Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 30, 1906, Image 5

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" ft . . . . " " ' . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . _ . " ) . . . , ' . . , . . I - = - = . _ ' . . . . . , . . . . " ' - . . . .
The Days Crow Shorte r ; Nilhts lonler I
'his Betokeneth the Coming of ' \ VintryVinels , Corn
Pickin' , Pumpkin Pies - - - , : Mush and l\lilk \ and the
, r Halcyon : Days of the Coal Dealers. ,
- - - - - - -
Services at the Presbyterian I
church Sunday , Sept. 2nd , at 111
. a. m. and 8 p. m. '
Prof. J M. cott , of Sargent ,
w'as a city visitur Monday. He
reports Cl' pS fine in his his lo-
'Warren A. Barrell , of the Middle -
dle oup was tramacting busi-
ncss with the U. S. land office
Mrs. E. D. George , of Boston"
arrived in the city last week and
will' visit for a couple of months
with her daughtcr , Mrs. W. A.
Major C. S Ellison , of Ansley ,
, , _ was transa ting lmsiness with
" " - , . . .
" "
- the county Judgq Monday. Hc
\ filcd the wilt of 1'hos. Blowcrs ,
of Ansley , . who dicd last week.
Rev. A. M. Levack will leave
tomorrow for a two week's visit
in Iowa , with the view of locating -
ing as pastor , having resigned
his pastorate at this place.
Mrs. P. A. 'Valton was taken
ill last Saturday'and that evening -
ing her condition was quite
tious. Mondav and 'l'uesday
.be impruvcd c nsiderably , but
was not so wcll ycsterday.
The railroad will sell hckets I
at a reduced rate on account of
the uigo'lster County Fair and
all p senger trains will stop at
th fair grounds , to take on passengers -
sengers and allow them to get off.
One of the best games of basc-
ball in Brokcn Bow this season
will occur' at 3:30 : Saturday aft r-
noon between the home team and
Sheridan , Wyoming , which is
rated as one of tJte best west of
the Mississippi.
Thos. Blowers , one of the early
pione rs of Westervi11e , died at
, Ansley last week. Mr. Blowers
h is tbe fatherof Mrs. 1. A. Reneau ,
. of , ' this city. 'l'he RnruuLlcAN
) xtends sympathy to Mrs. Reneau
J In her great bereavement.
'Major Ellison , of Ansley , who
was in the city Monday informs
us that he recently returned from
Colorado where he visited his
daughter , Mrs. W. A. Beardand
family , who were formerly residents -
dents of Algernon township.
Rev. J. H. Teagarden reached
. K. . . home Mondav from a recreation
trip to DeO\'er and vicinity and
left 'l'ucs ay for Sutton where
Mrs. T. , and the child have visited -
ed during his absence from home.
'l', , will return herc iu :1. few
da s. .
If there was anyone place in
Broken Bow a cross walk wa"
needed that place was bctween I
the corners occupied by the I
Sccurity and Broken Bow State :
banl s and no\v the need lras been :
II " supplied with a cement crossing
. l' to the gratific tion of the ladi's
Miss Eva Cadwell will leave
tomorrow for Chicago where she
will take a course in vocal and
instrumental music the ensuing
) 'ear. As a token of esteem in
wnich she is held a gold bracelet
I was presented her last night by
friends and co-workers in the
Baptist church.
We note from the Sargent
Lea er Ihat W. P. Higgins has
moved to Lincoln to secure better
educational advantages for his
family. Mr. Iliggins is one of
Custer county's most highly re-
I spected citizens and the RItruu-
\ LYCAN regrets that . he has moved
i from the county.
: A. E. Anderson , J. G. VanCott ,
Pa.t Stevenson and Dr. W. E.
r Talbot , accompanied b.r their
wives , leave next Monday for.
. TIal ey where they will sp nd a
, \ : . . week hunting prairie chi kens
and ducks. It is expected that
. ' some friends of Dr. 'l'albot , from
I Kansas City , will join the party
t at lIalsey.
Only four weeks till the big
Cust r count" fair-the only fair
in Nebrask where your horse
and buggy go in free of charge ;
the only fair in the state which
givcs you free : tent in which to
sleep , cook and eat , so that you
can brlng your family and sce
the big show froUl start to finish
at very little expense. Three or
four days recreation from farm
duties will do you good and bring
back that rosv hue to the checks
of your good 'wife who has b"11
toiling with you , side by side for
many years , and had no rest.
