Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 18, 1906, Image 3
. . . . . . . d. . " . . . TIRED BACI < S. d ' 1 , ' h- ; ; The kidneys n grant worlt to . do In keclJlng the blood pure. Whcn , , . 0J' . . . . h.J . ; J . 1/11" / , fjY' " . . they get out ot or. der It cnuses bnck. nche , 11 0 n d n c h ( > s , dizziness , Inn g U 0 r nnd dlstrosslng orin. nr ' troubles. Keep the Iddnoys well nnd nIl these sut. ferlngs w111 bo saved you. Mrs. S. A. Moore , proprietor - prietor ot a res- ' , tnurant at Wnton'lIIo , Mo. , says : t " ' 1)lIIs I : "neforo udlng Doan's Kidney suffered over .thlng from Itldnoy trou. bles for a ) 'oar and a haIr. I had pain , In the back and hend , and almost con. tlnous In the 10hlB and felt wenry all Ule time. A few doses of Doan's IGdne ' Pills brought great relIef , and I lept on taltlng them until In a short tlmo I was cured. I think Doan's KId. ney Pills are wonI1orful. " . For sale by all dealers. 60 cents n box. Foster.1\IIJburn Co. , Duffalo , . _ N.Y. - i" I. New Use for Gramopnone. D1'1l11ng natlvo Malay lcvles by word of c011lmund mnltlCll from a gramo. I .1I11ono Is the latest Instnnco of modern h , Ingenuity. Even the Zulu can now benr his own native songs and war dances trom records made by a Lon. . I. don company : who hnve sold moro I than 20 machines to swarthy warrior I chlets In South Africa. Follt-songs ot I the P 'gmles were recently procured. nnd a machlno has been dispatched to , , Lapland tor the purpose. If possible , 0' ' I1rocu1'1ng EsJtlmo , toll.songs. $100 Reward , $100. Tbs readers of tbll pApar will ho pleased to learn that there It at leht : ono dreaded dhoase tllat science has bcC\1 abls to cure In all It. Itage'LUd ! that II Catarrh , lIall'l Catarrh Cure I. tllo only pQoItle cure now lenolt'n to tha modlclIl fratarnlty. Catarrb beln ! : a c ( ) stltutlunQI dl60alo , require. B coo.Utu. \lonal t tmant. lIal1'l Clltarrb Cure II takan In' ternally. acting directly upon the blood aud mucoul lurfaco. of Ibo "Yllem , tbareby dastroylul { ths foondAtlon of tbe dlsoaso , aud KIlnl { tbe patient . .tren\th lIy building up tbe constitution and alShf.o Ine natura 10 dulolt Its wurl. : . Tba proprietors 10 lUuch faltb In Its curat\\"o \ powen tbat tlloy olIor Oos Uundred Dollan for any case tbat It fall. to cure. Send for 1I0t of telUmuolals. Addrell F. .T. CU& &i' CO , . TOledo , O. Uold by all DrulIiU. ; 730. T"kG , 1Iall' . Fam11y PIUs for constipatloD. Rich Crown Has DIBappeare . A rIchly jeweled crown , which cost 1 , 20OaO , has disappeared trom the Ichureh at Mont. St. Michael , Rouen. Ono yersJon Is that It has been stolen , another that It has been hidden by the priests to save II Crom confiscation by the government. To Launder White Silk Handkerchlefa. Do not put white ( lilk hantIlerchiefs in the ordinary wash , as they are easily laundered at home. l\lalw a strong lather of Ivory Soap and water , but do not rub the enl ) on the handkerchief orIRe soda. llin e nntI iron while damp with 11. moderately hot iron. BLEANOR n. PARKER. The most Important events In the , average man's career are his birth and death. Lewi. ' Sin le Uindcr - the famous tltraight C c cll/ar / , always best qualitv. Your denier 01' Lcwis' FactorPeoriI , , Ill. Somehow It doesn't sound just rlsht when a spinster aslt ! ! fol' a 11latch. - - - - - - - - - : Ur. . . 