Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 06, 1906, Image 7
, A , , . Fortune for a Cat Squelcher "A fortune , " snld Mr. Crlptongs , l'awn1tQ th" man who can Invent some slmplo , Inoxpenn\'c ! nnd officaclous way c : koeplng cats from howling at night. some cffcctlvo antlcat that any man eould bring Into use , In any neiGhborhood , on occnslon. . "In this advanced ngo throwing bot. tics nnd bootjacles nnd old shoes at ho offendinG cats seems a crude and lInsclontlfic method and then It Is In. offeetual. Why , I have Imown a cat to bo hit square In the midriff and nctuallylmoel < ed off a fence by a larGo ntHl heavy nnd fairly thrown IIesslan -or It might have been a Wellington -boot nnd not only to escape bolng ! Lnnlhllated or oven sllonced by the snmo , but even to emit at the Instnnt at the boot's Impinging upon It shrioltS louder tlum an ) ' to which it had given vent before. Uecoverlng Itself from the ground and scrnmbllng up on the fence again , It gave forth lonG , waving , ear.plerclng , blood.cur. dllng , halr.rnlslng screams , to which all provlQuD screams seemed but as the gentle murmuring of a lute. , "No. You see , the cats have got so used to boots and bottles and boot. jaclts and brlclts-slngular , sort of , Isn't It , that all the things wo throw at cats bogln with the same letter , the letter 'b ? ' Ever think of that-havo got so uned to thom that they pay no nttentlon to them whatever unless they 0.1'0 actual ! ) ' hit , and hoW often docs that happen ? " 1 forget how many tons ot lead It takes actually to kill a soldlor In bat. tic , and the prol10rtlon of misses to hits is about the Barno-larger prob. ably , really-In throwing things at cats. 'fhlnk of the frightful waste at ammunition In this warfare and then 'consider that In this war on cats when we do hit the mark it only makes the cnt scream the louder ! "Oh , my , no ! Bottles , bootjaclts , boots and bricks are moro than me. dlaeval , they are positively ancient and worse than useless as a mcans of warfare on howling cnts. True , we . derive a certain satlstactlon trom hurling these missiles , but that Is the only result ; they do no good , atld , what wo really want now Is some. thing effective. 'There Is the cat guard , composed of strips of wood with long , sharp spikes sticking up through , which wo f nail on the tops of fences to keep cats away , a good thing as far as it goes , but there's the rub ; It doesn't go far enough.Vo live for a year In ono neIghborhood where everybody , around puts cat guards on his fences 'and ' where wo hear no cats , but then wo taay move to some other neighbor. hood where nobody puts up cat guards and the cats reign supremo. . " 1 won't attempt to describe to you their wild walllngs and sweeping screams. . 1 couldn't , for that matter , if I tried. And why should I anyway , when we-that is to say , the people . .i. IIvlllg in the block around this ran go ot back yards-are hero to suffer ? I' When that mldnlght-or it may bo 1 I or 1 : 30 a. m-concert begins , the I whole block wakes aqd shudders and 'then gets mad and some dwellers there are around that try to stop it. : "I hear a wIndow go up somewhere and I know that somebody is sticking ! his head out , and then I hear him I p\ying to the cats as fiercely as ho .1 . can between his clinched teeth : 'Ssst ! I l' sssst ! sssst ! ' but even In my anguish ' \ } . " this nlways malees me laugh , tor ) 'ou J might as well try to stop a comet by . slsslng at ft , and , in fact , I think it makes the cats laugh , too. " " " 'ho3. pretty soon , the cats lceep. . . ing