Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 18, 1906, Image 6

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    " . . j" ,
. " . . , .
. - . . . . ; ' . . " . . - 'i.
'l'bo No. pf voto"
cnt\t nt the lIoncrnl
nloctllw lor 1001 III BIII1I W/l8 / 10:1 :
" IIK)5 ) III 1'1111I W/IR / r.7
. , \1101111 \ ) )1' WIIH 2.LIj
" IIKIIII ) ) l'lIlht W/lH217 /
" IIK'IIII ' W/l " 1I ! W/lli ! 'II
. . II/UIIII / IJmllt W/lt / ! 77
" 11" ' ; ' III lIrllllt waH r,1j
, II 1IltJlllIWHlvnrw/lH2t' / : !
" tOo. IIIW IIIvltr WIIH 2U
" [ ) ( ) AI"1U1I1 W/lli / II
" IU" " ; , III A 1'110111 WIIH JI : : !
A rlllJlli hlRIHl'ctlnll / :
ro fwelloni' ! 11111I . : 1111'11111011 III t hI' \11'0' \
' whleh 2J :
' i
) w'II1 ' ! new "lJllllt of AI'hol' :
Ill'r 1Ulllof 1111.I to\\'IIHhll' .
' ' Nu , 011111' ' ' 1IISt lit fill ! \I'lleral
t'It'I1 ! Oil fUI'IIKJlIII'I'rillllll'h / ! ! \G.
' ' No. uf volm , IHIHI. lor Iho 1:01101'111
ninci UII for' ilK ! ; ' III 'l'I'IUlIII'h WIIH 7'/
' 1'I'IIIIIII'h hllH 7U Sl'lItiO II H.
I J HnclIolIH IIIII ) ) IlIl'hllllHl III thl'III'O'
IIOIHHI 111'\\ ' I'o\llll ' o ! AI'IIIJI' which H 71
111'1' cOIlt.of thl' towIIHhll' .
'l'11l ! No. uf vull's CIIHt lit Ih ( ' 1:1'111'1'111
1ll'cllulllnr ! IIKJIIII III'ulwlI Jlnw WIIH W : ' .
'J'IIl' No. IJf'OII'H Clilil III Iho IWIII'rnl
011'11011 fnr IIKI III IIru1Ilnw \ \ \ \ 'II'i'i. : .
Broken Bow hUll liJ : ! 1-I1'1'1Innll.
1M HIl'liollH ) 11101111 : IIlI'hllll'lI IlIlhl' 111'0'
IluH1H1 111'COllllly o ! ' Arhor' which H H
Jll'r cOlli. 01 thl' towIIHhll' .
'rho No. 01'oII'S \H ! : t lit thn Jlmnral
( ' 11'01 IUlllnr WOIIII UII"ll'r WIIA l'il.
J'hn 1111 III hl'l' of011'11 CIIHIIII I hI ! Ienl'ral
1ll'clion ! fUI' IINI',11I01IH1ul' WIIHI / : ! .
OUHIIJI' hllH W" : H'elloill-i.
It : ! ; HI'lIICIIIH IH'II1 il1elllclnll il1lho (11'0' (
IHlHI'II now l'ol1l1h' of Arhol' whloh IH 7H
IlOr ount of the 10wl1l1hl" .
S'I'A'I'I' : OJ. ' NlmH.\I\ , l
! ' ! .
CIIRLII' I ! ( ' 01111 t .y ,
I , JOII. PigmlLlI do hOl'ObY (1C1I.tif.v
. thnt rLIlt / the COllllty ollk of nnilt
C'lIlIlIty chll.r . .Iedtel : IUlll Cfttn.lil ( ) c1 nH
IIlwh OfiCl.'I' } that I IIIL\'o (1ll11l'go of
the nbHtrnelH of vol < m cllIil , ILL the
Ho\'o1'll1 polling 1'InceJH ill HILill eottllty
ILt the gOllorlll ( Jlewtiolr heM ill Illld
for snid cOllnty 011 the HeIny of Nov.
.11)0.1 ) nnd on the 7 tll\Y of Nov. l\O \ )
I\lldthllt the allovo n.nd foregoing
IItnte1ll0IJt ill tl'110 nnd correct to lIto
Lest of my Icnowlodgo find boliaC.
