Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 06, 1906, Image 14

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    r- ti' - - : - . , ' ' , ' \ ' ' , ' ' . ' 11 , . - . . . " " . . , , ' , ' ' ' 'U"- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' 'f' ' , . "
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Superintendent McBrien Sends Out al1
Appeal to Superlntendento - Fruit
Crop In Southeastern Nebraska -
Miscellaneous State Notes.
. I . N d of Rural , Teachero.
, Stnte Superlntendcmt McDrlen hnn
, . ' sont. oltto the following nllileni to city
superintendents for teache-rs for rural
, ; choola.
An omlrgenc ' exists , hut It Is no
JI'cnll'r thnn hns confronter ] us nt this
flCltIOn e\'or ' ) ' ( ' : \1' lIurlu , ; till' lant alx
' ( 'nrl. : 'I'hls , cmergency Is I lack of Il
lIuOlclent I1l1Iulwr of lJunllfied tenchers
t(1 tale ; chnrge of the rural schools of
the "Into nt tholr oponlng In SOltem. )
IICr. We nllKIlI ! to ) 'OU to solicit your
qunllfied , common l enfJO high school
' ; I'olluntea of the Inst two or throe
years , who have an Ilptnfsl ! ! fol' tellch.
ing onll gov'rnlng a nchnol , to entol'
the worl. nt this tlm . Plcnso mnlto
this cnnmBS at OIlCO. IInd rC1Ort ! to 1110
1ho names ancl odllresscH of 1\11 such
Ilorsons os you arc willing to recom.
mend fOI' the huslnoss of teaching a
Turnl l chool n t from $3j [ to $ [ j0 per
meuth. We hav-9 call" for tenchers In
nil secllons of the st\o. : [ Here Is nn
oIlortunlty ! for renderln the Rhlte 0.
grent aervlce. Wo can floocl Nebrnn.
] m with t'nchers from mlghborlng
alnt's , If wo but mnlto It Imown thllt
we need tenchora , bllt wo prefer good
homo talent first-forolgn teach I's
COllnl ) ' superlntendonts In need of
tCllChCl's will be rendy and willing to
grant firal.class hlgl1 school grn.duate
an omorg > ency certlficato , giving UlltI1
the regular .examination . In the five
to take the oXllmlnation In the fiv.o
oasentlnls , lInd six monthR from the
date of beginning the I 'xamlnatlon to
comlleto ) It. Let me urge upon you
the ImpOI'lnnce of londlng 0. hand In
this emergency.
peachC11 Going to Waste.
AUDURN-Immenao quantities of
tha finest Itlnd of peaches olng to
waste In the large orchards of Ne.
maIm cOllaty at the ) Ire sent tlmo. Not.
wlthatandlng thA. fact that carloads of
the frlllt are being ahiJled ! ) from hero
dally the sUllly ) ! is GO much greater
than the Ilemand that the price hn.s
lleen reducCl ! to a figur that mallCs It
imQsslblo to handle them with ! Jrofil
I to the brchardlats. A great many
farmers ho.vo been posting signs along
the hlghronds of the county Inviting
Ilnsseraby to l1rlve to thoelr ) llo.ces nl1ll
110Ip themselves to an ) ' desired quan.
tlty of fruit , free of charge. .
Not a Victim of Earthquake.
HUMDOl.DT-Mrn. , J. A. 1\1\tq1hy
rec lvell wOl'll that her daughter , Mrs.
Joy Dullls.McKle , was on her way
] lOmo from South Amorlca , and there.
fore not a victim of the Chllo earth.
qualto. na hall heen feared ever slnco
the dlanster. 1\Irs. McKio had been
'WIth her husbal1ll for nearly 0. : rellr at
. . Santiago and Valparaiso , Chile ,
where the latter Is looltlng afler Homo
extensIve harbor contracts with. the
Chilean governmeqnt. The tr velerR
must ho.vo left about the Um9 of the
carthqunllC. _
Pearson Held for Murder.
HASTINGS-Dondo Pearson was
hountl over to the district COUl't for
trIal on thl : : charge of mtt\erlng ( Wal.
tel' McGul1a on July. McGuna wns
shot whllo In the company of 1\1rs.
