Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 18, 1906, Supplement, Image 5

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. ' ,
: Supp1euJ..eJ1 : : : t. October 18 , 1906.
. ( Conllnnet { rom 'lr9t palle. )
county shl1l1 hlllOlo\\'n as Arbor county
and to be bouJud ns fol1olVs : II I I
Commencing nt the nm'thenst corner
or section I , town 10 , north 1'\nge 21 ,
west ( \ p. Ill , thence rnnllln west on
the township line I\hout 30 miles to the
north IVC3t tornoI' of section 0 , town 111 ,
range 2 , thunco Houth along the county
IIno to the southwest corner of Custer
count.y , unlltho Southwest corn or of
section 81 , town 1B , l'\ugo 21i , thellco
oust nlollg the cOUllly 11I0 ! auout UO
mlles to the southeast COl'n01' of section
. UO , I town 1B , mllgo 21 , thence north
. along the mnge IIno to the northenst
, \ cornel' of tlectlon I , town Hi' mugo 21 ,
, to the pluce of Iwgiuniug.
i Which pelitioll h\ll : atlnchedto It1 thor
following utlidn\'it :
Statu of Nebraska ,
} ss.
Custor Count ) . ,
H. . ] . Bl'Cgl. being lit'st duly sworll
\1pon his oath SI\YS thai. ho has renll the
I'm'egolng ntHI attache politlonR con-
tL : ning 7 O signnt\1ros of legnl'otor8 1'0-
siding ill the territory sought to ho do-
tnchell ft'om < Juster eoullty known us
Al'uor cO\1nl.y IUlIl also llIls acquainted
hlmsclC with the apPl'oximato uumuor
of leg' 1'otel'S 1 In said territor ) ' and the
signnturctl olllmid petitions uro these of
a majority of the legal \'otors In snlll
t01l'itol'Y songht to bo dotaehed from
Custor county and known as ArbOl'
l'OUllt ' . H. Eo Bregll.
Sub cribeliin my presence and &worn
to before mo this HlLh l1Y of Septombcr.
( S : AI. ) Ruy n. Bonnett.
Also ho petition for the erection of II.
now county to bo known as Noble
coullty , which petition waS In words
I and figures IlS follows :
I To the Boal' of Supervisors of Custer. .
Count.y , obl' .ska.
lIonorc Sirs :
Wo the undorsignc legal \'otors of
I Custorco\1nty , Nebmcka ; ; , rcsldlng In
the torriLol'y herein doscri bed and
sought to bo dotachcd from Custor
county , O respectfuJ1y petltion your
Honorable Bo y for the erection of II.
new count.y out of the tcrrltory now
comprising Custer county , Nobmsku ,
and thnt the question bo submitted at
the ncxt genoml election : md that you
call and Q1'dcr sl1ch election. 'fhe now
tounty : shall bo known lis N obI e county
and to bo bounded and doscrlbcd as
follows :
Commencing at the northcast 1.01'1101' .
of ECction 1 , town 20 , range 21 , west o. .
, )1. ) m" in Custer county , Nebraska"
thence running wcst on the connt.y lIne
to the northwo8t C01'llor oiCuster county , '
thcnco south along th county line to
the southwest C01'llor of sct.tion3l , town
17 , l'\nge 25 , t1U.HICO cast on the town.
ship lIne to the southellst cornel' of section -
tion 80. town 17 , north range 21 , then co
north on the mnge line to the pluco of
heginnlng an the northeast corner of
j soctlon I , town 20 , range 21.
if Which had atlachc'd to It the follow.
\ iug ullldnvlt ,
State of Nebraska ,
} SS.
Custel' County ,
\ It. J. Kelley , M. S. Eddy aucl F. C.
\ Pinch being Jir8t duly sworn \Ipon their
, oath sa ) ' that they h\\'o read the foregoing -
\ going petitions attached hereto containing -
ing 431 signatures of legal votm'IJ rcsid-
ing In the terrltol'y sought to bo de-
tuched from Custer county and known
I as Noble county , also have acquainted
themselves with the upproxlml\tc number -
ber of legal VOlCl'S In said territory and
the slgnatll1'es on Maid potltlons are
these of a mnjorty of the legal voters In
sal tot'l'ltm'y sought to bo dctached
' { mm Uustel' eounty and known as
, , t : Noble cOI1I1I ' I\ . ' ! the ) ' \'erlly bolievc.
H. J. Kelley ,
1S. . Eddy ,
. . . C. Pinch.
SUhSC1'ihod In my prosrmcoaud sworn
- - I t hoforo mo thli ! 2 th day of Sopt. t.JOU. !
