Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 23, 1906, Image 5

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" , - = : ! 1'C ; \ - ' _ " ' ; I , , ; . . . . . , , , J\.I\ ; ! . OJ " , : , , , , . .11' _
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I. ? ' ( In the Good Old. Sllln ner Time
. , .
'rIHlt's 'Vherc We are at Present , but it is lIigh 'rime
to Ruminate About \Vh n the Yellow is on the
Pumpkin ntl" the Frost is on the Vine.
Harris Comedy Cump ny , opera
house threc nights. beginning
Thursday , August 23.
Miss Bdilh Stevcns rcturncd
last Monday from a visit of a
week with hl'r parents at Calla :
wa ) ' .
Mrs. I4. Ii' . Ha pp , who has becn
ill for several wcel ( , has becn
moved to thc city hospital in carc
of Dr. Talbot.
James r-.l u IIcn rcached h ( ' me
yesterday morning from a visit
of a week with h ! parcnts at
Missouri Valley.
'rhe home of William Hopkins
was brightcned 'l'uesday by the
advent of a fine boy baby. May
he livc long and prosper.
Cyrus King , who was , operated
on for appendecit is a few days
ago , is able to be out on the
street and s getting along nicely.
George Zeigler , of Anselmo ,
who has a homestead in the
northwestern part of the county ,
was transacting business before
the land office today.
, H. W. Gcorge , who took ad-
\ . : , , 'antage 01 the low rates to Min-
l1eapohs tcn clays ago , expects to
be absent I wm the city until the
1at ter part 01 September.
.Tohn Muh'any , one of thc num-
crpl1' suhstantial and rcliable
farmcrs ncar Mason City , is in
'lt the city today transacting busi-
f' ' , ness and greeting old frien s.
, . The band concert last Fri ay .
night was attentively heard by I
I the usually large crowd and all
will regret to learn that there
. will not be a concert any night
this week.
Prof. J. H. Caywood , who is
putting in a business co11ege at
Ansley , made this ofitce a business -
ness visit Monday. lIe informs
t us that the school will start out
will } all he can . .ccommodate the
first term.
'I'hp lIarris Comedy Company
will begin a three nights engage-
mcnt in the opera house 'l'hurs-
< clay night , August 23. The
opening bill will be the great
, sccnic production , h A 'l'ruc Kcn-
. tuckian. " High class vaudeville
1 : between the acts.
The Broken Bow schools open
Scptcmher 3rd-one week from
, nc'xt Monday-and the pupils are
'r beginning to wonder what has
become of the vacatIon days a3 it
seems but ycsterday and a day
since it began. However , they
arc all getting ready to line up
for duty on the opening day.
The Misses Lelah and Essie
Holcomb , Katie Moore , Zee Bishop -
op a rocl Katie Ettcrs wick have re-
turncd from a two wcek's sight. i
" ' , , _ ; eeing trip to Denver and vicin-
i ! ' it ) , . fhey report a "supremely
' " ) J. . lovely" outing , enjoying 1t to the
1" , fnllest possible cxtent.
B. W. mair lastt wcek took pos-
sl'ssion of the rol < cn Bow bak.
cry , purchased of . William Gill-
ings , and is continuing it in a
1irst-class manner which he is
fully capable of doing. lIe anticipates -
ticipatos making some needed
changes for the better in the
near future so that it will be
second to none in the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skinner
were in M 11neallolis last weck at
the G. A. I . encampment and
have gone to Bowbclls , N. D. ,
l where there is a colony of people
from the vicinity of their old
1 hottlc in Pcnnsyh'ania , among
thcm friends and relatives with
I whom they will \ ' sit until after
the 1st of next month.
llrolen Bow nimrods are now
. 1'1 ' '
. . cng ged in polishing and oiling
their Hhotguns , in view of thc
fact that thc law permits thc
Idlling of prairie hens and ducks
on and after September 1st.
' 1'hat i 1 to say , those who respect
the provisions of the law arc pcr-
forming this act , but it is alleged
that there are a comparativcly
few of them in this category ,
1110st of the shot. guns having
been unlimbercd several wc ks
On the North side a ncat little
roar has been madc bccause the
street sprinkler does not distribute -
bute enough water on the soil to
prevent the dust from racing up
and down the main thoroughfare
in clouds causing- the business
men great inconvenience and the
property 9wners to wonder if
they are 1I1sutlicient1ysoaked with
taxes to be 50al < ed pruperly with
water or if there IS discrimination -
tion abroad in the metropolis of
} -
, . .
. -
I , " . ' \ .
