctr"rcR\1ectlnJ \ 1
ImJlvhlunl , the oXhamltlng charactor'
uf modern mo wnR unknown. There ,
wan lellR wonlth and 11101'0 contont. ,
ment ; 10HA compotltlol1 anll mora 110' ,
urlty ; fewer dlstrflclloUII , but morel
I1Lmpllclty. Worle Will : ! ellalor , Rlowor ;
mill care , anxlot ) ' , aI11I1'ohunslon-ln :
, t worll , worry-dill not feed , IIko the ,
' ' the hourll ox.
worm I' th' bllll , upon
flUllt Cram toll. Wo are romoraolcRR
In overtaxing the dellcato machanlom
ot our mlndu nnll ner\'es. ' 1'ho 11 I'll t
walker , for InHtanco ; dOOR not prolol1o !
to hlmHc ) ( to o regularly GO mlle1l a
day , or to HUbject the Hamo not of
lIIusclos In an ) ' ether form of IlhYR'
Icnl exorclso to Inlenso and ul1\'emlt. \
tlnl labor. Hut thnt Is what wo do !
with the 'Immedlnto agent of our I
minda-tho b\'l\ln \ mnchlne. Wo cnn. '
1I0t watch Its operationH. Wo oHen
asstuno Umt Its movements are IlII
light anll endless as the rllllllel1 of the
unlvorsal all' . Wo Imow anll uovor.
tholelll ! we Corgot that the brnln Is n
substantia ] appnratull an lIable to do.
prcoJation ns the fixed ] llnnt In n
wortshop. ] Now nothing Is moro cor.
tnln tllUll thla , thnt the potentlnl cn.
paclty of the l1u11lnn 111'nln ] I/is not
Incrensecl , If at nil , in 1U1)'thln , ; IIko
the pt"oportlon of the Immensely ag.
gravatod demand upon It. The mod.
, orn man Is subject to as muoh menta ]
and moral wear and tear In n day
ns hiA ancestors In no very remote ,
gcneraUou experienced In a week ,
says I.onclon Tch { ; I'lIllh. Yet In respect -
spect to sleep we l\1wo \ hnnUy chanel ,
trndltlonnl bnblt. Wo Iteop IntoI' and
stiH ] ntor hours. Wo cntch OUr trains
In the momlng ns usunl. There Is no
doubt whntovor thnt wo burn the can.
IdTo at bdth ends with ull11recodented
dlsregn1'd of the Inws o { phsyhologlca ]
eoonomy nm ] thnt the amount of. rest
: wo allow Cor nerve nnd brnln IA no
longer adequato.
Production of SlIvcr.
The IlroaucUon of slIver In the
Untted States has not Tnrled rad.
Ically since 1899 , nnd wo nrrlvo at our
l1udgmont of n radical vnrlatlon by
, comparison with the change In tllo
ontput of geM , which has Indeed been
rndlca ] , IaYB the llIncle mHs Mlnln/ / ;
Rovlow. 'fhoro wa : L dlIToronco of
14,000,000 ounces , al1(1roxlmately ( 28
: l1or cent. , between tllO low production
of 1894 nnd the high of 1892 , whllo
'thoro I1cw b0011 110 now extreme with.
1n ] 2 yoa1's. The annual output of
gold has conslderabb' moro than
doublet ! wltllln thnt time. The varl.
atlon In the world's slIver 11roductlon
dnrlllg the IG year l1Orlod has boon
less Hum that ot the United StatoH ,
the high extreme of 1898 exceodlng
the low of 1891 by nbout 26 per cent.
The w rld'9 nnnual production of , ; old
hna , on the othel' hand , boon going
steadily furwart ] , except for the IntoI' .
ruptIon by the Door war , practicaHy
treblln , ; slnco 1891. The United
! Stntos haa bOllght 110 sllvor In 13
\yoara. \ The last pllrchases were un.
Ior the act of 1890 , by which In ex.
cess of 168OCOOOO ounces were ac.