'VllIslo\y's SooUllnj ; Syrup. 'or ohlldron ' , 'eIIIIJI' , SOrt II' t1 > 8 ( ( Uml , 10 < lOCOI I. . . Ilallliu&UOD .11.Js &III , ow us WIDcJ culie. 110O a tottJe. - - - - - - - - - - About two-thirds ot a man's frIends I\rc enemies In dls ulsc. _ - - r-- NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Scranton Woman Tells How Dr , Williams' Pink PIIs : Made Her Well and Strong. j \ . Nervous debility is the common Dame r' tor what the doctors term uoumstheuia. .It is chnmcterized by meutnl depression , fits of the "blues , " or melaucholr : , loss of OIJO'1'gy ' nud spirits. The paticn t 's eyes becolUe dull , the piulc fudcs from the cheeks , the memory becomes defective so that it Is difficult to recall dntes and nnDles at will. Some of these symptoms only UI Y be prescut or nil of them. 1'he remedy lies iu toning up the uen'oua system nucl there is 110 medicine better ndaptcd for this purpose than Dr. WillilU1l8' Piuk Pills. Mra. Jl\no J. Dayie ! ! , of No. 814 War- rep street , Scranton , Pa" suys : . . Some years ago I becllIno CI'cntly rednccd in heaUh ancl . .trcugth nnd my nervous system became so debilitntel tlmt I feIl wretched. I could lIot l'Cl > t or sleep weU at night and woke up ns wenr . nnd ltmguid in the l1Iol'l1iug ns I wus whell I went to bed. : Mv hcml nohcll in the morning 1\1)(1 ) often there wns n pain in tHy right IJido which wus worse wheu I 8nt dowu. My lIerves were 011 edge ul1 the time , every little 1I0iso bothcred me amI I " 11\8 gcnernl1y misern1Jle. Tlwn ] decided to try Dr. WiIlilllIlS' Pink Pills for Palo People , ns my husballll hnl1 tuloll them wit h good rcsults , n1ll1 they did wandel's for 1110. Now I lll\vo 1I01l10l'e pain iu DIY side , 110 moro helllll1cheR , ] sleep wel1 and feel stroug aud nble to do my worlc. " Dr. Williams' Pinlt Pills curell Mrs. Davies and they cun (10 just ns much for other wonl. , pule , niling men or women who nre slipping into n hopeles& ( leoJillo. They strilm stmi ht nt the root of nll COlli 111 on discose's cnused by pOOt uud impovoriH1J'rl hlood. Dr , WilliaIUs' Piulc Pills nro soM byal1 (11'UJ7gist.'I , or will he Rent postpldd , 011 receipt of prico,60 cHnts 1)01' box , six boxI > s for $2.60. ' . by the Dr , Willimns' Medicine 00. . Schcuectm - . NY. CURES BiDIGESTION When what yon Clt ma1tes you uncomfortable it is doing you very little good beyond barely keeping yon alive. Digestive tablets are worse than useless , for they will in time deprive the stomach of nil power to digest food. The stomach JUust be toned -Strengtbened. { : . 'l'ho herb tonIc-laxative , , Lane's Family . ) Medicine wlll do the work quickly and pleas- nnUy. Sold by 311 dealers ( t. 25C. and 50C. . / . USE FOR MIRRORS. CAN BE MADE TO SEEM TO IN. CREASE SIZE OF ROOM. A Little Care Taken In the PlacIng of I I Them Will Frequently Work : Wonders-Should Reflect Door or Window. To Incl-caso the nlll1rent ) slzo of n room there Is nothing better than the jUdlelous use of mlrrol's. Supposing that ' hn\'o 'ou \ a glass . . .bout fi\'o feet high and two wldCIn a wooden fmme , ' 011 may e111plo ) ' It most decomtl\'el ' In a sitting room. MOllnt It about n couple of feet from the 1100r and arrllnso In front of It n row of ferns , palms 01' other folla o plants , concealing the Iots with a han some box , 1111ed In nt till ) t011 wilh Cresh moss. 