. '
\ :
l .
& . - . .
. . - I
Roy D'e , of Butte , MonL , arrived -
rived here 'ruesday and will be
employed in thc barber shop of
Leo Dean.
Theodore Hobinson , of Ansel-
mo , late of Chicago , was in the
city yestcrday and filed homestead -
stead papars on section 25.lIJ-2C1.
Mr. IIic1 < s , of Mu11en , who was
last wcek operated on for ap-
pcndicitis , at the hospital , left
for home 'l'uesda ) ' , feclinglile a
new man.
Mn ; . lIuddart , mother of Mrs.
Gco. Willing , who has bcen ill
some timc , died this morning at 7
o'clock. Ii'uneral services will.
be held tomorrow at 2 o'clock at
the Bpiscopal c1t trch.
S. B Cloud , of Seneca , wa
tran < ; acting business hefo , c the
U. S. land office in this city
'fuesday. lIe filed contest papcrs
on parts of section 23 al1l1 24 ,
township 20 , range 30 , against
Daisy M. Ml rr.
J. A. Warren , of tbe U. S.
Department of Agriculture was
looking over th plats of the
land otlice Monda ) ' , with the
view of visitin tbe farlnin. ! districts -
tricts in the Sand IIiIl county.
Willis Cadwell reached home
this morning after a ten days'
ahsencc , during which time he
visited bis old homc in I4a Salle
county , I11inois , his mother being
in very poor health.
Samuel Lilly , of Purdum , Nebraska -
braska , was in tbe city 'l'ues ay , I
transacting business with the I
Land oflice. lIe filed on a section - !
tion of land ; section 9 , township
2J , range 2C1 , which he' had suc-
ccss fpllycon tes ted.
'l'he Harris Comedy Company
carrV' . special scenery for thcir
play.s. 'rheir repcrtoire is made
up of high class comedies amI
dramas new to this territory.
The.y carry twelve people , atl
welt known to the thcatrc.g01l1g
uubtic and our citi"ens can r st
ssured that they will be given a
trcat. Scats are now on sale.
Among the Custer county students -
dents at Grand Island College
this year will be Grace L1I1dley
, and Jennie Waddington , of An-
sclmo ; Claude Kellenbarger and
Allie Somers , of tMII"7
LewIs and Leland I"ewis of Broken -
ken Bow ; JDunice George and
brothers , of Cumro. A number
of others are planning to attend.
A new scheme is being worked
by the hoes to raise. . coin. A
poorl\ ' clad individual with a
woc-l ; ( , \Jne cxpression rec\ntly
mad . a round of the busincss
houses in Broken Bow ilnel at
each place produced for inspection -
tion a physicians pr'scl' ption
and statcd that he was sufi"ering
with pain and wanted to raise
enough money to havc the prescription -
scription filled. 'rhe need of
medicine was depicted on the
features of the "boe" and about
twenty business men contributed
from 10 to 25 cents each and it is
a conservative estimate that he
received not less than five dollars
and without the prescription being -
ing filled in this .city went to
Merna and made the rounds with
the same plea which re < ; u1t d in
nearly as man\ ' dollars and-Hte
prescription wastr't fitled there ,
Ea tbound trains on the grand
oM Burlington last Friday and
Saturday were all 01T schedule
and labeled "n it. " Th is time
the traveling public failcd to
have a kick to register against
"hello ! centrall" because she reported -
ported the train "an hour an'
stecn minutes late" while at
that vcr ) ' moment the rear axlcs
of the locomotive tcnder were
thc limits--
jumping over city - -
recently ditched b ) ' the street
g-l'ader and the wheels running
as smooth as flax through a knot
hole in the granery floor. An ) '
reliable infer ation concerning
a train wreck is unreliable , bitt
an attache of the B. & M. gave
the information that 25 freight
cars and the wrecldng crane were
in the di't'th at Provo , a sieling
102 miles west of Alliance , and
there was no telling when
"forty-forc , fonie-tuc , fortee-
forty or a hand-mc.down car
I wm ld be along , " and the attadtc
knew what he was talking about
I tbis timc. 42 of Li'riday came in
at about 11 Saturday night and
was soon followed by the other
delayed trains and thcre was no
telling the people who desircd to
go cast , cons que tIy ma1Y ! were
left here unhl trams agam C0111.
menced coming right.
. . . . . - tMII"- - : : ; . . .
- . - ' -
: : " : " 7 > c."P"'ffq"r-- : : " ' " . . ' . , 'ljt.w\ : " . ' .