on howling , wo hear something ' slam against the fence with an old. . ' , . time , familiar clatter-It sounds like a boot or a brush or a bottle , thrown ' . IHobably by some old man sticking i to old.tlmo ways , but as far as pro. uch1g results Is concerned , it might as well have been thrown up In the ail' . And then- " ' ' 'Oerzoom ! "That sounded as If It might have been a chair or a table or even are. frigel11tor or something like that , for It strycle the fence with a mighty crash and shook every cat off to the ground , and then for a brief space thol'O WaS sllenco , but a minute later they were all Ul ) again , screaming their \\'elrd , walling , waving scream 10Ullea' than ever. "And then somewhere down the hlock-bless you , my brother , I'd IIko to 1,11ow you and shalco you by the lumd-thero Is a man who l1res a gU1 -it may bo ouly a pistol , but It 1'jnt1 Uke n gun-to frighten the cats. . "It'a . singular auout the effect of gun-somotlmc3 the cats onlY 11m , ( the louder when they hear it , but sometimes at the report they stop. And that has suggested to my next , door nolghbor , a somewhat sanguln. ary man , Umt we might rig up a gat. ling gun in the yard or 0. mitrallleuso or somothlng ot that sort , where It would sweep the fence tops and so uctually rid these yards ot cats for' aver , but when we came to thlnlt this over seriously , rofiectlng that maybe the maltor ot the cannon could glvo no guarantT about where the bullets would stop , wo reluctantly gave this UI ) . "So noW wo are Ilractically right whore wo were , wllh the cats stili I1owllng. And Is there no Inventor who can flso to this occasion , and not tor ur benefit alone , but for the bonoflt - , pt all and to his own great profit as \ \Voll dovlso somothlng that will stop cats howling nlghts-Chlcago Chron. Icle. - HE MADE THE OPPORTUNITY Hoyt Educator Succeeded In Desire to Address Students. A distinguished cduCI\tor ot Boston , who once visltod n western college during examination week , was , for some reason or ether , not asked to : nddrosR the student , ns ho had ex. I pectetl ho would be. In chapel ho I was mo 'oly requested to lead In pray. I cr , which ho did In this wlso : I I "Bo pleased , l'1\thor In Heaven , to b111do the steps ot the president. of tbls colloge. 'rhou knowest that h ! ) I . " , , .as a clasInato ot Th ) ' dorvant , 1\ j . graduate ot the cla:1s : ot ' 84 , taking high bonors. 'rhino e'e hath loolted I with favor upon the bapp ) ' cholco that resulted In his appointment , with the I consent ot the trustees , I1S the head ot this institution. Thou Imo\V'st Ito I . that the students of this college ought to loolc upon him as n. friend as well n3 their president. ' 1'hou Imowest that thy S3rVI1nt Is well pleased 'Ith the high gtandards of scholl1rshlp hero l1rO\'alHng and with the \'Ight. , eousness and lo'alty of the stu. dents. " I Innllr , to the Intense delight ot the ctudents. the visitor concluded his prayer as follows : "And I thank ' 1'900 for this oppor. tunlty to addre:1s : the students of this college. " BACKACHE IS 1 < IDNEYACI-tE. et at the Cause-Cure the Kidneys. . Don't neglect bnckache. It wilma YOU of trouble In the ltldneys , Avert the danger by cur. Ing the Itldneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. J. A. Haywood , a well Imown resldtJnl : of L u f kin , Te . , says : "I wrenched my back working In a sawmill , was laid up six weelts , and fro In that tlmo had pain In my Mclt iYhenover I stooped or lifted. The rlno was badly disordered and for a long tlmo I had attacks o [ gravel. After I began