'OIL _ ' _ _ . _ . . " " . _ _ .M . . . . " . . . . _ ' . . . . . . . . " . . , . . . 'h. , p' " CUSTfR COUNTY RfPU UCAn Dy D. M. AMSDERRY , / - - - - - - - - - DROKEN DOW , . . NmJRASKA. ; tupcdous Railway EnttrprIBu. , It the In Cunnatlon con \'e 'ed In a dls. patch Crolll ParIs Ilrovo correct , a be. Innlng 19 abont to ho 1I1 llo In the r most stup0l1l10us entorllrlso at Its Ielnd over ullllortnl < on. 'I'ho report trom the Prench cnpltal Is to the et. foct thnt the s 'nlIcnto ( roprosollted by j Darol1 Lolcq do Lobel hns been au. Ulorhed , h ' an 01'1101' IS911011 by the czar or Russin , to start operations on the Trans.Slborlan.Alaslm rnllrond \ f project. 'I'hls Involves nothln ; less : than the constrllctlon or a railroad , < ; 1Ino trom Siberia to the American tor- f ; ! torr. 01 " ' ,1\:1\1\ : by bridging nnd tlln. ( ' nollng th IntervenIng wntors , tn lud. . , V. Ing Dering Slrall. Pro\'lolls statements : that the worlc Is to bo nnnncod to lho t' , extent or $ ll OOOOOOO to $200,000,000 ' , ; ; b ' Amerlcnn and Bllropean cnpltnllsts . I t are repealed , nnd the atory has over ) ' , Indication of beIng ll\lt forth In good 1 fnlth. As has alrOhly : been shown , . says the 'I'roy 'rlmcs , should the pro. < < jected IIno bo carrlod through It . would mean the possibility or riding j. without change ot cnrs rrom any rail. : road center In the UnIted States to I 1 the capitals or Europe , With the tun. ' : , . nel lindeI' the English channel allll the \ completion ot the "threo , AmerIcas" , ( system In this hemlsphero , ono will bo i : , able to go by rail tram remote points i In South Amorlca dIrectly to London. ; I : And with the carryIng out or the "Capo to CaIro" scheme In AfrIca tboro may bo a througl1 route from "tho Horn" to Good II 0 IJC. Who knows ? Buying an IGland. Tbo mau who buys amino rarel ) ' Igots so deC\ply talten In as to hllvo nothIng nt all that ho can show for his 'mone ) ' . There's commonly a place somewhere and a hole In tbo ground at loast. Not so , howo\'or , with a 1\11' , Tutt , who Is reported from Colorudo SprIngs as havIng lately purchased an 'Island air WashIngton slate whIch ho 'has slnco been unsuccessrully trying to find. HIs deeds call for ten acres rin the San Juan group air Drltlsh Co- lumbll1 , and ho fondly hoped to build 11 summer homo there. Alaclt and . nlas ! Ho sl1l1ed out In his yacht to where ho supposed the Island to be , but not a scrap or land could ho find. ThIs might bo consldorod suillclontl ) ' vrovoltlng , but It WI1S not thQ worst. The sell or now claims that the Island was there when ho sold It , but thl1t It sank Into the sea at the tlmo or the eartbqllako which destro'ed San Fran. cIsco. All thIs Is no joke to 1\11' . Tutt , but , saYR the Dos ton Herald , It stron - If suggests tile case ot tbo curious people who fioclted to a tent and paId tholr way In to see tbo wonderful , gyascutus. They dIdn't see hIm , but were Ill1d to escape wIth tbelr lIves at the alnrmlng cry that the foroclous gyascutus had brolwl1 looso. I Prleon Reform. ! A notnblo reform In prIson admlnls. tratlon Is contemplated by Gov. Folk I1ntl the advanced ponologlsts of 1\I1s- sourl , and at the govemor's sugges. Ion the Rov. E. A. I"rodonhagon , ot Topelm , Kan. , Is engaged In the prepa' ration ot II. bill au the subject , wh.lch wlll bo Introduced at the next session Dr the MissourI leglslllturo. Ita chief Ceaturos will be the payment to the : : onvlct's wlfo nnd chlldron or an ap. preclnblo llorcentage or hIs earnIngs ; the use of a graduated uniform Instead Dt the usual strlpod clothing ; the sub. aUtutlon , ot a military double file for l o abhorred locltstep and regull1r In. . . . .tructlon ror IJrlsoners five nights II. lVeek. The whole tendency at the changes suggested Is In tbo IIno at , , orormatlon from : a:1 : distinguIshed vIndictive punlshmout , aull 11 ml1ln purpose Is to rello\'o the mIsery or the Innocent dependents upon the crlm. InaI. Is the class plpo to become a foa. turo nt cooducatlonal Institutions ? In a description at the Clnss day ex , erclses at the Northwostol'll unlvor. slty nt Evanston , m" Is this montlon ot the pipe at peace smokIng , a core , many not commonly practlcod In co' educatlonnl Methodist Institutions : "LewIs R. Hltrton , IJresldent at the aonlor class , filled the phlo , toucbod n match to It , and It went slowly tram i ono pall' at lips to anothor. GIvIng off an odor ot mild tobacco It passed tram ono coed to anothor. None re. tused her 'purr , ' A tow cOllghs were heard nt the end at the coromony. The mon took tholr turn and tbo IJlpo passed back to Hortou , who , actor' a long 'drng , ' handell It to MIss Sl1rnh Shute , prosldont or tbo junIor class , " Truancy Is denned as a dlsoaso by a Chicago school sharp wbo has or. dored trunnts on a dlot or protolu. I . 'I'ho average boy would rather take hIs chn.nces with the school than ny to the arms of protoln , a punIshment whoso nature ho Imperfectly compro. honds , The servant girl , tblnks Upton SIn. I claIr , needs upllrtlng. ' 1'ho'cnn of i kerosene on the mornIng fire has been Imown to operate successfully In tlu\t dlroctlon. ; ; " , , ' _ ; ; 0 -.ro . . ' " . ' ' ' . . . . ' , , i- : , " . _ r.- _ . . . . ' . , . " . " . - - . - . r''I"Ifo.tr-I" , " " " , " " " , , O\'AII't' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " . . , .7f - , . . . , - . . . . . . PHILADELPHIA SUICIDES , VICTIMS OF WILD FINANCE. FRANK 1 < . HIPPLE , trust company president , shot , JOHN S. HOPKINS , bank cashier , shot. FRANKLIN B. GOWEN , railroad president , shot. WILLIAM M. SINGERLY , publisher , banker , poIsoned. JOSEPH G. DITMAN , banker ( sup. posed suicide ) , drowned. BENJAMIN H. GASKILL , broker. ROBERT ADAMS , JR. , congressman - man , shot , JOSIAH R. ADAMS , lawyer.polltl. clan. JOHN FIELD , merchant , shot. JAMES V. P. TURNER , lawyer , shot. shot.WILLIAM WILLIAM G. ROTHERMEL , broker , shot. - Phlladelphla.-Wlldcat speculation followed or preceded eIther by doCal- cation or betra'al or trust , has been responsible for a startling numb or or Iulcldes ! In PhiladelphIa among men at alralrs and promlnenco In the so. clal world. Beginning with the sensational rail , ure of the Keystone National bank , In 1891 , whIch rulued mon whoso l'OP , "tatlons were as untarnIshed as that at the prcsldent of the Real Estate 'I'rust comllny , and whIch resulted In jail for two or them , Philadelphia has had an amnzlng serIes or financIal Icandals and banlt wrecks. Dank do- posltors have lost millions , but the largest II11"0nds ot the wildcat finan. cler" were made In nsphalt and In Consolidated Lake SuperIor. In these two companIes the llUbllc , largely In PhiladelphIa , droPlled upward of $100- 000,000. In nearl ) ' every suicIde caused by wildcat nnanco , att mllts have been made to suppress the facts , as In the case or the presIdent or the Real Estate Trust company , whose lIulcldo was known to the mem ers of hIs tamll ) ' , the coroner and the coron. or's physIcIan Cor sIx days , and was even Iuppressed by Phlladelphln Iln. pOI's. So determIned were these two officials to prevent the news tl'om bo- comIns public that the ph'slclan filed a talso certlncato