I . ' Hobelt It Duncan ,
( SKAI. ) Notary Public.
. . The clerk also reports to the uoard ,
tJlI\t there hlvo : uoon filell iu his ollicc ,
. , l'omonstmllces against 01' wlth rawnls
. , Yo f1'01n the abu\'opntllioni : for the dl\'lslolI
1 I of Custer county , which re1ll0nsluwciI :
, I :11'0 In words : lIl Iigu1'ts ! as followi ! :
i ' 1'0 the 1I0norablo Boal'd of Super\'ls.
O1'S'f Custer COUIIl ) ' , obmska ,
"ro , the uudersigned reshlonts Bnd
I e\ootors \ of Custer county , N ebrnska ,
I and residing within that portion of the
\ torl'it01' ) ' of said county , which It Is pro'
I posed by ccrtnln citizens shall bo sot
" olT h'oll1 sal county Imd tOl'm II. now
\ t'ounly , to bo nl\med the county of 0)11. '
mu , an It Is proposed by said eitlzem
to IIILYO submlttod the } I1'opo13ltlon 01
forming : mld now county at the genoml
election to he held In sal county 01
Custor , In No\'omher , HjOO , do respoct.
fully potltlon your I1onorablo Bed ) ' tl
refuse the prayer of saldlotltionol'S ,
nnd w , whoso nl\mes appear upon sl\l
. petition , upon.JUltUl'1. . ! consl emtloJ :
it .
, V
. to'T.
\ot -
I. , , : .
, . ,
. . .
aud dollbOlnUon : Im\'o renchod the conclusion -
clusion that It Is not to our Inte1'ests to
dl..ldo snld county or form saId proposed -
posed now couuty , I1nd , thoref01'o , nsk
that OUl' names bo considered as petl-
tlonors for snld proposed now < : ounty ,
and hereby withdraw our numos ft'om
suld potltlon.
Which potltlon had sIgned to It uao
Also the remonstrance agaillst ho
proposed now county of Noble , which
potitlon wus In words l\tull1gures us
follows :
' 1'0 the IIonol'll.blo llollrd of SU1l0rvls-
O1'S of Custor county , Nebra13kn.
We , the undersigned rosldonts and
electors of Custm' COUl1t . , Nouraska ,
Bnd J'osldlnJ : : within the portion of the
te1'1'ltory of said ( : ounty , whIch It Is proposed -
posed by ccrtnln eltlzons shal1 bo sot
01T fr01ll said ( : o\1nt ) . , and forl1l into 1\
now county , to ho nl1mo' the county of
Noble , and . It Is proposcd by said cltl-
zons to .ha..e submitted the proposition
of fOl'lulng said now county , lit. the genera -
ora\ election to bo hold In said count.y
of Cusle ! ! ' In N ovombor , 1UOU , do 1'0-
spectful1J' petlUon your JIonomblo
Body to refuse the praycl' of said peU-
tionersUld : WO , whoso names appear upon -
on snld petition , ullon nll\turl" con8hlcr.
allen :11111 dolihemtlonha\'o l'clwhed the
cOllclusion that it is not to our Intet'ests
to divide the county , und , therefore ,
nsk tlmt. our nll1lleS uu not consldm'od as
potltlonm's for said proposed IIOW
county , and horob ' withllmw our
name8 from said potltlon.
' " hlch rOl1lonsl1'anco slgnod to It lH.
The clerk also presented fur the con-
sl oratlon of thc uO\I'd In connection
with the division maltor , the following
l1f1idavlts , which had been In his ol1lco :
Al1i avit of J. B' Osborn ,
Stllte of Nobraslm ,
} ss.
Custor County ,
Jos. B. Osbornboing lit'st duly sworn
on his oath , says that for n long time he
was couuty clerk , and further saya thut
ho Ims oxamlncd the lI1ap .showlng the.
propose new countlcs to , he erccted
out of Custor county , that ho hils made
an estimate of the } ogal voters In each
quurtcl' of Custer cOlml.y basc on last
your's vote , and finds that Noble county
as proposed has 765otcl'S , and the territory -
ritory sought to bo dotachml and known
I1S Aruor county , hus 834.'otor8 , und
Oyama connty U80 , and ol ClIster as
proposed ( E twp ) has 153.1 voters , ILn
the tot III vote of the county In HI05 wus
That Itnnakillg' this cstimuto ho took
the \'oto of townships that were in tack
and the townships which were dl\'idcd
ho took the proportlonato Mharo us
shown uy laud embmcod.
