Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 18, 1906, Image 2

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    , ,
Taxa. Will Soon Begin to Flow Into
the 8ta e , Trensury-MlscellMeous
Nebraska Matters.
6t < lte Trensurcr's Report. .
. ' .
Blnlo .1'l'eaHllrOr Morlcnsl'n's month.
Iy r llorL ahows thllt. lhl I thl' "hlu'd
, up" parlorl for the utote. ut. thut.
taxel ! will SOOIl begin to now Illto lIw
trC'aanlj' . NolwllhatanlllllI ; the fHnn n
IlmonnL o [ reet > IJllg , the U'COHttrCr 1'1"
& 1orLn thnt. ho lias $2GI : , 90 III I\toto lIe.
1'0aUory banles , alld , nu usuoll ho glvl'
the names o ( lhe hanks o rill U\ ( '
nmount. In ( JOoh. 'rhero hI (111) '
, ttfOtsl In 1I1O permnncnt. school
fund. Durlnr lho month the tl'CllfJllrot.
received $100u5G.Oo anu 11ulcl out $210-
20.20 em lultlll Soptomhor 1. 'fho hnl.
nnco on hanel ot the c\fIO \ or Sel'll'lI1'
bel' WtlS : JGG.104.82. 'I'ho fol1o'ln
nro UIO' bnnl : Imlal1ces rOlJOrteil h ) ' the
trC/Ulurer nl. . tbo ( ' ) esc of SeltomhN' , :
ci'ty NnUol1rd . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . $ 12,7011.0:1 :
Cohnnbln NtllllJlIlll. 1,111cullI , 1 : : , It.or ) : , .
I"nrlllors und Morchunla , 1,111-
cOin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R. 041i I. Ii"
Flrlll Natlollul. 1llIcolll. . . . . J 4,020.:1 : : I
Nat'l IlIl11lc of COI11Jn'Cc , I
Itncolll . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 1t2f1.00 : ! ,
Flrlll Nallolwl. Oll1allll . . . . . . HlHG.OG :
J , J. . . IJranc'lelH & SOliS. 011I11- . . i
hll. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gtl : ! . . . 0
" 'erchauls Nallollal , Ol11l1hl1. H.8GI.tri
'NohrllJJlcn Natlonat , Omllha. . 12OW.I : !
'Om.hp. ' Nlllional. Umllllll . . . J2,310.J1 ! !
IUlIltCIl Stilii'll Nnllullnl. Gma-
lib. . . . . _ . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ' . . . lr.,407.0l !
lJldncQtlollnl. . . AllllliH o. . 4,00:1.:1:1 : : :
111attlc C'.tole . VallI ) ) ' , Jlol-
. Un Crecle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,104.8:1 :
J1 u of nll7.lIo MIIII-J . . . . . . 1,000.00
1)lrollon JJow Sluto . . . . , . . . . . : Iooo.on
Cuater Nlltlonal. Brollell How " , OtGlO !
( Secmrlt ) . Stutl' , lIrolloll Bow. . : : , OGRHi !
) "Irlll NttUu'I1tll , Chlldron , . . . 4,121.OS !
Nlonal , Crola . . . . . . . . 4,1)11.43
RJllto Hnllle , Curlilf . . . . . . . . . : : ; 4JD.42 !
, Jlll1nobro fHnlc. IlInllcbro 1.101.l1I !
prlrflt NnllQnal , j"I'OU\Olll . . . . GH7.111 :
LBl\nlc. ' QC"Gllmvlllo . . . . . . . . . . 1,027,91
Commr"rclnl Sin le , o I'U 1111
, JJllamI " . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \nG.J : !
GreoteY stnte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10.13 [ ;
'UnIon ' Stnlo , lIara\'l' ( ) . . . . . . :1,000.00 :
'J Jnr\'urd Sluto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! , O.OS : !
1)'lrsl Natlplml , HIIRlIligH . . , : IRSIi.I ! : !
< Jormnn Nall IIIlI. JJosllngB. . 7,41 1.00a
Jrlrlll Nnt1oll/\1 / , I rolllrl' c . . . : ! , Clri.alJ :
fHnlo BUllk oC , TII nnl' II , . . . . . : ! , Hrii.OO
Cl nlrn1 Nolloll1l1. JI\1'IIC ' . . 4.000.00
11nntc or ) , oxing-Ioll . . . . . . . . . : ! , OOO.OO
) . 'lnL Nntlolllll , Ionmls . . . . . : : ,000.00
'Nowport Rthlo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000.00
Norrolk NnUonnl . . . . . . . . . . . r/i47.17 /
) Irsl Natlollul , OrI. . . . . . . . . .I,9f11i./iS /
Or SLnt.c . " . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . a.70.0:1 : : :
PlnreD fHnlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : tOlt .SO
) rlr8 fUnlt' . Rl. 1'0I l . . . . . . . 3OriS.OO
) Irst N:1.tIOl1nl , Scotta' lIIute. 2.000.00
) "Irat NntlOlll l , SlIperlor . . . . . 4OH.78
nanle of HYr/lolllH ! . . . . . . . . . . : : ,20r..SJ :
J lr/t NnlloilCll. Vtliontillo . . . : ! ,03G.07
"nlonllno Slalo . . . , . . . , . . . .
