Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 30, 1906, Image 1

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' School ? .
'l'he Nchool buy .ILCN 1I0t alll'I ) ' " reallz. '
the necesHlh' of au cdocatolllhel'arelit ! :
likewise oftcn fall tll ro'allzu the upceR' t
, . "lty of "Iviliu the child the IWCI H\r } ' I
al'tlIauc. . . fir aC < ] 1I1r I II If 01..1. . 'file " ) 'C r. ;
I our lIIalll an'lIu" of lIlrl.lIlulI. D. . . i.
Ij feclh'c , 'Isloll caUNC" IIIl11e chool fall. it :
fi IIres Ihall allY IIthcr Ollt ! thlilir. Olle iol1 .
wllu IIlhrhl plhcr\\'l o b"colII" a I'ower III
the land 11OftCII hrok.'IIIOII'1I 1I11lIlalh' : . .
ph'sl allY alldUnral ! ) ' throuli'h waRto
I IIf uerVOUM elierlfY III def'cllve eye. . . I
r Your chlhlUay Rce well \I.rfectl ) . . hul
lhe olle who RhowM lIorlllal , 'IRlolI a 1111 Il >
00 do.s ! It with defectl..o C'R. ueI. . Irlas ! ! ! ! !
aid IIIl1ch lIIore Ihall hl1 II'ho do.sll'l H" "
11 so well. COIIRtall1 or recurrllll ! ' hea.l. . 5
aches th:11 IIII'dlclIlI' ' ' fall to rell'e. III' '
ablll111 " , , "ly allY lelllCth of tlnte ,
. . averRllln 111 Itrhdll Ihlllt. Irritablllt ) ' ' 01'
IH'n C 1':1 I 11.1 , .1I1 1I" H , ilia ) ' lIIean that ' "
' chll.1 I. . W\11r11l ' ' , '
} 'ullr : \ " 11I11'\0U8 'lIcrIrY
throuilh II..f'CII " , ' c'eq , I lIIalle it SI"'C' t
. lal' ) (1r ( ! JIIIIII ! Iii , . eH's of chlltln'lI alld . '
' ' ' ) 'Ullllltf r 1"01. 1. . : II'na.auteo all accurate
J :1I1'll'r..p. . r l1j\l.lnH'l\l. alld tatH ! care t.
J u/ / all " 1'61 tilllnlil Itl" } ' leach 1tIlturlt ) . , ' 5
M A ndc
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Burlington Bulletin.
August , 1906.
YOII will Ii lid sOllie nllrach\'c eXl lInioll
lotl'S that will illtercst ) ' 1)11.
To NIiHrmr.ANuANIJ < : ANAI\--Daily :
low wllllci trip ratcs to CAliada 111111 011
A\I IIft 8th nlld 221HI to New HllglruHI
rcsortl. .
'fo AN } tIlM ISCO Al'W ' I.o ArWJT.l !
ANII RU'I'IIIN-Only : $51J 00 , diH'ct
rl lltcR , 111I11 $62,50 vin hnsJa Route
mill l'tlget out\I ( , returnillg Northern -
ern l"lcific-lIt1rlill tf)1I lillc vin Billingll ,
A 11 the nttractioll ! ! orthe Wl'Rt incluclt..d
in this rate 01111 routr. Daily , Scpt-
3nl to the 1.lth , illc" lilllit Oct. 31St.
l't Hnr.o-ltor : I'ikc'll'cake el'1elmltion ,
one fare ronnd trip. III X lIIIlIII Iiioo
frolll thc I\1issOIlI1 l'cr , bc ) > t. Ith
to 221HI , illc.
lIm.llismd Rlts' HXCU1SIONs-Pnqucnt :
Iy raeh 1I101lth. nccofl1i to territory.
Ask ) 0111' IIgcnl. Write D. CII'III
DCI1\'er , Agent Burlillgton'l ! HOlllc-
scckers' Iliforll1Ation Bureau nt 100,1
i FornulII t" OIllAhA , abont gettillg
; holll of n free sectioll of Kiukuitl JUIIIJ.
; 'l'hon51111c1s of uen'lI of tU'8C ! lalllIH nrc
! Ileing'ncAh ( I , 1IItwe nssist settlcrs III
] ocntill on thesc lantl8.
i Conlnlt nearest Burlingtoll 'i'iclct
! Agcnt IIhont ] OHiles fnr Snmmcr
! tours ill IIIIY dircctioll ,
! II. I" O U\ISBY.
! . Agcnt C , B , & Q Hy.