And then , too , you'll be happy
to see how happy she and the
dIildren will be when you tell
r' 1. 'em to get ready to come and
stay three days.
> . , .
Yi 't . . . . . . I
. . " : , ' .
--\.t \ '
I .
" . , -
Henry KeJley , of Anselmo , was
a city visitor Monday.
S. VanBuskirk , of Merna , was
transacting business in the city
Miss Florence" daughter of
Nort Amsbcrfj' , of Ansley , spent
Saturda ) ' and Sundav visiting in
the city. She returned home
Monday. - . .
Mr. J , H. Cool , of the West
Table , was in the city 'l'ueMay.
His daughter , Silvia , is at the
hospital at this place for mcdical
Messrs. Konkel & Mu1F ns are
getting their already large stock
of furniture moved and ill shape
so that another car load , wliich
will arrive next week , can be
accomodated with floor space.
Jas. A. Owens , of Ocontl , was
in the city Tuesday , trying to
rent a house. Not being able to
find a vacant house in the city hc
decided to buy a lot and build.
'l'he people of li'leming va 1ey
held a social and supper on Ii'ri-
day evening , August 17 , at the
home of W al ter 1\i : nd ree. 'l'he
proceeds were given to the pastor
in appreciation of his services.
Everybody had a good time.
I Herb Watts was so tickled and
had so much business to attend
to last week he failed to imform
the RUPUIII.ICAN in time for
publication that a little lady
arrived at his home the previous
f40rcl'S day. If there ever was a I
happy papa , it's Herb.
And still the hunt for houses
to rent g-oes tllerril ) ' on in Broken
Bow aad none of the hunters
seem to be successful in finding.
Hent houscs bring a good price
hcre-better than money at 10
per cent. Why don't those who
have money to let at 10 per ccnt
and less build houses ? 'rhat's
the conundrum.
John Rockhold , the afTabll ,
popular and efficient pharmacist
at the Baisch d rug sture the pasl
six months , left Monday for Ord
-his home-where he will occupy
a similar position. During his
sojourn he made many frienUs :
who wish hU11 an abundance of
success-in large bunches.
Willis Cadwell left for LaSa11e
county , r:1inois. : last li'riday
mornin ' on receipt of a teiegram
announcing the death of his
mother the previous evening.
lIe returnell here the morning of
the day of her d .ath from her
bedsidt" thinking , whcn he left
there two days previous , that the
chances for recovery were
Next Monday-Septemher 3rd
-is T4abor Day , obsen'cd generally -
erally in the cities throughout
the United States and as Broken
Bow is one of t be ci tics on the
n ap of Nebraska , the day will be
observed here to a certain extent.
The banks will not be O ( en for
business and there will be a basc.
ball game in the affernoon , beginning -
ginning at 3 o'clock.
J. W. Clay was called to Ans-
ley Sunday morning on account
of the serious illness of h is sister ,
Mrs. Emma Willis. , She \vas
takcn sick Friday of last week
and died Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock. An operation for appendicitis -
pendicitis was performed on her
Sunday morning but it was dis-
co\'ered that was not.the calise of
her sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Clay
went to Anslcy Tuesday to attend -
tend the funcral which was I.chl
that afternoon.
Nobody knows the money it
takcs to l < cep the home together ;
no bed v knowns of the debt
it ma"kes , nobody Imows.-but
father. Nobody thinIs from
whence the money will come to
pay the bills that gather ; nouody
fcels so blue and glum , nohody-
else-but father. Nobodv tries
so hard to lay up something for
bad weather , and runs behind ,
do what he may , nobody-only
It was currcntly reported that
the llrolel1 Bow schools would
begin the fall term on Septembcr
3rd and the RIWUIII.ICAN last
week made an announcement
to that cfTect. It was an error.
however. the school hoard inform
i us , as t hey will not begi nun til
Moml'ay , September 10th. It
behooves every pupil to be present
the first day. enroll and be
assigned to the proper classcs.
: Much of the success to bc at-
I taincd during the school year
depends upon this apparently
insignificant procedure.
. .
_ . , . _ , r- - - " . . _
James Whitehead , who recent-
1) ' retured from a visit to his farm
in the southwest part of the
county , reports that he never has
seen .finer prospects for corn since
residing in the county.