Bnunterl Coulily Nntlol1n.1 ,
'Vnhoo . . _ . . , ' . . , . . . , . . . . . 4OB0.4ri
] . 'IIJt : NIIIIIIIII.'IIYIIO . . . . . a.017.88
' \\'c t Point Nallolll1l . . . . . . . . r.OOO.OO
'Vo1boch alMa . . . . . . . . . . . . . , J ,000.00
City NotionaT , YOI'e ) . . . . . . . . 4.JJ11.00 !
l"lrst. NnUonlll , Yurl , . . . , . . . . 7J3I.r.O
'roLa1 nmoUlil . . . . . . . . . . . . $ : : Gf.33 : : ! ) ! )
Rush For Land at North Platte.
NORTH lIA'J"J'Ii-A lund o)1cHllng )
occurred ot. tlle Uulted Stotes land cf.
fico Where ! \ hl'Y ! rush WM on. 'I'he
InmI Invol\011 waD abont 100 sccllon ! ! , '
'locnl\1 \ { ) III , Bcoll's Blurr nn Dan nor
CO\1I111M. " The commissioner o [ the
genorll laud office deslgnate SIIOIl1'
\b r 30 na the date of the opening , hut
lh'at ' bo1uS Sunday , the matter weut
O\pr : , when nbollt. 1UO IQen Jtnd us.
rf\emblC'll al. . the Inud office 11001' , eagl'l'
to get the 11rst. cholco of this land.
'I'he and WOR mainly Hl'nzlng , Imt fa\l' \ ,
Iy vOhmble , rnnglng In'nlno fl' < ; 1I11
$3,000 to $7,000 lIeI' section , if the 1tld !
" ' 01'0 dccdQd. 'fills tmet. nOVel' hecamo
subject. to UIO Klnlmld 110mestead law
until , now UIO commissioner IHlH ,
unller UIO Ilrovlslons of the I\tnleaJd :
13wltJldmwu the land fOl' Irrigation
lJUrposQS. . HOWO\'CI' , 1111011 in\'estl I '
lion , the commlRsloner aRc'rlnh\rJd
tlmt the Inml waH nonlrrl ! lhlo and
thcrofoT ( ) r utorcl1 It for ontrr.
I Stabbed While Hazing.
AUnUHN-A 8tahl11nl ; offro ) ' tool ,
111aco on the hllh 6chool grounds arler
the motlng of the lIlerary Boelel ' . For
flomo time BOIUO of the elder O's have
trIed college 11l'1\nls UIOn the ' 01mger
C1 SSOfr : nut } ' 11. was durlllg ono of these
.sIeges . IJm ! Ph III I ) Hal'll drew n 1\1\Ifo
and at.nbbc Gene Maslin. who wns IIR.
slstlng in UIO hozlng. lIe was nol
orlously Injur < nJ. .
I GIrl Jumped From Window.
I QMAlIA-llomeslck nnd lonesome.
tNorA MorceU , n 1 .yom'.0Id Hlrl who
, . ) ( \ III Wo Good Sephard homo ,
r } i'orU'ofb 1\1111 .fOlll'S streetH. attemptell
utclde by 10/wln ! ; from n fomlh-stor\ '
'wl'n ow of thot. Instltutoln at :1:0 : : :
, o'clocle in thl' mm'nlng , She was only
sllghUy injurcd
I Fremont Bonds Accepteu.
lo'REm'ION'J'-A ' tolegrum fl'om OIO\'c ,
, Jan" . 0" nnnouncod to the elly COIl1I-
cn Uml. UI0 olectrlo lIHht. honds rccenl.
y oold t a company tho.l'o 1111.11 . heen nil'
l1roved. Thla , is welcome 1\ows. ' 1'ho
bulltllnior UIO ' ) } Iont hus hcen holll up
monUl on oecount of the dele ) ' ,
ProsperouD Madison County.
NORFOT.K-Ncory ) 11ft ) . waron
loat'ls of lumber were hauled out or
, NQrfolk by fnnncru pne da ' lost wcele ,
from which the 1'rc&s concludes thn.l
grlcullnro In Mollison county is In n
flrOnperQnu comllUon.
- - -
Took Carhonlc Acid by Mistake.
I FRE1.iON'l'--ll ) ' a mlnlnlw 1\Irs.
IF.rnnlc Orculonf , wlfo of the junltol' of
.tl ( ! . CcnlmJ f1Cl1001 , drank a qunntlty
C'ftrIJolio acill. 1\h's. Grcenlea [
'of ' It 1J0lllo of sulphnte of llotaoh
oJr 0. shell h'slelo the I10tlle of coroollc
( DorJng Ule night. she got UII 111111
In.tu'1arlc ' IJOurl'd some Dtmfclno ) Inte
'e : elnsa of wutor , which aho begun te
tdrhik. DIRcovoring thot it. burned hel
:1& : . H\lt \ , nbe concluded Rho hod gel the
' 1 'lnt , ) boWo and caJled for her hus.
bnna , Ph ) ' tcl ns were caJled nlltllho
81l't)11 ) Lhn. WOIIlU1'i ! : tire.