using Doan's Kidney PlIIs the gravel passed out. and my bacle got we.l. I haven't had bac1e. ache or blad er trouple plpce. " Sold b ) ' all dealers , 50 cents a box. Fostor.l\1I1burn Co. , Buffalo ; N. Y. Strange Story-But True. F. L. Vandegrift has a new story. It Is lIIustrative of the marvelous fe. cundlty of the English sparrow. "I was pending Sunday with the Dumont Smiths , at Kinsloy , " said Van , in recounting his oxperience. "We had been up late the night before - fore and I was a trifie drowsy. I sat out on the front porch listening to the church bells and gazing off into the 1II1mltablo space that lies between a shortgrass town and the horizon beyond. "Presently 1 dropped my hat Into a bed of virginia creeper and dozed off to sleep. I could not have slept more than an hour , for the children were passing the house on the way from Sunday school when I awoke. I rubbed my eyes and glanced over at my hat. In It sat an English spar. row brooding a setting of eggs. While I slept the sparows had bunt a nest in my hat , the mother bird had laid a full complement of eggs and had begun - gun the work ot hatching them.- Kansas City Journal. Wireless Telegraph In Canada. A Do Forest wireless telegraph sta. tlon is being constructed at Sault Ste. Marie , Ontario. It will have a ca. paclty of sending and receivIng 600 miles over land and 2,000 miles over water in daytime. This system is beIng - Ing extended all through Canada and to the Pacific. Another Triumph for X.Rays. So s\tccessful has the application of the X.rays been In the tratment of children suffrlng ( rom ringworm , that the Motropolltan Asylums Board , Lon. don , has been enabled to discontlnuo the use of ono of the two institutions reserved for such cases. DUBIOUS I l > , bout What Her Husband Would Say. ' .A 1\Ilch. woman tried Postum Food Coffee because ordinary corree dls. \gred wtlh her and her husband. She writes : "Hy husband was sick for three years with catarrh of the bladder , and palpitation of the heart , caused by coffee. Was unable to work at all nd In bed part of the time. "I had stomach tronblo , was weak and fretful so I could not attend to my housoworle-both ot us using cot. i ree all the time , and realizing It was I harmful. I "Ono morning the grocer's wite said she believed coffee was the cause ot our trouble and advised Postum. I toole it home rather dubious about i what my husband would say-he was fond ot coffeo. "But I took corroo right off the table , and wo haven't used a cup of It since. You should have seen the change in us , and now my husband never complains ot heart palpitation I1ny moro. My stomach trouble went away in two weeks atter 1 began Pos. tum. 1\Iy children love It and it docs them good , which can't be said ot coffee. "A lady visited us who was always halt sick. I told her I'd make her a cup ot Postum. She said it was tasteless - less stuff , but she watched mo make it , bolllng it thoroughly for 15 min. utes , and when done she said it was splendid. Long boiling brings out the fiavor and food qualltr. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. Read the IIttio book "The Road to Wellvillo , " In pkgs. "Thero's a ren.ftCD. . " - "HE WHITE RIVER COUNTRY. - In the opinion of ono who has lTtlV- oled much and observed closeh' , the most truly nnd rIghtfully contented people In the United States to-tlay are the SUlaU landowners In what Is Imown as the Upper Whlto Rlvor Coun. 