Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 06, 1906, Image 4
t ' . . ' , r" " ' r . , - - , : " : - - . - : . . . , = : -l' ! . . . . . . ' . . : . Cu tBr tOllnty RopubUcan. : ' . ) . M. AMsnEnnV. . . - Publisher , CUAS , Ie , BASSET I' , h ARsoolnto' . , - - - - - IInteretl al Ibe p 41umro al JlNllen lIow , Noh. , I & " 11I\0IlI..IAft" . . ' "ftttflr r'lr tuueminlull IIr41l1l1:11 , : ha 11 . 'I I\II , . . . I - - " . "IvKlrr " . i I'ICM. - I " "t ! 1 ) " " ' " r . . . . .IIIh. " .00. Olin. hair ( n.-I rmll. 1'10' ' "IIII'l" . $1 III tluulor tuilimn. I'or I mOlilh. ' :1 W I. . . . thAIl 'IOl\llnr (01011I11. roO tOI'I ' ! ' Inth Jltlt I1wIIIII I Ollr J't IJr' IIpl I'.tj(1 ! liD ceolll l > t Inch. per IbUlilb ( , ocIII ddUtU lo" II c'n" Iet II. . . . each II .ar. IIJII. IIJII.Nnllca ur cburb . .udabln "od unltlrlatll' PldIJt6 where mOlltlr I tbtUtf\\I. " < l.half rat" " . 1'1001111 ' , nouroe I\d .t'M'ItUI.1DP , unl"batr ralu. W.'dlaIlDuUc. . . . rIff , balf 1.1 < < tor pablhbluR .Ial of prD t1n\l' Uoalb uOlloop rf1'fI. hlf $ 'llc < ' for , 'nblloblnif obllllar ) ' nollrolll. 'nd ul'\l. l'r Ihellb , Legal 1I0" . , I ral' , "f".IJt4 by , 'atalM or ! 4..bruka. Thursda ) ' , Septcmber 6 , 190& . Br'an , is l'ack and bas made his speech. f'is reception was certainly a mogt remarkable one -though e\'erJ ( 'tTort had been made b\ ' the d mocrats to make it an erjthusia tic onL'-and give it ' ' . ' of - d'dappt.'arLillce spontan- eity. 'I'he udllr ss is an able one - pcciaIlJ from a democratic Jloint of view. 'I'he subjects are welllrcah'cI and it will undoubt- e ly ! ) c tuc key-note of the democratic - cratic campaign. His remarls also gh'e c\'iclcnce tn the fact that John Sharp Williams , of Mississippi , sll ceclled in : > eeing him before he sailed from Europe , : \1111 suc\'eeclccl in impressing upon him thl fact that if he intended to again be a candidate for presi- dcnt lJc must modify his \'iews on tbe Mlbj..ct of the ownership of the railroads-provided he ecsired } the support of the people of the southern states. He made the desired modification-which shows that Br'an , can learn-and declared , that while he favored muncipal ownership , he believed federal should enl ' government.should . ) control the trunk hnes and the other systems should be owned I and operated by the states. This , will save the south from the nightmare which the people of that section have had for some time that government ownership might mean the abolishment of separate cars for the whites and the colored people. The fact t hat Bryan made this change in hig view3 is also an evidence-if any were needed-that he intends to again be a candidate for the lOsition of c11ief executive-if it is possible to secure the democratic - cratic nomination-provided . 'reddy adhe s to his decision to 110t be a candidate. If , however , Roosevelt is' forcel to accept a nomination , 'Mr. ' Bryan will not be anxious 'to ' sacrifice himself for We'tlUrd time. The active political campa ign iJl the state will probably not last more than four or five weeks. The republican administration which stands before the people for endorsement , stands for clean , business methods , fair dealing , the proIer discharge of official duties In all departments , for economy without parsimony , decency - cency witbout hvpocracy and a } nopcr and co scientious discharge - charge of responsibilities to the people f he state. It is to be desired that the campaign in the state shall be fairly and decently conducted by all political parties , that the right of candidacy for office shall be accorded every man , and that the same good faith shall be observed betweetJ political opponents as should be observed in every fair and square , rivalry. The fair-minded an . unprejudiced voter who exatt1ine I the record of the state adminis. tration will admit that the affair ! of the state have been honestlJ and creditably conducted anc : that lhere is no reason why an ) republican should hesitate to casl his ballot for the nominees 01 the republican ticket. 