of the actual cause or death , ascrIbing It to cerebl'lll hom- orhage , but omItting to state that the hemorrhage wati duo to a bullet fired Into the brain with suIcidal Intent. FRANK K. HIPPLE AND JOHN S. HOPKINS. The cIrcumstances surrounding the solf.destructlon of Frank J { . Hlpplo Rill ! or John S. HopkIns , cashlor at the Peoplo' " bank , who killed hlmlolt In March , 1898 , are strl1 < 1ngly similar. Dotll men occupIed posItions at trust , " " 01'0 prominent In church work , had a rlgh ! cede or morals for the govorn. mont ot theIr emplo'os , anll were strIct observers at the llIbllcnl Injunction - tion to l'omombor the Sabbath day to keep It hol ) ' . Nolther "ouIeI rldo In a public convoYlUlcO on Sunday unless the exIgency were Imperativc. Nol- ther would countenance the use at liquor or tobacco In any torm. HopkIns - kIns maIntained thIs attltudo to the day he destroyed hImself , although bo was alsoclatoll with the most corrupt cabal ot politicIans In P nns'lvanla. , I' . , 'Ii. . , . ' ' . . . . . . : . . . . _ . " - . . , . . . . . . . . - . . . . ' . " . . . 'f' . " . " , . ' _ , , . , , _ , . . . _ . ,4SJf . : . . . 'I' . ' " ' ' 1' ' , ! ' ' , . . . . . . . .I\ . . . < , . . , " ' . ' . ; . . 1 V i'f..w - , , ' . , . , . . , , 'iii > . " . . , , , " I I . . . . fllLADE hPUEA SUICIDIS wno "t.\\1 . rAbL.fNIN : Tnt : ' AfL.STDOM . ' r ONIY.MJ\KING. PI1 'tY [ o fMI ] [ WOfJ@ OOyI \ ( [ I ( ] ) l1m'1JOOIO [ [ [ ? [ D : ' 1JOOo [ ' 1T . . . . . ' .Of" . rlJr ( ] ) li [ tmIKZO [ [ } [ [ ] ) o I1D j CI : [ ! ooo 0 00000000000000000 . - " . . . - The Peoplo's bank was Mat Quay's bank. It was whllo ho was In control that ho wrote the famous letter to a bcuchman that ho would "shalto the plum tree. " 'I'ho dlt'forenco ' between Hlpplo amI Hopkins wns In the amount of theIr stcallngs , The cashIer or the Quny bauk got away with only $700,000 , which ho lent on worthless collateral to a concern called the Guarantors company. 110 foleted the secur1tles off on the dll'ectors as of value and when exposure threatened , ho promred ! himself for death nnd eased hIs con. sclenco by writing a voluminous letter - ter of contrlto oxplanatlon to James 1\IcManes , presldout ot the Institution. Then he went Into the bathroom ot his house , on West Spruce street , and lJUt a bullet Into his brain. HIppie alwa's Iought , In the employment - ment at clerks , to brIng In young men who were members nnd regular com. munlcants lu some church. Ho did not dlrrorentlato as to denomination. In addItion to refusIng to have ns clerks an ) ' users of tobacco or liquor ho was opposed to any at hIs oml110)'es readIng Sunday newspapers or vIsiting race trackl ! . As there are no race tracks In PhiladelphIa , New York was the nearest place for those who sought that form of amusement. PI'esldent Hippie learned about a ) 'oal' after the Real Eetate com pan ) ' was organized that one of his young men had visited Sheepshead bay and had won a five'dollar bet. The presl. dent toolt hIm Into his prlvato office and prayed with him. lIe gave him a marked Dible , and then dlsmlss d him from the company's servIce , so that danger of coutamlnatlon would be \'olded. . A few ) 'ears ago 1\11' . Hlpplo lou'ned that one at hIs delJOsltors had derived most of hIs wealth from backing the policy swindle , and he'reiju'stef ; l : n to withdraw his account. FRANKLIN B , GOWEN , RAILROAD PRESIDENT. Unfortuuato speculation without the defalcation feature bl'ought about the seIf.Infilcted death at I"ranklln D. Gowen , ! lresldont of the PhiladelphIa & ReadIng railroad , and one of the most