! JV , WAI"l\IIt\ ' ,
G. P. A. Olllahll.
. . .
- - - - - - -
I - - - -
- ---0 - - - - - - - I
, i :
I Registered 0.1. C. l-lo s
! '
1 CIIAS. T. WRIGHT , BrokclI , Bow. Neh
- - - - - -
1'i ---.1.- mI. _ W - . . . . .t. . . ---:11
a r.- , I
Press ,
, Drills.
, ' 1\ I have 'just received a car of the celebrat-
' d Sucker State Press Dri lIs. One of the best
: . drills made. In proof of my statement I refer
1" . you to anyone of my customers that T sold
lust year. Owing' to the fact of buying in
large quantities , direct from the factory , 1 can
. save you 25 { > PI' cent on the price of a pl'ess
dlill. I also have the ICing drill , to put
wheat in the cOl'n.
. tce ; mO before you buy.
C S. Martin
L , , . _ _ _
w , _ " , . . ur . . . . . . , . _ _ - " - - \ -"oJ8r. _ ! _ ' -DIII =
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' i = _ = of Sheppard & ; Bnrk's gTocel ie :3
I' - . .
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= = and you will be able to o mOl'e = =
E work so you could carll 11101'C = =
= = money , , to , buy 1110)0 . ) of SllHppal'd : : :
- ) -
: : : : : LX : Jlll' I _ S grocerIes. : : : :
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- . -
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= = Om' goods are always fJ'esh and pure. : : a
- -
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: : : : 1'1I0NI' NU\lJll' , R , SHEPPARD & BURK : : :
. . ONI ' 1'WO t-'I\g
= = . : : : : : :
- . . -
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, " ' . . . . - - . . , , - - - -
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I r , I
$ School Bools
Sc11oo11iegins Soon
We are preparetI with a lar e anti complet ( ' stock of
school hooks and school supplics.
Parents will appreciate the care we ha\'e tatecn to
selec a fu11-valuc assortmcnt of wdting tablet : > anti gcnct. .
al excellcnce of a11 our school goods.
Send Jou.r children to us to be equippcd for thcir new ,
year of learntng.
] . S. & J. F. BAISCH I
: : ! J
. .
- . . -j ; . : : . . , . - ' . . - " . . . . . .
Fai r Week Attractions.
Among the attractions that have bccn 8 -
lured for fair week. to he givcn each cvcning
is the famous ] ' ' ' "Jcf-
on thc square , ( \'illg' dog' , -
fdeB , " which climbs a pcrpclHlicul ? r laddcr ewcr
forty feet high atlll then-from a platf.orm at-
tadirll thereto.leaps into SIItCC : lIullands in a
nct saf and sound. While this act is not
somethingcntirely t1CW unrll'r \ he snn , it is
novcl , thrilling , attractive and always COll1l1Hlnds
he strict attention and fullest appreciation of
everybody , no matter how man ) ' times they have
secn it.w Thc contract has been signed
for this free exhibition and the fair m nagers
can , therdorc , guarantce it cach cvening.
Negotiations arc now. pending' and which
willundon tedly be c1ose within ifew daY5
with a vaudeville com pan ) ' td'e a high-clas
performances-on a plalform"'each e\'cnin ,
consisting of singing. Ilancing' $ peciall \ ' acts.
etc. , the pcrformaucc to hc of from fiftr niinntcs
\0 an hour in duration.
'l'he fair mauag-ers arc also corrc.'spon < 1ing
with three other street attraction managcrs and
will , in an probability , sccure twoof , them.
Added to the foregoing- will h the fun
which the boys and girls create and it wilt be
very nearly as much as one could I'xpect to sce at
a monlCy and parrot fight.
'rhe Arrington Comclly Company , so wel1
and favorably known here , witt occupy thc
Opl'fa house each nightso there is every reason
to believe something' will hc ( loillt : " hoth ( lay and
night in rolcu Bow Septcmbcr 2lth , 27th . and
- .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eight of Origin , , ) Setters ) Still Reside in
the City. I
A t1l0Vet1le 1 t has been started I
here for an elaborate celebration
of the fiftieth an.niversary of the
settlemcnt of Hall county and
I ,
this section of the state in July
of next year and in connection
therewith , to erect and dedicate
an appropriate monumant to the
original colon.r of twenty-five
settlers , to the first selt1 rs of
every township in the county and
the oM soldiers of the county.
