Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 06, 1906, Image 6
I' , _ ' \ . . _ L\ \ . , It . . . . . , . , , . . . . , NEBRASKA NOTES I ; r MIBCELLANEO MATTERS IN \ THE COMMONWEALTH. ; ' 1 ' , POSTOFFICE OBDER CAPTURED I' ; . Arrest of an A Missouri Safe ' , Cracker Near WaynDodgc County ' , , Woman Takes Her Llfe-Mlscella. 4' ncoua Nebraslea Matters. - - Find Their Man on & 1 Farm. t. W A YN1'hrnllgh the efforts of two of Wnyn' ' ' 11 cltl7.IJIIH Henry Steoh , I nllnll JacleV1llte nlleJell 110stulllcu l'obhor , who , It Is chargell , haB rohhUlI n lIumher of IIoslolllcU8 In J\tltllolll'l nnll ulaowlwro , oue helll the hlowlng Ollon of II Hnre11IIei rohhlnE ; the 111I31. o III co nt BUI'u rd , Mo. . hila heon locnlo lot l ' ot the furrn ( It g. 'I' . HOlllllrle , len ml/es / outh of Wnyne , where he hUll worlled for II nnmhor of WOt IH. Sleole , It Is nl1egt'd , IH\ll ! leon In jnl/ / llCforo , bill had hruTcn : out UI1I1 es. cllped by l < nocldng Ihe JIII/t'r / nrnselp3s H the InlierVna hnncllng hlll1 hili menl. Authorllica were 1I0tifietilnd Salurday rnornln United SllIto ! ! 0011' 11t ) ' Mnr hul Hnslwl uI1l1 DelectlVio : WenvOl' nrrlvcll frorn 81. .loOllh ! , 1\10" 11I111 before evening hlld oIYecled the cllpturo of S ( ! le , who , Ihe ) ' IIny , Is n des)1Ornte ) character IIl1d 1\11 [ sworn thnt ho WOllh never ho talwn IIl1vo. 'Vhon reQuesteli 10 tnrow III' hlu Jtnnds , bolng HllrJlrlucd , ho did un , IInd wnH at once talieli Into cuntod ) ' . . 1.l 1 G. I ) DIICIIHJI..JUIIN . . . . , CIlI lhJntq lJeforQ the UOllllhllclI1I Slilte Convcntlun fur Nominatlull for HOIl II t 01' . Aol < Farmern to Vote Bonds. 1\I AD - Hprosomatlvcs , of the Omnha & Sou\hwefJtern electric rail. wa ) ' are ngaln worlelng among the [ nl'me1'H nouth of Mead. A COlllllo of ycnrs ago thor secured right of wn ) ' from .farmcrs al1l1 In most cases It waR gtVllm , without cost. Now t.hoy want tlto precincts of Mnrule , Wahoo , Stocldng , Nowll1nn nntl Chullll1an to vote bondR to nsslst In lIullllln ; ; the lIne , Potillons nro helng clrculnted In Mnrblo uml Wahoo ) Ireclncta nslclilg the forlll.r to vote ' ; lC , OOO nnll the lIlttor $10,000 honlls , Hooper Farmer Killed. } 'R I\tONT-Ed , Il ) 'oa , while 11\111111. \ Ing 1\ han car betwcen the towns of Nlcleorson nntl U. . 'hllng ' , on the now . SloII" Clt ) & Western rallronll , wnB I1'uce ! hy Il LlI1cltlnl ; freight trnln atHl instuntl ) ' lellloli. MI' . HII'ea , who Is n fnrmo/ ' who 1I\'ell near Hoopel' , hatl beon' In Fremont with B. F. Wnrron amI tliO latter's little I < < ) n , 'rhe t1\:0 ! came to town on n hnmlca'I'ho ) ' were rhllng lelsllrely homowanl when the train strucl .tltem. It CIllle1)1 ) fl'om the I'enr nntl they 11Id not 1 > 2'0 It. Requloltlon for Forger. GovQrnOl' Mlclwy hns Issucll n re. qulsltlonIlon ) the ( ; ovm'nOl' of 1II1nois fo : ' tllO rotllrn to Tha'er county of Josellh Dlclson , wnnted fo/ ' forger ) ' , ' 1'110 1 1I1n Is IIUllel' nrrcst In MamJl1 connty , Ill. He Is chnrgOlI with luwlng forget ( the name of George Mertz to n note for MO. Flre , L ss at Industrial School. A Jotter rocolvod b ) ' Gove1'l101' 1\11c1.Q'y from M/'s , 1\1c1\1ahan \ of the GIrls' , IndustrJnl school at OenO\1\ statod. It would cost Ilrohnbly $ : I,500 1 ' to ropalr th damage done there b ) ' the : recent firo. , J H Woman ilS Policeman. , ; Mrs. C. I" ; IInt'lham ) , n 101\11Ing eluh ; " WDml\n of l.lnc ! > llh , hns , been apllolnlell i' . iR n spoclal nollco 'womnn to ' 100) ) . after thQae peollle who ml trent Ult2h' horscs. : Mrs. Hnrllmnn lI1ade application for ; i. the aPI. lntmont In ol'dor lhat Rho / ' could bring to , limo this clnss of lIon. plo. 1' i" Kicked by a Vicious Horse , J , I TECU1\ISEIl-Jot SeIdel , n 'Oll1lg ( German hay , who worl.8 for J. C. I Jonosj south of the city , was 1.lcltod . . 