Prof. Cornett , prlncip1c of the
Busincss College , got his furniture -
ture for his school rooms 'rucs-
day. lIe has about cighty stu-
dcnts already enrol1ed for the
fa 11 term.
Prof. Mclndoo , superintenden t-
clect of the Broken Bow schools ,
has movcd to the city. lIe has
r nted Mrs. Hattie ' 1'alhot'8
house in the northeast part of the
The basc ball tournamcnt com-
mcnced this .morning with a
game between } 'lerna and Anslcy
which rcsultcd irt favor of the
latter by a score of 10 to 8. 'l'hc
wcathcr threatcned rain and the
attendance this morning was
sma11 , hut the game provcd an
intercsting one. 'l'his afternoon
the game will be betwcen Ha ven-
na and Brokcn Bow. Tomorrow
morning Havcnna and Ansley
and in the afternoon Broken Bow
and Mcrna.
The Socialist Nominees.
The representatives of the
socialist party which .met in Lincoln -
coln last Wednesday 111 state convention -
vention , with the intention of
endorsing the dC1 1o-pop candi-
datc for governor , could not
swa110w the U. P. railroad candidate -
date and showed their : ourage
and good judgment in nominat-
a ticlet of their own.
In selecting the tickct Custer
county socialists wcre highly
Elisha Taylor was nominated
for govcrnor ; E. ( i' . McClure for
statc auditor and J. Do' Heam for
railroad commissioner. As they
arc all three residents of Broken
Bow and vicinity it is quite a
compliment to Broken Bow as
well as to the gentlemen , who
were thus honored by their . party
The RIWU lICAN congratulates
Jailbirds Escape but are Soon Captured.
Tuesday morning the three
men who have been held in the
county jail , vi" , : Thomas Wade ,
Jack Bryan and1.'homas Martin ,
since the 24th of Junc , on the
charge of burglarizing the storc
of John Moran at Callaway , escape -
cape . With a case knife they
had filed and opening of about
fifteen inche square which per-
mitteel thcm to leave the cell ,
after which they drilled a bole
through t he brick wall with a
wire handle which thc ) ' had secured -
cured from it coa ] scuttle. By
their own statement thcy had labored -
bored from nine o'clock in the
evening until 5:30 : the next morning -
ing- until the ) ' were able to crawl
through the hole. 1'hey startcd
in a northwest direction but they
had not got outside of the city
until they werc discO\'ercd b
Scott Cooper , the court lwuse
janitor , as Wade camc out of a
field of corn near the house. lIe I
went into the house and telephoned -
phoned SherilT Richardson.
The alarm was gIven and soon
several posse of mcn were started
in search of the fugit \'es. One
party , composed of Ed McCormick -
mick , Hay Gadd and Muinelll
went " 'cst on the railroad track ;
about a half mile where they dis-I
covered foot prints leading into a I
corn field. The party followed : .
and Ray Gadd soon.discovered.
the object of their scarch . laying .
down and called for assIstance.
McCormick respondcd. Upon
being discovered the men laughed
hut Ed placed the shotgun to bis
shoulder and informed them that
it was no laug-bing matter and
that they had better march or
suITer the consequencas. 'l'hey
complied with his request and
were soon afterward again placed
behind the bars.
Several elTorts have been made
to get photos of the trio , as they
arc undoubtedly old-time outlaws
and tough ones , but each attempt -
tempt has failcd until Tuesda.y
afternoon they were taken to
' 1'avlor's studio b ) ' SherifT Hich-
ardson and told that there was to
be 110 more foolishness or they'd
be g-iven a round that would put
thcm in the hospital for six
1I10nths if they did not suhmit.
Seeing the sheriff was in earncst
ther was no further parley and
g-ood photos were securcll.
_ .
- - - -
Sum1RY School Cia. . EntertQinf'd.
Mrs. Dodds entertained her
. unday school class , of the
Prcsbytcrian school , from 4 to ( ,
o'clock Saturday aftcrnoon.
Photograps of scenes in Japan ,
l'h ina and t he Ph illi pi nes , secu red -
ed by Miss Dodds while in the
orient , were exhibited for the
information and l'njo'ment of
the girls. - Social gamcs were indulged -
dulged in to the merrimcnt of
dl. Tight : refreshments , which
were served on the lawn , was not
one of the least events of the
evcning. Those present were
Jean Bruce , Eva Davison , Goldie
Dean , Eva Spraker , Mary Clay-
tOl1 , Lelia Shackelford , Sarah
ne'iter , Clara Dodds , Mrs. and
Miss Guthric.
