Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 06, 1906, Image 8
r - - - " : ( ' I--'t- ! , , ' " , , . _ . _ . . . . _ ' JJ " . 01d-fas11ioned Paint , . . ( f' , , . The good paint which itcr \ sp'vell a generation and In ore ago ) was simply 'f ' . ure white lead and 1l1.t ' linseed. pit. Paint made of t these t ingredients alone fl. . , . "I- " ' . ' I" . : 18 J l\st \ as good to da y as 1 t ever w s. . ' . , . 'f " ' 'I' C. The only point is to buy I ; a , brlJ1 ; which you can rely OD. I I I " Red Seal or Sou rhern j' It Pur White Lead . , . ' l , ( Made by tbe Old DUlch Procru ) : I is gu 'r ; teed perfectly pure _ . It has the reputation of l years be ind it. , t If you d a.1er will not . supply you , , it will pay you , to w ite ( to , us. NATIONAL I.EAD COMPANY " Clark Avcnue und lolh sircel , 51. I.oui. , Me , ) / ' For sale by first.c\.ss \ dalers. 1 ; . - - - ; . FRANSE - MOORR , \ : FEED BARN ' .clfO blocks north of Orlnll Oontral Uotel. r.t r 'plltll eollclted. } 'rlce8 reaRonahla. i- - . .1I : d ( ' - - : : _ : : ' " ' Lf' ' ! PArk LocA11 I 1 . A , Mal' h \ \ ' lIt to Brolcn Uow I.I'.l Sl\IlIla \ } ' . I W ( ' art. having icleal weather , allhollgh lhe lIighl an ! a lillic cool. J no. Belden star led Jasl \ \ ed- ntsday for Saline counl } ' lo \ ' si' his parer.s. . School uegm / lOll a } ' all he Knight school under thc tulor- ship of Miss Gcnie 'I'odd. On account of the low priC ( ! of wheat many farmcrs will fCl'11 It lo lhcir hogs illslcall of marketing - ingsame. . 'l'his 15 Statc Fair week at I I4 ncoln and ! lome from here atleIHllo see lhe many cxhihlt8 lhere a/1Il probahly SO\1 \ C to I e the lIon. Wm. J. Bryan , or till' t to 1 advocatc. If all the stands ther pay as wcll as OI1l ! , : soda founta1l1 was reportcd from : Arcadia which took in $1011 in one day , the fair will hc a hum- mcr. mcr.We nole the president has recommcnded and ordcrct i 11 l he U. S. printing onice the phonelic spelling , As to our part we arc not particularly infatuated with lhc ncw idea. Howcver , . we presulUc in timc we shall havc lo I fall in line but shall usc the old I rulc : " e' nol the first by whom 'the1CV \ is tricd , nor the last to lay the old aside. We arc glad to hear thc name of Mr. W. A. Rabourn has hcen mentioned by the citizens of this community as candidate for representative of Custer county on thc republican tictcet to our next legislature. We heartily endorse the namc of Mr. Rabourn to the delcgates of thc republican county convention to be one of u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' - - - - - = : = - . - . - - - - - " ; 1 " PHN , 0 F Gi A J. C. V AN CO n 1'he above is an illustration of an L. O. 8mith shot gpn which we have in the various grades , as well aR a dbzen other kinds , including the new , famous and effec- . ive Automatic at $30. We now hav , almost a D- Car . . . . Load of Shells } Q ded with powders of the best make in Il variety of sized chnrges , consequently