'QnJrcd. During the 20 years foJlow.
1ng 1873 the government pt\rchascd
; amost ] 500,000,0'00 ollnces , or at the
! average rate of about 2G,000,000
ounces } 1Qr yoar.
In ono sonao Hnrvard was defeated
on the Thames nnd In n11othor 8enso
sbo won. It wns a triumph of com.
radonhlp amen , ; sportslUon nud of In.
tomatlonal comity. The visit was
weJl worth the roslllt In drawing moro
cosely ] together the sportsmen of
, both nations and In Intensifying the
'popular frIendship which the oxperl
Icnces of recent years have done so
muoh to doveoII. The crimson of
IHarvard was Indeed the "rod badge of
courage , " bllt It nlso stood fm" the
'first color In our natlona ] emblem ,
land It represented the warm blood of
Barbors' supplies may soon bo furnished -
nished fa sohIlors nt COSt11r1CO by the
government. Brl , ; . Gon. Constant WI ] .
Uams , oommandlng the depal'tmont of
the Colorado , In his annual report ra-
, commends tbat articles neellell ror
the proper care of the face ahall bo
nUded to the list tl1nt may bo pur-
chnsed Crom the army atorebou8e8.
Amen , ; the I\rticcs mentlonod are Us.
tcr1nc , tl4cum powder , witch hazel ,
razors , shavrn brushes and cups. Ho
Ullnks al60 that soldiers should have
the prlvlego ] of bUYing thl'end and
needles at cost.
A veteran student of phonetics says
the Bound of s Is obtained In 19 ways
and that tbo letters of the aJllhabot
mr.y bo u od to represent 658 dllYoront
sounds. In the language of the poet
Gray , "Enough : Where Ignorance Is
bUss 'tis foJlY to bo wlso. "
A Loulsvlllo pOJlco judge daoldos
that Sunday theatricals are works of
neccsslty. In ono way ho Is right.
You don't. catch an netor working at It
twice a day for , Bovon da" " " 11 week
utWaas bo . . . comDoUed to.
. .
" . . . . . . . _ _ , ' . :1-
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. .
: : : : / : :
ChIcago Pnrento Think ThIs Bcot Way
to Mnkc Him Unllelflth.
Chlcno.-J.eo ! l1l'lIIIICr Cl'col , the HI.
l11ollthsolll SOli o ( 11. H. Cl'cl'l , hall :
beell lIelllcntod to the ( 'UUHU of labor
with Hololl1n COr0I1101l ' .
'rho dl'ellcatloll toole 11111 co at Sf.
Jnlllos' Methol1lHl l'hlll'ch with the
AlIIud Pt'llIlillJ. ; 'l'I'II1Il'PI Coullcll nn II
sort oC coli active oelfalhor , 'l'mdl'S
1I1110nll'ltll filled thll IIOWII I\lIel \ 1 ho H ( ) ' .
n. C.11I11(11' ; \ \ ollclntoll ! lIli the 1'0111'(1'
uelltlltl\'o lit the chlll'l'h 1\1111 \ I a ) ( ) ' ,
whllo . H. WrlEht , 1lI'l'Khh'lIt or ' 1'Ho ,
gl'lIphlcal t1111011 No , I G. n\liltltl'1I \ : 11\111 \
the nuv , Wlllinm A , QUII'If' , III\Htor \ of
the chul'ch mnelo tIlt' IIIIII'P ! ! ! ! ! of wal.
cOll1e. 1" P. Sll'nuhl ( ' . BN'I'l'llll' ) ' of the
Alllell 1'1'11111111 ; 'l'I'I\(11'f1 \ ( ( ( lIIIII'II , al"
OOlllOl1 th' ! chllel 01lIl'hlllf uC 1111101' Il ! !
a Cuturo cham [ lIon of the cnIlSl' .