'I'll ( cllndil1ates are the choice of ; : large'majority ' of the delegate ! selected by the republicans 01 the state and entitled to the support of all repubHcans. An ( there is no good reason why the1 should not receive it. The R PUDI.ICAN believes they will am that the ticket will be electeel b' a. larger majority than that two years ago. Ho Spoke Well BDd Truly. The following is from a Mis Bouri farmer's address before I I farmers institute : "A a rule th , farmer knows no firmer friene than the country press. Tb , home paper is distinctly UII farmers own paper , supportec directly or indiractly by the farm ers who compose thl backbone of the printers subscription list and lare-ely fOI wlJat the enterprising 1l1erchan' ' advertises. Now , brother let It ! not forget our friends. Let u ! see that our subscription is paid and a. year in advance if we cat afford it. The mau or the papel that fights my battlcs shall hav my support. Another thinethf rnercbttuts w40 uJvetisc are tJJ . , . . ' " . . It Quiets the Cough I I I . . - . . - This Is one reason why A YCI"s Cherry Pectoral is so valuable - ble In consumption. It stops the wear nnd teaa' of useless coughing. But it docs more - controls the Inflammuion : , quiets the fever , soothes , nnd heals. Sold for GO years. . . Ayor'e Chorr11'eclnTftl hAl loeil , R rejIIIRf IIro orvor 1011I0 It hrollJhl ( " ' " 'tI" ' ' II ft . , were IIlIftck ot 1'01111I0111" ' , 1111" " ( f ol Ihftt IIIW8 11I1 IIfu In II " "lllurflll elllllllv ' . I.1II.tA)1 II. 'l'IIUlTT.VIIII'll. . i'Tol.tlrU . _ - " III . . . . . . . " . . . _ . & byJ. O. Aynr 00. . Lowell. hi. . . . .Alia mAnurAoturers at AU&dO , SARS.\I'AIUlI. " ' , , 'ers 1'111.5. I " IIAIII VIOO/I. / Hooten recovery by keeping the bowels rogulnr with Ayer' Pills. . , - - ones who make it possible for us to get a good local paper ; and the mcu or firms who arc too penurious to advcrtise aud support - port the local press , havc uo right to the farmers' patronage. I propose hereafter to gc > to a good. live , local advertiserr and a man who will do his share of supporting the local press , thus contributing to my support , rather - er than buy.of a man who proposes - poses to tale all and give nothiJg m return. " A Grcat Snap. E\'ery once in a while some cheerful individual remarls to us : "Welt , now that the paper is ont yon can take it easy for three or fonr da's , " and we are reminded ( If what another country editor once said. Yes , how delightful it is that a country editor ha practically nothing to do he- tween press days. Business runs along automatically. When paper - per bills become due money drops 01I the trees with which to pay them. Subscribers vie with each other to see who can pay the fartherest in advance. Advertisers - tisers beg for additional space. And the way the. . news hunts up the editor is also pleasant to con- template. There is something really peculiar about the way I news items act. When the paper ' is out the editor simply goes to h is desk and leans back In his eas , chair and looks and walts for the next week's press day. 'l'he day before pr s da ) ' the people line up in front of the ofiice door and then they file past the desk and tell him all the news of the week. He writes it up in fifteen or twenty minutes , takes it back and haugs it on the copy hook. The compositors take the copv , shale It over the type cases. say a few mystic words , the type flies into place and after a few passes by the foreman the forms are ready for the press again. And the editor goes down and deposits some I more money in the bauk. It's I the greatest snap in the cata- logue. Happily Wedded. ( COllllllnlllcale < l. > On Sunday , September 2nd , at twelve o'clock occurred the marI - I riage