you make no mistake hy cpming here for anything you want in the line of ROrts- mens supplies. J. G. VAN COTTo - ! lilt . . ' tlARRY KIMBALL , ROCKWELL & KONKEJ4 Succes or to } . GEO. WILLING , .Embalmer and Funeral Director , NORTH SIDE , BROKEN BOW , NEB. sines. phone , 301. Besiden.e phone , 334 B. I . - , . , . , , . , . , , . . . . , . . - : . . fIII : . : ti : tT:11""rJf't. ' 1r : ; , .Jftf ; ; : t " 1ri : ' P"'If : { ' ; I" , . . [ . ' ' I. . , , ' : ; tJ:1r : : : 'y l.TJi.ifji ! i.t [ "tJ Ctilj ! J1ji' ! J til6 ! tfLii'1 ! tniJt. : ! ti.-J. ! bli ifi.J , 1:1f f " ' W on ' + L TI 1at G fa b Y OU. ? fi1 ! : : . . \ . f ! We are after everything- that isn't nailed down. m ; D e 18 htf u 1 S to all J II : 19 UrprlSeS : who buy iJJJJ w ; ! Somersaulistic Davenport Beds 'Bedroom Suites , W ! ' - Iron Beds , 'f- . . . f , . Davenports ' - ' . ' - ' , 1 ' . , , , , , " , I . , ! , t - Mattresses ' . \ t,1 : ) : , ' . . , . Commodes \t.l \ j I Sideboards J \ : fl. . Buffets . ; ' Dressers " : i. " . , . l R1ff Cluff nlers , ' ! . CIuna Closets. ; r I I The fil est Baby in town. Best Se v ng M chmes at lowest . ' ' : I prIces. Carpets a 1'1'1 ving ij Iil " I .every day. _ KONKEL & MULLINS. I I ' 1 c , t : ; D . , . . ; ij .l . - Jf- , 1' { - ; , 1 : : : . , t : : . W I : . 'Ilt"m 1 - . I . : : : ' . : : - , a f : ! f ' . \j * ' . , , a . .J':1I. . . ' ' . . , . : . . , 'Il\t- . . : . . , . " . , . . , u 'tIII. . , " . ' , ! . 'i"f . , . . ; , . , d ( :1. : . . n ' - ' . , , . ' . ' " . . ! " " , . , " ' / . , . , _ - l . . . . . r-"I . . . . . . . : . : . . . IfI . . . - I : : : " : ' \L ll our enlcrprisi ng and foremost citiz Il'i and rig-ht and no back numher. He is the own- CI' of one of the hegt i IIIpr\'cll farllls and lIIollel hOlllcs ( III Clear creek. Mr. l ahourn i nlwa's busy attending to his own alTairs and the many dutics 011 his farm. Ruch is the kind of men we want lo rcprcscnt us in the t'egislatul'e and enc who docs not aspirt or seck the officc and lo one who hils made a success for himsf ] and shows it hy what hl ha'4 ( lonc. A large instilution nevcr 1001(8 for a hCIHI from one ulllc' ! " he has made a success for him- sclf. Now 1\1r. Rabourn h..s made a succcss for himself which can be rcadily scen hy looking' at his hOlllc and surrounlhngs and how things are kept up in shal'\ ! and while he docs not h ( ' k a public onicc we know if tJOminal- cd and eledcd he would surcl\ ' attend to the interests of th'e peoplc in the bcst possible man. ner and we thereforc hopc to see him nominaled and eleclcd as our ncxt repuhlicall reprcsentatlve of Custer counly hj' a large 1I1ajorilJ. Marriage Liccnici. 