J. B. OS1I0H:1.
Subseribcdlnll1Y pro nco and sworn
10 before me this 21 day of September ,
It E. Ihmu.
Nolary Pnblic.
Aflhltn-it of C. II. lI\Jlcomb rc1ltlvo : to
the orgunizlltion of Arbor county.
Before The l'Ionorable BOlml of
SupCl'visors of OusLer County ,
Nebraska :
In the matter of the petition of residents of Ouster count.y
to divide the Immo mHl to organize
the county of amI in the
further matter of citizens of
Lho county of Custor to divide the n.nd organize Ilnd form the
count. } ' of N oblo.
Comes now O. H. Holcomb Ilnd
shows to t1e abo..o nnmed Honor-
n.ble BOlml and n.llogos the fn.ct to
bo thllt he is now and for a number
of years h st , has been n. resi
dent , citizen , tax pn.yer n.tHl legal
voter of the county of Ouster.
lIe furthol' shows to the Bon.rd
aUll n. loges the fuct to bo that
man ' of the nn.mos on the petition
for the division of wid county of
OLustor an.l the forr'tllltion or
orgn.nizn.tion of the proposed new
county of O 'llInn. were not signed
by the pl\rtios who it by petition signed the snmo but
suid nomes were signed by ether
and different , persons than these
hearing the names upon Baitt peti-
That inmid ( Pl'oposed territory
LO be organized into ' Count ' of
Oyama there is in all Ilt this time
1271 legal voters or electors n.nd
thn.t not nearly ono hn.lf of all the
legal voters oC Imid proposed
territory or of said connt ) ' : have
signed siud petition.
Your remonstrator Curther alleges
that a number of 11I\1nos signed to
anid petition were signed h ' tl10se
who wore not logon.l voters of said
proposed territorj or of Raid cOUJJt . ;
. that ml1ny of tl10 signers to Imi < 1
I petition ore minors nUll tha lUan ) '
, others non-residonts n.nd tl1at
I some are women
I Your romonsLJator Curtl1t > r ahows
aUll alleges tl10 fnct to bo Umt of
the logl11 voters who signed sn.itl
petition 100 thereof hnvo since signing -
ing the signodn romollstl' nco
ill wlieh : tlloy Imy 'tlll\t ' "upon mature
consideration Rnd doliborl1tioll they
hnvo l'eacl1od the conclusion that it
is not to .thoir interest or to the
intorcsts of snitl county oC Ouster to
divide Ulo sn1DO 01' form the said
pro.080d new count ) . of Oyn.1Da amI
t horoforo ask thnt their n JUcs be
consid red n.s petitioners for !
proposed now count , ) ' and spocilicn.l-
Jy ask thnt their nn.mes bo considered -
od as withdrawn from said potition"
n.ndnftor deducting or striking Crom .
sl\id petition the names of minOl's ,
non-reBidonts and women Rn I names
of persons who < 1id not sign the .
Bame that t1 : ere < 1oos not romain.
the Ilctun.llognl bonn fide legal
\'otors signing snid petition anum _
bor exceeding 400 amI that far loss
tlUUl a mn.jori ty of the actual bOI'n !
fide legal voters of said territory
hn.vo signe < 1 ( mid potition. I
Your romonstra.tor further HhowB :
to the Honornble Donr < l n.nd
alleges the Cact to bo that the total
nl11c er of legal votorl-l in the terri
Lory proposed to bo organized into
SI\id county of Noble n.t this time is
Y 01 ! l' re111onstrator f1\1'tho1' nlllges
that of the 17 names on said petition -
tion for the doviHion of Ouslor county -
ty aud the organizl\tion of pro.
p08Ot1 now count ) ' of Noble mn.n ) '
of the , the exact numb or to
, ) 'our remonstrator being unknown ,
are minora , many others are non-I
l'esidEuts and many ether nn.mos
were Bignod by others thn.n these
WIlD it is purported by petition
signed the
Your remonstrator further shows
tl1n.t of the Imid 517 signers to sl\id
petition 100 thereof have since
signed a remonstrn.nco in which
they sny "thn.t upon mature con-
siderntion n.n < 1 deIiberntion they ren.ahec1 the conclusion thn.t it
is not to their interests to divide
said county or form the sRill proposed -
posed now county of No blo and
t eroforo aek'our : Honornble bed , ) '
thnt their nn.mos bo not considered
n.s petitioners for sllid now proposed
countv of Noble I\lJd withdrl\w their
nn.mos from petition n.nd I\sk
you to cons lll\r tlJat their nn.mOtl
no witl1drn.wn from potition" ,
hat niter striking from sl\id petition
the nnmes of these who ask thot.