'I ' in tho. fnco by ri vIcious horse , and suf. , I fcred considerable injur ) ' . . ' A Woman' Suicides. ! FREMONT-In \ fit of desponllency ' . at hel ; ' .1HWhoJ roe m les no\U1\vest \ of \ . North Dril1 , . ' 1\1rs , Joe Satarlc swnl. 10wed strychnine nnd thercbY' commit. r ' 1011 suIcIde. Mr , Satarl waltedlnUl I : 'j , her hushand had left the hOliso to do i' hIs olQrcnoon worlt In the field , when she \VQnt to the homo at 11. uelghbor nnd nnnouncoll Uuit she was Urell or lIfo IInd woule1 lelll her301f. She ran back homo and before nnyono could 'ovcrtnleo her , hnd procurc some : t3trychnlDIJ from a ctoset and s\Vallowod 'tIte 1uimc. ! . . \ , . . ' ' - . /4 , " " . . : A > " ' ' ' ' ilt. ! . .J > 'l ' I , . _ , . . . . . . " - _ _ 'J : _ _ " " ' "J " - - - - , . . . . . . ' . . OVER THE STATE , JOll1oI'nts of the Sixth Congrcs- 8101/01 D/sll'lct / have nOll1lnat < , d lIon 1. , G. 8hllll1\\'a ) ' of ScoUs llIufl to/ C'on/res8 / , A 1III'gO force of mon hns ! loon JlIII to worlc I e.bnllnsUI/g the Union Pa. clfie rondbed wHit crushed rocle be. tweon Beutrlco nnd 1.Incoln. Mra. VIctor ] { usper of Schuylor at.- t'mptetiulcldo ! wILh II butcher Imlfc. NIlIShlo\'s ! HIIW the IICt and caught her hoforo milch cuttlnE ; was done , Mr. Blalccly of SIrlngvlow wont to /lleOII on the floor of n. hotel In Long 1'1110111 wheu ho u wolw foulld thaI $ ! 0 hat ! IICon talcn from hIs I > oelwts , ' 1'ho bndly , locoll1)osod ) body or 0 lIIun wall fount ! h ) ' the HIde or lho I'oall lIol'th of the SlInnyslde cumoter ' at Wilber. It wnfJ not l entlfied alld hall been hllrled hy the COllllty , 'I'ho hOI'i\o Htolon from the barn of o A. CrullnolJ , IIvlllg four mll08 sOllth of 'fcltnmnh WIIH fOlllld In II ) lIlstllre Ihl'eo milcH oaat of IJOOIIOl' , No cIllo to the thlof hns ! leen ohtalncd , Plalls uro hlIg ) ( made to Ol'ganle n. now ccmctery ussoclatlon Ilt I.'alls City , 'rho land which wl11 ho IIAed I" the thIrty ncros joining the Steelc cemetery on the cast sldo and whIch holongs 10 g , S , Towle. Fremont , II ! completing nrrango. cnts for the celobratlon of the city's nalul day S lltemhor a , The feat lire of the Ilay will he 11. hlg parade In whloh I ho Illonoor sottiorH wl11 bo convo'ofl In 11IItomoblios. Ono of the Illost pitIful cases that has heon brought hoforo lho Insanity IlOord ut 'l'olmmah In muny II dny was that of 1\lrH \ , LIllian 1\1. Petersen , n woman ugell :10 : ) 'ears , whu IlnH hoon Ilvlllg at Cl'Ilh Oreharll. She was ex. I\mlnell by the heart ! IInd Ill'onounced [ lllpsommlae. : ' 1'he hoarll orderell hl'l' lalwn to lho I.lncoln as'llIm fOI' tl'cnl monL 'I'he fnthOl' of J.ollifl Woodruff , n. wnvlct In Iho stuto Ilrlson , hus writ. lon novoral ahuslvo leUoll1 to Govorn. : II' J\1Iclwy. ' 1'he latter toro thom UII I\S soon ns he reall Ihem , 'Voodrllff IVns nonloncell to fOilyearfl for otatu. lory nor-alllt , lllo wife , who /Ilarl'1od 111m Hoon nflol' ho wns IIl'rested , has I11l1do muny Illcas folho pa/'don of \VOOtI'IIIT ! , A pelltloll hI IlelnE ; clrclI' luted , 'L'wo rccords were hrol < on last woo Ie , In McCool. . Fit'st , Jllligo B. C , Orr of the district court mude 1lIOW ! 