- - -
" . . . ' Hall of Jlcbron tried 10 hr ( ' lc
a horau 111111 hroltc his OWII log.
'J'ho horg of the Oalc1ulld high
high chool huvo dlchlll ! to Irocurf' ,
cadet tmlfol'IIIH.
McCool .Junctlon 1M ol'lnnlzlnJt t\
corncl. . band , ha\'llIJ ; IllII'ehnoed ' IIIAtru.
menlH 111111 cngngell all Instruclol' .
I1ellrr , JIati of Falrtlohl hl mol'O
ehlcl\Cns lhllll lIt\yhOI ! ) ' . HI ! ! fiol'le oC
Whlto 1.Olh 1)1'11 H 1111I111101'/1 hctw < 'Ot\
2,000 IUIiI :1,000 : ,
MIHII Altol ( ' llIch 1tI'I'lved In Wellt
Polnl. . frolll Chllhlllqua , . Y. , where
tllw toole fL JIJJclnl tl'rtt'hors coureo
dlll'llIl ; the HlIlIIlI\el' .
Seven ho"n were /Iller / ! $33 111. Nor.
foil , fOI' fJtel1l1l1' live JlwlonH from I.
othawa " 8 pnlch 11I111 plugging Hovon.
t" 1II010nli In the flold ,
li11mnl'l' ! ! In 1I11I'hlll couuty , nccord.
in to thl ) OI'leaul ! Chronicle , are
sl.ocldng 1111 mlhl'l' frcely this ) .ar on
plnllo nnll IUltollloJllcn. !
Anelrow Carlll'gio hnn nrt'ocd to glv
the 1'01'1 , collc $10,000 pro\'ldlng
$ .10,000 IH railloll h ' Ihe colloge. Prof.
Shell , llrcllident of YOl'le Iolloge , hOl1e8
to rllino the fmlll ! ! required.
Gool'go 'J'holt1111JIJn : of Gordon recont.-
l ) ' entJr:1'cd : hlmsolf In I 8l1rlntln ! ; mntch
ngnlnstu sUI'o.ellough Ilrofessioonl nnd
lliml him out of I1rst nwne ) ' os ensy
IUJ : nnythlng 'ou ( J\'er snw.
1'ho village bllard of Benedlel. . pallsel !
It eurfow OI'llIlIunCl ! luat. weole to tnko
e.fl'octln thl'co weoleB. All chllilren un.
d r the ngo of HC\'enteen will hlLvo to
110 In lUlIl lindeI' thelt. Il renlA' care
al. . 8:30. :
'I'JIlI Union Paclllc Is going tll Hive
Cohuubull 11 now fl' ( Itht depol. . IUIQ
the worlc hns commenc'l. ' ! It. . wlll beef
of hl'lcle , 40x10U fcot , ulld [ \ Illnl.rol'1l1
1 Gcl70 : 'I'he H11'uctm'o will' cost 11101'0
thnn 9,000
,10RO/lh / U. Hollm'ls , II Hwttchmnn on
the OI'thweslel'lIIIOt death under
cor wheels at ! ' : orColk ' I1u nIOl(1ed ) (
between two CIU'S'to IIncouplo thorn
l1nd fell. A CI\1' plssl'd o\'or bln , cut
tlug his bOllr tollocos \
Chn.n1)1lon ) lalcc , In Chase counl.r . ,
was drained th , othel' dn ' nnd hun.
11retis of POOlllo were on hlltld ntlrnct.
ell b ) ' the oIJrtunlt ) ) ) ' to Bct a long
strin.g of fish wHhonl much eCfort.
' 1'he ) ' WOl'O not. disappointed.
Jesse Beans , a 'YIJIII'-old fl rmel' l'e.
slIlIng Ileal' Dunllllr. ha IIoon arrcsted
and 111aced 111 Jail dll\l'gell with ] 11\ '
tel'll It : . . I ) ) ' Mill ! ! Huhy Foljlon , a 21.
) 'eu\.old womall l'f'flldlnnear / Una-
l11l1. ' 1'hl' chll , a slrl , wus bol'll last
'rho city of\klals \ of Nl'brasla CIt -
.ha\'o made 1111 I1ll'lr mhuls to put : l
Btoll to g'amlJlln In that eltr. atHl
110voml 1Il0nUuJ' II O tihut UII the gam-
bllllg hou8eB anll al'1'csted H. I . Dlcli : ,
man , II whllo man. and two negroes
caught shoollnlt eral1fJ.
S1lll'S ] ) 1'1'01\1 the IHlflslng frolght.
train lodged In the roof of the de1ot. ]
at lIumholcll nnd started qulto 11 blaze
'huCoro the condition of thlnls was
11Isenvored b ' an ell1plo ) ' o [ the mills
a shorl. . dlslanco IIwn ) ' . 'rlJC 111'0 was
oxtlnguished wlthoul ' " ' '
nn VOl" ) gl'eal
S0ll10 OliO went thl'ough the rOOIl1R
of the Siock Yurdu holel at the fcell-
Ingstation south of PI'011l0nt and re.
