Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 18, 1906, Image 7

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1It : _ . " . . . . . . . - . - - I . - . - ' . . . - - . . 1.1-- : I. ' . . .
T11e Fuel Hill Receives Attelltion
Once [ Ol'e 1lumanity Awakens to th Fnct that 'Vintl'Y
Winds \Vill Soon Be Chasing Bach Uther
Around the 11011se Corners.
S. H. Rccd and wife of Arno1c1
wcre city visitors yesterday.
James Wood is building a fine
house on his farm a mile cast of
'fhose who have nul put up
stoves are certainly warm-blooded
H. B. Glover the republican
nomince for State Senator was a
city vi itor Monday.
W. S. 'Metcalf and daughter ,
of Walworth , were visiting their
friends in the city last Saturday.
l\ittv's , \ edding at the Opera
house cxt Monday night will be 1
witncsscd by a large number of I .
Small fry fellows nevcr hclp
a town. It's the fellow with a
big heart , with push' and energy
to move things.
Several new rcsidences have
bccn started the past week re-
gardcss of the fact that soon the
snow Hakes will be falling.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pigman and
. son , Elb , left Tuesday for
Columbia , Missouri , to visit
relatives for about two weeks. .
Otis Fessenden , who has been I
on the CofTman ranch , near I .
J40max , the past summer , has.
moved to Brokcn Bow for the
Mr. and Mrs. John Penoyer ,
who have been visiting relativcs
here the past month , left for their
home at Sturgis ; South Dakota ,
Monday night.
D. O. Brown an old timer in
this county who now resides in
Ohio was a visitor in the city
Monday. Mr. Brown still has his
farm west of the city.
Charles Brittan has gone to
Ansley and assumcd the management -
ment of the Dierks lumber yard ,
succeeding George Brown who
was killed by a railroad train
three weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Baisch ,
reached home Tuesday nigh t
after an absence of over two
months during which time they
v1sited in New"York , New Jersey ,
Connecticut and Illinois.
Hon. Geo. L. Sheldon will
speak in Broken Bow on Tuesday
night at S o'clock p. m. , instead
of 2:30 : as announced in the
HUl'UllLICAN last weck. He will
speak at Merna in the afternoon
on the 23rd.
The park doesn't have the
attraction since fall weather commenced -
menced it did before and'as a
result the squrrels are compelled
to resort to the food contributcd
by admiring friends during the
summer and stored for just such
cases of emergency.
G. A. Firth , the populaI
proprietor of the Globe hotel ,
who has been sufTering with a
lame back since fair week , i
recovering sufficiently to navi.
gate once more , thanks to th < ;
efficacy of a dozen or less porous
plasters properly applied.
C. O. Jones , who has beer
operator at the B. & M. depot th <
past ten months , secured a lay.
off from labor and on 'fuesday. .
accompanied by Mrs. Jones ani
son , Claire , left for Wasbington
Iowa , where they " , ill visi1
relatives for a couple of weels
Mrs. Minnie Brown of Legal
county was in the city the latle
part of last week getting up ;
map for a mail route from Dun
ning to the northeast of Legal
county where she , with others
have pititioned for a post officI
which they propose to naml
J. F. Sargent , wbo has profilel
by being a Custer county farmer
was in Broken Bow from' th
northeast part of the county las
Thursday and informed th
HltI'UlIJ.ICAN that the corn cro
in his neighborhuod was some
thing immensc , the frost havinl
held err until just the right time
After reading the play "Uncl
Sam's Consul , " written by Harr
B. Iszard , of this city , Sanfor
Dodge was so favorably ill
pressed that he made arrang <
ments with Mrs. Iszard for tI1
manuscript and will at one
stage it on royalty with speci. .
scenery and ad vcrtise it wit
speciallitbographs , intending t
spend sevcral thousands dolla1
in getting read ) ' for its prl
duction. Mr. Dodge considers
very meritorious and is satisfie
that it will draw large audicnc {
, and in the cities a"e a run c
tf several weeks at a time.
} ,
. I
. \ ' , S
Rcserved seats for IGtty's
Wedding are on sale at McComas'
drug Slore.
J. C. Moore has bought the
Christian church building and
lots , consi eration $1100.
F. II. Smith is building a fine
dwelling on his propert.y northeast -
east of the north side school
Ii' . M. Olmstead , of Custer
Center , is building a fine story-
and-a-half house west of
Fifth avenue , north of the crcek.