'try ' , anywhere from Newport , Arlt. , to i Carthage , Mo. They are contented because - : cause U1elr surroundings are ideal nnd , until recently , the great , unensy , dls. quieting world , with Its artlfi lal needs and inadequate compensations , has been to thorn but IIttlo morc tanglblo than n dream. Hero , stiU edstent , and by renson ot their ycry rarlh' at this day nnd tlm'b ' moro delectable than In the past , nro the conditions which have ever appealed with Irre. slstlblo force to the Indopemlent.splr. Ited Anglo.Saxon. Every man Is the SUllromo ruler of his own IIttlo 111'in. clpaHt ) . : nclmowlcdlnr ! : no master sa\'o the law-and possibly his fem. inlno helpmeet ; cringing to 110 om. plo'er ; asltln { ; no favors from the world , save those that his neighbors freely extend and expect as freeh' in return. Ho Uves ill a latitude where the extremes of heat or cold are never Imown , and at an altltlulo that Insures perfect health. The richest bounty of Nature has been showered uJon him with \lIlslJarlng hand , but it Is a question whether ho 11101'0 than dimly realizes the fact. 110 accepts as n mat. ter of course the fertllo soli which produces In abundance every cultlv. able growth common to the north temperate zone , the surrounding for. ests of yaluablo woods and the undor. h-ing stratas at precious minerals , the sprIngs and streams of translucent purlt ) . on over ) ' hand , the wealth ot fish and game at his very door , such ns less favored 1110rtals annually travel hundreds of miles to find. Ho is con. tentcd , b t small credit Is his for that , for how could ho well bo otherwise than content ? It is sad that such idealistic conditions ma ) ' not con. tlnuo , but it Is written that the pres. ent possessors of this favored land must soon glvo 111aco to others moro appreclatlvo of its incomparable fea. tures. A railroad has recently cut Its way through the best of this region , and the unaccustomed rustle ot banl notes and chinle of colll111 eventually tempt the hlll.dweller to Imrt with his birthright. So it has always been In the world'a history-tho good things that are ours without prlco Invariably pass from our Imnds before wo come to understand tholr valuo. The \Vhlto Rlvor country will shortly bo dlscov. ored anew by a class of Immigrants bettor capable of judging Its posslbll- Itlos-the men who seek modest homes where the "lay ot the land" will effectually prevent crowding by too close neighbors , where their cat. tle can fatten on free range , where the wealth of forest and mine awaits development by Intelligent worltcrs , and where the game and fish offer en. joyablo recreation to all who have leisure an Inclination for sport. DIAMONDS IN UNITED STATES Stones to the Value of $300 Found In Single Year. Never in the history of the United States has there been such a demand for diamonds as there was in 1905. Largo quantities were imported , but the country produced none. In HI03 It produced diamonds to the value ot $50 , in 1901 It had an output worth $100 , In 1900 its production was valued at $150 , and In 1S ! ) ! ) the count try boasted natlvo diamonds to the value ot $300. Diamonds have been discovered In the United States in four different regions - gions , but tholr actual place ot 01'1. gin Is unlcnown , All ltave been found In loose and superficial do posits , and all accidentally. It Is not at all Improbable , how. ever , that some day the orIginal sources of this queen of gems may be discovered. The high price ot dia , mends has made the receut search for these precious stones in the United Statcs and Canada keener than ever beCore-Sclontific AmerIcan. Alum Baking Powder la Wholesome. Dr. Herman Reinbold , the export Gorman chemist , in a recent omcial