IIm'ed t hI ) guests of Hull case anll
I'lothing to the \'altl ! ! of o\'el' $100.
So\'oml wor ohllged to setHI out fot'
trouseru hl'1'oro ' IHlttlng III '
an appeu'-
nllco fOI' brcalfns ! .
J\n IntQI'estlnlt IUIlI Insll'llctl\'o con.
\'onllon WIIU held In 1'01'1II ) ' t he No-
hnwlm " 'Oll1an'R 1I0111PlIsslomll' ' Ro-
cloly nnd the Nohl'aslm 111'II1\'h of the
'V. 11 .1\1. 1. at the Congl'ogallonal
chUl'ch in that cltr. : 'oearh' fortr del.
'ogat < ' > i ! fl'om all 1mI'll ! of the state were
III attendanc ( ' .
1\11' . Zaclmrlah Buoy. who rocontl '
IlIecl nl his homo In J' wln . was ono
of the verr l'nri ' ett1orH In Antl'lolJ.o .
county. lIe went thm1c' In 18871 ami
tronted the Inlllt\l1s so well that when
the Sioux 1'allll'l thol torrltor ' a few
rears lull'I' ho w ! Iho only settler
whMo 1IHtock ; . WitS 1101. molesteel.
' 1'he LUlheran , giliscopni and Pres.
h .torilln chllrches will all hu\'o 1I0W
mlnlstOl's at Schu'IOl' In the near fu ,
tUl'O , Ho111' . Arnold of the Proshy.
terlan chlll'ch going to New ' ,
HOMI' . 1\II1IB of the l'JlI : colml tolclng
11 church In Oregon nll1l Hov. 1\11' .
Bramtllch ! of thl' Lllthemn golnl ; to
SUllth Dalwta.
' 1'ho rOllort of Count . 81111el'hll0l1l1 ,
ont B. 1\1. . \ \'ory o [ Pawueu county , to
the stuto SIIIII'lulmlilelll o [ Brhool" ,
shows the ' '
following : 'l'hOl'c 11\0
'Sevont . .two s'hool dltl'lclH In the
cOllntr : ! ! e\'onty.t wo fmmo school
hOllses : foUl' hrlcl , . anti t wu U [ stono.
So\'onl ' .ono of the dlslrlcts own the
text booles , nnel twont.nlllo , lIstrlcts
ha\'o nll10 months of Hchonl , and fOl.t .
of thom , al" or men'e.
Ii'l'aul , 1.11110 of CII ( ) 1lIllllt ! ' . who
H llaH ) ' 'mlscs lI10rc gooll corn t hnn
nn ' 0110 furmel' In thllt COltntr , hils
just llished PUttlll HI ) his soell corn
at his fllrlltcal' Hocleforrl. 1\11'.1.11110
goes inlo hiI' I1l'ld and Holecls the
r-trollgest ' 1I1ItmllHI ) ll'I'Ccrt stlllls.
' 1'hoso he euts nnd canles lo a Iliaeo
whol'l' ther l\I'l' sllllccoII ! 111\11 left to
cllr ( ' . From llwso stulls he selects
ollh' the Ilel'fcct oat's of I orll. nnd ) '
this 1II1\I1IIel' of Bl'lecllu seed he
, t'owa gool1 rorl1 of the tlUC'sl 11I1I1I1t ) ' .
Word hns \ 1'ellcce'cII ! In Oalllnl\ ( '
CI'om the vostofllco dotll\l'lmont thnt
, lUull flOt-vlce ou the Sioux CltlIu(1
Ashland ellt.ol'f o [ the C1'Ollt No'lhorl1 ;
will boln Octoher ! ) , 1"01' the preH
eut mulls will ho ( ) xchtlll l'rI lIul ) ' will
trains No. 10 on. . . o. 11.
Motor cnl' No. ! ) was Vltt Into serv
Ice on the line hetweol1 " ' ) ' 1I10\0 a1\ (
1ll1coln. FOl' thll Ilrl'tent two mete :
cors will O rolahll'l1 at that polut b
, the Uulon Pacific comlll\l1 ' , 80 thut it
ca60 ono meets with lut Ilccldont th
oth01' will be a\lo \ to make regula !
trlp ,
CJ ( ( . .MI . . . . . .I.Zm'j
, fI ,
State Attempting to Prove the Mon.
ster Corporation Is a Trust-Law.
yers Wranole Over Technical
Points and Defense Loses-
Rockefellar's Former Testimony
It'lndla ) ' , O.-1'ho snIt of the Htate
of'Ohlo ngulnst the Standord 011 com.
pany lIf Ohio , , In which the company
is charged with consiliracy ngalnst
trude , hogan ho1'o Tuesday and1'0 ) -
gressed ut a I'ailid IHrce.