brillIant aud succes ful lawyers In the Keystone stato. Ho shot hImself - self In December , ] 889 , but as the deed was committed In WashIngton and not In Phlladolphln , the cIrcumstances - stances became known withIn 24 hours. The bellof was general that ho had heen murdered br : agents at the 1\101110 Magulres , In revenge for the active part ho took In suppressIng that band of thugl ! . The fact that Gowen had taken his own life was eslabllshed the next da ) ' , and then began an Investigation as to the possible cause. The moral chal'Uc- tel' or the great law'er was above re- proach. Ills lIfo had been slngularl ) ' clean , and his reputation never had llOon tarnIshed hy ven as much as the breath of scandal. Ho died without havIng mndo a will and when an appraisal - praisal of hIs eetato was made It was found that ho had loft but $4l O,000 In personal and real proJOI't ) ' of an estate whIch In his lIfetlmo was estimated to ho wOl'th between $2,000,000 and $3- 000,000. He had been Induced to Invest - vest In southern lands , whore It I.s be. 1I0ved he sul1fCl'ed grcat lossoe. The rull ! Jartlculars never were revealed , but there was no other reason to as. crlbe than despondent despol'Utlon brought on b ) ' ! nvestments which 1m. paIred u consldel'Ublo fortune. WILLIAM M. SINGERLY , NEWSPAPER PUBLISHER. William 1\ [ . SInger ! ) ' , proprietor ot the Phlladolphlll. Record , prosldent or 'the ' Chestnut Street 'National bank and tbo Chestnut Street Trust com. pan ) ' , died under clrcumstnnces wblch IJolnted unmlstakabl ) ' to a death Iolf. In lcted. Cyanldo or potassIum Is belIeved - lIevod to have been tbo agent , but so tar as the records of the coronor's of. fico go , that cause Is not ascribed. NotwithstandIng thIs official vollIng no ono In PhlladolJhla } familiar with the wild and recklcss peculntlon In which 81ngorly was Involved , and whIch roe sulted In the failure or the banks In whlcb ho was Intereeted , boll eVes that ho died a natural death. Singorly was a peculiar combInation. 110 was born In Philadelphia In 1832. Ills tathor was a pioneer In street car tranSIJOrtatlon and made n tortuno. In hie young manhood William M. Slngerl ) ' devolollO(1 a likIng tor convlv. laUt ) ' , whIch resulted lu bls Income bolug cut ofr , ami ho wns IHlt to work as a car conluctor at a small salal' ) ' . ' 1'hls enCorco ( ! omplo'ment brought about a for01'luatlou after 110 bad paBS , cd hIs thIrty , fifth yoal' . I10 Ulen dls- IJla'od quail tiel ! of Ihrewd bustness sense whlcb It wan uot believed ho posselsed. - " " " " ' ' - . . , . . . . . - " , . . , " : , _ , . . , a. , , Without any provlous knowledge ot newspaller making ho succeeded In galnlug control of a small newspaper called the Public Record. lIe changed Its make.up and Its general method of tl'eatment ot the tOlJlcs or tllo day , and astonished the town by reducIng the Ill'1co to ono cont. He became Domocratlc canrlldnte for gO\'ornor and made a canvass at the state In a specIal train. Ho had then gene Into the breodlng of blooded - ed horses and had ono Futurity victor - tor ) ' to hIs credIt-the capture of $100,000 In stake and bets b ) ' Mol" rello In the Ienson ! of 1892 , SpreadIng out still further , SInger. ly went Into bankIng and organized two Institutions. Recl < less loans drove him to the wall , and In 1897 both banlts failed. On Februar ) ' 27 , 189811' . Slngerly dlod sUddenly In hIs home , The story was gIven out that heart dlseaso had carried hIm off , aggravated by hIs financIal troubles. After his death the community was startled to learn that he was In debt to