Pearson In the Inttrr's homo. Hnl1 nt a
tlmo when 1\11' . Pearson was SUPIJosed
to be on I trip t W'ol11lng. 'rho nc.
> cunol1 was found In 0. hay loft : on his
father's premise ! ! ahout sevell houl' ! ! ,
nftel' the s1totlnl ( ( . Peal'SOIl was released -
leased on a bond of $10,000.
AlmoGt a J:211 Delivery.
LINCOI N-Two pl'lsonerR In the
county jail ! Irled up a } Hlt't of their
fioor , planning t escapo. 'rh y were I
II. IMn named Crawford , holld ! for rob.I I
ber ) ' o.t Hickman , and a. n11\n namell
I Sorellson , hound ovel' for hn.vlng bur-
. glnr'8 tools. 'rhelr plans were fl'us ,
.t1 ! tratel1.
Killed In Roundhouse.
'NUIU"OLK-Albort Starlt , au e'I1\ '
lloyo In the Northwestern roundhouse
bore , was Id\1ell \ whllo worldng under
a locomotive. Ho wns dropping the
onglne by means or a jacltscrow I\nd
it Is BUPllosed that the jacltscrew
hanl1le swung n.round nnd struclt hIm
in the jaw.
Fire In York Opera House.
YORK-'rho Interior of York's fine
011era house building was ruined 1.1) '
fire 011.1'1) : cl\uslng a IOS8 of about $8 , .
000 , walch Is fully covered b ) ' Instil"
Havln ! ) a Busy S.ason.
GRANu ISLAND-The Grand Is.
land Canning compllny Is havIng a
: lJuay senDon In the cannlnE ; or sweet.
< : orn , the ro ! ) } ) .zIng eltlfeUent. 1'hroo
hundred hands are lmployed. !
Ble Fruit Crop.
TECUMSEH-Ono or the most 1'0'
markabl : crops of trult. bver r\tsell
. In lJoutheastern Nebrasltl1 Is now being
hnryc.lted. ' 1'ons of pen.ches , grapes
.ana apples are being shipped from
.Johnson and near. y counties to west.
-ern , 'N.braslm towns , The western
lIQ IUd Qxpress trains are delared from
twenty to thirty minutes each day
10arUng fruit at this station. At the
vresent tlmo lleaches consUlute ! the
Imlk or th ! ' IIhhllnents , and they will
be shipped dally fOl' at. Jeast. thl'oc )
mart ) weeks.
- -
- , ' . ( T" , . . , .
. . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . , . ,
. . . . .
, v. _ . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . .0. . . . . , . , . ' . . . . . " " 4. . . " . . . " . . . . . . _
. , ' , ; J : : "
The contro.ct for the lIlhllng o
UIO Cnthollc church In Alhlon hus
I been awarded to nohortll & Parltcr ,
locnl contractorll. ' ] 'ho contract price
Is nhuut $3'1,000 nnd the ( 'hurch will
ho olle of the flncst In that part or
the Rtute.
R. D. Sutherland or Superior \VII. ' !
nominated h ' the democrats und pop'
ullsts aR Iho fusion nomlneo for con.
gressman from the I"lrth district. 'I'h
two partlos met separately though at
the Ramo tlm < 1. About twunt.fivo del.
egatm ! nttendod ench convontlon. .
A Inrgo crowd or the fl'lenlls of
JUdge .J. A. WlIlIllma of Plercn ns.
somhlel , down town nnrl helng pre.
ceded hy the Plerco cornet hnnrl ,
marched to the judQ't\ ! residence In.
the Wl'Sl. . IJl1rt of town and congratu.
latorl him II110n hl8 nomlnallon to the ,
o1l1co of rnll wuy commlsslonor.
Prof. .Tohn J\tat1.C'n , count . Ruperln.
tendent of DJd o cOllnty , lo.t : 0. plclt.
ethoolt contalnillr nearl ) ' $200 , Ilesldus
/lOIn ! ' ) noteR 1\1111 vllluublo IJI1IIrB. A
purt of this money \V11 paid to him
III the Now YOl'lt hotel , where ho
hoardR. al1l1 Ito ) lilt It In hlR. Iloclwt
IInd went dIrect to his office ut the ,
court hourJO. . When ho ( ; ot there ho
had no puclwtboolt , nnll It Is stll1
mI sln .