< ; : reel nncl hlH Mfo bolh ( 'xIII'ellsl'lI
their dCRlro thnt the hey I-Ihnll hl'come
nn 11118ellish 111 all. glvlll hlll : JlCo to
otherll. : ' 1'lIoy IIl'clnl'ell 1 hat In tholl'
ollnlon ) orgallizell Inbor was the cUlIse
which roallzed the hest Idcals of helt' '
to humanlt ) .
'fho dedicallll of tllo child , the ) '
said , WIIS mel'olr the eXIIrs\lon of a
deslro which all tl'UO lI1othol's nnd
fathers mllst Ceol In I'cgard to tholr
children. The IclclI came to Ureol be.
cause oC his mllny YC\I'tI' : cOllnectlon
with labor orgnnlzlltlol1 ! ! 1\1\(1 \ ( publl.
cntlons .
1\Iay l\tncDowell , g\/L / Mal'shall ,
Shouts and .Jano AdeltLl11I ! : , nIl soclolog.
Icnl worltors. wel'O Ilrell11llt.
PrIce of South Amerlcnn Product to
Be Increased.
Now Yorle.-'l'ho flnnncluJ ; of Bra. I
zll's correo vnlorlzallon Jllan hnR been.
arranged. Banltol's nncl merchants ,
Internationally. ImownLlld / all Identl.
fied with the corro t\'llde \ , will nd\'anco I
the money needed-about $20,000,000 ,
The bnnlOr8 mil. ! mel'chnnts lIl'e 10.
cnted In New YOI'le , London , Havl'e
and Hamllul' ' ; .
The object of the coCfeo valorization
plan Is to maintain coCfeo at a 1'0'
muneratlve ) lrlce to the grower by
establishing u minimum quotation at I
which It Is to bo upholll by ) lurchases
of coffee on account of the three
states of Brazll-Sao Paulo , IlIo and
1\Ilnas. Interest on the loans made
19 guaranteed and 11I\Id by a tax on
every bag of coffee shllped. )
The three contrllctln , ; states Illnd
tbemselves to nmlntaln In the nntlve
markets a minimum 11\'Ico \ of : J2 to : J1i
mllrels per bag of GO 1llos for the I1rst
year. 'fhls prlco Is to bo gradlluIl ) '
raised nner the first year to a maxi.
mum of 40 mllrols.
The contmctlng stntes bind them.
selves to resll'lct or dlscourago by dls.
criminating tuxatlon the exportation
of coffee of InfCl'lor grnde nnd they
further bind themselves to ) lass laws ,
11roventlng the extension of coffee am'e.
ago for two yeal's after Jan. J , 1007.
Bigamlst'll First Wife Gets Half of
Estate and Second Nothing.
Wlchltn , Kan.-Federal .Judgo Pol.
locl [ has rendered n decision In an
unusual case that came up from
Comanche county. It was the result
of n bIgamous marrlago by .James Mc.
McLaughlin was an old soldier who
deserted his wlfo In Pennsylvania ,
and , coming to Kansas with a young
woman naUled Annlo Scott , mal'l'led
her nnd IIvell with her 30 ycara , raising
elgbt children. Upon his death the
econd wife , who says she Imew noth.
Ing of his ) lrovlous marriage , applied
for a 110nslon , and this led to the 11Is.
covery of wlfo No.1.
'fhe court decldell that the Penn.
sylvania wIre was entitled to half the
cstato and that McLaughlin's children
by his second wlro were entitled to
the othO\ \ ' half , whllo the second wife
wns entitled to nothing , though It was
largely through her efforts that the
property was I\ccumulated.
KIn ! ] Edwzrd Cauaes Change In Lon.
don Society.
London.-A 111omentous chnngo 111\s
been decreed In the hnblts of I.on.
don soclotJnltlated IJ ) ' the It g.
His majesty dlsapllro\'oll of the
tendonc ) ' to malte the ( IInnel' hour
Inter and Inter , and hilA decl'eet1 that
horenrtor the fnshlonablo dinner hour
Ahall bo Crom half 11I\st six to Imlf
past soven.