I further cOI'Wy tlJILt I nrriveel at
the ILbovo Clltimnlo in the following
. . JIlannar , to.wit :
l or nil the townHltips wholly in-
cltHlocl within the propoRecl now
county the whoo ] nU1IIbor of votes
cnllt in lIuch township iH given. ] Ol'
every towllfihip in which n portion
\ , . only iH included ill the proposed
now county I incltHled Rllch percent
af the entire vote of Huch precinct
1\8 the nUll1ber of sections cut ofT iH
of the entire numher of ! ! OcHons il1-
I'luded within the prociuct.
In witnoRs whereof , I havQ hel P-
\I11to sot my hal1d IllHl nflixcd .tho
seal of Custm' County thi9 first day of
October 1 nOG.
.Ios , ] JIU IAN ,
Lsgu , ] County Clerkt
Statement showing the prohabl < !
IlIIlI1bor of voters residing within the
lJropu ednow County of Noble basetl I
UpOIl the abstract of votes cast at th < !
general election of J 00,1 and J { JOG.
' ' ' III 1'rol)1\blo Probable
1'orrlt 0 r ) ) \
propulIl1 now No. 01 vote No. of , 'ot.
county of No. orH basud el'l ! based
hIe. on Iho vole on t ho vet
ull001. ull\105 \ ,
HIIYos tOwllshlp. . . . . . . :1 : : ; 4H
Victoria tOWI1Hhlp. . . . lUU HII :
01111 t'1wnshlp. . . . . . . . . . 117 It : !
KIIIO\I tOwlIshlp. . . . . . 21J ! 212
1:1 : lecII. ! of WOHt Un'
1011 which III t5.4 pc\ '
cent of the townHhlp. . 21 22
11lucl ! ! ! . of Broken Buw
which Is 14Ior COllt 01
the townsh \Ior \ . . . . . . . . ! H 78
20 HcclI. 01 'l'l'1ulllph
which III'J101' : cent 01
the townHh \101' \ . . . . . . . . . 25 : : !
I tOO Iecs. ! 01 Arnuld
which Is 77 pOl' eont ul
I the tuwnslllp. . . . . . . . . . . 114 102
- -
'J'olal..1 > 15 HIli
'rho No. 01 '
vUlos C/lHt / lit
the tollorul
electIOn . . fur..tOOI In 1111)011 waH :1' : '
. . . 1\10 : ; In HIIYos WIIH 4 :
. . lKJI In VlclurlrL WUH 11/1
. . 11105 In Vlclol'la " 'UH 111 :
H ) J In 01111 WIIH 11' '
I , . . . tOO. ; In 01111 WIIH It :
. . \Iill ! In Kllfull WUII 21 :
. . 1I'j ) lu Klllull WIIS 21' '
1001 III WUliIInlon WUH 1:1' :
i . .
, ! .IU5 In'CHt Ullion WIIH 11 ,
Wellt Union hus f . ' scoliunH.
' 1:1 : Hucs. hoin Incllllimiin till ! III'OPOHI ) (
I' now cuunty 01 Noble which iH 15.1 lie
cunt of the township.
I . 'l'ho No. of votUH elLlit at the Ironorll
, oioctlull for IIHJIIII Brokoll Bow wus ! JJ.
I 'rho No. uf'OLCII CUH\ . lit the Ironuru
olnctlun fOJ' 1005 In HI'okon Huw WIIH 55-'i.
Broken Buw tuwJ\shlJl hlLH 111 : ! Hectlom
HllecH. beinl. : ' Jncludodln thu prupOlIll1
now COUIlt ) ' of Nobill which II ! U 1101' COli
of the townHhlp.
'l'ho No. of vuteH cast lit the IrOnerll
eloctlon for JOOlln 'J'l"Iumph WUII MI.
' 1'110 No. IIf VOtOH C\jt ! at thu IrOnel'll
election fur 1005 In ' 1'rlumph WUH 77.
, ' 1'rlulllph haH 70 scctlons.
2lI HecH of 'J'rllll11llh bulna : Inoludl"
III tho'IJrOllUHoII now COUIII ' uf Nobl
which IH 2(1 ( per cOllt oHho townshi ! ' .
'l'he No. of votes CUHt lit the Ionurl !
eloctlon for \IUt In Arnuid WUH IIH.
'rho No. of "UtOIl CUHt ILt the Ionorl
eleclion for \I05 In Arnold wus JI : : ! .
Arnold hUH tI : HUCtUIIH. !
lUll tlecH. huill1jlluhllltld . In the Ilropose
now COUIlt ) of Noble whlLh : IS77 ptH'IUll
at the towllllllip.