'rho mirror should bo placlJd either where It will renect the , 'Iew from the window or else oPl1oslto the en trance of the room , so that when the door Is OIJOIIcl1 ono ma ) ' sco the lmll , , or passage bo 'oIHl , reflected In It. Of . cOllrse , the room will not he any larger I reall ) ' , but the fact that It w1ll appear so Is n great vol nt , for , as a friend ot my own saj'S , "If wo cannot have a pleasant reality at least let us have a pleasant 1IIuslon. " I know one house where the dining. room Is long and darlc , and the only window gives a VOlT Insnfficlont light , saj-S a wrltel' In the Chicago Amorlcan. Hero an Immense Improvement was .errected by plac ng a good mirror o\'er the sideboard at the end of the room I opposlto the window. : 'rills reflccted the light and the land. scape seen from the window , with the rcsnlt that ono was almost deluded Into the bollef that the room had two windows , and one certnlnly was not conscious of the want of an outlet. TRIO OF MENU FEATURES. , Good Dishes for a Small Luncheon or Family Meal. -.L. . Doll rIco In salted water unt ! ! ten del' ; then drain nnd mix In whllo hot ono teaslloonful of butter ; then pour over a sirup In which pears have been boiled , a muo lemon juice and preserved ginger helng added. Mold up on a dish and set away to become cold. Arrano ! the coolwd Crult about the mold and In the center ot each half place a little whipped cream. A combination of cheeses maltes a novel stuffinI ; for coler ' . Equal pnrts of Roquefort , Camembert and cream cheese are crushed together In a mol' . tal' . Sherry Is added until the mixture - turo Is of the consistency of thlclt mayonnaise. ' 1'hls Is then spread In the stalks of celery , which have been previouslY selll1rated and trimmed , It needed , to suitable lengths , Cook one cupful fine cut celery In boiling salted water until tendCl' , then drain. Plnco n half pint of oysters In thell' own liquor III U saucepan over the fire and cool , until phm1l1ed , sea. son with saltspoonful salt and a lit. tlo less peppel' . 1\1lx a teaslloonful flour with a tablespoonful butter , stir Into the oysters and add a quarter cup rich milk. Add the celer ' to the o 'sters. then pour over buttered toast. Pretty Curtains. Very effective curtains may be mude that are not forevel' In need ot the washtub and stretching .poles , as are those at muslin und lace. lluy a. thin grade of glass-cloth Cor about 21'i cents a yard. Cut It to hang straight trom the top ot the window on each side , with a. deep hem nt the bottom. 'fhen make a stenciled border across the bottom , or reaching one-half way up the curtain , ot a. slmplo design. Apply the color over the design with navy blue dIamond dye. Do not trouble - ble yourself to boll It _ Simply mix a spoonful of the dye with water. These curtains w1ll not wash , but tlwy remain - main clean for u conslderablo time , and may be easily shaken to free them trom dust and pressed whh an Iron. The Empire Comb. The ohl.fashloned empire comb In plain shell has once 1110re returned to fashionable favor. , Just at present It seems to be the stylish caprlco for worn ell with blonde or light brown tresses to wear these anI ! their side- combs In dark tortoise shell , The durk-halred sisterhood