tl10y be not considered as petitiollol'S
for sl1id divisioll n.n < 1 proposed 110W
county aUtl after striking from Hllid
petition the names of non-lesidents
minors n.nd women nnd the names
of th080 signed b , ) ' ethers thnn by
these who boar the name ll1oro is
not to eXtJcetl upon said petition
actual bonn. fide voters of
county to exceed 350 nud thn.t ont
moro thlln 350 persons rcsiding in
said proposed territory Ilctually
desire to submit aaid question of
the division If the county of OusLer
and the formation of the propobod
now county and petl110n fn.lls
far short of hn.ving a majority of
actun.llogal voters of sllid torritor , ) '
nnd your remonstrator shows to ) 'our
Honorp blo body that yon hllve no
jurisdlCtion or authority to order or
call an election for the division of
iJllid county and the formn.tion of two proposed new counties of
Oyn.mll.aud Noble.
Your romonstrn.tor furlhor protests -
tests Ilgainst the considoratJon by
, your Honorable body of the aflldn.vits
Ilttnch I to Bnid petitions ana purporting -
porting to show that the same are
signetI by a mn.jority of Wo logall
voters of the territories of the pro- II
posoa now counties n.nd object to .
your HonorabllJ body considering.
said n.f1idn.vits as proof of the fllct
tlmt Imid petitions 11.1'0 signed l > y II.
mn.jol' t. . , ) ' of legal volers of the territory -
tory or tm'ritorios of the proposed
now counties for the rOIlBon tho.t no
opportunity is given your romon-
stl'l\lor to cr06S examine said persons
mnldllg sld n.datli\'its or in any way
showing t11 hmHs of their Imowl0t1go
mlll boclluHO the Ba11l0 if : ! incompotollt
to ostabliHh the facta fOl' which the
: > I\mo are of To red liS a part of said
-Your l'omOllst1'llLOt' ful'thor IlRks
this Honorable bed ) ' to fix. a. reason-
11 blo time for a hearing of I his cause
so that ho 11In.y . hn.vo au opportuniiy
to proauco lIis e\'idonco and prove
the facts alleged ill his rowonHtrn.noe
nuo\'o Rot out and ask that the
prn. ' 01' of saitl pctitions bo donioll by
) 'our IIonorable LHl , ) ' _
} ss
1:1. : , Ouster County ,
U. II.Jolcomb / being first
dul ' sworn upon his oath su's , thnt
, ho has read and knows the contents
I of the above and foregoing rOlron-
, strancoj that be is the remonatrn.tor .
therein namedj that the facts therein
nllogodln saia romonstrnnco are true
as bo , 'oril ) ' boliovos.
Subscriboa in m ' presence nnd
sworn to boCoro mo thiH (1 a , ) ' of
September , 1006.
In the tnrLttor oC the potiUpn of
certain residents of Ouator 00\1I1t ) '
to di..ido the same and to orgn.nizo
the county of Arbor.
Comes now 0 , H. lIolcomb rnd
shows to the above nmuod lIonor-
able Bon.rtl that ho is n losillont , oiti-
zen , tax pn. . 'er and logn.l , 'otor oC the
county of Ouster nntl hns boon suoh
for a number of J'oarB lal't pnst nnd
ho protests ngl1inBt the proof of nm1
dlwits ofTored in tmppol't of the
petition for the division of OUBtor I
County and tl10 ormn.tion oC the i
proposed new connty of Arbor Jor
the ren.son thnt snitl af1hln.vits are
incomllotont anlll'0 not sufiiciont
to authorize tl10 Board to n.ot upon
said petition 1111(1 al'O not sufliciont :
to provo hat sn.it1 petition for the
divisiou of Ouster county ana the
orgnnizn.tion of said ll1'opoHcd oOlln.
t.y of Arbor han hoon signed by the .
rcquirel1 Il\unher or lIIajorit. , ) ' of thu.
hgal ! voters of t1w hJl..itory propoHol1
to he divided into the count.y of
Al'hor ! llld 'OI11' rcmollHtrator doniofl
t.haL . Mn tI pet.ition is signell by 1\
majorit.y of the legal vot.ort ! of the
tCl'rltory pruposed to bo organized
into t.ho now county of Arhor , ! lud
denieR t.hat. the Board hat ! jurisrHu
t.ion to order an eleotion for t.ho
diviBion of OUlltor count.y alld t.he
orqanizn.t.ioll of Baill propoBo < 1 OOl1l1t ) '
I of Arbor.