} ! > s .
I , .10s. ligll1l\n do hereby certil
that 1 am the County Clerk of sai
County duly elected amI qUllilio(1 : ; 1
such ollicer that I hl\vo charge of tl
abstracts of votes cast at the so\'er :
polling plllccs in sahl Couuty at tl
general clection helll iu amI for sa :
County on the 8 day of Nov , HH ) ( : u
on the 7 dny of Nov. HJOG amI tll :
the above amI foregoing statement
true and correct to the best of n
. knowledge and boliof.
I further certify that I arrived :
. . < . t11e above estimate in the Jollowh
1I1)I1l1l1er , to.wit :
For all towl1ships wholly includl
ithil1 the 'proposed ' now cOllnty , t'
whole number of votes cast in Sill
township is given. For every tow
sb l ) in which a portion only is inclll
cd ill UIO proposed 110W county ] i
: eluded such percent of the entire vet
W such precinct as the I1l11nbo1' or se :
'i ' tiol1s cut off iB of the entire numb
. of sections included within the pr
' CIIlC t .
1 ( In witno'3s whoreofl I have h01'eun
) set my hand and afUxed the seal
: CUBter County this fir t day of Octo ,
i or 1900.
; , .Jos. PIGMAN ,
[ SEAL ] County Clor
County Clerk Pigman WI1S calli
! "nd duly sworn by the chairman of l'
. J
I . \
' . '
" : \ ' ' .
1" '
, _ . . . ' - . . ' .
I bOIrd lI\II1 \ l' : < umlned re1ntivo to the
ahove abstract of vote us prepared hy. .
'rho c01l1mitte ! ! oa the Northwest
Connty tlH'n lIIulo : theil' I Jlwr liS
follows :
WI' } 'Olll' speC'ial eommitteo aplJoint-
efl to clulr.k polilioliA for and against
propoHfHlnow cOllnty of N ohIo respect.
flllly I''port ( as follows :
'l'otalnlllllh'I' of si/ners / on IJOtition
for IIJ' eOllnty of Nohlo , WHo
'l'otulllllmhct' of signers on petitiom !
a aimlt ! Jroposmlcollnty : of Nohln aa/l.
' 1'01111 nil 111 hm' Ai'Jnin ' hoth Jletitions
'l'olllllaI111hc\ \ nin petition for. .
IH'Oprl(1 ! ( ! ( ( 'ollnty of Nohle two timm. ; 4.
'l'otllllllll11lH'r Hignin petitioll for
prolJOHftl ! eOllnty of Nohlo thllt have
1I10\'Cflll way I.
'I'otal nU1l1 hr.that \ hll VII signell
poUt ion for ) lrolosed ) new cOllnty of
NellIe known to Illlvo died ] .
'l'otall\l11l1bcI' \ cOllnted off of petitioner
( or IIl'OjlOsetl cOllllty orNohle 7j. (
' 1'0IalnIl1l11Jol' l'Omainin on petition
for PI'OpOHl'tlnHeOllnty of Noble ' 12 : .
A'el'a e' IIIlmher of votC9 as shown
lIy the ahHII.t.t : ( of'olm , for Uw years
WO. , and WOfi , .1I : 1G ,
i\lajot'ity on petitioll for prollOsed
lIew eOllnty of N ohIo as shown hy II h'
stmet of votes for the year 1 HO'I a\ll \
1005 , nx
.10s. I'ENIMolm ! ,
BgN P. Mormls.
It wa movell to accept and adopt
the report of the committee.
C , II. Holcomh by his attorney II.
M. SlIllivan ohjected to the adoption
of the report an offers to submit
testimony tending to provo that the
( inding of the committee is erroneolls.
' 1'0 which H. A. Moore , Council fOl'
the IJetitioners objectod.
Hemonstr'tlor I [ olcom b reqllestd
that the evidence on the question
raised hy the Petitioners an by the
Hemonstrators thereto may be talwn
hoforo lhe II11e9tion is votetl IIpon as
to the adoption of the committees 1'e-
) lort.1'he
1'he Petitioners object to any testimony -
mony being offered hy the Hernon-
stmtors while the motion to adopt the
report of thll committee i9 pendin
be fore the hoard.
And upon its ohjection the IJotition-
, ers ask that the question ho submitted -
, , ted to the vote of the hoard as to
whethm' or not the testimony in this
case shall ho taken before the report
; of the committee i passedllpon.