A mbvement hns been started In
Grnnd IRland for nn elaborate celebra.
tlon of the tlClieth nnnivorsar ) ' of the
foltlement of Jlal1 county and this
section of the In July of next
year , 111111 , In connectlO'lt. therewith ,
to OI'ect an delllcaloQ an o.pproprlato
monument to the orIginal colony of.
twenty.fivo settlers , to the first act.
tlerR of every townshl11 In the county
nnll thQ old oldlers of the county.
Prosldent Clemmons oC Fremont
eol1eJo : has made tll } hIs list of In.
Rtructora Cor the coming I3chool year.
There are three changes. Prof. Now.
ton M. Dogges of Chicago l3ucceedJ
Prof. Frank Head as hearl or the mu.
Rlc dopnrtment ; Prof. White of ChI.
cage tallOs the head of the < depart.
mont of business ; Prof. John Cloud
or Vo.lparalso , Ind. , will teach physics.
The ether IlosltionH on the facuIty
will bo 'fil1ed I\S usual.
Arenaen Kuwlt1.1ty or NehrnRkn.
CIt ) ' an aged man , was aovorely bit.
ten on the 1I1 ! and part of the lip torn
nwar by a dog whIch W'lS ' sup pORed
Ie- have heeu R\tfferlug from rabies.
Physicians cared for the man and the
poHco 1,1\10d \ the dog. The family of
Mr. Kuwltzltf are carerul1y watching
him , but tlw ph 'slcll\nB say they have
110no al1 they could and are Inclined ,
to the hellof there will be no
rcauIts from , the dog hlte.
'fho reHl1Yllcan ! : slate commltteel
was organized 1.1) ' the cnnllldate all.
the state ticket , Who appointed the
fol1owlng officers : Ghalrman , W. B.
no so of Lincoln , present elluty at. ,
torney general under NorrIs Brown ; i
vlco chairman , William Hnywnrl1 of.
NObrnRlm CIty ; secretary. Clarlt Per.
1\1ns , editor of the Sl. Paul Ropubll.
can ; treasurer , Charles IiJ. Morgan or.
Omaha. 'fho committee voted to con.
tlnuo the headquarters nt Omaha.
No more lIquorR wl1ho \ dlRpensed
In the cafes of Uncoln hotels. This ,
\\'aa the edict of the Q.clso boar at ,
a meeting hold InRt woolt. It was
chnrg-oll thnt young girls were Jler.
mltted to drink nt the cage of the
Capitol ltotel nnd that whllo Intoxicated -
cated they were talcn away by some
men. Satmda ) ' morning .Tu lus Wo.
empener anrl .Tohn Su11lvan were ar.
restel ( at the WoemllenOl' drug store
In COl11lmn ) ' with two ) 'oung women
who save assumed names.
An olectlon was hold at Stanton , .
pursuant to order ! ! of the commander- :
In.chlef. hy the memhurshllJ of com.
pany D. First relgl11ent Infnntry. Ne.
hrnRlm. National GilaI'd. to fil1 the va.
cancy occaRloncrl b ) ' the promotion
of former Captnln Eherly to 1.10 ma.
jor. It reslllte(1 as fol1O\ya : First
LloutJemmt Ivor S. .Tohnljon was , man.
Imous1) ' electell cnphrln ; Second
Lloutenant Howard H. Antles wn.q
promotl.'d to fil1 the , "acanc ) ' creatod' '
hy the election of Captain Johnsfllt.
The Imposing church bul1l1lng , once
O\vned hy the congregation of the
First ChrlRtian church. locatoll nt the
northeaRt ( 'ornor of Fourteenth ami
K streels , Llncolu. c\ught : fire and Is
In rulnR. It waa erectml seventeen
yenra ago at n cost or $50,000 or $55. '
000 nnd was nt ono tlmo ro-garded ,
ClR ono of the fineRt places of wor.
ship In the clt ) ' . O\'er two yeai a1O
it wns bought at foreclosure sale by
Dlshop onacum of the Co.thollc ,
church for $14,000. ' 1'wo weellS ago
the worlt of romodellng thoQ structure
wns begun and It WI\S OXlocted ! to
complete the worlt carl ) ' ne > : t yoar.