'I'he.month of Augu t is nol on lhe calcudar as productive of nuptial-knols , and when this fact is takcn inlo consideration it will be aClmowledgcd that the number of marriage licenses issued by Judge Humphrey last month is a pretty good enc and shows that Cupid has performed his work admirably during' the dull season causll1g' lhe stork to smlle com- placcntly. li'otlowing is the list : Chas. I . Warden , urwell. . . . .24 Daisy Pierce , Burwetl. . . . . . . . .25 George E. Porter , Hroken Bow,36 Ida Foster , Ansley. . . . , . . . . . .26 John Amack , Inavale. . . . . . .34 Jeunie Andrews , Ansclmo. . . . .19 Marlin Kolbo , Lodi. . . . . . . . . . .47 Kristine Karstescn , LocH. . . . . .22 Lee Woodworth , Arcadia. . . . : . . . r aura E. li'arrell , Ansley. . . . . . . . Wm. Wolford , Ausley. . . . . . . . .26 Margaret E. Kerr , Ansley. . . . .25 Ray W. Montross , Callaway. . .19 Edith Klein , Catlaway. . . . . . . . III Andrew Wcaver , Mason City..27 Nettie Colcman , Ansley. . . . . . .18 Ray Sperry , Arcadia. . . . . . " .22 Florcncc Forbcs , Arcaclia. . . . . .17 Ha'mOIHl Amos , Comstock . . .23 Katie Daschcl' , Arcaclia. . . . . . .17 Alma Stroud , Merna. . . . , . . . . . 2 ( ) Mary I . Powcr , Merna. . . . . . . .22 C. Vollet , Callaway. . . . . . . . . .33 K. McCreary , Callaway. , . . . . . .25 John W. Backs , Arnold. . . . . . . .25 Mary H. McCants , Arnold. . . .27 Andrew J. McCants , Arnold. . .31 Gcrtrude E. Allen , Arnold. . . . 27 Thomas Shanley , Brownlee. . . .37 Gertrude Montgomcry , Brown- lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Chas. J.HagenRound Valley..24 Hclen Hall , Round Valley. . . .19 Luther P. Wilson , Gates. . . . . .26 Iola A. Bartlett , Gates. . . . . . . .19 Ira R Bass , Broken Bow. . . . . .19 Francis G'Schwind , B. Bow. . .27 J. L. Barret , Lincoln. . . . . . . . .32 I 'fwilla M. Pensc , Ansley. . . . . .18 J4ewis Schloatman , Arnold. . . .22 Grace Kilmcr , Arnold. . . . . . . . .17 Wm. H. Parker , B Bow. . . . . . . 29 Alma Zinn Grant , B. Bow. . . . .20 Up to the present time only one has bcen issued tbis month , vb' : Joseph Lummcl , West Point. .27 Katie Wheeling , Broken Bow..23 . , - - - 1 I \ , TIf R. UGH cOURa . I" U'SIN ' : : . SHORT AND. YP Will riNG. TfLEGRAPHY " D PREPARATO"Y H' . . . . , I'-lIc".1 I.-Itcllf rll. 1'lne Itqull > ' " ' III eh IIutslum walk s lslan 'II " "UllflL : . . , itlon' , Work 10 earn , , , , , . .I , ' \ IIIICIIIII , "lIter " .ny 11111" I"UIIS hy mull , . \d"antagel nf 1"1' . . "h..1 elly Wtl\ \ " lot CoIllllu8ue No. 8 l. no In u.ine liB Col1e u 1I COI.N. NBDItAIlItA P" " ' . , A. ARMOUR , J.A. Attorney at La\v. Broken Bow. Nebr. lIavll,1' Just had oll1'bt ) ' .I\rs practical Ul > lJr leuce as Vounty Judll'e. wlllll'lve special alien tloll to tbe drawlu'f aud Ilrohath"l oC wills aud tbe adllllnistration oC estatell of .Ieceased I'er- IIOUS alllllllinors. Write or , 'hOIlU lIIe. Iuay \lave you I'trlp. Registered O. 1. C. I-Iogs F-OR SALE : CIIAS. T. WRIGIIT , nroken now. Neb . ROSS G. MOORE , Attorney-at.Law. Ueal " 8ta18 bd loan broker. Oll1co In Atlie Block IIrI\Llllllo\f. Nu1l11uka. ' 7.1 . . ; . . .a 1' " , - - _ . - . . - - . - ' - " . , .t\ ' , . . , ' , . ' , : ! iI' h" 'W-1 I' ' : - ' - ' - - - - ' . : : : : " : . ' . - - " - - . . . - . . . ' " - - " - - i , ; r\---- : ' . : . . , . . . . : ' ; : : . . . . . . ' - : - . ' - - ' , - . . - - : - Z " . . " " , -4 1 Every Niece and Nephew .01 Uncle Sam should be deeply interested in what he has said about. soda crackers , because they arc the one food with which all of them arc familiar. Uncle Sam has given out figures showing that soda crackers atc richer in nutriment and body-building clementi , properly proportioned , than any food made from flour. This is saying much for common soda crackers , and much more for Uneeda Biscuit , because they are soda crackers of the best quality. They are baked better- more scientifically. They are acked better-more , cleanly. , _ The damp , du t and odor proof package retains all tne good. 1 ness and nutriment of the wheat , all the freshness of the best r bakin , all the purity of the cleanest bakeries. , > Your Uncle Sam has shown what food he thinks best for his people. His people have shown that they think Uneeda Biscuit the best of that food , nearly 400,000,000 packagus having already been consumed. , Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY /jC , < I. . _ - - - , - - - - - . - - - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .Q .rJ"J"J"J".Jf " " " J".o' " .r. ; o : .o-.o .or.l' : ; ; ' " " . ' . ' . . : . : ' : . I r . S : J"J"J'.I'.hf.I.r.r1 ( , } 'BJ' VpR S t nn2\ \ ' ' , " } , ! i'LIVERY an I.FEED III BARN I.- : . . , B - . EAST OF GLOBE HOTEL. I S8 Remoleeelaml ( ] repairc throu houl. GOOil'cry ] riJs at reasonablc rales. S AccomOllation for caltle and range horses. Hay at noon. 10 cents ; aU day. li S IS ccnts ; o\'cr night , 35 cents. CaB mill see lIIe. Q fb.o"o : . . " . ; : J.o : . : r.r : ' . . ' : . . . . . : ' " . . " . . " . " . . ' . . Work neatty done. Prices right. A. P. VANNICE , Painting , Paper lIanging , Calcimininng. Etc. Leave orders at Eagle grocerJ. DR. C. B. JOB , Physician and Surgeon Office anel residence one block south of Ryerson & Gcorge's store. J. E. WILSON , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice In Slate and l ederal ConrlA , Au. Atract of titles examilled. Heal gAtate a 11I1 Mnlllc1l1al Iaw. a sllcclally. Dealer 111 He.t EAlate. StrlcI attClillolI\rl\'ell to all hllsluehs Omce III : 'Ieyer Ulock. Phoue MO , 11rokell 110w . . " . . . . " . . . " . . " ' ' I I F. W. HAYES , I Jeweler and O ticia.n I West Side Square , s roken Bow , I Nebraska. ; LO- : : - . ' . . " . ) ( , . ? ) ) DR. 'v. H. COLE , Veterinarian. Diseases of aU the ] owcr unilllal ! ! heal- ed. Officc at I.ce ros. dl ug IItore. 'Phone 203. nrokcn now , Neh. . - - - DH C. PICKE'l" ! ' , Professor of Psychology , Lincoln MelUcal CoUege. Office at residence , one-half block easl of U. n. Church. Chronic disellses given specIal atteulton. 'Phonc 147. LI. ( JON HAD. O.LI. . . . . . . Dealer In . . l'QlDpl. Wind. Mille , Tallk , FIUlnI ! ! , Ol\llolln. Kngtnoll , eto. etc. llrolteu Bow , Nl1bruu. DH. O. IJ. MULLEN8 , Physician e Surgeol' tnd 8talrwIIY Item wee\ end 111 Healt , IIlcekt . 11 relldoncu. Irl ! w"t Y. B. chlnoh.l on sam" ' 1111 uf 'lI'eut. lIrol1eu uow , NebrluJo , - - - . . . . . . . . . . . - - .c : = - - - - . . - - . - ' , . J J. SNYDER , Attorney and Counsellor at Law , I Pensious I1Ull all kinds of goverument , claims , and geueralluw practice. Ot. fice : East Main Slreet , Jst oor Cllst of Burlington Hotel. roken ! Jew , Neb. Palace BaJber Shop For first-class work , call nllhe Palace Barher Shop. Everylhing up-lo-date. LEO DEAN , l'roprielor. SIMON ( JAl\1 RON , 11lf t-I y i 8 uIce.ll t- A' ! ' J.A W. Ioom t ! and II. Hoalty IIIock. Droken now. Neb. ORB. R. 0. & W. IC. TAJ.JBOT , PHYSIGIANS SURGEO S. Olllnu ov"1' nsoherle'8 Drul ( 8Loro. . _ NOllralk , . . . . . . Jlerd Iinttdetl D . . . . . . . . . ( ' 1.1'1\ /-I" / tt Nt' . 71'i'03c. . th I J.t .BRENIZER , lSreeuet vt I'llre Scotch al1l1 Scolch ' 1'0111).1 Shutt 1I0rli C.tttle. My herd lIumberH 40 COWH. Will cum- pan : 111 ure"dllllC : lu,1 qua\l ! ) ' wllh an ' wesl uf ChtcalCo 1\11' eXllerlelice haH lauglll me that to Ill\'e 1C00dsalisfacll01I. breedlnll caltle mllst be rnl..c. " " ' "I" . .Ullunc : . I expect to ralHethclI' here Ihe tc'ql1ll' of allythlnl/ ' raised III'hl ! U. S. I 1I0W h.\7e25 bulIssllltable Jor this : lI1d next yeo\r's Henlce. My cows 61elll'lI ' frolU 1400 to 'l 00 IlOuuds. COllie and Hell hen' _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ u. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ Lega1 Notices. . - - - - - - - - - - All Illlnrlhemllntl unller tbll head . . .11bu \ charged tor lit "will rll" , vii : II.m I"'r IIqnlre for IIrlt Illourtlon , anti Oc per IllnRro for each Inbeequeat InperUon. "equar , , " I Lon IIno 01' fraction thtlrilOf. HIWI IHm'S 8AII . III th.II \ trlct Court of 11lu'ter coulily. ( ; hart s \'auJluhklrk vs. William S , VallJlullklrk. et al. NoUcu uf Heferee'li Sate , Notice Is hereby IClvell , that hy virtu" of an ordcr of court to 111" duly .lIrecletl on 1.'ebruary IIII. 1')06. I. thu IIIIder hued. rerere" duap - lIolute.1 aUlI quallllcd to lIIako sale of tI. . , wluw de crlued Ilruml8ell. will olT"r for lIale 10 the hllCh"lIt blddcr for cash , the follow hill dcscrlbe.1 IIrellllses. lo.wlt : The IIoulh half or seclloll oue , towIIshlp seventeun , nonb. ranll'e tweuty. two , west of the 61h , 1' . M. . ClIsler count ) ' . NL" hraska , at the east front door of the court houlle III 11roken lIow. Custer conuty. Nebras. ka , on Ihe 10lh day of Se\ltellluer. 1906. Said sl.le will 10" lIIadu subject to all I'rlor \lenl alld taxes as shown b ' the reconls of I CUBlcr count ) . , NehraBka. lIaled tblsjlh day of AUIeIl"t. 1'J06. : 9.13 CUAKLIUlll. llOLCOMB , Hef ree , : : ' = = - - - - - - - r N CE. ' 1'0 J. 11. You IIII' . O. Vuckwor1b. ClllclnlltlllA C. l > avlH alld the Amerlcall Ioall & ' 1'rnst COIU- "all ) ' . YOII alld each of you arc hereby lIotllie.1 tbat on thutill day of AlIlCnst , 19iH , the ellilerAllClled Joseph Skelton , IlnrchaHcd at Ilrlvate lax Aale frolll the Treasurer of Cnster county. Nebras. ka , the fullowhl\r dAcrlue.1 real ellialu "llnated In Cushr coullty. Nebraska. to-wit : I.ot 2. block 2. J.P. GandY'R addition to Bro- kell Bo\ , . . Said sal" waR made for the taxeH levied and aSRe sed a\ralllHt said lot for the years I ! ! " ! ! to 190 Incluslvo alld said Josellh . Skelloll bas 1It1.1 tbe taxes asscsse,1 a\ralllht , said lot for the years 1903 te. 1905 IIICluslv. ' . } I'or the year 18811 the taXA all'aillst said lot " ' , waA asseAAed to salll J. 11. YOIIIIII' . - For the yearR 1890 to 1900 IlIclllHlve the taxeH : l.llalllst said lot was assessed to said O. Duck. worth , allli ror the years 1900 to the ' IIre < < ellt t time. Aul24th. . 190 , Inclllsivu the taxe's alCallist Raid lot wer" as"8sed to said Cillcilluatus C. Vuckwortb. After the explratloll or three niolllhA frolU tbe service or this lIotlce the Hahl JOlleph Skel- tOil will aplly to the treasurer of said C ster cOllnty ror a dced to salll lot. , , ; Vated tbls 41h day or AlIlCust. 11))6.'i ) JOSIU'U SKELTON. SUION CAMERON. Attorney. NOTICETO NON-RESIDI NT DEFENDAN'I' , In the district court of CUAter couulY. Nebr. . ' 1'oAsie 1\1. GeorlCe. IllalnlllT. VA. n. } I' . 1Jake. . - " , 'f fullnallle IIlIkIlOWIi. .Iefelldallt. - ' J' ' 1'011. F. 1Jake. 1I01l.reRldcllt defelldallt : Yon pare are herell ) ' noUlled Ihat 011 the 15th day of AUII'IiAt. 19011. IIlallitllT FosAle I. Georll'e , Illed her 11"lIlIon III the dlslrlct court of Cnstcr county , Nebras.a. ) the object al\l ( pra'cr of whkh Is to quiet Ihe title 10 : 'l'hu sOllthwest quarlcr of the lIurthwcst qllarter. the west half of the southwest qnarter alld the sOlltheaHt qllarter of the soulhwesl quaner of Hectlon . towlIsblp 13 , IIorth of raUlI'e 19. Custer COUllt ) ' . Nebraska. AII.I to relllov" the cloud 1111011 Hald Iltemlses causcd hy a certain mortlCalCe lIIade b ) ' Johll C. alill Marla 'rroull. busuand alld wife. to 11. I , ! ' . 1Jake. said mortll'a\re datertUlI'lIst : Jlld. 1 ) . alld recorded In book 3 . at pall'e 'JO. IllOrtll'alCe records of lusterconllty. Neuraska. You are reqllired to allAwer said IIclltlon 011 or bdore the 24tb day of Selltember. 100 . ' 1"oBslG 1\1. GIOIWU. { N. T. GADAttorney. . 10-13 )0 , " In Vlstrlet Court. Cllster Counh' . Nebraska. 111 the matter of the application of Jobn 'I llinkley. admllllAtralor of the eslatu or Sarah I , . lJlnkley. deceased. for leave \0 selt real "Hlate. Nollce Is bereby Ilh'ell that. In IlurSllalice of , an order of tbe lion. 11rnllo O. llostetler. Jlldll'c of the Dllltrict Court of ClIster cOllnty. Nebras. ka , made on the 2 lh day of July. 1'JOo. for the sale of tbe r"al elltate bcrelnaHer described. there wilt he sohl at IIlIblic vendue 10 thu 1111Ch. est bidder for cash at the frollt door of the COllrt lJouse 111 the city or Brokell III1W , 111 Aal,1 coullty. 