G. A. 1 1rth , who recently purchased -
chased the Globe hotcl , invitcs
the citizens of Broken Bow to a
turl < ey dinner next Sunday , the
Miss Pearl Zahn , formerly of
this city , now of Ansley , has
returncd from Fort Collins ,
Colorado , whcre she spent the
Ira P. Mills , of Arnold , looked
upon the' county seat yesterday ,
notcd that many improvements
are in progress and the population
rapidly increasing.
Mr. and Mrs. AI. Morgan of
Cumro , were in the city the
later part of last week , visiting
their old time friends and neighbors -
bors , Mrs. and Mrs. Jos. Pigman.
The 'office of the Broken Bow
Abstract Co. , is in the throes of
house cleaning , plasters , paper
hangers and painters having
talen temporary po session.
J. G. Haeberle is fathcr of a
new son , born Tuesday night ,
and is the recipicnt of congratulations -
lations from the entire community
-and several precincts not yc"t
L. D. George , . of the Eagle
Grocery Co. , is in fine feather-
fully equal to Ostrich plumes-
since yesterday forenoon when a
sweet little baby girl came to
brighten his home.
Do not fail to hear Hon. Geo.
L. Shcldon the republican
candidate for Governor to speak
next Tucsday at 8 p. m. He is
an able and logical speaker and
is an earnest advocate for the
square deal.
The business office of the
Central 'relephone company has
been moved from the rear of the
Custer Nat'l Bank block to a
room across the hall from the
hello ofTice , up stairs in the
Broken Bow State Bank buildi ng.
Mrs. John Boyce had her face
severely scalded recently whilt :
camp1 g out in Ortello Valley ,
from stcam of thc cofTec pot.
For a time it was feared .shc
w-ould loose ber eye sight , but at
this writing she is getting along
\'ery nicel ) ' .
Col. LeServe , of Westen'ille. .
, has purchased the Jerome Whit <
, property in the southwest part
; of .the city , formerly owned b )
. N. ' 1' . Gadd , consideration , $1500. .
Mr. LeSen'e has sold his farm aj
I Westerville and will move to
Broken Bow in the spring.
I Mrs. Inez Heller Granger , wif
of Harry Granger , who has re
sided near Comstock the pas
twenty-two years , was adjudge <
insane and taken to Norfork las
. Friday morning accompamcd b
Dr. Bartholomew and Miss Hcller
. her sister , and they say she wa
in a very critical condition whel
arriving- Norfolk. She ha
been ailing for about two months
but did not show symptons 0
; losing her mind until about tel
days ago. The case is aver
sympathetic one as she is tit
mother of two children , 2 ani
4 years of age. l\Iany friend
sincerely hope she will recove
her reasoning power.
The Josephine Gamblc Concer
company , which will be at th
Broken Bow Opera houe ! ' , Oct.
24th , W cdnesday night ncx
week , for the benefit of the ban
recei ve words of recommendatio
everywhere they appear and i
many cases are solicited to tetun
indicating that the audience
were well pleased. Of this con
pany the Ravenna News say !
"In years past Ravenna has heat
many violinists of more or lef
renown , but the people ha\
never before heard as fine apt"
formance on the violin as lh.
given by Josephine Gamble , j
a concert given here 'Vednesda
evening of last week and tl
people. will be glad to know tIli
the company will give a retu1
date here on October 25th
s Re.served seat tickets now on sa
) f at Baisch's drug store. Reme1
ber the date , Wednrsday Oct. 2
' t " '
; -n- = _ _
. . , ; >
f Congressman Kinkaid among .
others will speak in llrokcn Bow.
ilext 'rucsday the 23rd. Come
out and hear him.
1'he sccond en tertainmen t iu
the Star Icourse serics will be
Hooncl's UoYs. , It is announced
for li'rulay I11ght , November 2nd. ,
at 'l'emple Theater.
Mrs. Dr. K. W. Woodward , of
Tro ) ' , Idaho , and hcr mother ,
Mrs. George ' 1'horpe , formerly of
this vicinity arc visiting in the
city wilh Mrs. J. G. Boyce ,
Mrs. Bo'ce and Mrs. Woodward
are ister : ! .
Mrs. Steele , of Kearney , was in
the city ) 'esterday , a witness in a
land casc of her brother. Mr ! ! .
Steele was form'rl ) ' a residcnt of.
Custer county near Arnold , bcing
the daughter of D. M. Swisher ,
enc of the farmcrs of tha l
localit ) . .