of Miss Zinn Grant to Mr. William II. Parker , the event taking place at " 'l'he Elms , " the l summer residence of the bride's paren ts. With Mrs. Zed a Wehling at the piano and to the strains of Mendelsohu's wedding march , the bridal couple entered the parlor - lor , with Miss Bertha Shackle- ford as bridesmaid aud Mr. Jack 'Vood as groomsman , marched tea , a corner draped with the National - al colors and decorated with the state flower-golden rod. And in the presence of half a hundred friends , tried and true , with the Rev. Mr. Pinclmey officiating , the ceremony was performed that - changed the current of two lives. Miss Zinn Grunt is tbe young. est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William D. Graut , of this Cit ' 1 and has grown to womanhood 111 onr midst , is a graduate of the Brolen Bow High school and j. we1l1mown by all. Mr. Parker is a son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Parktr , a recent ad. dition to the population of Custel county , moving here from Gresh. am , Polk county , Nebraska , last March , and is a prosperous youug . farm r well liked and respecte in his former home. Congratulations , rice amI con. fetti were showered on the newly wedded pair , then the entire party repaired to a large tent il1 which dmner was served. Aftel dinner came ice cream and the punch bowl with nothing more than Frappi in it. Many.beauti. ful presents were received by the happy couple and the COmpany unlteL } iu wishing them a long , . . " " 'I - = - . . ' - : - - : ' . _ , . happy andprosperou9 life. Just before the leave taking Mr. Ed. Purcell , with his ever ready kodac , "shot" the bridal party I and Inter the entire company. i Mr. . an l Mrs. Parker left MOlJlay morning for a short wedding trip to his old home ancl to I-4incoln. On their return the groom will huild a new house on his farm , 4 miles north of town. In one of the numerous presents was the following verse : ahlnl ( 1IU1\"rR. rn.qh lIU1vrrR ( ur Ih" "rhlt. ' " " ear. 'J'hey wer" Iorn , In hlll'\h In hrr IIhllllllll' hlll' , She III " , , ' ( the hUIlIt'lIf chllllhoo < l'mlrtll. . Silo IIna hhl fTtV , IIIJ hrr falller'lI II"arlli. Her 1Iace 1M uuw II ) ' 1\II0llle'K Hide. IIrhllt flowerK for Ihe locksllf Ille fair ) 'IIUIIIC "rhle. WomanISur"gc Convcntion. The Eighth annual convention of Custer county Womans Suffrage - frage association will he held at the residence of Mrs. Dr. C. Picltett , Septembcr 22nd , 190 ( " at 2 o'clock p. m. Heports will be expected from each local club in the COUlll ) ' . 'rhe local treaE- mers are requested to forward all county and state dues to the treasurer of the county association - tion sufficient time before the date above named , in order that she may have her report ready for the convention. . Clara ItA. . Young , state vice- president. will have a paper and the representatives of the local clubs will be expected to report. A short program will be rendered after the election of officers. The Executive board , of which all local presidents are members , will have a business meeting at the above mentioned place and date at 10 o'clock a. tn. Mus. Du. C. PICKUT'l' . Pres. Mus. W. A. GUOUGU , Sec. Of Interelt to Teachen. . I am in receipt of a circular from State Supt. McBrien. stat. ing that no questions will be sent out for the eptember { 'xamina- t ons. He desJrcs that the State Board of Examiners may have a much-needed rest after the exacting - ing and arduous labors of the past two months , All holders of "Emergency Certificates. " as well as those whose examinations are incomplete , arc urged to prepare - pare for the regular examination of October 19 and 20 , and by direction of the state superintendent - tendent all such certificates are I to be accredited until that time. All teachers interested will please 'take notice of this and govern themselves accordingly. H. M. PINCXNn\ , County Superintendent. Senatorial Convention. 