'cCOl-d In I ho IlIstrlct cOllrt or the county II ) ' natll/11l1zlng thlrty.four dt. Izonll in ono duy , 1I1\1111er the new law , SecolIIl ( ' , the McCoole 1I0stoIYlce fractllred all /'ecorllfl In Its mOlloy de. Imrtment hy lIumlng $ , OOO worth of money Imlera In ono tlay , of which $2,000 were Inlernatlona ) , destlnod fo/ ' Greece , Chnrles Gugnon , an old settler of Hlchllrdson cOllnty I\nll ono of the first merchant In the district , died III his homo In Hllio. Mr. Ongnon was comIng down the stnlrway between the hanle anll the hardwnl'O alol'e In Rllio1(1 ( fell nlmost the ontlro length of the stnlrs and landc 011 his hea.d , . He wns IllclO(1 ( Ul and talc en to his' , home In unconscious condition alll ) ; remnlnotl In that condition until his deaUI. A fact n grcat Interest to Neurns. Imna Is thIs : 'I'ho oldect IIvlnr ; whlto Ilerson born In whnt Is now Nobraslca , Is , Hov. S , P. Merrill of Squlnel Is. Inml , life" who elates from July 13 , 1836 , nt llellovuo , I.lvng at LIncoln now IH lIerhalHl the earliest settler atlll here , In the 1I0rson of Mrs , Mar- 11m A , Wheeling , She lived a renr on the site of Omnhll , 1840 , al\l ( for five ycar > > heglnnlng In 18,17 was at HollonlC , , The ten Iln 's' sosslon flf the Yorl. Chuutauqua wan hrought to a suc. cessful close. It was certnlnl ' OliO of the host attended meetings over held III Y01'I" and the management Is mol'o than gmtlfietl with the re- fiulls In every I'esllect. Not 11 day WIIS lost on IIceount of hnd weather , ' 1'ho 101:11 : I'ccoillts were $ , i,51-1. Hollnoss meotlngs heltl In the vlcln. /I / ' or Seward were sllml ) ' attCl\flp.ll or. accoullt of extreme heat , Mrs , , I. A , 1\ltlrlh ) ' of Humboltlt as well aa IlUmerCUH frltmc1s , Is hecom. lug exceedlngl ) : anxIous to heur from her daughtOl' , Mrs , JO ) ' Dullls.McKle , 11. llumuoilit lady who Is at IJI'eslmt In the cltr of Santiago , Chllo , where the clIl'thqual\O recontl ) ' occUlTed , : 'lit. . 111111 MI'H , 1\1oKlo huvo IIvcII for sovor. nl ) 'onl's at 1\lanzanlllo \ , Moxlco , where the form01' was In the o(1)l10) ) ' of Col , 01101 Smoot , the ramous Ill'Omotol' 01 harhOl' worles lit the Inttol' cll ) ' , Namea ha\'o finullr hcon decided 11)1011 ) 1'01' the two new townfl oil Ihe Union Pacillc Hllllronli comIHU1Y' : ! oxtonslon frOln Stromsuurg , which ha\'o 1II0t with the allprm'l\l of the 1I0stni authorities , EtTorts to select 11I11nes from lo al Indlun nomencla' turo resulted In fal1Ul'o from tholt lacle of eUllhon ) ' when given Ensllsll pronuncIation , 1\1111 ether 11lIl1eS [ It : I honor of 10CIII' cclehrlUns were reject cd from ( 'onfllct with the munefl oj other 1I0stoITIcett In the stnte , Thl name finall ) ' apI roved for the firs town west of tlwro 11.1 Pollc , Idontlca with thut of the county , an the aoc end town Hordvlllo , h\ honor of 'I' D. lIard of Central CII ) ' . A ganr ; of surve'OI'S hIlS been run ntng a line through Cass count sturtlng trom South Boml and lnl allellng the Hocl. IalantI tracks at I IUstance of nuollt 11. hu1f 11. mllo. The : huvo run until the ) ' are now nbou fOI1\ ' mlles west of l\Iurdocle. W. E , Hewlt or David Clt ) ' rocolvo n message from SIIOlu1II'o , Wnsh" at nouncln" tho. death ot hIs brother , DI , I. W. Ilwlt. who tIled nt that Iliac ot Bright's Illaeaso. The , doctor wa I well lenown In Dutlor county , hnvln , I Ilrn.cU ell medlclno at llellwood for 1 gooll man1' ) 'onrs. . , ' , ; - ! . < , , o\- - - . , - - . . _ . - . - - - . . . . . - . . , . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - , " . - . . . . . . . , . , COLUMBIA : "DRUNK AGAIN ! " I I I I : , , I , ! I ' / = : _ "J . . -r. _ , . . . . 1\- . . , , . . 40' CH""t.D t/ - .c' , STANDARD OIL , COMPANY IS INDICTED ON 6,428 COUNTS TWO SPECIAL GRAND JURIES AT CHICAGO RETURN TEN TRUE BILLS FOR VIOLATION OF ELKINS LAW. ChIcago , - The lIrst skirmish In the crusndo of tJlO govcrnment agnlnst the Stan llrd 011 com. pany to compel the concern to COlli. pi ) ' with the letter or the antitrust and monopoly laws was ended Monday afternoon when the two spcclnl federal grand juries l'eturued ton Indictments against the 011 company , containing a total number of G,428 counts , In respect to the scope of the Indict. monts the numher ot counts and the voluminous nnturo of the documents nil records of the federal courts was bra Icon and when the juries were dls. mIssed by Judge Bothea after three weeles of continuous work they had the satisfaction of lenowlng that they had hung up a mark Cor future inves , tlgators. The charges named in the indlot. monts are violations of the Elkins antlrobato law , whIch prohlults the accoptlng or granting of rebates on 011 nnd ether products , The fine liS fixed by the ElkIns Inw is not less than $1,000 and not more than $20,000 on ench count. At this rate the maximum fine which might bo imposed upon the Standard 011 company would aggre- gnto $128,5GO,000 , The raUroads named In the Indict. monts , but whIch for the present are not charged with guilt by a fOlIeral smnd jur ' , are : Chlcugo. Burlington & Quincy. Chlcr ' 0 Alton , ' ChIc. . : I astern Illinois. Evaus\.Jlo & TerreHaute. . Illinois Central. Sonthom Rnllwa ) ' , Laleo Shore & Michigan Southcrn , The ten Indlctmenls very only In the name of the rallrolld Involved and In ' the particular shIpment alleged to hnve cllllsed the Illegal rebate , Liable to Heavy Fines. Prnctlcal1y the ten form ono big In. dlctment , undel' whIch the mlnlmurl CONSIDER RAILROAD TARIFFS I New Rate Law Is Dlscusscd by Ship. per : . and Carriers. Washlngton-1'o d Iscu33 certain IIlIn808 oC the ralll'Oad rate la \ . . . which tool , cffect londnr , there wns [ l con. feronco which lasted the greatol' 11:1l't of 'I'uIJ:1lIny lJOtwcen the memlwl's of the Intol'stato commerce commls1on ! and I'olresentatlves ) of the railroad' ! und shlllllOI'S of the conntl'Y , The rallrond rCllroselltntlvcs un ! , term ! ) ' gave assurance of their 1:111-n. tlon to tullr COlIIlI ) ) ' with thl ) now law , but presented tholr vlows as to the ollel'atlon of cortaln III'ovl31uns , 111110ng the Ilolnts urged UOltlt ; extension of tlmo In which carrlel's mnr file thell' tlll'llTu with the commIssIon , 'I'ho uhlplers' ) I'oll'esentatlvca ) urgl'd the IlI'otcctlun ot thell' Interests. IHlI" tleulnr ! ) ' agaInst the railroads shICtI:1 : : ; cinsslllcntlons so I\tt 10 Imt up rate nUtI contondlng fol' the 11I8c-otlon ( ) f the commIssion In the eXllort an(1 ( 1m , port changes and fO [ ' tlto lubllcltlon : ot larlfts In the full Ilccolltallon of tltat term , 'rho cOl11mlsslon l'o30\\'od de , clslon ot the questions 1I\01lht ; UII , Author of Children's Booke Dice. Now York.-Hov. C. Wlntol' Bolton , l rector of the Church ot the Uleemor , at NOl'tPelham ! , Westchester couut ' dlel1 'I'uesda ) ' . 110 was 86 ' (1I\1'I old Mr. Bollon was the lIuthol' ot sevel'a : books tor chllllron. Friend of LIncoln Dead. Atchlsan , I < an.