'rhe first colonof white settler
came to Ilatl c unty from D.wen-
port , la. , leaving here in May
alld arriving in this section on
July 2 of the same ycar. Stakes.
for the original settlement were
put out on July 5 , the location
being established on the day
previous , the nation's birthday.
gjght of the originnl settlcrs
still remain residents here. The
majority of them have joined the
silcnt majority and a few arc
residents of other parts. The
eight are : Mr. and 1\11'5. Henry
Jochnck , sr. ; Mrs. : John 'I'hotlls-
sen ; ( < rcd IIcddc. the founder of
the Independent ; William Stol1cy ,
well known over the state as a
g-reat horticulturist ; Chri ! > tian
Mcnck ; William A. Hagge and
Cay Ewoldt. Thc greater portion -
tion of the original twcnty-Hvc
rcmaincd here constantly , even
when the government , at the
outbreak of the civil war , warncd
the frontcr settlers to ahlndon ,
their claim for the timc heing , it
be nccessary to movc the few
scattering troops back east.-
Omaha Bee.
li'ifly years ago tOllay , Aug.
2S , IS5I , found me hard at work
on the farm , then in 111) ' 18th
year , now in IIJOI in m ) ' ( , Rth.
Stirring times politically in that
the year 01 18511. Half a ccntury
ago was marked lJy one of the
most mOl11cntons cpochs in thc
history of this colttltry. 'l'he
dcc1aratiot of Stephen A. Dong- .
lass that the compromise mea.
ur " p.lssed in IH50 , supercederl
thc cllmpromise known as the
No Compromise of } 820 , had set
the conntry on fire and the Ored
8 Oll dccision had fanned thc
Hamc to whitc hcat. 'l'he rc-
puhlican party had just hcen
uorn and kicki ng for rccogn i tion
and growing Willt a rapiditr that
Ilstoundcd the world ,
'rhe ominous rumbling of war
was faintly heard and the hearts
I of men were failing. Direful
pcmonitious wcre felt hy the
observing-such as were soon to
be made objective in the fullest
measure. "he writer , just coming -
I ing into manhood , felt as keenly
as auy one of his age the tremcn-
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duous issues that were foreboded
by "Helpers Impcnding Crisis , "
a book that fircd the , 30uthern
heart with a name that'was ouly
quenched bj' lJlood. "Joseph
Hoag's Vision" was bcing read
allover 'the nqrthcrn st tesl !
[ /rophecy that , with a siriglc exception -
ception , was soon literally to be
" ' ' "
"Uncle 'rom's Cabin" was
foutld in thousands of households I
quietly changing hundrcds and
thousands of pro-slavcr ) ' people
to ardent abolitionistswhilc
thcus lllds of slavcs were going
north over the "Undcrground
Ihilroad"-not owncd nor even
controlled by the govcrnment ,
but which govcrnment was seeking -
ing to destroy but signally failed.
'I'll ( ' tirst grcat political speech
evcr h 'ard by the writcr was lifty
ycars iI o tomorrow , viz , August
2cJ , 185 ( ) , by that afterwards
"great war governor , " Oliver P.
Morton , who lilter on was made
U. S. Senator and whose maidcn
speech in that au 'ust body was
listened to with as much interest
as that of a veteran therein ,
Such was 111 , ) ' earliest trail1111g
iwpolitical matters which , whcn
I reachcd my majorit , ) ' , causcd
me to cast I "or pilCh my tent"
mongtbe living and not among
the dead. .And so the vote has
gonc from the great im11l0rtal
Abraham I incoln to that pnnce
of prcsideitts. 'I'hcodore l oose-
velt. Dlt. C. HICKHT'l' .
Twenty-three Years Ago.
" 'rhe threshing machine has
bcen buz ng for scveral days and
the yield of oats and whea t is
extra good. "
Jesse Gandy buill a vcr , ) ' ncat
piazza on thc front part of his
residcnce. .
West & was a new firm
prcparing to opcn a fl111 line of
drugs and mcdicincs and a Imildw
ing311 fect longviis lwin r COIt-
tructel for thcm.
'jlhe 'l'cachers iltsti lutc had
closed allll a list of thc twent\-
live who all'ndcIl was publishcil. '
Among the namcs who arc still
residing in thc county we notice ,
Addie ( Mulvancy ) Shrc\'cr , '
James Amsbtrry , i\latlie ( C'm.
stock ) Vandcnburg , l. g. Jcfw
ford , C. II. Jcfford.
'l'he premium list for the 'llhinl
Annual J xhilJition of the Custcr
County Agl' cultttral society was
publishcd in full and it was only
a column and a half in the l lt-
I UIlI.1CAN. 'l'he fair was to he
hcld at Wctcn'i11e ! on September
5th , Mh and 7th , ] 883. On thc
big day $ ID was first money in
the frce-for all trot and the same
amount for the runniltg-race. On
the other days $5 was first momy.