'rho Petitioners then raised an objection -
jection to the Hemonstrators offering
any evidence that the hoard can leg-
I ally consider after the report of the
committee has heen disposed of.
'rho report of the committee being
refm'red to as to the setting off of Ul
Northwest part of the county known
as Noble County.
Hemonstrator Holcomb insists that
the time for taking testimony in the
case is now amI before any action be
taken on the rewrt ! of the committee
amI insist that this shall bo done by
the hoard.
I t was moved and seconle : that
the objection to the taking. of testimony -
mony bo overruled.
'rhe aycs and nays being takcn
those voting- yes : Cushman ,
Fennimorc , Welch and Mords.
'l'hose voting no : Fonda and
Wherenpon the chairman de-
clarcd the motion carried and the
objection overruled.
Hemonstrator Holcomb now
asks that what evidence the
petitioners have in fa\'or of the 1
petition fm' the erection , of Noble
' I county , that the same is signe < :
'I by a majority of the residents 01
thc territory to be Imown a !
1 Noble county , that the burden i !
upou the Petitioners to ShO\1
II that the petition is signed by i
I I lUajori ty of the legal voters 0
the said proposec1 territory 0
( H. . A. Moore for pe.titioners.
Thc petitioners elect to shut ( '
upon thc report of the Committel
at this time until such time a :
the rcmonstrators of Tel' testimon'
to set aside thc fil ding of t h
committce appointed by thJ
Board to investigate the lIlatter
'rhe report of the cQll1mitte
now heing before the board t ,
adopt , the petitioncrs insist tha
it be passed upon enc wa'l or th
other b.r the board at tIllS tinte
' 1'0 which Ilo1comh , rentOl1
strator , objects tor the reaso :
that the burden is upon Hi
petitioners , they must first shm
Ig or olTcr their e\'idence tending t
prove that they havc a majorit
[ ! d of the voters of the propose' '
ho territory , that he had no OppOi
[ ) h tuuity to be heard before th
committee uor appcar brforc th
dcommittce to olTer c\'ideuce , than
nhe has no Imowledge as to wh
es evidcncc , if any. was before thc
committee and had no opportm
or itv to meet the testimonv . If the1
'ewils an ) ' before it.
( H. A. Moore for the petitiol
to erSt )
of 'l'he petitioners elect to stat :
b- upon the report of th couunitt
until some evidence is olTered.
'l'he remonstrators thcn prl
'k. cl'eded to olTer their testimony.
[ ! ( t Jules Haumont , county asses
he orj ' 1' . ' 1' . Win hcster , M. . I-
, . . . " . . , , . . . ' . .
. .
'ft. ' : J.,1i.iJ--- 'L" ' ' * .w. ; i 0.4"
. .
- , , . , , , -
11"oster' ! were each duly sworn and
exunil1cd a9 to the number of
votrrs rcsiding within the terri-
tor ) ' of the proposed new county
of Noble.
' ' books for the
1'he asesslI1cnt ! : !
year 1905 for townships wholly
or partially included in the proposed -
posed new count > of Noble ware
also introduced 111 evidence and
the clerk called to Identify the
same as public records.
'l'he petitioners objcct to the
books of ussessment being intro-
duceel for the reason they arc
incompetent , iUlIuaterial an(1
irrevecnt ] aud for various othcr
Objections to the introduction
of the assessment books were
'rhe board was occupied in the
hearing of this case until
Welnesday afternoon.
( R. A. Moore for petitioners. )
'L'hc petitioners now ask to
withdraw application and the .
petition of the northwest quarter
of the county and ask the board
to grant their relUcst.
Moved by Morris and seconded
by Schneringer that Moore's request -
quest be granted ,
Mr. Schneringer said that he :
would withdraw his motion made
to accept and adopt the report of
I the committee , with the consent
of the second , the second consented -
sented and there bcing no objections -
tions the motion to adopt the
report of the committee was
Some objection being offered
by the remonstrators to the
pctitioners being allowed to
withdraw their petitions it was
moved and carried that the request -
quest to withdraw their petition
and application be del11ed but
that the remonstrators pay for a
certified opy of the petitions for
the pctttloners.
The remonstrators agreed to
this and pledged themselves to
pay for a certified copies of the
peti Hons.
The board then adjourned ttll
'l'hursday , October 4th , at < )
o'clock a. m.