-B , S. Wells , ono 01 the I1rat civil cnglncers el11lllo'ell h ) the Burllngtou ' 1"l\lIwn ) ' , and II. trlom ] of Abrnhnm Lincoln , when bolh IIvo ( In SIrlnst1ollt , 111. , died at h\8 \ h01l1l here agcd 73 'cara. "j , , . . , 'A. . . . . . , , - , . . . - - . . . . , ' l' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' \ _ - l1no of $1,000 on each count would be $6,428,000 , If Standard 011 is found guilty lindeI' each count and the fine is pia cod Ilt the mlnll11um of $20,000 , the total of the 11nell : would reach the as" toundlng figme of $128,5GO,000. Standard OJ ! promises to contest the battle at every step , and the 11rst strife will come When District Attor. ney Morrison apllears before Judge DeUma to nsk that the company be roCulred ) to furnIsh honds for its ap. pcaranco to answer the Indictments , John S. 1\1 ill er , who hils been retaIned - taIned I\S special counsel by Standard Oil , will resent the plea for bond. Mr , 1\111101' saId : On the earlier mdlctment Judge Bothon lIxed the bond of the Slllndard Oil company at $25,000 , whIch has not been gIven as yet. If the same ratio Is pursued the total demanded would exceed $8,000,000 , Laughs : .It S30nd Plea. "The Standard Oil company does not prOIlOSO to resort to obstructive tactics and will not unnecessarily do. lay the hearing of the cas os , It is ridiculous , however , to ask the Stand. ard 011 company to gl\'o bond for its appearance in court. The company cannot run away. I ha\'e never hoard of a corporation beIng comllelled to give bail in a criminal prosmmtlon. " The IndIctments returned fnr ex. ceed any advance estimate of what the two grand juries have been doing In tholr secret sessIons , 'et It Is do. clared to bo n.pparent that the reports nre but the boglnnlngs of the govern. mont's baWo agaInst Standard Oil , The IndlctI:1ents referred simply to reo 'bato giving and receiving , and were returned as under the Elkins Interstate - state commerce Inw of 1887. The vastly more Importnnt phase of the proceedings ' \ " . . .Ich are now the uppor. most endeavors of the Hoosevelt : ad. mlnlstrntlol as betokened by the policy which hatt been mapped out uy the presldo t and Attorne ) ' Gen. eral Moody Is to bring Standard 011 to an accounting as violating the Sherman IIntHrust law , as a corpora. tlon actlnr ; In rs ralnt of trade. NEW RAILROAD LAW IN EFFECT Lines Have Been Unable to File Schcduls for Switching. Now Yorlc.-The lIew railroad rate law which applies to all rallroa s do. II an Interstate huslncsa went Into effect ut midnight l\londa ' ) . It w111 b : : ! enfOl'ced hy the Interstate coml\1orco commlnsloll , . According 10 the new law the roadas worn to ha\'o med with the COnl1n'lI alon hy I1Ilclnlght all theIr tariffs and c1l11rOS ! , showing not enl ) ' Ihe lull cout of transportation ( I'om polllt to poInt , hut also \'hat ltel\1B go to the mllltlng 1IJ1 of thlt cost , l rol11 now on thorocan , ho no "extmB , " but the Hhlp. per It } LXllectod. to bo able to obtain In advmco a final statOlllJnt of the chal'Q ! ho hall to llloot. It was otntClI that not a slnglo com. pan ) ' has hren 01110 to fUll ) ' cOlIIlly ( with the provIsions of the law re1lull" Ing them t , have 1\11 thell' schedules on filc It ) ' mldntght. The schedule of switchIng chargrs was the 11I00t dll11. ( 'ult ' ) f completion , find It is saId that no road has heen able to finish It In tlmo to file as the law directed. - - Clothier Defeats Behr. Nowllort , n , I.