Deforo this change was Instituted
society dined from eight to nlnc. 'fhe
now dlnnor haul' , which Is a rotul'll
to earlier manners , Is welcomcd II ) '
overybody. It wtII bonem the thea.
tel's , which have lost many patrons
through the lata IlIlIner hour , and It
will also send moro persons to the
restaurants ror supper.
Persons who dined I\t eight o'clock
were not alwn 's Incllne(1 Cor SUPl1131'
aftorwanl , and could not reach the
theater beCoro the mlddlo of the per.
Pays One Cent , Gets $10,000.
London.-Tho holrs of ono of the
vlctln19 at the Grnntlmm 1'I1l1road dls.
astor have received $10,000 Insurnncc.
.vhlch was effected at. a. . cost or ono
oonny. The Insured was a regular
mbscrlber to a. . London penn ) ' weekl ) '
which Insures Its roudel's against nc.
: Idents and death. The day or the
l1saster ho sent his vallso , cent lnlng
1& current copy of the ) lapel' , duly
signed , to tllO hotel at Rettord , w11Oro
bo expected to ] J ss the night. WithIn -
In 11 few hours or his death tllO claim
wa , examined. allowed and sottled.
, ( )
.L- , . > > . . . - - - - - -
Work of Terrorists at Home
of Premier Stolypin of Russia.
. .
In lhl' 1'ec'l11 ( laslardly attelllpt to dcstro ' the family of M. Stolypln , the
HlIsIIllln IlI'emlm' , the cousplmtors droc Ul to the front door and were admitted
to the \'c-tlhulo : ! of the receJltlon room. where the ) ' fiung the bomb. 'fhe
prime minister. who was In his reception I'oom , had a narrow escape. but the
1.lIled alld Injul'ed numhel'ed ao. Abo\'o the door waa the 1):1lcon : ) ' In whIch
the Jlrlmo mlnlstcl"s son and daughtOl' were slttln . The a.ssasslns . who
\\'I'eclell 1\I. Stoh'llln's house clime In II. carriage , which was blown some dls.
tance awa ) ' b ) ' the explosion. 'fhe coacllllHLn perished.
- - - - -
- -
- - - - -
Several Arc Scorched by urnin
Lava-Twelve Reach RIm of Cra.
tcr Aftel' Being Nearly Over.
came by Deadly Gases.
Ouaclaajanl ] , 1\lmlco. : - Thoroughly
exhausted , their hands , feet IInd legs
humed b ' contact with I' rocks
anll , lava and sufferln , ; us the I'osult
oC ha\'lng Inhull'lI sulph1ll'0us gaGes fol'
severnl Iw1ll's , 1 dclcgatea to the In.
tematlonul geologIcal congress have
retul'ned hOl'o uCter an uscent of the
Colima Volcano , the enl ' continuous.
Iy active volcal1o In North America.
'fhe IJllI't . Includes W. Harye ) ' Weed.
of Wnshlngton , D. C. The Washing.
ton mlln reached the cr\tol' of the
\'olcano , 13,000 Ceet nbo\'o the le\'el of
the Hea.
In the last 100 ) 'OIl1'S not moro than
six men have succeeded In reaching
Colima's cratH" On account ot the
precipitous character of the mountain
anll the thlclc covering of sand ancl
ashes the nscent o { Collmu Is I'egard.
ed na ono of the most dangerous In
the world. 'fho dea h' gases that
Issue fl'om the crater 1\1111 the Ilossl.
IJlHty of II. vlolont eruption at any :
tlmo make the ascent doubly perIlous.
The last mlln to attempt to reach
the crater wns Dr. Peter II. Goldsmith ,
of Harvard ul1l\'orslt ) . . lIe failed , and
annonnced thllt It was prr.ctlcally 1m.
posslblo to got as Car ns the crater.
: fhlrtY.fl\'o geologists stnrtcd to
make the nscent of the volcano. At
a cost of $1,000 the IIlato : government
built a house elllocially fOl' their ac.
commodation nt the foot of the moun.
tnln. 'fho cntlro 35 clhl\bell \ as fur
as the end ( If the timber IInc , and
thel'o 23 lost courage and turned lIacle.
: fho remaining 12 struggled Cor six
hours to reach the crater. Long 110les
were used to detcl'mll1o footholds , as
great lilts of sand and ashes. ench of
them capahlo of InguIClng dozens of
men , exist along Colima's sides. The
. , A..n A.-.n A---'t A..n. . .
climbers \\'el'o haIr .blinded b ) ' smoke
and steum and in constant danger
from the deadl ) ' gases , but they per.
severed , and flnaIl ' reached the rim
of the crater. At the crater's edo ;
they encountered hot rocks and lava ,
thrown out b ) ' an explosion the pre.
vlous night , and these bnrned through
shoes. leggIns and glo\'es. Through
Coal' of suffocation , the geologists 1'0'
malned but a tew minutes at the
crater. The ) ' were abe ] to rench the
tlmbcl' .I1no beCore. night overtook
them. an 'they camped on the moun.
taln side until the following morn.
The Colima volcano Is 125 mIles
southwest of this city , In nbout the
same latltu e as the City of Iexlco ,
and apJlroxlmately 75 miles Crom the
nearest poInt of the PacHle coast.
For centuries-no one knows how
many-Coll"'a has been active , and
durin , ; the jast 300 years , at least ,
violent perIods have been Crequent and
of ton prolollge . DurIn , ; these pe.
rlods of violence the Mexican volcano
becomes the rl\'al of Vesuvius ns n
sllectacular perCormer. 'fhe thin Uno
of vapor that Issues from the crater
continuously In days of compara.
tlvo quiet , gives way to a grent pll.
lar of black smoke ; hot rocks of va.
rlous sizes-some of them giant bowl.
ders-sand and ashes are thrown Into
the all' for huullreds of feet nbovo
tbo crest of the mountnln ; flnmes
leap from the crater and lightning
I1la's above It and terrifying subter.
ranean rumblings and sharp detona.
tlons are henrd for many miles. Of ton
the fall of sand nnd ashes Is so dense
as to cause extreme darkness during
the daylight hours In the vicinity of
the volcano.
These who climbed to the crater of
Cpllma are : W. Harvey Weed , Wash.
Ington , D. C. ; .John E. Wolf , Doston ;
E. O. Hovey , Now York ; Rudolf Ruede-
mann. Albany , N. Y. ; H. F. Cleland ,
Williams ton , 1\lass. ; II. F. Reed , Baltl.
more ; Frnnll D. Adams aull J. Austen
Bancroft , Montreal ; A. P. Coleman ,
Toronto ; Oeorgo Derg nn Hudolr
Stobbe , Derlln , Oermnny , . and Tsu.
manaka IIcI , Toklo , Japan.
Lu _ _ _ " " _ u AA _ _ _ _ _ _
- v- - - - - - . . - u -----Uv--f 7VW1 UVd-- . , ' r t.
, : : '
Malodorous LUfey Rlvo.r Is canvr
Into a Reopectable Sewer.
Dublln-Tho now main drainage
IIcheme jU1t Inl\uurntet1 ! dcstro for.
lover ono of the charncterlstlc fea.
tUl'es ot Duhlln which most Impressed
I vlslto\'s-the \ smoH of the I lffe ) ' river.
whIch has IIcl'n , In I'eallty , the main
sewer of the cltr. It Is oxpectecl that
the stream will now 110 a clear as
, the Selno In Pal'ls ,
'fho dmlnngo scheme cost ! : GOOOOO
( $3.000,000) ) nml IG 'ears wel'o roe
quh'ed Cor the completion of the
wOI'e. ] An nUl'mpt was l11ado to have
the lord lIelltonant of Ireland pOl"
Corm the opnlnH cO\'Ol11on \ ) ' , bllt the
nationallllts In the city corporation
objected to having an ) ' ] ngIlBh omcla ]
11lguro ol'llamentlllly In the Inaugura.
tlon of an entorprlse oranlzed , and
11nld for b ' the ' ' '
) city. 1'ho eel'emony
wns aceordln ! ) ' pel'Col'med by the
ohalrmnn of the hntll'o\'oments com.
ml tteo. .
'fho boat whIch eon\'o'ed the guests
to the outrall works nt the mouth
of the l trror flow the union jack , but
- - - . . - - . . . . ' " JUI.IU&.I.'e
Aldel'man Kolle ) ' , leader ot the ex.
trel110 nationalist part ) ' In the cOl'pora.
tlon , cut the flas down nnll threw It
Into the I'lvel' . At the lunchcon Collow.
In the ceremony I\ello \ : ) ' objected to
the toast to the 1.ln ! ; and leCt the
I11m'CJueo with his fl'londs.
Roado Are Fined Big Sum.
Washln ton.-It has been ontclall ) '
announced that slnco .Janllar ) ' 1 n total
of $283,073 has boon collected by the
go\'ornment fI'om ralll'oads granting
I'ohates 01''ltlg to glvo I'ebates ,
. this bolng oxclusl\'o or the money col.
lected fOl' violations at the snCety ap.
pllanco law. OVOI' 200 of the latter .
cases were flied and In most or them I
the rullroads wellt Into COll\'t \ and can.
fessed judgment.
To Savc Llvcs of Infants.
The empress' Germnny has con ,
trlbuted 11 largo sum or money to nld
In the formation or an Institution to bo
devoted to the Raving of Infant life ,
the lUortnJlty of Inrnnts In Germany
helng surpassed In Europe on ] ) ' by
that of Austria. . and Russia.
. - -
. - . . . , .
With Irritating Skin Humor-HaIr
Dcgan to Fall Out-Wonderful Re.
suit from Cutlcura RcmedlcD.
"About the laUer part ot July my
whole ! Jolly ! Jcgrm to Itch. I did not
talto lUuch notlco at It Ilt flrst , but It
IJcnn ! to et worse all the tlmo , and
then { bognn to got I1l10asy , nnd tried !
all Itlluls of baths am ] ether romodloJ !
that were recommcnded COl' s1.ln : hum. I
ors ; ! Jut I became worse a11 the time.
Iy hall' began to fnll out and my
scalI ) Hchell nil the tlmo. Espeelnlly
at night , just ns Boon I1 I would got
In bed nUl ] got wnrm , my whole bOdy
would begin to Itch nnd my finger
nnlls would lwel1 It Irritated , a.1II1 . It
wns not long before I eOllld not rest
night 0day. \ . A frIend a lecd mete
to tr ) . the Cutlcura. . Heme les , and I
did , nnd the first all plica lion helped
mo wonderfullr. POl' about four
weelts I would talto a hot bath every
night nnd then apply the 'Cutlcllr : ! .
Ointment to my whole body ; and I
kept , ; ottln , ; better , and by the tlmo
I used four boxes of Cutlcnrn I was
ontlre ! ) ' cnred , and my hall' stopped
Call1n , ; out. D. E. Dlanlenshlp , 31 ! )
N. Del. St. , Indlunapolls , Ind" Oct. 27 ,
1905 , "
There Is an altar socIety In Brook.
Iyn composed of eight policemen. T".ae
members contrlbuto a certaIn amount
every month which pays for Itght and
floworB on an altar of perpetual adora.
Hurt III'uise '
01' Spmin I
St. Jl\cobs Oil reheves Cram pain.
People with rea ] troubles never ad.
Yllrtlso them.
. - ,
. .
There wnn n tlmo when the obese'
WOlUllII WruJ the I ; ht of ther dRYS. \
IllJ'.I'NAM IrA1 > J I SS DYES reduce
thu hrlgll' ' Jet 1111I1 Cn"teet colorll with lc ! "
worlt nnd 110 III1IM.