Perhaps all the improvements
needed it ! Brolen Bow will not
be made this ) 'ear , hut the good
work IS being constantl ) ' carried
on and the ma'or and council arc
to be commendcd f r their good
Undertaker IIarr , ) ' Kim ball
was called to Blaine county last
( "riday to prepare the body of
Mrs. Lulu Austin to be taken to
Clnrh Nebraska her former
: , , i
home , for burial. Blood poison I
was the cause of death.
J. C. Bowen , the North Side
grocer , addresses I IU'UULICAN
readers this week on th ever
absorbing topic of Flour-on the
first page-and then pronounces
the pure old cider vinegar benediction -
diction after singing a machine
oil doxology.
I . R. Huxtab1e has located a
sections homestead about seven I
miles northeast of Halse ) ' , on
which he tiled. papers yesterda } ' .
lIe says fully half ot it is fine
hay land and none of it so rongh
but what it can be mowed over.
All who want to buy hogs at
auction should he on the fair
grounds on l.'rida ) " , Sept 28th ,
at which time B. J. 'l'ierney , of
Ansley , will sell to the highest
bidders , 25 boar and 15 sow pigs
of last March and April farrow ,
all eligible to record.
Next Saturday the law is ofTen
on small same and the sportsmen
can go forth with impu111ty-shot
gun and cork screw-and shoot
the festive prairie hen in her lair
- the neck ! or .wing or any
place that SUlts hun best-and
return to the city in the light of
day and proudl v display the
scalps he has taken on the field
of battle.
The owner of the trotting
ostrich advises the management
of the Custer county fair that the
bird which will appear here is
performing three days each weeI {
to the wonderment of large
crowds of people , is in fine form ,
enjoying goo health and anxiously -
iously counting the days until he
comes to j'roke : ] Bow to show our
people some speed. His dates
bere are September 27 and 28.
A game of baseball will .be
played next Monday' aftcrnoon-
Labor Daj'-beginning at 3
o'clock , between the Broken Bow
Sluggers arid the Second Nine.
These same aggregations played
011 the 4th of July and those witnessing -
nessing the contest had more fun I
than at any game played on the
BroIen Bow grounds this scason.
The admission is only 10 cents ,
for the purpose of defraying
expcnses of balls. bats , etc.
Alpha Morgan , who was , last
week , elected a memher of the
Republican State central committee -
mittee , at Lincoln , of the Fifteenth -
teenth senatorial district , to succeed -
ceed P. A. Walton , whose term
expired , went to Lincoln Tuesday
to attend the lirst meeting of the
committee. By a vote of the
state convention the state candidates -
dates were authorized to choose
the chairman and secretary of
the central committee.
Hotel Reneau , after being re- I
modelcd and lthoroug hI ) ' renovate -
vate , is , now open for guests.
undcr the direction of Col. John
H. IszaCl , recentl.r of the New
Commercial. The Reneau is
more roomy and better arranged
for the purpose than one would
suppose from a merely exterior
view. 'l'he dinning room is
I .
capacious and comfortable with.
plenty of light and the thirty
sleepl11g apartments are all
large , airy and nicely furnished.
'l'here arc \vash rooms and closets ,
with bath rooms on both first and
second floors and the Reneau is
so neat al1J cozy that it will
f > urely become a popular ho'telr ! ) '
in a vcry short timc under thc
g-uida11le of its popular' and
afTable landlord.
It is reported that Fred Baisch
intends to get married. J nter-
vlcwed in reg-ard threto Fred says
it is true. 'l'hat he knows lifty
handsomc , intelligcnt and ac-
complishc.d young ladies in Bro-
Ien Bow and there's about four
dozen of 'em hc would liJe to
wed , hut as the law prohibits
more than one wife it will probably -
ably take four or five years to
decide which one he wants and
then-whtn he " the
"pops CJues-
tion"--she refuse
may and he
will have to commence again and
four or I've .rears more mavelapse
bcfore the event will be'consu -
mated. Yes , he intends to get
married-if he don''t die of old
age before he finds some lady
who will consent to become
. " to _ . _ _ .
' " , r .
O"nll Concert.
'l'herc will he a bnnd concert in
I the park tomorrow (11'ridu ) ' )
night. No concert was given
last week and as the bo's havc
bl'cn rehcarsing some ncw music ,
something good may be expected.
No More Rl\ilrol\d PAue. .