-W. - . J , Clothlol' , of I , Phlladolphln , defeated larl Belli' , at , Ncw York , In the finals Tuesday of lho all.comers' tournament In the nn , 1I0nai lawn tennis champIonshIp , a 3ets tu 0 , the scores being G.2 , 6.4 , 6.2. - - - - Chlll.lns Off to Meet noot , Snntluo-Amorlcan ! r\l1nlstQi' Hleks , the foreign mInIster IInti the mom. herd at the rcceptlon commlttoo Qtnrtcd tor Lota , hy the land route , to l'ecelvo Secretary Hoot. The part ) ' will return the same way , . . . . - - iI. " , , . .t11 , . , , , . . . , _ . , . . . . . " " . ; . . . , . . . . . . . . . " , , " , . , : 'fI'- ' FAVORS REFORM SPELLING PRESIDENT INDORSES THE CAR. NEGIE MOVEMENT. Orders Adoption of System In All Offl , elal Documents of the Gov. ernment. Oyster Day , N. Y. - Prosldont Itoosevclt has Indorsed the Car- noglo spelling reform movomont. Ho Issued orders Friday to Public Printer Stillings thllt hereafter all messages [ rom the presIdent anti all other docu. ments omanntlng tram the whlto house shall ue Jlrlnted In accordnnce with the recommendation ot the spell. k1g roCorm committee , hended by randor Matthews , professor ot Eng. IIsh at ColumbIa universIty. This commltteo hus pUblished a list at 300 words In which the spoiling is re- formed. This list contnlns such words as "thru" I\nd "tho" 1\0 the spelling for "through" and "though. " The pres- ! ; lent's omcllll sanction of thIs reform movement Is regarded ns the 1II0St effective nnd Glleedlest : nethod oi In. auguratlng the new system ot spolllng throughout the country. Not only will the printed documents emnnatlng flom the president utlllzo the retorm apelllng , but hla correspondence also will be spelled In the now style. Secretary Loeb hns sent Cor the list of 300 words which hllvo been re' formed and upon Its arrival will im. medlntely order all correspondence of the prosldont and of the exocutlvo force oC the white house spelled in ac. cordllnce therewith , As the spelling reform committee shall adopt new reforms - forms they will bo added to the presl. dont's list arid also to that of the pUblic printer. Whllo the order to the prlntor do OS not contemplate an h medlato reform In the spelling of official documehts from the oxecutlvo departments in \Vashington , It Is regarded that moro than likely the respectlvo heads of the department will fall In IIno with the president's Ideas and have thclr offi. clal documents printed In the new spelling. " ' - - - - VICTIMS NUMBER 32. Daughter of Premier Stolypln Not Killed by Bomb. St. Petorsburg-'fhe daughter of Premier Stolypln , who was Injured by the bomb explosion In the premier's summer home Saturdn.y and who was erroneously reported to have died , was stili allvo SundllY , having passed a quiet night under the effects of an opiate. The premier's son , who alsc wns hurt , Is bettor , Two maI'o persons Injured by the explosion died Saturday night , bring , Ing the total number of deaths up to 32. Twenty.slx persons were killed Instantly. , Saturdnys unsuccessful attempt on the lIfo of Promler Stol'lIln with Its slcleenlng , useless slilughter ot 32 persons , was followed Sunday night by another revolutlonar ' outrage In whIch Gen , 1I11n , commander of the Semlnovsky guard reglmont and whc since his promotion , to be a general has been attached as a personal ad , jutant to the suIte of the emperor , was killed on the station platform at Peter. hof by a young woman , who fired five shots into hIs body from nn automatic revolver and then , without resistance , submItted to arrest. The capture of the gIrl wes effected by Gen. 1\l1n's wIfe , who held her until the arrival of an officer. FALLING TREE CUTS OFF HEAD Woman Is Decapitated