Whcn n bachelor wonls to Ulake II
marricil mall nugry.nll he hM to do
Is whlstlo the \\1)lllln1 ' ( ; morch.
Smoleril l\t1prccinte the C\1I\Jity VI\UI'I of
Lewis' Single Binder eilnr. { Your denle ! :
or Lewilj' l < 'l\ctor ' 1 I'corln , 111.
The Alllnnco J raellto university bu
) llocod five ialystok orphans In the
Ablel11 I\grlcultural school , and has
as a first Installment applied the sum
of 16,000 marks Cor their maintenance
and educatton.
Cheap Excursions South.
On the rat and 3rd Tuesday of each
mouth the llIg Four Hy. wm sell ex.
cU\'nlon \ tickets to most all points In
Virginia , South Carolina , Tennessee ,
Alnhanm Ilnd Oeorgln at rote of ono
faro ) llus $2.00 wIlh return limit 30
da's. Liberal stopover privileges.
Wrlto I. P. Splnlng , General Northern
Agent , I , ; Irour Route , 238 Clark st. ,
Chlcngo , for further Information.
UruJuay's { FinancIal CondItion.
Urugua ) ' reduced her notional debt
by $1,570,150 during 1905. The total
debt on January 1 , 1906 , wes $121,4G5 , .
7.17 , or which nbout 80 pol' cont. was
extel'l1a1. Uruguay Is a prosperous
countr ) ' , nn In her prosperity Is a ! ,
/ood / customer ot the United States.
Exports of merchandlso tram this
country to Uruguay for the nine ,
months ending March 31 , 1906 , ;
amounted to $2,172,276 , against $1,200 , . :
542 In the same perIod of the pr&-
vious year.
. ,
And a True Story of How the Vegetable Compound
Had Its Birth and How the "Panic of ' 73" Caused
it to be Offered for Public Sate in Drug Stores. 1
' . . .
This remnrcn.blo ] woman , whose
maiden name was Estes , was born in
Lynn , 1\Iass. , February 9th , IBID , com. ;
Ing from a good old Quaker family.
For some 'cars she taught school , and
became known as a woman of an alert
nnd investigating mind , an earnest
13ecIcer after knowledge , nnd above
aU , possessed of a wonderfully sympa-
thebe nature.
In 1843 she married Isanc Pinkham ,
a builder and ren.l estn.te operator , and
their cary married Bfe wns ma.rced . by
prosperity and happincss. They had
four children , three sons and a
In thoRO good old fashionr.t1 daya it
wa.s . common for mothers to make
their own homo medielncs : from roots
and llerbs , nature's own remedies-
calling in a physician only tn speelaUy
urgent cases. By tradition and ex.
perience many of them gained a wonderful -
derful ] cnowletJge of the curative prop.
ertics of the various roots and herbs.
Mrs. Plnlcham too1c a gTeat interest
in the study of roots amI herbs , their
characteristics aud power over disease.
She maintaincd that just as nature so
bountifuUy provides in the harvest-
fields and orchards vegetahlp foods 01
aU kinds ; so , if wo but tn.O ] the pains
to find them , in the roots and hcrbs
of the field there are l'emedies ex.
pressly designcd to cure the various
Ills and wcn.knesscs 01 the body , and
it wa.s . her pll'asul'e to scarch these out ,
nnd pl'cpare simple and effective mcdi
cines for her own family and friends.
Chief at these was a rare combination -
tion of the choiccst medicinal roots
and herbs found best adapted for the
cure of the ills and weaknesscs pceu.
liar to the female sex , and fydiL E , Pink.
ham's frlonds and uelghbors learned .
that her compound rellcved and cured
anw. it bccame quite popular among
AU this so far wnsdone freely , wlth-
> I1t 1I1one ' and without p1'lce , as a
labor of love.
But in 1873 the flnllnelal crisis strnc1c
L 'nn. Its length and so\'c1'lty were too
much for the largo real . interl'sts
of the Pinkham family , as this class
of busluess sulTered most from
fearful depression , 1 > 0 when the Centen.
nial ; rear dn.wned It found their prop.
erty swept awuy. Some othcr source
01 Income had to be fouud.
At this Int Lydln. E. Plnchnm'/I ]
Veletn. le Compound was made known
to the world.