report concerning Bal.lng Powders , declares that a pure alum baIting pow. der is better and less Injurious than the so.called cream of tartar powders. He Z:1)'S : that If the quantity of alum contained in a su1llciont quantity ot baIting powder for a. batch ot broad or cakes for an ordinary family , bo con. centrated to ono mouthful ot teed , and talten into the stomach ot anyone ono person , no matter how dellcato , it could do no harm. On the contrary , alum Is wholesome In proper quanti. ties. This Is undoubtedly the reason the State ot 1\1lssouri qulclely repealed a law that prohibited the manutacture ot the most wholesome of aU baIting powdors. So much for Alum Baking Powdors. California's New Idea. A California ostrich farmer Is Ilbout to open a branch tJffico In London , " , here ho will have a collection ot os. trlches , and Incredulous eustQInera will bo treated to feathers cut direct from the backs ot the ostriches , man. ufacturoo under the customers' eyes , and sold to them across the countar "at a Drice they never heard of. " Training School for Elephant. . There Is a training scbool for elephants - phants at Api , In the Congo State , where 28 elephants are taking lessons. The training operations have produc. cd encouraging results , says the 'I'rlb. une Congolalso. Beginning of Great Industry. The first woolen cloth made In Eng. land was manutactured about 1380 , though it was not dyed and dressed by the English unUl 1667. Cupid occasionally bands out some cold ltorage lovo. . . . - - - - - - - - - ERRORS I\BOUT THE WHITE HOUSE , To the Editor : 1 notlcCtt somewhere rceentlY-I would not SlJosltl vely UlIlt It wns In your collllnns-nn I\rtlclo 011 the Whlto House which contained Doveral mls. statements. In the first place It was stated the Whlto House was first Occullled in IS09 nUtI that Its first occullnnt W:1 Presldont Madison. 'fho fnct Is , Its first occulJant was Preshlent Adams , who toole Ull his reshloneo there in 1800. The original mansion was begun In 1793. In 18H. It was burncd by the BrltlBh and robullt In ] 818. Another of the orrol's In the artlelo roferrml to was the statement that reailY'llrell1'ed ) : paint Is used on the White House to malto It benuUfull ) ' whlto. I noticed this ospeclally because I ha\'e used consldorablo ] lalnt m'self and wondered that "canned" Imlnt shoultl be used on such I\n Important bnlldlng when ( \11 lInlntel's 1m ow thnt pure white lead and linseld 011 maltl' the ! paint. It 10 hall)1enod ) also that I Imow whlto lead and linseed oil-not re\y. ] mixed Imlnt-wero used on the Whlto House , bcca so I had just read a bool. . let published b ) ' n fil'll1 of road "mlxed paint manufacturers who also manu. facture } Juro whlto lead. In that bool. the manufacturers admitted that fot' the Whlto IIouso nothing but "tho best and purest of paint could bo uscd , " and said tllIlt their pure whlto lead had been celcetcd. Above all peollo ) , those who attempt to wI'ite on historical subjects should Sh'oIS facts , oven If It Is enl ) . a date 01' n statement about wood , or bricle , or paint , or other building material. Yours for truth , L Charity by Machinery. Poor Man-W'u'd ) 'e bo so Itlnd , sir , as to stop n moment ! It was you , sir , that saved my wifo's life lant year by glvln' mo n dollar fer sarno medicine. Please , sir , sho's sick ag'in , an' the same way. : Mr. IIIghmlnd-I have recently been convinced of the folly of Indls. crlmlnato giving , and I now dlstrlb. ut by donations through the Bunl. ness Men's Charlt ) . trust , organlzod fOl' the purpose of Investigating each case. I loft a dollal' with the secretary - tary not five minutes ago. Go and him ' stor ' . tell ) 'our ) 1\11' . IIlghmlnd ( un hour Inter-Ah ! Did you go to the secretary , as I di. rected ? "I did , sir , an' he gave mo n five- cent pleco wid 0. hole In It. " "Eh Ia that al1 ? " "Yes , sir. I told him about your dol1ar , but he said the ether 95 cents was lcclt ) for salaries au' expenses. " -.N , Y. Weekly. BABY COVERED WITH SORES. Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Un. less Hands Were Tled-uWould Have Died But for Cutlcura. " " 1\1y little son , when about n ) 'ear and a half old , began to h:1vO : sores como out on his face. I had n physl. clan treat him , but the sores grew worse. Then they began to come on hl arms , then on other parts ot his body , and then one came on his clst \ , worse than the others. 'fhon I called another physician , Still ho grow worse. At the end of about a year and a 11ll1f of suffering ho grow so bad 1 had to tlo his hands In cloths at night to lccep him ( rom scratching the sores a'nd tearing the flesh. He got to bo a mere slololon ; : , and was hardly able to walle.My aunt advised mo to try Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I sent to the drug store and got n caIto of the Soap and n box of the Oint. ment , and at the end ot about two months the sores were all well. Ho has never had any sores ot any kind slnco. Ho is now strong and healthy , and I can slnceroly say that only for your most wonderful remedies my precious child would have died from these terrible sores. Mrs. Egbert Sheldon , R. F. D. No.1 , 'Yoodv1lle , Conn. , April 22. 1905. " French State Monopolies. State monol10lles are more than ever in ( ave l' in France as n means ot raising revenue to the prejudlco of private enterprise. A commltteo of the chamber oC deputies has been ap. pointed , with a forolgn minister ot finance as chairman , to collect InCor. matlon on the posslblo working ot monopolies on sugar and petroleum refining , the rectification ot alcohol , and Insurance. England Mourns Dairy Butter. The London Times asserts that gen. ulne dairy butter Is a thing past pray. ing for , Four.firths ot the population ot London , the Times assorts , have never seen It In tholr lives. The so who know what It Is have great dl1llculty In procuring It , and cannot obtain It In many cases at any price. What Is called genulno butter In London , the Times says , Is blended and l'oworked buttor. _ _ _ _ _ ' - _ 'H ' _ , ErOMI1IY 19 the roa 1 to wenlth. PU'l'NAM } . 'ADl Ll Sn Dyg9 \ UIO l'oml to economy. . - - The man who pla ) ' the favorite doesn't alwa's win by 1\ long shot , . Smo1ers npprrci\to : the qll\lit : ) . vnllle at J-cwi i"Rlc Hinder ciRnr. Your denIer or I.ewis' l"nctm' ) ' , Peorin , 111. A 1:11'1 w1ll forglvo n fellow If ho kisses bor , hut never It ho Itoosn't , . . , ' . . Mr. Wlnllny' Roothlr\ll' Ryrnl" For chlhlren aeelhlnjt , Iho II""U , rN1u. . In. Il = maton , r : . p.1l , CUrci wind collu. II wtUo. Treanured Tlcketo of Leave. Amoug the late l\llchaol Davitt's most trcasUI'ed 110ssesloono were two gilt frameD , each ot which contained a tlcleet of lea\'o which wl1n grantetl him nttor ho had se\\'etl a term ot ] lenal sel'vltudo for hiD beloved conn. try. Lincoln Dental Collee. [ ] Associated with the State Unlvor. slty of Nobraslm , whel'o all classes In the sciences tal < o their worlt. Amlllo 01UI111101lt ] , un Ivers II ) ' stluulal'tls , mini. mum tUltioll , Member of the Nntlon. aI , and nil credlta acco1tod. ] It will ] In ) ' ) 'OU to wrlto [ 01' slloclal announco. ment. Atlth'ess