During Storm Near Ieshena , Wis. Keshcna , Wis-1Ilr. and Mrs , 1\Iltch. ell Nonan and grandson were over. taken by a severe electric storm while returnIng homo from the Crowo settlement SU:1day. The horses be , came frightened at the lightning Ilnd refused to move. The COUllio sliwa large tree failing and endeavored to get out of the WilY , but to no avail , The team paid no attention to the urgIng until the tree fell across the wagon , strll.lng Mrs. Nonan , whoso hend was severed from her body. Young Nonan was seriously Injured , About 1,000 feet of lueber In the wagem at the tlmo was reduced to kindling wood , Respite for Mrs. Myers. KanslIs Clt ) ' , Mo-Gov. Folic , ot , JcIYerHon Clt ) ' , Mondny granted n re-I ( ll'levo till October 2G to Mrs , Agnes ; I'ers , now In jail at Llborty await. ! ng oxecutlon for the murder of her nusband , A similar resplto was grant. 2d In the : of I"l'I1nle Hottmlln , Mrs , J\1yer's I1CCOlllllllco , now In jail .it Kansas City. Both were pro. 'Iousl ) ' sentenced to be hanged on September a. Retains Wrestling Honors. Des Moines , la , - Frl\nk Gotch ofended Ilia tltlo as champion : wrestler of Amor. cn , l'eceltlY won from 'rom JenkIns , 19a1nst Bjalml1r LundIn here Monday ind won In straight falls , Both tails \Yore won on too holds , Shaw to Stump Missouri. Kansas City , Mo-Secretary Shnw 'Jas accollted an Invitation of the Ro. ubllcan state slleakers' burellu to Ipend a week mnltlng cllmpalgn IIleechoa In MissourI. Ho w1ll speak at Hannlbnl Soplamber 17. Was Member of Quantrell Band , Onk Grove , MO-Cllpt , J. Frank lregg , who for the first hnlf at the Ilvl1 war WIIS in Gen. Joe Shelby's mmmand , but who later was wIth uantrell , the raider , elled at GraIn lalloy , nellr here , ' .11)6'1 t - - . . . _ " " - - " - - , . . , " " " - ! Wi" Wi""I" "I" CUBAN TROUBLES 1 - INSURRECTION APPARENTLY ON THE INCREASE. - SOME OF LEADERS SURRENDER - ThIs , However Is More Than Offset by Incrcase of Bands In ProvInces -Talk of CompromIse With the Rebels. HAVANA-Tho surrender 011 Wc . nesdaY' ' ot sarno of the moro Tlgorous Insurgent leaders In the provlnco of Matnnzas and Santa Clam. and the coming In of 11. scattering ( ew Insurgents - gents in response to the government's proflor at IlIIInesty Is vnstly moro than : Jffset by the Insurgent sentiment lookIng stronger dally In the country districts of the provinces of Havana , PInal' del Rio and Santa Clara , I\nd whIch Is now reported to be gaIning headwnY' ' In Santiago , from which pro- vluce , however , there are as yet no re. ports ot the existence ot organIzed bands. The testimony of persons 11.1" rIving hero from the country Is unnni. . mous to the elTcct that the pcopl'o are 1 restless and becomIng more and moro ) excltod. The talle of the towns Is ot these who have gone out to join the imntl'geute and the chances of wInnIng agaInst the government. There are rave doubts of the loyalty of recruits , nile ! esveclally of negro recruIts , who are suspected In many quarters ot a willIngness to joIn the othcr side willi which many of their people are /den. / tined , The undenlnblo evidences of the growth of Insurrection sontlment Is ( 'auslng increasing doubtllS to whether the l ovcrnmont will , after all , bo n.ble tu cOile promptly and sllccessfully with the movcment ) and there Is much dls. cusslon of UIO posslblllties of a peace. ful settlement. Interest con tors in n projected meeting of Cubnn veterans and other prominent men to consider the question of approaching PI