TilE S'.r.\TE Q } ' NEJlJIAS-
} as.
Kl. , Custcr County.
I O. H. Holcomb being first aul , ) '
swom upon his su 's that ho has
: read I1nd knows the contents of the
labovo n.nd forogoin romonstrn.ncej
that ho is the romonstrntor tbcroin ; tlmt tl10 factH therein n.l1ogod
in rOlUonstrnDco are true liS ho
verily boHovoH.
SubscribCtl in my prJsonco n.nd
sworn to before mo this day of
September , 1D06
It was movc atlll ca1'1'ied thut a com.
mltteo of two bo appointed on each 1)0-
tltlon , ntllithat the chalrmn.n bo n. mmn-
bOl' of the cOllunitou : on Iho norlhcast
'j'he chair then appolnled on the
northcast coiinty to IlMslst hl11l , H. It.
Wolcll , and as : l commilleo on the
norlhwest County , SUler\'lsor8 ) , Fonnl.
mo1'O and 1\101'1'18 , I1l1d n9 a committee
on the southwest count ) ' , Fen n _ and
Cn-hmal1 : ! a1)(1 ( Schncl'in/-to1' / .
The followlnJ : : ngl'ccmont between the
roprosonlntlvos of the JlotitionCl's and
rOlUon ! > tl'ntol'S was rend b ) ' the c1ot'k.
It Is hcreby agrccd by the parties
rlJpresonting the now countlos of 0)'u1l1n ,
N oblo and Aruor counties , I1nd the partIes -
Ies roprosentlng Custor cOl1nty , thnt no
moro namcs bo ad cd 10 the potltions
Ilfter this hour , aUll no moro 11I1111CS
shall ho added to the wllh rH.wl1ls 01'
romonstmncog IIfltn' this hour , au ench
party agree not to 1110 allY ulltlltlonnl
DI OIl this 211th dn.y of Septemuer ,
11100 , 1045 ; a. m ,
P. F. Forno ) ' ,
n. J. Kelley , Hop , Noble count ) ' .
W. n. lIull , " Oyama "
It g , UreJa : , " Arbor "
C. 1l.1Iolcomh , " CUM tel' "
It was mo\'cd alld carrie that the
hcaring on the petitions bo contlnuotl
till Monday , Ootobor I , 11100 , U II. m ,
It was mO\'ed and carrlod to ndjonrn
till 8 a _ m. tomorl'Ow.
'l'll1trf ; IlY , Soptcmhor 27 , tilDa ,
Board met at 8 :1. : , m. nll presont.
It was mo\'ed anll carrlcd that the
clerk he Ilnd hcreby is Insl1'uclclto ,
draw Wllrrants ou the I90G hl'l o fnnd
In payment of thu claims alt'cl1dy
fn fnror of the Cnltcl' NI\tlonal Bank
for 11900.
In farol' of the Bl'Okon Bow Stnll }
Bank fOI' $ aon.
In Ca\'ol' 01 the Security Stuto Bank
for smoo. :
The YOlls nnd naj's holng cl1l1cd , the
vote wai : liS follolVs :
Votin yea , < Inlhl1lnll ! , FOIull1 , Fenni-
moro , Hl'hnol'ln allll ' ' '
cr , allll'otlng' lIa ,
The t'halrl11an declared the moll01l
carried. .
It wali mo\'od 111111 carried to adjonrn
1Il1 8 u , III. tomOl'rolV.
Friday , SI'ptcmbm' 28 , 1\IOU \ ,
Boal'dlllulllt 8 a , m. , 11.11 prcsellt.
The fot'ennon was spent In I'ommillec
At 12 o'clock It WIlS 1II0\'od 111111 car ,
1'1011 thllt the uomlutljourn : till 8 a. 111. .
SutlU'l a ) ' , SOlllol11he1' 20 , 1000 ,
Boar 1II0t ut 8 11. III. , nil proRon t.
The road commllto { ' reported a !
follo v8 :
Wo l'tlco1llmotul tlmt the pctltlon of
I Vono I'owoll ot al for Il road In town 17
range 1tI ho g1'l\ntod. Hond to bo 40
foot wide , anI I thl1t. g , M. Mosoly ho Ill.
Inwed fOl' fencn $80,110
fnt. Htock ehuto llli.OO
'L'otal $ llliOO
to he assosscd against road dlstl'ltt
! ' .o. I , Ol\rllel < l ' 1'wp.I. .
I. . Cn9hmnn ,
11. B. SchnorltlRer ,
H. It. Woluh. .
The 1'01)l't of the committee was ao ,
cOHolland } adopt , I1Ull'OI\lI.
The commlttoo nlso ropOlted ns fol- i
lows on the petition of G. I , ' . Christy ot
11.1 to rhlt'O ( width of 1'0:111 : No. 10 ft'OI1l
00 foot to , to feet 111 width.
Wo 1'eC0l1111101111 that the petition ho
rojeclcll IUlll1'lHl1l1l1l1t1'lutCOS g1'l\l1tClI.
I. . Cushman ,
] t. H , Schno1'il1gol' ,
It. n. WOlc\l. \
The 1'01101'1 , of t.ho c01111111tl'o \ was 1\0-
coptJllulIl allollol1l\s ) 1'el\ll.
The mnnmlttoo I\lslI 1'ep01'toll on the
} \otltlonof , J. 11. H.'owl1 . ot 1\1 for a 1'Olul
111 town J.I l'I\II n 1 V.
Wo rOC011l 111 0111 I tlmt the ) lotiliou ho
gl'll 11 tOIl.
L. Cnshl1ll1n ,
II. B. Schnodngor ,
H , H. Woleh.
'l'he 1'O\101't \ of the conl1uiU'o was I\C-
cOltlJll ) : ulIll\lloptell as 1'eall.
It wl\-IlIIo\1'1I ! Ul111l'1\1'1'lellto , adjom'n
tI 11 y 1111. . 1\I011(1I1Y.
MONIIA" , 00'1' . 1 , 111013.
1301\1'(1 mot nt f ) fi. m. nIl pr080nt.
' 1'110 ' forenoon WIlS spout in committee -
mittoo work ill the division mattor.
Adjoll1'ncd till 1 :30 : p. m.
i\1."nuNooN : SI'SSJON. :
Bonrc111l0t I1t 1 :30 : p m all present ,
' 1'ho committo nppointed to in-
vostignto the lotition nnt1 the 1'0-
monHt1'l\IlCOH in the '
\ } J1'oposod now I
Oounty of Oyamn. ropol'ted nl ! : (0- : I
lows :
Wo the committee appointot1 to
ill vostigato the petitions find 1'0-
monstrancos of the propoHOCOlill. .
tj' oC Oyn.nm Hubmit th following
report ,
Wo fint1 thn.t the petition oontnins
6,13 names n.Jll the romonstl'llnco
contains : JUD Dlunos und wo Hnt1 G3
nn.mes which signot1 both petition
und romonstrn.nco nnd ask thn.t
their names bo withdmwn from the
petition. Wo find 1 > 1 Higncd petition -
tion twice , wo nlso find 19 ual1los
which by 1'osidonce given do not
li\'o in said territory. Wo find by
the nlHtmct of the vote given by. .
the County Olorle of the YOl\r of
1111H there was polled 122H votes
nnd for the , ) 'enr of 1UO , JUI
votes. Wo Hnd on I\V01'l\3'0 of the
ILbstract of the vote of the two
years 190. ' and 1906 to bo 1l84A.
und after deducting the nmnos f
thoao wo find not entitled to bo
countOl on the petition they lack
! Ii ! of luwing n mn.jority.
J. \ AnTHuII.
It IlS movot1and carried that the
report of the committee bo ueceptod
and adoptJl fiS road.
The committee appointotl to in.
vostigl\to and 1'oport on the petition
and remonstrance iu the mn.ttor of
the now propoBod Oounty of Arbor
reported n.s fo1 ! wn :
We , ) 'our cOJ1'mitteo appointed to
chock the petition of the Southwest
qun.rtor known as Arbor county
have oxamincll same n.nd
it with tllo nbstract of the vote and
find the nverago of votes fOl' 1U04
and 1n05 Was U 8 and the IlItition !
had 7liO I1IUOOS which gn.vo thom a
majority fjG.
It WaH 1110vull a'111 cu'1' : u\l to n.c-
copt nnd adopt the report of the
Committee IlS rell .
O. H. Holcol1l b by his Attorno ) '
H. 1\1. Sullivau objected to tl10 1'0-1
port of the coml1litteo olTored for
UJO 1'0nHOlJ thn.t the rep01't of the
eommittee only purports to show
the uumber of porsoDs voting nt
two elections nnd does not purport
to fil1d tha total nor ILOhllLI number
of'otors at this limo 111 the pro-
pORml territo1' ' of Al'l\ol' County. ,
and the aOidlL\'ils of , T n. Os r.rn
nnll n. Eo Br"Wlaro immf\iciont \ n.nll
incompetent to prov t lo number
.If leglll , 'oters at this time in snid
: e1'l'itory n.nd there ill no evidence
\cforo \ the committee 01' the Board
hewing tlmt the porHOIlH whoso
UOlOeB a1'O Hignec1 Ilctuall ) ' signed
I the sILmo to the petition lIOW 1I0foro
the Bon.rd.
Sn. d Holcomb domcs tbo jU1' sc1ic-
, tion to grant the petition 01' au th-
orize an election in said propoEied
County of Al'1 > or and ho domaads
thlLt the petitiolJars rhow ; before the
Board the n.etual lIumber of voters
J llOW in the sllid proposed County
of Arbor.
n , A , 1\1001'0 on bohn1f of UIO
petitioners fisk thnt the . Bonrd
, ,
1lI11.0 ns n pn.rt of the rccor.tl1"tho
abHtl'l1ot of , "OtOB for the 'o 'tfl U04
I\Jll1110/ ! / ) } Iropl\rod h ' the County
Olork which ahstrnot of "OtCH 110
cOllsidorml , in connoctioll with the
n I1 dn.vit , b ' the ( oml1lil.loo amI the
potitiollors aHk thn.t the snid abstract -
stract oC , 'otos fi8 WaR proll rJl by
the County Olork whicis certified
to by him , a part of the record
together with the POtiliOD amI
afiidl\\'it attllchoH thereto together
with t.ho nl1lda'"it , of Ex-County
\Icrk 08bOl'II ,
' 1'ho abstmot of votes rofor1'od to
abo"o roll\ti"o to the 80vornl pro.
posed 1I0W OoulltioH were IUI followa :
Stntomont showing the probable
nUllIber of "otors residing in the
lU'Opo od now county of OJ'allll\
baHcd upon the n.bstrn.ct of the , "oto
cast nt the genera ! clootion or 19Q.t
I\ud lOli { } ,
'l'urrltorr 1'I'obnbio Nu ! 'I"ah 0 No
1I\01lldOlI III'otorll III'otlll'lI
11Ilro' hallod 011 tlto bnsod 01thu
\)011011 now . , 'oto of IUIJI'oto 01 11105.
oOUllt ) 01
Hnr1ol\t'I'owllllltll ) 3li ; ; tli !
Dout'lnll : Uro\'o 'l'WIl17:1 : ! : Ill .
' ' '
tOt 1110
1.111 nll'1'owl\lIhh , II : ! 1:1 : : :
H ! IOCII. : ! of Mntlo
whloh III 25 per clint
oltho tOwllllhh , . . . . . ; 1 ; : !
27 HocII. 01 \\0111 < 11'-
\1110 whloh III 3:1 : 1101'
cOllt 01 thll 'l'w'p. . . . j/i / 1:1 ; : . .
lI ! tHOOII. 01 Jlorw'n
wh oh IH 12 1101' ollnt
01 the tOWllllhlp1M
Iii HocII. of lIroKoh \
Bow whloh III : I \Ul'
cent of the ' " , . . . . .
\ \ : : : : s 2t2
72 lIootlonll 1.\\\ \ "Ollt
Ullolwhich II HI
Ior COllt 01 the ' 1'\\111111 12:1 :
- -
' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . : : 1111
'l'ho No' of "OtOIl
Cllllt nt dill , : ollorlll
eloctlon . for. . . . . . . . . . . 11101 In HI\r1ont WIlR : t17
. . 1\JOj \ InrJ'ont : ! WIlH : t
. . t\JOlln \ D. Bro"o wllsl7:1 :
. . 1005 In D. Uro'o W'&lIIlO :
. . 100111111lrlloltl WI\H 101
. . 1I1j ( ) III Unrllold WILli 100
. . HIli. n 1'llIlIm waH UI :
. . 11105 In 1. IIInlwus 1:1.'i :
11I01 In I\t'rtlo WUH US
" 11105 III MyrLlo Wlltl 111
I\Jntlo towlIHhlp hnH 72 lIuotlpnH ,
II ! HuctlonH boill' ' : . Illoludod In ' -
1I0Hod now count ) of OYUIIIII. which s 25
lI r COllt 01 the townHhlll.
I'ho lIulllbor of "otOR cust ut the aonor-
1\1 alecLion fot' ! ! I05 In Wostor\'lIIo III 1113.
' 1'110 nUlllbOl' of "otos CI\Ht ut the aonornl
olt'ctlon for l00j \\'UHtol'"lIlo III iii : ! .
Wosto.r\'lllo township hUH Ii : ! HCCtioIlS.
: ! 7 HOCtlolIH boill' ' : IlIcl\lIlod \ In tho0'
1I0BOd now count ) ' of 0)11111which \0' \ :
1I0r cent 01 the townshill.