It Indications count rOI' anythIng ,
the meeting of r tall merchants or
NobraRlI\ Nebraslm City on Sop.
tombor 11 and 12 wl1bo \ ono of thebes
bos meetings of the Ith1ll held
In the wost. ArrangementR are being I
made b ) ' the hotels there to accommo-
dati ) ao\'cral hundrClI merchants , wllO
are oX1ected ! to 1.10 present from al1
sections of the stato. "ho scsslons ,
which begin at 2 : 30 o'cloclt on Sep :
tombor 11 , will rontlnuo until 'Ved
nesday afternoon. 'Septembor 12 , amI
durinthlt / tlmo the merchants wl\1 \
form , what It Iii bolloved wll1 1.10 ono
of the stroftge-st aV60clntotle ! of reto.ll
morchanta in the United { ntes.
The Hose Shoo , FIlh ! nnll Gnm
club of 'fablo Hock hss Ictlacd thu
I Horse Shoo I.alle north of town nnl1
will widen. enl deepen It , and oonnoct.
t'ho two ends of It with a cannl. This
will bo stocltcd wltrfish and will be
marle a fil3hln ! ; and outdoor rosort.
Donjamln Clemmer , who wna recently -
cently sent to the Insane osylum from
Boatrlce , Illerl there , agel ! 73 yenrs.
"ho remains were 11rought to Doat.
rico for hurlnl. The deceased lea\09
no family , his wife having dIed BOV.
eral years ngo from In3urles recolTed
In a gasollno oxpl0910n.
. - - - -
- , . - . . . .
. . ' . . . . . . . . . . . " . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . , . . . , . _ _ _ . . . ' . . . - " " ; .
" " ' - " . 0' . . _ , .Ao.-- . ti. .
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. .
Where PaulO. Stensland , the Ful ! ) tlvo Chicago Banker , Was Captul'ed. I
Republicans and Democrats Join In
Reception to Noted Man and
His F&1mlly.
Lincoln , Neb-Wllllam Jennings
Oryan returned Wednesl1a ) ' evening to
his Lincoln home , anl1 the "home
folks" welcomed him wIth every evl.
110nco qf approval anl1 satisfaction.
It was a neighborly welcome ,
planned as ! Hlch , nUll carrlel1 out In
its ontlrely with that understanl1lng.
Lincoln hils more Republicans than
Democrat : : ! . and Mr. Bryan has 'In ' the
past good.humoredly expressol1 the
belief that It would be 0. task to re.
form the cIty polltlcallr , but there
was no IIno of partisan divIsIon , and
tile welcome extended to bolll Mr. anl1
1\Irs. Br 'an wa : : IJlncero nnd open.
Everybody ahowcd good nature ; uo-
body w\uteJ ! to quanel about politics ,
and nearly the whole pOlJUlation
Rhowed that it was genuinely glad
that so well.lmown a man as 1\11' . Bry.
an lived 1.Iere.
It Is doubtful whether Lincoln ever
held a larger crowl1. The weather ,
barring the heat. was as nearly perfect -
fect ns it could 1.10 ; It was a half
holllla ) ' In the cIty , and every train
from over the state arrIved 10al1ed
down , bringing not enl ) ' Nobrnska
peOIJlo , but many from nearby states.
' 1'ho city was handsomely decorated
for the homecoming , the fronts of I
business houses being a mass of fiags II
and bunting , while in the residence
111strlcts : lthornllhs , of Mr. Br'un In
the windows , together with the na.
tlonal colors , were verywhere seen.
'rho nonpartisan nature of the recep.
tlon was emllhaslzed In every wa ) '
Following 1\11' . Bryan's apecch the
fOl'1nal reception took 111aco In the I
corrIdors of the < ; apltol , In which Mr.
Dr'nn shook hands with the thousands
who ! J lsel1 before hIm.
Editor Rosewater De&1d.