. . , " . . ' - ' . , - - . , . . . -
- - - , - - '
- - ' - - . . . ' . " , , - . , . . . . -'iU1i . .
' :1'1 ' : 14 : - , " :
w w wm
: ltil\ : \ : i\ 1n
J , C. Moorc , abstracting. 2tf
'l'his otlice for ncat job work.
Lcf. us bc' your printer. 'l'hc
good kind of printingonly. .
AIUH'l'\ , - forget
the datc , August 22nd to Scptem- .
bcr 1st , inclusive. II. A. W A'1'TS.
Drs. l'\arns\\'orth & llcck-
li'urnishcd room to rent. Bath
in conncction. l nquirc at the
Rltl'UlILICAN otlice. .l4tf
Ij\OI { SAIlt 01 { 'l'IMD1t-A good
steam , Case thrcshing machinc ,
complete and ready for use.
Will trade for stock or scl1 on
reasonable terms. Inquirc at
this omce. Mf
No huntin on my premises
wit hou t parnussion.
Iltf l JANK WmSHNIUU1 > ItH.
- -
GWl' T1ll UHNIU/I'l' from II. A.
Watts' exl 'aorelinary bargain re-
vcrse Variety Departmcnt. Useful -
ful Gooc1s atunheMd of prices at
the Grand 11-c1a ' Opening Sale
from August 22 to Septcmber 1 ,
Fen HHN'l'-lj\arm of 320 acres ,
220 in cultivation , rcst pasture
and hay land. l air impro'e-
ment . 'I'en miles south-west of
Broltcn Bow. A11 level land.
lOlC Broken Bow , Ncbr.
. 1 < 'ou SAT,1tMy home prop.erty
111 Broken Bow , house of eIght
rooms , quarter block of land with
barn and other improvemcnts.
Broken Bow , Nebr.
The Bargain Variety Department -
ment in II. A. Watts' new store
will present an Xmas appearance.
Several counters will be loaded
wIth useful Household Goods ,
Dishes , Noveltics and Dry Goods
Specialties. Comc to the Opening -
ing Sale and see the biggest bargains -
gains of the west , August 22 to
September 1 , inclusive.
S'rnAYHD on STOI.HN-August
9 , black female Gordon Setter ,
answer to the name of Rex , one
year old. Heward . for information -
tion or return.
A. W. HOlm ,
Broken Bow.
Every attention and courtesy
will be extended to all Custer
county pupils who attend Grand
Island College. 11-12
Grand Island Collcge is close
to homc ; tu ilion is only $27 per
year and there witl be a good
delegation of Custer count ) '
pupils there. J. G. W. LHWIS.
GH'I' 'l'IIJt BItNIWI'l' ! Useful anc1
nece sarY goods at unheard of
prices can be bought at
H. A. W A'I'TS' .
FOI SAl.H-Eleven and half
lots , SUx140 feet. Gooc1 frame
house , good barn , gooc1 well and
100 hearing fruit trecs. IDnquire
at this office. 17tf
- - - -
Bcfotc buying your lumber let
us estimate your hitls. We have
in stock material for all kinds of
fram hmldings. Also good
threshing coal at reduccd prices.
DIIun s LUI\I1l1tR & COAL Co. ,
Berwyn , Nebraska.
For bargains in rcal estate see. :
Bowman & Anderson , just west
of the S curity State Bank. lOtf
Grand Island College does as
good work as any other school
in the state. Ask about it.
11-12 J. G.V. . I4UWIS.
When you want to send money
a way , go to the roken Bow State
Bank a ne1 bu y a Bank orc1er.
1'hey are cheaper and more con-I
vcnient than postal orc1ers or !
ordcrs. tf
. . .
- - <
- -
- - -
- - - - - -
W AN'l'gO- , women , boys
and girls to represcnt McClurc's
Mag-ill' ne Cooc1 : pay. Address
h7 gast . 23e1 St. , N. Y. City. 34-tf.
- - -
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr. 1'V. . Bas ! ' ; , elcntist. omcc
o'cr McComas' drug storc.
Phone 1 CHI.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Doctor I4each , Dentist.
- -
Wc have in stock all kind of
screen doors and windows , the
best in the city , call and inspect
them. 4Hf
DmuKs I.iUl\IIIJm & COAl. Co.
- - -
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WAN'l'HD-Gcnl1eman or lady
wi th good rc fcrence , to travel by
rail or with a rig , for a firm
of $550,000.00 capital. Salary
* 1,072.00 p r year and expenses ;
salary paid wcekly and expenses
advanced. Address , with stamp.
Jos. A. Alexandcr , Broken Bow.