the defunct Cheetnut Street bank to the extent of $800,000 , which ho had borrowed on collateral security at $75,000. - , JOSEPH G , DITMAN , BANKER , DROWNED. , Joseph G. Dltman , preeldent of the QualCr City National bank , disappeared - peared m'sterlously and for two days It was believed he had been robbed and murdered. After a drIve through Falrmount park hIs empty carrIage and the horse were found. Search for the banker continued for a month , Detectives went t'o all parts of the United States and largo rewards were offered. Forty days after hIs dlsap. pearance the decomposed bed ) ' or the banker was found floating In the Schuylltlll riveI' . Dltman was brought up In the paper manufacturing bueluess , and abandoned - ed It to go Into bankhlg. He discounted - ed papel' for hIs old.tlmo assocIates on tbo flimsiest sort of collateral , Ho I sunk thousands of dollars In a silver , , mIne In South Carolina , Ho went Into the pl'lutln ; busIness to recoup hIs losees , and lost moro , and In less than two rears , through hIs wildcat speculation - tion , and lack of care , he was strIpped of every dollar he possessed. HIs mind became affected and the suicide theory was general ! ) ' accepted , notwithstandIng - withstandIng the jUdgment at the cor- oner's jury that ho was drowned by accIdent. BENJAMIN H. GASKILL , BROKER , THIEF , FORGER. Denjamln H , Gaskill was one or the most noted exemplars of fraudulent finance , who cheated hIs frIends and then killed hlmselr to avoid facing them. lIe was a thlet and a forger. but this discovery was not made until after hIs death. In hIs lifetime Gaskill enjoyed the respect and esteem of hIs bulness ! ? associates. Ills reputation - tion for probity was of the best , and hIs credit was gllt.edged. After hIs suIcide a dIary was found among hIs ofrecls In whIch ho spoke of himself as n Jekyll and HYde. 110 wrote that ho could not mal < e hhnle ! . understood to sordid mInds and that hIs aspiration - tion ! ! were too high for the ordInal' ) ' mortal to grasp. Gaskill was not as pronounced a churchman as HIppIe , but ho made a prnctlce ot keepIng up a trlendshlp with churchgoers , HIs forgeries forced the Clt ) . Trust. saro DeposIt & Surety com pan ) ' Into bankruptcy. His meth. ods were IngenIous , and ho reaped I something like a millIon dollars. It I was not exactly wildcat speculation In his easo. It was rather the creduUt ) ' I and trustfulness or these he detraulled that brought him the enormous re. turns. AccIdental dIscover ) ' drove hIm to suIcIde. - CONGRESSMAN ADAMS , HIMSELF ONLY VICTIM. Robert Adams , Jr. , tamillarly lcnown as "Dertlo" Adams , tormer minIster to Drazll , promInent as ono or the orlg. Inal explorers or the Yellowstone ro- glen and member ot congreE'S trom the Second dIstrIct or Ponns'lvanla , com. mltted suIcIde by shooting In hIs apartments In the Motropolltan club , WashIngton , on the 1st day of last June. Wildcat speculation was (11- rectly responsible. 110 dIed nbsolute- I ) ' penniless , havIng dlE'slpated II. fortune - tune of $300,000 , Ho lort a no to ad. dressed to Speaker Cannon , In wblch he saId that as hIs personal obllga' tlons exceeded hIs resources ho was obliged to abandon the resl10nslblo position ho held lu the lloueo at rep- resentatives. 