011 the 25lh day of AII\rUAI. 191111. at the huur of two o'clock II , 111. . the follow III II' de. bcrlbed real estate : IotA tbree , tell alld 1leVell I 111 bloc fourteen In the lown of DerwYlI , Cusler I I county. Nebraska. Said sale will relllaill 011C1I " for one hour , Uated tbls 31st day of July. 1906. ' JOliN llINKLIt\ . Adllllnistrator of the eslate of Sarah I , . lllllkley. Uecea ed. J. A. RMOUR. Att'y. Ko13 11rokell 110w. Ncuraska. Anllllst 25lh. 1900. 'J'he above sale ISjostllolied lor wallt of bid. , ers to September 171h. 1'106. at:1 : I" III. JOliN llINKLE" . Adllllnistrator. Ullited StaleH Ialld O ice , l Drokell How. Nebraska , Anll'lIst 1 ( " IJO ! . f Notice IR hereby Ilh'ell that Sldlle ) ' H. DeuIIIH of Allhelmo. has llIed lIolicu of hlH tlllelllloll 10 mah" IInal five year proof III lIupport of hili claim , \'Iz : lJomestead Entry No. 4 9 made cJ'temuer 1711901. for the lIe se S"clloll : Z . _ . , e sw IIW sw Sectloll 33. TllwIIshlll19 N. . , . Hanll' ' ' 2 W. . alld that said proof will bu lIIade HelClster alld Receiver. at IIrokell 1I0w. I Nebras ka. 011 September 4. I . Ue lIallllS the folluwlulC wltneR elllu I'IIIY" hl ClllllillllOUIl ' " ' . r"hll'lI.'e 111 > 011. alld cultlvallou uf. thn land , \ , \'Iz : 'I' . 11. RUlisell of Allsellllo : II. c. l mp- 1'1 field , of Ansellllo. ( UII Hushell , uf Amellllo , , 'rank White , IIf Allhelmo , JOliN HI1HSK , Reilsler. _ 1t.10 Nollce Is hereb ) ' II'lvell that we wltl 011 Sep- t"lIIuer IIII. 1'JOo. III front of the IIrokeu Dow Siale Halik , III tbe cll ) ' 01 Brokell How. at the hOllr IIf two o'clock 111 the afternooll. sell at Ilubllc aucllon. the Iltollcrty hereiliafier de' hcrlbed In order to rea\lze the amollnt IllIe liS for ktelllll\r sahl IltollCrty under a contract with OIiU J. O. WlIsolI alld Nllrth & Robilisou. to.wll : 'l'he lIum of $1\t5..0 tOllet"er wllh the accllrlllll' charlCeli all,1 costs , for which nmollllt we hav" and clahll a le\'y 1111 ! laid IIrollerty for the fl'ed alld . : are of tllU same , to.wlt : An Iron \rra ) ' orlllall Slallloll. six ) 'earll old , wellCht "bout lliOO poullds. Daled AIIllullt1 th. 1'10d. HiCKMAN - ' : WKUD , I NO'I'ICI POR I'UIII.tcATION ( lsolatell tract ) I'UIIIIC IANU SAIE , Brokelllluw Ialld O ice. AU\r. 11. I'JO ( , . I1el'arul"t of the IlIlerlor. United Iates I.alld Ollie , 1I01ice rur l'ubllcat.1oll. ( lsulal"llract. ) NOllce Iti herehy IlIVell , fhat all dlrectcd by Ue cOlllutls810ller of the ( elleml I.allli Office. ullder l'rovl810lls of act of l'oulCreliH aliliroved Jllne :17 : , 1'J06 , I'nullc No. 3OJ , wu wltl offer at IIlIb\lc sale. to thf. hllChest bhhler. at ; : o'clock I' . m. . all the 17th da ) ' of Selltemwr next. at 'this omce , tbu followhlll' tract of land. tll.wlt : IIW ne ( . Sec. J . T. III. H. ; } J , W. All ) ' pcrsoll cialmlll\r adver ely tbe aboY" Ilescl'I\led lalld arll ad.IBed to llIu their chllllH. - ' or obJecUonl.l.ln I.Ir before tbe dty above delillC. ntted for sale. JUliN Rltl1E , Rell'llter. \ . . - . -