Omaha , Neb.-El1warl1 nosewater ,
prolrlotor anl1 odltor of the Omaha
nee. and prominently Identified . . . .Ith
th polltlca ! , financIal and business at.
fall'R ot Omaha anl1 the state of No.
bl'llalm for 40 ) 'ears. was found dead
In distrIct courtroom No. G , on the
third fioor of the Boo building , enrl ) '
} ) rll1a } ' . Ir. nosownter had evldenU ) '
sat 110wn on a ! Jench In the courtroom ,
had fallen asleep , and died ot heart
Fight Goes to Gans.
Goll1fiell1 , Nov.-Battling Nelson do.
IIboratel ) . touled Joe Gans In the for.
ty.second 1'0unl1 ot the best and long.
est fiht Been In many ) 'ears. noth
men were tlrel1 when the llght cnded"
but Gans wns a1J renUy the atronger.
He was Clway altead on 1101nts. and
ho.d smashed and cut Nelson al1
through th fight wIthout beIng badly
hurt himself.
Pioneer Lumbert11&1n Dead.
Cleveland , O.-Gcorge W. Paclt ,
ono of the ploneol'1l In' the hun.
bor tral10 ot the northwest and for.
merly a rosldent ot thla city , le < 1
Friday at his summer homo at South.
ampton , L. I.
Galvage Work 'On Manchuria.
JIonolulu.-CI\IJt. Metcalf , who Is
su ol'vlslng the salvage work on tho'
steamer MancllUl'la. oxpecta to ! Jo
ready on 80ltomber ! 10 for o.n attempt
to 1'1\111 the vessel from the rcet at
Rahblt 11311\nd.
Fatal Affray In Tennessee.
Alhan ) ' , I\--Ono : denl1 , { mother fa.
tl\lly wounded aull two serIously In.
Jured Is the ' result ot a shootln ! ; aflmy
In Plcltett. . county , 'l'enneaseo. The
. .hootln , It Is said , was the result of
0. mlstal\O.
. .
Declares It Best for Workingman In
Speech at Detroit.
Dotrolt , Mlch.-Whon William Jen.
nlnss Bryan arrlvod with his party ot
about 100 In Detroit. at noon Monday ,
over the Grand Trunlt. he passed to
hIs carrlago through a cheerIng , ap.
plaudlng crowd.
At. the fall' grounda a large crowd
grcoted the Nebraskan's approach
with applause and cheers. ,
After l1eclarlng that ho was glad ot
the opportunity to takc part In the ex.
erclseD of the dll ) ' 110dlcated W the In
terests of those who formed so impor.
tant a part In 0.11 aflalrs of the coun.
try Bl'yan said :
"I believe In the elgM hour da ) ' , and
this in why : I believe that the labor ,
Ing man Is justl . ontltlel1 to it and
that aoclety at large would be better
If he had It. You cannot separate a
man fmm aoclety-you cannot deal
with the quostlon as one purely of
cl ss. No line should be drawn between -
tween the bo ) ' anl1 his aspirations.
Those who say the laboring man ,
would waste his time If allowed fewer
hours argue no more soundly than
all old colorel1 man I met In Alabama.
In reply to my question , why he dldn't
learn to write , ho said : 'Oh , I knew
a fellow once who learend to write.
lie forged a note and wns sent to the
penitentiary , so I never learned. ' ' '
Slnlo ! ) Bandit Makes Passengers Dls.
gorge Their Wealth.
Wawona. Cal.-Thrco miles from
Ahwahnee a Yosemite stage was held
up Monday afternoon. It was drIven
! Jy BrIght GllIesplo. who took Presl.
dent noosoveIt and his party through
the park on theIr visIt here three
yeal's ago. .
The robber appearol1 at a benl1 In
the road anl1 told the driver to como
on up. The drlvor l1rove until he was
within a tow feet of the robber. then
stopped. The robber orderel1 the
passengera out. The driver was toll1
to l0 ; on lIome [ j0 feet more.
The bandIt lined the passengers up
In the road. Wertomor Bishop of
New York was the nrst aearchel1 and
$7.50 talton from hIm. Mr. Dlshop
snapped the robber's pIcture. Ho says
the robbor's voice was very low and
To Enforce Pure Food Law.