'l'hursday' October 4th , 1906.
Board met at 9 a. m. All
members present.
The county treasurers semiannual -
annual report togethcr with the
committee report thereon was
then tal n up.
Transfer of fund.
The road committee then reported -
ported as follows , on the petition
of Christensen etal. .
We recommend that the peH-
tion be granted and the road
changed accordiug to the petition -
tion with the understanding that
the Town Board of Berwyn township -
ship are to put in and maintain a
stock chute on the farm of J. P.
Bookneau as per their aggree-
ment on file.
It was move < l and ca rried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as react
' 1'he road committee also reported -
ported as follows on the petition
of E. C. Spooner et aI , for a road
in town 18 , range 17.
, ' \Ve recommend that the petition -
tion be granted and damages allowed -
lowed as follows against road
district No.1 , of Douglas Grove
To the owner of the northwest
quarter of section 4-18-17 , $40.00.
' 1'0 the owner of the northeast
quarter of section 4-18-17 , $40.00.
' 1'0 be assessed to road district
No. 3 of Douglas Grove township -
ship :
' 10 the owner of the northeast
quarter of section 33117 , $40.
' 1'0 the owner of the southeast
quarter of section 33-11)-17 , $50.
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
'l'he road committee also reported -
ported as follows on the petition
of W. S Chaad et a ] , for a
change in road numbcr 123 , in
town HI , range 22 :
We recommcnd that the petition -
tion he granted as recommended
by the COlli missioner.
l . R. Wm.clI. .
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read.
' 1'he road committee also re ,
ported as follows on the petitiol1
of M. Amsberr.r et ai , for tJ
road in town 15 , range 18.
We recommend that the wlthit
petition be granted or that pari
of it which relates to the estab ,
lishment of proposed road an
the va cation of road along th (
1 < 1 west side of Chicago , Burlingtot
e & Quincy railroad and that pari
of petition which relates to th (
D- vacation of sectiou line roa <
along the east side of the sout }
s- east quarter of section 9 , tOWl
t 15 , range 18 , be rejected as rec
. . . . . . . . . . \u , s , < \J . . . . . . . . : . . . . .1Iii \ ;
, JT' T-L ' " " - - - - r-
, ,
ommcndc(1 by the commissioner.
T.i. CUSHMAN , .
lt was movcII aud carried that
the rl'ort of the committee be
acceplcil and adopted as read.
'rltc road comllli ttee also re-
portee ] as follows on thc petition
of John l cese , ct al. for a road
in town 17. range 22.
We recomlllend that the petition -
tion be gran ted as recommende .
hy the commigsiol1er.
1.1. CUSHMAN ,
It wan moved and carried that
the report of th cOlllmittee be
accepted ilnd adopted as read ,
and the rO'.1d established accord-
inl to the field notes of the surveyor -
veyor and thc old road of which
this road is intended to be a
substitute , he vacate .
'rhe road committee also reported -
ported as follows on the petition
of M. E. Vaudentmrg et ai , for a
road in town ] < ) , rangc 18 , and
town 18 , range 11) .
We recolllmen . that the petition -
tion be granted and damages allowed -
lowed as stipulated against road
district No.3 , of Douglas Grove
R It. WW.ClI.
It was moved and carried that ,
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read and
that the road be established according -
cording to the field notes of the
surveyor and that the road on
the half section line of which
this road is intcnded to take the
place , be vacated.
The road committec also reported -
ported as follows on the petition
of M , 'rrumble , ct al. for a road
in town 13 , range 18 :
'Vc r coll1ll1end that the pLti-
tion be granted as recomn1cmkd
by the commissioner.
It was moved and carricd that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read and
the road established.
The road committee also reported -
ported as follows 011 the petition
of L. H. Morrison , et aI , for the
vacation of a road in town l ( ) ,
range 22 :
We recommend that thc petition -
tion be granted and the road
vacated as recomlUended by the
l . H. WItT.CH.
n was movcd and carried that
the report of the committee , be
accepted and adopted as read ,
And in the matter of the request -
quest of J. O. Mylar , et aI , that
the board order obstructions removed -
moved from road No. 23 ( ) and
the road opened up and put in
shape for public tra\'el , the committee -
mittee recommended as follows :
'Ve recommend that the county
clerk be instructed to notify road
overseer of district No.3 , of
Arnold township to open the
road. L. CUSHMAN ,
lt was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
. accepted and adopted as read.