A jur ) ' . COllllJosollmostlr of farmers.
was lIlel1red ! III less than two hours ;
County Proccutor : : W. I. . David ) Ire.
sonted hi : : ; case ; Virgil P. Klllle , altor-
ne ) ' fol' the 110one : : , mude answer :
AtI.I'ne . G. II. PhcJps. of the prosecu.
tlon. then road dorumentnry ovhlenco
until the court adjourned 20 minutes
before fi\'o o'cloel , . lIe )1romhed ; to
continuo the relldlnJ ; dmlng the great.
or IlI1rt \Vednesday. . -
In 11I'lef , 1\11' \ . Dovld stated to the
jurr that the Stanl1ard 011 Coml1l1.ny .
hecuna a trnst In 1882 , lIII although
It had se\'oralllmcs IJlnco changed the
fO'ln of Ils organization , had not
ceased to commlt the offcnses of a
Rockefeller's Evidence Admitted.
J"lndlllr , O. - Every point in an
ondlosll sm'es of clushes hotween
Standard Oil's altorney anll the
IJroSocntlon dUl'hl the trial Wednes. .
ay was won hy the Ohio lawyors.
'rho BosHlon was one lonBtl'ugglo / bo.
I \\'eou lho dofonHe and the county at.
tOl'lle ) ' . aldod occasionally by AltoI"
ue ) ' Goneml Wade Ellis. over the ad.
mlsslbillty of evidence. But In every
tilt tbo shining legal lights of the cor.
110ratlon went down In defeat before
the : u' uments of Prosecutor David.
Judge Banlwl"s rulings were glvon
only aCtol' enroful consldoratlon.
'rho result \\115 that the testlmonr of
.John D. Hoelccfeller given in 1898 In
the litigation a < ; alnst the Standard 011
trnst heforo the HUIH'eme court o [ the
stuto was mlmlltml and carefully read ,
to the jur ' by Attorney Phelps for
the Ilroscculion. 'I'hI8 consumed the
morning session nnll 11I1.rt . or the of tel"
Woman Gives Testimony.
1\11'S. hla M. Butts , the first witness
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' . . . . . . . . ; .rJ".c
Receives Bullet In Brain From Step.
father of H Is Sw etheart.
1\lInnea)10Ils ) , 1\lInn.-WllIlam Dow.
oil , a promlnont local nowspnper mnn ,
wus shot and klllod Sunday . afternoon
b ' John Quirk , because of .attentlons
to his alel1'daughtOl' , Miss Bosslo
'rho shootln occurred nt the QuIrk
resldenco. 901 Chicago a\'enne , just
us Dowell and the 'oung woman wete
ontol'lng the house. Ono bullet wns
fil'cil which tool , , effect in the mnn's
brnln ,
Ql h'le culml ) ' awaited the a1'l'1\'al of
the omcors and was taken Into cus.
I ted ) ' . Dowoll wns talton to the ( 'It .
hOllpltal , where ho oXl11red In n few
I minutes. Qulrl , seemed 111eased when
told that his victim was dead.
Costly Fire ta Goldfield.
I Goldfield , Nov.-Ph'o brol\O out
I \\'ednesdoy In the Paloce saloon , de-
sh'o 'lng thnt 1'1nco end three build.
; Ings luljolnlng. ' 1'ho loss I estlmatell
at $100,000. F01' a tlmo It seomo
. cortaltl that the entll'e town would go.
Berkel' nod Kaufman to Fight.
San } 'l'anclaco. - AI.tlcles were
sl nod ' 1'uesda ' b ) ' Sam Berger and
Al l\oufman for 20'1'ouIll1 contest
October 31. Jacle Welch was chosen
referee , 'rho urllcles 11rovllle for
stralghl Mnrqlls ! of Qucollsbury l'ulos.
of the trIal , was then cnlled to the
stond. 1\Irs. Dutts said she was the
stepdaughter of the late George 1\1
Rice , nn independent 011 renner at
Marietta , O. She had else acted as
IIII' . Rlee'B private secretary and wes
the e ccutrix of his ostnto. She produced -
duced , ot the request of Attmney
Phelps , the cortlficateR of original
trust stock owned br : aIr. Rice , the
cerlHlcates of "legal tlllo" Into Which
these were later trnnsferred and scrlll
showing tltlo to fructlonal shares of
stock in all of the : W subsldlar ' com.
Imnios of the original trust. The text
.of these certificates was read Into the
record and 1\1rs. \ Butts exeused , the de.
fenso uot caring to cross-examlno hor.
'fho o jcctlon of U\e ltofonse to the
character .of evidence bl'Ought forward
was mainly on the ground that the
prosecution was going ontlrely outsldo
of the case as set forth in the Informa.
tlon filed by Count ) ' Prosecutor David.
BesIdes this , the authentlclt ' of the
ovldenco In aU cases was questioned.
The geneml answer to these objoc.
tlons was made b ) ' Attorney General
Ellis , who made his 11rstappearanco as
an uctl\'e parllclpunt. in the prosecu.
tlon , an by AUOI'ne ' Phelps. The do.
fenso was talcoll CI1l'O of by Atlorne 's
EJllott , KlInc , 'froup nnd T.olles , Mr.