'rhe republican senatorial con- ven tion of the Fifteenth Senatorial - torial district is hereby called to meet at Broken Bow Thursday September 27 , at 1:30 p. m. 'rhe basis of representation is the same as made for. the state convention which is as follows : Blaine. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , Custer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 , Loup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Valley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 D. M. AMSBRRR\ , Chairman. A Stir in MUlic Circlel. Music lovers of this city are much interested in the success of "Azaleas , " a new two-step Inter- mczzo that is being played by bands ami orchestras all over the country. H Amleas" is popular in form , but unlikelmost "popular" pieces , is really musical. "Azaleas" is one of tbe new Lyon & Healy publications and w predict that it will not be long until every piano is decorted with a copy. - - . - . . . . 1 T I ' . - : ; . - . , . , - - - . REnORT OJ ! ' TIlE COUDITION OJ ! ' THE Security State Bank , of IIrokPII lIuw. Ne"raftlla Charier No. 842. 11IIlIrpnral.,1 III till' ' ! IIlale 0 ; N"hraska. at Ille clolle IIf bllSllleftft A II If 11'\1 2M. 19116 : 'mllot/NcltH ' : I.oalls 311,1 IlisconIlIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 1 > 3 r,2 ! ' 35 Ornlrafl. . . , " 'cllre < l alld 1IIII cnT..I. . . 3-13 ! , II SllIc" " . ft , : nrllhR , jll.hrlll"IM , claims .Ic , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . flH rill lIallkllllt hunHt'.fllrnllllrt ! alll II xiII ( I' " II 000 1M ) CnrrtIIIIIXIIIIIReR ! 1\IIlla"'lIalll. . . . . 1 ' 174 'rl CaRh lIellla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liO 55 Dlle frolU lIallonal. ilia Ie alll Ilrl"al8 "allkll a'lIl "allkerll. . . . . . . . 2' ) 2JO u CIIeck'Hn.lllem'l uf exr.halllre II ! ! 51 Cash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5fJ24 57 35'21348 . - - - 'J'lIlal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1IOl " 751O ! r.t Alii LIT II" ; ! } Ca IIl1al HllICk Ilalll III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15 0110 (1) UII < llvhle < ll'rolllll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 17711'1 Individual dellOwtR su"Ject 10 check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7111'2O ! ( , Demallli curllllcaleR of tie. \IORlt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 90 ' 1'lme cerllflcale" or delloslt I.J PlJ 35 8J 204 31 - - - . 'I.olal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $102975 MO STATR 01" NSDHA8KA.l . . COUNTY 01' CUSTRII. f III ! I. n. U. PICKETT. callhler of Ihe aoove lIamel "ank. < lu RolemnIIIVear Illat the aoovo 1I'.ale- lIIeut III a correCI an < l true CUllY o ( Ibe rellOrI made 10 the Slate lIallkhlll' Uoar < l. It. D. I'ICKKTT. CaMhler. Attelll' j W. A. Gnown. Dlreclor. } JULKslIAUMONT Dlreclur. SubRcrlbe < l and sworn to "efore lIIe Ihl8 51h day of Seillember , 1901. . [ ! lltAt. ) JAJ.lltll l.nDwlclI , Nular ) ' l'ubllc. Houle Wanted-To Rent. Man and wife desire to rent a five or six room house-furnished or unfurnished-within five or six blocks of the square. No children and no prospects of any -unless left on the door' step. Inquire at I Hl'UIII.ICAN ofiice if you have goods as specified. 14 Notice. The business men and citizens of Broken Bow and vicini tv arc hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted - tracted by my wife , Mrs. Catherine - ine Burdick , or my daughter. Nellie Burdick. Dated September 3 , 1906. J. B. BURDICK. ; .6 Back of the Builder there must be good lumber or his work won't amount to much. The builder who buys his stock here has no complaints to make. 'I'he LUMBER , LATH , 'I'RIM , MOLDING , SASH , DOORS , SHINGT4ES , ETC. , which we sell are the "all right" kind. And our prices will give him a larger margin on his contract. We sell at very close figures. Dierks Lumber and Coal CO. _ TIME TABLE BROKEN HOW. l'JtB. } ItAjT JlOUND. NO. 40 deparls rllr lue east. ex. 8un..6:20a. : 01 No. . . 