preter the amber combs , which show to such an advantage b - force of contrast. The plain 11Ult ot these combs Is about two Inches wide _ They are most attractlyo when worn rather high In the hall' close to the knot. Stiffness In hair-dressing seems the thing to bo especially nvolded , an easy natural style beingpreferablo. . Physical Culture. It should glvo a pOl'fecUy ereet . poised figure , A straight , fiat back. A broad , deep and capacious chest. Uplltted , flexible and harmonious development ot all the muscles. Perfect ease and grace of movomont. Marlted muscular powers and endur ance , Splendid health _ Bright , sparkling eyes , Perfect digestion. A love ot activity. A volco of notable , clear quality and I power. 9aked Tomatoes Stuffed With Rice. I Cut a thin sllco : rom the blossom d ot the tomato , talto out the seed a.nd 1111 with belled rico and a IIttlo I butter : balto ono.half hour. Chopped meat added to rico Is also good , Tomatoes - matoes stuffed with a dressing of bread , butter and seasoning Is fine. - - " . . . . A SMALL THING. " Do you bollovo In progress 1 Do 'o\t \ bellovo tbnt all the wonderful achlovo. ments ot UIO nineteenth cellturthe railroad , the telegraph , the telephone , olor-trlo light , kerosene , sowing mn. chino , ngrlcultural machhtor ' , stenm. ships , trolley cal'S , etc.-hn mtll10 lito easier 01111 better worth living ? I do. I bolloyo that n mnn who lives 40 yenrs un'er modern conditions has oxperlenced moro lIfo ntHl better life titan Methusalom , though ho hnd IIvod 20 centuries ot bls tlnto. The triumphs of the nlnoteonth cen. tury were trlulllphs of hl1l111\11 servlco -tho placing ot ImowletIgo and the fruits ot Imowledgo within the reach of the common man. Every man's lIfo Is better , happier , moro 1I0curo boo caURC of them. Wo lIve moro comfort. able , more soclnblo lives in bettor atHI moro comfortnble houses because of them. E\'en the hopeless dweller In the worst city slums Is moro com. fortablo In his physical conditions thnn tbo mlddlQ-clnss ! of the dars of George Woshlngton. In IIttlo things as In great , comfort nnd convcnlenco have been the legacy of the "Century ot Improvemon1. " Paint , In a certalu sensc , Is minor matter , 'et It gh'es beauty , hoalthful. ness nnll durability to om' dwellings. l 'lfty years ago painting was a serious . proposition , n luxury for the owners or stately mansions who could afford the expense of frequent renewals , To. day rendy mixed paint Is so cheap , so good , and so universal that no house owner has nn excuse for not 1eoplng his property well painted. A sma ) ) thing , Indeed ; 'et several hundred largo factories , employing thousands of chomlsts and skilled worlemen , are running every day In the year to Iwep our houses Crosh , clean and wholesome. A sma ) ) thing , yct a can or good ready mixed paint , such as ono may buy Crom any reputab e dealer , em. bodlos the study of generations o ! sltlIed ! chemists , the toll of a thou. sand workmen In mill , laboratory and factory. and the product ot n long series ot special macblnery Im'ented and designed just to malte that can ot paint nnd to furnish liS an Infinite variety ot tints , colors and shades. It was a wonderful century , that nineteenth of our cra , and not the least or Its wonderful gifts was that same commonplace