Kline and 1\11' . Troup doing the great.
or purt of the talltlng. I
, Valentine Law Is Broad.
Answerln the objection of 1\11' .
Kline thnt the lIrosoculion was going
outsldo the llioadings on the case , Mr.
. Phelps said the Valentino law , under
which the suit wns braught , was as
broad us the 'world nnd as strong as
Samson : that \mder It there wa9 no
uecesslty o [ lIrovlng any trust agroe.
ments 01' naming the l1rtles In IIny
tmdo conslllrnc ' . It was enough to
show the result of that consplmc ) ' .
lIowover , it was the Intention of the
IIrosecullon to show that the nine mon
who formed originally the Standard
011 trust of 1882 have over a'lncc-at
least all of thom who are Hving-con.
tlnued to dominate the 011 Industry .of
the state ; that the ) ' abandoned the
trust ngreoment when compeUed to
do so by the state enl ' to cnter an.
othel' form In I'ow Jarse ' , which now
.r..r..r..r..r .r..r..r..rwV'-o'.r..r..r .r.r..cJ
It Is Rumored He Wants to Succeed
Woshlngton. - Reports tbot Pres.
Ident Rooso\'elt wnnts to bo sen.
ator from I'\ew YOI'le , to succeed Son.
ator 'I'homas C. Platt. are revived
here. ' 1'ho prosldent , on the authority
of men Inllmato wllh him , not onh'
deslros to ho senator from New Yorl ; :
oftor ho ends his present term. but
franklY a mlta that ambition. 1\1ore.
0\01' , ho considers the tr nd of things
In New Yorle politics at this tlmo Ills.
tlnclly fivoruble to his nmbltlon and
so do his frlonds. Ho Is belnt ; loolod
to WOI'O and mora as the leader of
! \ oYorlt HOl1ubllcm pOllllcs and Is
being consulted b ' State Chairman
Woodruff and other leaders almost
dall ' .
Mro. Jefrercon Davis III.
Colorndo SIII'lugs , Col.-Mrs. J. . \ ,
III1)'es left Colorado Springs Mondoy
IIlght [ orow York , caJled by the Ill.
ness of her mother , Mrs. Jefferson Da ,
vis , widow of Ute Ilresident of the
confCllerute states.
Knnsas Publisher Dies Suddenly.
Loavon\\'oOrth , Knn.-c. 1 ; ' . C. Smith ,
a local financlor end ton years ego
IIl'OIIl'lotor of the Post , a
Gel'll\Un popel''us found dead In his
bed hero 'fucsdlno ball illed of
. '
. .
. .
, "
- "
- -
- - -
Secretary Taft EXJlalns ! Change 01
Plans-Cubans Were Opposed
to Funston.
Havann. - The recoil of Gen.
} 1'redorlclc l unstoll was onnouncec1
Wodncsdoy night. by Pl'Ovlslonnl GO\ "
ornor Tart. Gen. J. Franltlln Bell will
tlucceed him III cOlI\nl nd 'Df the
AmerIcan forceH ill Cuha , and Gon.
Funston will accolUllany Mr. Taft end I
1\11' . Bacon hncl to Amerlco. i .
In explnlnlng thlH change of plnns ,
Gov. Tnft sllltl : i
Gon. 1"unston " was ummonod on 1\ :
hurry cntl from the Pacific coast be. ,
canso he wns well oClluolntel1 with I
many of the itHlurgent chiefs hero and I
It wall thought ho cou1l1 aid us , os !
ho did greatly , In brhllng ! the mon In I
arms to an agreoment. Gen. Funston
WIIS 11llt lel11pol'llrlly In command of
the tl'OO(1S ( lu Cuba moreiy os a convenience -
venience until Gon. Bell should ar.
1'ivo. Gen. 1"unHton " , Mr. Bacon end
myself. with l\lrs. \ 'raft nnd Mrs. Ba.
con end 0111' secretarIes ore r'turnlng
to 0111' pormanont. dutlos. "
Gov. Taft's ospoclol confidence In
lho chlof of the genorlll starr's ability
to earr ' out the programmo the go. . . .
ornot. has initiated resulted 111 the de.
clslon to continuo him In the islnnd.
Man ) ' Cubans of the faction to
which Mende ? Capote I1nd others who
orgnnlzed the moderato party belong ,
were outspolon ugalnst Gen. Funston ,
alleging that he had deserted them
In the war to throw olr the yol\O of
SlIaln. Gov. ' 1'aft did not tnlo ; : cog.
nlzanco of this bitterness. us ho was
familiar with the clrcullIstancos under
which Gen. I unston , at thnt tlmo , 1'0
turne to the nlted States. Funston
wus tl ill nnd ho had the consent
to return of Gen. Garcln and other
lenders , who nplu'eclated the long
sen'lco ho had gl\'en their causo.
lIavana.-Charles g. ) logoon , the
nowl ' appolntod provisional governor
of Cuba , arrived hero ' 1'uesday aftor.
nooJI. Coincident with his coming
Go. . . . 'raft gave out general decree
11roclnlmlng om nest ) ' not only to the
rebels , hut to all l\Orsons charged
with political ofrense : : ; 01' crimes in any
WILY connected with the re\'olutlon ,
J 10 nlso IHsuOil ordms covering the at-
tltudo of the Amorlcan marines and
soldiers toward the lleoplo of Cuba.