Board adjourned till 1:30 : p. m.
Boarc1met at 1:30 : p. m. All
members present.
Claims comm Ltee reported as
follows :
We recommend that the following -
lowing claims be allowed :
c. U. Rlchardsou , Rllcrlfs cu ls. . . . . . . . . . $ 1505 .
Newton 'ra'I.r , care o { KUlal/otJOx / caKes. 31 SO
Holla'l'owllc ) ' . wasllllll : ' { or l'rII < Olll'rll. . . fJ 00 :
1,1. McCormick. catcllllll : ' jail breakerll. 20 no '
N. n. I'rellIIore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00 .
Smltll I'nHlller .1' .IJ\yrlter Co. . roa,1
record. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 & 7
'V. III.'cICII , slIppllcs fur SIII'I. . . . . . . . . . . 1:0 : : 00
A. I. . Wood , cILre of John Uanrln 1111I1
wife. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00
J. g.l'owell , relll { or Mrs. Ihlrby. . . . . . . . 25tJ
1' . J. Simollsoll , IIIcat { or MrR. Stalc" " . . 515
PIIII Metcalf. lIIercllalHll c { or l\Irll.
lIar.'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U 35
A. L. J\lalclI'8 ) , care u { Mrs. ' 1'urlllllllllll' . 29 OG
11. M. J'llIcl.cuey , expeIlRc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 liS
J. I. . l'etll. care ot'"mall I'OX cILheR. . . . . . 45 : !
Sh"lllIanl { /lurk. / . luercllalldl u fur M r .
lIuward. . . . . , . . . . , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ; I
I.1. : . I'IIICllIl' ' . ' , '
: ) hallf ) fur III'IISI : , I II oJ
! ul'lt.mbcr. . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! I.or6i
1 ' 11111.1..lcIIII.llall ; . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 5tJ
A. 1' . J"hll un. Ihlrd 'jllUIt. , 6al f ) ' Ihl
eXIII'IIRUiL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " . . . . . . . . 2 4 25
JOR. 1'lIullan , lIalll' ) ' AIIII""l. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 : > ( } oj
JOR. I'll'mILn. Salal' ) ' 8ul'tel\lll..r , . . . . . . . . . 1 5 lJiJ
Rolla 'J'owhley , board ( I { prllouIIIH.I ; . . . . . . . to : ! foil
JOM. 1'hlllnll , ral1rol\(1 fare { lIr. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4
Cllas.IYIIOII. : . care lit ' 1'110 _ . r.lrrIR. . . . . . I II. :
Uartholumew , \ : ChrihlcliROU. IlrufclRioll'
a1Iel'vicc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 : !
I : 11. 'l'bun > c. rllllruad tare { or 1 lcr\a
' If uberts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2f
CURler Couut ) BeacolI , IlIlhllllhllll : hoard
l'I'l\6 : , \I \ UII' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U 7C
( COIuluued ue t weekl
Public Sale.
250 head of high grade here-
t ford and shorthorn cows and
, heifers at the stock yards , Broken
Bow , Nebraska ,
Commencing at 10 o'clock a. 111.
We are closing out onr entire
herd of cows and heifers , al ]
well bred , and will sell in lots to
snit purchaser.
TURMs O1t SAT.n-Cash or eight
months time on bankable paper , ,
bearing nine percent interest.
T. W. Smith , Auctioneer ,
_ S. K. Warrick , Clerk , 18-2C
: .dItI. ti.t ; _ . & . . . . . .tMi.
. . . /
. . - - - - - - -
- - - - - - v-
: : : : : : : : - . .
qt 1-1en au
.J. E. ISZARD , Prop'r
. . .r-- . . _ -
_ . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . - -
New and Second Hand Furniture
Flour and Feed Store.
\Ve wish to notif , o Ill' nUllY ! customers t1at. ! w _ _
have added to oul stock ot lllLl'hval'e all kmds or
f )
Nails , , S'taple : and Slnooth Wire.
\Ve also have l\Iason City and ICearney flour ,
the best that can be harl in the state. ' .
\V 0 al ways have plenty of' fel'd and bale lwy.
Goods dolivercd frec to any part of the city.
'N e repair fUI'niture and frame pictures.
Ja"VV. . SCC > aI."sr :
- - - ' - - . . : - . - . _ - - .
j _ - _ . _ - . . . < 0 _ . . . ' . " _ ' " _ _ ' \ " ; . , - " - , - " 0 { ' . " " . ( , , . ; ' " . . . I\ - : ; . . . 1'ioI ! ; _ .1. . 't . ir . . > f.O\ " _ . - , .