R. B. MuUlns , M. D. , D. D.
s. the Dentist. 37tf
" - . ' - ' .
- -I I r'
r : - = - , : ; . : " 1.-- It\c : : . ; 1 : ;
Hotel l elleall
'Vili be open as soon as the numerous improvements
are completed.
J. E. ISZARD , Prop'r.
New and Second Hand Furniture ,
Flour and Feed Store
\Ve wish to not.ify . on ! ' cllstomers that we
have added to our stock manl lardware : all kinds of
Nails , Staple and Smooth Wire.
\V 0 also have .Mason Oity and lCearney flour ,
the best that can he had in the stnte.
'tV 0 always have plenty of fecd and haled hay.
Goods delivered free to any part of the city.
\Ve repair furniture and frame pictures.
J. 'VV SCC > .
- - - - -
- - -
L. E. 'COLE ,
licensed Emballner
. . . .
and Funeral Director
has just received n. large st.oek of undertaking
goods. 'rhis is one of the most complete stocks
of undertaking goods ever brought to Broken
B w. 'l'hey fire located in the Oadwell building
on Fourth avenue.
Parties wishing anything in this
line are requested to call und
inspect goods and get prices.
] -01' first-class work in undertaking -
taking 01' nmbalming call and
see me or phone.
Phone : Officp , 7 7 ; Uesidencc , 322.
- . . . . ,
Eigh t miles wcst of Broken Bow.
11RESSE & MOOREHOUSE , Jl1Oiil If.l.low. .
11\ : .r
. . l. "
. . .
: , . . . . . . , , . . , ' _ 1t. . . . . . P'I'r . , ; : ' . . . . . . : . , ' ' ' 'rI . . : . ? . : . ! . . ' ' ' ' ' ( t : 'Ir- . . : , , , . . : v' " , w'r . . . : : . . . . : rrwi . . : . . r'rt' . : . : . : ! " . . . ' . - . : : ' - " -
' . . , . . . . . ,
: " I .M I lif.t. : . < . . . . . . t. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . f - ; ' ; ' 'I. . . . . . .LI . . . . . . . . . . . . . i1. : no. . . . . . y"lif ! : . " . . . . : . . ; > . 1r. . . . . . : I" . . . .1' . , . ' . . . . " . . . . . ' . . . .0' . . . . . . . . . > : : . : . , ! . ! . v..1. . . 1'r"m .
' When to bill j :
jt1' desiring figure on a
. i .
. . . . . . . . . . : .II
r : 0 f L UUl b er ca 11 on th e. ! l :
M : . . > >
t d : ' \Am L1 uroar Lb er C o. 11
iI. We carry a iull stock of Lumber. if.-
1. Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc.
Agcnts for the Nebraska Central f ! .
Building & Loan Association. m
. \ . f . . . . . " " , . 'IIt.I . , . : - : : . . . . ) - " . . . ! < . < . ' .1. : . . . , " . . . ; . : , t . . . . . . " . ! . , ' , _ . . . . . .or' " . . . 10. . . 'ftf. ; / I- . " . "j't."i. : : " ' ' ' : E . . . , .8. ' ' ' 1. ' ' . . ' . . : . . . , , , _ ; ; ; , .Ir. . . f" . " . . . . ? . : . ! . . " : . , . .d . : . : . : . : : . ' : . : . ' l'it ' : : : ' ' ' . ' ' r. . . . . . . , 'I" . . . : " . o : . .tfjr : I. . . ' ! . . ' " ' . ' . . E . . . Jt" ' ! n .
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
r . .
If YOlt are looking for the Quality of
Lumber and Building Malerial
for the 14cast MOllc\ ' let us fig-ure on your bill.
Weal ways try to pleasc.
oltth Side I4lt1l1hcr Yarel , Broken Bow , Neb. \
. . - - - - _ . " $ . : . . - 'JIIiI !
, _ . . _ -:7- : " " : . ' : " - : : - - - - -
, * itt'itf. : : : ' < c : < * te : : : . . , C : . , ; . ; tf : : < .ti < , t } t : < , < . e : , ' , i tt : : : , it.I : : ; r.t-iJ !
' "
are dealers in Heal Estate of all kinds.
Wg We will bu.y or sell. Don't fail to see ( ,9 I
us before you buy or sell. W c can do 'I
you good. Collcctions made and insur-
t. ance written. Farms rente. < 1 and taxcs paid. See .J
us for farm loans. Come 111 and see us. ffl
. .
. I
' - , - ' . . . - - - . . . - - - " , , - , , . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . .