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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1906)
. . , - - - - , . . - \I \ Ir O\lllty \ n p\lI1iQa \ ! I . . . . . . - - - - - - - " . M. AMSBERRV , - . . Pllbllnhor CIIAS.I < , BASSETT , . . AOBoolnto - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' iV mT SINU nAT B. IIno (1')101111I. II/'r mnnth , S7.00. Ono.h"U CII.- Dlnn. Ilor mnllill. tll.U ( < lnulcr clllilmll. per InnllJ. ! 'J.O. I.II Ihllll 1)II111tor ) column. r.o . cnt flU' Ilicb Ilur monlh. h -1' 011 IIrt'l I'P U. 'i\1 ' conlnlor Incll , pCt In 11 It 'n' ' : 11 ll f Irtl llI ; ' : Ii C\1I18 Icr 1\/111 cnch h.lor. I' " . , llile ( It church tI41r .lIoclllblje nlld oolurllllll' In ' 1.11 whuru motlc ) ' I. . . . cltnrgwll. ODII.11ll1t rAtc . ' "olllir lIollce.Inti rCPl1lutlon , ono./lolt rllioe. " l"lIlIlr IlOlli"1I tro . halt Iflee tor I'IIIIII IIIII" llt ! ' " lion ! Iliollnl1 teo. IInll " , te. , tOt 1'lIhlt hllllt olillullr1 nll\lrUi'l , . .n,1 r..Ard nt Ih"nlc . , .I1,1 uIIIII ' at rILt'1I l.rl"hll'll hy . 'olnICII r.t . . , , , , . r .hkn. . . - . - . . - - - - . . - - - 'l'hursday , Octohcr 18 , 190 ( , . - . . ' . " ' . " " ' Repuhlicnn Ticlct. WI'NI" : 'l'ICI\li'I' . j.'ur Uulicil SIllc ! ! eualur- , NorrlqlruWII , ur IIl1rraln. I j.'or Goverllor- tiCMII'1' 1..I1II1'1clnllof C III . I . ] 'or I.lclllclIJIII.JU\'l'lIlIIr" ( 1\1. H. IIUlll'\lcll.or Jlllrl. Ior Jlall\Va ' CUIIIIIII lolI"r"- . 11. J. Wlllilell. or 1.lllcafller. Uoherl COWI'II. of l'tllllllafl. J. A. Wllllallll1.01 Plerc. ! . I.'or Hocrclary ur Htale Gl'fll' ! C Jllllkill. or ChJllllcr. J.'or A 1I1111M - - I I : . : \I. HI'arle. ur Keith. I 'ur 'I'rcaqllra- 1.1 : . llraill. or 111111111' . I.'or HIIIIrllllt'III1c'III- J. \IcBrlclI : , ur 1-11I1I1Orl' . I.'orHurll ! ! } ' ( ; ' ! I1cral-- - \V. 'I' . 'I'holllll oll. \terrlclr. : . ] . 'ur 1.:11111 CUlllllllfllllolI'r- H. 1\1. I'aloll. : or 1111111:11. ] 'or COlllfn."qllall. , Hlxlh Dilltrlct- , : \I. 1' . Klllkalll.or O'Nulll. Vor Hlalu H'lIalor. IbIl1UIKlrlcl'- II. II , ( ! over. CO/III1OcC. ( ! ] , 'nr Hellresel1lallilh / ] ) IlItrlct- Will. Warrell. Callaway. I , ' , C. WIIIIOII , AIIM'llllo. COUN'I'Y'l'ICln'I' : . Jnr COllilty AlInrlloy- C. I. . ( hlllerMoll. Supcrvlsor ] )1111. No. 3- I. . Cushl1lJo. SUllenllIr Ilst. Nil. 5- Juhll ( HiulUro. Sl1llervlsor 111111. No. 7- n. IlIlIer. lIIQKI N 1I0W'l'o\\'NHIIIP. ' ' , 'J'OWllflhh Clerk- . D , Hal1llI. ' ' , ' ' 'l'lIwllllhh 'l'reJflllrer- J. S. MIlIYlleallx. - - - - . ' - Four incbes of 'mow is reported at Carthage , N. Y. , and fruit trces o ( all kinds brokcn f10wn undcr the weight of the snow from Buffalo throng-h to Alhan ) ' , . while hcrc in Nebraska thc citizens are cnjoying balmy , sunshiny days and the best ozone which can be f und upon this contincnt. It is strange that people will continue to reside in sitch an inclement region as the Empire state whcn they can enjoy the invigorating and agreeable climate of Nebraska where a home can be had for mercly the asking and a small amoltnt of worl > : in improving it. Sam Jonc , the noted evangc- ist , died suddcnly on a slccp1l1g car last Sunday night while enroute from Old ahoma City to hi5 homc , Cartcrsvillc , Gcorgia , whcre he was to attend a family reunion on 'ruesday , that day being the 59th anniversary of his birth. His scrmons were unique and his manncr of conducting - ducting mcetings wcre of the wild west show order and while large numbers professed christianity - ianity in his meetings they were no the stic1c-to-it kind and it is doubtful if any good was really accomplishcd by his evangelistic work. A vote for the legislativc ticket is a vote for princ1ple , rathcr than for the personal of mcn. A vote for the republican candidates - dates is a vote for Norris Brown for the United States senate and for the endorscment of President noos ve1t's administration. A vote for eithcr of the fusion legislative candidates is a vote for' W. H. Thompson , the democratic - cratic candidate for the United 'States senate. The opposition , of the railroad . companies and grain elevators combined. to Norris Brown is nCJ more than was expected after his successful fight in the state courts against them. If we mistake - take not the temper of the busi- ncss and labor elements of Nc. braslca , the opposition of the corporations , will increase hh maJorit ) . with the people. . The veterinary surgcons 01 California have commenced D campaign against milkmen a1(1 \ mi11cers wearing beards , claiminj ! that the hirsute adornments an "microbe ' : dangerous parks. 1-4cgislation is to be asked requir. ing those who handle food pro. . . ducts to dispense with all chb adornments. Verily , soon then will be no "p rsonal libert ) " . ' In the agitiltion of statt politics the voters of Custe : couny should not forget the candidacy of C L. Guttersor one of the county's most safe an ( ' able lawyers. A man of stricj integ ity and worthy of the unamlOUS S lpp01't of the county , Bon. Norris Brown's able a1 \ ( ' aggresive administration a : attorney General has proven hh ability to fill with honor and dis. . tinction the office of U nitc { States Senate. . . . . . - . " . Why Refer to 2Doctor.5 . . . . - . . . _ c _ _ _ . . . . _ . " " " " _ _ _ . Bccrluse we make medicines for them.Ve ive them the I formulu for Aycr's Cherry Pectoral I rind they prescribe it fOt" eotlths ( , colds , bronchitis , consumption. They trust it. Thcn you can nfford to trust. , it. Sold fOl' over GO ycars. i . . ' ' 1''lnrnl h , Ihllt . AJ r' I'hnrrv " n r lIwly "nllhl " hu III "v r. h"P. 1 " "vn II. IIIItfl'lIt , , , . , , . III It . fllr " , , , , I "IIIIIh 1111.1 rlII1. , ' ' ' " ' I llllmv " " .tI II , ' ' , " , ' , II'hl" It h. 1"1111 . 'lilt ' ' 1'1'(111111"1 , It Inn 11' ' hly.MAnit . I. : . , CIIII1I : , 11) " " I'nlc , M'n" ' . _ , , , I IIM--'In " " " " : hyT. O. nr 00. . Iow ll , MIIS5. ( A 100 IItUluracturorll ot \0 S1 . ' . 1MAdO U\I'ARII.U : ; I 'JI ) ' : I'11.1.i. : ae IS ' 1J ' V ' " IIAm VlfiOJI. . r.r. , , : - ' , . .s . Ayor' PlUG grontly nld the Cherry Puctornl In hronllll1l : up Q cold. t ! ' . : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If thcre is anYclm s of cmploycs in an ) ' line in- this country who descrve pcnsions It is thc railway mail cIerIs. III conscquence of the position of mail cars in all railroad trains , thcy are more liable to he injured than anyone else on the trains , and thcIr work is long and hard , rcquiring the c1osestapplication. It is wondcr- ful how few errors arc made by them , considering the difficultics under which they labor. . . - - - - - - - - - Down in Louisiana one 1llt'm- ber hung a jury for sixty hours and securcd a disagrecmcnt just bccause he bclieved the defcnd- ant was a cigarette fiel1d and thcrefore not responsible for his action . ' 1'bis is the first en- : couragcment the cigarctte smoker has rccc'cd in a long time. 1\ vote for a fusion candidate for thc legislature would be a vote for a dcmocrat candidate for the United Statcs senatc and a vote to oppose the Roosevclt administration. No republican can afford the cost. The Legislative Ticlet. Republicans should not fail to vote for the lcgislative ticket at the approaching election. Both the candidates for the housc , as wel1 as the candidate tor the senatc arc plcdged to thc republican - can state platform which provides - vides for rcform leg1slation de , manded by the public. Further than that they will support the administratioit of a republican govcrnor , Sheldon , whose elcc- tion is a foreg'one conclusion. Not only that , they will vote for the election of Norris Brown , republican United States Senator - or , who will support Prcsident Roosevclt's fearless adminstra- tion. . . - - - - - - - - Mr. Brown' . Record is Clenr. 'l'he fusion newspapers are endeavoring to malce capital out of a suit against the State Journal company for damages in the sum of $84,500 , wherein it is allcgcd the Journal sold supreme court rcports to that amount , upon which the state owned the copyright. 'l'he fusion press IS advertising this suit in an ctfort to show the Journal is supporting - ing Brown , in the expectation that he would fail to prosecl te vigorously tbe suit against the paper , Hut as a matter of fact the rccord of Mr. Hrown is clear on this suit , and inasmuch as his brief , on file in'the supreme court , can be scen at any timc , thc I fusionists can only gct consola- lon out of the story by appcal- I mg to the people ou the rccord of the Journal. 'rhe suit was first tiled by Attol'11ey General Prout. A hearing was had and the Journal company won. About the time Norris Brown was electcd attorncy general the dccision was handed down. Be at once filed a motion for a rehearing and it was grantcd. ' 1'he case was again argucd , and it is now in the hands ot the supreme court , with the dccision due at any time. Mr. llrown's argumcnt is on file in the l1preme court and has been for months . - and is public property. 'rhe fusion press is very much "at home" Saturda ) ' afternoons and every day and night in the week whcn it comes to manu. facturing , the chief output being mountains made fromOmolc-hills , Thu Horticultu icty. October 30th , 190C" is the date set fo1' meeting of Custer count ) ' Horticultural Society at the court house , IJrolcell llow , fore. noon , afternoon and evening meetings. State spcaker , paper ! b ) . local talent. l"rec for all discussion. Hclr make the mceting a success b . , - your presence and suggestion. J. D. RJtAIII , Pres. , Wn.I.IS CADWIU.I. , Secty" , . , . . , I _ . , > - Firat Hu.b"ndThen Lover. The cxquisite concert of the comcdy in " ' 1'he Marriage of Kitty" which is to be scen at the Opera house on Monday evening , Oct 22nd , undcr the managcmcnt of Jules Murry , is one of the delights - lights of the scm\On. Miss Kitty Silvcrton comcs to London to seek the advice of her Godfather - father in the matter of future employment and dccides that marriag-c is the one and only dcsirable employmcnt that she carC5 to consider. . She has no one in view but will rely 011 the good taste of her guardian. Will he please pick her out a husband ? l"atc scnds him an old friend , a Baronet , whose unc1e left his will in such unambiguous phrase that should he marry the lady of his heart , a certain Peruvian widow , he will lose the entire fortunc. ' 1'he barrister calmly brin s it about that the young lord marries Kitty "tcmporarily , " thus avoiding - ing complications with the will , and leaves it to be understood that he will obtain for tbem a divorce at the proper time and thus allow thl : : mfatuated lovcr to marry "in earncst" the true object of his atIcctions. All goes wcll until chance throws the Barouet into the socicty of his "wif , " whom he finds to be most fascinating. The Pcruvian lady has provcd to be a most jealou's and unpleasant person for regular compani nship , and in the charm of his own wife-of-an-hour the lovcr shifts his allcgiance from the widow to the wife and runs away with his real sweetheart , Kitty. She Diagno.ed Hi. Clue. A certain Broken Bow layman is telling a good joke on the minister of his church which is said to have actually occurred at the home of the layman a few evenings ago. Several days ago the 7-year old daughter of the layman complainad to her mother thather stomach felt bad. "Per- haps it's because it is empty , "said her mothcr. "It might fcel batter if you had something in it. " ' 1'he lother night the minister callcd at the house and , in rcply to a question put to him by the head of the family concerning bis health , the minister stated that he felt well but that his head felt bad that day. Before either the layman or his wife could offer sympathy the little daughtcr spoke up and said : "Perhaps it's because ittis empty. It might feel better only.'i something in it. " And then fol1owed a very profuse explanation - tion by mama to the seemingly great relief of the minister whose laugh was rathcr sickly at the conclusion of the child's , remarks. h Perfectly Competent. In nominating Wm. Warren , of Callaway , for representative , the republican convention held at Broken Bow , voiccd our senti- mcnts exactly , as we have known Mr.tVarren personally and are in a position to know that he is a gentleman , and is pcrfectly compctent for the office he aspires. He is a man that is always ready for anything that is beneficial to the general public. Mr. Warren is a man who has put in a grcat deal of stu y on the qucstion of g-ood roads , and this is the one hing which the people have been praying for , hence the sensibility of placing an nd\'ocator of good roads in the lcgislature. 1-4et the voters not stop at the nomination of Mr. 'Varren , but when the proper time comcs , cast their vote , and elcct him to the legislature.- Oconto Register. An Old Time Land Case. The U. S. Land office of this placc is hearing a final proof and protcst on a timber claim this wcek that was filed on eighteen years ago. The case is one in which D. A. Swisher made a timbcr claim cntry near Arnold nearly eighteen - teen years ago. After cultivating the land and planting trces for a time the entrymall was sent , to the Asylum for the insane ta Norfolk. After the limitation of time to make proof the Government cancelled the entry and Wm.Watkins filed homcstead I papers on the land. The relaties of Swisher entcred protest nand the General Land ofi ce granted a hearing of the case. Walkins . entry was canc llcd by the Government and a further investigation - vestigation ordcred. A ycar ago the rclatives were given lcave to make proof. For sevcn years the claim has been in litigation. 'l'he proof is now bcing taken , and the protcst evidcnce sub- mittcd by Watkins goes to the ) spccial appointcd commisison for . final judgment. . Lct us be your printcr. The goo . kind of printing only. . . , . , . . - , . - . " . - . c. - --'i/ : ' # ' Do Not Bur11 Off Old Paint You will have to do so if you use hard , indastic paint ; but thcre is a bcttcr way. way.Use Use old-fashioncd white lead and linsc d oil paint. I t wears down uniform 1 y , without that scaling ofr which disfigures so many modern houses , and is for without ready re-painting - out burning or scraping. Red Seal or Southern Pure White Lead ( Made by the Old DUlch l'rocess ) . is just such an old-fashioned paint. Our booklet will tell you about It , and other paint information. valuable to the house.owner. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY Clark Avenue and lolh Street , S1. Louis , No. . For sale by first.etass dealers. Remember. The Bpworth League of the Methodist church will give a jolly hallowe'en party. Place will be annouuced next week. Marriage I.4icenses to marry have been issued by County Judge Humph- rey since last Thursday as follows : Jas. L. Johnston , Comstock. . .28 Emily Palmer , Comstock. . . . . 20 Charley F. Lloyd. Callaway. . .22 Gracie B. Stivers , Callaway..17 Harry S. Preston , Oconto. . . . 18 i Daisy R. Sm'ock , Oconto. , . . . .18 Byron Willmoth , Merna. . . . . . 20 Agncs Smith , Milburn. . . . . . .18 - - - - - - College Note. . [ By . 'red Govier. ] Rev. Mitchell conducted Chapcl Monday and gave the stu ents an interesting talk. Miss Alma Porter was attacked with rheumatism and was taken , home 'Friday , accompanied by : her sister , Miss Elma. Miss Anna Albers lest her pocket book containing $28. Mr. Ellingston of Round Vall y was a visitor Friday. Della and Lulu Ellingston , Arthur Dayidson , Floyd Warden , Frank Crow and Stanley Scott spent last Saturday and Sunday at home. The students of the College will meet Thursday evening in the College chapel to organize a literary society. Consi erable interest is manifested and there is no question Uut the students of Custer College will have one of the best Literary societies in the state. Miss Marjie Day of New Hopc , who has been spending the summer in Hot Springs , ; South Dakota.enrolled in the Uusiness department Tuesday 1l10rniag. Miss Ethel Streator 'taug-ht the Tappae Valley school last Thursday. She reports teaching pleasa n t work. Mesdames Stuckey , Jovner and Gutterson visited a short time last Tbursdaj" to hcotr the reading given by Mr. Sanford Dodge. Special sale of buggies. spring wagons , carriages and runabouts at Cadwell block : L. E. Cole , Salesman _ , J. W. Shea. filII name ullknownShea' ; 11111 wife. tJrKt uame unknowlI. anlllhe IIlIkllown heltll and de\'lsee > > ot 'tall' J. W. Hhea : the 1111- known helrll am' devisees ofIallala : Hrl ltall. 1I0metimes : calle < 1 lIrtltltln anll IU III e. times ' . ' ' ' , . , lIrhrll'en. formlr ! } 1'humloll , rormerl ) ' Oltdell. now . " 'ceasell ; Jacob IIrhnlau. Iome. times callellllrlll ln allll lIomethlleK IIrhllell. and his nukllown helrfl amI .le.lsl'eR ; James lIall also Jnme > l W. lIall. atlll his wHet - - lIall. IIrlllllame uuklluwlI. and Ihelr unlmown hclrR alI < I .le'lheell ; Cura M. 1I11nnell , lIan\lall alII ! ) Cura : II. lIullnell. a1 , Cah'ltA. . IIl1l1nell ; the IIl1kllowu helr > l of Hllfu ill. O d , , " . dc. cea8C11 ; alld 1'lIth : CUnlllllllltli. hlen' . alld heir of Judanll C. I'urler. deceasel , will lake lIolice. that Oil Ihe 1lh : da ) ' of Octuber. 