'l'ho No. of "OtOR CUHt ut the 1UllOrul
oll'ctlon for 11101111 BorwYIWUH 15U.
' 1'ho No. of'otOH onHt I\t the Iollorul
olectloll for IIK5 ! In BOI'\\'yn WUH li7.
BurwvlI townHht' ! hUH 65l1uctloIlH.
II Iwa llnH hoinlr Illcludod In the llro'
loHod 1I0W coullty of O'UIIIU which III 1:1 :
IHlI' cOllt of the towIIHhh , .
'l'ltu No. 01 "OtOH CUllt ut. the 1onornl
oloctloll fOl' tOO , In Brolcon Bow WUH m J.
'l'ho No of'oteH CIlHt ut the aonornl
oioctloll for t005111 Brolcoa Bow Willi r,5/j. /
Brokoll Bow tOWllllhllll1l411 soCtiollH.
4H HoctiollH boill' ' . : Illctudod 12G the j'ro-
IH'ROd 1I0W COUIlt ) of Uyullln whl jM1I. ; !
1I0r aOllt of the to\\'lIshlil. c I I
't'ho No. of'otOK CUHt ut the aonornl
oll'otloll fOI' 1001 III WUHt Ullion WUH la7 ,
'l'ho No. of votUH eust lit thu lrorlOrnl
oloutloll for tIIl ( ! ; In WUBt Ullion WIIH li5.
WUIII Union hllH H5 Hootlons.
72 IIUCtlolIl1 boln ! : ' Inclullod In the , -
rlOHod IIUW county of UYI\IIUL whlc Iro-
: HI. II 1I0r cent of the to\\'IIHhhl.
S'l'\TJI ; 01" N rmltASJtA , l
CUS-rltlt OOUN'I'J J
I Jos. ligman < 10 hereby certify
thn.t I run the Oounty ClerIc of slli. .
U ! > lInty duty elected IlJll qualified ,
n.s suob of1icer thn.t I hn.vo obargo of
the abstrnct of votes cast nt , the
sov01'l\1 polling placel' in said Counl , ) '
at the gono1'al election hold in find
Cor said Ooullty on the 8 dny of Nov.
1DO. ! n.nd on the 7 day of Nov. 1906
and that the above and foregoing
statement is true and correct to the
best of 10 , ) ' lmowlollgo amI boliof.
I further certify that I arrived 0.1 ,
the above in the following
fo1' in-
manner townHhips wholly -
. c1udetl within the proposed now
: Oount ) . , the whole number of voteH
CILt ! in such township is givon. 1i'01'
OV01' , ) ' township in which a portion .
only is included in the proposed
now Oounty I inclut10cl such pel'
cent of the entire vote of suoh precinct -
cinct as the lllunbor of 80ctions cut
off if ! of the entire numhor of sec.
tions inclnded within the procinct.
InVitnos' ! Whereof , 1 hn.vo .
hereunto sot my hand an < 1 afiixed
the seal of ollstor county thiH til'l t
< In.y of Oct. 1HO . .Tol1 Plm11N.
[ SEAl. ] Oounty olork.
Stlltclllbnt showing the probublo
numbol' of voters residing in the
propmiO < l now county of Arbor
bllHed upon the nbftrllct : ! of the vot01i :
cllRl n.t the gonua1 elections of 1DO. '
nnll 1905.
'l'u.Tltor . ) ' I'rohul1lo Nil. I'robl1blu No ,
' of V01UI'H of "olorll
n 111'0' bllll'd on the lilliit'd on thu
1I0liud nl'vot. . . of WtJl "oto 01 1005.
conl ) ' of
J IIIIto'IIHhlll IIJI : ; j
Oolllht 1u\\'nHIIIII 2a'i : m
WI1)'IIO tll\\'nHhr ! ) HI 71
Urnllt tll\\'lIlIhl ) ) 77 Li !
Wood ! lire. '
111\\'IIHhll ) : ! : : J : ! U
: J : ! HlIClioll1l of
Arllold which Is
2:1 : lIur cent of th
to\\'nllhlll :11 : I
50 Hoctlon" of
'l'rlumph which
Is 71 pur cent of the
to\\'IIHhlll Gt I 5 <
lj ! Hoctlona of Bro.
ken Bow which Is
It per CUllt of the
township 81 'it !
1211 ! loctionH 01 OUH'
tor which IH 7t : ! JlU"
cent of the tOWII'
IIhip U3 111
- -
'l'ot II I II/Hi" / 1 ,