Supt. of Schools Pinckney
wcnt to JAncoln ycs er < 1ay to
attend the annual meetmg of thc
Superintendents and Principals'
association. lIe will return home
tomorrow night in order to conduct -
duct the examination for tcachcrs
certificates on Saturday.
1i'ull particulars of presentation
of petitions to the board of
supervisors rcquesting that the
question of county dh'ision be
submitted' a vote is published
in this issue of the RItl'UllI.ICAN ,
beginning on the tirst page and
continued on the supplement.
'l'his will undoubtedly prove
interesting to the tax payers and
voters of the county.
The Semper Fidelis society of
the city schools rendered a program -
gram last Friday which was
highly apprcciated by all present.
Those who took part were :
Hazel Austin , Elbridge Pigman ,
Harry Dean , Blanche Squircs ,
Leah Squircs , Marie Johnson ,
garl Sharpe , ] dithe Herrick ,
Carl Eastham , Muriel Gaines ,
Donald Hnmphrey , Avis Armour ,
Victor V esc , Lucilc ' 1'horpe.
Frances Young and Stella
sm Mm
m s m m
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tI
For bargains in real estate see
Bowman & Anderson , just west
of the Security State Bank. lOti
FOR OR 'l'RADlHeavy
work team , heavy wagon and. set
of trucks with hay rack attached.
Will sell or exchange for .heifers
or young cows.
cows.A. . Y. SU'l"fON ,
ISH J3roken Bow , Nebraslm.
: Don't forgct the date of Dr.
Barnes' visit-Tuesday after.
noon , October 23rd.
Dr. Barnes , the Eye Specialist ,
of Omaha , will be at the Centra1
Hotel , Broken Bow , Nebraslml
Tucsday afternoon , October 23 ,
Please call early.
FOR SALE-520 acre ranch ir
Custer county. HO acres it :
cultivation , palance in pasture ,
All fenced and cross fenced. .
. Good S room housc , good barn ,
wells and windmills , 3 cisterns
l For further particulars address
I Broken Bow , Neb.
I am going into the law au <
- realestate business. Any lav
t business undertal n by me :
1 will g'uarantee to finish SliC
t cess fully or no pay.
17tf JnSSH GA DY.
A Bank Account is easy to get
1 little trouble to kcep and result
in many benefits to the owner
If YOli have no bank acconn
f come ilnd see us. We want YOI
to start onc. You will receiv
t1 "I just. as COU1'teous attention if ) ' 01
e have only a small deposit , as Y01
' 1 would with a larger one. II
's prosperity , prepare for adversity
- -
W AN'l'UD-Gentleman or lacl
't with good refcrcncc , to travcl b' '
e rail or with a rig , for a fin
, of $550,000.00 capital. Salar
: t * 1,072.00 p r ycar and cxpensc !
I , salary paid weckly and expcnse
n advanced. Address , with stam [
n Jos. A. Alexilnder , Brolen Do"
I ,
s Before buying your lumber Ie
1us estimate YOllr bills. We hav
s : in stock material for all kinds (
'd frame bUIldings. Also gees
; s threshing coal at reduced price !
re Dlmms LUJ\l ItR & COAT. CO. ,
r- Berwyn , Nebrask. .
i Doctor Leach , Dentist.
, y R. . Mullins , M. D. , D. [
S. the Dentist. 37 !
r Special sale of buggle !
ie spring wagons , carriages an
n run-abouts at Cadwell blocl
:4- : L. E. ColE , Salesmna.
, j' - ' ' 'f'f"J : ! L
Nollce of Dluolutlon.
' 1'0 each party , lllow1t1 thcm-
selves to bc indcbted to Kcnl\ed \ ) '
& Son are rcqucsted to call and
scttle at oncc , either b ) ' note or
cash , as Kcnnedy & Son ha vc ,
by lIIutual conscnt , dissolvcd
partnership , E. H. Kcnncdy retiring -
tiring and W. ' S. Kcnnedy assuming -
suming all indebtcdness , full
control and collecting all accounts -
counts . connected with s id firm.
W. S. KHNNlU\ "
- E. II. KltNNUI > \ ' .
'V ANTED-Mcn , women , bo's
and girls to reprcsent McClure's
Mag-a7. ne. Good pay. Addrcss
67 l ast 23d St. , N. Y. City. 34-tf.
' \n
. \
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' ' ' ' - ' > .I''I'\ ; ' ' " . . , . . .
: J1asrter
from lhe Plaster Kilns is used
every day. 1
'rhe uniform quality of their
product is appreciated and builders -
ers recognize the fact that its
use will give certain and satisfactory -
factory results.