19\6 , Morris 11. 1I111111ell.llalllllll hureill. l1Iell ItlsIelltloll In tltu IIhitrlct courl , of l'lIster COllllty , Nebraska. altai list sall derelldalll8. the object aml\'ra'er 01 which arc to remove thu c/oulllI / from thu IIlIe 10 Ihu 1I0rthwesl qllarter IIr Hecllull olle. III IIIWlIlhl1l fuu rlt. ' " , rallllU nilloteell III CU8ter counly. Ne"ra ka ; lIy all order and decrce of lIalll Court c\lIcel1hlll , all- uu111111r. alld dccreelulf all fralldulcllt. void aliI/ . of no elIect the [ 'Ilial Heceh'urs Heceillt frolll the Ulllted Statell to Maltala IIrlltltall ; thu mllrlll'alte by Mahala IIrlllltell allil hllsbaml. Jacob , tu Judsull C.l'urler : the deed lIy Maha/a Urlll'III ar.d ItuKlIand. Jacob. 10 James lIall ; Ihe nJortltalle by James lIal1 and his wUe. I valluc. to Mahala IIrl ltln : the deed by James W. 1Ial1 ami wHet Eval1l1e. tu J. W. Shea. alld the lease from Cora M. lIunllell. alld hltsllalld. Calvlll M. . to 1\1. II. 1I111111ell , al1 said IlIstrll- melltq cuverlult said I"emlsel ; . IIJhl\lrayer also aqklnll a findlllll' alld d cree as 10 the helnl ot Huflls1\I. O&dell. deceasud , alld decreelllll a Itool an.I\lertecl tllle III the plalntlll III lIald . .rem I. " > > alld for allY ether aud fllrther relief Ihat \ equity may reqllire. You are requIred to answer Ihls lletllloll 011 or before December 3rd. llJlJ . I Dated October 1 lb. 11)06. MOHH\8 U. tJUNNULL. l'lallltiff. Uy hl8 attorll"y , J. A. AHMOUIC , 19. " . J " . - . . ' . , . . . . . . . , ' - - . . . . - . . : ; V - - - - - - - - - ' I' " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "t""t" " " " " " " " " ' " " " " " " " " " ' - - - - - - I Groceries I ' - - - - . , 3. - : : : : :3 : an d . - - - - - - - - I - Provisions , I - - : : : : : - - - - - - : : : : 1'1I0NI NUMJllm . SHEpnARD & BURK . : : : : : ' " = = ONE-TWO-PI\'I ( : : : : : : : - - - - 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 - - - - - - _ _ ' : - ' . _ _ - . - J _ _ , - . _ _ . . _ _ I C : : ' 7'TH _ . . . -s.o.- - _ _ ' _ J- . _ - = - . ft""t"tt""tt1"Y"'tt"t""t"'t1tt't1t"tt't't""ttt" " " " " " " " ' " " " " ' ' ! " ' , " " " ' " " " " - - - - - WHO ? . - , E - : A D V O. That's , vho. = - = - - WHAT ? - rrhe best goods sold in Bro. 3 - g Ien Ro\v. 3 - - WHERE . ? - - - - Advo Grocery is the place. WHEN ? - - - - Now , today , t lnorrow , any - 3 I WHY ; hiS month. I " - - - - E Because you can save = = money on every arti le you E buy , and because AdAO : : : Groceries are a favorite in - - every home w ere used : ; 7111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111IS : . STAPLE AND FANOY CROCER.I ES , GILL ] T'S I-IIGI-I GHADE ,4 EXTRACTS I II I i I-IEINZ PUHE WI-IrrE VINIGAR FOR PICKLINC , I-f ave just received a fresh supply of IcMahon : - FANCY CAKES R. T. Walker Grocel'Y Co. , 1 ast Si < te of Public Squarc , BIWKEN ] jOW , NEBRASKA . 4 SNYDER BROS. & Co. . now have in their complete lines of fall goods in Clothing' , Furnishings , Hats , Caps , Shoes Carpets , Dress ( oods , Outings. A Large Assortment of Ladies Rain and Winter Coats. You can see a larger Hne of F"oR. : . . C C > . .A.r S here than any in oth r N ebrnska store. Before buying - ing your fall supply come in and inspect our stock. . Oourteous treatment gnaranteed. " . \ . ' . ) .14'o'T. ' , . " , . . . - . . ' . . " { .t. , ' . . . ' " ! JI I , . t