Formal Transfer of Control Accom.
pllshed at AI1:1unl Meeting.
1\IIlwaukeo.-'l'he Wisconsin Central
nallway coml1l1.ny . was formally trnns'
fened into" , the conlrol of now Inter.
csls at 'l'uesday's annual meeting of
the stoclholdm'B , which was held at
the general .offieos of the corpomtlon
In this clly. The uew board of dlrec.
tors Is headed by George 1\1. \ Cum.
mlng , of New York. ' 1'he new names ,
In the Ust of dlroctors are : ' 1' . L. Chad.
bourne , Jr. , John 1 . Hill , F. E. Dewey ,
Harr - C. Starr , G. C. Rasmus. an
Mark ' .1' . Cox. 'I'heso take the places
of 'William L. null. II. F. Whitcomb ,
Howard Morris , John Cr.osby Brown.
James C. Colgllto and Gerald L. Hoyt ,
1\1 r. Uradfol'll made the following
statement : "Thero is no Intention
whatever of consolidation or comblna.
tlon between the Wisconsin Central
and the other roads ; and all reports
to the effoet thnt this propcrty Is to be
'absorbed. ' consolldaled with , or In
any manner III aced In n position b '
which It loses its Identity and Indl.
vlduallty. liS a separate and distinct
rallway system , are without the least
foundntlon. 'I'ho now owners , who are
now In control of the propertr have ,
no idea of any such change. The fact
that 1 happen to bo president of the
Chicago , Cincinnati & Loulsvillo
road has no slgnll1cnneo whate\'er. tn
the changes In the Wisconsin Con.
tral. "
Bids Asked by the Government for
Digging the Big Waterway.
Washlngton.-lnvltaUons for Ilr0110S'
als to complete the Panama canal
wore Issued ' 1'uesday by the canal
cOlUmlBRl n , amI tJw form of contract
under which the work Is to be done
WIHI made IIIIh1lc by ChalrlUan Shonts ,
who lso gave out a letter wrHten to
the secretury of war giving the com.
mission's reasons for contracting the
'fho contract llrovldes thot each bid.
dOl' must undertlllw the entire work of
construction. o 1mI' will bo offered
to corporations associating In the un.
dertaklng , hut they must bo lo nlly or.
ganlzed Into a slnglo body with which
the government can deal. Bld ers will
not be consl orod who do not have
avnllnblo capital of $ .OOOOOO. A cert ! ,
ned checl ; : for $200,000 Is l'ellulrod
with each llroposal and n bond of $3 , .
000,000 will bo required from the successful -
cessful blddm' . 'rho bidding is not
limited to .Amorlcan contractors. All
11I'0\1osI11s \ nro to bo In before uoon of
Decombol' 12 , when they will)0 \
o\1oned. \
Horsewhipped by Angry Husband.
Ashlo ' , 1lI.- . II. Drown , n proml.
nent 1'001 estnte ag-ont of East St.
Louis , was horsewhipped on the tltreet
hOl'o by Chalen l\lartlll \ , a young busl.
ness man , fot. allegell Improper can ,
11 tlct towards laUer's wlfo.
Methodist Women Meet.
1.lncoln , Neb.-Tho twent ' .fith an.
nual co 1vcntlon ot the 'Voul n's'
Iomo Mlsslonnry 80cloty of the MOtIl'
odlat church , OIC1lCI } Wodnesdn. ) ' with
moro than 200 elcgltles lroscnt trom .
GV t' IIIlglG ( II tlln union
. . ' '
. ' , . . . ,
1 !
. . . . . /
POLITICS ; ; ; - A TWO. , .
Trials of Vlborg SlgnerD Put Aside to
Head Off Their Re.electlon to Par.
lIament-Ho Is Condemned os a .
ST. PETEnSBUnG-'Purthor expulsion -
sion from the zemslvos of members or
the oullawed IlIlrllament who Blgned
the Vlbors manifesto nro reported
dnl ) ) ' .
Among the lateFt Is that. of Count
Tolstol , a mOllerate member of parliament -
mont from UCa. 'rho proceedings In
t.ho indictment. of the members of pilI'-
Hnment who Blgned the Viborg manifesto -
festo nro dragging , and there is vcr ) '
slight. prospect Umt. the ) ' will bo triad
before the next r.1eetions , thereby ron- ,
derlng Inellglblo for election 180 of t.he
most. promlnont consUtutlonnl demo.
crats who wcro members of tbe por1lnr-
'I'ho disfavor shown by Premier
Stol'pln to the reactol1nry : leagues .
and other Blocl. Hundl'ed orgaulzn.
tlons , has provolcod a storm of hostUlty I l.1 .
in I.ho reoctlonary camp. The organ ,
of lho rellctionlsts today printed au ar- ,
Ucle headell "He\'olutionlsttl In High
Places , " assailing the cl1 lnet. for Us \ '
al1egeu treachery and demand the In.
dlctment. of Lloutenant General Hudi.
gor , chief of the chancellery of tbo war
office ; VIce Admiral Blrllef. minister
of mnrlno ; Minister of Justlco
Chtchogglovltol ! ; the gO\'ernor general
of FInland. ErllUrd. on Oenornl Gre.
goriorr , prefect. of Odess:1 , for fa.vorlng
the Jews. nnd the central burenu nas
telegraphe dcmnnds to vnrlous sov.
ernors nnd the Pl1lco to cease Interference -
ference with the patriot or anlzaUons.