'rhe congr ssmall lost money at cards , but the greater lJUrt at hIs wealth went In land Invest. ments and In loane on wQrthloss se- ourltles. lIe sent : ; oed money actor J d In U1e IlOilo or recoVQr1. , - . . . - JOSIAH R. ADAMS , VICTIM OF POLITICAL ATTACK. JosIah n. Adans , a promInent club- man and a la w'e1' and a noted 5gure 11\ the moet excluslvo set at Phlladel- phla's fashIonable world , klIled hImself - self In a hotel In PhiladelphIa. six years ago. Adams was a man of rare culture. He took a lIking for the excitement - citement of polItical Ufe , and affiliated himself wIth the Quay machIne. He was nominated for jud e of the supe- rlor court. A bitter attack was made upon him b ) ' a local nowspapor. Ho was accused of having conspIred with anMber man to defraud the publIc by a get.rlch.qulck scheme , In which it was alleged that huudreds of llereons were Induced to Invest to theIr sor- row. row.Adams Adams made a weak denial to the charge , and withdrew tram the ticket , He never recovered from the blow. On the day he shot hlmselt be kIssed his wife affectionately , lett her , and In five minutes was dying from a bullet wound In the head. JOHN FIELD , MERCHANT , LOST MIND WITH MONEY. John FIeld , once postmaster of Phil. adelphla , a member ot he old wbolb- eale dry goods house at Young , Smyth , Field & Co" shot and Itllled himself In Fall'lI1ount park while Insane. He c me froll1 Ireland when he was 14 years old and uo an as errand boy In the house which ho subsequently con- trolled. 'rho firm did an Immense business - ness and In addItion to branches In Baltimore , CIncInnati , Indlanapoll < ; nnd San FrancIsco , carried on a bankIng - Ing business In Saxon ) ' . It never was definlto know : ! how 1\11' , Field Impalrod hIs fortune , but the gonCl'al bellet was that It was duo to speculation In realty , whIch ho Itnew nothIng about. ThIs so affected his mInd that ho develol1ed a suicidal mania. JAMES V. P. TURNER , RUINED BY BUYING LAND , , James V. P. Turner , regIstrar or vItal statlstlce at PhiladelphIa nnd a lawyCl' ot note , shot hlmsolt In the stomach In Fal1'lnount llark In April , 1902. He wus a member at the Society - ciety of the War of 1812 and at the Sons at the Revolution. 1\11' . Turner hud been Induced to Invest In lands In the west. whIch he belloved to bo mlneral.bearlng , but whIch tllTnod out to be wOI'thlesB. lIe becama despond. ent and chose to kill himself rather than begin life over again at 47. WILLIAM G. ROTHERMEL , WILDCAT FINANCIER. WillIam G. Rothermol. a broker en. gaged In wildcat t1nan lerlug In a concern - cern known as the 1'OIHlla1' Brokerage compan ) ' , was found dead In hIs bed on August 1. An. autopsy showed an Irritant polson , 'rho Ilh'slclan called to attcnd him reCusod to gIve aceI" tlncato or dellth trom heal t dl\uaso , although BO requelltod. The mystery or Rothermel's death hua not been full ) ' cleared , 'und until hIs estate Is "oUled It will not be known d01lnl(1) ' just wbat clasn at securltl03 ho d : tit In or tholl' vnluo , but all the Indica. tlonc UI'O that he llUd been haIH11Ing < : ollaterul on which h'J was unable to I'callzo and that the nly escaIJO ho aw waa In the sravo , - . - - - . . . . . . . ) . : " " ' ' c < h I' . , A NERVOUS WRECK . Mrs. Green Galnod 26 Pourdo anel' Recovered Her Health by TakIng ! ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. General debility Is term tbat covers' ' 1I1ultitudo of cnses where there Is u ( ) ' neuto disease , yet the patient continues to lese strenJth anl the doctor's medi. cines have JlO apparent effect. This Is the decline that leads to death If means are not fouml to check it. Iu great majority at cases Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills will cbeek It nud restore health ntHl strength becau/o they actually Ulolto noW" blood amI so semI reuowed vitnHty t ( ) every orgn.u nnd tissue of the ody. Mrs. S. A. Green , whoso ac1dl'esR 19 Box 20 , R. l ! ' . D. No.4 , Frn.nltlin , Ga. saYR : "For three and 1hnlf years SUffel'O(1 with wentmess nnd l1en'ous l1ess , complicated with stomach trouble , At tlmos I WM Connucl to Ul ) ' bed for. periodR rauging from three weeks to two months an was under the physicillu's cure most of the time for three years. I' ' do not ] mowtho canso of my trou lo but I was prostrated with wcalwess and , al : though I took great dC1l1 of mclicino , nothing Beemed to give mo strength. At tlmell my stomach hurt mo something fellriul nnd my head often troubled 1110. I was "leqpe ] s mHl what steep I did got wAJ.- did not refresh me. " Whou I began tatting Dr. WiUiams' t \ Pink PiUs , I weighed ut 10.1 pouuds. I ] mew I was so bml that ( \ few doses woultlnot cnro 1110 am1 I hl\(1 patience , ' 800n the piUs began to gi vo mo strength , my lood got In bottercondition , I could sleep wollatnight mH1 hopsomo ] witll tho' housowo1'1e. Now I weigh 130 pOlludslInd thil1k nothing 'Of walking haf ] n. . milo. Dr.WiJliams' Piule PiUs have donewou. ' dors for mo anl the neighbors all know this statement is truo. " I Dr. WiUiams' Pink PiUs nro soll.byall dmggists , or , , 'ill be seut by mail , post. paidou roceiptof prico.50centsporbox , six boxes $2.50 , by the Dr. WiJIiams Med. icino Co. , 8cheuoctn < 1y , N.Y. I . Kemp's Balsam WID stop'any' cough that cnn be slopped by any medicine and cure coughs that cannot be curcd by . nny oUler medicine. It Is always - thc best cough cure. You cannot afford to take cbances on any other Idnd. KEMP'S BALSAM curcs coughs , colds , broncblUs grIp , : lsthma and consulnp- ' lion 10 first Glages. f' " . - - ' Educ tlon In Sweden. Nowhere else , unless In America , Is education so unIversal as In Sweden. very child must go to school between - tween the ages of seven r.nd H , unless - less the parents can show that they are beIng privately educated. There are about twelve thousand common schools In Sweden , even the thinly. populated distrIcts having "ambula- tory schools , " held In varIous parts or the dIstrict. When thIs Is tbo case the school term Is reduced to about , . . halt the ol'dlnan' rlnratlon-Tho Craftsmal1 Tolstoy' ! ; . . . _ . . . .rk. Count Tolstoy has completed a now work entltlell : "Tho DIvine Human , " The characters depIcted Include the principal revolutlonllTY leaders In Rus. sla durIng tbe ) 'ears trom 1880 to 1890. Ho Is already engaged upon the work ot dealing with current events In Russia. n , ) J' .1 ! I ) . - - - . . IiOLD UP ! f and consicle-- . 7lJlJ.l POMMEL I DR NDSLICKER .lIKE ALL . . - " _ 'tOWEll' _ . _ WATERPROOf CLOTHING. bm dt of Iht btst II14kri .blnb ! .ckorydlow ) Iu ! r4nlttUnd sold b' WEIt" rt ! dtl1lm Mr > 'Whf J _ I. " 417 $ TICKTOTHt \ , " 51CiN Of THE FISH 1If3' TIMtII CAlCADWlcu"m , uTOWU co. TO DN11).UH. "STO""ill. I ; t . .j 90000,000 BUSHELS TlIAT'S ' THE WIIEAY CROP IN WESTERN CANADA 1111S YEA . Thl with neul , SO- 000,000 bUlhels of oata and 17 000 000 bUlhels or barley Ineana a con. tlnuatl n f good times lor the larmers 01 West. ern Canada , Free fRrl1la. bllf crops , low tRxeR , health , . climate , Roo.1 churches and schools , splcndld rail way l crvlcc. The Canadlau Governmeut alTers 160 Rcrea at lallll free to C\'uy settler willing al\ll ablc to 1 comply with the Homcllead Regulations. . I . Altvkc al\lllnlorl1latlon ma , be obtalncd free frOIl1 W. U. tlcott Supcrlntendent of Jnllnl. " gratlon. Oltawa , Canada ; or froll1 anlhorlzpd CRnadlan Government Allcnl-W. V. Jlennett. iOl New York Jlle Dnlldln& OWlIt. . N" raska. ) \ ' , , - - - - - - - - - -