Wl1lJhlngton.-Ae the result of the
now pure food la which goes Into
eflect Janunrr 1 next , the l1epartment I
of agrIculture Is makIng preparations
1')1' the Increased labor anl1qulpment !
invol\'ed in Ita enforcement. The
working forces nnd the o.ppllancos of
the laboratorIes at Phlla elphla. ChI.
cage , Daltlmoro and New Orleans will
bo largel ) ' Increased. whllo o.t the ports
of New York and Boston there will be
erectOll new laboratories In which to
conduct the necesDary examillations
of all food products comIng Into thl ! !
Johnlon for Running Mate.
Mlnnenpolls , Minn.-Not enl ) ' was
Gov. John A. Johw30n ronomlnatel1
for the omce . . .hlch ho Is now holdIng
on the Dcmocl'ntlc ticket at the state
Domocratlc convention hold in thIs
city Tuesl1nr , but 110 wns also apokea
of aa thYJ logical running mate for
Wl1\lam \ Jonnlngs Dryan on the nation. .
0.1 ticket In 1D08.
Davidson Ahead In Willconiin.
Ullwltuke&-Scatterlng returns f om
the primary oleo < < lol\s throu.sllOut the
stnte Indlcnte the nomInation of Gov.
Jamcs O. DavIdson , ltepubIlcan , for
govornor. Aylward , bomocratlc tor
governor , aeoms to bo leadIng Merten.
Take Dlal'lle for Mln'c Death.
St. Petorsburg.-Tha central
mltteo of the social rovolutlonlsts Is.
sued a proclamation atattn ! : Gon. Mln ,
former commander ot the Semillovaky
roglmont was kllloll b ' order of the
northern 1I'ln ; section of the part ) . .
. .
- - -
. . .
_ , : a\ \ J& ;
State's Attorney Ollen Fell ws Fugl.
tlve Throuoh Europe and Finally
Makes Him Prisoner.
Tanglor , Morocco.-Paul O. stens.
lan ( } , preslent of the Mllwnukeo
Avenue Stnto bank of Chlca o , was
o.rrosted here Monday morning by
Henry Olson , assistant atato'a attor.
noy , who had followed the fugitive
from Chlengo through England and
Spain to Gibraltar an ( } thla port.
A tOlegram nddresserl to Stensland
1.1) ' his aon announcing an Important
remlttanco and which was nddreslcd !
to GIbraltar or ' 1'anglor , put justice on
the traclt.
Olson who was In Paris on vacation ,
was at once Instructed to follow up
the cle'w and arrest the rugltlvo. On. .
his arrIval at Tangier ho was con.
vlncod thnt ho was on the right track , .
aa Stensland had presented hImself.
at several banlts and trle ( } to get let. :
tors of credit for largo sums. Ho had
actually erfectel1 a l1eposlt of $12,000
In the Comptolr d'Escompte.
Washlngton.-It Is now aal ( } at
the atate l1epartment that there
probably will 1.10 no difficulty In fetch.
Ing Stenslaud away from Morocco Oft
any merchant vessel , provIding the
ship does not touch at a French port.
There Is no provisIon In the exlal-
Ing oxtradltlon treaty between Amerl.
ca and Franco for the surrender ot
persons guilty of embezzlemont. the
technical offense charge ( } agaInst
Stenslo.n ( } .
If Stenalanl1 , therefore , got In the
French jurisdiction ho might through
counsel secure Intervention by the au.
thorltles , and it Is BuggOste the
French officials might feel oblled ! to
move in the matter on Its own account
to os cape lIablllt ) ' for a civll Bult tor
damages whIch mIght be brought on
the ground of l11egallmprisonment on
French torrltory.
No such dIfficulty would bo met if
the fugitive were brought Into GIl ,
raUar or to a Spanlah or Portuguese
port , because their extradItion treaties
would permit of his surrender to
AmerIcan authorltlea.
Great Assembla"ge of American War
Vessels at Oyster Bay.
Oyster Bay , N. Y.-On the waters
of Long. Ialand aound , withIn view ot
Sagamoro HI1\ \ , the presIdent of thE
UnIted States revIewed Monday thl !
greatest fleet ot American warshlp
ever assembled.
There was a ship of war tor every
stat , 45 In ali , ranging In alze from
.the magnlficont 16,000.ton Loulslanll ,
just completed , to the fieet little tor.
pedo boat and the submarInes and In. I '
cludlng ono troop shIp and colliers.