the Dean , Dr. CI.tlo Davis , Lincoln , Nob. Seamen Given Privileges. A marrla o bill IntrodueOtl in the nrltlsh ] larllamont allowD the mar. riao : of II senntr\n to talto place b ) ' II. con80 In the dloceso ot thl' ] lort where hiD shill Is l'lng , It ho has been 1res , Ident for 16 days on the ahl1 ] or 1ll1rt. Iy on the DhlatHl \ partly on shore within the dloceso. Laundry worle nt borne wou1t1 bo muc'\ more satisfactory If the right Starch were uBed. In order to get the desired surfnoss , It Is usually necea- sary to use so much starch t11at the beauty nnd fineness of the fabric Is hidden behind n paste of varying thlclmcss , which not only dostroya the appearance , hut also nffects the wearIng - Ing quality of the goods. This trouble can be entirely overcome by usIng Defiance - fiance Starch. as It can bo appllol ( much moro thinly because of Its greater - or strength than other maIms. Beware of Servlan Dank Notes. There Is dlsnmy In the Sorvlnn min. Istry ot I1nanco. In the atron , ; room In dOll1\rtment , In slIeclllc safe , were stored the engraved plates from which Sel'vlan bank nptes were strllck. These 1lll\t09 were engraved In Paris amI cost a sum ot .c lGOO. All these plntes have within the past ter , days been found to be stolen from the sato , without any vlslblo Blgn ot the safe having boon tamlerod ] with. - - EI UCA'l'IOl\IL. . - - - - - . . . . . rv The Orealut Boarding College In tht World University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME , INDIANA IV , , , 'Ia'anlll Iw Jillnlll 011 , . IllIdmll IllId ) ' and ollllId",11 tI'at'l IIItl1llt/t'u 18 Building. 75 Profcuors 800 Stnden" COIINOO In An lent nnd ) fodern l..nll'lIlIl : " " In . 1 ! rl h : : ' I" r.\I \ 'L : ! , ' I..C'I . ' t'El r , le ( 1 0 F : ; : neelnlt. Archlr'elure . , LAw , 81IUllhlludlIook.koop. Inll' , T'I'e.wIUlIg , SPCCIAI , nl'l'AnT ' IENT FOIt DOYS uw :1t : TIllItT'EN TERUS , BOlrd , Tullion. Ind Laundry. S400. Send ten cenls ' 0 .ho . Rrglllr r ror Cllllouo 37,500,000 PEOPLE DIE EACH YEAR In the Unlte.1 fHatce , : llon. . . mora thnn : t mil. 11011 die yearly frolll preventable dlsellses. GOOD HEALTH teUe why Ihese stnriling facte exist. 0000 ttUALTtt Is Ihe ohle t health journal III the worill. n bllhaJIII untely llIustrnted and nbly edited mnSRdne : for Ihe homo. 'rllC price Is oue dollar a''cnr. Sincle copies ten cents. Selld twenty.five cents anll this advertisement for a trial three moulhs' subscription. GOOD HEALTH PUBLISIlINO CO IPANY , DATTLE CREElt. MICH. - - . - . . - . . - , . . . . . - . . . . . - - . ' . . . . . . . . : . . . . , . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . - . TUrv10HS CONQUERED I EHIOUS OF ftATIfNS } AVOIDED. i , UnQunUficd BuccolJ8 of Lyc11B : H , PmJr. I ham'o Vegetable Oompouiid in the I Cano or Mro. Fannlo D. II'oc. Ii I i Ono of the rcatcst trlnmWlsof LydlB E. 1.1nlhnl1\ Vcgelnblo G mpouud 10 the conqnerlng \\'omnn's dread on. , cmr"Tumor. . 'I he Jrrowth of 0. tumor Is 60 sly tlm t frequently Its prcsence Isnot'Sttsp cted uutllit is fur udvn.nccd. So.enl1cll . . wnmlcrlng polns" may como from Ita early stnucs , 01' tIll ) In'esenCl ) of tlnnuel' may be mndo 111nnl4 fest b ' profuse UJonthlyporlo s , ncc m. panlcd by unusunl pain , fl'om tIle uhdomen through the groin ntHl tltlJrhs. It j'OU huvom 'sterlous pains , If thcroJ 01'0 hHUcl\tlons of illl1unm1l\t1on 0dlBj . plneemont , " 'rctlro n bottle ot I.ydlo. E. , l'inltlmm's Vegotnblo Compound l'lgbt ! away nml bel ln Its URO. Mrs. 1'1nlchum , of J'ytln , l\rCtss. . w111 rlvo'OU 1101' ndvlco If 'will , ; \'OU you wrlto , bel' uhout'ourse1f. ; . She Is UIO dnugb- tcr-in.lnw of I.Ylllo. E. Plnlcbum und :1'01' : twenty.flvo ; yenrs hus been ndv1sln ' , slelc W01110n free of chn.rgo. Dcnr MI'J. Plnlhnm- : II I lrtlco the Itbl'rty to congrntulnto you on UIO llUCCCSS I 111\\0 h"l with YOUl. wOlHlortul modlclno. m htccll months ngo my t > oI'1 ds IitoJ1X'1I. ] Shortly ntter I felt to 1IntHy Jati I sulJmllto < 1 to n tlJorongh oxntullll\tlon liy " physlclnu nud wns tolll tlJat I hrln tumor mJll would hn\"o to Utlllcrlo nn npcraUo\l. \ II Soon I\nol'I rend ono or your QllvcrUsc- menta nnd dc'ltloll to Ivo L'llIn E. Iluk. hnm'R Vrgetablo CompoUlJlI trlnl. Acter h\ldul ; flvo bottles as dlrccro < 1 the tumor fs ontlrcly gono. I hl\\'o 1I00n oXnlnlnet ( by IL l'h"siclnn IIml ho 6I1Y8 I I1l\vo no 111111..1 ot IL Ulnar now. It. 1109 nl o hrought II1Y } 'lCrl fls nrolll\l ( once Inon' , l\ul , I nm entirelY' " 'ell.-Fol1ulu D. l ox , 7 Chestnut Strcer. . DrtUlforll , I'a. - _ . - U. S. NAVY olilists tor tour , "enrs ) 'o'lnA' mon ot Ilood ehlunolor nml sQund IIIIrlteul condilion bo- tlTOOIi thu alles 01 IT 01111 : : ; UI nl'llrenlleo sea. 1t101i1 nflllUrlUlllllel ror Ollvalleenll\II'1 ) ' 16 III 'iO n . "UIIUI. ltlectr1elnns.lUlloblnl"B. blaekBmlths. cOI'I'er lIIll1ls. ) 'colUon ( clerk I ) , O < lfl'clilors , ohlll , III.Hft. IIrornclI , cooks. 010. . IIetlTeen 21 nl\ll 1 , ( , , " ' ' ' IIIUftlClnns\ In SI'OOII" ratlnlts WlUI8uILabln IHI11 hnspltal nPI'ron Ilel'S III lO 23 ) 'carR. ltellrumont on thrcu.uullh8 pa ) nmt oJlowonces ottcr W "cors 80nleo. .AI'IIIClllIIs1nUSt bo AlllorlcaD. CI ! I r IOlh"llf onlnt tree to rocrults. Upon dl'IChaflrO Iravol aliUll'llnco 4 oonlsllu 111110 to . , Ia.o 1\1 onll811111'III , IInnllY tOlll"mnllth8' pn ) nlHllncr(1nhO In pay UpOIi rO-01l1l011ll0n1WIUlln IOllr 1II0lllh8 < or IlisollnICO. Onlc" " Ot Ilncoln unl UIIMlrllt8. Nchrulm. AI80lIurh\Yllller. ILt ! Ips Molno' . 111"t Hlnllx I1Ily : low" . .lllre'ft I1AVY RECRUITINO STATlOl'lP.O.Bld ' "OHAUA , You CANNOT CURE , a11 inflamed , ulcerated and catarrhal con. dltions of the mucous mcmbrnncslIch a nasal cntnrrhuterlneentnrrh caused by feminIne Ills , sore thront , sere mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. Dut yon surely enn cure these stubborn af cctons ! by local trcatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic 1vhlch destroys thc disease germschecks discharges , stops pain , and heals tl10 Inflammation and soreness. Paxtlne rcpresents the most successul local treatment for femlnlno Ills evcr produced. Thousands of women testIfy , to this fact. So cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THE R. PAXTON CO. . Boston. Mas. . ' . - , . . . . . , Whent. pcroDrG , ViWINTER ClltlllOllIO end .aDlplcl 1'111I:11I : , SI. . , 8. . . C. . Un " .K. Lac. . . . . . . , n. . W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 35 , 1906. - . . Let Me Send You a Package of Defiance Starch : witb your next order of groceries and I will g arantc that you will be bcttcr satisficd with it than with any starch you have , ever used , I claim that it has no superior for hot or cold starching , and It Will Not Stick to the Iron , No chcnppremhuns Bra gtven with DEl"lANCE " BTAUCU , . but YOU om' mm.T Inn ) donG Fen YOUIl MONJY : thl1n of trny olber brllnd. DEFIANOE STAROn costs 100 for 110 10-oz. p:1ckngo : , Bnd I will refund your money it it litlcl./i to the Iron. Irru'y 'ours , , rOJ'msT JOnl'l ' , I The Groc.erlwa _ . _ . . 'r , . . - ' . . . , . . . . , , . , C"f ' . . " . . . ' " , . " . . . . . . . . " . - " " " . WILLNDT J.anre STICK T.o TIlE IRON STARCH . .