can of paint. paint.L. L. P. AT THE SUMMER HOTEL. Experience of Winston Churchill F61' mlllar to Many. Winston Churchill In an addrcs3 that ho made In Concord rccently praised the New HamplJhlre farmer. "Ours , " he said , "Is a state fitted above all ethers for a summer resort. New Hampshire , with Its SUIerb cU- mate , Its mountains , Its lakes nnd forests , will In a goneratlon or two bo ono great plcasure ground-a vast parle , dotted with beautiful vlIlas , to which wlIl como each summer fam. Illes from all l1al'ts of America. "In anticipation of this many farmers - ers ere learning to conduct hotels. . They 0.1'0 bulldlug cottages for sum. mer visitors. Some of them , too , are taltlns boarders. "And I am glad to say that the New Hampshire farmer Is In a position to take boarders , because , unIllce the tarmers In other states that I could name , ho does not send all his good things to the city. I once boarded at ! a fine big Carm , but the faro was wretched-canned vegotablcs , con. densed milk and so on. " 'Dy Jove , ' I Bald ono morning at breakfast , as I pushed my egg cup tram me , 'these eggs are really not as tresh as those I get In New York. ' : My tarmer host snorted. " 'That's rank prejudice on your . pnrt , Mr. Churchill : ho said. .It's trom New York that all our eggs ' . . come. Ghutly Foreign Pun. Mrs. Carrie Chapman CaU , the noted AmerIcan clubwoman , has been received ahro'.l.d by royalty , and some of the torelgn pallers have the temerity - merity to declare that she has n proverbial rlgl1t to look at a Itlng. LOOSE TEETH Made Sound by Eating Grape.Nuts. Proper teed nourishes every part ot the body , because Nature selects the dlfTerent materials trom the food wo eat , to build bone , nerve , brain , muscle - clo , teeth , etc. All we need Is to eat the right kind of food slowly , chewing It well-our dlgostlvo organa take It tip Into the blood and the blood carries It nIl through the body , to every lIttle noel , and corner. . It S01110 ono would aslt you , 'Is Grape-Nuts good for loose tceth ? " you'd probably say , "No , I don't see how It could be. " nut a woman In Ontario writes : "For the past two years I have used Grape-Nuts Food with most excellent results. It seems to take the place at medlclno In many ways , Imllds up the nerves nnd restores the health generally. "A IIttlo Grape-Nuts taken heforo re. tiring soothes my nerves and gives /Sound sleep. " ( Dccauso It rellovo Ir. rItablllty ot the stomach nerves , being a predlgcsted tood. ) "Uooro I used Grape-Nuts my teeth were loose In the gums. They were so bad I was atrald they would some day all tall out. 81neo I have used Grape- Nuts I have not been bothered any more with loose teeth. "All desire for pastry bas disappear. ed and I have galncd In health , weight and happiness slnco I began to use Grape-Nuts. " Name given by Postum Co" llatUo Creek , Mich. Get the to. mOi'S little book , "Tho Road to Well. rIDe , " in pks. "There's a .reason. " - - - , COAT OF PAINT SAVED DANK. : I - - I Clever Device StC'tlced Run That I Would Have Deem Dlsastrou8. - Runs on banks , 118 all the worlll : (110WS , are ortell sloPlled or l'estrlctel1 ! n the olhlost ways. A rich banlt Imow thnt a run waste to set In on IL corlaln l\IOIlllay morn. lng-for It had bocm rob bed or sOl11e Ilostago stamps 011 Saturday night , nnd the robber ' hul : heon omgsorntcd : In the newspaper I'oports-and It this run was not Itel1t within rcasonnblo limits the hanl , would hI' ' 10 to close itA doors. It h:1I1 : plentj' of money , but 1I0t plenty of cash. It needed : H honrs' time. Before sum'lse on Mondt I 1110rnlng a mall put n frush cent of Imlnt on the front doors of thu bnnlc , on the wa ) ) pallels. nnll on the COUll tel's. 