As the Mayflower dropped her an.
chor at the head of the fleet on the ,
completion of the rovlow the presl.
dent descended from the brIdge , his
face wreathed in smiles , and enthpsl.
aDtlcalIy throwing hIs arms around
the shoulders of a group of senators
and representatives exclaimed :
"Any man wbo falls to bo pat.rloUc-
ally Inspired by such a sight as thIs I ,
a mighty poor AmerIcan , and every
American who has aeon it ought to
bo a bettor Amerlcnn Cor It. "
"And you , gentlemen : ' ho said , at ! .
dressIng the naval committee. "are
respon'slblo for it. It Is your handl.
work and It has all been 110ne withIn
the past ten years , Everyone of these
ships Is a fighter nnd really to go inte :
action at a momont's notice. Asaln
) ' , ou have shown your wIsdom In the
appropriations for the target practice ,
for there Is where the AmerIcan navy
oxcels. Our mon can shoot and shoot
straight , and therein lies our naval
strength and our auperiorlty. "
Kansas Attorney General to " , etermlno
If State Laws Are Violated.
Topeka , Ian.-Investlgatlons of the
Internatlono.l Harvester company
have been instituted by C. C. Coleman ,
! tttorney general of Kansas , to deter.
mIne whether the concern Is operating
In violation of the atate Attorney GeJlernl Coleman stat.
ed that In the 111strlct ctmrts of Reno
ami Shawnee counties all of the im.
plement dealers In Topeka and Hutck.
Inson would bo subpoenaed to appear
before DistrIct JUdges Dana and
Galle anl1 tell what tllCY ! mew about
the operations of the company. The
company has storage heuses for Ita
Implements at Topeka , Hutchinson ,
Wichita anl1 Salina , and It was decided
to begin with the InvestlgaUon at two
of theEo points. The examinations
are to bo In aocret. Applications tor
sUbpoenas prepared by the attorney
general allege that "aecret arrange. .
monts anl1 agreements exist bel'Ween
dealers in various IInos. " The appll.
caNon apeclfics thQ.t all contracta en.
tored Into between any of the dealers
o.nd the International Harvester company -
pany for tb.o years lD04. . 1DQ5 and 1900
bo brought Into court.
, .
Earthquake In HawaII.
Honolulu.-Two oaUhqua\o ahoeks
are roportcl1 from Hrfo , the Island of
HawaII. , Artor oue of the slaocktJ hun-
: ll'eds of l1ead fish were thrown upon
the bCflches. Appar ntly they had
been scall1ed to lie 11th.
Prominent Jeweler Dead.
Minneapolis , l\lInn.-Georgo G. Gage ,
one of the most prominent jewelers
nd wateh.makors of the city Is doad.
Ho was a bachelor , anl1 the only 1mo\V1t
relatlvo Is his sister , Mrs. C. S. Rob.
erts , of Dovt\Y. N. II.
_ .
. ,
However , Nothing of a Satisfactory
Character Hao Been Accompllshed-
Talk of Putting Vice President Ca.
pete In Place of Palma. .
HAVANA-While the peace projects
have caused a generai suapenslon of
revolutionary operations , no nppr.c < : lo. .
blo progress toward anything lIIto a
satlsfllctory understanding has been
mal1o. The IIbol'lll leaders Insist that
It Is unju1t : to regard them aa Insur. i
genls and assert that the ) ' are merely ,
seolllng peace. But they declare that
not only must the terms bo better
than heretofore talked of , but that
there muot bo some gun.ranty that the
condltlonR wIbo \ ) carrIed out. ,
General Monoenl wan busy through.
out the day holding conferences. Ho
sall1 h has no reo.son to be disappoint.
od with the progress of the negotln.- '
lions and thn.t the seml.officlal suspen. . . '
elan of hostilities whIch began 'fhursJ .
day In Santa Clara and Havano. provo J
inces would bo extenl1ed to Pinal' l1el
Rio , givIng Its veterans a chance to
'push negotiations for peace.
The l1emands which come from the
Insurgents include tlw restol'lltlon of deserters -
sorters from the rural guards to theIr
formoer positions , the reInstatement 01
liberals who last year were deposed
from munlcl.IJal offices , the retention of
arms by the Insurgents and other
equally radical propositions. The lib.
orals have not yet cllnqulshed the
hope that they may be able to force
the resignation of President Palma
and al1 of the hIgh government offi.
clals. The auccosslon of Vice Pr.esl. .
dent Mendez Capote to the presll1ency
la also dIscussed. The liberals seem .
to think they could reach an under. J
standing wIth him. There Is nothing
to Indicate that Menl10z Capo to is a f
party to thIs project. . '
The talle concornlng Vlco President
Mende Capolc has been perslstont.
ConCllltrnlng it General Menocal saId :
"We have not got that far , but things
are going satisfactorily. -
"The liberals' wish for peace Is the
same as ours , so we are all hO.IJerul of
accomplishing It. But wo have not yet
talOn UJ details. "
Packers Will Label Their Meat Cans ' -
After October 1.
WASHINGTON - Arter numerous
conferences between Socr.etary . 'Wllson ,
Dr. Melvin , chief of the bureau of an.
Imal Industry , and about forty repre.
sentatives of the various meat ImcK.
houe.e.s the problems which have
'arIsen ever the question of labels
whIch , under the law , must bo put upon
meat products , have been settled to
the satisfaction of al1 concerned. At
the 'concl\18lon of the conference the
packers announcel1 that they at once
wou\ \ ( } prepare the labels br ; October
1 , when the law goes Into effect.
Throughout the discussIon Secretat'Y
W11son stood for labels whIch would
state exactly what the package con.
talned , and thIs the paclccrs final1y
have acceptel1. although by way of
compromise the secretary did not In.
slst upon the percentage of different
meats contained In any ennue ( } article
put out under one name.
Root In Valparaiso. )
V ALPARAIS0-Ellhu Root , seCl'e. ,
taar ; . ' of state of the United S'tatos ,
o.nd hIs tamlly , accompanIed by Senor
Huneus , the Chilean mlnlstcl' of for.
elgn nflalrs , anll 1\11' . Hlclts , ! ho Amer.
ican minIster to Chllo/arl.lled here by
special train Tuesday afl. ) rnOOI1. Tak.
Ing .electric . n.rfi the 1) uti II\s5ed :
through th Amenl1ral : lli.trlt.'hl : : h
was devastated by the recent earth.
, .
oJ ,
Steamer Nelson MillE : Sinks.
DETROIT-The Western liner 1\(1)- )
waukoe collided with the steamer Nelson -
son 1\II1\s \ In the St. rIver a short
dlatance below St. Clair Thursday.
The Ml1\s \ plunged to the bottom at
onco. James Barber of Port San lIas , ,
wheolsman on the 1\1 1\1 \ s , and Mrs. T.
J. Moore , wlfo of the engineer on the
Ml\1s \ , were drownel1. A second wheels-
man on the Ml1\s \ Is reported mIssing.
Captain I ranlt Osborno of the Milwau.
keo saId the Ml\1s \ tried to cross his
bow without due wo.rnlng and the col.
lIslon was Inovltabl .
'ro Execute Revolutionists.
W ARSAVMuch excltemont has
been ca.used hero by the announcement -
ment In newspaper extras that an or.
der had been given to oxeeuto rovolu.
tlonlats who might 1.10 caught red.
Attempt to Polson Cattle.
STURGIS S. D.-An attempt was
mal1cl by unidentified parties reeenUy
to polson a bunch of cattle bOlonglng
to Goorg u.Farland , a 1\Ieo.d county
farmet' , by placing a trough contaIning
swt and stt''chnttKJ In the fiold.
Tl't'td. With Cuba Grows.
W ASlnNGTON-A rep.rt lasuod by
the department of commerce and labor
says commerce of tlle United Stntos
with Cuba during the nslOnl year juat
endoe < l was greater than In any ealrller
year of the trade relations between
the United Statea and that. Island.
This Is particularly true of exports.
The Imports from the Isll1nd foil > > lIght.
ly below thos ot 1905 , due to the ro.ll
In the prlco of sugar , but. the exports
to the Island wore % 6 ! lor cent greater
than In 1905 , 75 per cent grenter tban
( n 1904.
_ J