L. Ell COLE ,
J Licensed Enloaiiuaf
and Funeral Director
basJ'ust received a large stoe.k of undertaking
goo s. l\his is .one of the most complete stocks
of undertaking goods ever brought to Broken
Bow. They are located in the Cad well building
on Fourth a venne.
Parties wishing anything in this
line are requested to call and
inspect goods and get prices.
For first-class work in unner-
taking or embalming call and
see me 01' phone.
Phone N umbers : Offic , 7 7 ; Hesidence , 322. - . .
- - - - -
' . w.m
Before You Build , Consult . !
: eo. pin.ea"U , I
I Contractor a.nd 84i1:1er. E timates I :
1 Furnished free with plans an4. SVetmc11-ti.ops. u . ,
i.i. m , ! . ' 't. . . . . , ' "li.Yt ; ; . . . . .r. " " . \ . . . ; . " : _ . : _ . : . : , ft. I : . . . . . : { _ " : , : . . . ' 10 .fiii.- ! : : t. ; . . . . : . . : . .aI " ' . : . . . : . r. . . . . _ ; . ; , , ; : . , , . . 1 . . . . . . . .i.I.'hrI. _ , , .oJ.nI..r.o..I. , " r..I..I" ' . I"1rCI.'lrPI"'l-r : : ' ; : . . . . . . . . . . . ; , : ; . . : . . . . . . : . , . . . . . . , . . , , . r. : . . : . , I.t' , . . . .
tt ; ) , : When desiring to figure on a bill , :
.ir . 0 f L um b er ca 11 on tl Ie. . . . . . . . . . ! . : ! i . : : :
. : ' 'i ! '
r . r.'L . urn b or C o. t (
' i : : , . : " :1'
: t w plrry a iull stock of Lumber. r
J Sasb , Peers , MOHJ < ings , etc. . 't
i1 Agents for the Nebra lca Central j
? ' ! iM ; Bllilding & Loan Association. i '
. ' . ! ; ' : . . . " . . - ' . ; . . . c.e. . . . . , , ' . . . . . . . . . , . . . I . . . . . . . . -.t-- . , , , . . . . . , . , : . , . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . ' . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . ' . . . ' ' . . ' . ' . . . . . . . * . . . . . . ' . . ' . , , . . . , . ! . " t
. .fM . . . . . .4"I lr"-'I. " " . , . , . - ; ; ; ' - oJl' . . , < .t II : { : . [ ; ; r. . ' " . . :1 : , ! ' v.Q ; ; ' 1'c&t.r. ; .lJL ; . . . , . ' . ' ' . ' ' . .1.0 : " : : G. " . . . " " " . { . . . ' . . 't.'Yi : ! : .I . . " . : " ' I . Jt" . .oJ .1it ! I
- - _ - _ u - _ u _ . . - , , - - - - _ - - _ - - - _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. ' . " . . . ' . " . . " " . . . . . . . .
.o' : rJ.Ir.J : : o' : rJ.I-oo' : : : o".r.r.Mr..r..r.
g J. S .A.I , S
1'1 . I'I ! - PROPRIE'l'OH
' . : ' nntl
I.lq. . LIVERY and
. . " 6
i I Lb \ ; " :1 FEED BARN I
A1 = ' -i- AST QF GLQB IIpT .
i1 ItclIlodelcd.aliI aliI } rcpajrct } througho\t. } ( joollh'cry rir.s at rea1 > onahle rAt s.
R Accolllolal1on for caltlc and rangc her es. Hay at JI.oOI1 , 10 cent : nIl 11ay , j
8 15 cents ; over night , 35 cent : : ; . J1 umJ see pl .
ar . : r.f. .rJ".rJ"Q' : . : r.f. < < . : W.xx't _
- - - - - - - - .l '
= = : " "J'Y
* * * * * * ffi
. . .
: v. are lit Heal Estate .of all lund , *
I 'Jj W We will buy or sell. Don't fail tp see m
1 us before you buy or sell. We can dp .
you good. Collections made and insur.
ance written. Farms rented and taxes paid. Sce
us for farm loans. Come in and see us.
) t .ffl
' " " , . . . . . . _ " " , " " .IIiI. olt"-"L a iIiIo . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .
- -