'rho 1'0- suIt WI1S that the 11\'Ople who mnclo the run 011 l\tondnj' 111ndo rather n wall , of It , Thoj' wl1ntecl their 1110noy , but the ) ' l'usl1ed no 0110. On the con. tl'llry , thej' came on with caution aull dollboration. So cnroful were they lest they get paint on tholr clothcs that It tool , longer to pay err ono ot them thau It would hl1\'e tnl < en or. dlnnrlly to Imy Ih'e. This Is ono of l11any ocld trlcls whereb ' , In a run , n banI , hns S:1 : ved itselt from wI'eelc. Whitt He Most Wished F.or. John Plslte , the Amorlcan historian , I . v.-as an ardent lo\-or of music anI ! him. seU no melln l11uslclan. Furthermore , ho was extremely corpulent and felt the hot weathCl' pnlnfully. 110 was once deUverlng a course of lecturelJ at n summel' school In a sl11all city of the mlcldlo west , The heat was terrl110 and adjoining the house where the 1 ( > cturor stu 'cd was a chul'ch where an lIl-matchcd but zealous "quartet" praetlced and Ilerformel1 during all boUl's of the torrid afternoons nnd evenings , Ono evening , Deelng the fn. mous 111an sit for IL Umo unocculllcd and apparently oppressed by this com. blned atlllcUon , the young tlaughter of his hostess attemlJted to divert him by otterlng him It now novel , then just boo comins populal' . "I thlnl , 'Tho Choir Invlslblo' Is perectly splendid , 1\1r. Fiske : ' said she _ " 'Vould'n you like to rcad It 1" 1'he historian put Ute boolc aside , "My dear ) 'oung Indy , " said he , "the only choir In the world In which I could feel any Interest at this moment would bo the choir In. audible. " An honest mnn Is not the worse because a dog barl.s at lilm.-l 'rom lh Danish. - - Wfl La DOUCLAS $3.50 & $3'1100 Shoes OCST IN TIiC WORLD WLDouglas $4 Gilt Edge IIno cannotbo equallodatany prlca To Shoe faltrs : / W. I. . Dou"lns' Job- tJlnl { Hou" , II tllo 1U0&t . cOlDpletol11 thll'ounlry Iit1ld/ C'ataIOO BROES } 'OR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES. Mon' . Shoes. C to $ l , O. Boys' Bho s. $3 to $1211. Wompn'u Bhoea. $4..00 to $1,110. Mlel.'e' & Chlldreu'IISbon , $ Z,211 to $1.00. ' 1' 'V. J. . 1)01l1:1I1s 'VOIlIt'U'S. DUuel uod ChUdrcllllllhooll ; for IIt'lo , fit pull \Veur they "xeel other lImkcI. ! If I could tnlo you Into my large factorIes at Broclcton , Mass.und show you how carefully . L. Douglas Ghoes are made , you would then understand why they hold their shapc , fit bclter , \Venr longer , and arc of grcnter value than any other maltc. Wherever you Ih'c , ) 'ou enn obtain W. L. Doujtl s IlIIOCS. 111\ name nnd price b stampcd on the bottom , which protccts yOIl nsroillst hllh prlcC5 and InlcrJor IIhoe5. Taku " 0 tutu. Alk yoardel1ler for \ \ ' . L. Dou\huuhoCi \ , nd 1r1l1it upon havln" them. Fa , ! Color Eyelet , usedt tllel/ will not wear brossl/ . Write for IlIn trotc < l Catslo ! : 01 Pnll Stylel/ , W. L. DOUOLA : ) . Dept. 17. Urocktonl't1I1Is. . .n. . . . to. . . . . . . . . . . U . . > _ ao"O" < o..n . u. . .0. . . . . . . . . ; . . . . ue Sure You Are Rlghtj Then OoAhead D'Jn't lake Bny ohlluerl but .ecuru eJp"n : legnl nd. 