The three sons and the dn\1R'hter ,
with their mother , combined forces to
restore the family fortune. Thev ' " ,
urgued that the mcdicine which w s 'f
so good for their woman friends and.
neighbors was cqun.lI ' good for the
womell of the whole world.
The Pinkhams had 110 money , and . , : , : )
little credit. ' .rheir first ] n.borator" .
was the kitchcn , where roots and ,
herbs were stceped all the stove ,
graduaUy filJillg [ I , gross of bottles.
Then came the question of selJing
it , for nlwn.J"s belo1'e they had given
it away freoly. 'I'hoy hired 11. job
printer to run off Bome pn.mphlet.'i
setting fOl'th the merits of t.ho mcdi-
cine , nOcaHcd Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vcgetable Compou11d , nnd these wern
distri uted by the Pinkham sons in
Ho ton , New YOl'Ic , and 1.Irooklyn. ,
The wonderIuI cnrative properties of
the mcdicine wcre , to a great extent ,
Bl l 'nd\"erti8in , for whoever used it
rccomn ended It to others , a.nd . the demand -
mand gradually increased.
In 1877 , by eombincd efforts the fum-
ily hlld saved enough money to com-
mcnce newspaper ad vertising nnd from
that time the growth and sueeess of
the enterprise were assured , '
day Lydi E Pinldmm and hcr Vege. I '
table Compound . become house- , I
hold words everywhere , nnd many .
tons of roots and herbs 11.1'0 . used annually - .r .
ally ill its mauufacture. 1 I
r ydia E. Plnham ] herself did no" 'j
Ih'e to see the great Bueeess of this
work. She pas. ; l'd to her reward years
ao , but not till she had provided \
illenns for con tinning her work as "
cffectively as she could have done it ; ' ;
hersclf. /
Duriug 1101' long nnd eventful expe-
rlenco she was ever methodical in her
work and she wn.s al ways careful to preserve -
serve nrccord , 01 everycaso that came to
her attention. 'I'he ease of every sIck
woman who u.ppl1ed to her for advicc-
and there were thousands-receivcd
careful studJ and the detnils , Includ.
ing symptoms , trca.tment . and rcsults
wcre recorded for future reference , and these records , together with
huudreds of thousands made since. are
n.vailabe to siele womcn the world
over , and reprcsent 11. . coUaborn-
lIOll of inCormation regarding tJ10
trea.tment . of womn.n's ilJs , whIch for
uuthenticity and accuracy cnn hardly
be cqualcd in any library in the
With Lydia E. Plnlthnm worked I1cr
dau hter - in - Jaw , the prescnt Mrs.
Plnlcham. She wn& aroful1yinstrueted
in all her hard.won Imow1cdge , and
for years she assisted her in her vest
To her hands nat.urally feU the
direction of the \\orc when its orlglna.- . ' .
tor pa sod away. ' For nearly twenty- ,
11\0 yea1' ! > she 'hlls continued it , and
nothing In the work shows when the "
first f'J'dla E. Pinlcham dropped her ,
pen , und the prescnt Mrs. l'mlhmn , ,
now the mother of a largo family , took
it up. With women assistant.'I , some a
l'apn.ho as herself , the present Mrs.
Plnldtnm continues tllisgreatworcand
probably from the ofllco of no other
person 11:1.\'e so JnIJ.ny women been ad.
vised how to regain health.icc / : ; ] woo
m'bn ' , this rulvleo Is "Yours for Health"
freely glvcn if you only wrlto to us ] ,
for It ,
Such is the history of r .ydla E. Pink- "
ham's Vegetable Compound ; made
Cram simple roots and herbs ; the ono .
great mediclno for women's ailments.
nnd the l1tting mouumcnt to the noble
woman nuuw Jt. bears.