The recent. seIzures o [ bombs , explosives -
plosives end arms in the clly hall n.nd
toclmlcal Institute are officially stntm1
to have been connected with n renc.
tlonnry "patrlollc" or anlzation.
Attocls on the pollco similar to
these which hnvo occurred at. Warsaw ,
have commenced at Sl. PetorstJUrg ,
but are lesH successful , owln to the in-
lllITerent. a.ttitulle . or the popula.tlon.
Association Consults preddent About
Date of Next Meetln ! ] .
WASHINGTON , D. C.-Chnrles E.
Hunter of OJdnhonm City. 01e1. , ) lros- i
( dent of the Hoosevell Hough Hhlors' ,
association , tal1ccll with the president \
toela ' alJOut the date 01' the noxt. an-
nunl rounlon of this organization. T1lls
'neotlng will be holll at Prescott , Ariz. ,
when it Is a.lso . expected that a st.1.tuo
Jf Cal1taln O'Nell of troop A , of tJQ
Rough Riders , will beIn'ellell. . if it
'an bo completed In time. The ) Ires 1-
lent hns alLOnded the reunions of I\I ! ' ! ,
'orme : ' comrades In arms and Is nn.
; /ous / to go to PrescoU next .oor. \
Pay All 'Frisco Losses.
SOUX FALLS , S. D.-At n spoclal .
. . . . . .
. .
meotlng here today of the stockhoM.
erB of the Queen Cltr Flro Insurance
company the capital stoclt of the com. ,
l1an ' wa.s . Increased from $ OOOOO to
500.000. 'fhls wll ena.ble . tile company ,
to pa ) ' CVCI'y dollnr of Its San Frn.n.
cIsco losses and have over of a qnar.
tel' of a million dollars surplus.
Rumor Strikes Union Pacific ,
NEW YORK-The price of Union :
Pacifl < , stock I1I'OPlled fl'Om 191 % to
188 * suddenly Thursday on rumorH i
circulated In the financial district. tJlIlt
the go\'el'l1ment was a.hOl1t. . to proceed J f
against the COmHU1Y. ) charging frauels ' 1
In Its dealings In pullc landl' .
Cold 1 < lIls Cotton.
A Tf.AN'r A. Ga.-President Harvi ( '
.10rdan of the Southern Cotton asso.
cilltlon , estimates Umt between 40.000
und 00,000 hales of cotton were Ie 111 011
In 'Georgia. . alone hy last nlght.'s colel
Lone Bandit Takec Money.
Tonopah. Nev.-\Vord hils heen reo
cei\'ed 110ra Ulal the stnge between
1\1nnhottan and Hound Mountain was
hold up by a lone bandit In broad da-
light. at 10 o'clocle In the mornlns , at a
point two miles from Round Mountain , ,
Th'3 bandit secure ! } the eXlrOIlS : box
anel al1 the money the driver oml on ( >
pasEon cr had. It. is stated at Manhat ,
tan Umt the express box contalnod the
l1 'roll fundR of the Wilson Placel' anl !
other mining properties at. Round
Mountain. $5,000 In all. 'l'11C' drl\"er
11I1l1 passengers were unarmed.
Had Big Plans for Him.
' ASHINGTON-Il Is said here that
the original Intontlon wall to have
Govern : > r Magoon , when he ren.cheu the
PhI1l1)1)lnes , take up in addition to th\
duties of vlco governor general a.UlI
member of the PhlllJplno ) commission.
I.he duties of the portfolio of the minis.
leI' of nnance aud mlnlstel' of oduca. . .
tlon. Secretary Tart has exprctJsod tilO
ollef that these lJsltlons. ) Jartlcularh'
the former , which hud heen'aca.nt . for
some time , should , because of Its 1m.
ho fllIell ut the I'arl/Nlt / ,
} ) orlanco , pos
slblo moment.
Father Ojects to Marrlaoe to Pitts.
bug Girl and They Run Away. .
STlmBENVlILI < : , O. - Announce.
ment was made hero that Frederlclt .
Cole l"nlrhnnles " , son of the \'Ico presl ,
lient of the Unltell States , eloped from
Pltttsburg with Ne11l0 Scott , nnd com
Ing hero they were marrlo(1.
It is stated that. 1\11' . Fnlrbanlcs ob ,
jected to UI0 marrlngo. The brldo is
n doughter of 0 prominent east.sldl )
resident of _ Plttahurg
. , -
. . . " . . .
. " "
. ' . ,
, , '
, I