no Ouerm. and other Insurgent command. ers , as well as loaders of the 11110ral party and members of the government with a view to uscertalnlng whether the difficulty cannot be settled through S < lmo compromIse. At the present stage of affairs , however , a compro- mlso would appear to be out of the question , as the government continues confident that It will soon be able to suppress the mm'emont. , Many Cubans feel that patriotism demands that . BOl11e united effort be made to end the war and avoid the possibility of in. J terventlon by the Unil d States , There , Is no question thllt foreigners would welcome Intervention to testore peace , and many Cubans would do likewIse wre ! It not for the sentiment of prldo in making It appear thnt Cuba can maintain order without her own boundaries and nn unwillingness to the world regard 'her as the ward of the UnIted States , MR. BRYAN IN NEW YORK. ' ' ' - " ' - ' r- Nebraskans and Others Give Him " 1" Cordial Welcome. NEW YORK - Bryan's "Home Folks , " : lS the pralrlo state delegates hnve elected to call themselves on I tholr visit to "Little Old New York , " I to welcome their follow citizen , W11l'I 'I lam Jonnlngs Bryan , baclt to his native heath , had a rip-roaring time on Yon. day. They saw mlles of water , moro ' crafts of OVeTy conceivable size and description than ever before , and they raised the blue empyrean a few inches when the familiar fllco or the - "Peorless Leader" appeared at the up. , per gallery m.1I of th11' North German ' < ! Lloyd's magnificent l1ner , to recognize the groetlng of the home folies , his ' neighbors and frlonds from Nobraslcn , ; It waa really worth coming IMO miles 1 to see the demonstration nccorded the ' .I ' leader of tlomocracl' ) ' 11. hearty wel. come. There was no doubt about the warmth of the welcome al\l ( not In a generation has 11. prlvato cltlon been so tumultuously received I\S Drynn was , , ST. PAUl. . , J\1lnn-A specIal to the Plonoor Press from Helena , Mont" says : 'rho I1ffnh's of the Anaconda Real Estate and Insurance company nro bolng Investlgatod by the state hank examiner IInd pending this ex. nmlnntlon the Institution , whIch has been. doing 11. general banlelnf ; and trust busIness ) Is closed. J , Fltzpat. ' rlele , hcad of tile concern , died a few days ago and slnco then rUl110rs have been current of unsoundness of the company , It Is said the company's l1n. bllltlos will rnng.e from $50,000 to $100,000 , Kills a Russian Consul. TIEN TSIN-Tho Russian consul horeI ! \ , Lnptow , was shot 11tho stomach by n. HUBslnn concosslon con. tractor nnmed Levlnsle ) ' , who firQIl fmlr times and hit the consul once. 'I'ho shooting occurred nt the Russian consulate , WASHINGTON - The monUlly statement of the colectlons of Inoor. nnl revenue shows that the tot 111 1'0. celpts for Jul ) ' , 190G , were $23,399,8G7 , an Increase ovcr July , 190 , of $2 , . G09,420. Largest Insurance Loso. SAN FRANCISCO.-Tho Insurance loss on the Palate hotel buildIng hns been adjustc at $1,302,610. ThIs Is Dloro UUlII the insurance companies will have to lla ) ' , tor the total Insur. anco or the buildIng was on ! ) ' $1,2G5 , . 000. It beIng 1\ total 10Ba , theretore n. liability ot 1trlfie over $1,250,000 will bo dlstrluuted nmong nlnotr.elght . companIes Involvell In the 1058. ThIs f . ' I' said to have been the Inrgost loss , upon n. slnglo rls1t ever adjusted In lhls country. : . " ' . . . . . . , Hi" - - - . ' - . . . . . . - - - - - . . . - - . . . . " " .J. . .J. .