Costs no more than.
of ordinary quality.
Larger 'quantitics at 10wer
Dierks Lumber and Coal Co.
. .
- - . - - - ' - - - ' - - . . ' - - - - , . . _ . - . . . . . . - -
, , : : : , - J - : . _ , - . J _ l
Nov. 3 , 1906 , 1 p. ID.
Hegistol'ed Poland China 11 Og'S , male and female ,
HogiHte1'od nm'Ol' 11ogs , male and femalo.
Hegiste1'ed 1-101'ofo1' < 1 Cattle , male n11d female ,
Ilorses nn Colts.
"VV'i11is Cad 7Ve11. .
_ _ _ . _ - _ . . _ _ _ . . 10 _ _ . . .a.-
hev"reOp "to " " ' . . . .
ConIC here und take your choice. from
four of the best nlalrcs in the United Stutes ,
viz : T. G. Mandt , Webber , Bettendorf and
"Old Biclrory. " A car loud just received.
Sec thCI11.
.A. spechl1 cash 'price 011 "Old Riclrol'Y"
anel Bettendol'f , vagons carried over frol11
last year. . I
c. W. . APPLE.
Erocen } Bov , - . - N eh1'3 sIr a
. . .
" ' - - -
- - - - - - -
- - -
$7 ,942 Fl OrvI 100 ACI I S Ol .LAND
CROP OF 1906 .
From tle El Cam o Weckly Ci : e7l , Sc tcmlcr 22 , 1906 :
"Chas. Ericson , one of our successful rice farmcrs got a yield of 11)21 sac1s of rice
from 100 acres which amounts to 2200 barrels. It was disposed of at $3.1)1 per barrel. "
We , vill pay any luan $100 and all his expenses to El Campo ,
Texas , and return , if he comes here and finds the H bove report
not true.
The difference in growing a crop of
Wheat and a crop of Rico
is the cost ot fuel in pumping the water to irrigate the land. No irrigation is needed for other crops
as we have. 12 inchcs more rain per year thau Illinois.
Anyone w110 11as raised wlleat can raise rice.
. .
- - - - ' - - - - - - - -
. have been ginned in El Campo up to September 23r < I , sold at an average of $50 per bale ; or $150,000
has been paid for cotton in El Campo. already this season. It is cstimatcd that $250,000 worth of ,
. cotton will he marketed in El Campo this season. Besidcs corn , alfalfa , milo maize , caffir corn , Irish
and sweet potatoes , oats and all kinds uf fruits and vcgetables are raised herc profitably.
- A _ _ _ - . . .
_ Mr. Borden has 200 acres of alfalfa growing in this county. It has been cut three times , already
this year , and will make another cutting-j put : of the last cutting made two ton ! ) to the acre , markct
price is $ l .50 per ton. It is grown on the prairie as well as the bottom land.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _
- - - - ' " " " ' ' J' " u -
- Climate Equal to Calif rnia
- - - -.UI' . . . . . . ' - -
'Ve have rich black prairie and Intt 0 111 lands for salc from $11 to $25 pcr acrc , that will raise
these crops , tracts of 80 , HID , 320 , ( ,40 to 10,000 acrcs , a few ranch propositions in large tracts at $ G
per acre , ( all this land needs , i peoplc to cultivate. it rkh bla k soil from five to eight feet deep , lays
level with good natural drainage. ) Im.pruved j arm ; ; from 22.50 to $45 per acre , according to location.
El Campo is it town of 1800 inhabitants , good schools , seven churches , a rice mill , two cotton
gins , an electric light , water works and lice plant , two machine shops.
An influx of enterprising Northern farmers have been coming to ] 1 Campo for the past fivc
years. Lands have been ncrcasing in value from $3.00 to $6.00 per acre , each year.
. .
- - -
\V rite us for I > fll'ticulurs , map and i 11l1stl'nted hooklet. Low rate excursion to
EL CAMPO , Wharton County , Texas
November 6 and 20
It will cost you less to get your tidcet through to EI Campo , we can get you stop ovcr privileg-es anywhere -
where along the line of the Missoltri , Kansas & 'J.'cxas Wy. below S1. Louis and Kansas City , 1\10.
; . 'rIle Earl Co-ODerative l eall state Agency
1. EI Campo , Wharton County , Texas
- Immigration agents for the l\lissnuri ,
Kansas & 'l'exas. and Chicago &
- Alton I aIroads. :
. '
tf SEE : :
; ci illi.s Cad e11
( .
. .
, .