'let ! on all ' 1u tlvnl ot III' " or equltr. Allluqlllrle , Rn5wuruc\ lir. I'urt eOllnsllor , . .eaeh delJ&runpoe lIy a .paolnl st. Ono quu'tlonll.w. or Ih'e quelUolJt tor IW. ltowlt'Yllh Jour In'lulry b'I'oHotllcoor eaprul : : ruoue ) ' order. or blink < Iran on Cblcallo. liD' cluslollul r addro"ed ItnmlJ"d enycloJ'o for rppl ) ' . and a olear and toroerulltalornent of tbo In' " bear. ! ' 11 n Ilo [ : l 4 7.WIN"lilIU88I , rrlw : \ au. DellK , 131 I. . B l1e lCreat. ! CUICAUO. ILl. . . . . . ' ; ' " , ' - ; ; - . , " ( ; --1'1- ; ' - - ' : . . , : - ; ; r. . . ; ; . 'i"-- , , . " ' - " " . I' " 'T- : - ( . " : ' ! . ' ' : . . ' \ - . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - I - ' - mm - STOIJIA' . . . . , , , . . .o. 01 : Infanta a.nd CJulch'on. ' ' ' ' ' 1' . . . , ' . . " r . . . . . - , 'd " " . " . . . . . , . " ' . . . " . " " ' > , ' . . . . . . - - - . ; 1 < . -Ywt" _ :1 : r I , : i I ' The ( { me ! You Have " : L ; , , , . . , Always Bought " " --1 ' : ' : : . . . : : AfIcti1hlc l'rcpnr\lion ( ' r As- J slmUat1lIhcfcoll \ andHc tlln- UI1 thcStomuchs\l\dDowC(50" ( " Bears the " ' ' < . .t , LU.\3i. ( . t. . SIgnature . h 1 romolcs D' Ig shon.C'I'lll I - ncss and ncst.Conl < 11ns neither OpiumMorphinq 1I01'11I\Cf l. of No ' 'N.lUt C O'I'IC , I oI'OldJ1I { ; Zt./'I11lJEn J ; , .rml . . . Alx..r"'luI " ' B A.II. . , t./ < < - 4roi..fml , . . In I r"n.'r : : ' . - . 111 ! " , , "k" . & 11,1- ' . . , , . ( 1.foNt ! 1' Jlldoty/'N. / ' & I1lrnr. U S e Apc ccl ncm tlv forConsU(1l1' ( 1I0n , Sour SlouinchDlnrl'hoc 1 " 'ormsCol\vII15iol\sFcvcrJsh. ' ncss l\Iul Loss . . ( ) l SLEEP. F 0 r 0 V'O r , 'FIlC simile Si nnlure or , _ _ Thirty Years CASTO RIA CAA copyaFAPPER. . THe OINTAun COMPANY. rsM wanlC CITt. , - _ : , : . . " . _ ' - . . . . . . " . ' . . ; 1 _ . . . . . _ . : t..V' . . ' . ' : . - - . _ ' . , - - - - - - - NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCltNl1FIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. CAPISICUM I EXTX 1 l ! ! ? vk ! P V NT' QUICK. SUR . SAFE AND ALWAYS . RP.ADY cur 1 ! FOR PAIN.-PRICR 15c-IN COLl.APSIBLE TUDES-.AT ALL DRUOGISrS : AND DEALERS. 01\ BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c : , IN POSTAGE S'TAMPS. DON'T WAIT TILL TilE lAIN COMUS-1UJn ! > A TUDD HANDY. A : JUbstltuto lor and superior to mustard or 1m } ' othr plaster , and will po\ bllsler the mo.t dellcatu skin. The paln.allayln ! : and curative quail tie : , of the article arc wonderful. It will stop th , toothache at once , : md retro\'o Heldacho and Sciatica. We recommend It as Ihe besl and tafest external counler-Irrltant known , : lbo :13 an external remedy for pains In the che ' and stomach and all Rheumatic , Neuralgic and Gouty complaints , A trial will provo what wo claim lor It. IlIId It wl1I be found to be Invalul\bro In the household and for children. Once ucd no family will be without It. Many people say "It Is the best of all your preparations. " Accept 110 preparation . of vaseline unless the same carrle3 our label. as otherwl e It Is not gcn ll1o. SEND YOUn ADD HESS AND WE WILL MAIL OUIt VASeLINE - LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. . CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. . 17 STATE STREET , rrEW YORK CITY _ _ . " . . . . . . . " ' 'Idn. " " " ' " " - g. " " " " " " " " " ' .Id. = - - - - D h1ty Gr $ p DI'est' Summer Sk rlis 0 arc a delight to the refined woman everywhere - where , In ordcr to get this result ( lea that the mattrial isgoo , Uta.t it b cut.ia the latc t fashion and \150 Defiance . StarchI in the laundry. All three thlngsnro1m. portallt , but the la5t is absolutely neces.- sary , No matter how fine the material or how dainlily made , bad starch and poor laundry work will spoil the effect and ruin the clothes , DEFIANCE ST AHCH is pure , v'ilI not rot the clotbeJI nor cause them tl > r.rack. It sells at lee n sixleen ounce package everywb r" . Olher starches , much infer/or / , cU at 100 for twelvc ounce package. Insist on gelling DEFIANCE STAnCH and 'e sure oC results. Defiance Starch CompallY , , Omaha , Nebraska. U.SoNAVY enlls tl for fou r ) 'eotl JO'IIII ( men of 1:00.1 cbamot"t ltad 10UIlli phrlteul condition between - tween the nllel or n nllllau : : II I'IHOn lice BCa. . ro"II ; "llllur"lIlIlIel fur ! LIIVallecluol t1 Ilay 116 to 'jO 11 IIIl/ntll , l lul'tr cIUIIS. hlacklUllthl , l'OJIIprIUllth . y.'oU'n ( cll'lk l. oupenters. , Ihll.lltlIHI. IIrclllell. Iuulllcinne. CoOl:8.lIto . botween:1 : nn,1 , .b ) 'CIUI. enlluc,1 In Ipuolnl ro1lll1i : with , ultablc pnn hosJ.llal 1IIIIIIen tleel lij III 2 1elln. HutiroUlcnt un turco-fou' ' ths pl1) ' and UIlIlWl\no..1 nltH0 ; yean Ion Ice , I.pllcnDI. IUUI bu ArtlorlelUJ cltlzons. 'Irst olotblna : outnt free to recruitl , Upoo d\sawullu \ ! rlnul lIowuncu. CUI1lI ppr mile to pla..e of enlistment , 1IOIIIUI fuur IIJOinthl' pl. . ) ' anl1Inorealll1 n vay IIpon ro-ollllllmulI' wllhln four months or dIIOhu.u , tnlc" ut I.I/Ieoln anlt 1I:1ltlllll' : , Nohrluka AI.o , durrnlltlllier. . nt " "I Mllln. . . It II Hillur 1'ltY , Int. . , - , Idnll NAVY RECRUITINO STATIONP O.Bldt..OM IIA You Ought to Know nave JOU beu < l abuut our 'll'onderfulltlco 1000nd. . A Ibat brlof were roycnuc th n any ether Il.udlln kno" thU thry wl11aho VrodUCII nne ere . cf corn , oat. , elUIt' . cotton , trult.llnd 'CKI'abl" . r 110 ) 'ou kno" tbat tbreo Dew rallrunal Ilrn Ihla . . , otlon are lIolnll to maku the Jlrlcu or land Jump r Wrlto UI I&nd let uisand fulllnrOmlBtlnn. tV , 'V. IVHOS d : JlIlO. Crowley , L& & . - - - - - W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 41. 'OOt\ . - You CANNOT CURE I all inflamed , ulcerated and c.ttarrbal con. dltlons of the mucous mcmbl'ane snclt as nnsalcntarrhuterinccntnrrh cau etJl I by feminine Ills , sore throat , sOre ' mouth or Inflamed eyes by : limply , dosiug the stomach. I But yon surely C:1n cure tllese stubborn j , . : .fIcctlons by local treatment with I \ Paxtine Toilet AntiseptIc I I which destroys the disease germschecK. dischtr es , stops pain , and hiab th Infltmmatlon and soreness. Pa. : tine represents the most succesdul local treatment for feminine Ills ever produced. Thoulands ! of women testlf I to this fact. So cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box TilE R. P..UTON . CO. . lolltOu. II. . . . . , $25 000 00 FOR AGENTS. , 'll.nrll ; : aruolla : Jour tn.nd. . rrequon , lal s , IHee : " 01ll11lIn1o" , , and blM'prlset tor.u. dllru' 1Jept.18X.1I1'ma , . . N. T.JUJ. ,