Yesterda.r a general order went
forth from the managenient of
railroads to the officers to sslte
no more passes. The inter-
nation law docs not prohibit the
railroads from grauting' free
.transportation until Jauuarr 1st ,
1907 , but as railroads believ'e it a
good thing for lhem they hav
accepted the situation and ordered -
ed 110 more passes issued afler
August 29 , except to railroad cm-
plo'ees and their families.
Didn't Go.
'l'hc Brolen Bow baseball club
intcnded to participate in the
tournament at Arcadia this wcek ,
but some of thc plcvers were uu-
able to hreak away"from hminess
associations and lej' did nol go.
M. B. A. Elect Delegl\te. .
At the regular mcet1l1g of the I
M. B. A. lodge of this city lat
Friday night the followingdcle -
gates were elected to the District
convention , which will be held in
Broken Bow September 19 , 190 ( , :
M. D. Callen , 14. A. Wells , Eva
Amsberry , Joe Pigman ald I ) . M.
'rhe committee that had i.1
charge arrang-emeuts for the Dis.
trict convention reportel ! that
their plans were rapidly uearing
completiou aud that a good timc
could be safel ) ' anticipated.
- .
- - -
x m M
w x
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tl
Drs. Farnsworth & lleck-
li'urnished rooms to rent. Bath
in connection. Enquire at the
RIU'UUl.lCAN office. 44tf I
- - -
- - - - - -
FOI { SAl.U OR 'l'RAI > -A g-ood
steam , Casc threshing machinc ,
complete and ready for use.
Will trade for stock or sell on
reasonable terms. Inquire at
this onice. tf
No hunting on my premises
without pmnission.
. .E.vcry attention and courtesy
will be extended to all Custer
county pupils who attend Grand
Island College. 11-12
Granel Island College is close
to hollte ; tuition is only $27 per
year and there will be a good
dclegation of Custer county
pupils there. J. G. W. T4HWIS.
NO'I'ICU ' 1'0 HUN'rIms.-Do not
hunt on my premises se 2 twp HI ,
range 21 , 3 miles southwest of
BrolCl1 Bow , without permission.
J. W. Cr.AY.
Fait SAT.It-Eleven and half
lots , 50xHO feet. Good frame
house , good barn , good we11 and
100 bearing fruit trees. I nquire
at this office. 17tf
Defore buying your lumber let
us estimate your bills. We have
in stock material for allldnds of
frame bUildings. Also good
threshing coal at reduced prices.
Dpuns LU\lIlIm ; & COAl. CO. ,
Bcrwyn , Nebraska.
For bargains in real estate se
Bowman . & Anderson , just west I
of the Security State Bank. 10tf I
Grand Island College does as
good work as any other school
in the slate. Ask about it.
11-12 J. G. W. LIt\VIs.
When you want to send money
away , go to the roken Dow State
Bank and buy a Bank ordcr.
They are cheaper and more convenient -
venient than postal orders or
express orderg. t f
- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - -
W AN'l'ND-Mcn , women , hoys
and girls to represcnt McClure's
Mat.'azine : nooll pay. Adllrcss
( .7 l ! ast 2 M St. . N. Y. City. 3.I-tf.
. - - - . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr. ' 1' . W. Bas , dentist. Oflice
over "t\lcColllas' drug. store.
Phone 1 % .
- - - . . . .
- -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
Doctor 14each , Dentist.
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
We have in stock all kind of
screen doors and windows , the
best in the city - , call and inspect
them. 41Jtl'
DutHKS T-4U . IIII H & COAl. CO. .
- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
W AN'J'ItIGetitleman or lady
with good reference , to travel by
rail or with a rig. for a firm
of $550,000.00 capital. Salary
* 1,072.00 pa year and expcnscs ;
salary pail ( weekl ) ' and expcnscs
advanced. Address , with stamp.
Jos. A. Alexander , Broken Bow.
R. B. Mullins , M. D. , D. D.
S. the Dentist. 37tf
" ' _ _ _ i _ : ' - : - . II ,
Hotel I-tenea'u
. . .
\Vill be open us soon us the numerous improvements
ure completed. .
FI"EE SAMrIJI IlOOMS , Etc. \ . _
J. E. ISZARD , Prop'r.
- -
New and Second Hand Furniture ,
Flour and . Feed . Store ,
\Ve wish to notify om' many enstomers that we
. have ndded to our stock ol ! llllrclware all kinds of
Nails , Staple and. Smooth , Wire.
\Ve also have l\ason [ Oity and ICcal'ney Hour ,
the best that can be had in the state.
\Ve nl wnys have plenty or. feed and baled hay.
Gels ( delivercd tree to any part of the city.
\ \ e repair fU1'lliture Hnd frame pictures.
Jill "VV. SCcrr. .
- - - - -
. .
: . . ' . , . - . - . . . . . .
L. E. COLE ,
licensed Embalmer '
. and Funeral irector
hns just rccei yed a larg'e stock of undertaking
goods.rl.'his is one of the most complete stocks
of unde .taking goods ever brought to Broken
B w.rl.'hey nre located in the Cadwell building
011 Ifourth avenue. '
Pm'ties wishing anything in this
line fire req lwsted to call and
inspnct goods and get prices.
lPor first-clnss work in undertaking -
, taking or embalming call and
see me 01' pJlOne.
Phone Numbers : OfHce , , 7 7 ; Hesidence , . 3 2 2.
. . . . . . . .
. , . . . '
' " ' , "
_ _ . t : . . " .
' RDV .
' 4ight miles west of Broken Bow.
- -
. .
, . - - , - , . . . . . . , - . . . - - . , , . . . . . . . . . - . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .
I" I tel " ' , . . , ' . " ' .r . . . . " ' : : . " . ' . . . . .oa . . , . . . : to " " " ! ( . . / - . " ; " : ! , ! ! UIf - . . . : . ; . . 1' , > , ; . . . . 8tir . ! . " , . " . ' : . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . "r--- . . .8 ; f. . : . ; . . " . " i ; : " > : . " , ) I - . . (1Jt.o.y , . . . . . . . . . : : . . . . : . : . , - ' . , : . . . : . . JOe .m''It.IL" ' /\1" " ; " 10f " : ; . ; : . . . il.f..I : .II"L" " : : . jfu , "n..Le. ; , : ; . , , ; ; i ; .
' . F.I !
! t1'2 ! When desiring to figure on a bill r j
. .
' 1 1. : . 0 f L um b er ca 11. tl Ie. . . . . . . . . . " . 1r 'b . :
" -'t. ' < ' : t.
C. L. 1 Lumber Co.
I . . umer . "
J We carry a ull stock of . T4umber. iiQ . . . , .
; i . ! : ( Sash , Door : ; , Moul < hngs , etc. m
iI\ . p . . .
iIi i Agcnts for the Nebraska Central r. .
! ! Building & LQan Association. l.
l .
' - : t. : . . . " , , ; ' . 1C.1" o . : . , . /.o " , . , . . .lw. : ' , tT' . . : . . . . . . . ' r. , ( , " tIJi'T''t.'I.r'o.rr. ) o.w 'fiio'I . . . " . , . . . : . . - . : . ; . f . , " " ' . : . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ' . . " . . . .Ir-I."l . . . . . . , - ; . ; " . " ' . . . . . . : . . : . , . , ; . ; : ; . . . . : . . tftt. .r 7" . . : . , . ( " . . ) . . Yitrr' : : : " . . .d . : , 'r' . . . : ' . : . ' Mj " t _ ' " . . : ; . , . " . . . . . . ) . .
- _ . . - _ _ _ ' - - _ - 7 - - - - _ . _ _
- . .
If you are looking for the Qnality of
lumbar and 'Building Maleria ;
fot' tlJ ( ' Lca t MonclcluH figure Olt your hil1.
We alwayg try to pleaRe.
80nth Side T4umher Yard , Brok 11 Bow , Neh.
L. - - . IJJ mm'r.r.'r. ! : o1. 2" .
- - . . . . . . _ . .JNrWo-- _ . , . . . . - . . . . . - _ . . _ " ' : ! ' . , . . . . . . . . _ _ _ ! : ' " " - = = .v. . .
. . : ' * , , I ( , l i : i it : , * i , t < * ' ' * 'e' : ; * ; ti ; liit : : ' .e : ; : r.(1 . . ; t:1 : ' = : : foi : : * ' .e ; : ' r ; : ' 1 ' .I.g :
i are dealers in Heal Estate of all kind .
1/1 WE We will buy or sell. Don't fail to see
tiS before you buy or sell. We can do
' yon good. Cell ( ctions made al1l1 insurance - : : ;
ance , written. Farms rented and taxes paid. See ' ' . _
liS for farm loans. Come in and see us. ;