2arrlve8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:41 ! a. m. No.4 arrlres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:55 : P. 111. WEST BOUND. NO. 39 arrl'es it ' 1111 tlleeasl. ex. 8un. . .620 P. 111 NO. 41 ar-oveK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:0'2 a. 111 Nu.43arrlves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1'2:39 : a.1I1 N's. 41 and 4t " ake localslolls from Ausley wehl Nos. 43 and 4'2. . re tbrouih trains an < l make connections for Uealwool and all pol II tll10 Ihe llIack 1111111. 3'J alld . .0 do not run weRt IIf IIroKell IIOW. Sleeplnit. dllllllll' alld reCllllhl1 ( chair cars ( seats free ) on tbrOlllrb IraiIlH. 'rlckels sold allU bailtalte cbecked 10 allY pollll III tbe Ulliled SlateR audCanada. J'or ! Informallon.IIal' . tllI1e la"les all < l tick. ela call 011 or wrlle 10 If. r. . OrlllRb , . , allelli. tlr I. . W. Wakeley. G. 1\ 1On.l1a. . Nebraska. 11. r. . ORMlIIV. ! AIlOIII. - - - - - , . . . . 1 : t _ ILt1.l.It-1E Y ( tPEt-1It-1G ) : fl ll l ? I 'v l ? el' " 3 les I ; Mon. and Tues. Sept 10 and , ; t The ladies of Custer county arc invited to alleml I the opening of fall and winter st'le of millinery at my . store , south side of the square , Broken Bow , on Mone1ay mt : and Tueselay , September 10th and 11th , 1906. \ : The Veste Tille and the Peter Pan are some among the several especially new creations , while the Gains- I here has been reconstructed and in the new fonn is sure iI to become popular. Do not fail to see them. mr Miss Francis Koontz , of St. Louis , an experienced ( l trimmer , has charge of the trimming department. and will spre no pains to please you. ; : MRS. E. M. BEAN . . - - . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , - . , - - > : ' : . - ' - - : " ' " " . . r . . \ . ! . . 1q1' " : ; } r r " : - " , \ ' " " " " " " "ttt""tl" " " " " " " " " " " " " ' ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' ! - WHO ? ' . ! ' - A D V O. That's who. = = - - - - WHAT ? 'l'he best goods s9Jd in Bro 3 = - = lcn Bow. : : : 't , . - " WHERE ? , : - - - - Advo Grocery is the pluce. 3 WHEN ? - : : : : : E Now , today , tomorrow , any 3 ay this month. 3 . WHY ? . ' 13ecuuse you cun sa , e 1 Inoney on every article you 3 buy , and because AdAn 3 = - = Grocer PR a re a favorit.e ill : - : . - - erer ) ' hOlne \ \ ' here us'd 3' - - , . . . - fil11l11l111111111l111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - , ' . t C lister C 0 II ego I : ; Bk e1 B ow , Nb . , I , , Oourses of Study : > Normal , Advanced Normal , Academic , . English , Business , Shorthand and 'rypewriting , . 1\usic and Elocution. . I 'Ve believe in making our school s-rong by haviag only the best professional and experienced teachers. , / " /1 Our plan is to have small classes and give Personal , i Help and Instruction to every student. No one will be rw . held back by those less advanced. If l.our early education - tion has been neglecte come , we will give you just mt . what you want. Wr te us for terms and particulars. mt @ I LOREN CORNETT , Pres. t Phone No. 189. roken Bow , Nebraska. : iL , , , ! 'W . r.j . } - I ( N'-- N'I Before You Build. Consult ! eo. : Japin..ea-u : , . I 1 Contractor and Builler. : Estimates j Furnished free with plans and specifications. ' ] . ( e . ; - tU I - - - - - I STAPLE AND FANOY CROCERI ES GILLE'r'S I-IIGI-I GRADE EXTRACTS JIEINZ PURE \VIII'J'E VINIGAR FOR PICKLINC Have just received a fresh supply of [ c [ ahon FANCY CAKES R. T. Walker Grocery Co. , East Side of Public Square , , BROKEN BOW , NEBRASICA. . - . ' . . , .f' . .t , . oJ .t. . ) . . ' \ . . : " , \Oi v . ! v o . . . . . ' - - ' . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t. . . _ . _ _ . ' _ _ _ . tfr. -\ _ . . ' , . ' , ' ' - . .