In the rulcs and regulations , sec.
. . . . . . , ' " . - . , . . : : . .
- '
tion t read. "All premiums
awarlled will he paid at the
trcasurc's ofiice as soon as pos-
ih1'c. " Some of our citizcns who
werc exhibitors and winncrs of
pre m i u nH i n form us the "soon
n ) lo sible" has never come to
thcm , Sec. 15 statcd : "Wher
therc is no competition 110 premium -
ium will he awarded. "
1I lito Ii' . Young' , father of
Frank II. Ym tlg' starts uext
( week for Uangor , Maine , where
he will take part with Ius twelve
brothers and sister , in celebrat-
the on ( ' huudrcdth birthday
of his mother' which occurs Sept.
3rd. "
'rite J U'UBI.ICAN editor 11\(1 ,
evidcntly , hecome weary of sow
bcll ) " and cmba\mcd \ becf and
: , made thc following appeal :
j "One of the greatest nceds
sought for at this time in'Urolcn
1 Bow and vicinity is a good meat
marlet where fresh meats could
he obtained at all times. 'l'he
I dcmand of both town an. county
I is great , and to the right ma'n
wc can guarantce a good busi-
ncss. "
Ryno RumblinRs ,
Chas. Contey has returned home
; tftcr a thrcc weeks stay ifn Omaha -
ha , where he took his daughtcr ,
M i nil ic , ( or an operation. 'l'he
little girl has bcen sickly all her
tifc , hul is tlOW apparcntly curcd.
Miss Mary Lcisurc , of Brolcn
now , will tcach the fall term of
school in district No. HI , and
Miss Nellic McDcrmot will teach
at I iverside.
Arthur Arnold is entertaining
friends from Illinots.
A , J. r eevcs has received a
thoroughbrcd ho fron1 I wa. .
- - - - - -
I 'l'his ollice for neat job work.
- . . . - . .
. - - . - . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! . : ' . . ' 'TJpto CU l
ConIC here ) and take YCHU' choic ' fi'om
fOllr of the hest lnalros in the United States ,
vz ) : T. G. l\1andt , Webber , Bettendorf and
"Old Hickory. " A car load just received.
See thcHn.
.A. special cash price on "OJd Hiclrory"
and Uettendorf , vagons carried over from
last J'ear.
- C W _ APPLE.
Broken Bo\v Nebraska
\ , - . -
. _ .
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- . . . . , " . - - ' . . . . .
" . ' : ! ) ' ' :
' , - " : .
f , : ' . ; { 4. . : . . . . . . . : . Now IS
J' " ,
_ l : : 'f
; OLD jftb ;
I ! WHEAT th e Ta Ime
fi it
j FLOUR j to BUY
) . : j cr- befol'e the new wheat. Hour
. 'OJ'If - . eomes onto the market.
'l'lle housewife will havc no trouble with our old wheat
110ur. Scnd us your order today :
MYH1'I g. per sack" . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.15
Cl 1 A1\I , pcr sack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20
1 ( l.N ( . per sack , . , . . . . . , . . , : . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . 1.25
STA H , per sack. . . , . . . . . . . . . ' , . . . . . . " . . . . . 1.20
J\ 1. per , acl < . . . . . , , . . . . . " , . . . . " . . , . . . . . , . 1.25
Bl ) l\I N BOW , IA80N CI'L'Y , UI O ( A.
S \l'niH plr : 100 ( IitH"Ounl in 100 poulllllolS.
10 C'utH ) lcr 100 tliseount in 5110 pOllullIo\ ! ; .
. . _ _ . . . _ _ . . . ,
- w. . " ' . - . . . . . . . . - - - - -
Uood LlIbJ'ieatOI'R always make the nlllehiIlP'Y )
1'111Rmooth \ and paR ) ' . .
Nldot'illlo Castor Machinc Oil attoc per gallon.
A nuc hOlly Black l\lachiuc Oil at 35c per gallon.
A fine liue of Axlc Grease. .
\Ve gllarantec our p tr olet cide : vinegar to be the best
product of pure apple Jl lce-no acu's. '
. . , I
'fHAIIg North Sille
I'llre Old It. aUer'auCiCnr nHOKI N HOW. NEIIR. '
MAHK - -
. ' . , ' , , ' . . . . . . " . "
' . " ' . . '
1I I 1
, " . \ \ - . . . . , . ' . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .